Why is the hematocrit lowered in the blood, what does it mean?

hematocrit loweredHematocrit is an indicator that determines the content of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in its total volume.It is measured in percent. It is determined by a general blood test. By the indicator of hematocrit, the ability of the blood to transfer oxygen to the tissues of the body is determined.

In adults, low hematocrit indicates that there is a risk of anemia. When the hematocrit is lower, extreme caution and attention to one's health is imperative - the reasons are ambiguous.

To establish the correct diagnosis, special tests are performed to determine the percentage ratio of red blood cells to the volume of plasma. They are able to give information to specialists for an accurate determination of the causes of a decreased hematocrit.


Before talking about reducing the level of hematocrit in the blood, you need to know the normative values ​​of the indicator, based on the sex and age of the patient.

Hematocrit standards for:

  • newborn child - 44-62%;
  • the child of the first year of life - 36-44%;
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  • children under 10 years old - 37-44%;
  • adult men - 40-52%;
  • of an adult woman - 30-46%.
  • in most women hematocrit is lowered during pregnancy - this is a normal consequence of an increase in the total volume of blood.

Since a low level of hematocrit indicates anemia, it is natural that the causes of anemia are factors that reduce this indicator. All the factors that contribute to the development of anemia will also be the causes of a decrease in hematocrit in the blood in adults.

What does low hematocrit indicate?

Lack of erythrocytes adversely affects the general condition of the body. With a low hematocrit index, the adult has general malaise, high fatigue, shortness of breath, pale skin, frequent palpitations, headaches, hair loss.

This is due to the fact that red blood cells supply nutrients and oxygen to each cell, taking away carbon dioxide. With a low hematocrit, the volume of erythrocytes per liter of blood becomes less than normal, so human cells experience oxygen starvation. At the same time, the acid-base balance and the mode of operation of each of the organs are disturbed.


Symptoms of low hematocrit are:

  • dyspnea;
  • prolonged feeling of fatigue;
  • hair loss;
  • tachycardia;
  • pale skin.

Brightly these signs are expressed during pregnancy and acute anemia. However, in order to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a blood test.

Causes of decreased hematocrit

Why is an adult hematocrit lowered, and what does it mean? As mentioned above, anemia can cause a low number of hematocrit. This disease occurs when there is a shortage of red blood cells. Therefore, any function or action to reduce the duration of life, can directly talk about the appearance of anemia.

In addition to anemia, a decreased hematocrit occurs:

  • with very severe hemorrhage;
  • during pregnancy;
  • can be observed with prolonged stays in prone position.
  • if erythrocytes are slowly formed;
  • if the blood volume is increased;
  • in the process of fasting or unhealthy eating;
  • in cases of rapid destruction of erythrocytes in the blood;
  • if the blood is diluted.

Also lowering of hematocrit in the blood below the norm is observed with the following diseases:

  • oncological diseases of the bone marrow, malignant tumors, leading to a decreased production of red cells;
  • kidney disease (renal artery stenosis, renal failure, polycystic kidney disease);
  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • Anemia, in which the number of red blood cells is reduced;
  • diseases of blood vessels or liver.

All data that show reduced hematocrit is a serious reason to conduct a full examination. But do not worry too soon. With the help of surveys it is possible to identify the cause of the disease, and what exactly can cause a decrease in hematocrit. When the level of hematocrit is normal, and it will show tests, only then you can be sure that everything is fine with you.

Hematocrit during pregnancy

In women during gestation, the hematocrit may be below normal. This is due to the fact that the volume of blood increases due to plasma. During this period, this indicator can be 33%, and this is considered normal.

What to do with a lowered hematocrit

In adults, the main principle in treating a low level of hematocrit is the elimination of the causes that caused their decrease below the norm. If the cause of low hematocrit is anemia, in many cases it is enough for the patient to change his diet to gradually increase the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood.

To do this, it is recommended to eat more foods rich in iron, such as chicken, dried fruits, beans, eggs, red meat, offal (especially liver), seafood, greens. In addition, you should increase your intake of vitamin C, as it improves the absorption of iron. In some cases, the doctor may recommend the intake of food supplements with iron to treat anemia.

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