What is cough with tuberculosis

What is cough with tuberculosis

Mycobacteria can affect different organs, but tuberculosis in the lungs is accompanied by a cough. The nature of this cough is different, it depends on the stage of the disease and the area of ​​pathological damage to the respiratory system.


  1. The first symptoms of tuberculosis are most often manifested by subfebrile fever and cough. The patient often thinks that this is a common cold and is treated appropriately, without seeking help from specialists. In the first stage of pulmonary tuberculosis cough can be stopped even after self-treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. But soon the feeling of discomfort in the chest returns, and then new progressive coughing starts.
  2. Cough attacks are wet in nature, while the patient feels the appearance of a lump in the chest and can not cough it out. The cough reflex is caused by a large accumulation of bronchial mucus in the lumen, which is formed due to inflammatory processes. Slime in the bronchi interferes with the passage of air, and its accumulation in the pulmonary lobes complicates the process of ventilation of the lungs, in the alveoli the gas exchange is disturbed. In response to a violation of respiratory function, the body activates a protective reflex - a cough, which should help clear the lumen of the respiratory organs from mucus. But since mucus continues to be produced in large quantities, cough does not decrease.
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  3. The cough is protracted also because the patient coughs up the pleural wall and diaphragm when coughing, they squeeze the lungs, their ventilation deteriorates. These processes lead to a greater spread of the inflammatory reaction. With tubercular inflammation, it becomes more difficult for a person to breathe, so coughing attacks increase.
  4. Tuberculosis cough is accompanied by sputum discharge - a mixture of inflammatory mucus and pus. In sputum there is more quantity of pathogens of a tuberculosis - mycobacteria. At the beginning of the disease, the color of the expectorant mucus is light, more often transparent. With the development of the tuberculosis process, sputum turns yellow due to the adherence to it of purulent discharge. At the last stages of pulmonary tuberculosis due to severe inflammatory processes, the walls of the blood vessels of the respiratory organs are thinned and burst. First, blood veins appear in the sputum, with the progression of tuberculosis the patient coughs up almost with one blood, which has pus contaminants and a specific unpleasant odor.
  5. Cough with tuberculosis is worse when lying down, especially at night. This is due to the fact that a large amount of mucus is produced in the affected foci of the lungs and when the patient takes a supine position, it stagnates and presses on adjacent tissues. The patient experiences a painful feeling in the chest and an unceasing urge to cough. Such patients are recommended to sleep on several high pillows, that is, in a semi-sitting position.


Cough with pulmonary tuberculosis

Such an infectious disease as tuberculosis of the lungs has a special specificity. The reason for its occurrence are acid-fast bacteria, which actively multiply in the lungs. Depending on their activity and different forms of tuberculosis. To predict its outcome is difficult, and its accompanying symptoms are not always the same. Unchanged, although different in appearance, is a cough with pulmonary tuberculosis. He can torment constantly or to appear very rarely. Although, it should be noted its specific character.

What is cough with tuberculosis

Depending on the form of the disease, tuberculosis, cough has specific characteristics.

  1. The focal form of a tuberculosis - a cough practically is not present or it is shown very seldom and does not deliver a dyscomfort to the patient.
  2. The miliary form of tuberculosis is a strong dry cough that appears for no reason. It gives a lot of pain. Despite the increased dryness, there is an abundant amount of viscous sputum. Such a cough with pulmonary tuberculosis is the most disruptive and it is quite difficult for a patient to cope with it.
  3. The destructive form of tuberculosis is a deaf and painful cough. At the same time, a specific sound is produced and strong sores in the throat are observed.

Regardless of what form of the disease is observed, coughing with pulmonary tuberculosis has one general tendency: seizures occur mainly in the morning. As soon as the patient gets up after a night's sleep, severe attacks of cough begin to prevail for quite a long time. As with a simple cold, such a reaction of the body is natural due to the fact that at night there was no possibility of exit from the sputum. And as soon as there is a sharp change in the position of the body, it tends to go outside. Morning cough with pulmonary tuberculosis will continue until all accumulated mucus and phlegm have come out. This process can take about an hour.

Depending on what form of tuberculosis is observed, the sound of coughing varies greatly. It can be as soundless, from the side resembling a lack of air, and with a sharp metallic sound. The duration of coughing attacks will be the same.

In any case, if a person does not know about his illness, but every day every morning he suffers from coughing attacks, then a doctor is required. After the passage of fluorography and X-ray, it becomes clear what the main problem is. Only a timely call to a specialist will help avoid complications and stop the disease at an early stage.

Cough with tuberculosis in children

Children's illnesses should be treated very carefully. Sometimes, at first glance, a simple flu can develop into tuberculosis and then serious treatment can not be avoided. Cough for tuberculosis in children is very disruptive. They, unlike adults, are much more difficult to deal with it. If a child has tubercular bronchoadenitis, then the cough becomes convulsive, and his sound resembles a metal scraping. This cough is called a bitter. The main cause of its appearance is the different rate of air entry into the lungs, as a result of which large knots in the bronchi strongly increase and the child has trouble breathing.

Whatever cough for pulmonary tuberculosis does not bother, it must be treated. It's not worth to start the process on its own. Timely treatment will help to avoid many problems and will ease the condition, saving the patient from the disease and its attendant symptoms.


What should be the symptoms of tuberculosis?



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General condition of the patient: patients with limited forms of tuberculosis complain of increased fatigue, weakness, especially pronounced in the morning, is also characterized by a decrease in working capacity. Children begin to lag behind in studies, sleep badly, lose their appetite.
With massive forms of tuberculosis or with the spread of infection throughout the body, the condition of the patient can be very difficult.

General view of the patient: patients with tuberculosis lose weight and therefore look thin, pale face, features faces are sharpened and therefore the face seems more beautiful, against the background of pale skin of the face on the cheeks is noticeable blush. Patients with chronic tuberculosis are severely depleted.

Increase in temperature: with limited forms of tuberculosis, an increase in temperature is insignificant (3, -38 C), but prolonged. The temperature rises in the evening or at night, at night there are strong sweats, chills. This is the main difference in temperature with tuberculosis from temperature in other diseases: in ARI, bronchitis, pneumonia, the temperature can reach higher marks, but quickly passes and is not accompanied by abundant nighttime sweats.
Strong temperature in tuberculosis is typical only for massive forms of tuberculosis.

Cough: cough is a constant symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis. At the beginning of the disease, the cough is dry, persistent, exacerbated at night and in the morning. With further development of the disease, cough can become wet with sputum secretion. Cough with tuberculosis is chronic, so the presence of cough for more than 3 weeks should alert and cause a doctor.
In ARI, bronchitis or pneumonia, there may also be a cough, but unlike coughing with tuberculosis, coughing in the case of these illnesses lasts not so long and has a different character. In order to better understand the characteristics of cough in various diseases, we recommend to refer to the article by Polysmed "What can be a cough".

Hemoptysis: this is one of the important signs of pulmonary tuberculosis. Hemoptysis appears with infiltrative tuberculosis, as well as with other forms of this disease.
Usually hemoptysis occurs after a fit of cough, in this case, together with sputum, the patient coughs up and a small amount of fresh blood. With pulmonary tuberculosis, the development of pulmonary hemorrhage ("blood by the throat") is a serious and dangerous condition for the patient's life, requiring immediate medical attention.
Hemoptysis in tuberculosis should be distinguished from hemoptysis in lung cancer or heart failure.


With tuberculosis, what? If tuberculosis of the lungs, then a painful cough, with blood.

Grigory Miroshin

Catherine! You, most likely, mean tuberculosis of the lungs? If I guessed, then in TB, three main symptoms are considered suspicion of pulmonary tuberculosis. This is the appearance of cough, chest pain and fever (fever) when we are worried that they last 2-3 or more weeks. Classically, two studies are recommended in this case - an extraordinary radiation study (radiography or fluorography) according to clinical indications and 3-fold sputum examination for detection of KUM (acid-fast mycobacteria. It is - 3-fold! This research is obliged to do every (!) Clinical laboratory of any hospital. It is very important to collect sputum correctly and deliver it to the laboratory as early as possible and no later than 2 hours. Everything else Weight loss, hemoptysis, weakness, etc.) may or may not be.
Naturally, the presence or absence of these signs depends on the prevalence of the process in the lungs. If the process in the lungs is limited (focal tuberculosis), then it does not manifest itself in any way and it can be detected only with fluorography. Like this.

At a tuberculosis always temperature and tussis ??



temperature-yes, the chest hurts, coughing is not necessary ...


At us the girl at job was ill.
The temperature is YES. But very small - approx. 37.0
But a cough - no and there was not.
Cough is permanent - it is already in the late stages.

Ludmila Chaevnikova

Sometimes it is detected only by fluorography, and there were no symptoms.


Tuberculosis of the lungs can be asymptomatic or asymptomatic for a long time and can be detected accidentally during fluorography or chest x-ray. The fact of seeding the body with tuberculosis mycobacteria and the formation of specific immunological hyperreactivity can also be detected when tuberculin samples are taken.
In cases where tuberculosis manifests clinically, usually the first symptoms are nonspecific manifestations of intoxication: weakness, pallor, increased fatigue, lethargy, apathy, low-grade fever (about 37 ° C, rarely above 38 ° C), sweating, especially disturbing the patient at night, losing weight. Often there is a generalized or limited by any group of lymph nodes lymphadenopathy - an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. Sometimes it is possible to identify a specific lesion of lymph nodes - a "cold" inflammation.
In the blood of patients with tuberculosis or contaminated with mycobacterium tuberculosis in laboratory anemia is detected (a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin content), moderate leukopenia (a decrease in the number leukocytes). Some experts suggest that anemia and leukopenia in case of tuberculosis infection are a consequence of exposure to toxins of mycobacteria on the bone marrow. According to another point of view, everything is strictly the other way round - the tuberculosis mycobacterium predominantly "attacks" mainly on weakened persons - not necessarily suffering from clinically pronounced immunodeficiency states, but, as a rule, having slightly decreased immunity; not necessarily suffering from clinically severe anemia or leukopenia, but having these parameters near the lower border of norm, and so on. In such an interpretation, anemia or leukopenia is not a direct consequence of a tuberculosis infection, but, on the contrary, a precondition for its occurrence and a premorbid factor that pre-existed before the disease.
Further along the course of the development of the disease, more or less obvious symptoms from the side of the affected organ are added. With tuberculosis of the lungs, it is coughing, sputum discharge, wheezing in the lungs, a runny nose, sometimes difficulty respiration or pain in the chest (usually indicating the adherence of tuberculous pleurisy), hemoptysis. When tuberculosis of the intestine - those or other violations of bowel function, constipation, diarrhea, blood in the feces, etc. As a rule (but not always), lung damage is primary, and other organs are affected secondarily by hematogenous seeding. But there are cases of tuberculosis of internal organs or tuberculous meningitis without any current clinical or radiographic signs of lung injury and without such a lesion in the history.

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