Neuralgia of the occipital nerve: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Neuralgia of the occipital nerve: symptoms and treatment
    • 1.1What it is
    • 1.2Symptoms and Treatment
    • 1.3Symptoms of the disease
    • 1.4Treatment of neuralgia
    • 1.5Medication
    • 1.6Surgical treatment of the occipital neuralgia
    • 1.7How to treat neuralgia of the occipital nerve
    • 1.8Occipital neuralgia: symptoms and treatment at home
  • 2Neuralgia of the occipital nerve: symptoms and treatment of inflammation
    • 2.1What is the occipital nerve
    • 2.2Symptoms of neuralgia of the occipital nerve
    • 2.3Causes of the disease
    • 2.4Diagnostics
    • 2.5Treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve with medicines
    • 2.6Treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve folk remedies
    • 2.7What will happen if the inflammation of the occipital nerve is not treated? Possible consequences
  • 3Treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve - a difficult task, but possible: the symptoms and causes of pain in the occipital region of the head
    • 3.1Functions of the occipital nerve
    • 3.2What happens with neuralgia?
    • 3.3What are the symptoms?
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.4Diagnostic techniques
    • 3.5Healing procedures
    • 3.6Drug treatment
    • 3.7Surgical methods of treatment
    • 3.8Home Treatment
    • 3.9Prevention of neuralgia
  • 4How to treat neuralgia of the occipital nerve, symptoms and causes
    • 4.1Causes of the disease
    • 4.2Symptoms of the disease
    • 4.3Diagnostic Methods
    • 4.4Treatment
    • 4.5Traditional methods
    • 4.6Massage
    • 4.7Folk remedies
    • 4.8Effects

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve: symptoms and treatment

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve is a symptom complex that connects signs of nerve fibers of the cervical plexus. Most patients have a large occipital nerve, but there is involvement of a large ear, small occipital in the pathological process.

With each nosological form, there are unique symptoms that every neurologist knows.

All nosologies are characterized by constant occipital pain, which often causes pathological signs of brain cells lesions.

What it is

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve is a composite concept of the defeat of the group of cervical nerves, arising from a group of causes:

  • Diseases of connective tissue;
  • Infectious processes;
  • Tumors;
  • Traumatic injuries of the cervical spine.

In older people, the disease occurs with certain metabolic disorders - encephalitis, meningitis, neoplasms, inflammatory processes of the circulatory system, pseudotumors of the posterior cranial fossa, arthritis of the cervical vertebrae, gout, sugar diabetes.

Symptoms and Treatment

The occipital nerve is a large anatomical element. The main symptom of his defeat is severe pain. For the diagnosis of polymorphism is important manifestations of pain syndrome:

  1. Pulsating, burning;
  2. Shooting;
  3. With tears and gnashing in my head;
  4. Excruciating, stupid;
  5. One-sided migraine type;
  6. With irradiation to the lower jaw, ear, neck, eyes;
  7. Nasal sensitivity disorder;
  8. Forced head position;
  9. Feeling of crawling;
  10. Numbness of the upper limbs;
  11. Pale skin;
  12. Sensation of cold;
  13. Strengthening with coughing, sneezing, turning of the head.

The main symptoms of neuralgia of the occipital nerve are increased pain with a careless turn of the head, movements of the head with irradiation into the sub- and supraclavicular artery, scapula. Some patients develop unpleasant sensations of the eyes.

In the course of the occipital innervation, polyhyperesthesia, due to increased irritation of the nerve fiber, can be traced. Sometimes the sensations are one-sided. Two-sided localization occurs when several groups of nerve fibers are affected.

With a similar pathology, the skin is so sensitive that even a slight touch provokes a severe pain attack.

Symptoms of the disease

Consider the main symptoms of neuralgia of the occipital nerve:

  1. Sudden amplification when touching the occipital nerves, corners of the neck;
  2. Localization in one half of the neck, behind the ears, on the occiput. Pain syndrome often spreads over the supraorbital region;
  3. The acuity of pain is like a "chamber
  4. It is localized in one half of the neck and head. The probability of two-sided and one-sided defeat is not excluded;
  5. Soreness and discomfort and with a touch to the head;
  6. Intraocular sensations increase in bright light. The symptom of sensitivity to light is characteristic for every nosological form with damage to the small, large occipital nerve, other neurological groups.

Many symptoms of the disease are similar to those of a migraine.

Treatment of neuralgia

Treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve is carried out after determining the clinical form of the disease. There are 2 classical forms of nosology:

In the primary form, certain prerequisites for the development of pathology are not traced. The doctor can not identify the etiological factors.

Secondary occipital neuralgia develops with obvious pathology of the cervical spine. In inflammatory processes, tumors, traumatic injuries, there is an infringement of the cervical nerves with dangerous clinical symptoms.


Treatment of the disease begins with the use of antisymptotic drugs aimed at improving the quality of life of the patient. Medication must necessarily stop pain. The following remedies are prescribed for analgesic therapy:

  • Sulindak;
  • Ketorolac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Naproxen.

With muscular spasms, muscle relaxants are prescribed - sirdalud, midocalsm. Strong painful sensations are eliminated by thermal procedures in the cervico-occipital region. Muscle tension is eliminated by acupuncture, massage.

Expressed pains are stopped by antiepileptic drugs: clonazepam, gabapentin, carbamazepine. Of the group of antidepressants, amitriptyline, duloxetine is recommended. Medicines have a side effect, so take them with caution.

With extreme severity of the pathology, Novocain blockades introduced into painful points are recommended. It is possible to use steroid hormones for local relief of neuralgic manifestations.

Good results are obtained by physiotherapy. Symptoms of the disease are resolved by treatment with the following procedures:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Special massage;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Extension of the spine;
  • Ultrasound;
  • Laser therapy.

With a competent combination of the above procedures, you can achieve elimination of pain syndrome. It is better to combine physiotherapy with medications. Even a competent combination of existing methods does not allow quickly eliminating neuralgic manifestations.

With a combined approach, one can not count on the long-term disappearance of the pain syndrome. Only when the root cause of the disease is eliminated can the nosological form be permanently eliminated.

In rare cases, surgical intervention is necessary if the etiologic factor of the disease is a tumor or trauma to the cervical spine.

Surgical treatment of the occipital neuralgia

If the symptoms of the occipital neuralgia are not eliminated conservatively, surgical treatment is used:

  1. Occipital neurostimulation in the projection of the nerve exit. The application of an electrode to this region contributes to the stimulation of the conductivity of electrical pulses. Selecting the voltage and current, it is possible to block the attack of pain. To carry out the intervention under the skin of the cervical region, a special transmitter is implanted surgically. The necessary range of effects is set by the physician for the regulation of comfortable conditions of functionality;
  2. Decompression is microvascular for removing the increased pressure of the occipital nerve. After manipulation, the severity of pain with neuralgia of the occiput is significantly reduced.

There are other methods of treatment, but the above operations are the most common.

How to treat neuralgia of the occipital nerve

There are 2 ways to treat the occipital neuralgia:

  1. Conservative;
  2. Surgical.

Conservative treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve is not only in the use of anticonvulsants (muscle relaxants, anticonvulsants). The following procedures are used with medications:

  • Massage;
  • Thermal treatment of skin;
  • Passive rest;
  • Physiotherapy.

The best way to treat the occipital neuralgia is blocking the nosological form with non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  1. Hydrocortisone;
  2. Dexamethasone;
  3. Kenalog;
  4. Methylpred.

The blockade is applied at low efficiency of medicinal preparations. Blockade is accompanied by side effects, negative consequences.

In the absence of the effect of surgical procedures, a repeated set of surgical measures is prescribed.

Despite the duration and combination of the above methods, medication procedures do not always have a positive effect.

Occipital neuralgia: symptoms and treatment at home

With occipital neuralgia, along with drugs, the use of lotions and decoctions is recommended.

Neuralgic manifestations of any genesis can not be cured by folk remedies. Herbal remedies are recommended concomitantly with medications.

In the literary sources there are the following folk recipes:

  1. Compresses based on bulbs, potatoes, salted cucumber. The product is poured with vinegar and infused for several hours. Compresses are applied to the nape, forehead area in the evening and in the morning. For treatment it is sufficient to use the remedy for an hour;
  2. Herbal bath with even stirring peppermint, thyme and oregano. To prepare the medicine, take a tablespoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. To add in a bath and to accept with duration of 10 minutes. The course of treatment is 1 month;
  3. For oral administration, pour 2 teaspoons of lumbar potatoes with a glass of boiling water. For a day, you can not use more than 50 ml of the plant, since it has toxic properties;
  4. Ear drops for instillation on the basis of grated beets on a fine grater. After that the compress turns into gauze, a tampon is made for insertion into the inner ear.

The above recipes have curative efficacy only when combined with medications. Without conservative "accompaniment" the disease will not disappear. It is necessary to optimally combine the existing methods of therapy of the disease.

Be attentive to the recommendations of doctors. Do not think that folk methods can save you from pathology. Treatment at home can only aggravate the course of the pathology.

A source:

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve: symptoms and treatment of inflammation

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve is a pathological process that affects the periphery of nerve fibers located in the zone of the second cervical vertebra, and is accompanied by an intense pain syndrome. In ICD-10 it is classified as a category of diseases of the nervous system, class VI.

Depending on the cause of the pathology, the degree of lesion of nerve endings and the results of diagnosis, the disease can be classified by codes G-52.8, G-52.

9, G-53, G-54, which are deciphered as a lesion of refined and unspecified cranial nerves, nerve plexuses and rootlets.

What is the occipital nerve

The occipital nerves are the peripheral branches of the nervous system responsible for the timely the supply of impulses from the central parts of the brain to organs and tissues that are located in the region occiput. There are two nerve, providing sensitivity of the skin in the occipital part of the head:

  1. Big- is located in the plexus of the second pair of spinal nerves of the cervical region, located between the two first vertebrae.
  2. Small- is a branch of 2, 3, 4-nd pair of nerves, passes in the lower part of the nape from the side, so it is often called suboccipital.

Squeezing the roots of these nerve processes leads to their irritation, the development of inflammation, changes in the frequency of impulses and the appearance of intense pain in the occiput.

Symptoms of neuralgia of the occipital nerve

The main sign of the development of acute neuralgia of the occipital nerve is painful pain in this area. Her membership in the disease can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • exhausting and burning, which is often accompanied by intense pulsation and "shooting
  • almost always felt on the one hand, less often acquires a bilateral character;
  • localized in the nape and cervical region, can give into the ears, lower jaw, orbit;
  • the number of disturbing seizures can reach several hundred per day, duration - from a second to several minutes;
  • painful sensations arise or intensify with movements of the neck, head inclinations, touching the skin in this area, the impact of bright lighting on the eyes, combing the hair, sneezing, coughing, pressing on painful points.
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With severe inflammation, the skin of the occiput may lose sensitivity, while the patient experiences a feeling of numbness, "crawling."

Nausea, rare attacks of vomiting and other signs of vegetative disorders can occur if the inflammatory process has spread to the small occipital nerve.

Most of the features described have a similar symptomatology with migraine and arterial hypertension, with the difference in this situation being the presence of a constant pain syndrome. If the intensity of pain persists or increases, you need to turn to the neurologist for further diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the occipital nerve manifests itself in two forms: acute (primary) and chronic (secondary).

In the first case, despite the emergence of intense symptoms, the causes of the development of the disease remain without an objective explanation.

Secondary neuralgia arises against the background of pathological processes developing in the body. Its appearance is caused by the following reasons:

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis - the defeat of the nerve processes occurs due to degenerative changes in the structure of the vertebral discs.
  2. Injuries of the upper back and neck, as a result of which nerve fibers are squeezed and infringed.
  3. Violation of posture, caused by professional factors (for example, when driving a car or working for computer) - constant presence in an uncomfortable position leads to muscle overstrain and inflammation nerve fibers.
  4. Stressful situations.
  5. Unbearable physical activity.
  6. Undercooling, stay in a draft.
  7. Arthritis or osteoarthritis of cervical vertebrae.
  8. Infectious diseases affecting the tissues of nerve fibers (encephalitis, meningitis).
  9. Viral infections - neuralgia arises as a complication.
  10. The defeat of the articular tissues caused by gout.
  11. Tumors and hematomas localized in the occiput or cervical vertebrae.
  12. Diseases associated with the endocrine system (eg, diabetes mellitus).
  13. Spondylitis caused by tuberculosis infection.
  14. Diseases of the immune system (for example, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis), under the influence of which nerve cells are destroyed.
  15. Chronic intoxication of the body with alcohol or poisonous substances.

Identification of the exact cause of inflammation of the occipital nerve at an early stage allows for complete to restore the affected nerve processes and get rid of severe symptoms in the form of excruciating occipital pain.


At a primary examination to the neurologist it is simple to diagnose a neuralgia of an occipital nerve on characteristic for disease but for effective treatment and prevention of consequences it needs to determine the cause of the development of inflammatory process. To do this, the patient can be referred for consultation with an orthopedic doctor, after which one or more of the instrumental studies described below are assigned to him:

  • roentgenography of the cervical and occiput;
  • CT scan;
  • MRI.

According to the received pictures, the doctor reveals the condition of soft tissues and bone structures, determines the degree of their defeat, and then puts the final diagnosis of "neuralgia of the occipital nerve" and determines the method of treatment pathology.

Treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve with medicines

Complete recovery and relief from painful symptoms with neuralgia of the occipital nerve is possible only at the beginning of treatment of the pathology at an early stage and compliance with all medical recommendations. In this case, the patient has a high probability to restrict to conservative methods of treatment and to avoid surgical intervention.

For the removal of inflammation of the occipital nerve, the patient is assigned a complex medication therapy, which includes the following medicines:

  • Nonsteroidal agents with an action aimed at relieving pain and inflammation (Meloxicam, Diclofenac, Nurofen).
  • Miorelaxants (Midokalm, Tizalud) - is prescribed to relieve muscle tension.
  • Anticonvulsants (Gapabentin, Carbamzepine).
  • Steroid preparations (Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone) - are used in case of ineffectiveness of the medicines described above, are administered subcutaneously in the area of ​​inflammation for blockade of the affected process.
  • Sedatives (Sedavit, Duloxetine).
  • Vitamins of group "B" - for providing nutrition and improving the activity of the brain during the period of treatment.

The described drugs are used to relieve the pain syndrome caused by inflammation of the occipital nerve. If the disease is a consequence of another pathology, then to the indicated complex treatment add drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the root cause.

As an additional treatment aimed at relieving inflammation and restoring the structure of the nerve processes, the patient may be assigned a number of treatment procedures and techniques:

  • massage of the occiput;
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, laser exposure, magnetotherapy, warming up with thermal compresses);
  • exercise therapy (set of exercises to relieve muscle spasms);
  • acupuncture;
  • acupressure;
  • manual therapy;
  • Spinal traction.

If neuralgia of the occipital nerve has passed into a neglected stage and does not lend itself to conservative treatment, surgical intervention may be required to reduce the intensity of symptoms. There are two types of operations available to eliminate neuralgia symptoms:

  1. Microvascular decompression - the operation allows you to release the compressed nerve roots, reduce their sensitivity and thereby eliminate the pain syndrome.
  2. Neurostimulation - used to block pain. Special microsensors that are injected subcutaneously at the site of nerve damage, with the help of electrical impulses, affect the nerve endings. The advantage of this type of intervention is the absence of side effects, minimal skin damage and complete muscle relaxation, necessary to eliminate nerve entrapment.

Treatment of neuralgia requires a serious approach, so it should be controlled by a doctor.

Treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve folk remedies

Cure inflammation of the occipital nerve exclusively folk remedies will not succeed, but if agreement with the doctor to supplement medication, the process of recovery can be substantially accelerate. For these purposes, you can use the following folk recipes:

  1. Infusion of herbs for bathing. In a glass of boiling water brew on a tablespoon of dried herbs: oregano, thyme, peppermint. After filtering, the resulting medicinal product is added to warm water. The bath should be taken daily, being in it no more than 10 minutes, within a month.
  2. Beetroot ear drops. Beetroot should be grated and pressed to obtain juice. In the ear from the development of neuralgia should be instilled 2-3 drops of juice twice a day. Also, you can make a gauze swab, put grated beetroots inside it, then gently insert it into your ear.
  3. Warming compress. Grated horseradish is spread on a tissue napkin, covered with gauze and then applied to a painful place. During the treatment, the neck and the back of the neck should be wrapped with a warm towel or scarf.
  4. Tea from St. John's wort. Dried grass in the amount of 1-st tablespoon is brewed in a glass of boiling water and infused. The received drink is recommended to be used three times a day. During the treatment of St. John's wort, stay in the sun should be limited to avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction in the form of a rash or lightening of the skin due to exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  5. Mustard Compress. Powder of mustard diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, applied to a tissue napkin and applied to the painful area. For the warming effect of the neck and neck, you should wrap a scarf. A similar warming effect is provided by compresses, the basis of which is therapeutic clay or mud.
  6. Bath with spruce oil. Essential oil in the amount of a teaspoon in equal proportions is bred with olive oil or milk, then poured into warm water and take a bath.

To relieve the overstrain of the occipital muscles at home, you can perform simple self-massage exercises:

  • pads of fingers gently rub the nape of the neck with circular, zigzag, straight movements;
  • stroking the nape of the head with grabbing movements;
  • rub the skin of the affected area with fingers bent in phalanges.

The use of self-massage exercises, baths, sprays, compresses, herbal teas and infusions can both alleviate the condition and aggravate it.

To prevent this, all methods and people's recipes must be agreed with the treating specialist.

In the case of even a slight deterioration in the state of their use should be discarded.

What will happen if the inflammation of the occipital nerve is not treated? Possible consequences

With improper treatment of the neuralgia of the occipital nerve, or its complete absence, the inflammatory process can spread to nearby nerve endings and soft tissues, and lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • Neuropathy. As a result of pathological changes in the structure of the nerve sheaths, their sensitivity is excessive, with this patient is constantly experiencing excruciating occipital pain, which is removed only by medication.
  • Blindness. Occurs when the inflammatory process spreads to the optic nerves.
  • Deformation of cervical vertebrae (torticollis). Pathology has irreversible consequences, leading to disability.
  • Mental disorders. Arise against a background of constant pain syndrome.

Compared with the treatment of the primary condition caused by the neuralgia of the occipital nerves, the elimination of the described effects is significantly hampered. In such cases, the patient requires repeated serious neurosurgical operations and subsequent long-term rehabilitation.

A source:

Treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve - a difficult task, but possible: the symptoms and causes of pain in the occipital region of the head

Do you know a headache? Even if you are an absolutely healthy person, you are probably already familiar.

Headache is a companion of very many diseases, or simply a result of experiences, overwork.

One of the factors that provokes headaches is neuralgia of the occipital nerve.

Functions of the occipital nerve

Let's start with where the occipital nerve is and what is its role?

The sensory branches of the nerves of the cervical plexus pass through the extreme part of the muscle between the breast and collarbone, stretching further under the muscle in the neck region. In the cervical plexus is the occipital nerve (as well as the large ear, transverse, supraclavicular nerves) - behind the second cervical vertebra.

This structure, like many other nerves, ensures the connection of tissues and organs with the central nervous system,supplying them with nervous impulses.

What happens with neuralgia?

cause of neuralgia of the occipital nerve -this irritation (squeezing) of nerve roots, which is located in the occipital zone.

Sensitive fibers in the roots, in the occurrence of structural disorders, give frequent impulses, which are manifested by pain sensations.

Neuralgia can occur without the presence of a provoking element (primary, idiopathic, essential) or as a result of the influence of external factors and concomitant diseases (i.e., secondary, symptomatic neuralgia).

What are the causes of neuralgia of the occipitalnerve:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine in the cervical region (damage to the nucleus in the vertebra) is the most common cause;
  • trauma to the back or neck, because of which the nerve fibers are squeezed;
  • hypothermia of the occipital nerve;
  • osteoarthritis of the cervical spine;
  • overstrain of the neck muscles and shoulder girdle: as a result of a constant sitting position - for steering wheel, in the office, at the computer, at the desk (the muscles are compressed due to spasm, the chronic neuralgia);
  • infections that affect the nervous tissue: encephalitis, meningitis;
  • tumors of various origin and location: in the cervical vertebrae or in the brain;
  • autoimmune diseases, during which immunity destroys the nerve cells of the body: multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus;
  • gout;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes of blood vessels (endaarteritis, for example);
  • stress, constant overwork, negative emotional outbursts;
  • tuberculous spondylitis;
  • severe form of colds (SARS, sore throat).
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Primary neuralgia appears regardless of any pathological process in the body or a particular condition, occurs independently.

Accurately identifying the cause of the disease, you can successfully remove it (in most cases) and repair the damaged nerve roots.

What are the symptoms?

Let's just say that you can hardly not notice the appearance of this disease.

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve is the main symptom -it is a pain. Which one? In detailsbelow:

  • burning, throbbing pain in the back of the head;
  • often turning into "shooting
  • many patients report that the condition is very similar to a migraine;
  • most often the pain is palpable on one side, but sometimes with two;
  • neck movements can provoke pain;
  • sometimes even combing or other touching the scalp provokes painful sensations;
  • Less often the pain arises with a slight touch to the skin of the neck;
  • bright light causes pain in the eyes and above them;
  • sometimes pain occurs when coughing or sneezing;
  • sometimes there is a feeling that something is cutting his head or if it is about to explode;
  • can pulsate in the ear or lower jaw;
  • Turns and head inclinations increase pain.

As you may have guessed, neuralgia of the occipital nerve is exactly the case when they say "life is pain".

But in addition, the neuralgia of the small occipital nerve has the followingsymptoms:

  • head movements can cause nausea, and sometimes vomiting;
  • hypersensitivity in the problem area of ​​the neck, increased discomfort during palpation;
  • vegetative disorders: sensation of crawling, cold, numbness, red or white skin on the affected area, lacrimation;
  • if the disease runs long enough, a site that is provided with a damaged nerve may lose sensitivity.

Such an unpleasant and difficult-to-treat cluster headache can be stopped. Read the details in our material.

Effective, but very expensive drug Eksedrin, whose analogs help not worse, but are much cheaper. Find out specific recommendations for choosing drugs-synonyms.

Diagnostic techniques

In view of the fact that headaches can have a diverse etiology, you need to describe your feelings to the doctor as accurately as possible (orthopedist or neurologist).

He should listen very carefully to you, compare the symptoms with your attendant conditions and suspect the presence of neuralgia.

Furtherrelevant research is, which will help confirm / deny the presence of the disease, and most importantly - to correctly identify its cause.

The following methods are used for thisdiagnostics:

  • computed tomography (using X-rays, the monitor displays a structural image of the spine in the cervical department and layers of tissues in the investigated area) - it is considered that this is the most successful method of studying this diseases;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - the study of bones and soft tissues in the affected area with the help of electromagnetic waves.

Healing procedures

A timely diagnosed disease and the correct identification of its causes will help to successfully get rid of discomfort and possible further structural disturbances.

If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor, then you will be able to recover.

If the disease is diagnosed at the initial stage, it is possible to avoid invasions and confine oneself to drugs, compresses and massages.


However, remember that the earlier you start treatment, the more likely that the disease will be cured without surgical intervention. Do not over tighten!


Treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve with conservative methods is aimed at the removal of pain, inflammation and elimination of pinching. Do not imply surgery:

  • The first rule ispeaceand the maximum amount of passive rest;
  • massotherapy- relieves muscle spasms in the massaged area, improves blood circulation, helps to cope with the pain syndrome;
  • thermal compresseson the problem area;
  • other types of physiotherapy, which warm up the affected tissue (ultrasound, laser therapy).
  • Exercise therapy(sets of exercises aimed at removing muscle spasm in the occipital area, strengthening the muscles of the neck and back);
  • acupuncture- the effect on the reflex points due to which the metabolism is normalized, the circulation in the treated area is improved, the elimination of pathologies is stimulated;
  • manual therapy- the specialist restores the correct position of the joints or mechanically creates optimal conditions for maximum effectiveness of the course of treatment.

Drug treatment

Among the main:

  • the use of drugs that have a relaxing effect on muscles (sirdalud, midocalmus);
  • anticonvulsants: finlepsin, gabapentin;
  • anti-inflammatory steroid drugs that effect blockade of the affected nerve (metipred, hydrocortisone, dextamethasone, kenalog) - administered subcutaneously, to the affected area;
  • pain killers;
  • sedatives (amitriptyline, duloxetine);
  • vitamins of group B.

The described methods can be used both for temporary elimination of symptoms and for full treatment. This will depend on the cause of neuralgia.

In the event that it is provoked by any concomitant disease, a number of actions aimed at its elimination (secondary neuralgia) are necessarily performed.

In the photo, a list of acupuncture points for the treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve

It is advisable to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner, to rely on a general symptomatic picture, to take into account the causes of the disease and the concomitant conditions.

If all these methods do not work, then how can neuralgia of the occipital nerve be treated?

Surgical interventionwill be indicated in case the neuralgia is at a neglected stage or conservative intervention has not yielded visible results.

Surgical methods of treatment

Main availableoperations:

  1. Microvascular decompression:in the course of the operation, the nasal nerve is transmitted. This method is used if the occipital neuralgia arose as a result of compression, respectively. The surgeon identifies the vessels that squeezed the nerve, performs appropriate corrective manipulations. After that, the sensitivity of the nerve roots decreases, and they come to a normal state. Accordingly, the pain passes.
  2. Neurostimulation:to the nerves lead special wiring, which conduct electrical impulses (they block painful impulses). The neurostimulator is implanted under the skin in the neck area. The action of the device can be adjusted by switching the power modes to recreate the most comfortable state. Where previously there was pain, the patient experiences a smoothly spreading pleasant warmth or a slight vibration. The positive side of this technique: the absence of side effects on the body and a minimum of damage to the covers.

After eliminating the symptoms for a long time, a spasm in the neck passes, the muscles relax - this can remove the "clamp" of the nerve.

If conservative or surgical intervention has not eliminated the problem and the pain has persisted, then a repeated, thorough examination is performed. However, this happens rarely enough.

Home Treatment

Only folk remedies are unlikely to cure neuralgia, but home methods can become a very important component of complex therapy - in combination with other therapeuticmethods:

  1. Herbal baths.Prepare an infusion of thyme, oregano, peppermint (1 tablespoon of each herb into a glass of boiling water), pass the liquid through the cheesecloth and add it to the bath with hot water. Then lie down in the bathroom for 10 minutes. Perform every day, for a month.
  2. Compresses.Grind vegetables: potatoes, pickles, onion. Pour the slurry with diluted wine vinegar, allow the mixture to infuse for several hours (stir occasionally). Compresses are applied to the frontal and occipital zones, in the morning and in the evening. The procedure lasts one hour.
  3. Ear drops.In the ear, drip a couple drops of raw beet juice. Alternatively, you can wrap the beetroot in gauze and put a swab in your ear (from the side of pain).
  4. Herbs are inside.Pour 2 hours. l. Dried grass lumbago open (do not use fresh, it's poisonous!). Take once a day, 50 milliliters.

Attention once again: you can not be cured by some popular methods. You can not only not get rid of neuralgia, but also aggravate the current condition. Proper elimination of the disease is based on the identification of its causes.

If you do not receive a course of treatment in time, you can cause serious, irreparable damage to your health.

The condition of the occipital nerves will worsen, the destructive processes will be aggravated.

Nerve damage can lead to the following serious consequences andproblems:

  • permanent, drug-dependent headache;
  • blindness;
  • torticollis (often patients remain disabled until the end of life);
  • accompanying mental disorders caused by constant pain.

Prevention of neuralgia

Measures to prevent this disease are fairly simple. They can be carried outeach:

  • a sufficient, balanced amount of physical activity in your daily life;
  • Beware of injuries to the neck, back of the neck and back;
  • protect your neck from cold;
  • If your work implies a sedentary lifestyle, perform regular small workouts;
  • provide the body with enough vitamins.

Fully protect yourself from the possibility of neuralgia you will not succeed, but try to do everything that depends on you, and the disease will bypass you!

"God saves man, who save himself".

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How to treat neuralgia of the occipital nerve, symptoms and causes

According to statistics, every person during his life at least once a month suffers from a headache. It can be caused by a variety of causes - stress or increased intracranial pressure.

If the pain sensations are localized in the nape of the neck, then we are talking about neuralgia of the occipital nerve.

Most often this problem is associated with traumatic injuries, hypothermia or pathological disorders in the cervical spine.

This disease is caused by irritation of the roots of the occipital nerve. The pathological process can affect the large and small spinal cord nerve. They pass in the region of the second and third vertebrae of the neck.

If there is irritation or compression of the roots of these nerves, pain occurs, which adversely affects the quality of life of people with a similar diagnosis.

If observedneuralgia of the great occipital nerve, then uncomfortable sensations are localized in the region of the occiput and mastoid processes.

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If there isneuralgia of the small nerve, the pain syndrome is observed behind the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the region of its upper third - this place is called the Kerer point.

Causes of the disease

This pathology can have a primary character, that is, appear without any prerequisites, or be secondary - in this case, pain sensations are associated with pathological processes in the neck region.

To the appearance of a secondary form of the disease leadvarious factors:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. This pathology is the cause of degenerative dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs. As a result, the roots that form the occipital nerves are affected.
  • Prolonged static muscle tension, resulting from an incorrect position of the body. This can be the result of a long sitting at the computer or driving a car. Also, severe physical exertion or stressful situations can lead to static stress.
  • Traumatic neck injuries that cause compression of the nerve roots.
  • Subcooling.
  • Arthritis of the joints of the cervical spine.
  • Defeat of the joints as a result of gout.
  • Severe forms of viral diseases.
  • Infectious diseases that cause damage to the nervous tissue - this may be encephalitis or meningitis.
  • Oncological diseases of the cervical spinal cord or brain.
  • Endocrine diseases - in particular, diabetes mellitus.
  • Inflammation of blood vessels.
  • Autoimmune diseases, which result in the immune system destroying nerve cells, include rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and lupus erythematosus.
  • Tuberculous spondylitis.

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Symptoms of the disease

The main sign of this disease is headache.

Most often this symptom has a rather specific character, which indicates the presence of neuralgia of the occipital nerve:

  • Painful sensations arise suddenly, when you touch the area of ​​the occipital nerves or turn your neck.
  • As a rule, the pain appears on one side of the neck and head. Although in some cases there is a bilateral nerve damage.
  • Pain syndrome is located on the back of the neck, in the lower part of the neck or behind the ears. Also, pain can appear in the eye area and above them.
  • Discomfortable sensations appear in case of touching the scalp.
  • Painful sensations are similar to the so-called chamber, and they end too unexpectedly.
  • The patient feels an increased sensitivity to bright light.

In the case of neuralgia of the small occipital nerve, pain is most often located behind the ears, so the disease is often mistaken for ear pathology.

With neuralgia of the great occipital nerve, there are characteristic sensations in the nape of the neck.

In addition, in this situation, pains often appear in the eye area.

Diagnostic Methods

To assign an adequate treatment, you must put the correct diagnosis. This is done on the basis of examination and complaints of the patient.

For the most effective treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of neuralgia of the occipital nerve, and this requires a comprehensive examination.

It includes:

  • CT scan- with the help of this study it is possible to obtain a layered image of the tissues of the cervical spine, which makes it possible to judge the presence of pathological changes.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging- With the help of this procedure it is possible to study the condition of soft tissues and bones in the place of injury.
  • Radiography of the occipital part of the head and cervical vertebrae- this study provides an opportunity to assess the state of bone structures in this area.

In addition, the patient needs to consult an orthopedist and neurologist. If there is a need, it is sent for additional examinations.

The photo shows which part of the head is involved in neuralgia of the occipital nerve:


How to treat neuralgia of the occipital nerve, can only be solved by a doctor. Self-medication is not worth it.

Traditional methods

In order to cope with this disease, medicamental treatment or surgery can be used. The goal of conservative therapy is to alleviate pain.

For this purpose, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • Treatment of the affected area with heat.
  • Passive rest.
  • Massage.
  • Use of muscle relaxants.
  • Reception of anticonvulsants - finlepsin, gabapentin.
  • Admission of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - ibuprofen, sulindac, naproxen, ketarolac.
  • The intake of muscle relaxants to eliminate muscle spasms - sirdalud, midokalm.
  • Reception of antiepileptic drugs to eliminate very intense pain - gabapentin, carbamazepine, clonazepam.
  • Admission of antidepressants - amitriptyline, duloxetine.

One of the most effective ways to combat this disease ismethod of blockade of nerves.

For this purpose, anti-inflammatory steroid agents are used, in particular:

  • Kenalog;
  • hydrocotrizone;
  • methyred;
  • dextamethasone.

Such treatment is highly effective.

Literally a few minutes after the administration of these drugs, neuralgia will disappear, and all subsequent seizures will be much weaker.

But constantly take these medications can not, because they can cause very unpleasant consequences for health.

How is the nerve block procedure performed?

Also, tangible results bring and physiotherapy procedures. They includeacupuncture, spinal traction, therapeutic gymnastics, special massage.


In addition, you can use methods that have a warming effect -ultrasound and laser therapy.


No less important ismanual therapy,in the course of this technique, a specialist is able to restore the normal position of the joints, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.

However, all listed methods are considered temporary, because they do not fight the main cause of the disease. To achieve a truly sustainable result, one should cure the underlying pathology that led to the development of neuralgia.

If the disease is chronic and accompanied by intense pain, it can be prescribedsurgical intervention.It is divided into two types:

  • Neuro-stimulation- in this case nerves are fed with wiring, through which electrical impulses are passed. This procedure allows you to block pain. This method has no side effects and is associated with minimal damage to the body.
  • Microvascular decompression- this operation is carried out with the help of microsurgical equipment. In the course of the procedure, the compression of the nerves is deactivated, which helps to remove pain.


For the treatment to be more effective, rubbing can be used. Massage is done at the points of exit of the nerves, which can be determined from the pain points.

If observedneuralgia of the small occipital nerve, you need to massage the area behind the mastoid process.

If it is strucklarge occipital nerve, you need to rub the place, located in the middle between the mastoid process and the upper cervical vertebra.

The massage of the occipital part of the head assumes the following sequence of actions:

  • Graceful stroking.
  • Billy-shaped squeezing.
  • Trituration:
  • - rectilinear;
  • - Zigzagging;
  • - Circular movements, which are performed by the pads of four fingers;
  • - circular movements that make phalanxes of bent fingers;
  • - circular beak-shaped movements;
  • - Circular movements performed by the thigh bump.

After 3-5 sessions, you can massage with the addition of other techniques. In particular, it is necessary to conductrubbing along the cervical spine.Perform:

  • straight rubbing with the pads of four fingers;
  • circular rubbing with the pads of four fingers;
  • Round-like phalanxes of the bent fingers of each hand alternately.

It is also necessary to perform grinding and vibration. In addition, you need to do a massage of the sternocleidomastoid muscles.

After performing the massage you need to perform exercises for the hands and head. Each session should last about 15 minutes. The total number of sessions is 12-14.

Folk remedies

Before using any decoctions, lotions or other methods of traditional medicine, you need to consult with your doctor. These funds can only serve as a supplement to the main therapy.

There are a number of effective methods that will help to reduce or even completely eliminate the uncomfortable sensations in neuralgia of the occipital nerve:

  • Herbal baths.To begin with, you should prepare an infusion based on peppermint, thyme, oregano. To do this, take a tablespoon of each herb and pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Then strain the composition and add it to the bath. Water procedures should last about 10 minutes. The course of such treatment on average is a month.
  • Infusion of lumbago open.You need to take 2 teaspoons of dry herbs and add a glass of boiling water. During the day you need to take inside 50 ml of infusion.
  • Compresses.It is necessary to grind vegetables - onions, potatoes, salted cucumber, pour them with diluted wine vinegar and insist for two hours. Such compresses should be applied to the forehead and the occiput. Do this twice a day, keep for an hour.


If you do not turn to a specialist in time, the pain will progress, and the occipital nerves may collapse completely. In addition to intense pain, you can get more serious consequences - for example, loss of vision.

The constant pain syndrome arises as a consequence of the transformation of neuralgia into neuropathy. In this condition, the soft tissues that surround the nerve become very susceptible and sensitive. As a result, the neck curves.

Elimination of the consequences of this condition is quite laborious. Moreover, correcting the curvature is not always possible, which leads to disability.


In order not to develop such a neuralgia, one must adhere to a healthy lifestyle and correctly distribute physical activities.


It is advisable to protect yourself from injuries and hypothermia.

If the work is monotonous, you need to organize the workflow competently to find time for warm-up.

Often neuralgia is a complication of the flu, and therefore it is necessary to take this disease very seriously and treat it in time. Also important is proper nutrition, and special attention should be paid to the intake of B vitamins.

Neuralgia of the occipital nerveIs a serious enough disease that can lead to quite dangerous health consequences. To prevent complications, it is very important to seek the help of a specialist if the first signs of the disease occur.

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