Diet for biliary dyskinesia

Contents of
  • How do bile excreting structures depend on food?
  • What should be considered when organizing proper nutrition?
  • How to distinguish between types of dyskinesia?
  • What are the basic rules to follow when dietary nutrition?
  • Dietary food with hypotonic form
  • How to eat with hyperkinetic form?
  • Features of dietotherapy for children
  • Video on topic

Dyskinesia is a violation of the function of contractility and "pumping" of bile. It often affects both the gallbladder and the biliary tract( DZHVP).It is considered a functional disease, because no damaged structures of organs have been found.

However, stagnation or increased secretion of bile leads to disruption of the digestive process, provokes the development of serious pathology. Diet for biliary dyskinesia in children and adults helps to restore proper peristalsis and prevent subsequent complications.

How does biliary excretion depend on food?

Bile is produced in the liver. The task of the gallbladder is the accumulation of the necessary reserve and the release by the "request" that comes reflexively through the nerve fibers. The signal arrives at the moment of transition of a food lump from a stomach in a duodenal gut.

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The muscular wall of the bladder begins to contract, transfers motion to the bile duct. Thus, a portion of bile acids passes through the sphincter of Oddi into the intestine and participates in digestion. How long and how consistently the muscle fibers will contract depends on the quality and weight of the food in the stomach:

  • If the food consisted of an abundance of fatty, spicy dishes, then the stomach holds it up to 12 hours( at a rate of 6-8).All this time there is an increased secretion of bile, a reduction in the duct.
  • When eating low-fat food without overeating, bile quickly enters the intestines, thanks to a short-term reduction in the bladder. Then he relaxes and again accumulates secretions from hepatic passages.

The work of bile excretory structures directly depends on the nature of the food. Digestion is provided by the coordinated function of the participating systems. Adaptation, the stages of contraction and relaxation are provided by nervous regulation. With its disruption, dyskinesia of the gallbladder and ducts arises.

With the help of a diet for dyskinesia of the bile ducts, it is possible to achieve a consistent rational alternation of muscle activity for the production of bile. Depending on the nature of the disorders with dyskinesia, there are 3 types:

  • hypertensive - muscle tone significantly increased, spastic abruptness, sharply painful for the patient;
  • hypotonic - a decrease in tone promotes congestion and overgrowth of the bladder, breaks the outflow of bile, causes stagnation;
  • mixed - the nature of dyskinesia varies, often accompanies the organic pathology of the biliary tract.

What should be considered when organizing proper nutrition?

To properly organize nutrition for dyskinesia of biliary tract, you need to determine the cause and type of violations. In adults, the following are considered basic:

  • excessive consumption of fatty meat foods;
  • alcohol;
  • periods of fasting( questionable diet for weight loss);
  • in women - hormonal imbalance in pregnancy and during menopause;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • prolonged tense nervous work, stress.

Snacks in the dry and on the move disrupt the assimilation of food

For the child, the greater importance is:

  • in the preschool age underdevelopment of the biliary system;
  • in adolescents - hormonal changes;
  • unorganized food( significant breaks, lack of hot dishes);
  • the use of fast food, fatty chips, sweet soda water;
  • infection with worms;
  • suffered acute infectious diseases;
  • inadequate physical and nervous stress, leading to nervous breakdowns.

In order to avoid another exacerbation, in addition to diets for dyskinesia, it is necessary to change the lifestyle, the choice of foods, to abandon bad habits, to control the regime and the frequency of nutrition.

How to distinguish between types of dyskinesia?

The diet for dyskinesia of the gallbladder depends on the predominantly hypo- or hypertonic form of the impaired contraction. Exactly identify the type of DZHVP can be through a full survey. Approximately to the patient to judge a character of a dyskinesia it is recommended on a symptomatology.

The hypotonic type is characterized by permanent pains, aching in the hypochondrium on the right, varying in intensity, bitterness in the mouth, occasional nausea and vomiting, propensity to constipation, increased fatigue in studies and work, constant weakness.

The hypertonic type is characterized by paroxysmal acute pains, ongoing fights, with localization in the hypochondrium to the right, a connection with increased physical activity, a propensity for diarrhea, nausea, sometimes vomiting with bile, decreased appetite, frequent headaches, sweating, attacks of rapid heartbeat.

Patients with DZHVP are strongly irritable, conflict in the team, constantly complain about the weakness of

. What are the main rules to be observed in dietary nutrition?

Regardless of the type of dyskinesia, the patient should strive to fulfill the main requirements:

  • completely eliminate from the diet the non-recommended products;
  • provide frequent meals( up to 5 times) in small portions;
  • prepare food only boiled, stewed, steamed, refuse to roast, smoke, bake with crusts;
  • follow the schedule of feeding, try to eat at one time;
  • do not gorge for the night, supper no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • give up hot or too cold food( causes extra spasm and irritation).

This depends on the survey data, the patient's condition. The basic dietary table according to Pevsner's classification is №5.It is corrected depending on the type of dyskinesia and concomitant diseases of the digestive system.

Dietary nutrition with hypotonic form

For dyskinesia of this type, diet No. 5 l / f( lipotropic fat) is used. Its purpose: to stimulate the contractile function of the gallbladder, to ensure choleretic action with entering the intestine, to normalize fat metabolism. To do this, the menu includes:

  • an increased amount of fat with a minimum content of cholesterol provided half of the dose is due to vegetable;
  • fibers are plant fiber from fruits, vegetables, bran impurities.
The diet allows unmilled food, so it does not require the preparation of puree, the preparation of minced meat.

Vegetable oils activate the production of prostaglandins, which contribute to the liquefaction of the consistency of bile, enhance muscular activity in dyskinesia. They are recommended to be used for filling ready meals, salads. When heat treated, the properties are significantly lost.

Wheat bran - used to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the bile, improve the outflow. It should be added to cereals, soups, kissels or eat separately. The diet limits( with excess weight completely excludes) carbohydrates of easily digestible form( sugar, honey, jam, cakes, confectionery), which contribute to stagnation of bile in the bladder.

Better pre-pour bran with boiling water and wait for swelling

With great attention should be given to the protein content. It should be provided with low-fat meat and fish dishes, dairy products. Particularly useful products include a large concentration of lipotropic substances due to the ability to normalize the metabolism of fats and the content of cholesterol. And this prevents the precipitation of crystals and the further formation of stones in the bile. The most valuable are:

  • cottage cheese, milk;
  • egg protein;
  • fish and low-fat meat.

To enhance the bile secretion with dyskinesia contribute to vegetable dishes, fruits, berries and juices from them. They also stimulate intestinal motility and eliminate constipation. These properties are quite pronounced in oranges, mandarins, prunes, pears, watermelons, pumpkins, avocados, greens( dill, spinach, rhubarb).

What can be eaten and forbidden for hypomotor dyskinesia?

Recommended dietitians for food and products include:

Diet for gastrointestinal diseases
  • vegetarian soups;
  • low-fat broths of chicken, beef;
  • boiled or stewed meat, fish;
  • unfermented baked goods, dried bread, biscuit, dry biscuits;
  • vermicelli, noodles, boiled pasta;
  • milk and medium-fat dairy products( kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yoghurt, cheese);
  • cereals in the form of dressings for soups, porridge( buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat);
  • cream and vegetable oil;
  • fruits, berries and fresh juices from them( apricots, apples, strawberries, plums);
  • vegetables as fresh( salads), and boiled in soups, hodgepodge, vinaigrette, the most useful are zucchini, beets, carrots;
  • tea from herbs( chamomile, with oregano), broth of dogrose, compote and kissel from berries;
  • jujube, pastille, marshmallow.

Forbidden products are:

  • rich meat and fish broths;
  • cooking oil, lard;
  • smoked meat products;
  • mushrooms and cabbage in any form;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • hot sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • beans;
  • buns, cakes, culinary products from puff pastry and short pastry;
  • chocolate, coffee, cocoa;
  • ice cream;
  • sparkling water.

How to eat with hyperkinetic form?

With increased contractions of biliary tract caused by dyskinesia, the diet should ensure maximum shaking of the liver and other digestive organs, inhibition of bile synthesis. The safest conditions are provided by variant 5w. It differs:

  • with mechanical shoe( mashed dishes);
  • by reducing the amount of fats, both animal and vegetable;
  • increase in the proportion of light carbohydrates;
  • reduction in the use of fiber, extractive substances;
  • ban on raw vegetables and fruits.
More attention is paid to the methods of preparation: it is strictly forbidden to fry, you should use a steamer, stewing.

Pain in different types of dyskinesia differ in the nature of

What is recommended to eat with hyperkinetic dyskinesia?

The following products and dishes are the most suitable for patients with hyperfunctional dyskinesia:

  • vegetable grinded soups with cereal dressing;
  • boiling, semi-liquid porridge of oatmeal, rice, buckwheat( not daily allowed wheat, millet and barley);
  • from low-fat meat of chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal are preparing steam cutlets, meatballs, meatballs;
  • seldom allowed boiled sausage;
  • boiled lean fish is prepared in broth, meatballs, cutlets;
  • eggs in a protein omelet;
  • bread is only wheat, dried, in crackers;
  • vegetable dishes stewed in puree from cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini;
  • milk, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurt;
  • sour cream is allowed to be used for refueling dishes not more than three times a week;
  • from sweet berries and fruits prepare juice, compote, jelly, mousse, casserole;
  • honey in the absence of acute symptoms of the disease and good tolerability;
  • little jam, jujube, pastille.

It is recommended to limit or exclude from food: canned meat, fish, vegetables, spicy seasonings, garlic and onion, mustard, horseradish, mushrooms, fried eggs and boiled eggs, offal, fatty meat and fish( rich in cholesterol), vegetable fiber( due toradish, radishes, cucumbers, bran, Bulgarian pepper), extractives from broths, raw fruits and vegetables.

Any type of dyskinesia is accompanied by irritability of the patient, virtually patients reach a neurotic condition. It is proved that in such cases it is necessary to add magnesium-containing products to the diet: nuts, sesame and pumpkin seeds( can be crushed), boiled sea kale, buckwheat porridge. How long will the diet in a particular case dictate the doctor. Nutritionists believe that at least six months.

Features of the diet of children

DZHVP occurs in childhood quite often. Parents do not always attach importance to temporary pains and complaints, remember when symptoms become obvious, are repeated often. If a child refuses to eat, does not want to eat even his favorite dish, adults should alert his state of health.

In childhood, functional changes are best treated with a diet. Adherence to the requirements of nutrition before the growing up period teaches the child to choose the right foods, reduces the risk of developing chronic pathology.

How strictly is the diet required for dyskinesia the doctor

will tell. Dietary rules require:

  • to prepare food for a couple, by boiling or baking, to exclude fried foods;
  • provide a feeding regime at least five times a day at intervals of 4 hours;
  • to monitor the volume of food, one serving for the schoolboy should by mass be no more than 250 g;
  • eliminate overeating on holidays, forced hunger diets;
  • serve warm dishes to the table, it must not be fed with cold or too hot products;
  • should be followed 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • food grinding is necessary only for the hypertonic type of dyskinesia;
  • caloric value should correspond to the age, weight and energy costs of the child;
  • from animal fats is allowed butter, it contains arachidonic acid and retinol, useful for the child's body, is well absorbed;
  • broths are limited because of the high concentration of extractive substances;
  • must be monitored so that the child does not eat chips, salted peanuts, fast food, sausage, chocolate;
  • from drinks is categorically contraindicated sweet soda, fresh, coffee, cocoa, you can drink green or herbal tea, broth of dogrose, compotes and kissels.

Dieticians insist on contra-indication of chewing gum. It helps to increase the secretion of gastric juice, violates the natural process of regulation. Dietary nutrition with dyskinesia of the biliary system in the initial stages of the disease helps to normalize the functional state of the digestive organs. For the right choice, you need to identify the type of violations and patiently follow the rules.