What alcohol reduces the pressure, which increases, the dependence on the dose and other factors

From this article you will learn: alcohol increases or lowers the pressure, the effects of different beverages on the cardiovascular system. Can alcohol be a medicine for hypotension and hypertension?

The content of the article:

  • The dose question
  • The more often, the worse
  • The different alcohol effects differently
  • Every person is different
  • Conclusions

Alcohol can both increase blood pressure and reduce it. Its effect depends on several factors described in the table:

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What determines the effect of alcohol on pressure In which direction the indicator of
most often varies? The dose of alcohol Small and permissible( up to 50-60 ml of vodka, cognac) Short-term decrease
Large Increase
Frequency of drinking Frequent, systematic( once a week and more often) Increased numbers, high probability of complications
Rare, periodic Possible increase or decrease depending on up to
What alcohol drink Strong( 25-40 degrees) Affect stronger
Medium and weak Less likely to change the indicators
Individual body features Presence of pressure problems High probability of aggravation of hypertension and hypotension
Age The older the age,differences in

indicators The most frequent and dangerous effect of alcohol on blood pressure is an increase in indices to high figures( more than 140-160 / 90-100 mm Hg.), which mainly occurs in people after 40 years with the use of large doses of strong alcoholic beverages.

Dose question

It has been scientifically proven that the effect of absolutely all types of alcohol on the blood pressure level is in direct proportion to the dose.

Acceptable and low doses reduce the pressure of

It is believed that if a person drinks disposable amounts of alcohol once a drink, the pressure may drop for a short time. The explanation for this is the vasodilating effect of ethanol. This increases the amount of vascular space, which reduces blood pressure in the arteries. In hypertensive patients( people with high blood pressure), the numbers may decrease or even completely normalize, but this effect lasts no more than 1-2 hours. In people with normal rates, such changes are less pronounced.

Admissible doses of strong alcohol( vodka, cognac) are considered for men about 50-70 ml, and for women about 30-40 ml. After they are received, there is a short-term decrease in figures.

Large doses increase the pressure of

When a person consumes an amount of alcoholic beverages that exceeds the no-droplet dose( more than 1.3 ml / kg of pure ethanol or 3.3 ml / kg of vodka), the pressure rises significantly over 4-5 hours( more than 20%from the original).This is due to the fact that, following the relaxing effect of ethanol, a tonic comes:

  1. Vessels are spasmodic( tapering).
  2. The nervous system is excited.
  3. Increases the effect of adrenaline.
  4. The blood becomes thicker.

The more you drink, the stronger the pressure can go up to the hypertensive crisis. Against this background, complications arise - heart attack and stroke.

The more often, the worse

How high or low the pressure after taking alcohol, depends on how often you drink alcohol. The relationship between regular( systematic, frequent), prolonged use of even the admissible doses of any alcoholic beverages and arterial hypertension is established. In this case, the dose of ethanol consumed acquires an equal value in comparison with the duration of reception:

  • The use of tolerated doses daily or even once a week sooner or later ends with gradually progressing hypertension. In addition, no one is immune from the development of alcohol dependence, which will force to drink more often.
  • A rare intake( even once a year) of a large dose of alcohol can cause a sudden jump in the numbers on the tonometer up. This is enough to not only worsen the state of health, but also provoke complications that threaten life.

The more you drink alcoholic beverages, the higher the numbers on the tonometer, the risk of dangerous complications of the hypertensive crisis increases.

Different liquor differently affects

Every alcoholic drink is affected in its own way. But this feature extends only to small and permissible doses in recalculation for pure ethanol.

Most of all lower the pressure:

  • from strong drinks - cognac;
  • from alcohol with an average ethanol content is white wine.

Most of all, the pressure is raised:

  • red wine;
  • champagne;
  • beer.

Unpredictable arterial hypertension most often occurs after taking a drink from the list above - it's a weak alcoholic drink with an average ethanol content.

The standard dose of alcohol is the amount of alcoholic beverage that contains alcohol in an amount equivalent to 10 g of pure alcohol

Regardless of the type and percentage of ethanol in specific alcoholic beverages, when its concentration in the blood exceeds the permissible, there is a risk of increased blood pressure.

Every person is different

Not only the characteristics associated with alcohol( dose, frequency of reception, appearance), affect what will happen with blood pressure after it is taken. Everything can be unpredictable due to the individual characteristics of the organism and the reaction to ethanol.

Age is actual

People under the age of 40 years, even when taking large doses of alcohol are much less likely to react with BP changes compared to people older than this age( the ratio is 20% to 80%).The older the person, the more often there is an increase in pressure on the background of alcohol intake in doses slightly exceeding the permissible. This is due to the fact that with age, the mechanisms of adaptation of the organism to the effects of alcohol on the cardiovascular system are violated.

Therefore, in response to vasodilation after taking an acceptable dose, short-term hypotension initially occurs, which the body automatically tries to overcome. But because of the excessive hypertensive effect of hormones and nerve impulses, not only the normalization of pressure occurs, but also its increase. If ethanol continues to flow into the blood on this background, hypertension is even greater.

If you are hypertonic

Alcohol and AD in hypertensive patients are an unpredictable combination. People with any form of hypertension are better off altogether, or minimize the amount of its use only in doses that do not exceed the permissible levels. Otherwise, the risk of complications of hypertension is extremely high( 60-70%).

Even an allergic reaction is possible.

Allergy to alcohol can be manifested not only by rashes on the skin and itching. Its extreme degree - anaphylaxis - is accompanied by a drop in blood pressure, even to critical figures( less than 60/40 mm Hg).Therefore, people with any allergic manifestations that appear after taking alcoholic beverages, should be wary in this regard.


Features of the effect of alcohol on blood pressure are:

  1. An insignificant short-term decrease in the indicator( by 10-20 units) often occurs after taking a small dose of cognac( 30-60 ml) or white wine( 100-150 ml).
  2. The expressed decrease( less than 100/60) can be caused by allergic reactions to ethanol.
  3. Whatever alcohol you drink, large doses of it always increase blood pressure. His figures can grow to a critical level( 200/120), mainly in hypertensive patients and people over 40 years of age.
  4. People with chronic alcoholism for many years often experience hypertension, which is complicated by heart attack and stroke.
  5. People who rarely consume alcohol are able to respond with a sharp hypertensive crisis to high doses.
  6. Tablets from pressure and any alcohol are incompatible things.

Despite the fact that alcohol can both increase and lower the pressure, it can not be used as a medicine for the treatment of hypotension and hypertension.