Pain in the abdomen at 32 weeks gestation

  • Appendicitis
  • Colitis
  • Proctitis
  • Enteritis
  • Sigmoiditis
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The reasons for why at the 32nd week of pregnancy the lower abdomen hurts is quite a lot. In particular, at this gestation period the risk of its spontaneous interruption is low, but, nevertheless, it is not excluded. And then, in addition to drawing pains in the lower abdomen, a woman has bloody discharge.

The treatment is aimed at preserving the child. Used drugs from the category of antispasmodics, hormonal drugs and must be assigned bed rest.

The second most dangerous cause is premature placental abruption. It is characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen and the development of massive bleeding. This indicates the rejection of a child's place in the lower segment. When diagnosing the condition, emergency delivery by caesarean section is recommended.

But the pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are manifested and various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be:

  • appendicitis;
  • colitis;
  • proctitis;
  • enteritis;
  • sigmoiditis.
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The thirty-second gestational week is dangerous for the development of appendicitis, but according to statistics, acute inflammation of the appendix occurs in no more than 0.5-4% of all pregnant women.

The cause of pathology is most often the effect of estrogens on the lymphatic tissues of the appendix. The mechanical theory, in particular, the irritation of the appendage of the caecum, increased in size of the uterus or its inflection, which provoked a violation of the local circulation, is not excluded.

Abdominal pain
Acute appendicitis in late pregnancy is relatively rare

The clinical picture of the condition is described by the following symptoms:

  • There is a sudden pain in the lower abdomen. Can be felt as a cutting, paroxysmal or in the form of colic. It spreads to the right hypochondrium. Soreness can be insignificant. Strengthens in the prone position on the right side;
  • There is an increase in body temperature to subfebrile indicators - 37.1... 38.0 ° C;
  • Vomiting and nausea are recorded in rare cases;
  • During the examination and probing of the abdomen, the woman experiences soreness in his right side.

Typical symptoms that indicate the development of acute appendicitis in pregnant women are:

  • a symptom of Brando. A woman feels pain in the right side of the abdomen when she is palpating the pregnant uterus on the left;
  • symptom of Taranenko. Increased soreness in the prone position on the right side;
  • a symptom of Ivanov. During palpation of the cecum, tenderness is noted in the navel, as well as up and down. The left iliac region is captured;
  • a symptom of Taranenko-Bogdanova. In the prone position on the left side pains weaken.
Treatment of the disease is possible only surgically. The delay of the operation is possible for no more than 2 hours.

Operative intervention is carried out in two ways. The first is classical appendectomy under general anesthesia. As anesthetics, ventilation and muscle relaxants are used. The second -
laparoscopy. More preferable at this gestational period is the manipulation.

Premature termination of pregnancy with the development of acute appendicitis occurs in 4-6% of all the cases that occurred. The cause may be postoperative infection, development of fever, psychoemotional overexertion, high intrauterine pressure and uterine trauma.

The highest risk of miscarriage occurs in the second, third and seventh postoperative days. For this reason, a woman is recommended bed rest for a week and wearing a bandage. In the absence of threat of termination of pregnancy, the sutures are removed on the 10th - 12th day after surgery. The statement is made after 2 weeks.


During pregnancy, the cause of the development of colitis - inflammation of the mucosa of the large intestine - can become even a mild form of intestinal infection, because due to a decrease in immune defense the body of a woman is maximally vulnerable.

Symptoms of colitis can be:

  • aching pains in the navel, in the lower abdomen, extending to the iliac region and intensifying with walking, before and after the release of the intestine;
  • change of stool. The number of defecations increases to four to ten times a day. The stool is liquid / semi-liquid green and disgusting, can contain mucus, blood;
  • it is not ruled out that the body temperature rises.
Sowing on the microflora
To provoke the development of colitis can even mild intestinal infection

In order to confirm the colitis, a woman is assigned a general blood test and a detailed study of stool. Endoscopy can also be recommended. X-rays are prohibited.

In the absence of an adequate state of patient therapy, acute colitis can be transformed into a ulcerative form. And even become the cause of the formation of Crohn's disease - a heavily flowing pathology that affects the gastrointestinal tract throughout its entire length, starting with the oral cavity and ending with the rectum.

Drug treatment is selected by a specialist, based on the data obtained from the analysis. The following may be appointed for admission:

  • preparations from the category of antibiotics;
  • adsorbing agents;
  • enveloping mucous GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT medicines;
  • probiotics necessary to eliminate dysbiosis;
  • antispasmodics (used to relieve pain).

An obligatory point of treatment is the observance of the principles of dietary nutrition. Colitis shows table number 4. It completely excludes:

  • white cabbage, fresh pastries, sweets, etc., that is, all products that enhance the processes of fermentation and gas formation;
  • fried / smoked / spicy dishes;
  • fatty broths;
  • conservation.
The food should be wiped and warm. Food is divided up to 7 times a day in small portions.


The development of rectal inflammation in pregnant women - proctitis - contributes to a significant weakening of the immune defense and the presence of one of the disease-provoking factors. These are infections of the gastrointestinal tract of a viral origin, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, provoked by bacteria, parasitic infections, pathologies from the STD category, as well as trauma to the intestinal mucosa.

The cause of proctitis development may become an improperly formulated diet

The risk group for the development of pathology of pregnant women is included for several reasons:

  • frequent constipation caused by physiological causes;
  • squeezing of the intestine increasing in size by the uterus.

Symptomatic proctitis is as follows:

  • pains in the lower abdomen, giving to the rectum, loins and crotch;
  • deterioration of general well-being;
  • weakness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • excretion of mucus from the rectum with impurities of blood;
  • difficulties with defecation.

When the first signs of inflammation appear, a woman is recommended to get a qualified medical consultation. Diagnosis of the disease involves rectal examination of the rectum, carrying out rectoscopy, coprograms, endoscopy. It is also necessary to make bakposev feces on the eggs of worms, taking a biopsy for further study.

Treatment involves a diet that excludes spicy, spicy and fatty foods. It becomes the cause of additional irritation of the inflamed mucous GIT. It is also necessary to abandon fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as sweets.

Medicines are prescribed by a doctor. When diagnosing ulcerative proctitis, a woman is hospitalized. Surgical treatment is prescribed in case of complication of pathology with paraproctitis, narrowing of rectum lumen, etc.


The cause of the development of acute form of enteritis - inflammation of the small intestine - during pregnancy become:

  • infection of the gastrointestinal tract of a viral or bacterial origin;
  • intestinal intoxication;
  • increased content of a woman's heavy food;
  • an allergic reaction to food or medicine.
In some cases, enteritis can provoke helminths

The clinical picture of the pathology is represented by severe diarrhea, increased gas production, cramping pain in the umbilical region. Complaints of the patient are manifested by a decrease in blood pressure, the formation of a white coating on the surface of the tongue, the appearance of tooth marks along the edges. At a palpation of a cecum a noise and splash is heard (an attribute of an enteritis on Obraztsov). Symptom is especially worse in the evening.

Diagnosis of enteritis includes examination and palpation of the abdomen. This allows you to establish a preliminary diagnosis. The doctor appoints a coprogram, conducts absorption tests to identify malabsorption syndrome, bacteriological analysis of stool (necessary to detect dysbiosis or intestinal infection) and blood biochemistry.

In exceptional cases, endoscopy of the small intestine can be administered with a biopsy specimen (live tissue for later examination). Treatment of pathology depends on the severity of its course. With a mild and moderate form, a woman will be shown to follow a diet - pregnancy persists.

In severe cases, internal bleeding, necrosis of certain segments of the intestinal tract, ulceration and perforation (perforation) are possible. Under similar circumstances, the preservation of the fetus is impossible.

Acute severe leaking form of enteritis is treated in a hospital. The scheme of drug therapy is individual in each case.


Sigmoiditis is an inflammatory process that seizes the sigmoid part of the colon. The cause of inflammation is functional bowel failure, dysbiosis or malnutrition. All this is the cause of stagnation of feces, which leads to pathology.

Abdominal pain
Inflammation of sigma is the most frequently diagnosed gastrointestinal disease, during pregnancy sigmoiditis can form as a result of active squeezing of the pregnant intestine

There are several types of sigmoiditis. It:

  • catarrhal;
  • erosive;
  • ulcerative.

Sign of the development of sigmoiditis is pain in the abdomen. The main localization is its left side. Quite often inflammation of the sigmoid colon is confused with a woman with lumbar osteochondrosis, since pain can spread to the lumbar region and be given to the left leg.

Relatively rare soreness can be felt on the right side of the abdomen, which is explained by increased mobility of the sigmoid colon. A typical sign of sigmoiditis is the painful urge to defecate. In this case, the stool is almost completely absent. After emptying the intestine, the patient does not experience any relief.

Treatment of the disease begins with a strict diet. As with all pathologies of the intestinal tract, a woman is assigned table number 4.

Medicamental treatment involves the appointment of the following groups of drugs:

  • antibiotics - can remove painful symptoms by destroying a pathogenic agent;
  • analgesics and antispasmodics;
  • sedatives and astringents.

Therapy of the disease is long, but with the recommendations of the threat to gestation, sigmoiditis does not represent. Treatment of all pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, which developed during pregnancy, should be handled by a specialist. Independent delivery of the diagnosis and the appointment of treatment can have serious consequences for both the woman and the bearable fetus.