Pain in the abdomen after lifting the weight

  • Pain is the only symptom of
  • Combination of pain with other symptoms
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In the early stages, many abdominal diseases appear only in a specific situation. For example, after lifting the severity, increased physical activity or after eating.

Despite the fact that the pain syndrome is not very pronounced and lasts for several hours, it should be taken seriously. Any disease is easier to treat, if it is at an early stage, so do not wait for acute pain or the disease to change into a chronic form. Doctors often hear from patients that after lifting the heaviness the abdomen is very sore, and the load is not always extreme.

If the load is not correctly distributed when the weight is lifted, the abdominal muscles become very tense, as a result of which the intra-abdominal pressure rises. This causes a reverse flow of blood from the inferior vena cava, that is, there is retrograde blood flow, which affects the valves of the iliac and femoral veins.

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With increasing pressure in the cavity, flatulence may occur, with a bursting or pressing pain. For a short time, the pressure jump occurs during physical exertion, coughing, sneezing. If there is a pathology in the abdominal cavity, then when the pressure rises, it can go into a sharp form.

After lifting the severity, muscle pain may occur. This is due to the fact that the muscles were not ready, and the load for them was too strong. If the stomach is ill for a long time after lifting the severity, then you need to listen to your feelings and understand what additional symptoms are.

Pain is the only symptom of

If the abdominal pain passes by itself, then this may be a sign of osteochondrosis. Pain syndrome occurs as a result of squeezing the nerve roots, which can be triggered by vertebral hernia, back injury, inflammation in the muscles, an incorrect distribution of severity.

In case of osteochondrosis, pain relievers will help relieve pain syndrome. Better with this will cope with ointments or gels, which are applied locally. If the intensity of the pain syndrome does not decrease after 3-4 hours, you need to go to the doctor.

If after lifting the severity of the stomach aches, it is recommended to check that the weight and load are distributed correctly.

Correct technique of lifting the gravity will help to avoid "tearing up the stomach"

Abdominal pain occurs due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles of the press, which is produced by physical activity. The more the load was, the greater the microtrauma of the muscles and, correspondingly, the greater the pain. If the muscles are not trained, then there is a strong pain in the abdomen, arms, legs. To reduce soreness, it is recommended to do a massage, take a shower.

Stretching of the peritoneum muscles happens due to a sharp muscle contraction that occurs when heavy physical work, incorrect weight load when lifting weights, can occur even with a sharp turn. With moderate stretching, soreness passes in a few days. Rupture of the muscle causes severe pain, as the strain on the rectus muscles increases.

The recovery of muscle can go from a few days to a half months. First of all, it is necessary to provide the damaged muscles with peace, not to give loads for at least two days. It will help to relieve the pain of cold. If the pain is completely unbearable, anesthetics or anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

With physical exertion, a person sweats. If more fluids are released than consumed, dehydration occurs, which leads to spasms in the stomach. To cause pain when lifting the severity can also food, which did not have time to digest in the stomach.

After eating, the blood flows to the organs of the digestive tract, the stomach is full and intensively working, the liver increases in size to render harmless the toxins. If the food is heavy, then it takes about two hours to digest it.

With contraction of the muscles of the press, which occurs when the weight is lifted, pressure is applied to the organs, which causes sharp and cutting pain. Often for this reason, there is pain in the right side, where the liver is located.

To avoid pain after lifting weights in the future, you should follow the rules:

  • using exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back. Well in this will cope swimming;
  • will help to correctly distribute the load on the spine and slow the progression of pathological changes orthopedic products. Wear a special belt;
  • when lifting the gravity you need to observe a technique that will help reduce the strain on the muscles. If you have to lift something off the floor, transfer the load not to your back or stomach but to your feet;
  • Avoid heavy loads immediately after eating.

Combination of pain with other symptoms of

When overstretching the abdominal muscles due to excessive loads, the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases too, which can cause a rupture of the abdominal wall and subsequent penetration of internal organs.

After lifting the severity, the abdominal organs may drop, for example, the intestine, stomach. If the organs are lower than they should be, then they are disturbed by the circulation of blood and trophic.

What if I have a stomach and diarrhea?

If, in addition to pain, other symptoms appear in the abdomen, then it is necessary to carry out diagnostics to detect pathology. The following signs should be alerted:

  • appearance of weakness or dizziness;
  • change in body temperature;
  • abdominal pain spreads and acquires a girdling character;
  • in the vertical position in the abdominal region is protrusion;
  • muscles of the peritoneum are strained;
  • drawing pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back.

Digestion of the intestine

When the bowel is lowered, there is a drawing or sharp pain in the lower abdomen, near the waist, groin. The contents of the intestine stagnate, which leads to flatulence, nausea, vomiting. Patients quickly become tired, they are irritable. In men, this pathology causes frequent urination, and in women, painful periods.

When the organs fall, the pain subsides in the recumbent position

Education of the hernia

Often the pain in the abdomen after lifting the heaviness is felt due to inguinal hernia. The disease develops as a result of a prolapse of the intestine or an omentum into an acquired or congenital rupture in the abdominal wall. In women, inguinal hernia falls into the space near the large labia, and in men in the scrotum.

A hernia is formed due to weakness of tendons and muscles, which occurs when exhaustion, trauma, surgery. The provoking factor is the increased intra-abdominal pressure on the weakened place, which occurs with physical activity, neoplasm, severe coughing, constipation, pregnancy, bloating, and urinary disorders. A rupture in the abdominal wall occurs only in the event that the negative factor acts for a long time.

Inguinal hernia is noticeable when a person is standing. The protrusion increases with the tension of the peritoneum muscles, for example, when coughing, sneezing. If you press it with your finger, it returns to the peritoneum, you can even hear a rumbling.

If a bladder is caught, then there is a painful, frequent emptying of the bladder, a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. With the appearance of the cecum there are constipation, bloating, rezi. And although the inguinal hernia reminds of itself after the tension of the muscles of the peritoneum, its complication is very dangerous.

Often in patients, the hernia is infringed. The dropped part of the intestine, ovary or fallopian tube( in girls) or the spermatic cord( in men) is entrapped, as a result of which blood circulation is disrupted and necrosis develops. Pincering occurs, again at the time of increased intra-abdominal pressure.


  • severe pain in the groin;
  • protrusion "does not hide" back;
  • hernia becomes dense;
  • signs of poisoning( nausea, vomiting, constipation, pallor) appear.

If the inguinal hernia is trapped, surgery is urgently required, otherwise it will rupture and the contents will be in the abdominal cavity.


When the stomach is down, its elongation occurs and hypotension is noted. This pathology can be congenital or acquired. More often it occurs in women, which is associated with diets, severe thinness, childbirth. If the stomach is not much lowered, then the symptomatology is practically absent, with the progression of the disease, dull, aching pain occurs after eating, exercise.

Soreness is caused by stretching the stomach and disturbing the movement of food masses. With prolonged gastroptosis, there is an inflection of the duodenum, which causes a delay in the evacuation of food and, as a result, constipation, nausea, eructation.

Gynecological pathology

  • In women, as a result of lifting the severity, there may be a disruption in the activity of the reproductive system. So, pains occur in the following pathologies:
  • rupture of ovarian or ovarian cysts;
  • violation of the integrity of the fallopian tube;
  • torsion of the ovary;
  • omission of the uterus due to the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus.

Especially women should be alerted by fever, decreased blood pressure, pallor, weakness, dizziness, chills, frequent urge to empty the intestine and bladder. Pain in gynecological diseases can be different: blunt or acute, constant or periodic, pulling or pulsing.

In any case, if you fall ill in the abdomen after lifting the severity or physical exertion, you need to visit a gynecologist.

Transition of diseases to the acute form

In some cases, lifting the severity can lead to abdominal pain as a result of the rapid development of long-formed pathology. Excessive muscular tension of the abdomen causes displacement of organs and squeezing of their separate parts. This can lead to the following disorders:

  • spasm of mesenteric vessels. Pain in the abdomen passes after vomiting, applying a warm warmer, in the knee-elbow position. In addition to the pain syndrome, there is constipation or diarrhea, bloating;
  • rupture of the aneurysm of the peritoneal aorta. There is a pain in the abdomen and back, a strong ripple in the abdominal cavity, pressure drops to a critical figure;
  • , when the appendix is ​​squeezed, appendicitis develops. It is difficult to diagnose it, because there are no specific symptoms and it can be atypical. Pain appears first in the entire abdomen, then localized in the right hypochondrium. As a rule, patients talk about fever, nausea, vomiting, a stool, a belly dressed up. If you lie on your right side, it does not hurt so much;
  • infringement of intestinal loops with spikes. More often spikes are formed after a surgical operation. They prevent the passage of intestinal contents, causing obstruction. Symptoms depend on the form of pathology;
  • bleeding in the retroperitoneal and peritoneal space. It arises because of a violation of the integrity of the vessels or hollow organs. There is weakness, pallor, rapid pulse, cold sweat, falls AD.

In the presence of a chronic pathology developing in the abdominal area and the appearance of abdominal pain after muscle tension, you should consult a doctor

In the presence of a chronic pathology developing in the abdominal region and the appearance of abdominal pain after muscle tension, you should see a doctor. If the pain is acute and accompanied by other symptoms, medical attention is required urgently.

If you have a hernia, do not try to fix it yourself, entrust it to the surgeon. Why a long time after the strain of the muscles can only be determined by the doctor, after the stomach is felt, laboratory and hardware studies will be assigned, if necessary. Only after making the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to tell you what to do so that pain does not arise.

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