What is itching for the right eye, folk signs on the days of the week, in the evening, on Wednesday, Monday, Sunday. ..

Any people in culture has its own signs and superstitions, the Russian people are not an exception. Sometimes we are taught from an early age not to take food from a knife, to look in the mirror, if we had to go home and not cross the road to a man carrying empty buckets.

There are also such folk signs that inform us through bodily sensations, for example, when the right eye is itching. What is it for? Is there any reason? Our ancestors responded in the affirmative: "Yes!".

To believe, or not to believe in signs, everyone decides for himself. Often, even the most inveterate skeptics expect a quarrel if salt is spilled. Superstitions have firmly entered our daily life. And even the meaning is not in the very perception, but in our attitude towards it!

Folk signs and legends go back to ancient times with their roots. In ancient times, people almost did not have scientific knowledge, they paid attention to everyday details, weather and various natural and life phenomena. People associated certain signs with subsequent events. So there were various signs and superstitions.

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In Russia, a lot of accepts related to experienced bodily sensations. For example, the ears burn, the hand or eye itches, the hiccups attacked - just in case there is a suitable sign. Very often, signs were associated with the days of the week, and, depending on this, they interpreted.

Today we will look at what events the left eye can scratch. What to expect, what to fear and what to avoid.


What does the right eye scratches: by the days of the week

On Monday

If on Monday the right eye was suddenly combed is a very good sign. A sign indicates an early reconciliation with a loved one with whom you recently quarreled. This is a sign of peace, mutual understanding and the restoration of relations. Also, the eye can be itching to the swift changes in your life, changes of a purely positive nature. Any business that you will start on this day will turn out to be luck. Expect pleasant news and all sorts of joyful trifles. A sign does not promise much profit, but promises joy and reconciliation. To not frighten off such a good sign, try not to annoy fate on this day. Be kind, tolerant and do not swear with anyone.

On Tuesday

Alas, the right eye is not always itching to good events. If he combed himself on Tuesday, maybe you'll cry. But not for some serious reason. A sign warns you about a possible conflict or quarrel. Perhaps you will have a sad mood.

Try to delay solving important issues for a day or two. Try to avoid conflict situations and do not wind yourself. Then the sign will not be a bad omen, but a smart sign that always warns you.

On Wednesday

This sign says of a long, long trip. But an exceptionally enjoyable trip. You can expect an unplanned business trip or vacation. Maybe someone from your friends or acquaintances will invite you. If the eye is combed on Wednesday, and on the same day you get an offer for a trip, do not give it up.

If you believe the note, it can become a fateful one for your life. Sometimes the right eye can be combed to the arrival of an old friend or distant relative - a person whom you have not longed to visit.

On Thursday

The sign says that if the right eye is brushed on Thursday, you will laugh and laugh for a long time. It is not known what will cause such a good mood. Perhaps it is a walk with friends, a trek to the circus, or a joke that is aptly said. The event that happens will make you laugh and infect with positive for the whole day. Do not ignore such a good sign.

On Friday

But if the right eye was combed on Friday - it promises an ambulance. Soon you will find the thing you lost. It does not matter how long you've been looking for it. But this find will definitely be pleasant. If you lose money, they can return to you on that day. But in what way - is unknown. Try to be attentive during the day and not to miss your luck.

On Saturday

Most Saturday's celebrations promise amorous and romantic adventures. And this sign was not an exception. If you planned a date for this day, boldly go - it promises to be successful. Perhaps it will be a family dinner with a loved one - just you, he, your favorite movie and a pizza with a thick cheese crust. Any of your plans concerning love and relationships will be successful and enjoyable.

On Sunday

If you believe people's acceptance, this promises a quick marriage or the beginning of a serious relationship. Who knows, maybe today you will meet your man. The very love that I had been waiting for. This is a very good sign, it will surely bring you happiness.

Always believe only in good signs. Then they will protect you, like guardian angels. From a confident, happy and beloved person, troubles run away. And if they do happen, they are always easier to bear. After all, after them will go luck.

Most of the signs regarding the right eye promise happiness and well-being. Why not believe that a good thing will happen to you today? What exactly is a happy and beautiful day today. When we radiate positive, good signs always go alongside us.

What was the right eye combing in the evening?

In the evening or before bedtime, the right eye was combed? This means that happiness is knocking at your door, no matter how trite it may sound. The universe sends you a good sign for the future, the black band of life, if it was, ends. Perhaps it is worth rethinking your actions and plans, to understand what action is worth doing in order to become happier.

The right eye is itching for a reason. This can be the sign of the guardian angel, which means that you did everything right. In the evening, he sends a signal-praise. The day was productive, you are good, and you can go to bed. Only bright and kind dreams await you.

Your right eye itches in the morning. What does this mean?

If the right eye is combed in the morning, expect good news. The universe has prepared for you something delicious, which will create an atmosphere for a few days ahead. Something will rejoice you, push to accomplish some goals.

It can also be a sign that it's time to rethink life. Are you depressed? Spit on everything, quit your job, jump with a parachute, go to the sea! Life is one, and sometimes, the commonplace itch of the right eye reminds of this.

Why the right eye itches: medical reasons

But the itch in the eye is not always an omen. In most cases this phenomenon has scientific explanations. Our eyes are just a huge load - a computer at work, a laptop at home, a smartphone, games on the tablet, reading or embroidery in low light, TV, lack of vitamins, lack of sleep, constant stress - all this can undermine the health of our eyes. The eyes can not stand such a regime, and the quality of vision gradually decreases. Therefore, a symptom such as periodic itching in the eyes is better not to ignore. Let's see what causes itchy in the eyes:

The most common cause is the allergy .Itching can cause dust, wool, household chemicals, flowers. A beautiful half of humanity has another weighty factor - eye makeup. For a slight itch, you are unlikely to consider allergies. And it can be caused by anything - new mascara, concealer, eye cream, pencil, eyeliner, shadow, glue for false eyelashes. Often a similar reaction can be caused by food products. If there is redness in addition to itching, frequent sneezing, or a runny nose - there is no doubt that this is an allergic reaction. In this case, you need to identify the allergen as soon as possible and take an antihistamine.

Dry eye syndrome is a disease of people who spend a lot of time at the computer. It also occurs in elderly people. With this syndrome, the lacrimal glands do not produce enough fluid, causing the eye to dry out. A person begins to experience discomfort. Eyes often itch, sometimes redness is possible. For this case, special eye drops are provided. Try not to overload your eyes, though sometimes arrange a break for them. The oculist will help to select special drops with the effect of moisturizing.

Eye Contamination .The cause of unpleasant sensations in the eye can be a normal speck of dust, a speck, a grain of sand or a piece of wool. If the symptom worries for a long time, it is better to see a doctor. If the contamination is insignificant, you can clean your eyes yourself. Ordinary eye drops can easily cope with this task.

Points or contact lenses .If you have incorrectly picked up contact lenses or glasses, the eyes can periodically experience discomfort in the form of itching. This problem can easily be solved by replacing glasses or lenses with new, correctly selected means for correcting vision.

Eye Infections .Very often the first symptom of infectious eye diseases is precisely the itch. The cause of itching may be blepharitis, conjunctivitis, or demodectic disease. You can get infected through the usual touch to the eye or use of someone else's glasses. The main symptom of all these diseases is itching. Therefore, if the eyes began to itch much more often than usual, be sure to visit the ophthalmologist. He will help to choose the right eye drops, and in a few days the unpleasant symptom will go away.

Lack of vitamins and lack of sleep .At first glance it is quite difficult to relate lack of sleep with itching in the eyes. But for the eyes, balanced nutrition and rest are very important. The itch can hint to you that it's time to rest and change your menu a little, enriching it with the necessary vitamins.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and of the endocrine system .Our body is a very complex mechanism. Failure in one part can respond with symptoms in the completely opposite side. Itching can be one of the first symptoms of impaired liver function and diabetes. If the eyes itch constantly, be sure to go to the doctor.

In most situations, itching should not cause fear in the eyes, but sometimes it can indicate various abnormalities and the onset of diseases. If the itching torments you for a long time, do not postpone the visit to the doctor, writing off everything for signs.


  1. Editorial staff of the author Olga Shestakova http://zhenskoe-mnenie.ru /themes/love/ k-chemu-cheshetsia-pravyi-glaz-narodnye-primety-uznaite-po-kakim-prichinam-cheshetsia-pravyi-glaz-i-kakie-sobytiia-eto-predveshchaet /
  2. http: //rusachka.ru/razlichnoe/ k-chemu-cheshetsya-pravyj-glaz.html