Vitamins for pancreatitis

Contents of
  • How does the lack of vitamins affect the body?
  • What vitamins are needed for pancreatitis
  • How to take
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The pancreas synthesizes enzymes that are responsible for the digestive function. With pancreatitis, the body undergoes an inflammatory necrotic process due to the action of the activated secret.

Substances that trigger the autolysis process are synthesized by the action of hormones released during meals. When using heavy, fatty, spicy, sour, sweet foods, enzymes are produced more, so therapy is based on the exclusion of many foods, including fruits, from the diet.

In acute pancreatitis( or exacerbation of chronic), patients are recommended to fast for 3-5 days. Since a person should adhere to a strict diet for 2-3 more months after the symptoms subsided, and the process of absorption of nutrients in the intestine is broken, the question arises as to how to replenish cells with important compounds. Vitamins in pancreatitis are part of complex therapy.

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How affects the body's lack of vitamins

Vitamin use in chronic pancreatitis is necessary. Due to the lack of enzymes, the digestive process is disrupted, as a result of which the necessary substances coming in with food are poorly absorbed, which leads to a deterioration of the pancreas and an increase in enzyme deficiency.

The lack of vitamins affects not only the digestive system and overloads the pancreas, but also changes the work of all organs and tissues. Vitamins are needed for the body, because they ensure the flow of biochemical processes. They participate in hematopoiesis, support the work of the central nervous system, cardiovascular, digestive, immune system.

They are necessary for the formation of enzymes, hormones. Ensure the body's resistance to the effects of toxins and radionuclides. If there are not enough vitamins in the body, they talk about hypovitaminosis, and in case of acute shortage, vitamin aviataminosis is diagnosed.

Hypovitaminosis develops slowly. First there is irritability, fatigue, decreased appetite, sleep disorders, and attention gets worse. If the lack of a vitamin is long, then there are violations not only from the side of the central nervous system, all organs and tissues( skin, mucous, muscular, bone) suffer, immunity decreases.

Vitamin deficiency affects intellectual and physical abilities, on the reproductive and sexual functions of

Avitaminosis develops with a sparse diet, and also if the compounds are not absorbed by the body. The disease can be manifested by gingivitis, decreased appetite, dry skin, cracked lips, frequent colds, decreased efficiency, impaired thinking, impaired vision, recurrence of chronic diseases.

Vitamins are fat-soluble( A, E, D, K) and water-soluble( group B and ascorbic acid).Fat-soluble accumulates to the lipocytes and liver, and as fat burns, they enter the bloodstream. Water-soluble are not deposited and if there is an excess of them, they are eliminated from the body. This explains the hypervitaminosis of fat-soluble vitamins and hypovitaminosis water-soluble.

What vitamins are needed for pancreatitis

When pancreatitis in the body is an inflammatory process, immunity is reduced, a person adhere to dietary intake, is forced to take medicine. That is why it is important to replenish the supply of vitamins daily. The most simple way to take complexes that contain a daily dose of the desired vitamin.

Vitamins of group B

In diseases of the digestive system, there is often a shortage of vitamin B group. These compounds provide a variety of biological and physiological processes:

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  • B1 ( thiamine).Accelerates metabolism. Helps to excite the synapse. Has antioxidant activity. It is found in the following products: oatmeal, rice, wheat, yeast, beans, cabbage, potatoes, pork liver, beef, veal, milk;
  • B2 ( riboflavin).It improves metabolism, provides the synthesis of erythropoietin and hemoglobin. There are in buckwheat, oatmeal, spinach, fish, cabbage, meat, beans, milk;
  • B3 ( nicotinic acid or PP).Stops the development of atherosclerosis, dilates the vessels. Regulates the oxidation-reduction processes. It gives the skin a healthy appearance and reduces pain, has a sedative effect. The source of the connection is tomatoes, peppers, nuts, beans, meat, mushrooms, liver, fish, heart. Nicotinic acid is synthesized by bacteria of the large intestine;
  • B6 ( pyridoxine).Helps in the exchange of amino acids and lipids, promotes the normal operation of the nervous system. It is found in buckwheat, potatoes, yeast, yolk, meat, milk, beans, fish, cereals;
  • B9 ( folic acid).Indispensable in hematopoiesis, promotes the formation of erythrocytes, activates cobalamin. It is necessary for the synthesis of DNA, protein. Supports digestion. If there is a defect, anemia occurs. Vitamin is present in legumes, citrus fruits, nuts, pumpkin, beets, dates, dairy products, eggs. It can also be synthesized in the large intestine;
  • B12 ( cyanocobalamin).It has anti-anemic properties. It plays a significant role in hemopoiesis, has an effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, participates in protein metabolism, does not allow the hepatocyte to be filled with fats. Contained in cheese, yolks, liver, meat, seafood, sea fish.

Group B vitamins are important for normal digestion, since they contribute to the digestion of food components.

Group B vitamins are coenzymes, as they are embedded in the digestive enzyme, and thus contribute to the normalization of digestion. For example, thiamine provides a molecule for the synthesis of amylase, an enzyme necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates. Nicotinic acid promotes the formation of amylase, lipase and trypsin, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

Thus, B vitamins are necessary for the restoration of the pancreas, so when pancreatitis they are used as one of the components of complex therapy. In addition, they lower the amount of cholesterol and improve blood circulation, which helps in normalizing the pancreas and reducing the pain syndrome.

Vitamin A, E, C

When pancreatitis is often impaired, absorption of vitamin A and E, as well as ascorbic acid. They must be taken with pancreatic diseases, because they are antioxidants, they have a restorative effect, significantly relieve pain, eliminate dyspeptic disorders.

Their lack leads to the formation of gallstones, and since the bile ducts and pancreatic ducts unite before they enter the small intestine, organ diseases are also interrelated.

Vitamin C. Important for oxidation and reduction, carbohydrate cleavage. Affects the synthesis of collagen, adrenaline and norepinephrine, steroid hormones. Promotes absorption of iron, metabolism of cholesterol and hormones of the adrenal cortex.

Helps in the fight against toxins, supports the protective function of the body. The substance comes only with food. It is found in berries of dog rose, cabbage, spinach, citrus, sweet pepper, parsley, onions, there is a little in meat and liver.

Vitamin A( retinol).Promotes the formation of visual pigment. Participates in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. Accompanying oxidation-reduction processes. Accelerates regeneration. It is necessary for protein synthesis, lipid metabolism, immune defense of the body. Is in butter, fish oil, yolk.

With acute pancreatitis, cholecystitis or gastritis, it is not recommended to take vitamin complexes, because they can aggravate the situation of

Vitamin E( tocopherol).Positively affects the shells of red blood cells, myocardium, skeletal muscles. It inhibits the oxidation of lipids, prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens blood vessels, affects blood factors and sexual function.

Has antioxidant effect, slows down aging, improves trophism of cells. It is necessary to maintain the protective function of the body. Contained in nuts, green leafy vegetables, seeds, beef liver.

How to take

To strengthen the body you can drink both complex preparations and a separate species. If you exceed the required amount of tocopherol and retinol, they can lead to an exacerbation of pancreatitis. Therefore, their reception should be controlled by a doctor.

For chronic inflammation of the pancreas, it is recommended to take the following vitamin complexes:

  • Vitrum;
  • Centrum;
  • Vitacom;
  • Supradin;
  • Duovit;
  • Coplivite;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Multitabs.

Group B vitamins are administered intravenously or intramuscularly after aggravation subsides. Drugs should be taken separately, since they act as inhibitors. But tocopherol and retinol, on the contrary, it is better to take together, because they do not oxidize in the intestine. Most often they are taken during meals.

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Pancreatitis often occurs as a complication of calculous cholecystitis. Insufficient amount of vitamins C and E coming with food is considered one of the reasons for the formation of the calculus. B group vitamins affect the sphincter of Oddi and normalize the contraction of the gallbladder, so when cholecystitis is prescribed the same complex of vitamins as in pancreatitis.

What vitamins can and should be taken to a patient with pancreatitis, the attending physician will decide, based on the results of a biochemical blood test, the duration and severity of the course of the disease. Dosage should also be prescribed by a specialist taking into account the age of the patient, since in the old age the absorption of vitamins deteriorates.