Antidepressants and painkillers for osteochondrosis


  • 1How to eliminate pain and depression in osteochondrosis
    • 1.1Pain relieving pain syndrome
    • 1.2Analgesics
    • 1.3Anesthetics
    • 1.4Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 1.5Myospasmalytics
    • 1.6The use of antidepressants in osteochondrosis
    • 1.7Classification of antidepressants
  • 2Treatment of osteochondrosis: antidepressants, analgesics and other drugs
    • 2.1Therapeutic tactics
    • 2.2Medical direction
    • 2.3Hardware treatment
    • 2.4Denial of responsibility
  • 3What anesthetics to take with osteochondrosis?
    • 3.1Who is prescribed painkillers?
    • 3.2Kinds of painkillers
    • 3.3Painkilling pills and ointments
    • 3.4Injections for pain relief in case of osteochondrosis
    • 3.5Pain relief in osteochondrosis in different parts of the spine
  • 4Medications for osteochondrosis
  • 5Anesthetics for osteochondrosis
    • 5.1Features of the appointment of therapy
    • 5.2Pain medication
    • 5.3Analgesic tablets
    • 5.4Nonsteroid drugs
    • 5.5Injection methods of treatment
    • 5.6In what cases can I do without nuzzles?
    • 5.7Application of blockades
    • 5.8Anesthetic drugs
    • 5.9Application of medical plasters
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Than to treat an osteochondrosis?
    • 6.1Anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 6.2Medications with analgesic effect
    • 6.3Preparations for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
    • 6.4Means for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region
    • 6.5Elimination of lumbar spine osteochondrosis
    • 6.6Additional drugs

How to eliminate pain and depression in osteochondrosis

The initial stage of osteochondrosis usually passes unnoticed for the patient, as it is expressed in light pricking and numbness in the cervical region when overworked or with symptoms typical of many diseases, such as dizziness, pressure jumps, nausea, arrhythmia, dental pain. However, the period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis is manifested by stiffness of movements and is accompanied by bright pain syndromes caused by infringement of nerve roots and inflammation of soft tissues in the cervical department. At such momentspainkillers for osteochondrosis is simply salvation for the patient, but to eliminate the pain of simple analgesics is sometimes difficult, or, their effect lasts not for long.

Taking medication, quenching pain, relieving spasms, anxiety and depression while cervical osteochondrosis should be coordinated with a doctor according to the general concept of treatment. Since, it is the specialist who determines the appropriateness of taking those or other potent drugs or whether they are compatible with other prescriptions.

Pain relieving pain syndrome

Anesthetics for osteochondrosis are divided into several groups according to the method of application:

  • Oral - tablets, capsules, suspensions.
  • Local - gels, patches and ointments.
  • Parenteral - intramuscular injection or blockade in the cervical and lumbar region in acute attacks of pain.

More often than others, with osteochondrosis, drugs are prescribed, which can also be divided into the main groups depending on the mode of action on the body:


Analgesics for osteochondrosis is prescribed as an emergency aid for severe attacks of pain, since they have no therapeutic effect, but only block the brain centers responsible for the perception of pain (opoid drugs) or reduce the sensitivity of the nerves that transmit impulses, while not removing inflammation. Analgesics have a negative effect on the body, irritate the mucous, destroying the liver, as well as causing addiction.


Apply in the form of blockades with local anesthetics - novocaine or lidocaine, which do not allow nerve impulses to transmit pain signals to the brain, while the person does not feel pain.

Non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs

The cause of pain, most often, is irritation and inflammation of the muscle tissue of the lumbar or cervical spine. Removing inflammation with non-steroidal preparations reduces pain and leads to an improvement in the patient's condition.


Drugs that reduce the pressure of spastic tissue on the inflamed area, thereby reducing pain.

In the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar region or in the cervical segment, pain medications are prescribed according to a certain pattern of exposure.

So, after blockades, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed in combination with myospasmolytic, but opioid analgesics are used only at the physician's discretion, since they have many side effects effects.

Often in addition to the main analgesic therapy, the use of antidepressants that reduce anxiety and have a positive effect on the dynamics of recovery.

The use of antidepressants in osteochondrosis

Anesthetic tablets with osteochondrosis of the lumbar and cervical section may not always have the expected action, since a person being in a depressed state and on the verge of depression has a reduced painful threshold. Also, with cervical osteochondrosis, brain cells are often disturbed, metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, which leads to hormonal disorders. A direct consequence of such processes in the body is the depressed state of the patient. In addition, the muffling of a sense of anxiety and the sharp attacks of fear that often occur with osteochondrosis in the cervical region are dictated by a malnutrition of certain parts of the brain.

Antidepressants in this case affect brain activity and promote the capture of neurotransmitters, thereby increasing mental activity, improving mood, muffling the feeling of anxiety, normalizing sleep, while reducing the susceptibility to pain.

However, with prolonged use, these drugs can also cause tolerance, in which the patient needs to increase the dose over time. Dependence on drugs is sometimes physical or psychological.

In the second variant, a person feels fear and insecurity in the absence of a drug. But as practice shows, when substituting psychotropic drugs for pacifiers, without the knowledge of the patient, unpleasant sensations are absent.

It works, the so-called "placebo effect".

Classification of antidepressants

Depending on the mechanism of action, antidepressants can be classified as follows:

  • Tricyclic drugs are aimed at increasing the concentration of seratonin and norepinephrine in the brain. Side effects - dizziness, digestive disorders, dry mouth, darkening in the eyes.
  • Inhibitors of monoamine oxidase inhibit the cleavage of neurotransmitters in the brain, thereby contributing to their accumulation. However, because of incompatibility with certain medicines and food products containing tyramine (chocolate, tea, coffee), this type of antidepressant is prescribed infrequently.
  • Selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake. Activates depressed brain cells by capturing seratonin. Have slightly expressed side effects, including nausea and diarrhea, a decrease in libido, disappearing with prolonged intake of the drug.

Use in the osteochondrosis of the lumbar region of potent psychotropic drugs is an incorrect therapy, since the benefits from them are leveled by side effects on the body.

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Treatment of osteochondrosis: antidepressants, analgesics and other drugs

Today, osteochondrosis is a scourge of society. The disease is younger, it is diagnosed not only in older people, but also. There are many reasons for this.

But regardless of what triggered the trigger, osteochondrosis should be treated. Timely contact with a doctor and correct diagnosis guarantee recovery in the shortest possible time.

Therapeutic tactics

The least time and financial resources in the treatment of the inflammatory process in the intervertebral cartilage, the discs are involved, provided that they are treated promptly.

In the treatment of doctors using funds from osteochondrosis, which are conventionally divided into two groups:

  • therapy with medicines,
  • hardware treatment.

Consider the components of each direction.

Medical direction

Drug therapy presupposes the use of medications related to such groups:

  • analgesics,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • correctors of disorders of the psychosomatic plan,
  • antispasmodics,
  • antioxidants;
  • stimulators of blood microcirculation.

Inflammation is always accompanied by a pain syndrome, which is stopped with preparations of analgesic action. Medical practice distinguishes three groups:

  • , capsules;
  • gels, plasters;
  • , injections.

Severe pain can cause a person a feeling of anxiety, nervousness.

Therefore, in parallel with injections, the administration of special drugs - antidepressants - is prescribed.

Most modern drugs of this class have a wide spectrum - correction of psychosomatic action is combined with anesthesia.


Similar qualities are used by doctors to reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract by refusing to prescribe analgesic drugs.


Pain syndrome is the result of a spastic process in the muscles. To quickly stop it using antispasmodics. They are produced in different forms:

  • oral,
  • injection.

, as a result of which the displaced vertebra is fixed in the wrong position, has as a consequence a negative effect on the vascular bundles, nerve processes near the zone inflammation.

For the removal of this kind of spasms are often used - a group of drugs that promote the relaxation of striated fibers.

They are prescribed for a short course, because a longer period of time leads to disruption of some internal organs.

As a mandatory addition - manual therapy and.

It should be remembered that the drugs of this group have a large list of contraindications, numerous complications are also numerous. Therefore, specialists give preference to injections.

Deciding what to stab during osteochondrosis in the phase of exacerbation, the doctor is guided by the degree of pain attack. There are several types of injections:

  • intramuscular, subcutaneous;
  • intravenous;
  • local (so-called).

If a patient complains of a severe attack of pain when calling a doctor, most specialists decide that the drugs should be pierced for intravenous administration.

The direct effect on the inflammation focus, better known as blockade, is selected for those cases when there is a muscle spasm accompanied by severe pain and impaired motor functions.

Ozone splintering is part of ozone therapy. It is an effect on biologically active points with ozonized saline. The active substance exerts influence in several directions:

  • anesthesia,
  • removal of inflammation,
  • improvement of blood microcirculation.

For the relief of pain, the quality of supply of tissues with oxygen is of great importance. In patients with osteochondrosis, it worsens due to a violation of blood circulation, which results as a result.

To eliminate this condition, special medicines belonging to the group are used. An example of such medications is pentoxifylline. It positively influences the vessel wall, improves blood quality.

Important: this preparation is given as an example. It is unacceptable to use it on your own, without consulting your doctor. Any medicine has contraindications and side effects.

Hardware treatment

The application of this direction is an addition for drug therapy. One of the methods of physiotherapy is. With osteochondrosis, it is prescribed irrespective of its shape.

The procedure results in the elimination of muscle spasm, reduction of the degree of pain syndrome, stimulation of blood microcirculation. Like blockade, it contributes to the accumulation of large doses of the drug in inflammatory foci.

To date, the most popular, often used method of hardware pain relief, arising from, is electrophoresis with novocaine.


The procedure achieves special effectiveness under the condition of simultaneous application of medicamental therapy and massage. The complex effect enhances the action of novocaine.


The currents of Bernard are another element of physiotherapy. They not only eliminate pain, but also improve the outflow of blood.

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The course of treatment consists of 6 procedures (maximum amount). Improvement of the condition is noted after the first exposure.

Each sore point requires no less than 15 minutes of electrical shock.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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What anesthetics to take with osteochondrosis?

A disease like osteochondrosis can cause severe pain, which causes anxiety to the patient.

The intensity of spasms is different, but there is always a desire to quickly ease the condition to work, play sports.

Therefore, people often turn to doctors with a question, than anesthetize osteochondrosis.

Who is prescribed painkillers?

Preparations for osteochondrosis prescribe only the doctor, based on the condition of patients, the results of tests, examination, localization of pain. Usually the use of anesthetics is complex and consists of the following components:

  1. Reception of local medicines. These can be creams, gels and ointments.
  2. Treatment with injections, capsules and tablets.
  3. It is important to sit and sleep properly, so that the position of the body does not cause pain.

Only with complex treatment can one get rid of soreness in the cartilage tissues of the discs, intervertebral joints. Most often, with osteochondrosis, the pain is localized in the cervical region, since this part of the spine is most prone to inflammation.

Anesthetics for osteochondrosis should not only treat, that is, relieve pain, but also eliminate the cause.

To do this, a special study of the affected area of ​​the spine.

While the establishment of the factors provoking morbidity continues, the complex of anesthetics includes:

  1. Means against inflammation.
  2. Complex vitamins and vitamin complexes.
  3. Ointments of local action.

Kinds of painkillers

What pain medications are used for cervical osteochondrosis? With cervical, lumbar, thoracic osteochondrosis, several medications are prescribed at once.

There is a huge amount of drugs for osteochondrosis, so only the attending physician is able to correctly choose a pain-relieving therapeutic course.

Existing drugs and medicines prescribed for the treatment of this disease are divided into the following groups:

  1. Parenteral, that is, drugs that are injected into the muscles. These are injections and anesthetics. Injections with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or any other start to act after 15 minutes.
  2. Medicines for external use. For example, various gels, ointments and patches are prescribed to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical region.
  3. Oral painkillers for osteochondrosis, which include capsules and tablets. After taking the medication, they start acting after 30 minutes, and sometimes the pain relief period is 2 hours.
  4. In addition, the doctor appoints a visit to the massage room and the use of folk remedies.

By properties and influence on the body, medications can be divided into such categories as:

  1. Analgesics and non-steroid drugs that must eliminate pain. Only after passing a full course of treatment can you feel the effect of taking.
  2. Medications that help improve blood circulation. This will help get rid of spasms that damage blood vessels, increase blood flow through them, promote the intake of nutrients.
  3. Medications that help restore cartilaginous tissue. Osteochondrosis causes stiffness of the vertebrae and intervertebral space. Because of this, and pain may occur, so special preparations are needed to restore the cartilage.

Painkilling pills and ointments

How to apply tablets and ointments? The most accessible and popular form of treatment of the disease are painkillers for osteochondrosis. Among a large number of such medicines can be noted:

  • Analgin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Meloksikam;
  • Ketorolac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Paracetamol.

In addition, antispasmodics are prescribed, which are aimed at relieving pain in the cartilaginous tissue and relaxing the muscles. To this end, doctors prescribe a medication for Midokalm or Diclofenac.

If the pain has overtaken the person suddenly, then as a first aid it is necessary to apply Nimesil, Ketanol or Ketanov. For a short time to freeze the nerve endings in the site of the defeat, Butadion tablets help.

Familiar to everyone Aspirin or Acetylsalicylic acid, Paracetamol and Citramone help to get rid of the pain of varying intensity.

Sometimes pain in the lower back, thoracic or cervical spine becomes so unbearable that it causes bouts of depression and depression.

Therefore, the doctor prescribes the use of sedatives or antidepressants.

Having a sedative effect on the nervous system, they relieve pain and increase the effect of treatment.

An anesthetic for osteochondrosis of the lumbar region may have a non-classical form.


This applies primarily to the use of special patches, which have a minimum number of side effects and contraindications. The effect of adhesives is very high.


The only contraindication is the allergic reaction to the components that are part of the patches.

Safe for all groups of patients are ointments and gels, which are applied to the place where it hurts.

Their use makes it possible to significantly improve blood microcirculation, to strengthen its course, to normalize metabolic processes, as a result of which soreness is removed.

Ointments, creams or gels the doctor appoints as an addition to the main process of treatment of osteochondrosis. Usually such gels as Kalsikam and Finalgon are prescribed.

Injections for pain relief in case of osteochondrosis

Injections for osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, as well as thoracic or cervical, are prescribed to block the pain syndrome. The peculiarity of injections of analgesics is that they need to be injected directly into the focus of inflammation.

Injections are recognized as the most powerful medication in the fight against osteochondrosis, which acts much faster than tablets, ointments and other medications.

Doctors can prescribe chondroprotectors to repair cartilaginous tissues and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve inflammation in soft tissues.

To advantages of anesthetizing nyxes at treatment of an osteochondrosis it is necessary to carry:

  1. Rapid penetration of the drug into the blood.
  2. Accurate calculation of dosage, which allows you to direct the active substance for the intended purpose. In tablets, however, it is destroyed partially under the influence of enzymes.
  3. Direct exposure to the focus of pain without affecting other tissues and organs.
  4. Anesthetizing injections with osteochondrosis have a prolonged result of the action.

Excellent for cervical, thoracic or lumbar osteochondrosis help candles, although many patients refer to this form of the drug incredulously.

Candle therapy has a positive effect on the source of the disease, relieves pain, has a unique healing effect on the entire body.

For example, there is an increase in immunity, improves the work of internal organs, reduces the risk and degree of inflammation. Can pass prostatitis, cystitis, chronic diseases in the intestines and the genitourinary system.

Pain relief in osteochondrosis in different parts of the spine

The cervical region suffers from this disease more often than others. Medications that help relieve pain in cervical osteochondrosis should be aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes, pain syndrome, improvement of metabolic processes, partial restoration of cartilaginous tissues.

Treatment for cervical osteochondrosis should be gradual and takes a long time. To relieve pain in the cervical spine are used such drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Ketoprofen;
  • medicines for vasodilation - Xantinol, Euphyllin and Nicotine, which help to normalize blood supply in the neck;
  • muscle relaxants - Tizanidine and Cyclobenzaprine, necessary for calming and relaxing muscles;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • vitamins;
  • sedatives.

With osteochondrosis of the thoracic region and other parts of the spine, the nerve endings are jammed. As a result, the patient can not rise, sit, bend.

At the time of taking pain medication you need to always keep bed rest, eat right.

It is possible to get rid of pain in the spine with Novocain blockades.

Other analgesics will help to eliminate the root cause, and an analgesic ointment or gel is needed in order to exert the effect of local significance.


Treatment of low back pain with osteochondrosis follows a similar pattern. Any medication should be taken only as directed by the doctor.


Medicines should stop pain, reduce painful spasm, and then eliminate it altogether.

It is important to take vitamin complexes and chondroprotectors to restore cartilage and cartilaginous tissue.

Thus, given that the pharmaceutical market is rich in a variety of drugs from osteochondrosis, only a doctor can correctly choose the means.

Complex therapy is aimed at stopping pain, eliminating the source of spasms, restoring tissues, relieving inflammation, improving vascular nutrition and cartilage.

The main thing is that the patient complies with the prescription of the doctor and regularly took all the prescribed medications.

Only in this case it is possible to achieve a prolonged effect in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

If the doctor prescribes massage and physiotherapy, then they should not be neglected. They will enhance the effect and accelerate recovery.

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Medications for osteochondrosis

Medicamentous therapy for osteochondrosis is used as an "ambulance" for the removal of severe pain. Medicinal products are temporary anesthetics.

Their choice should be approached with all seriousness and very great responsibility, having consulted beforehand with a competent experienced specialist who possesses the relevant knowledge.

It is the doctor who, after studying your medical history, will be able to determine what to treat osteochondrosis and which of the drugs will be most effective.

Unfortunately, there is no medicine that can cure osteochondrosis forever.

Depending on the stage of the disease, a variety of medications are used that reduce pain in back, relieve muscle spasms, inflammation and swelling, improve blood circulation and promote recovery disks.

Usually, pain relief for osteochondrosis is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • If the pain has appeared relatively recently, no more than a week ago, the doctor prescribes only anti-inflammatory drugs, which include Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin and others. These drugs eliminate pain and relieve inflammation.
  • If back pain continues for more than a week, anesthetics are added to anti-inflammatory drugs: Tramadol, Pentalgin, and others. This combined treatment allows for a few days to remove pain, thus creating favorable conditions for additional procedures.
  • If the back pain did not stop for about a month, anti-depressants are added to the above anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents: fluoxetine, amitriptyline and others. These drugs stabilize the nervous system, and also have an effective analgesic effect.
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Experience in the treatment of osteochondrosis has proved that taking antidepressants significantly speeds up the recovery process.

As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, taking these medications only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, since the essence of osteochondrosis is the destruction of articular cartilage and intervertebral discs.

That is why, at present, in the treatment of osteochondrosis, doctors use drugs from the group of chondroprotectors. These medicines promote the regeneration of cartilage and the restoration of metabolism in connective tissues.

These include Teraflex, Chondroxide and Structum.

Numerous medical studies have proven the high efficiency of osteochondrosis treatment with these drugs.

Among the drugs that are currently used in the treatment of osteochondrosis, a significant place is given to ointments. Ointment from osteochondrosis is used in combination with other medicines to eliminate inflammatory processes and relieve pain.

Depending on what effect they have on the body, the ointments are conditionally divided into six groups.

  • Anti-inflammatory.Such ointments contain steroid substances and analgesics. They include: Fastum gel, Ketonal, Bystrum gel, Finalagel, Voltaren, Nurofen and others. All these ointments are effective for aching pains caused by osteochondrosis and radiculitis.
  • Ointments that have a complex effect.Such ointments regenerate, relieve inflammation and anesthetize. The most striking example is Dolobene gel, which is used not only for osteochondrosis, but also for severe pain caused by various injuries.
  • Ointments that have analgesic and irritating effects.Their main purpose is to increase blood circulation and improve the nutrition of tissues. Especially effective are ointments with radiculitis. They include: Finalgon, Nicoflux and Kapsikam.
  • Ointments are chondroprotectors.The action of such ointments is to restore cartilaginous tissues. The most popular representative of the group of chondroprotectors is ointment Chondroxit.
  • Homeopathic ointments.Such ointments are made solely from plant components. Their main action is the elimination of the inflammatory process. They include: Traumel S, Target T and others.
  • Massage ointments.This group includes a huge variety of ointments. The composition of massage ointments includes bee venom, mummies and a variety of herbal components, a combination of which in several times increases the effect after the massage, while providing an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Injections in the treatment of osteochondrosisuse when you need to remove a very strong acute pain. Most often, doctors prescribe milgamma and ketonal, which have a strong analgesic effect, but do not have a therapeutic effect.

As an auxiliary substance, vitamin B injections can be prescribed that relieve muscle tension and significantly improve their condition.

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Anesthetics for osteochondrosis

Many people who are faced with such a disease as osteochondrosis, are interested in what painkillers for osteochondrosis are effective in combating this problem? Regardless of the stage of the inflammatory process, the cause of the pathological reactions in the body, it must be remembered that self-medication is unacceptable. Any drugs and dosages should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist after a preliminary examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Features of the appointment of therapy

So, what anesthetic for osteochondrosis to choose?

Depending on the site of the lesion, osteochondrosis is divided into cervical, thoracic and lumbar.

Painful sensations are the most pronounced symptom of this ailment, therefore all therapeutic measures should be appointed in a timely manner and in a complex.

Anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medications are the key methods in eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

All medicinal pain relievers for osteochondrosis are issued in the form of tablets, patches, rectal suppositories, injections, blockades. For each specific situation, the most effective drug in complex therapy is selected.

Pain medication

Depending on the variety of the pathological process, from the form and stage of development, from the location of painful sensations, and on what additional problems are present, the doctor selects the optimal medicinal preparations. All medicinal substances for the treatment of osteochondrosis are classified into categories that are determined by the method of influence on the body.

Analgesic tablets

Anesthetics for osteochondrosis:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Non-narcotic analgesics.
  • Muscle relaxants.
  • Medicines that are designed to improve blood circulation.
  • Sedative medicines.

Often, a doctor is prescribed analgesics. These medicines have antipyretic effect, stop inflammatory reactions, neutralize the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. To such medicines carry: "Analginum "Ketanol "Butadion "Baralgin".

Another effective drug is a drug containing active substances called "paracetamol" and "phenacitin derivatives of propionic acid.

To this category of drugs include: "Paracetamol "Citramon "Ascofen "Flutabs "Strimol".

Nonsteroid drugs

Anesthetics for osteochondrosis are most often non-steroid medications, used to stop inflammatory reactions that develop in cartilaginous structures.

Such substances in parallel help to relieve pain. These medications include: Ibuprofen, Naize, Nimesil, Ketorol, Diclofenac, Nurofen.

To reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in the muscular apparatus, muscle relaxants are used. The most common is "Midokalm".


Thanks to such tools, spasms in the muscle fibers are quickly suppressed, the whole apparatus is relaxed, thus, the painful sensations become much less.


In addition to the tablet drugs, in order to neutralize the painful sensations, sedative drugs are prescribed in the complex therapy.

Thanks to them, the activity of the pain signal is significantly reduced, the functioning of the nervous system is established.

These funds include valerian, Novopassit, Persen.

Injection methods of treatment

In the event that a person suffers from intensely painful sensations, the doctor prescribes drugs that are injected. This form of drug release has a therapeutic effect after two to three minutes after insertion.

An anesthetic for cervical osteochondrosis makes it possible to significantly increase work capacity within a short period of time.

The key drugs for eliminating intensely painful sensations are considered to be Analgesic compounds, vitamin B-related substances, glucocorticosteroids, antispasmodics.

In what cases can I do without nuzzles?

Injection funds are used in such situations:

  • If the pain is intensely felt, it can not be tolerated.
  • With intense manifestations of the disease that struck the cervical section.
  • With a strong pathological process in the tissues of the lumbar region.
  • If the disease is in an acute stage.

If the pain occurs in the thoracic spine, they are usually not expressed, so injections are not prescribed.

If osteochondrosis develops in the cervical or lumbar region, usually unpleasant sensations are too intense, so there is no need to do without injections.

For injection, anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medications, and medications are prescribed that help to eliminate nerve entrapment or hyperemia of the affected area.

Analgesics for osteochondrosis in pricks are designed to reduce or completely stop the pain, but they are not independent drug, they are usually prescribed only as an aid in an integrated approach to therapy.

Application of blockades

To anesthetize, during the development of osteochondrosis, blockades are often prescribed. Such manipulations are carried out directly to the affected and painful place. The blockade is applied to certain points located in close proximity to the vertebral column.

The injection is made in a soft tissue that is located around the nerve root, or in a depression located in the area of ​​the intervertebral discs. The epidural blockade is performed directly into the intervertebral disc.

Such a procedure is complex and must be performed only by a qualified specialist.

How to anesthetize osteochondrosis at home?

For the blockade, it is advisable to use Dexamethasone or Novocain. Thanks to this procedure, pain is eliminated, the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases.

If osteochondrosis of the cervical region is diagnosed, the procedure should be performed very carefully, since in this area there are a large number of arteries, veins, nerve fibers.

Anesthetic drugs

Anesthetics for osteochondrosis have a quick effect. Plasters and ointments are used locally, treating the affected area. They neutralize the severity of pain, regulate microcirculation, accelerate metabolism.

The most common ointments are: "Fastum gel "Menovazin "Capsicum "Finalgon "Apizarthron". All of them are designed to reduce the intensity of symptoms.

If they are used correctly, in complex therapy, a persistent therapeutic effect can be achieved.


Used anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, warming agents, complex ointments, chondroprotectors. All of them should be appointed only by a specialist after a preliminary examination, examination, diagnosis.


One of the most common medicines is "Fastum gel". It reduces soreness, improves the functioning of the joint apparatus. It contains active components that penetrate deep into the structures, reducing edema, the intensity of the inflammatory reaction.

Gel "Dolobene" is considered a universal medicine.

It is used to neutralize the symptoms, to reduce the pathological process, it is an antimicrobial, antithrombotic, restorative. It is absorbed deep into the skin, for a short period of time it has an effect.

Another effective medicine is the "Kapsikam" gel.

Thanks to it, microcirculation of the blood fluid improves, metabolism improves in pathologically altered places, and the functions of the muscular apparatus are restored. The drug "Chondroxide" stops the inflammatory process, helps strengthen the cartilaginous structures.

We listed what pain medications are used for lumbar osteochondrosis.

Application of medical plasters

For the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical region, warming patches are well established.

They anesthetize, eliminate other unpleasant clinical manifestations of the disease. Effective is the plaster "Dorsaplast."

It is glued to the site of soreness, without affecting vital sites (for example, lymph nodes).

Wearing the patch lasts up to five days.

If osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is diagnosed, the anesthetic and warming patches are applied directly to the painful area.

Better stick on at night, before going to bed. Wearing such a device is permissible within 12 hours, after which it is recommended to change the patch new.

A pepper bandage is very effective in the complex treatment of the osteochondrosis of the cervical region.

Thanks to the active components in its composition, there is a significant improvement in the microcirculation of the blood fluid, and the nerve tissues begin to recover quickly.


Due to the right approach, timely access to a specialist, you can achieve a stable remission and eliminate unpleasant symptoms of the disease. This analgesic for osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is quite effective.


A source: http://.ru/article/296995/preparatyi-obezbolivayuschie-pri-osteohondroze

Than to treat an osteochondrosis?

A comprehensive approach is used to treat osteochondrosis. The most sparing means of struggle is medicine. Various painkillers, muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors, vitamins. In the absence of treatment, the disease affects the vertebral cartilage, various tissues, organs.

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Anti-inflammatory drugs

To eliminate severe pain, anti-inflammatory drugs are used in osteochondrosis. The effect is to reduce the inflammation of the site. Anti-inflammatory drugs are divided into two types:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Initially, this group of drugs is used. Against osteochondrosis, drugs help, eliminate pain and inflammation at the same level of effectiveness;
  • Glucocorticosteroids (SCS). Used for autoimmune pain in the neck and back department. They are more often used by injections carried out in the joints, but for convenience, to cure osteochondrosis, they are also available in the form of tablets. For the treatment of pathologies of this type are referred to a rheumatologist. Arthrosis of the spine, cases when NSAIDs do not have efficacy.

NSAIDs with analgesic effects:

  • Optalgin, Baralgin, Analgin - dosed one ampoule once a day for five days. Transfer to the form of tablets of preparations Celecoxib, Meloxicam, Nimesulide. Contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with the risk of bleeding;
  • Ketanov, Ketolak, Ketorol - are used on, 1 3 g per day, lasting from three to five days. after being transferred to the same medicines as mentioned above. Contraindications coincide.

NSAIDs with anti-inflammatory effects:

  • Diclofenac is a heavy medicine, produced in the form of injections, dosed by, 75 g twice a day. Apply no longer than five days, after switching to lighter anti-inflammatory drugs for osteochondrosis;
  • Наприос, Апранакс, Напробене - means from an osteochondrosis, consumed once or twice a day on, 5 Strong side effects are reflected in the gastrointestinal tract, not in demand by modern medicine;
  • Metindol, Indoene - are rare in use, have negative side effects. Dose: one or two doses, 75 g.

We advise you to read:medicamentous treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

NSAIDs with identical efficacy:

  • Koksib, Dilaksa, Celebrex - a drug for long-term use, up to 14-21 days. Dosed by the norm, g per day, if necessary, increases to, r;
  • Nemux, Nimika Nyz, Nimesil - to take with osteochondrosis, help with pain in the back area. Drinking on, r twice a day after eating, the course continues for 14-21 days. Safety is higher than that of other drugs;
  • Amelotex, Melbek, Meloks, Movalis - this is what medications for osteochondrosis of the spine are also safe, the likelihood of bleeding and complications with the gastrointestinal tract is small. It is taken on, 075 15 g every 24 hours, sometimes by the course of 14-21 days.

Medications with analgesic effect

Medicines curing osteochondrosis for good have not been invented yet, but there are medicines that stop the pathological processes that restore the former activity, the joy of movements that relieve pain.

The patient's health will begin to improve rapidly if the medications are selected correctly.

Tablets from osteochondrosis, this is the most effective, which helps to neutralize spasms and relax muscle tissue.

Supportive therapy uses antispasmodics and muscle relaxants.

What kind of pills to drink with osteochondrosis, the specialist writes after the examination.

Preparations for the treatment of osteochondrosis are available in several formats, the one that is more convenient to use is chosen: by injection, ointment, tablets.

  • Be sure to read: painkillers for osteochondrosis

Midokalm - a drug whose effect reduces the spasms of the muscles of the spinal and vertebral parts, has an analgesic effect. Produced in the form of injections and tablets.

The remedy for osteochondrosis does not cause weakness in the muscles, there is no sedative effect. It is taken by a dose, 5 g three times a day, with time the dose increases.

Duration depends on the strength of muscle spasms and pain;

Sirdalud - dosed by, 06 grams per day, as the volume increases, the volume increases to 1 g per day. The time of admission is calculated based on pain and muscle spasms;

Baclofen is a rarely prescribed drug. Dose intake - to, 05 g three times a day. The amount of the drug is analyzed over time, increasing to 3, 75 g for an adult. The time of use is prescribed by the doctor, based on the symptoms expressed. Refusal of the drug is produced gradually.

The cadadolone is a drug, which should be discussed separately. These pills for osteochondrosis have a specific effect of a non-narcotic analgesic.

The medicine has an effect, activates the K + channels of neurons, acts on the central system, relieves pain in the muscles of the dorsal region, t. belongs to the group of muscle relaxants.

Used to reduce or eliminate pain, but not effective in chronic disease.


It is used in monotherapy and as a cure for osteochondrosis in case of contraindication of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


The drug for drivers of cars, pregnant and lactating women is forbidden. Capsules in the volume of, g, take three or four times a day, not exceeding the dose in, g.

Use in accordance with the instructions for discharge of the doctor.

Preparations for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Medical treatment of osteochondrosis of the neck department begins with getting rid of the main symptoms. Elimination of pain is a problem with which drugs administered in veins cope: Meloxicam, Ketorolac, Analgin. Lidocaine is used from local analgesics.

In the osteochondrosis of the neck, the artery of the spine is pinched, the capacity of the circulatory system worsens. To restore, use neootropic drugs, one of which is Penoxifylline.

Vitamin complexes, glucosamine, chondroprotectors are an important part of the medical complex.

The doctor appoints procedures in the physiotherapy room, improving the supply of drugs to the affected area.

When dizziness is used an effective tool - Cinnarizine, a remedy that improves blood circulation in the heart. It is engaged in the expansion of blood vessels, dilution of blood.

B group vitamins, located in Neuromultivitis and Midokalma, regenerate the tissues of nerve fibers, cover the nerve with a protective film.

Trental improves the supply of oxygen and blood cells to the brain.

With headaches use Diacarb, a drug that reduces the production of cerebrospinal fluid, which stagnated because of pinching the vertebrae. Possessing a diuretic effect, it removes excess of liquor, liquid, from the body in the shortest possible time.

Means for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

Here the situation does not differ from that associated with the cervical spine.

Analgesic drugs and painkillers NSAIDs, which reduce pain manifestations, are administered intramuscularly.

Later, the patient is transferred to a tablet (oral method) or discharges rectal medications (suppositories). The attending physician prescribes what to take to normalize blood circulation in case of a disease.

  • Maybe you will be interested: how to treat osteochondrosis of the thoracic department?

To treat osteochondrosis is accepted by Eufillinom, Trentalom, other preparations. To get rid of spasms in the muscles of the thoracic region of the spine, use Midokalm or Sirdalud.

Relaxants will provide relaxation of muscle tissues, nutrition of organs with blood. Funds are accepted for two or three weeks.

Physiotherapeutic procedures, intake of vitamins, chondroprotectors and glucosamine will improve the process of restoring cartilage tissue.

Elimination of lumbar spine osteochondrosis

There is this type of disease more often.

Treatment osteochondrosis drugs, antipyretic, analgesic, painkillers, such as Nimesil, Diclofenac and Ibuprofen, can significantly reduce the level of pain and eliminate inflammation.

To restore blood circulation in the spine, Trental, Euphyllin, Actovegin and others are prescribed.Use relaxants to get rid of spasms, hondoprotectors, sedatives and sedatives.

  • We advise you to read: what are the injections done with osteochondrosis?

To cope with the pathology, drink little pills and do injections, you need to change your own menu, lifestyle, to do exercise, which is performed only after remission. The procedure in the physiotherapy room will be appointed by the attending physician in order to improve the effect of medications of all varieties.

Additional drugs

The treating neurologist, depending on the progression of the pathology and the patient's condition, prescribes prescription drugs that are strictly forbidden for use without prescribing a doctor.Three groups, consisting of anticonvulsants, opioid analgesics, antidepressants.

Modern medical practice shows that in some cases of severe pain a short course of opioid analgesics is added.

"Expressed" pain, this is a condition in which there are limitations in life: a person does not find a place, is in constant anxiety, is not distracted from pain, has problems with sleep.

Assign Tramadol, a drug taken at 50 mg once or twice a day, if the ineffectiveness of the doctor increases the dose, the duration of the course of four to seven days.

  • It will also be interesting: nicotinic acid in osteochondrosis.

With the root syndrome, doctors use anticonvulsants, Pregabalin and Gabapentin. Eliminate painful feelings, improve the patient's condition, normalize his sleep.

  • Pregabalin is taken by, 5 g per day in two divided doses. The dose increases to, g weekly. Used only under the supervision of a doctor, side effects may occur;
  • Gabapentin is used as follows: the first day, r, the second day on, r twice, the third day on, r three times, the fourth day g four times. The dose is increased to, g per day, applied in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. Side effects are likely.
  • Be sure to read: exercises for osteochondrosis

Secondary symptoms of osteochondrosis are manifested by depression.It manifests itself in a chronic pain syndrome, lasting more than three months.

Patients experience fears of complications, anxiety and markedly reduced mood. Medicines are prescribed by prescription, but their effectiveness is monitored by the attending physician.

Imipramine, Clomipramine, Amitriptyline better to eliminate pain, but have side effects.

Sertraline, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine relieve anxiety, normalize sleep, eliminate fear, and side effects are less pronounced. Only a treating neurologist will determine the contraindications of these drugs.

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