From what ointment Troxevasin: pathology of blood vessels, skin, soft tissues

From this article you will learn: what helps ointment or gel Troxevasin, in what pathologies and how to correctly use this drug.

Therapeutic effect of Troxevasin

  • Therapeutic effect in diseases
  • Features of application
  • Troxevasin is available in two forms: capsules and gel. Often the gel form in ordinary speech is called "ointment", which is incorrect from the pharmacological point of view. Ointment preparations are more dense structure, they are characterized by slow absorption during application, which makes it difficult to use an ointment without bandage. For the purpose of rapid penetration through the skin, gel forms of medicinal products have been developed, the Troxevasin gel is one of them.

    In one gram of the gel, Troxevasin is 20 mg of active ingredient of Troxerutin. Another form - Troxevasin NEO additionally includes 300 IU( International Units) of Heparin and 50 mg of Dexpanthenol. All the medicinal preparations included in the composition have vascular recovery action, reduce inflammation.

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    Indications for use of the drug are presented in the table.

    Disease group
    Disease group Disease group Disease group Disease group
    Vascular pathology Varicose veins of lower extremities

    Clinical manifestations of chronic venous insufficiency( edema, pain, skin sensitivity, subcutaneous venous thrombosis)

    Acute inflammation of the superficial veins( thrombophlebitis)

    Disturbance of lymphatic fluid outflow)

    Pathology of soft tissues Infectious-inflammatory processes in surrounding superficial veins tissues( periflebit)

    Secondary inspalitelnye changes in skin on a background varicosity( dermatitis)

    Traumatic damage without destroying the integrity of the skin Strained articular ligaments


    Subcutaneous hemorrhage( hematoma)

    Most often prescribed Troxevasin vascular surgeons, trauma or oncologists.

    Varicose veins on the foot

    Drug action of the preparation

    To determine the mechanism of action of the gel, Troxevasin, it is necessary to disassemble the medicinal effect of each of the components.

    Active substance How does
    help? Troxerutin A drug from the group of flavonoids( derivative of Routine, or vitamin P).The main types of action:
    1. Increases the tone and density of the capillary wall, reducing their fluid permeability and fragility( venotonic and venoprotective functions).
    2. Suppresses inflammatory changes in the vessel wall.
    3. Suppresses the destructive effect on cells of free oxygen molecules( antioxidant).
    Heparin Anti-clotting drug:
    • acts on platelets, preventing them from sticking together, forming small clots, and thereby improving blood flow in the capillary bed;
    • suppresses inflammation enzymes, reducing swelling and pain.
    Dexpanthenol The precursor of pantothenic acid, in skin cells, turns into vitamin B5, acting on the processes of cell and tissue repair( regeneration).

    Therapeutic effect in diseases of

    Given the main properties of the active components of Troxevasin, we can conclude: it is a drug that helps with violations at the level of the small vascular network( blood capillaries). More details of the effect of the gel form can be considered on the example of pathologies in which the drug is prescribed.

    Vascular network structure

    Vascular pathology

    The main clinical symptom complex for acute and chronic vascular pathology is tissue venous insufficiency caused by an inferior outflow of blood. Against this background, the liquid part of the blood( plasma) swims through the thinned walls of overcrowded capillaries into the surrounding tissues.

    In the initial stage, the disease manifests itself as a feeling of heaviness in the region of the shins after a normal load, there is a slight swelling and unexpressed pain syndrome, sometimes convulsions and a sensitivity disorder( paresthesia).Without treatment, the disease progresses, complaints are intensified. Increases the power supply of tissues, the skin and subcutaneous tissue become denser( dermatitis), and later ulcerate.

    Troxevasin is most effective at the initial stage of the pathological process, with progression has an auxiliary function on the background of the main treatment. When applied to the area with a venous outflow disturbance, it is quickly absorbed, penetrating to the small vessels of the subcutaneous tissue.

    The main effects of the drug:

    1. Increase in the density of the capillary wall - reduces the volume of sweat fluid from the vessel into the tissue.
    2. Sealing of the wall - preserves the elasticity of the capillaries and prevents the rupture against the background of blood overflow.
    3. Smoothness of the elastic and dense capillary wall - prevents platelets from attaching to it and formation of small clots that lead to an even greater violation of blood circulation.

    Implementation of the main effects of the drug improves blood flow to tissues, reduces edema and reduces pain. Especially in combination with specialized compression knits( bandages, stockings).

    Compression knee socks

    Soft tissue pathology

    The main manifestation of the diseases of this group are inflammatory changes in the skin, subcutaneous tissue. The process has a chronic, protracted course and is characterized by a pain syndrome of varying severity.

    Troxevasin in this group of diseases has:

    • anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the activity of enzymes;
    • inhibits the action of active oxygen molecules, which are released against the background of the inflammatory process, thereby limiting the destruction of surrounding tissues;
    • improves blood circulation in the affected area, reducing swelling.

    The effect of the drug is manifested in reducing inflammation, and along with it redness of the skin, pain and swelling of the tissues. Application in the event of damage to the surrounding veins of tissues helps reduce the risk of the transition of the inflammatory process to the vessels.

    Traumatization of soft tissues

    Traumatic injuries characterize the rupture of small vessels with the outflow of blood in surrounding tissues. In the area of ​​injury from the first minutes, a local inflammatory process develops, the purpose of which is to destroy the effects of tissue damage.

    Hematoma due to soft tissue injury

    The Troxevasin gel acts in such a situation on all links of the pathological chain:

    • improves blood supply by acting on the capillary walls;
    • suppresses inflammation;
    • reduces edema, preventing excessive fluid outflow from the capillaries.

    The drug should be used in the first hours after the injury in order to reduce the amount of damage. The suppression of an active inflammatory process and a decrease in the yield of fluid into soft tissues significantly reduces the pain syndrome. A strengthening of small vessels and an improvement in the blood filling of the injury zone leads to faster recovery after injury.

    Application features

    The gel form of the preparation is for external use only. Troxevasin is applied to intact skin in the area of ​​the pathological process twice a day.

    In chronic vascular pathology apply daily for up to 6 months if there is no impairment or allergic reactions. In case of injury, the period of application is 7-10 days.

    When choosing a gel form, it should be taken into account that in the initial stages of varicose disease, the use of Troxevasin is sufficient. And with chronic vascular pathology or acute trauma, a greater effect will have Troxevasin NEO.

    The treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Deterioration of the condition on the background of treatment or lack of effect is an occasion for drug discontinuation and re-consultation of a specialist.

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