Help with dry cough

Methods and means for dry cough

The cough reflex is the defense of our body from various irritants, with its help particles are removed from the lungs dust, pathogens, bronchial secretions and many other things that interfere with the normal operation of respiratory system.

A wet cough in case of illness also should not cause anxiety - this is one of the signs of recovery, but a dry cough accompanying various diseases causes the patient many unpleasant sensations and does not bring health benefits, in order to get rid of it you need to use various means to help get rid of the annoying cough.

Causes of coughing

Dry cough is the result of irritation of receptors located in the mucous membrane of the bronchi, trachea or larynx, it does not bring practical benefit and only depletes the body, causing attacks of suffocation and overstrain of intercostal muscles.

Dry cough can be caused by the following reasons:

  • various colds,
  • inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall, trachea or bronchi,
  • virus infections - ARVI, influenza, measles and so on,
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  • an allergic reaction to getting into the respiratory tract,
  • contamination of the lungs with various substances - dust, vapors or particles of any substances,
  • helminthic invasions.

Remedies to help get rid of dry cough

Prior to the use of any medicines, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the cough. For example, in the case of an allergic cough or cough caused by the inhalation of harmful substances, conventional treatments will not help, but only relieve the symptoms of the disease for a while. In such situations it is necessary to relieve the patient of an irritant and to conduct treatment with an allergist.

But, much more often, dry cough appears as a result of hypothermia, viral infections

or is a symptom of bronchitis or laryngitis, especially often it torments young children, this is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory system and the imperfection of children's immunity


Basically, medicines are created in order to strengthen the sputum and make a dry cough - wet.

1. Mucolytics are the best remedy for dry cough, they contribute to liquefaction and facilitate expectoration of sputum. The most popular are: Bromhexine, licorice preparations, Ambrobene, Ambroghexal, Khaliksol and others. For the treatment of children, vegetable expectorants are more often used, for example licorice syrup or ambroben.

2. Means for thinning sputum - ACTS, libeksin, bronhobos, fluditik and others. They are less popular, unlike the previous group, although they are also very effective - these drugs easily break down sputum connections, make it more fluid and facilitate expectoration.

3. Inhalation is one of the most effective and simple tools that help to easily and quickly alleviate the condition of a patient with dry cough, this method is very convenient for treating young children.

Inhalations are carried out with special inhalers or simply give the patient breathe a couple of decoction of medicinal herbs or over a pot of boiled potatoes.

4. Different rinses - with a dry cough you can not forget about the need to gargle, it helps to get rid of the accumulation of microorganisms on the tonsils and relieves the pain in the throat.

5. Ointments and compresses - small children can recommend dry heat or compresses with honey, in the absence of allergic reactions to honey. For children - preschoolers and adults, it is recommended to use such agents as travisyl, Dr. Mom and others. The warming ointment should be applied to the upper part of the throat, the thorax, excluding the heart area and from above to cover the patient with a warm compress. Honey or warming compress is superimposed on the chest, on top you need to put a warm cloth and fasten the compress.

6. Antitussives - in the absence of the effect of the therapy, coughing seizures

strongly exhaust the patient, do not give him a full sleep or take food, as prescribed by the doctor, perhaps use of drugs that suppress cough activity - drugs based on codeine, ethylmorphine, glaucin and others. But such remedies should be used only in case of extreme necessity, as they interfere with the sputum and slow the recovery.

7. Various pills and cough drops - soften the throat and reduce coughing attacks, are used as an aid in the treatment of dry cough.

Recipes and tips of traditional medicine with a dry cough

Recipes of traditional medicine are very popular in the treatment of dry cough. They are quite effective, do not require medication and are more economical. But their use can not replace the traditional treatment under the supervision of a doctor, especially if a dry cough arose in a small child. Folk remedies can be used as an auxiliary therapy.
  1. The simplest and safest recipe is hot milk with honey and mineral water, it dissolves a small amount of honey and adds a little bit of mineral water. Milk helps to thin phlegm, soften the throat and acts as an expectorant.
  2. Radish with honey - mix a finely grated black radish with an equal amount of honey, leave for a few hours, the resulting juice to drink diluted several times. Take this remedy can be from 5 -6 years, children - half a spoon -2-3 times a day, adults - 2-3 spoons.
  3. Lemon with honey - mix the juice of one lemon, add a couple of spoons of honey and take the resulting remedy for 1 tsp before eating.
  4. Infusion of elecampane - 2 tablespoons. finely chopped roots of elecampane pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave to infuse for several hours, drink infusion of a third glass for half an hour before meals.
  5. Infusions of herbs - good help against dry cough infusions of chamomile, oregano, mother and stepmother, sage and thyme. To prepare this infusion, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herbs 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist for several hours, drink a glass 23 times a day. Herbs can be used alone or in collection.

All these folk remedies help to alleviate the patient's condition, soften the cough and speed up the separation of sputum, but such treatment symptomatic, and to get rid of cough for good, you need to temper the body, increase immunity and refuse harmful habits.

Treatment of dry cough

Types of dry cough Dry cough: treatment Features of dry cough treatment Dry cough: treatment, drugs Dry cough: treatment with folk remedies Dry cough: treatment at homeAn unproductive, dry cough is caused by the absence of sputum production during coughing. Sputum may not go away due to its too high viscosity or in case there is no mucus in the bronchi at all.

Types of dry cough

  1. "Barking" cough is more often with acute respiratory infections - laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous wall of the larynx), pharyngitis (inflammatory processes of the pharynx). The preceding cough symptom is a swelling in the throat, a change in the voice.
  2. The paroxysmal dry cough accompanies the inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract - bronchitis and tracheitis. In addition to cough, the patient is concerned about the soreness behind the sternum. In the absence of proper treatment and the timely withdrawal of sputum, pneumonia may develop.
  3. Cough in the form of a series of convulsive tremors occurs with whooping cough. More often the disease occurs in children, adults also are exposed to it. Annually pertussis falls ill, percent of the population over the age of 18.
  4. Cough for allergic reactions, asthmatic status. Symptom is caused by irritation with allergic agents of edematous mucosa of the trachea and bronchi.
  5. Cough, not accompanied by any diseases, resulting from prolonged smoking, insufficient moisturizing of the mucosa of the respiratory tract, inhalation of irritants.

Dry cough: treatment

If there is a dry cough against the background of the general well-being of the body, it is worth paying attention to the conditions of life and the way of life. Provoke this symptom may be dehydration, smoking, the presence of allergens in the living room. To exclude the effect of such reasons, you must follow the list of medical rules.

  1. Monitor the humidity in the office and at home.
  2. Drink as many liquids as possible, not less than a liter of clean water a day.
  3. To think about the refusal of smoking, to reduce the number of daily smoked cigarettes to a minimum.
  4. Limit the possibility of inhaling toxic and irritating substances. In the domestic environment, they can be cleaning and detergents, aerosols, cosmetics.
  5. Conduct regular wet cleaning in a dwelling.

Cough therapy should be based on its causes. Treat symptom in the case of laryngitis, pharyngitis, with whooping cough. Cough with bronchitis and tracheitis has an important purifying function, without it there will not be a proper cure disease, so the treatment of a dry cough in this situation should be aimed at translating it into a productive shape. Suppress the symptom in bronchitis can only be if it significantly reduces the quality of life, depriving the patient of sleep and the possibility of eating.

For cough reflex treatment, cough drugs have been developed that affect various areas of the nervous system. The first group of such agents has a depressing effect on the cough region located in the medulla oblongata. These include drugs containing codeine, dextromethorphan, pentoxifenin, oxeladin. A serious drawback of such drugs is that they affect the entire medulla oblongata, causing drowsiness and dependence. Only dextromethorphan does not have such side effects.

The second group of medicines, which helps to get rid of cough, reduces the sensitivity of peripheral receptors located in the mucosa of the respiratory tract. Libexin is a drug in this category.

A constant incessant cough provokes even more irritation of the mucous respiratory tract, as a result of which the manifestation of the symptom is intensified. The first steps in curing dry cough are saline rinses. The solution for them is prepared as follows: in a glass of water, salt and soda, taken on a teaspoon, are mixed.

An effective means of first aid in the treatment of attacks of dry cough are special absorbable tablets, instead of them you can use candy candies.

Transform the non-productive cough into a productive cough and mucolytic means. Mucolytics dilute sputum by the disintegration of disulfide bonds between its molecules. Expectorants act in two ways. First, they stimulate the secretion of a less viscous, rather than phlegm, mucus that dilutes the contents of the bronchi and facilitates its excretion. The second mechanism of the effect of expectorant drugs is to enhance the movement of the cilia of the epithelium of the respiratory tract in the direction of the nasopharynx, and accordingly, the fastest transportation of sputum to the outside. Means related to these groups are ambroxol, ATSTS, syrups with althaea and licorice root.

It should be borne in mind that marshmallow and licorice, absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, have the property of irritating the mucous membrane of the stomach and causing nausea and vomiting. Therefore, at the first signs of the side effects of these drugs, it is worth replacing them with other expectorants.

Remember that no site or advice from friends can replace the doctor's advice on the treatment of dry cough.

Posted on 05/27/2016.

Features of treatment of dry cough

Cough is considered to be a reflex of irritation of the mucous membrane of respiratory organs. Various reasons force almost all people to deal with this phenomenon sooner or later. As a result of a sharp contraction of the muscles of the respiratory system, an immediate release of air from the lungs is observed. A decisive impetus to this is given by sensitive receptors. Cough itself is not a separate disease. It helps to clean the airways from foreign mucus and harmful filling.

Dry cough in an adult: treatment

All the methods used to eliminate dry cough in an adult depend on the accuracy of the diagnosis and the cause of the cough. Carrying out the treatment implies mandatory monitoring by the doctor.

The general principles of treating such a cough may be as follows:

  • conducting procedures that moisturize the air in the room;
  • the patient should be given a warm drink regularly;
  • it is recommended to use absorbable lozenges. Not necessarily they must contain in their basis the components of plant origin. The result is stimulation of gland activity, as well as swallowing of saliva. Thus there is a reflex relief of an attack of a cough;
  • device inhalation with saline.

If dry cough takes a long time, you can call for internal reception the following drugs: Sinekod, Stoptussin, as well as narcotic drugs - Codeine.

If bronchitis requires sputum liquefaction, the use of tablets and mucolytic agents, such as Solutan, Muciltin, is recommended.

In no case should you take expectorant and cough antitussives at the same time. This is due to a possible risk of bronchial blockage by expectorated sputum.

If the bacterial or infectious nature of the disease that caused the cough is confirmed, antibiotics should be used.

Treatment of dry cough in children

It is known that medicinal methods of treatment of dry cough should not be applied to children under two years of age. This is explained by the possible danger of drug overdose. Older children can already be given drugs that are capable of having an effect aimed at blocking the emerging cough reflex. For very young people, it is required to carry out procedures that will reduce the degree of irritation in the throat. In addition, when choosing a method of cough treatment in a child, it is necessary to consider the possibility of various side effects. They can be very different for different types of drugs. Among them there are drowsiness, a feeling of dizziness. After the medicine has already been chosen, it is best to give it to the child just before bedtime.

After talking with moms, the conclusion suggests that the most popular cough remedy is Robotussin, due to his ability to block emerging cough reflexes. Also popular and in demand is Delsim, whose action is designed for an extended period of time. According to experts in the field of medicine, this means is able to eliminate a dry cough for a long time. Steam inhalations are recommended in cases where the advantage is given to the home treatment method. It is worth noting that with these inhalations it is recommended to use an automatic humidifier. This method of moisturizing provides the presence of cool steam, which facilitates the opening of the nasal passages and thereby sharply lowers perspiration in the throat. If the parents of the child have the intention to use the means of homeopathy, it is recommended to resort to this method. One tablespoon of honey is mixed with the same amount of lemon juice freshly squeezed. It must be remembered that with the appearance of a dry cough, the child should be given him more drink, which contributes to the speedy elimination of toxic substances from the body. Chicken soup or hot tea is ideal for these purposes. Warm, salted water is well suited for gargling. If a child is more than four years old, give him cough drops.

Treatment of throat with dry cough

The most important point in the treatment of dry cough in children with adults is the elimination of dishes from the nutritious diet that can irritate the patient's throat. Do not eat sour, salty, hot and hot. You also need to be cautious about cold dishes. It is also necessary to eliminate alcohol and nicotine. Alcohol and smoking can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.

If there is an inflammation of the throat with a dry cough should be taken more drink in order to soften the throat. Well suited for such purposes, vitamin drinks, such as apple fruit and broth on the basis of rose hips.

When the overall body temperature increases, antipyretic agents should be used. Most often a doctor prescribes drugs containing lysozyme and interferon. A good effect is also provided by complexes consisting of minerals and vitamins. When the bacterial nature of the disease is mandatory antibiotics, but they need to take only under the supervision of a doctor.

Dry cough: treatment, drugs

Treatment of dry cough medication is the first factor that should be considered when a dry cough occurs. The very situation that has arisen makes it necessary to take this or that remedy. Can be used as a means of stopping cough, and drugs that cause sputum expectoration. It is the organization of sputum evacuation that is the main problem solved in the treatment of dry cough.

Dry cough syrup

In the treatment of dry cough in adults and children, Broncholitin syrup is often prescribed. Its action is combined and includes the use of antitussive and bronchodilator drugs.

The syrup effectively eliminates dry cough, which is a consequence of bronchitis, acute respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as pneumonia. Overdose of the drug is extremely undesirable, as it causes dizziness, sweating and nausea with vomiting. There may also be problems with urination, limbs may tremble. Syrup is contraindicated for use in pregnancy, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, heart problems. The syrup contains ethanol.

A good remedy for dry cough is the Bronchicum TP syrup. It includes herbal preparations, such as herb thyme and roots of the primrose. Its main action is expectorant. The syrup has a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Tablets from dry cough

There are many tablets from dry cough, the action of which can eliminate the cough reflex, reduce its productivity and intensity. Conventionally they are divided into three main groups:

  1. Tablets, whose action is directed to the brain and which suppress cough completely or partially. They should be used only with a dry, non-productive cough, they contain the following medicines:
  • with the content of drugs: Codeine, Hydrocodone, Codipron, Morphine Chloride, Demorphan. You can take them only on the advice of a doctor;
  • not containing drugs in its composition. For their purchase, you do not need to have a medical prescription, such funds include Glauvent, Sinekod, Sedotussin, Tusuprex.
  1. Tablets that have a peripheral effect on the musculature, bronchial mucosa, nerve fibers and receptors. Among them are Levopron, Helicidin, Libexin.
  2. Combined action tablets that affect sputum discharge and cough reflex. Their action is anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and expectorant. These drugs include Protiazin, Stoptussin, Butamirat, Broncholitin.

Dry cough: treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for the treatment of dry cough in children and adults have been widely recommended due to their high efficacy and the absence of pronounced side effects. Folk remedies for treating dry coughs are mainly herbal preparations. However, there are other people's means of solving this problem.

Treatment of dry cough honey

Honey is a proven cure for dry cough. Due to its enveloping action, it can effectively eliminate the sensation of scratching in the throat when coughing. Use it can both separately and be included in the composition of warm drinking. To eliminate dry cough with honey, you can recommend the following recipes:

  • in a glass of warm milk put a teaspoon of honey and a piece of butter. The recipe perfectly eliminates the pain that often occurs with such a cough;
  • in the mornings and in the evening with a dry cough it is recommended to drink a glass of grape juice with the addition of one tablespoon of natural honey;
  • An excellent folk remedy proved to be a black radish in combination with honey. In it, you should make a small hole in which honey is poured. After insisting for one night should be in the daytime to eat a teaspoon of funds four times a day.

Dry cough: treatment with milk

Milk is a proven folk remedy for curing various diseases. It is recommended to take it in combination with many components, such as honey, soda or mineral water. Recipes for its use as a means of treating dry cough there is a large number.

True, neatly, milk should be used for people who do not tolerate this product. First of all, this refers to whole, home-made milk, which does not undergo thermal treatment. A product that is freely available is suitable for both adults and children, with almost no restrictions. Questions can be only to the indicator of fat content of milk.

People's methods of fighting cough with milk suggest its use in combination with all sorts of additions. Often in the milk, to increase its density, agents that can eliminate cough and perspiration, as well as those with enveloping action, are added.

A good recipe for using milk from a cough is the following. It is necessary to add a spoonful of honey in a glass of milk. With a dry cough, drink immediately after eating.

Another way to eliminate dry cough is milk with the use of soda. In a glass of hot milk, soda is added in the amount of half a teaspoon. Take it after eating. Despite the property of soda to cause irritation of the gastric mucosa in some people, it is effective enough in the treatment of dry cough.

Eliminate dry cough with bronchial asthma, as well as other diseases of organs and breathing systems is able to milk with the addition of carrot juice. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. With a dry cough, take the drink up to six times a day.

Dry cough: herbal treatment

On the shelves of modern pharmacies in a wide variety, you can find funds that can effectively treat dry cough. Their names are very characteristic, in particular: "Breastfeeding". Herbal preparations most often contain constituent components that have not only mucolytic, but also anti-inflammatory effect. This is St. John's wort, oregano, mint, sage, plantain, Ledum.

St. John's wort can not only eliminate dry cough. It also has a good mucolytic effect and is effective in fighting asthma and bronchitis.

Oregano effectively dilutes and eliminates sputum. Thus, it can be used to eliminate both dry and wet cough. Its leaves contain a significant amount of vitamins and substances useful to the body.

Peppermint is quite effective in eliminating dry cough, and it is distinguished by a good anti-inflammatory effect. Its stems and leaves contain menthol oil, effective as a remedy for catarrhal diseases. It is recommended to use it in combination with other medications. With a dry cough, this recipe is recommended. It is required to pour boiling water a tablespoon of peppermint, then insist for a while. After separating the leaves from the liquid, you need to add honey in the volume of a teaspoon and a tablespoon of lemon juice fresh squeezed. After careful stirring, drink immediately before going to bed. It will be very good if the mixture still retains heat. Peppermint is an excellent soothing remedy, thanks to which it is effective in fighting insomnia.

It helps to cure such a cough rosemary, in addition, it affects the causes that cause it. These can be serious lung diseases, such as whooping cough, tuberculosis or bronchial asthma. It effectively dilutes sputum and removes it from the body. Ledum marsh is a plant that can effectively fight dry cough of any degree of complexity.

Other traditional medicine

The treatment of a dry version of cough by methods of traditional medicine presupposes an effect on the cough center with the help of means that cause its irritation. The process is accompanied by the formation of a significant amount of sputum and subsequent purification. There is an effective removal of bacteria and viruses from the trachea and bronchi of the patient.

Folk methods for controlling the dry form of cough are shown to pregnant women who can not use medicines. In such cases, the use of agents that do not cause side effects is recommended. These include the conduct of steam inhalations, which are used: boiled potatoes, a solution with soda and salt, chamomile broth, sage-based infusion, decoctions of plantain and St. John's wort.

An excellent folk method for removing dry cough is a fig drink. The recipe for its preparation is as follows:

  • three glasses of milk are used to cook five fruits of dried figs in them. After cooking, the milk becomes brown;
  • the resulting broth should be drunk three times a day for half a glass.

Dry cough: treatment at home

Treatment of dry cough by own strength can be quite effective if conducted under the supervision of a doctor and with the observance of all of its recommendations. There are many ways of home treatment, you can consider only some of them.

Mustard for dry cough

The use of mustard plasters with a dry cough is known for a long time. The method is proven, effective and reasonably cheap. The positive effect is achieved almost always. However, it is recommended not to use mustard plasters in all cases. A mustard is a piece of paper that is covered with mustard powder. Mustard contains in its composition phytoncides, which have the effect of warming. Thanks to this, the vessels expand, the circulation processes become more active, which improves the resistance of the patient's organism to the effects of infections and viruses.

Mustards remove inflammation and eliminate pain. Use them should be once a day for four consecutive days. Do not use them longer, because the body becomes addictive and the effect of the procedure itself disappears. They are completely useless if it is required to treat a cold or acute form of an infectious lesion. Mustard plasters are most effective in the treatment of dry cough.

Also, they can not be used at high temperature. You can not put them pregnant, as well as people suffering from skin diseases. Also, one should not use them in case of cancerous tumors, as well as individual intolerance to mustard by the body.

Can I put mustard plasters on dry cough?

Mustards with a dry cough can be set, however, you should monitor the contraindications to their use. For example, it is not recommended to put mustard crocodiles in dry cough to people with pronounced skin diseases. In such cases, the mustard can cause additional irritation, which adversely affects the patient's health.

Do not put mustard plasters in the presence of the patient acute form of respiratory infection, as well as lung diseases. Very carefully should be taken in pregnant women. At late stages of pregnancy setting mustard plasters they are contraindicated.

How to put mustard in a dry cough?

In the treatment of dry cough mustard must be placed on the back of the patient, you can also install them on the chest, in the upper part. They should be located near the shoulder blades, as well as over the area of ​​the nipples. When staging mustard plasters on the patient's heels, he is recommended to wear warm socks on top. In the position lying on your stomach you can put mustard plasters on the calves.

If the skin is irritated or if it is excessively sensitive, do not use mustard plasters. Also, do not put them in the area on the skin, where there are acne, redness, wounds and other damage to the skin. Very carefully should put mustard plaster to children. The skin of children is tender enough and you can burn it. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to apply gauze, folded twice, when staging. Pre-it is moistened in warm water. For older children, you can use one gauze layer.

Pre-mustard must be kept in a bowl with warm water. At hand should also be a towel, petroleum jelly, blanket or blanket. To lubricate the body after the procedure, you can use a cream.

Dipping mustard plasters in warm water, they are applied to a specific place. A thick cloth or towel is placed on top, the patient must be covered with a blanket. The procedure takes no more than ten minutes. Its duration is determined by the age of the patient and his condition. With increased sensitivity of the skin, a gauze dressing is placed on top of it.

After the procedure is over, you must remove the mustard, wipe dry the patient's skin and smear it with Vaseline or cream. For grinding, use vodka or a solution of alcohol. The patient is recommended to remain in bed for some time after the procedure. It is best to sleep a little.

Treatment by inhalation of dry cough

Inhalations are an effective method for treating colds and cough. They are able to eliminate the disease in a short period of time. When carrying out the inhalation, the steam affects only a certain area, while the nearby organs are not affected. In this case, the process of recovery is significantly accelerated.

With a dry cough, inhalation significantly facilitates the formation of sputum and the subsequent removal of it from the body. For the procedures it is recommended to use the most modern inhalers, or the old checked towel and saucepan.

With inhalations, there is a rapid effect on the focus of inflammation, which contributes to the rapid formation of sputum and the conversion of dry cough to wet. You can do inhalations at home with a nebulizer. In addition, herbal infusions, essential oils and other improvised products are used.

Compress with dry cough

Compresses facilitate cough relief, as they provide warming of the respiratory tract. The minimum time for their installation is four hours. Then another couple of hours is recommended just to lie down in the heat. It is best to put them at night.

When preparing a compress, its components are mixed, after which it is placed on the chest of the patient. Do not put compresses on the heart area of ​​the patient. When setting up compresses from vegetable oils and liquid honey, you first need to rub them into the patient's skin. Rubbing them into the chest, they achieve a warming effect. A plastic film or parchment is applied over the compress. Then put a woolen cloth and the whole construction is fixed with a bandage.

It should be very cautious approach to the issues of putting compresses to children. It is best in such cases to get advice from a doctor, rather than trying to install a compress yourself.

What to take with a dry cough. Dry cough: what medications will help

It is difficult to argue with the fact that cough is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of a cold. He interferes in the daytime to perform their work duties, and at night - to fully sleep. In addition, a cough can exacerbate physically or cause psychological discomfort. After all, who will enjoy the attack during the lecture or workshop? An unpleasant symptom should be eliminated when it first appears. And before you start treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of the ailment.

Why does cough appear

Coughing is not a disease, but only a symptom. The reflex response occurs when a foreign body or sputum enters the respiratory tract. Inflammation due to the action of bacteria and viruses can also cause coughing. The danger is that such a symptom accompanies not only acute respiratory disease, but also complex diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, complicated bronchitis, and so on. Therefore, when you have a cough, you should first contact a specialist. Self-medication, the patient runs the risk of serious complications.

With each disease, cough has its own characteristics. It can be dry, wet or barking. Caution patient may be impurity blood in the sputum or pain in the chest. Fighting a dry cough is much more difficult. In some cases, you have to use antibiotics.

Causes of dry cough

Before choosing an effective remedy for dry cough, you need to identify the cause of its appearance. It is worth noting that any catarrhal disease can begin with a dry cough. Bed rest and generous drinking contribute to the transformation of dry cough into a productive cough. The term of treatment does not exceed seven days.

If the symptom does not resolve within a few weeks, a serious cause for concern arises. The patient can decide on his own what to take with a dry cough to temporarily remove an unpleasant symptom, but only a qualified therapist should deal with full-fledged treatment. After a preliminary examination, the doctor can prescribe tests, which are fundamental for the selection of medications.

The main diseases that can trigger the appearance of dry cough include various viral infections, laryngitis, diphtheria, tuberculosis, heart failure, influenza, ARI, etc. Dry cough can also be normal for a smoker. At the same time, it is difficult to answer the question what quickly helps with dry cough. A person should just get rid of a bad habit - and an unpleasant symptom will go away.

Why it is important to start treatment faster

Dry cough is debilitating and unpleasant. Irritant effect leads to the appearance of complications. So, ordinary bronchitis with untimely seeking medical help can provoke pneumonia. Pneumonia requires in-patient treatment with the use of expensive drugs. What to take with a dry cough at the beginning of the disease, everyone should know.

It is very important, when a symptom appears, to reveal that it does not belong to such serious diseases as tuberculosis and malignant tumor. In any case, the faster the patient turns to the therapist, the greater the chance of a positive outcome.

Drinking plenty will relieve dry cough

Many know that ordinary water during colds is just as important as medicines. At the same time, some people forget to drink plenty of fluids. Meanwhile, warm teas and tinctures of herbs contribute to the rapid dilution of phlegm. Dry cough quickly turns into productive.

You can drink not only mineral water, but also various vitaminized drinks. It can be non-cold fruit drinks, compotes from dried fruits, teas from raspberries and medicinal herbs. The main thing is that the drink was not hot and not cold. The ideal temperature is 37 degrees. Effective expectorants with a dry cough may contain honey. You can make an ordinary tea with lemon and honey. The warm milk with honey and butter also has a positive effect.


Effectively soften dry cough assisted by inhalation. Such treatment is perfect for both adults and kids. Children older than five years can successfully breathe over the steam. But inhalation for small children is not recommended. It can be dangerous.

Inhalations can be carried out at home. In pharmacies special devices are offered - nebulizers. They are just the same and are intended for the treatment of various respiratory diseases. The main thing is to choose the right solution for inhalation. An excellent remedy for dry cough is the infusion of chamomile. Its preparation does not take much time. Dry herbs, purchased at the pharmacy, pour boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. For inhalation, you can use sage, dog rose, St. John's wort, calendula, and raspberry leaves.

It does not matter if you purchased a nebulizer failed. At home, you can use the old grandfather method - pour a warm solution for inhalation in a saucepan and breathe over it. On the effectiveness of this method is no different. But, unfortunately, it is less convenient.

During the inhalation can also be used drugs from dry cough to children and adults. What medicines will help in a particular case, the doctor will tell. Such syrups as "Lazolvan "ACTS "Ambrobe "Fluimucil etc., have an excellent effect. A few teaspoons of syrup are added to the solution for inhalation.

Massage with dry cough

Helps to get rid of unpleasant coughing attacks massage. It promotes the dilution of sputum and the improvement of blood circulation. But the impact should be correct. In addition, with certain diseases, massage is generally contraindicated. You can not do it also if the patient has a fever.

Massage with a dry cough should be done correctly. The technology is quite simple. First of all, a little special ointment or essential oil is applied to the hands. What to take when a dry cough tells the therapist. Therapeutic balms, such as "Doctor Mom" ​​or "Eucabal have an excellent effect. Ointment should also be applied to the area of ​​scapula and thorax. These places must be influenced first. In addition, it is necessary to massage the neck and lower back. After a massage, you can not go outside for half an hour. It's good if the procedure is carried out at home.

Compresses for dry cough

Any warming procedure can be helpful in eliminating an unpleasant irritating symptom. Compresses also apply to them. It is not necessary to do them only at an elevated body temperature. Compresses improve blood circulation. As a consequence, the immune system begins to work better, and the sputum dilutes and easily emerges from the lungs.

For compresses, various solutions can be used. Popular methods are popular. To get rid of a cough, simple boiled potatoes help. After heat treatment, the vegetable is slightly cooled, rubbed and placed on the chest of the patient. It is very important to avoid the heart area. This compress can be put on at night. Just a few procedures will be enough to make the dry cough transformed into wet.

Effective is also a solution of vegetable oil, vodka and honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and heated in a water bath. In the resulting solution, a bandage, folded several times, is wetted. It should be put on the area between the shoulder blades. So that the solution does not evaporate too quickly, a cellophane bag is placed on top of the compress.

Plants to help

There are plants that help cough as fast as possible. Women used them to treat their relatives from ancient times. The pharmacies offer ready-made breastfeeds. They are used not only for inhalations, but also for oral administration. Plants such as sage, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, oregano, plantain, are able to quickly eliminate dry cough. What to take in a specific case, the doctor will tell.

Even medicinal herbs should be included in the treatment only on the advice of a specialist. Some plants can have the opposite effect. As a result, there will be a dry cough of an allergic nature. Quite often such a symptom is difficult to eliminate.

Dry cough of an allergic nature

Despite the fact that cough for allergies is not a symptom of the disease, it causes a lot of trouble. It can be difficult to calm down. And if you do not give a cough to the value, not far up to bronchial asthma.

Identify an allergic cough is simple. He is intrusive. Cough does not abate due to the reception of classical drugs. It is possible to get rid of the problem only after removing the object that causes allergies.

Before taking pills for the treatment of dry cough, it is worth to find out what exactly is caused by an allergic reaction. A fairly common symptom is spring, when nature comes to life. Pollen of plants and dust can provoke the appearance of all cold symptoms. This can be not only a cough, but also an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Problems are solved in a few weeks. And to temporarily eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you have to use antihistamines.

What to take with a dry cough

If cough is not allergic, it can easily be eliminated with medications. But self-medication is not worth it. What medications should be taken with a dry cough, only the therapist will tell. The appointment is made based on the form of cough, as well as the concomitant symptoms of the disease. Sometimes simple antitussive pills are not enough. In advanced cases, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

Treatment can give good results if it is complex. Dilution agents are used together with antiviral drugs. In addition, you can use folk remedies. But all actions should be carried out in agreement with the expert.

In pharmacies are offered combined preparations that are both expectorant and antitussive. These include Sinekod, Bronholitin, and Libexin. These drugs are effective only if they are properly taken. Non-compliance with dosage leads to sputum stagnation. In the results, the cough does not cure, but only progresses.

Drugs of central influence

Drugs of central influence are effective in the treatment of dry cough. These are medicines that affect not the phlegm, but the cough center of the brain. Such drugs can be narcotic and non-narcotic. Both these groups perfectly eliminate the dry cough. What medicines to take, the expert will tell.

Narcotic drugs are used only in the most neglected cases. The main drawback is the possibility of addiction. Non-narcotic drugs, although they do not start to act so quickly, have fewer drawbacks. Just a few days later, the use of coughing becomes much less.

Peripheral antitussives

In contrast to drugs of central impact, peripheral drugs reduce the cough reflex due to the effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Such drugs are less effective, but they do not have any shortcomings. Therefore, often there is no question of what to take with a dry cough. What medicines will help, knows everyone who once faced an unpleasant symptom. Medicines can be produced in the form of tablets or as a syrup.

Peripheral antitussive drugs can be prescribed not only to children, but also to adults. Particular attention is paid to dosage. Regardless of what preparations should be taken with a dry cough, the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Usually, peripheral drugs are taken for at least five days.

A wide range of medicines can catch a patient by surprise. It can be difficult to decide what to take with a dry cough to avoid side effects. Timely appeal to the therapist will speed up the recovery process and avoid complications.

Preparation ATSTS: it is possible or not to accept at a dry cough?

ATSTS is a drug that has a mucolytic effect. The role of the main component is acetylcysteine. Today this medicine has gained immense popularity. The reason for this demand is related to the positive effect that ATS has on the patient's body during the cough treatment. Everyone knows that the medicine is coping well with a wet cough, but can it be used when dry? In this we have to understand.

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Can I use

The composition of the drug was studied by many scientists for a long time. In the course of the study, it was possible to determine that ACC has a mucolytic, antioxidant and expectorant effect.

More recently, another property of this drug has been discovered, which consists in removing toxin from the body. But most often ATSs are involved in the treatment of colds, which are characterized by the formation of a cough. During such therapy, it is possible to thin the sputum, reduce its viscosity and quickly remove it from the bronchi. In addition, with the use of ATSs it is possible to remove inflammation.

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The positive effect of this drug comes after an hour.The ATSs are sold in various dosage forms. Most often, doctors prescribe to their patients ATSTS in the form of powder for syrup or in the form of tablets. These two tools are the most convenient to use. But prescribe a specific form of the drug should only the doctor, as each of them has its effect.

For example, with the help of syrup it is possible to eliminate unpleasant manifestations of chronic ailments of the lungs, but the solution is very useful for laryngotracheitis.

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As a rule, appoint ATSTS for the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • different types of bronchitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis media.

Most often, ATSs are recommended for use in the treatment of wet cough. Nobody forbids it to be used even when dry, but only on condition that medicines for increased sputum liquefaction have already been used. They have already exerted their influence and transferred the cough to a productive form. Only under such condition it is expedient to use ATSTS. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve effective elimination of dry cough.

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If the patient has a dry cough, then they can appoint ACTs Long. Its administration is conducted in conjunction with additional medications that will improve the effect obtained from the ACS.

But not in all cases, you can use a remedy for the treatment of dry cough. The contraindications are as follows:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug and its components;
  • septic ulcer;
  • sputum discharge with blood;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage.

How to cure a cough with the thyroid gland is indicated in the article here.

Even if you do not have any contraindications to admission, do not show self-activity, be sure to consult with a doctor about this.

How to use

Before considering the instruction on reception, it is necessary to understand how to prepare a solution of ATSTS. To do this, take the drug in the form of granules. Depending on the dose set by the doctor, pour a sachet or ½ of it into a glass of water. Thoroughly stir and drink after eating. If you did not get the medicine right away, you can do it within 3 hours. It is no longer possible to hold a remedy, otherwise all its components will no longer have the necessary effect.

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The video tells about the use of ATS with a dry cough:

What is the cure for the cough after eating, you can find out by reading the article.

In addition to water, the powder for the solution can be dissolved in warm juice, tea or compote, the granules for the syrup should be dissolved in a vial of warm water to the designated label.When the patient has taken the necessary dose of the drug, it is worth to drink an additional liquid in large quantities.Then you will be able to get the maximum therapeutic effect.

How to take an adult

For adults, the drug should be used in an amount of 200 mg 2-3 times a day. This is if you use ATSTS in the form of granules to obtain a solution. The same dosage remains for patients older than 14 years.

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How to apply to children

Before determining the permitted dose of the drug, it is necessary to understand the age at which ATSs are allowed to be used. Doctors have found that the drug can be used to treat dry cough even to newborn babies. The reason in the natural composition of the drug, which does not have a negative effect on the body of a small patient. The dosage of ACC depends on what form you use it and for what age:

  1. ACTS 100- allowed for children from birth. For babies up to 2 years old it should be taken 3 times a day in the amount of 50 mg. When the baby is more than 5 years, the volume of the drug is increased to 100 mg, and the intake per day is 4. starting from the age of six, the daily dose will be 600 mg, to distribute it costs 3 times.
  2. ATSTS Longit is necessary to give to patients, whose age has reached 14 years. The daily dose of the drug is 600 mg, and you need to drink it at a time. The tablet dissolves in water and is used only after meals. If you forgot to drink immediately remedy, you can do it within 3 hours, but not later. Then you will have to prepare a new medicine.
  3. ATSTS 200It should be used only in the form of a solution. He can prescribe to children, whose age is more than 6 years. The daily dosage is ½ packet 2 times a day. Dissolve its contents in warm water. If adolescents are taking drugs, then they need to take a sachet 3 times a day.

Supplement such treatment can be with the help of drops prepared at home. Traditional medicine will strengthen the positive impact of ATSTS. Therapeutic course lasts no less than 5 days. If the case is started, then the treatment can be delayed for 6 months. This period includes the time of therapy and prevention of infection.

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How to take pregnant women

For women, it is very common to be ill with colds. But the treatment in this case should be safe, so as not to harm the baby's health. ATSTS at a dry cough is authorized to use not only to babies, but also to pregnant women. Although until today, the finest influence of the components of the drug on the fetus has not been established exactly.

To eliminate dry cough for a woman at the time of bearing a child, it is necessary to use ATSTS 100. It is taken 50 mg 3 times a day. If there are suspicious phenomena, you should immediately inform your doctor about it.

What are the causes of perspiration in the throat and dry cough, you can find out by reading the article.

For cough, it is very important to know its cause and nature. After all, the pharmacy has drugs designed specifically for dry or wet cough. Always there is a question of azts with a dry cough or not. ATSTS can be used for both dry and wet. The only thing, in dry need additional therapy, otherwise get a positive effect will not be easy.

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