The difference between sinusitis and sinusitis

Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx almost always accompany colds, with the same frequency occur in people of different ages. Most often diagnose sinusitis and sinusitis - what is the difference between these diseases? What medications are used for treatment?

  • Sinusitis and sinusitis - general information about the diseases
  • What is the difference between sinusitis and sinusitis?
  • Treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis
  • Traditional methods of treatment
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Sinusitis and sinusitis - general information about the diseases

Sinusitis - foci of inflammation can be located in various accessory sinuses of the nose, flowing in acute or chronic form. This term denotes all diseases of the nasal sinuses. The pathology develops after penetration into the maxillary sinuses of pathogenic microorganisms through the nose or blood.

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Types of sinusitis:

  • sinusitis;
  • frontal - inflammatory process in the frontal sinus;
  • etmoiditis - pathological processes in the latticed labyrinth;
  • sphenoiditis - disruption of the sphenoid sinus;
  • pansinusitis - inflammation of several sinuses simultaneously.

The sinusitis is localized only in one or both maxillary sinuses, it is one-sided or two-sided. It develops against the background of pathologies of the nasopharynx, teeth and oral cavity.

Important!Sinusitis is often diagnosed in children with adenoids, the cause of inflammation can be vasomotor rhinitis, congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum.

All sinusitis have a number of identical signs - shortness of breath with the nose, swelling of the mucous membranes, headache, fever up to 38 degrees. Inflammatory processes may differ in intensity and location of localization.

From the point of view of psychosomatics, sinusitis and sinusitis develop against the backdrop of inhibited emotions. In children, illness can arise from lack of love and attention.

What is the difference between sinusitis and sinusitis?

Rhinitis and sinusitis - diseases of the nasopharynx, develop against a background of bacterial or viral infection, but there are certain peculiarities in the diseases.

The main differences:

  1. Sinusitis is always a sinusitis, but not every sinusitis is a sinusitis.
  2. Sinusitis is a generalized name for all inflammatory processes that occur in the nasal sinuses. Sinusitis has a clear localization, pathological changes occur exclusively in the maxillary sinuses.
  3. With sinusitis, the inflammatory process can cover several sinuses simultaneously.

Sinusitis develops against the background of severe respiratory, infectious diseases, tuberculosis. The weakened immunity does not interfere with the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, they spread rapidly in the nasal sinuses.

The cause of sinusitis can be physical causes - incorrect bluffing, abnormal skull structure, polyps in the nose.

Symptoms of sinusitis are a large amount of nasal mucus, pulsation in the frontal and maxillary zone, elevated temperature.

Important!Against the background of sinusitis, severe and dangerous complications develop - meningitis, optic nerve damage, bone fistula can cause serious pathological changes.

The cause of sinusitis can be an untreated rhinitis, radiation sickness, tumors, nose injuries, allergies, hypothermia. The disease often appears in people whose work is associated with the constant inhalation of toxic, chemical substances.

With sinusitis, a severe headache occurs, which is localized in the central part of the forehead. The disease is accompanied by a persistent runny nose, mucus of white or yellow-green color is prominent from the nose, often the sense of smell completely disappears.

With progressive disease, memory can deteriorate, bad breath appears, food gets an unusual taste, a person begins to sweat, develop swelling of cheeks, eyeballs.

Treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis

The treatment of sinusitis is aimed at eliminating edema and restoring nasal breathing. With sinusitis, antibiotics, vasoconstrictor drops, anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

If you suspect a sinusitis you need to do an x-ray, diaphanoscopy. Necessarily in therapy use medicines for deducing or removing mucus from gajmorovyh sinuses. During treatment, it is necessary to comply with bed rest, take antipyretics at high temperature.

Diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis is handled by an ENT doctor.

Important!If the drug treatment does not bring relief, then the doctor recommends a sinus puncture.

The main drugs for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the sinuses of the nose:

  • vasoconstrictor drops and sprays - Nazol, Vibrocil;
  • combined preparations that eliminate allergy symptoms, dry out the mucous membrane, eliminate inflammatory processes - Polidex, Isophra;
  • means for washing - Aquamaris;
  • at an allergic origin of disease - Diazolinum, Klaritin;
  • antibiotics from sinusitis and sinusitis of a wide spectrum of action - Augmentin, Ceftriaxone;
  • corticosteroids in chronic and severe forms of the disease - Prednisolone.

In addition to medical therapy, physiotherapy is used - UHF, UFO.

Traditional methods of treatment

Home remedies will help to clear the nose of mucus, eliminate pain and inflammation.


The most effective means for the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis are obtained from Kalanchoe - they can be used already in the early stages of the disease.

The juice of the plant can be purchased at the pharmacy, or prepared independently. Cut the fleshy leaves, mash for a week in a dark place, grind in a blender. From the gruel, squeeze the juice, leave it for 2 days, dilute with alcohol - 200 ml of juice 10 ml of alcohol. Drops should be used 2-3 times a day, bury 2 drops in each nasal passage. After digging in, a strong sneeze starts, which can last a quarter of an hour.

Tincture of Kalanchoe is used to wash the nose. Grind 30-35 g of leaves, pour 200 ml of alcohol, put the mixture in a dark place for 10 days. Before use, dilute 5-10 ml of the drug in 150 ml of warm water, wash the nasal sinuses twice a day.

Ointment based on Kalanchoe is used to treat sinusitis and sinusitis in children over 6 years of age, with alcohol intolerance. Mix 50 g of lanolin and Vaseline, add 30 ml of fresh juice to the plant. Ointment soak the cotton turuns, put into the nasal passages for 5-7 minutes.

Essential oils

Natural essential oils are effectively used in the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis - they help to eliminate headache, mucus, pathogenic microorganisms in the sinuses. Before using the oils, you need to rinse the nose thoroughly with saline solution, then drip 2-3 drops of oil extract into each nasal passage, lie down with the head thrown back for a quarter of an hour.

What oils will help with inflammation of the sinuses of the nose:

  1. Sea-buckthorn - improves breathing, reduces mucus secretion, eliminates headache. The composition contains vitamin A, B, which improves tissue regeneration, eliminates inflammatory processes.
  2. Tui - one of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis, quickly clears the airways, eliminates inflammation, helps strengthen the protective functions of the body.
  3. Mixture for inhalation - 1 drop of mint oil and thyme, 2 drops of rosemary, 1 liter of boiling water. Breathe in pairs for 20 minutes, the procedure is done once a day for 10 days.

Important!Thuya oil can not be used during pregnancy and epilepsy.

To prevent the occurrence of sinusitis and sinusitis, you must avoid hypothermia, abandon bad habits, spend more time outdoors. Prevention of diseases of the paranasal sinuses is the timely treatment of colds, viral diseases, the intake of vitamin complexes, hardening, active lifestyles.