Systolic and diastolic pressure: description, normal values, deviations

From this article you will learn: what are the types of blood pressure, which of its varieties is more important - systolic or diastolic pressure. Why they are singled out separately, what is their norm, and what are the deviations.

The general data on systolic and diastolic pressure

  • On what pressure indicators depend, their norms
  • Than the pressure deviations from the norm threaten
  • How to maintain normal pressure
  • Arterial pressure is an index of the voltage in the lumen of the arterial vascular bed, reflecting the force, withwhich presses blood on the walls of the arteries. The common unit of measurement is millimeters of mercury( mm Hg).This indicator consists of two digits written through an oblique dash( /): the first( upper) displays the systolic and the second( lower) diastolic( eg 130/80 mm Hg)

    The systolic pressure shows the tension between the heart and blood vessels at thatthe moment when its reduction takes place - in systole. Therefore it is also called heart.

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    Diastolic pressure - reflects this tension at the time of its relaxation - in the diastole. Therefore, it is also called vascular.

    General data on systolic and diastolic pressure

    Blood circulation in the body is due to the well-coordinated work of the cardiovascular system. One of the most important indicators of the normal interaction between the heart and blood vessels is arterial pressure. The heart carries out the function of the pump, which constantly pumps up tension to move the blood through the vessels:

    • When the ventricles contract( to the systole), it rises, causing blood to be pushed into the aortic lumen and all other arteries down to the smallest capillaries.
    • With the relaxation of the myocardium, the heart cavities expand, the tension in them falls, due to which the blood is filled.

    Arterial pressure - this is the blood pressure, which is noted in the arterial vessels as a result of cardiac activity. It can be described as an indicator that reflects how much blood pressure on the walls of the arteries. Regardless of which phase of the cardiac cycle is the contraction or relaxation of the myocardium, the BP remains constant( does not go beyond the norm).This is possible due to the presence of the aortic valve, which opens when the next portion of blood flows into the aorta and closes, preventing its return to the heart when it relaxes.

    The system of arterial vessels is necessary in order to transport blood to all organs and tissues. The pressure in it is the main driving force, which consistently pushes blood from the arteries of large diameter to their terminal microscopic branches( capillaries).

    Allocate diastolic and systolic pressure. Systolic shows how strongly strained and filled with blood arteries at the time of maximum contractile activity of the heart. Diastolic reflects the minimum value of stress, when the myocardium relaxes, and also how quickly the blood leaves the vessels, passing through the capillaries and microcirculatory bed.

    Systolic and diastolic pressure in the phases of the cardiac cycle. Click on the photo to enlarge

    Systolic and diastolic pressure are interrelated, therefore in 90% change of one of them( increase or decrease) is accompanied by a similar change in the second.

    On what pressure indicators depend, their norms

    The value of blood pressure is affected by the factors that are described in the table.

    List of factors Effect on pressure
    Cardiac output - the volume of blood that emits the heart at a single reduction The higher it is, the higher the numbers
    The condition of the walls of the aorta, its valve and large arteries, to which the blood enters immediately after exiting the heart( elasticity, density, ability to stretch( rigidity), surface smoothness) If they are dense and rigid, the indicator rises( more diastolic pressure)
    Total resistance of small arterial vessels( compressed, spasmodicor are dilated, relaxed) The more they narrow, the higher the numbers
    The amount of blood that circulates in the vascular space The less it is, the lower the
    index The ability of the heart to fully reduce, relax, fill and pump If they are violated, the figures decrease

    The factors listed in the table are considered mechanisms through which diastolic and systolic pressure is maintained:

    • by the central nervous system - external influences that are perceivedI'm the brain;
    • autonomic nervous system - unconscious reflexes responsible for automatic self-regulation of the body;
    • hormonal systems - thyroid gland, adrenal glands, renin-angiotensin system and other biologically active substances;
    • individual features of the anatomy and structure of the body, lifestyle features.

    To date, the generally accepted norm of blood pressure for adults of all age groups( from young to elderly) is in the range of 100/60 mm Hg. Art.up to 140/90 mm Hg. Art. The figures below and above these indicators are considered pathologies and are called hypotension or hypertension, respectively.

    Pressure standards

    The standards for children depend on age. They are listed in the table.

    Age Systolic pressure Diastolic pressure
    Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
    Up to 30 days 60 80 40 50
    From month to year 80 90 45 55
    1-5 years 90 100 50 60
    From 6 to 10 years 95 110 55 65
    From 10 to 14 years old 100 130 60 75

    Main features of blood pressure for different categories of peoplesuch:

    1. With age, a gradual, regular increase in the norm occurs.
    2. For children older than 14 years, the normal rate should be the same as in adults.
    3. Normal indices for pregnant women are the same as for all adults - from 100/60 to 140/90 mm Hg. Art.
    4. Because the range of the norm is wide, the organism of each person is adapted to a particular value. Changes greater than 20 mm Hg.even within the limits of acceptable figures are accompanied by pathological manifestations and symptoms. There is the concept of working pressure( habitual, ordinary), in which a person feels good.
    5. Exceeding or decreasing figures can not be regarded as a norm, even if it does not cause any complaints and requires mandatory normalization( treatment).

    Threatens pressure deviation from the norm

    In the process of vital activity, diastolic and systolic pressure can briefly( for several minutes) exceed the norm with physical or mental stress or decrease at rest and in sleep. This is considered a valid phenomenon. If the mechanisms of regulation are violated - there is either a steady increase, or a decrease, or a difference.

    The main causes and consequences, why this occurs, are described in the table:

    Reasons for lowering Reducing the amount of blood in the body - blood loss
    Reducing myocardial contractility: heart attack and other heart diseases hypothyroidism and hypokorticism( low activity of thyroid and adrenal hormones)
    Excessivevasodilatation: vegetative-vascular dystonia by hypotonic type, severe infections, traumas, allergic reactions
    Reasons for increasing Constant spasm( narrowing)small arteries
    Fluid retention in the body, leading to an increase in the number of blood circulating in blood vessels
    Increase in the volume of heart discharge from one heartbeat
    Main pathology: kidney disease, excess thyroid and adrenal gland hormones, vegetative-vascular dystonia hypertonic, hypertensive disease, adrenal tumor( pheochromocytoma)
    Consequences of depression The blood supply of all organs and tissues of the body decreases, which causes an oxygen head(brain disorders, myocardial dystrophy, renal dysfunction, severe muscle weakness)
    Consequences of increase Disruption of the structure of small vessels located in all vital organs that threatens stroke and cerebral hemorrhages
    Hypertrophy( abnormal thickening) and infarction( necrosis) of the myocardium
    Crochet and destruction of the kidneys - nephropathy, renal failure
    Retinal damage( retinopathy) - blindness

    How to maintain normal pressure

    The expressed isolated change in one of the indices - only diastolic or systolic pressure - happens infrequently( about 10%).Usually they deviate synchronously, and the systolic always more than the diastolic pressure. To prevent this, in addition to constant monitoring of tonometry, one should adhere to the general recommendations described in the table.

    Systolic pressure normalization Normalization of diastolic pressure
    Correctness of nutrition, lifestyle, sleep, rejection of bad habits
    Physiotherapy exercises, optimization of conditions for professional activities
    Admission of anti-hypertensive or tonic drugs prescribed by a physician
    Diagnosis and elimination of endocrine and hormonal disorders
    Timely treatment of chronic heart and kidney diseases( at an early stage) Prevention and treatment of atherosclerosisvessels, weakness of the arterial wall
    Normalization of stress and nervous system work Reduction of blood viscosity
    Recommendations for a way of life for the normalization of pressure

    It is impossible to cope independently with the disturbed blood pressure. Be sure to contact a specialist - cardiologist or therapist to find out the true cause of the abnormalities and eliminate it.

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