Whether a disability is given after a heart attack, which group

From this article you will learn: with myocardial infarction disability is given or not, what factors are taken into account when assessing disability.

Content of the article:

  • Temporary disability after infarction
  • Disability after
  • List of occupations contraindicated for patients who have had a heart attack

Myocardial infarction( MI) is a life-threatening disease that can cause partial or complete disability and needassignment of the disability group.

Is disability given to people who have undergone this condition? Contrary to popular belief, it after a heart attack is not appropriated to all patients. This is influenced by the following factors:

  • The nature of the infarction.
  • Presence of complications.
  • The severity of heart failure developed after myocardial infarction.
  • Conducting surgical treatment of the disease.
  • Efficiency of treatment of the patient.
  • Occupation of the patient, his working conditions.

Patients who did not have a heart attack did not lead to complications and heart failure, with a preserved contractility of the heart and a profession without any harmful conditions, the disability group may not be assigned.

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The disability group after the transferred heart attack is assigned by the medical and social expert commission, consisting of a sufficiently large number of physicians of various specialties.

Temporary disability after a heart attack

After a heart attack, a person is temporarily disable with the issuance of a sick leave sheet. Its duration depends on the type of infarction:

  • In uncomplicated without a pathological Q wave( small-focal MI) - 60-80 days.
  • With complicated without a pathological tooth Q - 3-3,5 months.
  • With MI with abnormal tooth Q - 4-5 months.
ECG with pathological tooth Q

For the period of temporary disability is also influenced by the surgical treatment of myocardial infarction and its success. A disability sheet lasting more than 4 months without referral to medical and social expertise is given to patients with favorable labor and clinical prognosis who managed to achieve complete restoration of myocardial blood supply, no heart failure or minimal heart failure. In patients with unclear prognosis, temporary disability should not last longer than 4 months, after which the patient should be sent for medical examination to assign a disability group.

Disability after MI

Disability after infarction is assigned to a patient by a medical and social expert commission consisting of several doctors of various specialties. Her group is determined mainly by the degree of disruption of the functioning of the heart, the severity of heart failure. Also take into account the conduct of surgical intervention and the effectiveness of treatment.

Assignment of the third group

It is assigned to patients with limitations to work, movement and self-service. This group is established after MI without an abnormal Q wave or with a pathological Q wave, provided there are no serious complications with a heart failure of Stage I or IIA.Important criteria in assigning the third group are also:

  1. The development of temporary atrioventricular blockade in the acute period of myocardial infarction.
  2. Conducting effective rehabilitation.
  3. Moderate decrease in physical activity tolerance.
  4. Moderate expansion of the heart chambers according to echocardiography.
  5. Ejection fraction reduction is below 45%.

Patients who received a third group of disabilities need to restrict work in their profession. If the work is associated with intensive physical exertion, improper climatic conditions, these people are contraindicated. Also, patients need to limit the work of the household.

Assignment of the second disability group

The second group is assigned with more pronounced restrictions to the performance of work, movement and self-service. It is established after an infarction with an abnormal Q tooth with the development of serious complications and heart failure of stage 2B.Other criteria for assigning 2nd group of disability to patients who underwent myocardial infarction:

  • Constant atrioventricular block of 2-3 degrees, requiring implantation of a pacemaker.
  • A marked decrease in the tolerance of physical exertion.
  • Significant expansion of the heart chambers according to echocardiography.
  • The emission fraction is below 35%.
  • Presence of an aneurysm of the heart.

Patients with 2nd disability group received after MI slowly move, stop when climbing stairs, can not stay outdoors in cold and damp weather. They are forced to severely restrict work around the house, for their daily activities they sometimes require the help of others.

Assignment of the first group

The first group of disability is assigned to patients who have practically lost their ability to work, move and self-service, who need constant extraneous care. It is established for people with a heart attack after having heart failure in 3 stages.

List of occupations that are contraindicated for patients who have had a heart attack

Regardless of the type of heart attack, complications and degree of heart failure, the following occupations are contraindicated for patients after this disease:

  • Work with electrical equipment.
  • Occupations in which there is a potential risk to outsiders( for example, public transport drivers, airport controllers).
  • Professions characterized by long walking or staying away from populated areas.
  • Working with an unfavorable climate, including activities at high and low temperatures, high humidity.
  • Work lasting more than 8 hours.
  • High-altitude work.
  • Occupations associated with toxins or poisons.
  • Work in aviation.
  • Work on the night shift.

Patients who underwent MI, who belong to one of these professions, should be sent for medical and social expertise, regardless of the severity of the defeat of the heart.