Causes, symptoms and what to do at a pressure of 150 to 100( 110)

From this article you will learn: pressures of 150 to 100 what are the causes, and what to do in this case. Complications, characteristic symptoms, treatment of this hypertension and prognosis.

Causes of pressure 150 to 100

  • Tonometer errors
  • Characteristic symptoms
  • Treatment
  • Possible complications
  • Forecasts
  • Normal blood pressure( abbreviated to BP) in a healthy person is considered to be 120 to 80, where the figure 120 is the maximum blood pressure value inarteries at the time of ejection from the heart( systole), and 80 - the minimum pressure value at the time when the heart muscle relaxes( diastole).

    Therefore, in most cases, the blood pressure index of 150 per 100( 110) is not the norm and can serve as a sign of stage 1 hypertension( arterial hypertension).A single, accidentally recorded pressure shock to such indicators can not be considered the onset of the disease, it can be triggered by the intake of excessively salty foods, excessive amounts of alcohol, medications or other causes.

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    The diagnosis is established on the condition that such numbers are fixed several times in a short time, for example 2 to 3 times for two weeks, and accompanied by symptoms typical of hypertension: dizziness, poor health, weakness, very rarely - pressing headaches.

    If the tonometer is 150 to 100( 110), there is no need for immediate hospitalization, but you can reduce pressure only on the advice of a doctor. Referring to a specialist is necessary, since the initial stage of hypertension has the property of rapidly progressing and leads to serious complications( with speech disorders, motor function, brain activity, loss of vision).

    Increased blood pressure may indicate different stages of hypertension. To find out which stage corresponds to which indicators of pressure, it is possible from the table above

    Treatment at the initial stages consists in minimal medical correction of blood pressure, detection and elimination of reversible risk factors, concomitant diseases. Appointment and monitoring of the patient is performed by a physician-therapist, narrow specialists are engaged in the treatment of concomitant diseases( for example, in the presence of diabetes, the endocrinologist performs correction).

    Causes of the disease

    In 90% of cases, the true cause of the disease remains unknown. The causes of hypertension to 150 per 100( 110) are often pathological conditions or factors that are difficult or impossible to eliminate:

    1. Kidney disease( glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis) and narrowing of the renal arteries( stenosis).
    2. Coarctation of the aorta( congenital aortic narrowing).Adder tumors that produce hormones.
    3. Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland( thyrotoxicosis).
    4. Intoxication with medicines( hormonal contraceptives, antidepressants, cocaine).

    In addition to the causes that can trigger the development of the disease, there are also risk factors( reversible and irreversible).They in most cases "start" the mechanism of development of the initial stages of hypertension.

    Irreversible risk factors Reversible risk factors
    Hereditary predisposition. In most people, the disease is laid down at the genetic level, additional risk factors( excessive salt intake) can push and consolidate progressive hypertension. Overweight, various stages of obesity
    Gender and age. In men under 40, the initial stages of hypertension are diagnosed several times more often than in women. After 50 years, the risk of developing hypertension is greatly increased in both men and women Increased amount of salt in food causes the development of early stages of hypertension in 50% of patients
    Diabetes mellitus Hypodynamia: sedentary and sedentary lifestyle
    A diet that provokes increased cholesterol levelsin the blood
    Smoking and alcoholism

    Any treatment of the initial stage of hypertension begins with identifying and eliminating reversible risk factors.

    Tonometer errors

    Not often, but it can happen that the tonometer shows a pressure of 150 to 100, and you feel great. In this case, a fault with the tonometer( pressure measuring device) is possible: the

    • should not be moved actively( approximately 5-10 minutes) before measuring the pressure;
    • the cuff of the device is placed on the arm strictly according to the instructions;
    • during the procedure can not be talked and move;
    • is the optimum position during the pressure measurement - sitting, the cuff is approximately at the heart level, the arm is not tense, does not hang in the air, rests on the elbow.

    With a readout of the tonometer, which seemed erroneous, a second measurement is made after 10-20 minutes.

    To rule out the asymptomatic onset of hypertension, you need to see a doctor who will make control pressure measurements.

    Despite the appearance of automatic tonometers, many physicians prefer to still use mechanical ones, speaking about errors in measuring automatic

    . Characteristic symptoms of

    . The initial stages of hypertension can be absolutely asymptomatic, do not show themselves in themselves, almost do not affect the performance and quality of life. The disease often flows imperceptibly and only occasionally can manifest itself:

    • by dizziness;
    • sudden weakness;
    • spontaneous bouts of poor health for no apparent reason;
    • temporarily reduced performance.

    Other well-known symptoms: severe headaches, vascular pulsations, nausea, tinnitus, eyes before the eyes - appear at other stages, when blood pressure values ​​increase dramatically, and these changes hit the target organs: the brain, the retina of the eye, the heart.

    Treatment of

    The initial stage of hypertension is steadily stabilized or completely cured if there are no additional or unavoidable risk factors provoking the disease( stress, excess weight, hypodynamia, smoking, diet disorders) and concomitant diseases of the heart, kidneys, vessels( including the brain).

    Most people with elevated blood pressure refer to doctors at times when hypertension affects the target organs( most sensitive to blood pressure changes, such as the retina of the eye, kidneys), a complex of symptoms( headaches, tinnitus).At such stages, the complete cure of hypertension is almost impossible, the main task of the doctor and drug therapy is how to keep the blood pressure within certain limits and how to reduce the risk of complications in the form of strokes, heart attacks, sudden death.

    Treatment of the initial stages of hypertension includes two mandatory stages: non-drug and prescribing medications.

    If you do not take time to treat hypertension, this can lead to detrimental consequences for the body( they are listed in the photo)

    Non-drug therapy

    The non-drug treatment phase is aimed at eliminating risk factors that could play the role of "trigger" mechanism:

    1. Reduction of overweight in humanswith obesity.
    2. Salt-free diet( for this you need to reduce the amount of salt to 4.5 grams per day).
    3. Elimination of hypodynamia( do exercise, yoga).
    4. A diet with a minimum content of fatty, fried foods, animal fats and protein. In the diet you need to enter food rich in potassium.
    5. Complete rejection of nicotine and alcohol.
    6. Decreased vascular tone with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures( laser therapy, phytotherapy).

    To get rid of stress, as a possible cause of the disease, doctors recommend sessions of psychological relaxation or psychotherapy. In some cases, it is at this stage that an improvement occurs, and medication is no longer required.


    Drug therapy in the initial stages is selected if the condition does not improve, pressure surges regularly recur or increase to 150 at 110. The goal of drug therapy in this case is to lower blood pressure and prevent the risk of complications.

    The following groups of antihypertensive drugs are most effective:

    • ACE inhibitors( captopril, ramipril, enalapril);
    • adrenoblockers( prazosin and metoprolol);
    • calcium antagonists( amlodipine, nifedipine);
    • angiotensin receptor antagonists( losartan);
    • diuretics( indapamide, hypothiazide)

    All the medicines the physician selects individually, taking into account the sex, age, risk group into which the patient enters, concomitant diseases and even social status, regularly monitoring the manifestations of hypertension for 1-2 months.

    Captopril - one of the most popular anti-hypertension drugs

    Complications of

    The disease has the property of progressing and is dangerous due to the development of complications:

    • myocardial infarction;
    • hypertensive crises;
    • disorders of cerebral circulation( ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes);
    • kidney failure, pathological changes in kidney tissue( nephrosclerosis);
    • cardiovascular failure;
    • aneurysm of the aorta( stratification of the vessel wall under the influence of increased pressure).

    Any of these complications of hypertension severely impairs a person's quality of life, restricts work ability, any physical activity and can cause a sudden lethal outcome.


    Hypertension in the initial stages can be easily cured even by non-pharmacological methods. Full recovery is possible after elimination of adrenal gland tumors, cure of pyelonephritis and other pathologies that provoke high blood pressure. Therefore, even a single-fixed pressure with a reading of 150 per 100 is the reason for going to the doctor and controlling blood pressure for several months.

    In most cases, hypertension is diagnosed at a later stage or at a time when the rates of 150 to 100 have become regular and the disease progresses. Such stages of treatment are more difficult and longer, sometimes drugs that regulate blood pressure are taken throughout life.

    According to statistics, the risk of developing a stroke or heart attack within 10 years in the first stage of hypertension( with a BP reading of 150 per 100) is about 15% of the total number of patients. In 3 stages( with blood pressure exceeding 180 per 110), the possibility of complications and sudden death increases to 50%.