Correctly treat pancreatitis with herbs

The emergence of problems with the pancreas is constantly accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, disturbances in the digestive system, deterioration in the quality of insulin production. With pancreatitis, all these problems are accompanied by a decrease in the person's ability to work, he does not have enough energy. Manifestations of the problem make themselves felt always, but it is most unpleasant to get rid of them during the period of exacerbation of the disease. Treatment of pancreatitis with herbs has gained popularity several years ago. The problem can not be solved only in this way, but serves as an addition to the medication treatment. As an additional way to restore and normalize the vital processes of the body, phytotherapy is used.

  • When there is pancreatitis, and what are its consequences
  • Treatment with herbs and dues, which are suitable for reactive, chronic and acute pancreatitis
  • What herbs help to get rid of jet pancreatitis
  • Medicinal herbs for chronic pancreatitis
  • Herbs against acute pancreatitis
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When there is pancreatitis, and what are its consequences

Subsequently, excessive use of alcohol, strong physical exertion and trauma, malfunction of the biliary tract, a number of other problems, pancreatitis occurs. The disease is formed in such cases:

  • a person has many bad habits;
  • because of the abuse of food from harmful food;
  • there is no balanced mode of the day;
  • there is no clear meal schedule;
  • there are congenital problems with the pancreas;
  • on the background of severe psychological trauma;
  • due to abdominal injuries and permanent, excessive physical exertion.

The problem often leads to the onset of diabetes, significantly worsening the quality of digestive organs, which entails other inconveniences.

Note!If you leave pancreatitis without treatment, it can lead to the appearance of malignant formations, on the digestive organs. The first signs of the disease are a weighty reason for contacting a specialist.

Important!How to eat properly with pancreatic pancreatitis can be found here.

Treatment with herbs and dues, which are suitable for reactive, chronic and acute pancreatitis

Doctors noted that treating pancreatitis with herbs at home helps to achieve the desired result faster. Before using infusions, teas from a particular plant, it is worth checking the following data:

  • whether the expiration date of the medicinal raw material has not expired;
  • what side effects does it have?
  • whether the individual patient has an individual intolerance to the plant or one of the collection components;
  • whether it is possible to use a medicinal plant for patients of a specific age.

The best recipe for all categories of people will not be chosen, but together with the attending physician, the patient will be able to choose the option that will suit him.

Important!What should I do if I have an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis? The answer can be found in our article.

What herbs help to get rid of jet pancreatitis

This form of the disease occurs more often than acute pancreatitis, but less often chronic. With its presence, the patient does not feel strong uncomfortable changes in his body, but he already suspects the presence of the problem.

Note!All the herbs that the patient intends to use should be used in clear dosages. Only in this way will a person achieve relief, and not exacerbate the situation even more.

Important!More details about reactive pancreatitis we already wrote.

Decoction from the herbal collection

With this form of pancreatitis, it helps to decoct the herbal collection, which includes the following components used in equal parts:

  1. St. John's Wort.
  2. Peppermint.
  3. Motherwort.

To prepare the broth, a person should use 2 tablespoons of herbal mixture. Raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water, insist 40 minutes, filter through gauze. These herbs for the pancreas in the treatment of pancreatitis are taken 3 times a day before meals. Dosage is ¾ cup or about 70 ml.

Important!Learn more about the rapid treatment of pancreatitis at home.

Fee for a half-month course of treatment

Herbal medicine is present in the pharmacy, is on sale. To prepare the collection yourself it is necessary to take;

  • rhizome of elecampane - 2 parts;
  • Valerian roots - 3 parts;
  • fennel seeds - 1 part;
  • inflorescence of violets - 1 part.

A tablespoon of the collection is filled with a glass of boiled water. It is necessary to heat the broth in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, let it infuse for another 15 minutes. Dosage - 15 ml per day before meals.

Note!If you are treated with herbs in the absence of a gallbladder, a person must exclude all plants that have a choleretic effect. Such patients should be collected individually, by an experienced specialist.

Red elderberry from pancreatitis

To prepare the infusion, a person needs to perform a number of such processes:

  • A tablespoon of the inflorescence of the medicinal plant should be placed in glass or enameled utensils;
  • add a glass of boiled water to the tank;
  • Insist for two minutes;
  • filter, place in the refrigerator.

The use of the drug is made three times a day between meals. Each time you should drink 70 ml of the drug. This is one of the most effective ways of treating people's remedies.

Important!Find out what pancreatitis is and how dangerous it is here.

Medicinal herbs for chronic pancreatitis

It is difficult to get rid of this disease. To solve the problem, a long-term, complex treatment is required. Chronic pancreatitis slowly kills the gastrointestinal tract, is the cause of diabetes. Treatment with herbs helps to soften the effect of medications, strengthen their action.

Collection of herbs, designed to eliminate the chronic form of the disease

To collect, to eliminate the problem of a chronic nature was productive, it should consist of such components:

  1. Yarrow - 1.5 parts.
  2. Swamp marsh - 1 part.
  3. Calendula - 1 part.
  4. Peppermint - 2 parts.

For 400 ml of boiling water, 2 spoons are used. The broth is heated for 15 minutes in a water bath, insisted for the same time. The drink should be filtered, divided into 2 equal parts. Take half an hour before breakfast and lunch for one month.

Attention!Before applying this herbal remedy, the patient should consult his doctor. He will give more detailed advice on the proper use of medicinal herbs.

Important!Treatment of pancreatitis should be handled by a specialist. Which doctor treats the inflammation of the pancreas, see here.

Herbs against acute pancreatitis

If a person has an idea, what herbs will help in the treatment of pancreatitis, he should use them in the right way. Before treating acute pancreatitis, you should consult a doctor. If a health worker permits the use of herbs, a person can use the following recipe.

Important!What to do if you have pancreatitis at home? The answer is here.

Decoction from the herbal collection

To prepare a healing drink, a person should take the following herbs in such proportions:

  1. Immortelle - 7 tbsp. l.
  2. Nettle and daisy grass - 2 tbsp each. l.
  3. Leaves of blueberry - 4 tbsp. l.
  4. Chicory root - 4 tbsp. l.
  5. St. John's Wort - 3 tbsp. l.
  6. Tansy - 3 tbsp. l.
  7. Flax seeds - 2 tbsp. l.
  8. Roots of buckthorn and shepherd's bag - 2 tbsp each. l.
  9. Peppermint - 1 tbsp. l.

For half a liter of water, you need to add 2 spoons of the collection. Insist the broth in the thermos all night. Divide into 3 parts, take half an hour before meals in a warm form. The course of treatment is not more than a month. If a person needs a collection without choleretic herbs, he should seek the help of a pharmacist who can complete it. Effective treatment of herbal collections should be performed under medical supervision.

Important!It is interesting to learn how to treat pancreatitis with medications? read in our article.

It is easy to treat pancreatitis with herbs available in the pharmacy that are designed to eliminate pancreatitis. But this is not an occasion to engage in self-medication, because it can worsen a patient's condition.