Hygroma wrist


  • 1Hygroma of the wrist joint
    • 1.1Causes of development
    • 1.2Kinds
    • 1.3Symptoms
    • 1.4Complications
    • 1.5Diagnostics
    • 1.6Ways to treat hygroma of the wrist joint
    • 1.7Conservative therapy
    • 1.8Operation
    • 1.9Folk remedies
    • 1.10Prognosis and Prevention
  • 2Hygroma wrist joint hand - how to treat surgically and folk remedies without surgery
    • 2.1What is wrist wrist hygroma?
    • 2.2Symptoms
    • 2.3Degrees of disease
    • 2.4Than the hygroma of a brush is dangerous
    • 2.5Diagnostics
    • 2.6Treatment of wrist hygroma without surgery
    • 2.7Folk remedies
    • 2.8Removal of the hygroma on the wrist
    • 2.9Puncture
    • 2.10Crushing method
    • 2.11Operation to remove the hygroma of the wrist joint
    • 2.12Laser removal
    • 2.13Cost of removal
    • 2.14Photo of wrist hygroma
  • 3Hygroma wrist
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2General information on the wrist of the wrist
    • 3.3Stages of development of the disease
    • 3.4External signs
    • 3.5Diagnostic Methods
    • 3.6Possible complications
    • 3.7Treatment of hygroma of the wrist joint
    • 3.8Preventive measures
  • 4Diagnosis of the hygroma of the wrist joint of the hand - what to do?
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3Treatment
  • 5Hygroma of the wrist joint of the hand: causes, symptoms (signs), wrist treatment
    • 5.1What provokes the development of hygroma
    • 5.2Diagnosis and Symptoms
    • 5.3Treatment of hygroma

Hygroma of the wrist joint

Hygroma wrist- is a compacted neoplasm of a soft-elastic structure located from the region of the tendon sheath or an articular bag on the back surface that is densified and filled with a serous fluid containing fibrin or slime. This pathology is also called the synovial cyst. Most often, this type of pathology develops due to constant mechanical action or joint trauma.

In fact, this pathology has a benign course, while the hygroma is not soldered to the skin, but with its presence there is a moderate severity of soreness. In some clinical cases, the pain syndrome is completely absent.

Causes of development

The appearance of the disease is caused by:

  • Frequent inflammatory processes in the radiocarpal joint of the hand;
  • The presence of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints;
  • Excessive physical stress on the joint;
  • Injury of the joint;
  • Repeated mechanical pressure on the joint when performing the process in production;
  • Presence of an anamnesis of bursitis or tendovaginitis;
  • Postoperative consequences;

In general, the development of the disease is provoked by thinning of the capsule of the wrist joint, which is noted with degenerative changes in this area.

This creates favorable conditions for the formation of a hernial protrusion.

In this case, injured or affected by the pathological process of the inner layer of the joint capsule under the action of pressure is forced out, outward, pushing a number of placed tissues, and increases in sizes.


Depending on the reasons that led to the development of hygroma, distinguish:

  1. Mucous- are a consequence of the transferred arthrosis or the stage of its development. In this case, the compression and damage of the joint capsule is revealed by the existing osteophytes, this provokes the formation of a cavity that is filled with a liquid.
  2. Tendon Ganglia- are the consequence of pathological processes occurring in the cells that form the tendons. Their presence causes a pronounced restriction of mobility of the affected joint.
  3. Post-trauma- are a consequence of the suffered injury of the joint capsule. In this case, the hygroma develops not only on the back surface, but also on the outer, inner and lateral.

According to the consistency, the hygroma can be soft and dense.


With the development of this pathology, the appearance of the following symptoms is noted:

  • Education in the field of wrist joint of round shape, having a soft-elastic consistency;
  • The appearance of dull pain is predominant in the performance of active movements with a brush;
  • During an exacerbation on the surface of the skin, there is the appearance of hyperemia or redness;
  • As the pathological process progresses, the walls of the synovial pouch become thicker, which causes the determination of irregularities and the presence of adhesions with a number of located tissues;
  • When there is a tumor pressure on a number of vessels and nerves located there is a definition of hypersensitivity - hyperesthesia or a decrease in it - numbness.

With the development of pain syndrome, the amplitude of active movements in the radiocarpal joint is disturbed.

If the tumor develops slowly, the tumor can not increase in size over a long period of time, but with rapid growth it is recommended to immediately seek medical help. This is due to the high risk of developing tendovaginitis, which often ends with the formation of various violations of the functions of the brush.


The course of the disease can be complicated by rupturing the tumor envelope and spreading the fluid in a nearby tissue or on the surface of the skin. After this, it is possible to restore the integrity of the tumor envelope, which leads to an increase in the number of neoplasms.


When visiting a doctor, all complaints should be noted, after which he conducts a full examination and palpation of the existing tumor.

Only then the patient is sent for the passage of an additional examination, according to which you can put an accurate diagnosis: radiography, ultrasound and MRI.

Diagnostic puncture is performed for the purpose of conducting a laboratory study of the content of benign neoplasm.

The diagnostic methods used make it possible to differentiate the hygienic wrist joint from others types of benign and malignant neoplasms, ganglion and artery pathology in the form of aneurysms.

Ways to treat hygroma of the wrist joint

After confirmation, the patient is assigned conservative or surgical treatment.

Conservative therapy

This type of treatment begins with ensuring complete rest to the affected joint.

With the timely handling, a decrease in the load can completely eliminate the manifestations of the disease.

It is also possible to assign thermal applications, paraffin, the use of therapeutic mud and irradiation of the affected area with UV rays.

After local anesthesia, the needle is inserted into the tumor cavity and the liquid is sucked off with a syringe. After pumping without removing the needle, a syringe with a glucocorticosteroid is taken, which must be inserted.


After this treatment procedure, the imposition of a tight bandage is mandatory. This is necessary in order for the edges of the capsule to grow together. It can not be removed for 5 weeks.


In determining the signs of infection of the hygroma in the cavity after the puncture, antibacterial drugs are administered.

If these conditions are not met, then the risk of recurrence of the hygroma increases. If after a puncture the fluid accumulates again in the cavity, the surgical removal of the hygroma is recommended.

Local treatment consists in the use of funds for external use, for example, ointments.

Their use makes it possible to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in the tissues adjacent to the tumor.

They do not contribute to reducing education in size, but at the same time they can significantly reduce the severity of the pain syndrome. With a curative purpose are used:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs containing Diclofenac, Indomethacin and others;
  • Means based on plant raw materials - Propolis.


Operative intervention is carried out according to the indications:

  • The presence of severe pain syndrome, not docked by ongoing conservative therapy;
  • Large sizes of hygromes;
  • Cellular structure;
  • Definition of the significant limitation of performing active movements to the affected wrist joint;
  • Progressing course of pathology, which consists in a high rate of increase in size in the neoplasm;
  • Relapse of the disease after the treatment puncture;
  • Definition of a clear aesthetic defect.

Operative intervention begins after a preliminary local or conduction of anesthesia. The operation is performed as standard with the use of a scalpel through a small incision above the neoplasm.

During the operation, the surgeon removes the hygroma and the joints are superimposed on the joint capsule, which are necessary to create its strengthening.

In the postoperative period, the patient must completely exclude physical exertion on the operated arm. Sutures applied to the skin are removed after 7 days.

A similar surgical procedure is performed using a laser. The principle of carrying out is similar, but this technique is more sparing.

Folk remedies

Therapy with the use of folk remedies refers to the auxiliary, since it does not affect the size of the benign neoplasm.

They are effective at small tumor sizes and help reduce the pain and severity of inflammation, and can completely eliminate the feeling of discomfort.

Cabbage is the most common traditional medicine.

Juice squeezed from leaves for medical purposes is recommended to take ½ cup 2 times a day before meals for a month.


To apply the compress used cabbage leaf, previously oiled with honey, after applying to the affected area must be warmly wrapped.


You can use wormwood juice, juice is rubbed into the affected area, then covered with polyethylene and wrapped up in heat.

Applications of blue clay, the duration of the procedure up to 2-3 hours.

Unfortunately, traditional medicine does not allow to completely eliminate the disease.

Prognosis and Prevention

To prevent the development of the disease, it is recommended that the injuries of the wrist joint be completely eliminated. And if you identify signs of inflammation with bursitis and tendovaginitis, you should not do self-medication, but consult a doctor.

The prognosis for gigroma largely depends on the timeliness of the provision of qualified medical care. After carrying out conservative therapy, a relapse of the disease is quite often observed. Completely eliminate it will help to conduct surgical intervention.

A source: http://vse-sustavy.ru/lechenie/luchezapyastnyj/gigroma.html

Hygroma wrist joint hand - how to treat surgically and folk remedies without surgery

If a suspicious lump appears on the tendon, it is possible that the hygroma of the wrist joint of the wrist develops, which needs timely treatment by means of carrying out the operation.

This benign neoplasm is first accompanied by internal discomfort, then causes painful sensations and an acute inflammatory process. The disease is aggravated by persistent stresses, is prone to chronic current.

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Hygroma of the left wrist joint violates the sensitivity of the brush, without treatment the tumor increases.

What is wrist wrist hygroma?

If an abnormal growth develops in the joint area, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner and undergo a diagnosis. Hygroma is a cystic tumor of connective tissue filled with fluid that belongs to the category of benign tumors.

Since in the wrist joint there is a systematic bending, extension, retraction and bringing the hand, the pathogenic growth of the cone does not remain without attention.To avoid painful sensations, with this kind of inflammation you need to correctly diagnose.

Restriction of the motor functions of the wrist joint indicates that there is a problem. As an option, a hygroma develops on the hand that has a benign origin.

Doctors can not determine the main causes of a characteristic ailment, but they identify a number of pathogenic factors that create favorable conditions for the formation and further development of the tumor.

Among them are:

  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • increased load on tendons and joint;
  • genetic predisposition to arthritis, arthrosis;
  • inflammation of the synovial capsule of the joints;
  • the process of secondary infection;
  • previous surgical intervention in the hand;
  • presence of degenerative-dystrophic joint diseases;
  • bursitis or tendovaginitis in the anamnesis;
  • mechanical damage and injury to the wrist joint of the hand;
  • professional factor (in the group of risk of the appearance of a hernia of a seamstress, pianists, tennis players).


Localization of the neoplasm can be determined visually, but the nature (benign or malignant) solely by clinical means, by laboratory research. When gigroma in the general state of health of the patient, there are significant changes, and he turns to a specialist with the following complaints:

  1. The neoplasm of the wrist joint has a round shape, a soft, elastic consistency.
  2. The presence of discomfort or pain is enhanced by lifting the severity, at the stage of physical activity.
  3. In the stage of relapse before the tumor is opened, the inflammatory process is accompanied by swelling, hyperemia of the skin of the hand.
  4. The walls of the synovial bag thicken, irregularities and adhesions appear with nearby tissues.
  5. Approximate nerves, arteries and blood vessels lose or, conversely, increase their sensitivity.
  6. There is a symptom of fluctuations, when the liquid in the capsule is clearly palpated by the method of palpation.

In the absence of timely treatment, the size of the tumor gradually increases on the wrist and in childhood.

The child first peacefully coexists with a rounded ball on his hand, but over time, this "neighborhood" gives him painful feelings, makes him nervous and irritable. Among the additional symptoms:

  • aesthetic defect;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • visible swelling of the skin of the hand;
  • limited mobility of the upper limb;
  • more frequent attacks of pain.

The origin of a hygroma in a child differs from other benign neoplasms, because the tumor does not acquire a malignant nature.

Often in children in the wrist joint, formation of cyst-like cones is observed.

To thin the capsule requires surgery, which in most cases does not provoke complications.

Degrees of disease

If the hygroma on the arm suddenly appeared, the pathological process accompanying it progresses gradually. Below are the existing degrees of the disease of the wrist joint, which smoothly replace each other, only exacerbate the prevailing clinical picture:

  1. The first degree is formation. In the area of ​​the brush, a tight cyst with compacted walls predominates, which causes internal discomfort.
  2. The second degree is the stationary stage. The size of the cone may vary, but the patient is already used to her presence on the wrist.
  3. The third degree is the stage of diminishing hygroma. The cone becomes smaller, but still has a high density (taut to the touch).

Than the hygroma of a brush is dangerous

By itself, the tumor in the absence of a pain attack is only a cosmetic defect. It is dangerous if it grows.

For example, as a result of accidental damage to the capsule, its contents penetrate into nearby tissues, and doctors do not exclude infection.

In complicated clinical pictures there is a suspicion of oncology, and the patient will have to pass a puncture, to be very nervous.


If a hygroma appears on your wrist, you should immediately go through the diagnosis.

The purpose of the clinical examination is to determine and, if possible, to eliminate the pathogenic factor, to clarify the real condition of the joint, to exclude the development of the oncological process. Especially for the implementation of the task, doctors appoint:

  • Ultrasound of the brush;
  • performing a puncture;
  • X-rays (for thinning the prevailing clinical picture).

Treatment of wrist hygroma without surgery

If the hygroma in diameter does not exceed 1 cm, the need for operative excision of the tumor does not arise.

The doctor recommends conservative treatment, which consists in reducing the physical load on the outbreak pathology, necessarily provides for immobilization of the wrist joint, a course of physiotherapy procedures. It is appropriate to conduct the following sessions:

  • thermal applications;
  • applications of paraffin;
  • electrophoresis;
  • healing mud;
  • therapy with UV rays.

It is necessary to empty the cavity of the cyst, and for this, after a local anesthetic, a needle is introduced into the focus of pathology, with the help of which all the liquid is sucked off.

After this, it is required to impose a dense bandage, thereby immobilizing the mobility of the joint.Do not remove bandages before 5 weeks.

Alternatively, doctors recommend the use of ointments and creams externally to reduce the size of the hygroma, reduce the foci of inflammation, finally get rid of an acute attack of pain.

Folk remedies

To reduce the relapse of the disease, you can use the methods of alternative medicine. The main goal - to remove pain and inflammation, to eliminate the contents of the capsule.

Propolis is particularly effective in a given direction, however, the presence of this natural component must be preliminarily agreed with the attending physician (otherwise there is a high probability of allergic reaction). If there is an allergy to honey, other recipes for hyroma:

  1. Juice of cabbage. From the leaves squeeze fresh concentrate, which is recommended to take inside ½ cup 2 times a day before meals for 1 month.
  2. Wormwood juice. Squeeze the concentrate, then rub it into the affected area in the morning and evening. You can do medical compresses.

Removal of the hygroma on the wrist

If the pathological process involves the wrist-joint, with large tumor sizes an operation is performed.

The main goal is to remove the characteristic neoplasm, restore the functionality and integrity of the injured tendons.

Methods of surgical treatment are several, among them:

  • Puncture with further excision of the hygroma;
  • crushing a benign tumor;
  • surgical and laser removal of hygroma.


To exclude the risk of oncology development with metastases, it is recommended, as part of the diagnosis, to perform a puncture. In this case, the hygroma is pierced, and its contents will be further investigated in the laboratory.

If there are no cancer cells in the joint fluid, the characteristic neoplasm is benign in nature and must be immediately excised in the hospital.

The contents of the hygroma are removed, then stitches and a tight bandage are applied.

Crushing method

At the initial stage, the formed hernia can be crushed, but the method is painful, traumatic. For example, a hygroma can suddenly burst, and its contents spread to once healthy tissues.

A tumor with an inflamed bag of joint after crushing re-progresses after 3 to 5 years, requires additional surgical intervention.

These are the main disadvantages of the procedure, and its advantages are the simplicity and accessibility of the proposed method.

Operation to remove the hygroma of the wrist joint

If there is a hygroma of the brush, doctors recommend that the operation be performed under local anesthesia.

Indication for surgical intervention: large tumor size, cellular structure, relapse after puncture, limited mobility of joints, ligaments and tendons.

Advantages of the session - complete excision of pathogenic neoplasm, lack - a long rehabilitation period. Ganglia wrist joint is removed with a medical scalpel under local anesthesia:

  1. Over hygroma, doctors perform punctures (incisions).
  2. Dissect the tumor by removing the contents of the capsule.
  3. The joint capsule is stitched.
  4. All stitches are removed after 7 days.
  5. Doctors recommend to exclude physical activity during the rehabilitation period.

Laser removal

Such a bloodless method of removing the hygroma is considered very expensive, however effective, reliable and safe in practice. Under the influence of intense heat flow, the benign tumor of the wrist joint of the hand is "burned out" under local anesthesia.

The procedure lasts 15 - 20 minutes, after which the patient is released home. The healing of the injured tissues is rapid, but there are no scars on the body.

Among the advantages of surgery - a quick and maximum therapeutic effect, disadvantages - the high cost of the procedure, contraindications.

Cost of removal

The price of removal of a hernia is different, completely depends on the rating of the clinic, the reputation of the surgeon, the region of the operation to remove the hygroma of the wrist joint of the hand. If you examine the Moscow quotations, below is a table with the name of the clinics and the cost of the procedure itself. So:

Name of medical center Price, rubles
Miracle Doctor on the Square of Ilyich 10 000
HE Clinic on Tsvetnoy Boulevard 20 000
Scandinavian Health Center 11 000
MedicalCity in Poltava 15 000

Photo of wrist hygroma

A source: http://sovets.net/15198-gigroma-luchezapyastnogo-sustava-kisti.html

Hygroma wrist

The hygroma of the wrist is a hollow neoplasm of rounded shape in the tissues that are adjacent to the joint capsule, filled with viscous contents consisting of fibrin and mucin. In rare cases, this tumor fuses with the nerves or periosteum.

Hygroma of the wrist joint code according to ICD10 (International Classification of Diseases).
Code of hygroma according to ICD 10 - M 71.3 - "Another synovial cyst".

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Regarding the origin of the ganglion, there are now a number of versions.

The first is that the hygroma is treated as a hernia of the synovial wall of the capsule of the joint or its fascia.

According to another version, the ganglion is formed due to mucoid dystrophy of the fibrous layer of the joint capsule. Scientists identify the following reasons, the relationship of which with the appearance of this disease is proved:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. inflammatory processes in the joint;
  3. the consequences of injuries received (approximately 25 percent of cases);
  4. the result of domestic, professional or sports permanent high loads, overloading the wrist joint (approximately 20 percent of cases).

The risk group includes tennis players, musicians, typists, seamstresses, laundresses and representatives of other professions, whose activities are associated with constant monotonous manual labor.

Specialists note that the amount of articular fluid produced directly depends on the amount of load on the joint. From this it follows that if we restrict the movement of the joint, the wrist hygroma ceases to develop, and even, in some cases, self-destruct.

General information on the wrist of the wrist

On the palmar surface a new formation appears much less frequently and is formed in the Kraine rarely possible manifestations This cyst on the ulnar side and in most cases such localization is characteristic as a consequence of the obtained injury.

Approximately 20 percent of cases of gigrom are palmar-ray neoplasms. In many cases, the disease develops over several years.

For gigrom of such a location, a multi-chamber structure is common, and they often recur.


The appearance of a neoplasm on the right wrist joint is typical, as a rule, for right-handed people and localized on the back surface of the joint.


This is due to the fact that the right arm is more often subjected to increased physical stress, and the back part of the wrist joint is more susceptible to pathology.

Accordingly, on the left wrist joint the hygroma is usually formed in left-handers and those people who in their professional activities often load the left wrist joint.

Stages of development of the disease

The severity of this pathological process directly depends on the degree of development and location of gigrom. If the cyst is a single-chamber cyst, then the course of such a disease is more favorable than in cases of a multi-carcase cyst structure. Development of the disease:

  • the first stage (formation). At this stage, the cyst is usually tight and dense, characterized by thick walls. It causes considerable discomfort;
  • second stage (stationary). At this stage, the cyst may not cause discomfort, but its consistency remains elastic, and its dimensions can vary in a fairly wide range;
  • the third stage (reduction of hygroma). The size of the growth significantly decreases. Characterized by a more dense consistency. As a rule, unpleasant sensations are not observed.

External signs

Most often, patients complain of aesthetic discomfort, since the size of the lesion can reach a diameter of 6 centimeters.

At the very beginning of the development of the disease the joint functions normally, without restrictions. For this neoplasm characterized by very slow growth rates (quite often the process itself is invisible to the patient).

For gigrom that have grown to a considerable extent, the aching pain sensations in the area of ​​their localization are characteristic, the intensity of which increases in physical activity.

As a result of compression of nerve endings and blood vessels of the hand, a violation blood circulation, which manifests itself in the form of a lowered temperature of the limb, its numbness or sensation "Tingling" on the skin.

Diagnostic Methods

The statement of this diagnosis in most cases does not cause difficulties and is based on typical clinical symptoms and characteristic data of a work history.

If the neoplasm has reached a significant level or is growing too fast, it is usually prescribed puncture of the cystic cavity, ultrasound examination, fluoroscopic examination of the joint wrists.

In some, especially difficult cases, can appoint a magnetic resonance imaging.

Possible complications

As a result of the rupture of this shell, the contents of the cyst spread along nearby tissues. If there is an anastomosis between the neoplasm and the articular cavity, then in case of hygroma initiation there is a risk of developing arthritis.

Treatment of hygroma of the wrist joint

All methods of treatment of this type of disease can be divided into two large groups: conservative and radical (surgical).

The conservative methods of therapy include:

  1. physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, mud therapy, paraffin baths, thermal therapy, etc.);
  2. puncture or blockade. In the first case, using the syringe from the cyst, its contents are pumped out and the cavity is treated with antiseptics. In the second case after evacuation
  3. a drug is injected into the capsule of the neoplasm, which hinders the re-accumulation of cystic fluid.
  4. treatment with folk remedies.

It should be said that the use of physiotherapy techniques usually goes in combination with medication or folk methods of therapy. It is worth remembering that conservative methods in most cases are not capable of completely curing the disease and are often accompanied by its relapses.

Radical ways to get rid of the hygroma on your wrist:

  • surgical removal of hygroma;
  • methods of laser surgery;
  • endoscopic operation.

How to treat this disease? The method of treatment is chosen by the doctor. The choice of methodology is in the absolute competence of the specialist.

The difference between traditional and laser removal of hygroma is that the second technique is less traumatic and allows a significant reduction in the rehabilitation period.

However, the risk of recurrence is lower after the traditional operation, since this method involves suturing the damaged tissue of the joint bag.

Hygroma wrist

Usually, the intervention is performed under local anesthesia and rarely lasts longer than 30 minutes.

General anesthesia is used in especially neglected cases and when the patient's age is less than 10 years.

Often, patients themselves go for surgical removal of the cyst even in the absence of any physical discomfort. Most often in these cases, there are causes of cosmetic nature.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures for wrist gigroma are as follows:

  1. load distribution evenly on both hands;
  2. use of elastic bandages or orthoses during physical exertion;
  3. timely access to a specialist for injuring the joint or tendon.

A source: http://opuholi.org/dobrokachestvennaya-opuxol/gigroma/gigroma-luchezapyastnogo-sustava-kisti.html

Diagnosis of the hygroma of the wrist joint of the hand - what to do?

Hygroma wristIs a tumor-like formation that is characterized by a benign course. Hygroma on the wrist is made of mucous bags, as well as the vagina of the tendons of the cartilage of the hand.

The synovial cyst (another name for the hygroma) has a more often rounded shape, more rarely - an irregular one.

The skin, and along with it, the subcutaneous fat of the hygroma on the wrist is stretched, but do not lose mobility.


Skin over the cyst can remain unchanged, sometimes over her skin all the same thickens and the touch becomes rough.


The wall of such a tumor-like formation is represented by a dense connective tissue, which can have several layers.


Development of its cyst is due to the accumulation of a certain amount of viscous fluid in the cartilaginous cavity.

The hygroma of the wrist joint most often appears in people whose profession is associated with the overloading of this particular part of the hand (seamstresses, embroiderers, musicians). It can also be formed due to the traumatization of the hand during sports.

The following factors may serve as the causes of wrist hygroma:

  • Inflammatory processes occurring in the radiocarpal joint and its tendon sheaths (arthritis, tendovaginitis);
  • Changes in degenerative - dystrophic nature in the joint (arthrosis);
  • Increased physical activity, as well as active sports;
  • Injuries that affect the wrist joint;
  • Professional activity, which involves multiple repetitive movements with brushes.


Symptoms of the wrist hygroma depend on its course. If there is an uncomplicated cyst, then in this case, it will show little of itself. From its clear signs will be:

  • Small sizes (from, up to 3 cm);
  • Soft to the touch;
  • Clear boundaries;
  • The base is tightly fused with the surrounding tissues, and the remaining surfaces are mobile.

Only when the tumor begins its growth or is located near the neural bundles from the very beginning, the patient feels discomfort in the form:

  • Soreness in the affected area;
  • Reducing the sensitivity of the skin in this area or in general its loss for some time;
  • Crawling small goosebumps on the surface of the skin.

Occasionally, venous congestion may develop. And as the tumor grows in size, the pain will acquire a more dull echo, which is associated with the overstretch of the synovial bag in the joint region.

The severe course of the hygroma will be accompanied by a greater severity of symptoms: the disappearance of sensitivity for a long time, a change in the color of the skin.

At this time, it is possible to dissect the cavity of the hygroma (independently or due to mechanical influence), so that the contents of the cyst flow outward.

This period is dangerous because an intact tumor can get infected, which will lead to suppuration of the formation.


The methods of getting rid of the hygroma on the wrist depend on the degree of neglect of the clinical case.

With the early detection of cysts, the treatment of wrist hygroma will be reduced to the application ofphysiotherapeutic procedures: mud treatment, applications to the affected area with the use of paraffin, UV irradiation.

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Also, with a relatively small size of the cyst, it is appropriate to treat hygromas of the wrist joint with the help of conservative medicine through medications.

On the affected area are applied suchanti-inflammatory ointments, as "Fastum gel" or "Diklak gel".

Treatment procedures, like magnetotherapy, as well as phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, help to remove the tumor, but not for a long time.


Among the methods of treatment separately can be identifiedpunctureor in other words - a puncture, hygromes.


This procedure involves first breaking the integrity of the tissues of the cyst, and then sucking out of its cavity contents.

Then, an analog of steroid hormones of synthetic origin, "Diprospan is introduced into the liberated cavity of the capsule.

If there was a secondary infection, then in this caseantibacterial agents, for example "Amitsil" or "Neomycin".

The only reliable way to cure a hygromist on the wrist is toremoval with the involvement of a surgeon. The main goal during this operation -complete elimination of the tumor capsule with itself.

Removal of the hygroma on the hand occurs under the local (if the tumor is small) or general (with a significant tumor size) anesthesia. The very operation takes a little more than 30 minutes.

Stitches in most cases can be removed after a week, less often - after 10 days.

To a radical operation resorted if:

  • There is a pronounced pain syndrome;
  • Education continues to grow actively;
  • The mobility of the hygroma gradually decreases;
  • The cyst is an obvious cosmetic defect.

To date, in addition to the traditional operation to eliminate the cyst excision with a scalpel, a hygienic wristtreated with laser.

The essence of the operation does not change, however, the use of the laser makes it possible to minimize discomfort, reduce blood loss, and shorten the healing time.

In addition to traditional medicine, they are widely usedrecipes of folk medicine, which can take place along with medication treatment. Warm compresses are applied, which will promote the resorption of education:

  1. Basedhoney, cabbage leavesandficus. Such a compress is applied to the affected area in the evening just before bedtime once a day;
  2. Basedleaves of ficus(6 items),kerosene(about 600 ml). These components are mixed and allowed to infuse for 7 days. The resulting liquid must be filtered. On the affected area, first put gauze, soaked in sunflower oil, and then put a paper napkin on it, which was moistened with cooked tincture.

Forecast for hygromapositive, if her treatment was started in the early stages and all the prescriptions of the doctor were followed.

A source: http://idermatolog.net/boleznikogi/dignoz-gigroma-luchezapyastnogo-sustava-kisti-chto-delat.html

Hygroma of the wrist joint of the hand: causes, symptoms (signs), wrist treatment

Hygroma of the wrist joint is a neoplasm, which is represented by a small hernial sac. tumor - synovial fluid. Most often, the hygroma is located on the back of the hand.

To understand what the danger of a hygroma is, one must consider the anatomy of the wrist joint.

It is he who seems most difficult among the joints. It contains 8 small bones that are connected with the help of ligaments, which allows the brush to move in any direction.


Fusing together all the ligament brushes form a capsule, which contains a synovial fluid that lubricates the joint surfaces when moving.


And now we turn to the problem of hygroma, because when the tumor grows, all ligaments and surrounding tissues move apart, which leads to both painful sensations and loss of motor functions.

What provokes the development of hygroma

To the most common reasons that cause the growth of a tumor can be attributed:

  • Excessive and prolonged load on the brush.
  • Traumatizing the wrist joint.
  • Secondary injury and injury. This condition is typical for athletes.
  • Consequences of surgical intervention.

One of the main causes is the thinning of the joint capsule. But many factors can lead to such a thinning and subsequent development of hygroma.

Degenerative changes, damage, all of them violate the integrity of the capsule, thinning it.

As soon as the tumor begins to expand, the tissues of the brush begin to be damaged.

The inner layer of the capsule begins to be squeezed out in a peculiar way by the joint fluid, and the nearby tissues begin to move apart, as we said above.

If the patient does not consult a doctor on time, at the first signs of hygroma growth, then the tumor can only continue to grow and cause more and more discomfort.

However, in some cases it is enough simply to reduce the load on the brush, so that the tumor ceases to develop, and sometimes this is enough to completely disappear hernia.

Diagnosis and Symptoms

Interestingly, the hygroma of the wrist joint does not necessarily have to develop a long period, as in the photo.

In some cases, the tumor grows to several centimeters literally within two to three days. Accordingly, all the symptoms of the tumor appear suddenly.

On the other hand, the hygroma is characterized by a longer period of development, in which the tumor grows extremely slowly and develops over several years.


Often patients generally notice a hygroma in the brush area only after it begins to ache.


Note that the neoplasm is not dangerous and never degenerates into a cancerous tumor.

As for the appearance of a hygroma in a child, here again the tumor on the hand does not pose any danger to the children.

However, it is recommended to begin treatment, and not neglect it. First and foremost, this recommendation is due to the fact that the hygroma never arises simply, and perhaps the child has an early injury of the wrist joint, which should be identified

Diagnosis is carried out by a doctor, as a rule, it is an orthopedic surgeon. To obtain reliable and accurate information on the tumor, additional hardware studies, MRI and ultrasound are assigned.

Thus, before starting treatment, the doctor conducts an examination and offers therapy, based on the following principles

  1. Exact determination and identification of the cause that led to the formation of a tumor in the wrist or in the wrist joint.
  2. Establishment of clinical character of tumor development.
  3. Determination of the location of the hygroma and its dimensions.

As a rule, after that the doctor prescribes conservative treatment, which in most cases is enough to completely get rid of the tumor.

Treatment of hygroma

If the hygroma is detected in the early stages of its development, the therapy involves the use of conservative methods and the hygroma is treated without surgery. This approach is sufficient for a complete cure.

Among the main methods of conservative therapy are the following:

  • The patient undergoes complex treatment with physiotherapy.
  • The hygroma undergoes a puncture, after which the whole fluid is pumped out of the tumor.
  • Inside the tumor cavity injected glucocorticoid hormones, they exclude relapse.

Some time ago the treatment of hygroma suggested its mechanical crushing, but now such a The method does not apply, even though the articular fluid in the hygroma does not represent danger.

The fact is that after some time after crushing, the hygroma started to form again. And relapse was observed in 90% of all cases of crushing.

The problem is that with this method of treatment, the capsule edges are back together very quickly, and as a result, the joint fluid begins to accumulate.


At the same time, the current method - treatment with a glucocorticoid is quite successful and effective. Unfortunately, this method is suitable only if the tumor was detected at the initial stage of development and has not yet found dimensions above 1 cm.


Treatment is as follows:

  1. The tumor is administered topically with anesthesia.
  2. Then the capsule is pricked with a needle.
  3. All liquid is sucked off.
  4. The glucocorticoid is injected.

The procedure ends with a dense bandage applied to the wrist joint. The dressing should be tight, so that the edges of the hernia normally grow together. Such an orthosis will need to be carried on the wrist for a month.

The presence of such orthosis minimizes the risk of repeated filling of the hernia cavity with liquid. Minimizing the movement of the brush will not produce much joint fluid.

Surgical removal will be necessary if the tumor size exceeds 1 cm, and the formation itself will consist of several capsules at once.

Another indication for surgery is a large-sized capsule that begins to interfere with the movement of the hand. That is, there is a violation of motor abilities.

The operation is as follows:

  • Anesthesia is injected into the area of ​​the tumor.
  • A small incision is made.
  • Capsule is stripped and removed.
  • The incision is sewn and an orthosis is applied.

In principle, such an operation can be carried out using the laser method, it is simply more modern and allows minimizing the damage to the skin while carrying out removal of the hygroma.

However, compliance with all recommendations after removal of the hygroma, prevention, and timely detection of the disease minimizes the risk of relapse.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/hygroma/gigroma-luchezapyastnogo-sustava.html