Dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine: treatment


  • 1Treatment of dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine
    • 1.1Causes of pathology
    • 1.2Symptoms and stages of development
    • 1.3Diagnostics
    • 1.4Methods of treatment
  • 2Dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine and treatment of symptoms
    • 2.1Cause of occurrence
    • 2.2Localization
    • 2.3Classification
    • 2.4Symptoms
    • 2.5Diagnostics
    • 2.6Treatment
    • 2.7Medication
    • 2.8Traction
    • 2.9Massage
    • 2.10Physiotherapeutic procedures
    • 2.11Therapeutic gymnastics of the lumbar region
    • 2.12Folk methods
    • 2.13on this topic
  • 3Dorspatia of the lumbosacral spine: treatment
    • 3.1What is the dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine
    • 3.2Causes and symptoms of lumbosacral dorsopathy
    • 3.3Clinical symptoms of dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine
    • 3.4Treatment of dorsopathy of the lumbosacral department
  • 4Back pain or dorsopathy of the lumbar spine
    • 4.1Who is at risk?
    • 4.2Symptoms of lumbar dorsopathy
    • 4.3Treatment of dorsopathy of the lumbar spine
  • 5What is dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine, its treatment and diagnosis
    • 5.1How is the disease manifested?
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2What manifestations of the disease form the basis for a doctor's visit?
    • 5.3Causes
    • 5.4Diagnostics
    • 5.5Treatment
    • 5.6Prevention

Treatment of dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine

To understand what is dorsopathy and why the disease has received a similar name, one should turn to a literal translation. In Latin, "dorsum" means "back and "patia" means "sickness."

Therefore, dorsopathy refers to diseases that affect the spine, in this case the lumbosacral department.

They are accompanied by a periodic pain syndrome, have a degenerative, dystrophic, deforming, inflammatory and traumatic character.

Dorsopathy most often develops in people older than 50 years, as in their body, dystrophic changes in bone tissue begin to occur. But sometimes the disease affects the youth.

There are several varieties of such a pathology, but more often (in 60-80%) there is dorsopathy of the lumbar spine.

This situation is due to the fact that the lumbar region is the most vulnerable.

Causes of pathology

Dorsopathy of the lumbosacral can be:

  • Acute - lasts no more than three weeks;
  • Podostroy - the duration of the disease varies from three to 12 weeks;
  • Chronic - the symptomatology persists for more than 12 weeks.

There are many factors that can lead to dorsopathy:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Long stay in uncomfortable poses and non-observance of ergonomic techniques;
  • Hypodinamy is a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Periodic excessive loads in people not engaged in physical work;
  • Pathologies of the spine (osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, osteomyelitis, tumors);
  • Disorders of posture (scoliosis, kyphosis, stoop);
  • Traumatic injuries;
  • Vibration;
  • Failures in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Work in conditions of low temperature and high humidity;
  • Frequent colds;
  • Obesity;
  • Uniform food;
  • Smoking;
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • Excessive consumption of spices, smoked products, pickles, fried foods.

Usually lumbar dorsopathy develops under the influence of several factors.

Symptoms and stages of development

In the development of dorsopathy, there are 4 stages:

  • The first - pathological changes cover only the intervertebral disc, there is no symptomatology;
  • The second - the joints are damaged, the nerve roots are jammed;
  • The third - protrusions and hernias are formed, which is accompanied by acute pains;
  • The fourth - vertebrae are displaced, as a result of which muscles are spasmodic, the mobility of the spine is limited.

The main sign of pathology is pain at the level of the lower back. They may be:

  • Local - always occur in the areas affected by the spine, they are permanent, intensified when the posture changes;
  • Projection, or reflected - appear along the course of the damaged nerve;
  • Root, or neuropathic - they are stupid and aching, always irradiate in the limbs and the sacrum, with physical exertion intensified, acquiring a "shooting" character.
  • Non-alcohols - are caused by muscle spasms.

There are also other symptoms:

  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • Noise in ears;
  • Muscle tension and spasms;
  • Decreased reflexes;
  • Stoop and lameness;
  • Limitation of the amplitude of movements;
  • Sore and numbness in the limbs;
  • Disturbance of sensitivity (paresis);
  • Muscle weakness, and often paralysis.

These symptoms are characteristic of most patients. But individual characteristics are also possible in the manifestation of dorsopathy. If you have any symptoms of pathology, you should consult your doctor. Without qualified medical care dorsopathy will pass into a chronic form.


First, the doctor examines the patient's complaints and determines the presence of an anamnesis of diseases and spinal injuries. Then the patient is referred for diagnostic examination:

  • Radiography of the spine - this method is the main one;
  • Computer or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Electroneuromyography - allows you to determine the state of muscles and nerves;
  • Blood tests.

On the basis of diagnostic results, individual methods of treating dorsopathy are selected.

Methods of treatment

If dorsopathy of the lumbar sacral spine is diagnosed, treatment should be comprehensive. Only in this case it will be possible to defeat the disease.

Usually, dorsopathy is treated with conservative methods.

Surgical intervention is resorted only to severe spinal cord injuries and the inability to stop pain with medications.

At the initial stages of the disease, all efforts are directed to the relief of pain.

To this end, restrict physical activity, appoint blockades, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants.

It is recommended to sleep on orthopedic bedding and periodically wear a corset.

Only after the elimination of pain, they begin to restore the body and take measures to prevent the progression of pathology. The doctor selects an individual complex of therapeutic gymnastics.

It will help to strengthen the muscular corset, to develop the correct posture, to increase the flexibility of the spine.

Manual therapy relieves muscle spasms, corrects posture, activates blood circulation and improves nutrition of tissues.

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Dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine and treatment of symptoms

Dorsopathy, in Latin, sounds like a disease of the back.

This is a condition of the body that accompanies other diseases of the back (osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, vertebral trauma and changes due to syphilis, tuberculosis and various tumors). With such a pathology of the bodyall cartilages, bones and tissues surrounding the spine are destroyed.

One type of dorsopathia suffersevery third person, and to the elderly it is manifested in every second person.

Pathology begins as a short-term periodic pain syndrome and every time manifests itself more often. Going tochronic form, the pain intensifies at times and becomes more frequent.

In some periods of exacerbation a patient may temporarily lose work capacity.

Dorsopathyis not a full-fledged disease. It always begins asconcomitant condition in diseases of the backand the spine.

Risk factors for the development of the disease:

  • Bad heredity.
  • Permanent physical and mental overload.
  • Partial or absolute absence of physical exercise and motor activity.
  • Any diseases of the back can provoke dorsopathy.
  • Diabetes mellitus and a large body weight.
  • Inflammatory colds.
  • Love for spicy food.
  • The presence of bad habits

Cause of occurrence

For the compression / extension of the spine, the pulpous core and elasticity, the elasticity of the ligaments, respond. The core of the intervertebral disc suffers from severe spinal pressure under its own weight. Especially it is vulnerable in case of severe physical exertion.

To keep it in the right position helps the fibrous ring, surrounding ligaments and a good muscle tone. When there is a gap in such a system,back and vertebrae diseases.

After a long course of the disease, pathological processes occur that flow into dorsopathy.

Of the main causes of the appearance of the disease, we can distinguish:

  1. Low physical load (or its complete absence).
  2. Nutrition, meager for vitamins. Monotonous food or a prolonged diet.
  3. Constant hypothermia.
  4. Wet, cold climate.
  5. Work with vibrations.
  6. Strong load on the spine as a result of taking the wrong position when sitting (hunched back).
  7. Sharp jerks and frequent heavy loads when playing sports.
  8. Earned curvature of the spine (work at a table, sitting at a desk, etc.).
  9. Injuries to the back and spine.
  10. Damage to blood circulation of tissues, ligaments, discs and disruption of their nutrition.
  11. Chronic diseases of the spine.


Anatomically, dorsopathy can be localized in the following departments:

  • cervical;
  • thoracic;
  • lumbosacral;
  • Combined (covers several departments of the spine).

The greatest mechanical strain is experienced by the lumbar region, therefore, a huge number of various diseases are associated with it.

Also in this area is the sciatic nerve (the largest of all) and the accumulation of muscle mass.

This causes the appearance of pathology in this part of the trunk of the spine.


Dorsopathy of the spine is divided into groups according to structural damage and disorders:

  1. Osteopathy is deforming. This group includes all diseases and pathologies associated with deformation of the spine, displacement of the vertebrae (for example, scoliosis).
  2. Spondylopathies. Inflammatory processes, mechanical damage and degenerative-dystrophic disorders (all types of tumors, trauma, etc.).
  3. Dorsopathies discogenic. It leads to dystrophy of the cartilage of the spine with displacement (hernia, protusion, etc.).


The symptoms of dorsopathy are characterized by periodicity and spontaneity. The number of symptoms will increase if not treated and prevented.Pathology develops in stages.

  1. Lumbalgia. Pain syndrome stupid subacute nature in the lower back.
  2. Aching, pulling, shooting pain. Increase when doing sports and lifting weights. Disappear when unloading the musculoskeletal corset (lying and reclining).
  3. Feeling of tension and tension in the lower back. Myotonic syndrome, defined as a painful cushion. When palpation of the platen the pain sharply increases.
  4. Because of severe severe pain along the spine (axial), the motor activity of a person is limited. Increases when making inclines and turns.
  5. Tingling, the appearance of "goose bumps" on the hands (from the elbow to the fingertips) and on the legs (from the knee to the fingers). Further this symptom is strengthened and leads to numbness of the limb and complete loss of sensitivity.
  6. Strong pulling, burning and breaking pains in the legs and hands.
  7. Weakness of the limbs, leading to a limitation of mobility. The weakness of the fingers is manifested by the impossibility of their bending / unbending.
  8. Amyotrophy (severe muscle exhaustion of the limbs).
  9. Dryness and peeling of the skin on the hands and feet. Appearance of tawny and large cracks in the feet.
  10. Dizziness and swaying when walking.
  11. Rapid manifestation of fatigue, drowsiness, sleep disturbance.
  12. Sharp fluctuations in blood pressure.
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Destructions begin in the tissues of the intervertebral disc, then the cartilaginous tissue suffers.These stages are asymptomatic, and they are very difficult to identify.

Further, the bone structure breaks down - appearsdisplacement of vertebraeand their effect on the nerve roots.

This leads to an acute period of pain.

The fibrous membrane begins to break down over time, which increases the pain syndrome. The final stage of the pathological state is the strongest muscle tension and visible curvature of the spine (due to a significant displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other).


Initial diagnosis includes external examination of the patient.

Characteristic features areslouch; quiet, even and cautious breathing; lamenessand using any opportunity to sit down.

The next sign ismuscle tension, which is detected by palpation near the vertebral space.

If there is a suspicion of a pinch of the sciatic nerve, the doctor conducts a special test to detect this condition (novocaine test). Novocain is injected into the pear-shaped muscle and if pain disappears, the test is positive.

Additionally, the patient isX-ray examination, MRI (magnetic tomography), CT (computed tomography), ENMG (electro-neuro-myography), are takengeneral and biochemical blood tests. With their help, the diagnosis is clarified and the treatment is prescribed.

The specialist must collect information based on anamnesis and examination. This reveals the place where the pain is localized, its dependence on the position of the human body and its movements, the presence of injuries and the emotional state of the patient.


Therapy in the acute period of dorsopathy of the lumbosacral department is aimed at arresting pain, Reduction of inflammatory processes, relaxation of stressed muscles and recovery of the patient's body remission.

With acute painperiod, is first assignedstrict bed restfor 3-5 days.

The bed is needed with a solid level surface. At this time, physical exercises and harmful food are contraindicated.

Preference is given to light curative gymnastics and dietary nutrition.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsdrugs relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the affected areas of the spine.

Muscle relaxantsrelieve muscle tension and spasms. Relaxing the muscle corset, drugs reduce pain.

Constant exhausting pain in the lower back, signs of damage to the head vessels exhaust the patient's nervous system. Therefore, he is appointedsedatives.

Such drugs relieve nervous tension, remove the symptoms of fatigue and psychogenic (hysterical) cramps of limbs.


treatment is aslow stretching of the spine with a special apparatus. The patient is located on a hard couch and does not feel any discomfort.

After the first procedure, the spine returns to its previous state, so to achieve the results, it is necessary to go through the whole course of stretching.

Such treatment is fixed by a hike in the physiotherapy room, massage and therapeutic gymnastics.


is held at a slow pace. Stirring and stretching movements. Before going to the masseur, you should consult with your doctor and find out what intensity and duration should be the course of massage.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

simultaneously with other types of therapy. Referral for treatment should be prescribed by a specialist who observes the patient. He will indicate which methods will give the best results (magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, ultraviolet radiation, soothing inhalation, etc.).

Therapeutic gymnastics of the lumbar region

should take into account the general well-being of the patient. At the initial stage of recovery, minimal simple occupations are sufficient.

With long-term remission, simple exercises (tilting, lifting the arms and legs from the prone position, etc.,

) We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our selection of exercises for the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, these exercises are also suitable for treating dorsopathy.

All additional non-pharmacological therapy is carried out exclusively at the stage of remission! It is contraindicated in case of exacerbations, because it can lead to complications and undesirable consequences.

Folk methods

  • Leaves of lemon balm(or horseradish garden) to pass a steep boiling water and put on the affected area before going to bed. The procedure time is an hour, the duration is 14 days.
  • Kidney Birchpour 70% alcohol in the ratio: and insist in a warm dark place for 14 days. Strain and rub the lower back 2-3 times a day (in the morning and at bedtime), 30 days.
  • 100 grams freshly rippedleaves of rosemarypour a liter of 70% alcohol or vodka. Infuse 7 days in a cold dark place. Rub the product 2-4 times a day. Duration - 2-3 weeks.
  • 10 grams of rootburdock, St. John's wort, nettle, mint and parsleypour a liter of steep boiling water and boil for 5-10 minutes. Insists on broth one hour. Take should be half a glass each time before food.
  • Burdock root, plantain leaves, St. John's wort, celandine, melissa, dandelion root, birch budsfinely chop, mix and pour cold boiled water (in the ratio of grass - water:). Insist for 3 hours. Boil the infusion for 3-5 minutes and put again for 1-2 hours. Take 1 glass before eating, 4 times a day.

on this topic

Dorsopathy is caused by diseases of the lumbosacral spine. Therefore, continuous prevention of this pathology is necessary.

The phase of remission can be prolonged indefinitely, if you follow all the recommendations of a doctor, follow a diet, perform therapeutic gymnastics and seek medical help in a timely manner.

How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

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Dorspatia of the lumbosacral spine: treatment

Diseases of all soft and hard tissues of the spine, causing pain in the back, neck and limbs, are called dorsopathy. This term is blurred and general, and it is used when:

  • there is a pain syndrome in the back, and it is already clear that it was not internal organs that caused it
  • until the final diagnosis is made and the exact name of the diseases is unknown: stoochondrosis, scoliosis, displacement of the vertebrae, osteomyelitis, swelling of the vertebrae or spinal cord, etc.

The lumbar region, as is known, is the most vulnerable place, so many are wondering what exactly is the dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine.

What is the dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine

A literal translation of a word from Latin:

  • dorsum - back
  • patia -disease

Many people confuse two terms - "dorsopathy" and "dorsalgia". This translation makes it possible to clearly distinguish between these two concepts. We systematize a few terms in the beginning:

  • Dorsopathy - back diseases
  • Dorsalgia - back pain
  • Lumbalia - a pain in a loin of chronic moderate type
  • Lumbago - acute pain syndrome (lumbago) in the lower back
  • Ischialgia - chronic pain in the sacral region, caused by inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve, giving up in the leg
  • Sciatica - acute pain syndrome in the sacrum, extending along the sciatic nerve along the posterior surface, starting from the pear-shaped muscle to the foot
  • Lumboschialgia is a pain of a mixed type characteristic of dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine. It arises in the lower back and is given in the leg, like ischialgia

So in the end we came to the type of pain most typical for this "fighting" department of the back.

Causes and symptoms of lumbosacral dorsopathy

Now let's talk about the reasons, that is, those diseases that can cause pain syndromes in the lumbosacral department.

Deforming dorsopathy:
This group of diseases is associated with initial dystrophic processes, which so far have not seriously affected either the intervertebral disc itself, nor its ring and nucleus. But they are already enough to ensure that the stability of the lumbar spine is broken and deformations occurred in it.
Such pathologies can be:

Nature of pain:

  • Dull, stupid, aggravated by movement
  • By its kind, the pain syndrome is local, that is, not far from the affected area

Dorsopathy of inflammatory, degenerative nature
These diseases are associated with:

  • various inflammatory processes in the spine
  • progressive degenerative pathologies

Pain syndrome manifests itself in the form of sympathy:

  • A sharp, burning, pulsating pain caused by irritation of the sympathetic fibers of the PNS
  • This pain is called reflected, it passes through the entire innervation zone of the inflamed nerve

Diseases can cause such pains:

  • Osteomyelitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Tuberculous spondylitis
  • Primary tumors and metastases of the spine
  • Traumatic injury
  • Compression fractures in osteoporosis

This dorsopathy is associated with a degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the disc at which protrusion occurs and the formation of a hernia

  • Pain in the lumbosacral department is of the same type as lumbago or sciatica
  • It is characterized by radicular syndrome associated with compression of the nerve root:
    • along the nerve goes a chamber
    • the pain ceases for a short while, then increases with any movement and tremor, for example, when coughing, laughing, etc.
    • with compression for a long time, there are symptoms:
      • partial loss of sensitivity
      • muscle atrophy
      • decreased reflexes

This is a pain in the muscles, due to an excess of muscle tension and inflammation.
They can be either primary or secondary.

    • Primary muscle pain (myalgia) can occur due to muscle inflammation during hypothermia or too much muscle strain
      • It leads to a large muscle tension (hypertonus)
      • Pain is not radicular in nature and is called myofascial syndrome
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Clinical symptoms of dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine

In addition to the standard and well-known known symptoms of lumbargia, lumbago and lumboschialgia, there are also such:

  • Pear-shaped muscle syndrome
    • The pain and tension in the gluteus muscle is transmitted further along the back surface of the trouble and the tibia - just along the sciatic nerve
    • Painful sensations are enhanced by changing the position and especially standing, and do not pass even when taking painkillers
  • Instead of pain in the leg, it can cramp the triceps muscle of the shin
  • Due to the transfer of body weight to a healthy limb, there is lameness

Treatment of dorsopathy of the lumbosacral department

Diagnosis of dorsopathy and its treatment should take place in a specialized clinic, a vertebrologist's doctor, or an orthopedist, a neurologist, a neurosurgeon.

The doctor already on external signs can define or determine a dorsopathy in a loin:

  • By the characteristic stoop posture (it is called protective or forced, as the patient, while preserving it, tries not to straighten)
  • On a limping gait
  • Over-exertion of muscles
  • Symptoms of deformation or displacement
  • By nervous reflexes

With severe pain with symptoms of a pinch of the sciatic nerve, the doctor can carry out the elimination of the syndrome by a novocaine blockade of the pear-shaped muscle.

Further examination of the lumbosacral department is performed with the help of:

  • Radiography (the main method of diagnosis)
  • CT and MRI
  • For examination of nerves and muscles, electroneuromyography

Treatment of dorsopathy is divided into three stages:

Treatment in acute period:
The first three days are full of peace:

  • non-steroid pain relievers or blockades are used
  • To remove the increased muscle tone, muscle relaxants are prescribed

Then the regime gradually softens:

  • The patient is allowed to slowly get up, but first time to walk in the corset
  • Continues taking painkillers (as necessary) and relaxants
  • It is possible to begin to carry out carefully simple isometric exercises for the lower back

Treatment in a subacute period:

  • Massages
  • Nerve compression is eliminated with the help of
    • Traction methods (dry and underwater traction)
    • Special stretching exercises on the simulators
  • With subluxations, the possibilities of osteopathy (special manual therapy)
  • Muscular tension remains a big problem for a long time. The fight against it is conducted with the help of:
    • Acupuncture (the method is especially good for osteochondrosis)
    • Physiotherapy

Treatment during remission
The treatment is aimed at restoring the spine and strengthening the musculoskeletal structures:

Remember that dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine should be treated exactly as a disease, and not as a pain symptom. The diagnosis should establish the mechanism of its occurrence.

With "dorsopathy" you go to the doctor's office, who does not yet know your diagnosis. It's something like radiculitis, but according to international standards.

After the diagnosis, you must leave the room with the exact name of the disease.

: Difference between osteochondrosis and dorsopathy

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Back pain or dorsopathy of the lumbar spine

According to statistics, every fourth person who turns to a neurologist, complains of back pain.

But often people who experience such pains do not come to the doctors, but they hope that the body will cope with the discomfort itself.

In this case, the back, and especially, its lower part withstands the most serious strain on the body. Therefore, almost every person ever experiences different manifestations of dorsopathy in the lumbar spine.

The origin of the term dorsopathy immediately explains its essence. In Latin dorsum - the back, and patia - the disease, respectively,dorsopathy is a disease of the back.

But this disease is not independent, it accompanies the degradation or trauma of the spine.

And the most common cause of vertebrogenic dorsopathy is osteochondrosis, when the degenerative process is exposed vertebrae, ligaments and intervertebral disks, the nerve endings, vessels and muscle.

The degenerative process affects not only the functions of the spine, but also its structure. When the disease in the lumbar region is squeezing intervertebral discs massive bodies of the lumbar vertebrae, which can lead to their displacement.

Initially, when the disc is protruded, the integrity of its external fibrous membrane is not impaired (protrusion of the disc).


But later, the shell breaks, and the inner gelatinous substance flows outward, forming a disk hernia.


In this case, under the pressure and inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves, which leads to the emergence of a strong pain syndrome and disruption of the internal organs.

Who is at risk?

Dorsopathy is a very common pathology. Almost everyone faced sudden pain in the back and waist.

But if in some people such situations occur once or twice in a lifetime, in others, the disease takes a chronic form and can lead to a disability.

Most often the disease manifests itself at the age of 45-50 years. However, in some cases, younger people are also exposed to it. What are thecausessevere back pain? Who is more prone to fear dorsopathy?

  1. People experiencingstatic and dynamic overloadsduring work, including those who are forced to work in uncomfortable positions. This can be as hard work of a digger, work behind a machine, and a long hours of sedentary work.
  2. The cause of aching pain in the lower back can besedentary lifestyle and overweight.
  3. Hereditary diseases, a predisposition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system increases the risk of developing the disease.
  4. Monotonous or meager foodleads to the dystrophy of intervertebral discs, and hence, to dorsopathy.
  5. Combinationhigh humidity with low temperaturealso represents a danger. Those who work in such conditions should pay more attention to their health.
  6. Injuries to the spinein many situations are accompanied by dorsopathy.
  7. Also at risk are people who havebad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse are detrimental to the body. In addition, excessive consumption of spices, pickles, smoked and fried foods produces a similar effect.
  8. Low immunity, frequent colds and general malaise increase the likelihood of dorsopathy.
  9. People sufferinginfectious diseases, tuberculosis and syphilis, the risk of this disease is great.

Symptoms of lumbar dorsopathy

  • The main symptom of dorsopathy is pain in the lumbar region. This may be an acute pain that people say - "tore back" or "lumbago and in medicine it is called "lumbago which is especially pronounced during sharp movements. Or dull pain in the lumbar region, lumbalia accompanying the patient constantly, or arising during walking.
  • Pain is not necessarily manifested in the back and lower back, often people suffering from dorsopathy complain of pain in the legs (lumbo-schiaalgia). Intermittent claudication can also be a symptom of the disease, as the patient tries to distribute the weight so as to relieve the aching leg and get rid of discomfort.
  • Often, dorsopathy does not cause pain, but many patients complain of convulsions. Spasms of the muscles and numbness in the legs can be manifestations of dorsopathy.

The specialist will be able to diagnose dorsopathy already at the primary admission.

During palpation (probing), an experienced doctor will detect muscle tension in the spine.

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If a doctor suspects compression of the sciatic nerve, test the symptom of Lasega. It is possible to carry out a novocain test, when pear-shaped muscle is injected with novocaine, after which the pain can disappear completely.

The standard method of investigation is radiographic examination of the spinal column, however now doctors can prescribe a computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Despite the fact that these diagnostic methods are very effective, they are additional in nature.

In some cases, to determine the degree of nerve damage, a specialist can prescribe electroneuromyography (ENMG).

Treatment of dorsopathy of the lumbar spine

The doctor prescribes treatment after complete diagnosis, depending on the form of the disease.

If the patient consulted a doctorat an early stagedisease, and the diagnosis of dorsopathy was put on time, while the degenerative process was not yet in time significantly affect the spine, the treatment can be carried out without using medication facilities. In this case, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures, therapeutic gymnastics, magnetic and laser therapy, and massage. The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts about a month.

Dorsopathyin acute formcan occur up to 3 weeks.

At this time the patient is prescribed a bed rest (on a special mattress or just a hard surface) and a complete ban on physical activity.


Also often doctors advise wearing a special bandage or corset. In the acute phase, the patient needs to take an antalgic posture (a position where pain becomes minimal).


At this stage, pain relievers are actively used: for pain of low intensity, non-opioid analgesics are suitable, and for severe pains, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With acute pain, warming ointments help. However, only a specialist can prescribe medication. Physiotherapy is not applied at this stage.

Subacutecan last from 3 to 12 weeks. The activity of the patient at this time should be limited.

But doctors, depending on the patient's condition, can prescribe a therapeutic massage, physiotherapy or therapeutic gymnastics. In any case, the load should be increased very slowly and carefully.

If the patient is still experiencing pain, doctors prescribe analgesics.

A full-fledged treatment can be carried out onlyin the chronic phasedorsopathy.

Since only medicamental therapy can not give the maximum effect, to achieve the result, medicinal preparations must necessarily be combined with physical exertion. An ideal set of procedures is selected individually for each patient.

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Operative interventionwith dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine is required in very rare cases. Not more,% of patients need surgery.

This appointment is justified in critical situations (severe pain, when the spinal cord may suffer) or with ineffective conservative treatment. With the timely access to the doctor of a situation in which surgical intervention is necessary, it can be easily avoided.

Separately it is worth noting the effectiveness of traditional methods of treatment in the fight against dorsopathy. Numerous types of rubbish, lotions and compresses based on natural ingredients can be used to relieve pain, but should be combined with the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Dorsopathy is a disease that does not tolerate self-medication. To put the correct diagnosis and, accordingly, to choose the appropriate treatment can only the specialist.


A special set of medicinal and physiotherapeutic procedures is required to restore the normal functioning of organs and tissues.


In order to avoid long-term treatment, it is necessary to closely monitor your body, as well as regularly engage in therapeutic gymnastics and avoid factors that provoke the disease.

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What is dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine, its treatment and diagnosis

It is not uncommon to see the concept of dorsopathy in relation to back pain. But not everyone knows what dorsopathy is.

This term is generalized to include all pain in the back and limbs associated with various diseases of the soft and hard tissues of the spine.

The exception is pain in the back area caused by internal organs.

More often than other species, there is dorsopathy of the lumbar spine. This is due to the fact that this department has the greatest workload. The disease is very common and at least once in life they suffer from each person.

How is the disease manifested?

Pains of varying intensity in the back area, which can be either short-term, or have a fairly long duration.

The patient may experience acute pain or aching, it all depends on the origin of the disease, the degree of its development.

As a rule, pain in the back area disrupts a person's habitual way of life.

It is important to call a doctor in time for an accurate diagnosis. Self-treatment can not produce results or even harm the body.

Only a specialist will be able to pinpoint the disease, prescribe an effective treatment that will soon return normal mobility to your body and allow you to live a full life.

Depending on the place of occurrence of pain, dorsopathy is divided into the following three types:

  1. Dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine is one of the most common.
  2. Dorsopathy of the cervical spine, which often leads to headaches, impaired blood circulation in the upper limbs.
  3. Dorsopathy of the thoracic spine, which occupies the greatest extent, occurs quite often.

What manifestations of the disease form the basis for a doctor's visit?

  1. Pain in the back is permanent, not allowing you to lead a habitual way of life.
  2. The pain occurs briefly during sudden movements, with coughing or sneezing, tilting, and repeatedly repeated.
  3. Violated sensitivity, which is associated with pain in the back, manifests as numbness or "goosebumps."
  4. Weakness in the muscles of the limbs, arms and legs, weight loss of one hand or leg.
  5. The amplitude of the movements is disturbed, the tenderness of the muscles.

If any of the above syndromes occur, a trip to a specialist should not be postponed. Any diseases associated with the spine are dangerous, can lead to irreversible consequences.

Back pain itself is unpleasant, restricting mobility, not allowing you to lead a habitual way of life.


  1. One of the most common causes of dorsopathy is osteochondrosis, which affects many people.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Excessive physical activity.
  4. Excess weight, sometimes to get rid of discomfort in the back enough to normalize the body weight.
  5. Office work, when often have to sit in one position.
  6. Wrong food, which does not provide the body with all the necessary substances, as a result of which there may be a violation in the cartilaginous and bone tissue of the spine.
  7. Hereditary diseases that are transmitted from generation to generation.
  8. Genetic predisposition to certain diseases.
  9. Unfavorable working or living conditions.
  10. Cold and infectious diseases.
  11. Injuries of muscles and spine.

The reasons can be very different. But as a result, diseases and injuries of different nature and having a different severity can be caused.

Preventive measures allow to avoid the disease or reduce the risk of its getting to a minimum. It is easier to prevent the disease than experiencing discomfort, pain, treat it for a long time.


Identify the disease, to appoint an effective treatment is capable only of a specialist.

At the slightest suspicion it is necessary to address in medical institution where on the basis of interrogation of the patient, survey affected areas, blood and urine tests, computed tomography, other studies will be able to deliver accurate diagnosis.

Only on the basis of the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Thanks to modern medical technology, the detection of the disease does not take much time, will allow timely treatment.

Diagnosis of any disease is one of the most important stages, the neglect of which is unacceptable.

The correctness of the diagnosis will largely depend on the outcome of the treatment of the disease.

A competent specialist will never build a treatment on the basis of some assumptions that may turn out to be erroneous.


Treatment with dorsopathy of the lumbar spine of a small severity, usually reduces to preventive measures.

This is therapeutic gymnastics, massage, anesthesia, medication, balanced nutrition, rest for the time of recovery.

It is important to follow the posture, a regular and prolonged presence of the spine in a curved state will lead to adverse effects and can cause many diseases of the back or aggravate existing.


Treatment for dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine of moderate severity except for preventive measures can include physiotherapy, the use of special medications, surgical treatment, effectively acupuncture, manual therapy. Timely detection of the disease allows you to avoid serious complications, accelerate the recovery of the patient.


As a rule, treatment is carried out in conjunction with other measures, such as acupuncture, manual therapy, physiotherapy, massage and preventative measures.

In any case, violations associated with the spine should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. Timely identified disease is easier to treat. It is important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist for a speedy recovery.

Non-lumbar dorsopathy is accompanied by painful sensations. Therefore, for their timely detection, a regular examination is necessary.

This is especially important if you have a genetic predisposition to any diseases.


Pain sensations in the back at the level of the loin are quite often, almost every person knows what it is. Any disease is easier to prevent than treat.

Especially it concerns diseases of a back. Dorsopathy of the lumbar sacral spine and its treatment are more associated with preventive measures.

The methods of prevention are fairly simple and do not require much time and effort.

Regular exercise can strengthen the muscle corset, which significantly reduces the risk of injury in the back area, the development of other diseases associated with the spine.


A well-chosen set of exercises does not take long, but with regular execution will make the back stronger.


It is important to perform the exercises correctly, so that the sport does not harm the back and other parts of the body. Do not forget that excessive physical activity also does not bring health benefits. In all things a measure is necessary.

Swimming is an excellent preventive tool that allows to strengthen the muscles of the back, not creating excessive stress on the spine and not injuring the sacrum.

Proper balanced nutrition will provide the body with all the necessary substances and will not allow the tissue to break down bones and cartilage, in addition, helps to strengthen the spine supporting muscles in conjunction with special exercises.

Maintain optimal weight. Overweight, as well as lack of lead to back disease. With excess weight, an excessive load on the spine is created, with insufficient weight, the muscular corset does not protect the spine from various kinds of injuries and diseases.

Regular massage will improve blood circulation, which will lead to better supply of muscles and other tissues with nutrients, and also help relax tight muscles. For proper development, it is important not only to strain the muscles, but to relax them.

Smooth and beautiful back is the guarantee of health. It is important to always follow your posture. The stronger the muscles supporting the spine, the easier it is to maintain a correct posture.

Work in the office, as a rule, is connected with a sitting position. Long sitting at the desk leads to stagnation of blood, blood circulation is disturbed and the body is not supplied with enough oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, it is important to take breaks or physical training.

Keep your back healthy is not so difficult. Simple preventive measures and regular medical examinations will allow for years to remain in excellent and to lead an active life, and the timely detection of the disease, will quickly take action on its treatment.

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