Full description of the principles of diet for hypertension

The diet for hypertension is the main topic of this article. Who needs to follow the recommendations and why. How much does the change in the eating pattern affect the course of the disease, the data on the main foods of the diet, how long it is necessary to adhere to the diet.

  • Main principles of the diet and their rationale
  • What foods are needed by
  • Important additions and tips to
  • How long to follow the diet, its effectiveness

Change in habitual eating behavior with persistent increase in pressure( depending on age, the average figures of the norm are: 110-140 and 70-90 mm Hg) plays an important role in the course of the disease for several groups of patients:

  1. whose age is more than 65-70 years.
  2. People with overweight and overweight( body mass index from 25 and above).
  3. To those who, in addition to hypertension, suffer from diabetes and( or) coronary heart disease of any form.
  4. Having an increase in the blood levels of cholesterol and low-density fats( signs of a current atherosclerotic vascular wall change).
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Ischemic heart disease is a disease that occurs when the oxygen supply to the heart muscle is insufficient.

If the patient does not fit the criteria, adherence to dietary recommendations is not indicated. In this case, it is important not to change the lifestyle and eating habits that were before the detection of hypertension.

For people who are part of one, and more than more than one of these groups, changing their eating habits is an important stage in the successful treatment of high blood pressure. In these patients, the abuse of a number of products is one of the external risk factors for the aggravation of the disease and the manifestation of its complications.

It is important to remember that dietary restrictions are only one of the elements of a successful correction of hypertension, but not the basic treatment. Adherence to the principles of proper nutrition without medication prescribed by a doctor does not lead to a stable normalization of blood pressure.

In many ways, the reluctance to listen to the advice on changing food is associated with the typical fears of patients associated with the word "diet":

  • a complete rejection of favorite foods;
  • changing the habitual "eating behavior";
  • isolation from other members of the family, the team due to the need for separate cooking or inability to visit public places of food.

All these fears are absolutely unreasonable. Diet in hypertensive disease does not include rigid limits on the consumption of food, widely covers all types of cooking and allows for periodic violations. Such deviations from all recommendations should not be more often 1-2 times a month, but, given the absence of serious limitations, adherence to dietary rules is not very difficult for the patient.

With general principles of dietary changes, in case of detection of a disease, a person is introduced by his district therapist or cardiologist. Less often - a nutritionist, if he is in the state of the polyclinic. In addition to oral rules, the patient receives specially designed brochures containing all the necessary information on the diet. In medical practice, it is called table number 10.

Dietary table number 10.Click on the photo to enlarge

The main principles of the diet and their rationale

The main principles of the diet with high pressure figures and on what they are based are presented in the table.

Principle Justification
Restriction of intake of table salt to 5-6 grams per day Salt changes the balance of sodium ions in the blood plasma, causing excessive fluid flow to the bloodstream, thereby increasing the pressure of

After 70 years, the sensitivity of adrenal cells to sodium ions increases,their high plasma content stimulates the production of an angiotensin enzyme that increases blood pressure

Decreased daily caloric intake to 2000-2500( actual with excess weight) Number of caloriess for each patient - individual indicator. It all depends on the initial weight: the more extra pounds, the fewer calories you need to consume before the normalization of body weight, since overweight is one of the main external risk factors for hypertension
Fractional food with a frequency of 5-6 times a day( an important item for peoplewith a high BMI) When the frequency of food intake increases, its consumption decreases at a time, which accelerates weight loss and suppresses hunger when the daily caloric intake decreases.
Reduces fluid intake to 1.3-1.5 liters per day Excess fluid in the blood plasma raises blood pressure
The ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is: 400-420, 80-100, 50-70 grams respectively This combination of essential nutrient elements is considered optimal for maintaining the body's work

In this case, carbohydrates in the mainweight should be "slow"( not containing glucose), and fats vegetable and animals

Types of food processing: raw, cooked, stewed, baked, steamed Traditional frying requires additional usevegetable or animal fat, and he is the source of excess calories and cholesterol
4 hours before the night sleep All food eaten at a later date will be processed by the body "in reserve" in the form of fat cells, since there is already no significant energy expenditure
Also, low-density cholesterol( CRF, "bad cholesterol") and high( "good") density should be distinguished. High-density cholesterol is useful for the body and removes low-density cholesterol particles from the body.

What foods need

A diet for hypertensors allows you to consume any food, but a number of them refer to the "restricted" column. This means inclusion in the diet is not more than one, at most twice a week and in a reasonable amount, without overeating. These recommendations for foodstuffs apply to all groups of patients who are shown a change in diet.

Product Can be within the daily amount of calories and the ratio of the basic elements of Can with restriction
Flour Products Stale or "yesterday" from wheat and rye flour, crackers, unsweetened biscuits All kinds of baking and baking, especially with cream
Meatincluding birds) Any varieties, including game, but with the removal of fat layers By-products( internal organs of animals and birds), fat
Fish, seafood Low-fat( white) species Fatty( red) species

Rakobrasd, shellfish, shrimp

Soups All on vegetable and nonfat broth "Navaristye", fat broth

Soups with cream, cheese

Fruits Any Bananas, grapes, mango
Vegetables, greens Any Sorrel, spinach, radish
Dairy products Skimmed and fermented milk With high fat content: cream, sour cream, cheeses, oil
Sweets Any on sweeteners, pastille, jam, marshmallow, jam, honey, marmalade Chocolate and its derivatives, sweets
Groats chow, rice, corn, millet, oatmeal Munk, pearl barley
Beans Green peas Beans, peas, beans
Pastes Hard wheat varieties Vermicelli
Drinks Unsweetened compotes, fruit drinks, decoctions, kissels, homemade juices and lemonades, Tomato juice

Hard black, green or herbal tea

Strong green or black tea, cocoa, any kinds of coffee, industrial juices and lemonades, soda, kvass

There are individual limitations for a number of products:

Product Its quantity and frequencyof consumption
Alcohol A glass of dry red wine or 50 ml of cognac and / or vodka once a day
Nuts 100-150 g per week
Eggs One egg not more than 2 times in 7-10 days
Vegetable oils Up to 30ml per day
Animals oils Up to 20 g per day
Fatty sauces and dressings 20-50 g per week
Marinades, smoked foods, pickles 100-150 g once a month with good correction of pressure digits
Mushrooms 150-200g in two weeks

Important supplements and tips

The diet for hypertension hasflexible framework for basic foods and their use. Provided that the level of blood pressure is stabilized within a month, it is permissible to include in the menu products from the "restricted" column more often than the specified number of times( excluding coffee and strong tea).

In the case of infrequent violations( exceeding the daily amount of calories or volumes) no significant effects are present. Rarely - it means no more than once in 1,5-2 months.

The most "cholesterol" types of food, the use of which is permissible only with normal and moderately elevated levels of cholesterol and low-density lipids:

  • Seafood: crayfish, shellfish, crab, shrimp;
  • Byproducts: brain, liver, lungs, kidneys;
  • Fish Caviar;
  • Hard cheeses;
  • Animal fats: cream and ghee, lard, margarine.
Foods that are not recommended for hypertension due to the high number of "harmful" cholesterol

Some common diet tips:

  1. Do not abuse meat products and game: it is recommended to reduce their use in the diet to 3-4 times a week.
  2. It is better to alternate days with the consumption of vegetables and dairy products with the days when there is meat in the diet.
  3. For small snacks, dried fruits are ideal, especially - dried apricots, rich in potassium, or fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. Instead of sour cream and cream, use nonfat yogurt - this will not only reduce the daily amount of calories, but also save excess fat, which is important not only because of excess weight, but also to reduce the level of "bad" lipids in the blood.
  5. For frying, you need to take quality dishes with non-stick coating, use only vegetable oils.
  6. From seasonings recommended: dill, coriander, cumin, onion, garlic, pepper, dry sea kale.
  7. To improve the habituation to "unsalted" food, you can increase the amount of seasonings to it.
  8. If possible, use only "slow" carbohydrates that do not contain glucose( cereals, pasta, vegetables).
  9. Include in the diet products with "fast" carbohydrates( flour, sweet) in the morning.
  10. Do not exceed the amount of alcohol specified in the recommendations per day.
  11. Separate by day the use of products from the column "with restriction".
  12. Eat a variety of fresh vegetables every day.
  13. Do not abuse industrial sugar substitutes - with prolonged intake cause damage to the intestinal mucosa. It is better to use honey.

How long to maintain a diet, its effectiveness

According to medical recommendations, a diet for hypertension should be observed for life, as a persistent increase in blood pressure is a chronic disease that can not be completely cured. With well-chosen therapy, the indicators stabilize, but this is not a reason to refuse proper nutrition - this will have a negative effect on the clinical manifestations of the disease.

In patients at risk, listed at the beginning of the article, while observing the recommended eating behavior, there is a significant improvement in pressure indices. Especially it concerns the use of salt: the exclusion from food of 5 g per day leads to a decrease in pressure by 5 mm.gt;Art.

Normalization of weight and "atherosclerotic indices" of blood( cholesterol, fats or lipids) in some cases leads to a significant reduction in the dose of medications for correction of pressure, and an increase in the elasticity of the vascular wall - to reduce the risk of fatal complications of the disease( blood flow in the brain and heart).