How to brew thyme correctly from a cough?

Due to its healing properties, tea from thyme positively influences the work of all organs and systems of man, has anti-inflammatory, expectorant functions, saves from spasmodic dry cough. To the effect of the drug drink was the maximum, you need to adhere to the basic rules - how to brew thyme from cough for children and adults!

  • How to brew medicinal herbs for adults
  • Recipes for thyme for children
  • Preparation of syrup
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How to brew medicinal herbs for adults

Due to the fact that the plant has a lot of useful properties it is used to treat many diseases, for example, thyme from alcoholism is effective. We will consider the most effective recipes for treating cough.

  1. Fill a third of the dry mixture in a liter jar, add 500 ml of vodka.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Infuse for two weeks until the raw material is thoroughly impregnated and gives a brown color.
  4. After filter, take 30 drops once a day.

Attention!The product is good for seasonal diseases, ARVI, removes mucus from the body, relieves the desires of dry and choking cough. Before use, it is recommended to find out whether it lowers or increases the thymus pressure!

In the evening, a few spoons of grass mixed with a spoon of oregano and mint, and pour boiling water. Morning drink in a warm form as tea, you can dilute with boiling water. This broth is very suitable for children in the treatment of inflammation in bronchitis, pneumonia and whooping cough.

Here's another way to brew thyme:

  1. Spoon the mixture with pour boiling water and insist for one hour.
  2. Take 4 tablespoons after eating.

For smokers in the composition it is desirable to add hawthorn fruits, currant leaves, to cleanse the lungs of nicotine.

Important!If you feel dryness and perspiration in the throat, tincture should be rinsed with such a tincture. It has an anesthetic and moisturizing effect. Thyme during pregnancy is recommended to take with caution, despite the fact that it has medicinal properties.

Recipes for thyme for children

Prepare in a water bath for 25 minutes herbal decoction, then squeeze the composition and add boiled water, cooled to 30 degrees. Drink half a cup in small sips for half an hour before eating.

Note!Such a composition will be an excellent tool for carrying out inhalations. Helps with a prolonged dry cough, removes phlegm from the lungs.

For adults, you can add a spoonful of sage, mother-and-stepmother, burdock root and celery. Breathe over steam for about 20 minutes, preferably before going to bed.

Preparation of syrup

A fresh thyme syrup is made in the following way:

  • finely chop the stems and leaves of the plant;
  • cook on low heat for evaporation of the liquid several times;
  • add to the broth 100 ml of garlic juice and a glass of honey;
  • remove the compound in a cool dark place;
  • endure three weeks before the appearance of a crimson color;
  • take children and adults on a spoonful a day.

Here are the simplest and most effective recipes for preparing thyme for cough. Be healthy!