Cough in a newborn 2 months

Than to treat a cough from a babe?

Children of the first year of life who are breastfed usually have good immunity and cold diseases are very rare. But children on artificial feeding and premature infants often get sick. Factors that further impair immunity are rickets, insufficient or excessive weight gain in children, poor care, a rare stay in the fresh air, heredity.

Treatment of cough in infants: features

The main reasons for coughing in infants are:

  1. ARVI, the most frequent symptoms of which will be cough, runny nose and fever.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are bacterial complications of ARVI and also manifest themselves in cough.
  3. Contaminated air indoors or outdoors, too dry air in the child's room.
  4. Reflex cough that occurs when a foreign body enters the upper respiratory tract. Appears against a background of complete health during meals, especially when eating nuts or dry biscuits, as well as when playing a child with a violent attack of cough. It happens with inflammation of the middle ear due to irritation of the tympanic membrane.
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Treatment of children coughing for up to a year depends not only on the causes that caused the cough, but also on the type of cough. There are such types:

  • dry, unproductive (without sputum) and moist, productive (with sputum);
  • acute (up to 3 weeks) and chronic;
  • permanent and short-term, as well as episodic and paroxysmal.

Than to treat a cough to a baby?

In infants, the treatment of cough, especially by domestic methods, is possible only in the absence of fever. If the temperature is raised, then cough treatment in infants is carried out only in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

If we treat a cough without the temperature of the newborn, then first of all, we must take care of the microclimate in the room where the child is. The room should be regularly ventilated - at least 2 times a day, the temperature should be 20-22 degrees, and To increase the humidity in the room, you can hang a wet diaper or put open containers with water.

To improve coughing up the child make a light massage of the chest and abdomen. To reduce intoxication and to prevent dehydration the child gives a sufficient amount of liquid for drinking. Very useful for a child with a cough will be fresh air, therefore one should not avoid walking outside and It is recommended to lay babies in daytime sleep on a well-ventilated veranda, but only with normal body temperature. If the child has a dry cough, it must be made moist, for which the compresses are often used.

Drugs for cough in the first year of life

With a dry cough apply drugs that suppress cough only when it becomes paroxysmal and runs the risk of becoming a harbinger of bronchospasm.

Together with them prescribe and antiallergic drugs (Diazolin), and if necessary - hormonal injections.

If the cough is wet, then to facilitate the withdrawal of phlegm use the means for its dilution (Lazolvan, Ambroxol) in children after 3 years, as well as sprays, and for excretion phlegm use special massage techniques, teas with chamomile and mother and stepmother, compresses and rubbing of the chest with eucalyptus ointment, mustard plasters through several layers gauze.

At a high temperature, the doctor prescribes antipyretic drugs. And with purulent inflammation, an injectable course of broad-spectrum antibiotics (most often from the group of cephalosporins) can add.

How to treat a cough in an infant?

When the baby begins to cough, do not delay, immediately call the therapist. Note that in the body of a small child everything happens swiftly. With a small inflammation, a condition dangerous to the baby can occur. Before you start treatment you need to know what caused a cough in the baby.

Causes of cough in infants

1. Because of acute respiratory viral infection.

2. Because of an allergic reaction.

3. If the laryngeal region is inflamed.

4. When a foreign body entered the respiratory tract, the child was choked with liquid and milk.

5. Because of bronchospasm.

Observance of the regimen of an infant with a cough

It is important that the child does not overwork himself in the disease, calmly playing, moving moderately. Pay attention, forbid to play, it can not be turned, when it moves, the bronchi will be able to clear the mucus that accumulates in them faster and the child can immediately recover.

It is important when coughing babies to perform a small massage of all vital points, easily massage the chest, feet. Gently pat, tap, so sputum will quickly depart, if there is no allergy, you can use vegetable balm.

The child should eat as much as possible breast, let the older children give warm milk, puree from fruit, jelly. The more a child drinks, the faster he will have a large amount of toxic substances, sputum will be diluted and excreted.

Methods for treating dry cough in an infant

In some situations, it is necessary to take mucolytic and expectorant drugs. Well-behaved plants such as elecampane, mother-and-stepmother, juice, cooked with black radish, psyllium, it is recommended to add honey, also cough from a baby can be treated with seeds anise. Ivy drugs are valued, leaves are used for cooking, especially treatment with Gedelix, Proppanom.

If the child has a bad sputum, the therapist prescribes special medications that can be used to make phlegm easier, so the cough is moistened and the baby becomes much better.

Breastfeeding can write such mucolytic drugs as Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene. For the first time in a month, a child can be treated with Ambrohexal, with the help of which it is possible to quickly withdraw phlegm, strengthen the immune system.

Cure a child with inhalation. It will need baking soda, alkaline mineral water "Borjomi potato broth. Hold the baby in his arms over the steam.

Traditional methods of cough treatment in an infant

When the child has a high temperature, it is forbidden to conduct warming procedures - use mustard plasters, compresses. Well helps onions with honey, for this it is preliminarily ground, honey is added, everything is infused for an hour. The juice must be poured, the child should be given on a coffee spoon.

Herbs from coughing to a baby

After two months, it is recommended to use a decoction based on plantain, mother-and-stepmother. If the child is 4 months old, he can give a decoction, which includes plantain, mother-and-stepmother. To make it, you need to take 250 ml of boiling water, brew the grass in it, eat before eating. This is the best expectorant drug, note, often a child may vomit, so it is worthwhile to monitor the dosage.

Positive effect on the respiratory organs is the root of the althaea, elecampane, licorice. The plants are mixed, then you need to pour boiling water, enough sex liter, insist 10 hours. The child should eat three times a day.

Cough compress for babies

If the child is not allergic, you can use a compress with honey, you need to make a cake with honey, linseed oil, a small amount of flour. Make a dense cake, it should not spread, then attach to the baby's breast area. From 6 months you can add a small amount of mustard to the cake.

Well warm the breast potato compresses, using goat fat or badger, from above it is necessary to put gauze.

It is important to follow the rules when making compresses:

1. We must first take the fabric, fold it.

2. Medicine.

3. Top with a diaper.

4. Polyethylene.

5. Marl, if not, you can use a diaper.

6. The compress can be placed only on the chest area, it is not recommended on the back that pneumonia does not appear.

If you use goat fat, you should grind not only the chest area, but also the feet. So sputum will quickly depart. When the child has a dry cough, you need to often ventilate the room to humidify the air.

Inhalation for an infant

You can prepare a passive inhalation for a child of two months, you need to heat the bath with boiling water, the room should be all in a couple. This type of inhalation is carried out within 10 minutes. If your child does not suffer from allergies, you can add eucalyptus oil.

The rules for cough treatment in an infant

1. You can not forbid the baby to move, so sputum begins to stagnate.

2. Do not use folk methods on your own, consult a doctor in order to avoid serious consequences.

3. Bathe the child in a warm bath with the addition of chamomile, sage, thyme.

Thus, coughing in an infant can not be started in any case, it is necessary to treat it on time, because there can be serious complications. Do not always immediately need a small child to give antibiotics and a lot of other medicines. First you need to find out what caused a cough in the baby, how it flows, what kind of coughing the child has - dry, wet. Then, make a decision about the treatment. Be sure to immediately consult a doctor, he must listen to the child, you may need to pass some tests to clarify the diagnosis. Also remember about preventive methods to prevent coughing in an infant.

Tip 1: What cough remedies can I give to babies?

Cough is a symptom of many diseases. In an infant, severe attacks of coughing can lead to hoarseness, vomiting, restless behavior, deterioration of the condition.

Causes of coughing in infants

Most often, cough is a symptom of acute respiratory infections, in which the inflammatory process affects the respiratory system.

Also, the cause of coughing can be directly inflammation of the respiratory system and an increase in adenoids.

Cough with signs of suffocation occurs when a foreign body enters the trachea or bronchi. In this case, immediate medical attention is needed, since there is a serious threat to the life of the newborn. A baby can not cough on its own and get rid of a foreign body.

Effective cough for babies

First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the cough. Experienced specialist after the examination of the baby will appoint the right treatment to quickly get rid of an unpleasant symptom. Do not engage in self-medication before the arrival of a doctor, as there may be adverse consequences.

Before the arrival of a pediatrician, you can take the baby in your arms and gently pat on the back. Such massage movements help to release accumulated mucus, clearing the respiratory tract.

The air in the room with the sick baby should be sufficiently humid, so in the winter, it is necessary to apply wet towels or use an air humidifier. Dry air provokes frequent coughing attacks.

For an infant, an ideal means for liquefying sputum and effective expectoration is using preparations based on plant plants. As a rule, these are decoctions of mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, anise, thyme, rosemary, licorice, althea, etc. Modern cough syrup for babies is "Gedelix which due to the beneficial properties of ivy increases the amount of mucus, increases the reduction of bronchi and promotes the output of phlegm from organism.

A baby with a cough can rub the chest and back with a "Vitaion". It contains a large number of medicinal plants and essential oils, which relieve inflammation and improve the condition of the baby.

In the absence of temperature, warming compresses are effective. For example, spread cabbage leaf with honey and attach to the baby's breast. At the top, fix the compress with a bandage and put the baby to bed. In the morning, the skin under the sheet will turn pink.

During illness, provide the baby with a plentiful drink that perfectly irrigates the throat and eliminates dryness in the mouth. Drinking should be warm, otherwise the mucous membrane is irritated, intensifying the painful sensations.

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