How to use aloe with honey in folk medicine?

Both aloe and honey are mentioned in many effective recipes of folk medicine. Aloe is in almost every home, because this miraculous home plant has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and analgesic properties.

  • Therapeutic properties of
    • Therapeutic properties of
    • Possible harms and contraindications
    • Prescription of home remedies
    • Easy laxative from constipation
    • Gastritis remedy
    • Cough medicine
    • Eye drops
    • Body cleansing
    • Hair mask
    • Medication for sinusitis, stomach painsand from asthma
    • Drug for gout, sinusitis
    • Drug from the common cold

    Honey is known for its tonic and antibacterial effect. And together these two products are able to help fight against a variety of ailments.

    Aloe with honey is a highly effective remedy for raising the immunity, treatment and prevention of many diseases. Of these natural ingredients, you can quickly and easily make a tincture, gruel, ointment, lotion or drops.

    Put the finished product in a small jar and remove it in the refrigerator, you can extend the life of a homemade drug.

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    Therapeutic properties of

    Aloe is not without reason considered a home doctor. In the leaves of the plant people have long discovered valuable substances, vitamins, phytoncides, allantoin. Due to this rich composition, aloe removes inflammation, has astringent and regenerating qualities.

    Juice obtained from stems, perfectly weakens, eliminates abscesses and bile, kills parasites, positively affects digestive function. The revitalizing aloe extract removes the headache, improves the functioning of the digestive system, raises hemoglobin and other blood counts.

    Aloe well showed itself in the cosmetic field. Disinfecting and bactericidal properties of the plant make it possible to use its juice and crushed leaves to care for the problem skin. The face is cleansed of acne, ulcers, inflammation, redness, acne.

    Girls, whose skin suffers from a moisture deficit, also find salvation in an extract of aloe. Wiping the face and neck with gauze soaked in the juice of the plant, moisturizes and tones the skin. Women in the age process their withering skin with napkins and cotton wool with aloes to refresh and tighten it.

    Honey is not only a delicious treat, but also an excellent antibacterial product. It fights microbes, fungi, parasites. Honey masks used externally, have the property of calming and giving peace of mind.

    The combination of an evergreen healer with honey acts on the body like a powerful energy charge, fills it with useful elements. Activation of all vital processes takes place, the organs and systems start functioning correctly and uninterruptedly.

    A mixture of aloe and honey produces the following effect:

    • stimulates the regeneration of tissues;
    • is a storehouse of nutrients, minerals, vitamins;
    • relieves pain, itching, irritation;
    • acts as an antibacterial agent;
    • normalizes the function of the digestive system;
    • when applied to the skin of honey enhances the action of allantoin, the skin gets even more nutrition, moisturizing, toning.
    Attention! It is important to use aloe, which is 4-5 years old. In such a plant, useful elements are optimally combined. Cut the lower leaves better.10 days before the cut they are no longer watered.

    Possible harm and contraindications

    Aloe with honey has a powerful effect on the body, which is why not all such a tool is suitable. Forget about the home healer will have cancer patients, as well as allergic people who do not tolerate any of the components of the recipe. Other contraindications include:

    • benign tumors, cones, polyps, fibroses, metastases, lipomas, sarcomas;
    • during the waiting period of the child and breastfeeding is allowed to be applied externally;
    • high blood pressure;
    • hemorrhoids in acute or chronic phase;
    • diseases accompanied by regular bleeding;
    • the transition of any chronic illness to an acute form( cystitis, kidney and liver diseases, diseases of the urinary system);
    • menstruation.
    If during the use of the product you have unpleasant sensations, and the state of health changes clearly not for the better, then you should immediately stop taking aloe and honey.

    The course of treatment lasts an average of 3-4 weeks, it is not necessary to exceed the recommended time of use. Preliminary it is important to consult your doctor. He has data on the analyzes and examinations of his patients, so he knows exactly whether you can take this remedy.

    Home prescription medications

    Aloe with honey is almost a panacea for all ailments. An open wound can be anointed with a slurry of aloe juice and liquid natural honey. It instantly cleans the microflora around the cut, disinfects, prevents dirt and bacteria from entering. The mass is applied in a thin layer. The remaining gruel is not discarded, but transferred to a small container and cleaned in the cold.

    In addition to scratches and wounds, honey and green healers cope with ailments:

    • eye;
    • digestive system;
    • of the epidermis;
    • respiratory system.

    Aloe juice is often used in recipes. To get it, cut a few leaves into small pieces, put them in the juicer.

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    Easy laxative from constipation

    You will need: 150 ml of aloe juice, 150 ml of liquid honey.

    How to cook: mix the ingredients and pour into a small container. Get one glass of money. Drink one third of the glass three times a day on an empty stomach. In the morning, prepare a fresh serving.

    Remedy for gastritis

    It will take: 200 grams of gruel made from chopped aloe leaves, 100 grams of honey.

    How to cook: to connect the ingredients, drink one spoonful in the morning, afternoon and evening, washing down with a lot of warm boiled water. The course of treatment is 21 days, after which there is a break for 14 days and a second course.

    Cough medicine

    Helps to get rid of dry cough, as well as from the cough of the smoker.

    You will need: 150 ml of aloe juice, 150 grams of honey.

    How to cook: put the ingredients in a container and mix. Drink a dessert spoon three times a day.

    Eye drops

    The remedy relieves of diseases such as corneal ulcer of the eye, conjunctivitis, cataract and other ailments.

    You will need: 50 ml of aloe juice, 15 grams of honey.

    How to cook: several leaves of aloe in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Juice these leaves pour into honey and carefully stir. Bury in the eyes of the product three times a day, one drop. For convenience, you can use bottles from any medicine. Do not forget to rinse it well before pouring it home-made remedy.

    Tincture for cleaning the body

    You will need: 150 ml aloe vera, 150 grams, 150 grams of butter.

    How to cook: gruel mix with butter and place a small saucepan. Put on medium heat, wait for the boil, remove from heat and place on a water bath. Wait 20-25 minutes and put "reach" in a dark place.

    When the tincture reaches room temperature, honey should be poured into it in a thin trickle. The product should be poured into small bottles( suitable for baby food) and cleaned in a refrigerator. Take before meals on an empty stomach on a spoon three times a day.

    Hair mask

    The product restores the structure of hair, accelerates their growth, fills with vitality, gives shine and silkiness. Especially well respond to the mask components of blond hair. Honey supports a light shade, makes the curls silky.

    You will need: 10 ml of garlic juice, 10 ml of lemon juice, 10 ml of aloe juice, one yolk, 10 ml of liquid honey.

    How to cook: mix all the ingredients. Kashitsu for one minute rubbed into the scalp and spread over the entire length of the hair. To sustain 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

    • Advice to owners of light hair: clean the hair with a decoction of chamomile flowers or infusion of nettle.
    • Recommendation for dark-haired girls: rinse ringlets with raspberries of oak bark.

    Medication for sinusitis, stomach pain and asthma

    It will take: 400 grams of aloe juice, 600 ml of cahors, 600 grams of liquid honey.

    How to cook: mix everything, place the jar and seal it tightly. Place in the cold. The received tincture to drink on a quarter of a glass in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening before reception of nutrition.

    Efficient and rapid treatment of cough in children by folk remedies.

    Learn from this article, whether it is possible to warm a nose at a genyantritis.

    Drug recipe from apple cider vinegar, honey and garlic - // narodnye-sredstva / serdtse-i-sosudy / yablochnij-uksus.html

    Drug from ARVI, ARD and bronchitis

    It takes: 500 grams of crushed aloe leaves, a glass of sweetamber, 800 ml of red wine.

    How to cook: grind the plants in a blender, add the beekeeping product, place in a dark dry place for 2-3 days. You need to drink tincture every day before eating. It is enough to take a dessert spoon.

    Medication for gout, sinusitis

    It will take: 800 ml of honey, 500 ml of high-quality vodka, 500 grams of ground foliage.

    How to cook: all mix, put on the refrigerator shelf for 60 days. Get out and drink before meals with butter. You can melt it previously in a liquid state.

    The drug from the common cold

    The onion, which is part of the product, perfectly kills bacteria and raises immunity. Use until complete recovery.

    It will take: a dessert spoon of a golden amber product, a dessert spoon of onion juice, three dessert spoons of home-made juice.

    How to cook: onion juice is extracted with a blender or meat grinder. Kashitsu is placed in cheesecloth and pressed from it with juice. All ingredients should be placed in a container, mixed. Ready tincture is digested twice a day for several droplets. It is important to use a remedy for both nostrils.

    Also read an article on how to treat a common cold in children with aloe juice.

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