Why do they drink biseptol? And is he fast acting?
A combined bactericidal preparation containing sulfamethoxazole-sulfonamide with an average duration of action, inhibiting the synthesis of folic acid by a competitive antagonism with PABA, and trimethoprim is an inhibitor of bacterial reductase of dehydrofolic acid, responsible for the synthesis of biologically active tetrahydrofolic acid. The combination of active components that affect one chain of biochemical transformations provides synergy antibacterial action and promotes a slower development of bacterial resistance to the drug.
Biseptol is active in vitro against E. (including enteropathogenic strains), indole-positive strains of Proteus spp. (including P. vulgaris), Morganella morganii, Klebsiella spp., Proteus mirabilis, Enterobacter spp., Haemophilus influenzae, Str. pneumoniae, Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei.
Both components of the drug are rapidly absorbed into the blood in the digestive tract. The maximum concentration of both components in the blood serum is achieved 1-4 h after oral administration. Trimethoprim binds to plasma proteins by 70%, sulfamethoxazole - by 44-62%. The distribution of both components is different: sulfamethoxazole is distributed exclusively in the extracellular environment, trimethoprim - in all body fluids. A high concentration of trimethoprim is determined in the secretion of the bronchial glands, the prostate gland and in the bile. The concentration of sulfamethoxazole in body fluids is somewhat lower. Both components in high concentrations are detected in sputum, vaginal discharge and in the middle ear fluid. The volume of distribution of sulfamethoxazole is 360 ml / kg of body weight, trimethoprim - 2000 ml / kg. Both components are metabolized in the liver: sulfamethoxazole - by acetylation and binding with glucuronic acid, trimethoprim - by oxidation and hydroxylation.
Derived mainly by the kidneys by filtration and active tubular secretion. The concentration of active compounds in the urine is much higher than in the blood. For 72 hours, 84.5% of the accepted dose of sulfamethoxazole and 66.8% of trimethoprim are excreted in the urine. The half-life is 10 hours for sulfamethoxazole and 8-10 hours for trimethoprim. With renal failure, the half-life of both components is prolonged. Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim penetrate into breast milk and enter the fetal bloodstream.
Urinary tract infections caused by drug-sensitive strains E. Coli, Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., Morganella morganii, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris; acute otitis media caused by drug-susceptible H. influenzae, Str. pneumoniae; exacerbation of chronic bronchitis caused by susceptible to H. influenzae, Str. pneumoniae; bacteriologically confirmed pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis carinii, and the prevention of infection with this microorganism in patients at risk (for example, HIV-infected); digestive tract infections caused by susceptible to the drug Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei; Traveler's diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic strains E. gt; toxoplasmosis; nocardiosis.
With inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, infections of the digestive tract caused by Shigella, and exacerbation of chronic bronchitis In adults, the average dose is 960 mg (2 tablets of Biseptol 400/80 mg, 8 tablets of Biseptol 100/20 mg) orally 2 times a day. In inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract the drug is taken for 10-14 days, with exacerbation chronic bronchitis - 14 days, with infections of the digestive tract caused by Shigella - 5 days.
In patients with creatinine clearance of 15-30 ml / min dose should be reduced by half. When the creatinine clearance is ≤15 ml / min, the drug is not used.
Oleg Ponomarenko
pharmachologic effect
Combined antibacterial drug. The mechanism of its action is due to the double blocking effect of the drug on the metabolism of bacteria. Sulfamethoxazole has a bacteriostatic effect, which is associated with inhibition of the process of PABA utilization and a violation of the synthesis of dihydrofolic acid in bacterial cells. Trimethoprim inhibits the enzyme, which is involved in the metabolism of folic acid, converting dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate. Thus, Biseptol blocks two consecutive stages of biosynthesis of purines and, consequently, of nucleic acids, which are necessary for the growth and multiplication of bacteria.
The drug is active against Gram-positive bacteria: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus viridans, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Listeria monocytogenes, Nocardia asteroides; Gram-negative bacteria: Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Klebsiella spp., Proteus mirabilis, Enterobacter spp., some strains Escherichia coli, some strains of Haemophilus influenzae, Legionella spp., Yersinia enterocolitica, Brucella spp., Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Biseptol is also active against Pneumocystis carinii.
The drug is resistant to mycobacteria, viruses, most anaerobic bacteria.
Infectious-inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the preparation:
- Acute respiratory tract infections (incl. pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia / including t. caused by Haemophilus influenzae);
- pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis carinii;
- infections of the ENT organs (incl. chronic sinusitis, otitis media);
- infections of the kidneys and urinary tract (incl. acute pyelonephritis);
- infections of the genitals (incl. postgonoreic urethritis, gonococcal infection);
- typhus, paratyphoid;
- infections of the gastrointestinal tract (incl. shigellosis, salmonellosis, escherichiosis);
- meningitis;
- infections of the skin and soft tissues (incl. abscess, furuncle, carbuncle, pyoderma).
Both components of the drug are rapidly absorbed into the blood in the digestive tract. The maximum concentration of both components in the blood serum is achieved 1-4 h after oral administration.
The duration of the therapeutic effect is 7 hours.
Tip 1: How to take Biseptol

Biseptol - a popular antibacterial drug, which is prescribed for infections of the respiratory and urinary tract. The drug is used in the treatment of staphylococci, streptococci, salmonellosis and many other bacteria. The active component is co-trimoxazole, which helps to suppress and destroy the pathogenic microflora.
- The drug is available in the form of tablets, solution for injection and syrup. The dosage used depends on the age of the patient and the type of disease.
- Adults and children over 12 years of age take 4 tablets of 120 mg per day or 2 tablets of 240 mg after meals with plenty of fluids. In especially severe cases, appoint 6 tablets per day. The reception must be divided into two parts - in the morning and in the evening. Therapy, as a rule, is no more than 5 days. With prolonged treatment, 2 tablets of 120 mg per day are taken.
- Children the drug is administered in the form of a suspension, twice a day. Each bottle with a suspension has a measuring cap with divisions of 2.5, 5 and 7.5 ml. For children aged less than a year, 2.5 ml of medication is prescribed every 12 hours. If a child has an age of 1 to 3 years, usually prescribed 5 ml twice a day. From the age of 4, you can take 10 ml of the drug, depending on the intensity of the disease and the recommendations of the pediatrician.
- Biseptol has a number of side effects that can occur in overdose or misuse: spasms muscles of the respiratory system, impaired digestion, nausea, diarrhea, jaundice, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth. It is also possible to worsen the work of the kidneys and the appearance of allergic reactions. Before taking the drug, you should consult your doctor and take the necessary tests. The medication is administered under the supervision of a specialist.
- It may also be necessary to adjust the dosage for elderly patients. It is forbidden to use tablets during pregnancy and lactation.
What helps Biseptolum?

Biseptol- antibacterial agent, which consists of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole. These two components allow to stop the multiplication of bacteria in the body and destroy them. The drug is even able to fight with microorganisms resistant to the action of sulfonamide drugs. Biseptol is often prescribed by doctors, but not everyone knows what it helps. That is why it is important to know in what cases the medicine will be useful.
What helps Biseptol tablets?
The drug is effective in detecting E. coli, dysentery, staphylococci and streptococci. But at the same time, tableted Biseptol is not prescribed with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, spirochaete and detection of microbacteria of tuberculosis.
The medicine quickly spreads through the body, acting for seven hours.
At what diseases are Biseptol administered?Many people buy this medicine, even if they do not know if Biseptol will help with angina, cystitis, diarrhea and other ailments. So, the drug is prescribed for:
1. Respiratory tract infections:
- pneumonia;
- abscess of the lung;
- angina;
- empyema of the pleura.
2. Gastrointestinal infections:
- typhoid fever;
- diarrhea;
- paratyphoid;
- cholera.
3. Urinary system infection:
- urethritis;
- pyelite;
- prostatitis;
- cystitis.
4. Skin infections:
- furunculosis;
- pyoderma.
Despite the fact that Biseptol helps even with such diseases as angina and pneumonia, it has a number of contraindications, among which:
- sensitivity to individual components;
- kidney failure;
- diseases of the circulatory system;
- obvious violations in the work of the liver and kidneys;
- pregnancy.
A medication of this type is usually prescribed by a doctor who describes in detail the process of taking and the amount of medication needed to correct the organism. Sometimes there are situations where patients want to speed up recovery, take the drug in large doses. Usually this has unpleasant consequences, such as:
- poor appetite;
- intestinal colic;
- headache;
- dizziness;
- darkening in the eyes;
- loss of consciousness.
In some cases fever, crystalluria and hematuria were observed.
With constant intake of a high dose of medication, jaundice or bone marrow depression often develops.
With acute poisoning, nausea, vomiting, headache, depression and depression of bone marrow function develop.
While scientists have not yet been able to find out what exactly the dose of the drug can threaten human life.
In the case of taking too many medications over a long period, chronic poisoning occurs. In this situation, the work of the bone marrow is disrupted, which leads to thrombocytopenia, leukopenia and anemia. If you find any symptoms indicating an overdose of Biseptol:
- You just need to stop taking the medication.
- Then, measures are taken to remove it from the digestive tract, - gastric lavage is performed, or vomiting is induced by artificial means, no later than two hours after the last intake.
- If diuresis is not enough, it is recommended to increase the intake of clean water.
- The body needs to enter calcium folinate as soon as possible. Acid medium increases the output of trimethoprim in urine, but there is
the risk of converting the sulfonamide into crystals that stop in the kidneys.
- It is always necessary to monitor the indications of blood, plasma and other biochemical parameters.
The drug is given with extreme caution in a weighed allergic anamnesis. Will Biseptol help with such a disease? Yes. But there will be undesirable side effects.
With long-term treatment, you need to constantly take blood tests, since there is a high probability of hematological changes.
Who gave biseptol to children with bronchitis? Write feedback please.
He's always in the medicine cabinet - the best remedy for colds, if the throat hurts. Biseptol is a weak antibiotic, but it can help. The main thing is not to miss the appointment and keep the right dose. As an expectorant the most proven remedy is the licorice root syrup - cheap, effective and children like. If the child is small - candles Cefekon from the temperature, a large can be given on a half-tablet of analgin and paracetamol.
I heard that biseptol has not been prescribed to anyone for a long time, I give a cough to the child with a bronchus or a linkus, and the temperature is better than a candle.
Biseptol is an antibiotic and is prescribed for angina and diseases of the genitourinary system. Perhaps the child's neck is red and sore, since the doctor has appointed?
Lazolvan try, from a cough, broncholitin, breastfeeding pharmacy brew like tea (filter packs with the addition of honey), to taste like tea.
Vasilisa Prekrasnaya
can and will help. they gave me. nasty
Alesya Milenkova
I can not believe that the doctor appointed such a doctor. The Internet is at hand, which then the "respondents" have to ask, "Biseptol is already an obsolete antibiotic, many bacteria are resistant to it, besides it is very aggressive on the children's body. IMHO.