Talk about fighting corruption

To assist you in preparing the plan for the course and content of the conversation with the children at school, the teaching staff on the topics "Fighting corruption", "Countering corruption" I present you with samples of information and methodological material from the practical experience of teachers of primary and secondary schools and institutions.


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Conversation "Corruption in modern society"


  1. To introduce the concept of "corruption", with the forms of corruption manifestation, its consequences.
  2. Expand the horizons of students, form their own worldview on the problems of modern society, contribute to the formation of a stable position to prevent corruption manifestations in the country.
  3. To bring up responsibility for own actions and actions, consciousness and social activity of young people.

The course of the class hour:

Have you ever heard this word?

"Snowball"( brainstorming)

We blinded the "snowball" about the notion of "corruption".

What associations do you have with the word "corruption"?(bribe, bribery, deception, fraud).

Corruption( from Latin corruptio - bribery of ) is a process associated with the direct use by an official of the rights associated with his office for personal enrichment( bribing officials and public and political figures, giving bribes, etc.).

To put it in your own words: abuse of official position for personal gain.

The historical roots of corruption probably stem from the custom of making gifts in order to achieve location. An expensive gift allocated a person among other petitioners and helped to ensure that his request was fulfilled. Therefore, in primal societies, the payment to a priest or leader was the norm. As the state apparatus became more complicated and the authority of the central government became stronger, professional officials appeared, which, according to the rulers, were to be content only with a fixed salary. In practice, officials sought to use their position to secretly increase their incomes.

More often than not, corruption refers to receiving bribes, illegal cash income, state bureaucrats who extort them from citizens for personal gain.

However, in a more general sense, not only government officials may be participants in corruption relations, but also, for example, company managers;Bribes can not be given in money, but in another form;The initiators of corruption relations are often not state officials, but entrepreneurs.

The areas of activity that are most susceptible to corruption in Russia include:

  1. Customs Services;
  2. Medical organizations;
  3. Automotive Inspections;
  4. Judicial authorities;
  5. Tax authorities;
  6. Law enforcement authorities;
  7. Obtaining loans;
  8. Supervision of observance of hunting and fishing rules;
  9. Exemption from Conscription;
  10. Admission to universities and many others

Types of corruption

Domestic corruption is engendered by the interaction of ordinary citizens and officials. It includes various gifts from citizens and services to an official and members of his family.

Business corruption arises in the interaction of government and business. For example, in the event of an economic dispute, the parties may seek to obtain the support of a judge with a view to reaching a decision in their favor.

The corruption of the supreme authority of refers to political leadership and supreme courts in democratic systems. It refers to groups in power whose dishonest behavior consists of implementing the policy in their own interests and at the expense of the interests of the voters( what is happening in Ukraine today, when seats are bought in the Verkhovna Rada instead of being elected people).

Corruption in higher education institutions. High School today is a gigantic shadow market on which billions revolve. Diploma in this market has become almost a financial document. He is bought to further determine the price of an employee in the labor market. At the same time, we are dealing with a market in which the buyer is absolutely unprofitable, and the seller artificially creates a deficit of goods. The number of free places in universities is constantly decreasing, paid - increases. And this despite the fact that "free" students must pay.

For the society, corruption has become one of the most acute problems. Every day in the media we hear about corruption, bribery. This negative phenomenon permeated the whole society. Almost every inhabitant of our country in one way or another encountered this phenomenon. Unfortunately, corruption becomes the norm, the population has adapted to gifts and fines without receipts.

How do you think, guys, should we fight corruption?

In the history of Russia there were different periods of equal punishment and those who bribed and bribed. Peter I determined the punishment for persons giving a bribe on a par with the bribe-taker "... to be ordered to execute the death penalty, without any mercy".This approach is noted abroad, for example, in modern Japan.

Despite the stringent measures taken to combat corruption, many officials continue to take bribes.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains articles No. 285, "Abuse of official powers," No. 299 "Taking a bribe", No. 291 "Bribing a bribe."

Sometimes officials extort a bribe. This is the name: "extortion", and for this judge. But in the school environment, too, there are sometimes instances of extortion by individual students of money from their peers or from schoolchildren, younger in age. This is also punished.

What do you think, what measures would help our government to fight corruption?

  1. Raising the salaries of law enforcement officers, education, medicine, so that it never occurred to them to take a bribe. This will be possible when people have a decent salary.
  2. To make it unprofitable for officials to take a bribe, and there would be no opportunity for this;
  3. Once and for all to prohibit working with people who have been even noticed at least once in accepting a bribe;
  4. To tighten the country's laws against corrupt officials, so that fear of punishment is more tempting;
  5. To educate in people an internal regulator called conscience.

As you can see, it is possible to fight corruption. If you give rebuff to corrupt officials and bribe takers.

Soon you will become adults, you will have to solve many questions that life poses before us. Try to find the right decision in any situation, without bypassing the law.

Source and download link for document in doc format

Talk with the pedagogical team "What is corruption, what does it feed on?"

Conversation with the pedagogical staff of the WGCU TO THE


The International Anti-Corruption Day was declared by the United Nations on December 9, 2003 on the opening day for the signing of the UN Convention against Corruption( first marked on December 9, 2004).Then in Mexico, a world conference on the signing of the UN Convention against Corruption was opened. Within three days the signature under this new international document was put by representatives of 100 states of the world. The Convention against Corruption was approved by the UN General Assembly on October 31, 2003.The purpose of the Convention is to prevent and eradicate corruption. The UN believes that it undermines economic development, weakens democratic institutions and the rule of law, violates public order and destroys public confidence, thereby enabling organized crime, terrorism and other threats to human security to flourish.

In March 2006, the UN Convention Against Corruption was ratified in Russia( Russia became the 47th country to ratify the document).As the head of the Russian delegation, Deputy Foreign Minister Alexei Meshkov, stressed in the speech at the forum, "Russia conducts uncompromising struggle against corruption and is ready for constructive interaction on the anti-corruption front with all states and relevant international organizations."

by the President of the Russian Federation DA Medvedev on July 31, 2008.The National Anti-Corruption Plan was approved. The document states that: "Despite the measures taken, corruption, being an inevitable consequence of excessive administration by the state, still seriously hampers the normal functioning of all public mechanisms, impedes the implementation of social transformations and increases the efficiency of the national economy, causes serious concern in Russian societyand distrust of state institutions, creates a negative image of Russia in the international arena and isthe bottom of the Russian Federation security threats. "

Corruption( from Latin corrumpere to "corrupt") is not a legal term that usually refers to the use by an official of his power and entrusted rights for personal gain, contrary to the established rules( legislation).Most often the term is applied to the bureaucratic apparatus and the political elite. The corresponding term in European languages ​​usually has a broader semantics, derived from the primary meaning of the original Latin word.

Corruption can be subject to any person with discretionary power - authority over the distribution of any resources that do not belong to him at his own discretion( official, deputy, judge, law enforcement officer, administrator, examiner, doctor, etc.).The main incentive to corruption is the possibility of obtaining economic profits associated with the use of power, and the main deterrent is the risk of exposure and punishment.

The primary task in the fight against corruption is the formation of an anti-corruption world view and sense of justice. To this end, preventive measures are conducted with all participants of the educational process: leaders, students( pupils).

On February 1, 2007, Russia officially joined the Group of States against Corruption( GRECO).On May 7, 2009, our country signed an additional protocol to the Council of Europe's Criminal Law Convention on Corruption.

From 07 to 11 December 2017 in the Ulyanovsk region is the "Week of anti-corruption initiatives."

Without massive public awareness of the enormous harm of corruption, there can be no serious positive changes. The use of punitive measures alone does not allow effective control over corruption and its negative manifestations, as evidenced, for example, by recent events in China( the imposition of execution).Historical experience, including that of our country, shows that it was the skillful use of public control that proved to be an effective tool for any national anti-corruption strategy.

The professional work of a teacher, teacher is related to the need for special qualities of personality, not fixed in official documents, but conditioned by the nature of pedagogical activity - feelings of duty, conscience, humanitarian culture. The civil, moral and ethical position of the teacher is an important guarantee of the success of creating an anti-corruption atmosphere in the society.

Conclusion: Corruption can be defeated, but by joint efforts of society and the state. It is important that the corrupt official does not feel comfortable.

December 9, 2017 The senior instructor-methodologist Sorokina NA

conducted the conversation and the source and link for download in doc format :

Conversation with primary school students on the topic "What is corruption?"

Municipal educational institution Urazgildinskaya secondary school named after R.F. Gareev. Primary school teacher Nurtdinova Sania Akryamovna

"The most important thing in any state system is to arrange things by means of laws and the rest of the schedule so that officials can not profit"( Aristotle) ​​

Village of Urazgildino, 2013.

Aims and objectives:

To create a perception among students of what corruption is, to introduce the causes of corruption, to find out what measures the government is taking to combat it. How young people can help in the fight against corruption. Formation of own opinion and position in relation to this issue.

To develop the ability of students to express their opinions and argue it.

Educate the sense of responsibility to your state. The main task is to form a clear civil position, based on the confrontation of corruption.


I. Introductory conversation

  1. What is corruption? What are the signs of corruption?
  2. Many compare corruption with a sore. Every sore has its own reasons to be treated. What are the causes of corruption?
Causes of corruption:
  • Low salaries of civil servants
  • Ignorance of laws
  • Desire for easy gain
  • Frequent turnover of persons in various positions
  • Instability in the country
  • Corruption as a habit
  • Low living standard of population
  • Weakness of state institutions
  • Unemployment
  • Underdevelopment of civil society institutions
  1. What are the forms of corruption?

II.Score "Corruption"

  • On Thursday the meeting was,
  • The important question was considered:
  • Our government decided
  • With corruption to fight seriously.
  • Review of the negative phenomena
  • Speaker from the rostrum read,
  • Then went on to the discussion.
  • One lieutenant-colonel said,
  • What, they say, waiting for the bad,
  • When we are taken into circulation,
  • We ourselves can take the hand
  • Anyone who takes bribes!
  • And, in the eyes of the
  • management In the dirt do not hit the face,
  • We have to plan to develop,
  • How will we catch the scoundrels:
  • "Who do we start with? Suggest!
  • Courage! There are only their own! "
  • The whole hall was noisy:" And let's
  • We'll catch on bribes GAI! "
  • Head of traffic police, worrying
  • For the honor of his subordinates,
  • Answered:" Have the same conscience -
  • Two days ago they condemned two!
  • Let's check out the
  • law We'll check the PPS fighters,
  • Vaughn, their battalion commander
  • Recently bought a Mercedes! »
  • However, the
  • personnel officer Reasonably remarked in response:
  • " Do not disturb the sergeants,
  • They already have -incomplete! "
  • Then the offer was:
  • " Ask the precinct thrush ",
  • But then he was rejected:
  • Who will work then?
  • And even the chief of the rear
  • Affected one,
  • For the fact that there is no soap in the closet,
  • "Left" gasoline goes,
  • At the dacha, he built a tower,
  • . The fence was bricked.
  • But this is completely off topic,
  • Corruption is not to blame!
  • . .. That's how all the services were handled,
  • An answer was sent to Moscow,
  • We do not need to touch,
  • Because there is no corruption!


Consider situations and indicate in which cases of corruption are presented, but in which there are no. His choice to argue.

  1. In gratitude for the fact that the doctor cured her seriously ill child, She gave a doctor a bouquet of roses from her garden.
  2. Olga S. agreed with the construction firm Zabota that if the firm finances her elections to the district council, she will subsequently help this firm get good orders for construction in the area of ​​different buildings.
  3. A public official uses a car and fuel for personal use.
  4. A person needs help in one of the government departments. The official deliberately "pulls" time. A person, in order to repay an official, gives him money so that his question can be resolved more quickly.
  5. A government official comes to work late, returns early from work and is engaged in personal affairs during working hours.


  1. A certain amount of money was allocated from the city budget for the Irkutsk secondary school to purchase coal for the boiler house. At this time a friend of the principal asked me to take him a large sum of money and promised to return a month later. The director lent money, which was intended for the purchase of coal. However, the director's friend did not keep his promises and did not return the money.
  2. After the concert of a well-known musical group on the street, there was a fight. The police arrived and took all the participants in the fight. Incidentally among the hooligans were Ivan and Oleg, who did not take part in the fight, but returned home. In the police they were offered to solve this problem "peacefully" and "quickly", hinting to just pay some money.
  3. Inspector of the Main Directorate of Traffic Safety stopped the driver of VAZ 21-10, who violated the Rules of the road. The driver of the car was a general. The general showed his identity card, scolded the inspector and left.
  4. The head of the State Tax Inspectorate, when preparing a report for a month on the city's shops, entered into it information that his friend's store regularly paid taxes, although the data was not finally confirmed.
  5. The head doctor of the district hospital No 2 does not follow the order and the performance of medical duties by the medical staff. Doctors and nurses do not look properly for the sick, the hospital uses obsolete equipment, and the conditions in the hospital patients are complicated, and health deteriorates.

What can I do?

Corruption will not disappear until we make it disappear. Do the right thing:

  • do not give or take bribes;
  • try to achieve the desired results on the basis of personal integrity;
  • publicize cases of corruption.

You can also:

  • change the existing system and create laws that would protect active citizens who oppose corruption;
  • write about known cases of corruption in local newspapers;
  • to take part in numerous campaigns around the world, actions to combat corruption.
  • To study this phenomenon
  • To get acquainted with anti-corruption measures and methods of fighting corruption.


I think today's event affected a very serious problem, there is much to think about and reason about. The cause of youth needs to be supported. Here, only there should not be emotional excesses, unverified facts. The main thing is that the youth terror does not turn out. It is necessary to take only carefully verified decisions.

This concludes our cool hour. Next time we will talk about "corruption for and against", and also we will study in more detail the "Law on the fight against corruption".


Write an essay on "What I did to fight corruption"

Source of publication: http: // 59531.php

Talk on "Children about corruption"

Preparatory work for school logopedic group MBDOU 170.Orenburg

Abstract was prepared by educators:

  1. Karpova TI
  2. Ushakova IP

OBJECTIVE: Creating conditions for the formation of an anti-corruption ideology in children


  1. give the concept of corruption
  2. clarify children's knowledge of honesty, order


  • to learn to correctly assess the positive and negative actions of literary heroes and its


  • to nurture honesty, truthfulness

DICTIONARY WORK: law, legislation, corruption, bribe, fraud, punishment, unlawful, bribe, law-abiding, hello (life, life)

INTEGRATION OF REGIONS: cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical

EQUIPMENT: card-flowers red and blue, ball, paper, pencils, balloons


Educator( hereinafter - B): guys, we'll talk about corruption today. Let's understand why all adults say: " Corruption is very bad !" For this they are punished. It's against the law.

Maybe you heard this word? No? Then I'll tell you a fairy tale, and everything will become clear to you. ...( author's tale Karpova TI)

Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba. And they had a Goat - so kind, affectionate. She sang in the meadow and brought milk for the elderly. One day, Goat walked in a meadow and wandered into the forest. Kustik for the bush, went, went and lost. ... Day, the second passes, - will not find the Goat of the road home. Wandering through the forest - tired. ..., Suddenly sees Teremok in the clearing. "How the tower you can rest "," thought Koza and knocked.

The mouse looked out the window. The goat asked her permission to rest in the tower, gain strength. And the mouse responds: "Pay me 100 rubles, then let it go!" And Koza says: "Mouse, where did I get the money, I got lost, tired, I can not find my way home. ...And in the fairy tale, all the animals lived in the tower free of charge! "

Mouse responds: " It used to be so. .. and now I'm the boss here! "Pay or go! " Cried Goat and went on. ...

In - guys, did you like the answer of Mouse? If "yes" raise the blue flower, if "no" - then red.

Children explain why they picked up this or that color. ..

Q- Do you feel sorry for Goat? ( children's responses)

In - Mouse takes advantage of the fact that the first one found the housemaker, became a staff member and began to take money for living. She took advantage of her position and commits an act that contradicts moral principles, that is, violates the fairy-tale forest law! He does not want to let Goat go to the house, until she pays money. ...This is corruption.

B - Corruption is the use by an official of his powers and rights for personal gain, which is contrary to law, i.e. the LAW.The mouse acts illegally.

В- and now listen to the tale further. ...

Goat walks through the forest, cries, does not see a path. And I caught on the thorny bush, I hurt my leg. ...hurt the leg. Suddenly he sees a house. ... "Forest hospital" is written. And there worked the Fox-Nurse. Goat went to the hospital, asked for help from Fox. And the Fox says: "Bring me two chickens, but fatter! Then I'll help, I'll cure! "

And Koza says:" But where can I get you chickens, I do not know the roads to the village, the leg is very painful, I can not walk. .. ". "Go away then!" , - Fox screamed and drove away Goat. Again the Goat cried and went on. ...

In - guys, in this episode we also faced corruption. Pick up your flowers. Did you like the behavior of Fox? Explain your choice of flower. ( children's responses) .

In - yes. The fox does not want to treat Goat until she brings her chickens. This, too, is corruption, a bribe. It's against the law!

In - what happened next in a fairy tale. ...

Goes Goat on and sees a large two-story den. On the signboard is written "The owner of the forest - Bear" ."That's who will help me - Bear!"He is the owner of the forest, all the more important, he follows the order in the forest. "Goat went to the Bear, told about her grief. ...Complained. .. A Bear says: "Do not be sad, Goat! I will help you….Only we have forest elections soon, you vote for me in the election of a new owner of the forest - then I will immediately help. "Ah," thought Goat, "and you're looking for a profit! Do not help me Bear! " and quietly left. ...

In - guys, appreciate the act of a bear, pick up flowers. Children explain their choice of color and their attitude to the behavior of the bear.

In - the act of a bear is also corruption. He uses his power and position for his own benefit, bribes the votes of the electorate in the elections

- And what should a bear do to be voted with desire by forest residents? ( be honest, kind, fair, help good deeds, etc.)

In - and soon the end of our fairy tale. ..

Goat goes further, and the Hare meets her, he has found out about Goat's misfortune, found a leaf of the plantain, put it on the goat leg on Goat, and tied it with an aspen twig. Became a better Kose. Let's go together. Towards the Hedgehog. I learned about Goza's misfortune, treated her to a forest apple. And then Soroka flew by, friends told her about Koz. And Soroka says: "I know everything in the woods, follow me. .." Magpie flew, and friends hurried after her. ...So she pointed the way to Kose in the village to Grandfather and Baba. They were delighted to see their favorite, and the helpers - kind forest animals were rewarded with gifts. Then the fairytale end. ...

In - guys, show your attitude to the actions of a hare, hedgehog and magpie. Children raise flowers and explain their choice, express their opinion

In - and how would you act on the place of the heroes of the fairy tale? Mice, foxes, bears, etc. The answers of the children.

- Tell of Grandfather and Baba for friends Goats, this is corruption, bribery.a bribe or a gift from the heart? What do you think? ( answers of children, with the help of a tutor)

GAME "WELL, BAD" ( fiziminutka)

Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball and says different situations. Children catch the ball and give the answer with an explanation.

  • comply with
  • laws to comply with
  • laws to comply with the rights and obligations of
  • to violate
  • laws to tell the truth
  • to be always honest
  • to take bribes
  • to deceive
  • people by bribing voters
  • to commit good deeds,
  • matters to demand or extort
  • conscientiously perform their work
  • steal
  • honestly earn money, etc.

In - since childhood, people should always be fair,, merciful.honestly work. ...These are norms and rules of behavior. Who violates these rules ( laws) .those punish special organs.

- Guys, remember - you always have to be honest, do not break laws and be against such "illness" of time - corruption.

B - there is such a proverb "Honest health to the heart for joy"

You also do a lot of good deeds, grow honest, fair. ..

Let's talk about it to the whole world. ..


Children on a sheet of blank paper outlinetheir hands. Cut them out. With the help of an adult they write what honest and good deeds they did. Tie these hands to the balloon and for a walk release the ball into the sky. ...

Thanks, everyone! Publication address: http: // beseda-detjam-o-korupci.html