Activated charcoal in case of constipation

  • Principle of activated charcoal
  • Recommendations for admission
  • Contraindications to use
  • Possible side effects
  • Taking the drug during pregnancy
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Activated charcoal for constipation will be effective only if a violation of the quality of the stool has a functionalcharacter. Sorbent is widely used after food and toxic poisoning.

Principle of activated carbon

Activated carbon contains components of organic origin only, with high adsorbing properties. After entering the intestine, it "grabs" bacteria, toxic components that cause a violation of the natural process of defecation.

It is recommended to use the product for constipation caused by the following conditions and diseases:

  • development of fermentation processes in the intestinal tract due to impaired digestion;
  • increased gas production;
  • bloating;
  • chronic form of pancreatitis;
  • • Astrites and the initial stage of peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum.
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The drug will be effective for constipation of allergic origin, as well as due to drug and alcohol intoxication. Activated charcoal can be used to eliminate constipation caused by liver diseases and accompanied by a violation of its cleansing function.

Recommendations for the reception of

Activated charcoal well helps with constipation and bloating. But before the reception of the drug, it is advisable to consult with the attending physician, since it is necessary to take into account the existing contraindications. To get the maximum effect from using the drug, take it 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after a meal, washing down with plenty of clean water.

Without prescribing a doctor, you can take no more than three days.

The duration of the intake is no more than three days. Adults need to drink tablets no more than 4 times a day, in childhood - no more than 3 times a day. The dosage of the drug depends on the duration of the constipation. With a mild form, the patient is allowed to take 2 tablets twice a day.

If defecation is absent for more than 48 hours, then you need to drink 3 tablets every four hours. If the constipation is caused by poisoning, the dosage of the drug is calculated individually and depends on the weight of the patient: 1 tablet is taken for every 10 kg. Take the drug every 4-5 hours.

Contraindications to use

Contraindications to use are few. These are:

  • drug intolerance;
  • ulcerative abnormalities of the stomach and duodenum intake of the adsorbent can cause deterioration of the condition;
  • atony( lazy intestine) and gastrointestinal obstruction;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

It should be remembered that between reception of activated carbon and any medicine should pass at least 2 hours. Otherwise, the drug will be absorbed by coal and withdrawn in a natural way.

When treating with activated charcoal, the existing contraindications

must be taken into account. Treatment with adsorbent should be abandoned if conditions of constipation are accompanied by the following symptoms: head and intestinal pain, skin discoloration, fever, nausea, vomiting. Such symptoms indicate a serious health problem.

Possible side effects of

Candles of constipation with glycerin

The drug is considered safe, but in some cases, the development of side effects is not excluded. These include:

  • digestive disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • decrease in blood pressure indicators, but in some cases, its sharp jump is possible;
  • decrease in the level of potassium ions in the blood;
  • constipation enhancement.
The adsorbent will not produce the proper result if the stool is fixed due to problems with the motor function of the intestinal tract.

Taking the drug during pregnancy

Constipation during child bearing is caused by a decrease in the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. Pregnant uterus compresses the intestines, making it difficult to move away from the stool. Activated charcoal during pregnancy can be drunk without fear, because the product does not enter the total blood flow. The medicine is withdrawn naturally.

It must be remembered that activated carbon is an excellent adsorbent. But it can not be called a laxative. It, only, can be used in the complex therapy of prolonged constipation. It is recommended to take the medicine with mild forms of stool delay. To speed up the result of taking the product, it is necessary to include in the menu sour-milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Before starting the application of the adsorbent it is necessary to consult the treating doctor

In addition to the classic activated carbon, there is also a white version. It is more effective, but completely contraindicated in childhood and during gestation. Activated carbon is used to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, providing a high-quality withdrawal of toxic components and other toxic components.

This to some extent solves the problem of constipation. But the drug should be used as part of complex therapy. Admission of the adsorbent as an independent agent can only worsen the current state. That's why before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor.

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