Why the head is dizzy at normal pressure in women, sometimes sick, causes and treatment at home

The head is very much spinning and under normal pressure in women and girls - at any age. There are understandable reasons for this, although it is necessary to check the blood pressure figures with a tonometer just in case. Suddenly it is off scale?

When the pressure is normal, and there is dizziness, you need to find out why this happens. It is better to begin immediately to find out the reasons and treatment from a visit to a neurologist. Here we will consider what leads to episodic and constant frustration of the sense of balance, as well as possible accompanying symptoms of nausea and vomiting, weakness, noise in the head and ears, headache. And also what to do, what treatment should be!


Vertigo is true and false

It is necessary to find out what kind of dizziness you havee.

Vertigo, true dizziness

Experts associate it with problems in the system of balance and control of the body in space.

The equilibrium system includes the eyes, the vestibular apparatus, as well as the sensitive receptors in the bones, joints and muscles. The information received from this system can get to the brain in a distorted form.

Thus, being still, a person can feel the movements of the body. Vertigo usually is accompanied by nausea and vomiting .

False dizziness

Many people who complain about the darkness or shroud in the eyes, numbness of the legs and loss of balance, in fact they suffer not from dizziness but from severe fatigue or the same low pressure.

These symptoms can talk about a number of serious illnesses and require medical intervention.

At normal pressure, may appear as a psychogenic dizziness .It has nothing to do with the work of the vestibular apparatus, and makes itself felt fog in the head, anxiety, confused consciousness, pain in the abdomen or chest, a lump in the throat.

This condition is typical for people who are prone to panic attacks. To get rid of it you need drugs from vegetovascular dystonia.

Why the head becomes very dizzy if the blood pressure is normal

The most common cause of true dizziness is a disorder of the equilibrium system called benign paroxysmal positional dizziness .It develops at the moment of irritation of the inner ear of the vestibular apparatus by the otoliths. The twisting of the head manifests itself sharply and quickly disappears without consequences. Provoke such a state for not more than a minute can tilt the head, its tipping over, turning in the bed.

The reason can also be a sudden change in body position or individual pitch intolerance .For people with this problem, swings and rides can become a real torture.

False dizziness is associated with a number of diseases. The most common among them are the following:

  1. iron deficiency anemia;
  2. vegetovascular dystonia;
  3. migraine;
  4. osteochondrosis, due to which the vertebral artery is impaired;
  5. Ménière's disease;
  6. intoxication with medicines;
  7. tumor of the brain.

The head can spin and for quite obvious reasons, such as stress , sharp negative or, on the contrary, joyful emotions.

Since women are more emotional than men, it is not uncommon for them. The reason for the release of adrenaline into the blood, provoking oxygen starvation.

Abrupt violation of body position and coordination of movements in women occurs very often because they themselves are to blame for this. For example, the popular reason - a rigid diet for weight loss, in which the body lacks nutrient components. This is the right way to constant dizziness without the development of diseases that accompany it.

First, the reason lies in the deficiency in the blood glucose. And later the lack of necessary elements can cause serious consequences.

The head is often spinning in of pregnant women , which is understandable. After conception, the hormonal background of the future mother changes greatly, which can affect her physical condition. As a rule, the malaise passes by itself after a few weeks of pregnancy. But with hypotension, weakness can accompany a pregnant woman throughout the waiting period of the baby.

Toxicosis also provokes dizziness. Unpleasant sensations can appear due to a drop in hemoglobin and a drop in the blood level of iron.

It is especially important for pregnant women not to engage in self-medication and to report all abnormalities to their own doctor.

Constant lack of sleep, regular overstrain of mental or physical nature also provokes uncomfortable sensations.

If a woman often does not get enough sleep, her nervous system suffers, and dizziness is by far not the most dangerous symptom of this. As a result, cells are depleted, they suffer from a lack of oxygen, which causes dizziness.

Causes at different ages

For of the elderly, movement coordination disorder is not always dangerous to health. Sometimes the head is spinning due to the usual overwork or after the transfer of infectious diseases.

Also often staggered from side to side can be felt with sudden movements, for example, if you got up too quickly from the bed in the morning.

But in women aged older than 60 years dizziness may occur and for serious reasons. The first place among them is occupied by age-related vascular changes.

Also often the vestibular apparatus suffers from viral infections.

It is also worth remembering that frequent dizziness may be a sign of the onset of cancer.

If you have suffered a trauma to the ears or head, then with age, you may experience pathological changes, which cause unpleasant sensations. Another common cause is heart disease.

In women aged 45-50 years general weakness and all sorts of ailments can manifest due to menopause.

The period of menopause, as well as pregnancy, is accompanied by a change in the hormonal background. This provokes hot flashes, nausea, wobbles, loss of balance.

Well-being can be heavily influenced by age-related disorders. Thus, in women older than 50 years the head can spin for the following reasons:

  1. atherosclerosis;
  2. cervical osteochondrosis;
  3. vascular pathology, which causes circulatory disorders;
  4. intraocular pressure;
  5. vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
  6. trauma to the skull or spine.

If we talk about why the head may be spinning in women at the age of about 40 years and older , then the following factors should be highlighted:

Benign paroxysmal dizziness .It is a frequent form of disorders of the vestibular system. May occur after surgery or head trauma. Also sometimes observed in those who have had a respiratory infection, accompanied by a pronounced sense of weakness.
  • Vestibular neuritis .As a rule, it develops after the defeat of the body with the herpes virus, influenza, shingles and so on. Usually severe dizziness manifests itself in the first five days after the inflammation has begun. After a few weeks or months the body recovers completely.
  • Locking of labyrinth vessel .Is a dangerous enemy of the vestibular apparatus. It blocks the blood supply to the brain, which can cause cerebellar stroke.
  • In some cases, the pathology is provoked by by cerebral hemorrhages of , among dangerous consequences of which even a lethal outcome is possible. Ear Diseases .Among them are sulfur plug, otitis, otosclerosis, polypous processes, allergic inflammations and so on. All of them can disrupt the work of the vestibular apparatus and thereby provoke dizziness.
  • Basilar migraine , various head injuries. In this case, a person may be bothered not by the usual headache, but by reeling, rocking in transport.
  • Craniovertebral pathology .Often the head of women is spinning precisely because of this. In addition to weakness other symptoms are possible, such as nystagmus, speech problems, worsening of the swallowing function.
  • Multiple sclerosis .One of those diseases that provokes severe nausea and true vertigo.
  • The head is spinning under normal pressure: what to do at home

    As you understand, there are many factors that cause dizziness in women. If the situation is repeated repeatedly, it is worth consulting with a specialist to determine the exact cause of such a phenomenon.

    The best thing you can do at home:

    1. calm down( in a state of anxiety you can not be rational);
    2. assess your health at the moment, remember what chronic diseases you have;
    3. visit the doctor at the beginning, tell him about your problems with dizziness;
    4. if there is an osteochondrosis, address to the doctor-neurologist.

    I myself, the author of this site, every year for two months, is very dizzy when you roll your head up, to the side, when you get out of bed and when you lie down. Sometimes I felt a little nauseous.

    So it was since 2014 for three years in a row. In 2017, strangely, did not feel dizzy at all. Of course, I have, like everyone else - osteochondrosis of the cervico-thoracic spine, I believe that this is benign paroxysmal dizziness, which my district doctor-therapist told me.

    The disorder went away without treatment. But I advise you - visit the doctor right away!

    Vertigo at normal pressure: treatment with

    On the video channel "Life of the Hypertension".

    Vertigo at normal pressure is also known as vertigo( from Vertigo - dizziness).Most often, dizziness or similar conditions appear when the blood pressure differs from its normal values ​​(high or low levels).However, with vertigo, its values ​​remain within the norm, since the main cause of this state lies in a number of other factors.

    It is necessary to divide the vertex into true and false. The main principle of such differentiation lies in the pathophysiological causes that cause dizziness: in the disorder of the vestibular apparatus( true vertego) or in other causes.

    The most common causes of true vertigo are the various pathological states of the human body's parts responsible for its balance( brain lesions, tumor formations, lesions in the vestibular system).

    A false type of dizziness has less "terrible" preconditions: vegetative vascular dystonic lesions, anemia, physical overload and so on. However, both varieties of dizziness occurring at normal pressure levels require careful study, identifying the causes of their occurrence and proper treatment.

    In its turn, present or true dizziness is divided into central and peripheral. The central appearance is characterized by the appearance of a pathological focus in the central neurological structures, which are responsible for the coordination and balance of man: the brain stem, the cerebellum.

    With a peripheral variety, a so-called "failure" occurs in the transmission of the nerve impulse from the peripheral parts( vestibular apparatus) to the central ones. The main causes of central dizziness are focal processes in the central parts of the nervous system. Most often these are post-stroke foci, tumors, or the consequences of epilepsy.

    In addition, this condition can lead to such phenomena as:

    • Disorders in the cervical spine and subsequently disruption of the nutrition of individual brain structures responsible for the analysis of data from the vestibular system.
    • Chronic migraines.
    • Consequences of lateral medullary syndrome: the presence of individual areas of necrosis in the cerebellum.
    • Chiari malformation: displacement of the cerebellar tonsils through the large occipital foramen located at the base of the skull.
    • Consequences of multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism or dysfunction of cerebellar structures.

    The central dizziness subspecies is characterized by a more "sluggish" clinic: vertigo with this type of weaker character, less pronounced. Also there is no "acute" nature of the condition: dizziness attacks appear without jerks, gradually.

    In addition, such a disease can occur for a long time and without deterioration( chronic nature).Peripheral vertigo has more vivid clinical features than central. The brightest of them are frequent painful dizziness.

    How to treat dizziness, why the head is spinning - Dr. Evdokimenko

    Dr. Evdokimenko. A video about why the head is spinning and how to be treated. The video is educational and fact-finding. There are contraindications. Before applying the recommendations and advice from the video and the publication must consult with your doctor!

    Source: video "Life of Hypertension" and the editorial of the article http: //beautyladi.ru/ prichiny-golovokruzheniya-pri-normalnom-davlenii /