Prolonged runny nose in child treatment

Prolonged runny nose in the child: effective treatment

Colds in young children occur very often, especially with weakened immunity. With timely treatment and proper behavior of parents, it soon becomes possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

However, when there is a prolonged runny nose in the child, there is a serious cause for concern, because the disease can cause many complications.

Causes of a prolonged rhinitis in infants

Prolonged runny nose in a child otolaryngologists are treated as chronic rhinitis. This form of the disease is acquired as a result of improper treatment of acute rhinitis. In addition, prolonged rhinitis can be a sign of other inflammatory processes that occur in the child's body. Often, it indicates the development of infectious diseases, influenza, upper respiratory tract diseases.

In most cases, a prolonged runny nose in the baby is a consequence of normal rhinitis. As a rule, unpleasant symptoms - mucous discharge from the nose and nasal congestion, arise in the cold and damp season. There may be several pathogens, usually viruses and microbes, then specialists distinguish between the viral and bacterial origin of rhinitis. Treatment of a prolonged runny nose in a child and is determined by the type of pathogen of the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. With bacterial rhinitis, the most common pathogens are microbes such as staphylococci, pneumococci and streptococci.

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Among other causes of protracted rhinitis, otolaryngologists call such factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent colds accompanied by colds;
  • absence of any treatment for acute rhinitis;
  • constant hypothermia of the body;
  • the course of other infectious diseases in the body;
  • curvature of the nasal septum - congenital or acquired;
  • an increase in adenoid tissue;
  • allergic reactions of the nasal mucosa;
  • hidden infections.

Signs of a protracted cold in the baby

Finding a protracted runny nose from your baby, you should immediately visit the specialist's office.

To recognize this form of the inflammatory process proceeding in a nasopharynx, it is possible on such signs:

  • discharge from the nose are observed for more than 10 days;
  • nasal breathing is difficult both day and night;
  • total or partial reduction of smell;
  • The nose is not transparent, but a thick yellow-green or brown mucus;
  • itching, dryness and burning in the nose;
  • feeling tired and sleepy;
  • sleep disturbance.

Parents are not able to learn about the presence of all these signs in young children, however, the disturbing behavior of the baby should be a cause for concern. If you see that the activity of your baby has decreased, he wants to sleep constantly, but at the same time, sleep is disturbed, the child sniffs, one should consult a specialist.

What can cause a prolonged runny nose in children

Among all the causes of a prolonged runny nose in a child, the disease most often occurs under the influence of allergens and bacterial infection. To cause an allergic reaction can a large number of allergens - dust, pollen of flowering plants, wool of domestic animals. Recognize lingering rhinitis of allergic origin is not so difficult - discharge from the nose, sneezing and stuffiness nasopharynx are noted immediately during or shortly after exposure to an irritant.

Infectious rhinitis, caused by the penetration of children's body viruses or bacteria, usually accompanied by an increased body temperature and inflammation of the tonsils. A child may be disturbed by a cough and sore throat.

Many people do not give the runny nose special significance, considering it a non-serious disease. According to the otolaryngologists, a prolonged runny nose in a child can cause many complications. It exerts a strain not only on the respiratory system, but also on other parts of the child's body - the heart and lungs.

What and how to treat a protracted rhinitis in a child

It is important to know what to treat a prolonged runny nose in a child, because the duration of the course of the illness depends on this. Therapy may be medicated, or treatment may in some cases be performed without the use of medications.

How to cure a protracted rhinitis without medications is quite an urgent matter, because many mothers want to do without potent drugs. If the child is sick of the cold before the age of 1 year, the treatment is reduced to increasing the protective forces of the child's body and creating favorable conditions for a speedy recovery. To do this, immunomodulatory medications are prescribed, preferably of plant origin.

Babies need to regularly suck off mucus from the nasal passages, since it is important not to let it stagnate. The child's nose also needs constant moistening, it can be watered or dripped with special solutions based on sea water. You can treat a protracted runny nose with such saline solutions as Dolphin, Aquamaris, Aqualor, Humer.

There are several more effective methods, how to cure a prolonged runny nose in a child without the use of medications - this is inhalation. Such procedures are very effective for prolonged runny nose and its frequent complication - coughing. With a dry cough, inhalations will remove the inflammation from the irritated mucous membrane, moisturizing it, and when wet - will help to secrete sputum faster. With a strong cold, the child, against which cough has already started to appear, will help such an inhalation: take a table spoon of St. John's wort, the flowers of marigold and mint, pour a liter of water, let it brew, filter, place in a steam inhaler and let these pairs breathe the baby for 10-15 minutes.

Cold inhalations can also be performed:moisten a handkerchief or cotton wool in essential oil and let the baby breathe.

For the treatment of the common cold, the butter of thyme, anise and fir is well suited. Activation of certain points on the face promotes rapid recovery of the nasal mucosa and accelerates the healing process.

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in a child with the help of acupressure? It is necessary to massage the points located on both sides of the wings of the nose, the procedure should be performed 2-3 times a day. During the massage you can use aromatic oils, rubbing them into the nasal sinus area. This procedure is indicated for children from 3 years.

We treat a viral, protracted runny nose in a child

Also, parents should know how to treat a protracted rhinitis in a child of viral origin. The best means, which allows to increase the protective forces of the child's body in the fight against a viral infection, is considered interferon. It is available in various dosage forms - candles, drops, tablets, ointments.

Rhinitis in children of bacterial origin, when the nose is a viscous mucus yellow-green or brown, should be treated with antibiotics. Before taking an antibacterial agent, you must thoroughly clean the nasal cavity of pathological contents. Most often, children are prescribed antibacterial preparations of local action, such as Isofra and Bioparox.

Treatment of rhinitis in children, regardless of its origin, should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. If the disease is allowed to drift, it can cause serious complications - sinusitis, otitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia.

What should I do if my child has a runny nose?

Very often parents are negligent to a disease like rhinitis, and begin to sound an alarm only when a protracted runny nose in the child does not pass for a long time. How to treat such a runny nose, how long can a prolonged rhinitis last and what is it dangerous for?

The child's rhinitis is a problem

The child has a long runny nose: what to do

To a prolonged runny nose, this condition is considered when all the doctor's recommendations are followed, the appropriate treatment is carried out, and the illness does not last for a month or more. In this case, an additional study is recommended in the form of MRI or X-ray. A prolonged runny nose is most often observed when a viral or other infection in the nose begins to multiply there and damages the immune system of the nasal mucosa.

The main symptoms include the following accompanying manifestations:

Headache with a cold
  1. A prolonged runny nose may be accompanied by a discharge from the nose of a green or yellow color.
  2. Frequent headaches.
  3. Constant low temperature.
  4. Lethargy and decreased appetite.
  5. Since immunity is reduced, skin rashes and stomatitis can be observed.
  6. The level of ESR in the tests and other indicators reveal inflammation in the body.
  7. The skin in the area of ​​the nose and maxillary sinuses can turn red, when pressing, there is a slight pain.

These symptoms in many ways confuse doctors, and in time diagnosis may not be prescribed, which worsens the further situation of the child.

Features of the structure of the nose in children

The nasal cavity in children is small, the nasal passages are short and not very wide, the anatomy of the nose is not formed, only by the age of 4 does it acquire its correct shape. There are many vessels in the nasal mucosa. For this reason, any inflammation can lead to swelling of the mucous membrane and a narrowing of the lumen of the nasal passages. Before the nasal cavity there are sinuses. And only two of their species are formed in childhood - the maxillary and trellis labyrinth.

Temperature with coldBy the age of four, two more kinds of paranasal sinuses are forming: frontal and sphenoid. The nasal cavity is connected to the ear through the auditory tube. In newborns the auditory tube is wide and short, it is located horizontally. Therefore, in infancy, with a cold, inflammation of the middle ear or otitis often develops.

In the area of ​​the nose and auditory tube there are lymphatic growths. These are adenoids or pharyngeal tonsils. They can grow in size, which makes it harder for a child to breathe, possibly hearing loss, but after 7-9 years adenoids cease to grow and decrease, in adulthood they disappear.

Causes of a cold

When a child has a mucous membrane of the nose, this indicates a beginning rhinitis or runny nose. A prolonged runny nose lasts more than 1 week. Or it is repeated regularly with small intervals of relief.

The doctor's consultationThe main causes of a prolonged runny nose include:
  • adenoids;
  • weak immune system;
  • infections of a hidden nature;
  • the nasal septum is curved;
  • improper treatment of an already existing cold;
  • allergy.

If the treatment is not performed or performed incorrectly, the child develop complications such as acute otitis media, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis.

Diagnostic measures

The initial conclusions of a doctor-otolaryngologist can do after a conversation with the mother of the child and when examining the nasal sinuses.If the runny nose is not passing, then the doctor can send for additional tests, it can be an expanded blood test and a smear from the nose and throat.In addition, x-ray of the nasal sinuses and endoscopy of the nasopharynx may be necessary.

Treatment of a protracted cold in a child

A correct diagnosis is very important, if there is a protracted rhinitis in the baby, since, unable to breathe through the nose, he can not eat well. In addition, there is a danger of otitis media. Therefore, before each feeding you need to learn how to suck off the mucus in the child with an aspirator. If there are crusts in the nose, you should first soften them with oil, and then remove gently with a cotton flagellum. =iqQa2zPOLsI

If the child has just had a runny nose, do not try to use antibiotics on his own. It is better to pick up drops in the nose, in which there is an interferon, it is an anti-inflammatory and antiviral drug. In addition, antiviral agents can be in the form of suppositories and ointments. With prolonged runny nose, vasoconstrictive drops are prescribed, they can be applied no more than a week.

If pus appears in the nasal areas, the doctor will most likely prescribe an antibiotic.

It is worth remembering that treating a common cold in children is fundamentally different from treating an adult rhinitis, so do not use preparations from the common cold, all manipulations should be carried out according to the recommendations of an ENT doctor.

Good results can be given by physiotherapy, which is also carried out in the direction of a specialist.

Treatment of a protracted cold without drugs

You can treat a protracted runny nose in a child in the following ways:

Inhalation for the treatment of a cold
  1. Inhalations. They are used with the addition of medicinal plants, often use the herb of St. John's wort, peppermint and calendula. Brew these components in the kettle, insert a funnel made of paper into the tip of the kettle, let the child alternately one nostril, then another inhale the healing couples. Take care that steam does not burn the baby. This method of treatment is not suitable for very young children. Therefore, you can moisten the cotton wool with essential oils of fir, anise or thyme and bring it to the nose of the child, so that he can breathe this smell.
  2. Flushing. This method will allow you to get rid of a cold in a short time. It will take sea or salt water. Currently, there are many drops and sprays based on sea water. Salt water can be prepared at home.
  3. Older children can be buried in the nose diluted with water onion juice, 5 parts of water 1 part juice. In addition, aloe juice and honey will help.
  4. If there are purulent formations in the nose, then any heating procedures are prohibited, since the infection will spread to the frontal sinuses.
  5. Spot massage is also used. 2-3 times a day with massage movements clockwise, you need to massage the wings of the nose and closer to the bridge of the nose. If desired, you can use essential oils.

Differences in the allergic rhinitis from the common cold:

  1. Most often rhinitis of the common cold occurs against the background of symptoms of ARVI, and an allergic rhinitis - after visiting the field or wood if an exotic fruit was eaten before, or with the constant use of household chemicals.
  2. Allergic rhinitis is characterized by frequent prolonged sneezing, burning in the nose, headache, difficulty breathing, and liquid clear discharge from the nose.
  3. Colds runny nose passes through the week, the allergic is treated for years and does not disappear until the allergen has come to light and is not destroyed. In this case, you need the help of an allergist and the delivery of tests. =9zloza96Acs

With a prolonged cough in the child, remember that treatment in this case is necessary, otherwise complications may develop or the disease will go to a chronic stage, which is much harder to cure.

Prolonged, prolonged runny nose in children

Prolonged (protracted) runny nose in a childNasal congestion in children is often enough, usually a common cold or SARS pass without consequences in a few days, but sometimes a protracted runny nose in the child remains and after a general recovery.

Many parents do not know how many days a common runny nose can last and do not pay attention to the fact that the child has been suffering from nasal congestion and discharge from it for several weeks. But this condition not only weakens the body, but also causes complications: sinusitis, otitis, sinusitis and other inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory organs.

What is a protracted runny nose?

A protracted runny nose is a disease that lasts for 2 or more weeks, does not respond to conventional therapy, or recurs through a short a period of time, it is impossible to say exactly how long the disease will last in each specific case, everything depends on a number of accompanying conditions.

A protracted runny nose occurs due to frequent colds or the development of an allergic reaction in a child. In this case, the constant irritation of the nasal passages leads to a chronicisation of the process, the local protection of the nasal mucosa weakens and the usual runny nose becomes lingering.

There are a number of predisposing factors that increase the risk of the disease:

  • curvature of the nasal septum or other anatomical defects of nasal conchaes and courses;
  • general decrease in immunity;
  • frequent colds and ARVI;
  • constant hypothermia or exposure to the body of the child of other negative factors;
  • adenoids;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • other infectious processes in the body.

By themselves, these factors are not capable of causing the disease, but they greatly weaken the human body, preventing it from fully fighting the infection, and provoking a prolonged course of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms with which you can distinguish a "long" runny nose in a child:

  • the disease lasts more than 10-14 days;
  • permanent nasal congestion - an important distinctive feature that allows you to differentiate the allergic rhinitis from infectious, with the development of an allergic reaction can be noted the cyclic buildup of nasal congestion: in the morning, at night, when leaving the room or, conversely, increasing in the house;
  • decreased sense of smell - with a prolonged form of the disease the child almost completely ceases to smell, not even reacting to such strong stimuli as onions or garlic;
  • thick mucous or purulent discharge - with a bacterial infection of white or white-green discharge, with an unpleasant odor and an admixture of pus, for an allergic rhinitis, transparent thick discharge is characteristic;
  • the appearance of pruritus and crusts in the nose - the child because of the constant irritation of the nasal cavity shell or overdose with vasoconstrictive drugs may occur dry mucous, it will begin to form crusts, in this case, the patient rubs his nose, tries to remove crusts or constantly touches the face;
  • general deterioration of the patient's condition - the child becomes sluggish, inactive, appetite and sleep worsen, older children can complain of headache and fatigue.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis and treatment of a protracted cold in a childIf the disease lasts more than 1 week, the child should be shown an ENT doctor, only after the examination the specialist will be able to diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of an allergic rhinitis

If a long runny nose in a child is associated with an allergic reaction, the most important thing is to eliminate or restrict contact with the allergen.

Before an accurate detection of the stimulus, you need:

  • daily rinse the nasal cavity of the child with saline, Aquamaris or weak saline solution;
  • blossoming plants, carpets, stuffed animals, feather pillows and blankets, books and pets;
  • to clean the house and 2 times a day to do a wet cleaning in the child's room;
  • humidify the air in the room;
  • refrain from using any aromatics, air fresheners and the like, wash the child's clothes without powder and rinse, also do not use shampoos and shower gels;
  • use only hypoallergenic food - a child with allergies can not be given citrus fruits, juices, any sweets containing dyes, carbonated drinks, chips, crackers and so on, as well as nuts, honey, chicken, canned goods and confectionery. Even if the patient does not have food allergies, such a diet will help to cleanse the body faster and cope with the consequences of the disease.

Treatment of an infectious cold

If the cause of a protracted runny nose in a child is a bacterial infection, then you need to start a set of activities, including local therapy, means for strengthening immunity and restorative treatment.

Local treatment:

  • To release the nasal cavity, it is necessary to regularly wash the nose - using a pear or a special suction, inject 4-6 times a day into the nasal cavity with saline or dig in Aquamaris;
  • Inhalations with saline or decoction of medicinal herbs help to clean the nasal cavity and reduce swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • Warming of the nose with physiotherapy methods or a hard-boiled egg and a bag of hot salt at home.

Vasoconstrictors for the treatment of a protracted runny nose are not recommended, they can worsen the patient's condition, causing dry mucous and addictive.

General treatment

Includes the reception of vitamins and immunomodulators, physiotherapy procedures and, as prescribed by a doctor, antibiotic therapy.

Prolonged cold in the child: what to treat?

Prolonged cold in the child... Which of the young mothers did not face this problem? Surely very many. Unfortunately, in childhood, the common cold is a fairly frequent phenomenon, and the reasons for its occurrence can be very different. That is why a visit to the doctor should not be postponed, otherwise a protracted runny nose in the child may lead to an even greater threat to the health of the baby, such as, for example, chronic otitis media. In doing so, you must remember that a complicated form of the disease in most cases will need to be treated long enough.


Note that in order to cure a protracted runny nose in a child, it is very important to identify the causes of this pathology. And it can provoke and allergens, and pathogenic bacteria, and chronic diseases, and even defects in the development of the nasal septum.

False Causes

At the same time, there are cases when young mothers are in vain about the fact that their child, who is not yet one year old, is a snot.

Prolonged cold in the child

The fact is that at this age the infant is breastfed and his immune system is strengthened with antibodies, which he receives with breast milk.

It also happens that in the first months of life the baby begins to function salivary glands, which are the cause of the emergence of discharge from the nasal cavity. Naturally, in this case, there are no serious reasons for concern.

Disturbing symptoms

Of course, you need to immediately consult a doctor, as soon as you suspect that there was a protracted runny nose in the child. What are the symptoms of this? First, the increased volume of mucous secretions, resulting in difficulties both breathing and eating. Secondly, the child refuses food, and his body temperature rose at least one degree from the norm. Thirdly, the rhinitis turns into a cough and rattles in the trachea can be heard.

Rhinitis in the baby 2 years old

Do not ignore preventive measures from a protracted runny nose, especially when it comes to the health of the baby, otherwise it can lead to inflammation of the middle ear.

Problems of choice

One should not think that the question of how to treat a child with a protracted runny nose is classified as "simple". The fact is that during the years of treatment of various kinds of colds and acute respiratory infections, a huge number of medications drugs, but the most effective, which would immediately eliminate all the symptoms of the flu, so it was created and was not. And some, without consulting a specialist, mistakenly choose antibiotics, which in some cases not only do not destroy bacteria, but also make them stronger. If you are still not afraid to be treated independently at your own risk and risk, then make a choice in favor of drug preparation "Interferon" - it is effective in fighting infections and will help to strengthen immunity.

The baby's runny nose does not go away

It is produced in both drops and ointments. However, we emphasize once again: do not be lazy and make a note for a consultation with a doctor - it's about your child's health!

We treat a protracted runny nose without drugs

Of course, any mom will be concerned about why the baby does not have a runny nose. At the same time, every kid at least once a year, but soplic.

As already emphasized, modern medicine offers today a huge range of medicines designed to eliminate the common cold in children. However, in a number of cases, after some medicines, the problem is not solved, and mothers are again puzzled: "For what reason does the runny nose in the child" pass? " Before applying these or other drugs, remember that they do not in any way harm your child.

Babies under the age of 1 year, who suffer from a runny nose, doctors try to strengthen their immunity with all means and create optimal conditions for their speedy recovery. They are at least three times a day sucking mucus, and to cleanse the nasal cavity apply special drops based on sea water or a weakly concentrated saline solution.

Than to treat to the child a long rhinitis

You can buy a ready-made drugstore in the form of a spray or drops (recommended to children under 1 year). Such preventive measures can also be used for an older child. Than to treat a protracted rhinitis at the child?


This method of solving the problem in question is also effective if the child coughs. If the baby has a "dry" cough, then inhalations will help to eliminate the inflammatory processes in the mucosa, and if "wet" - they will separate and withdraw the phlegm. To prepare the medicine you will need a combination of three types of herbs: peppermint, colander, St. John's Wort. One tablespoon of all the above ingredients should be brewed. This method of treatment is recommended for children over the age of three.

However, a huge number of young mothers are interested in the question: "Than to treat a cold? The year was just the year for the child. " You can drip your nose with Kalanchoe juice - 4 drops per each nostril. You can also use breast milk.

Prolonged cold in the baby Komarovsky

Many are interested in how to eliminate a runny nose in a child (2 years old, 3 or 4 - is not important)? Propolis and honey are highly effective in this case. It is necessary to dissolve the bee product in the amount of 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm boiled water, thoroughly mixing it. You will only remain in the course of the day several times, at regular intervals, burying the baby's nose with a prepared medicine. However, if it is an allergic rhinitis, the above method will not solve the problem.

Moms who are interested in the question of how to eliminate a runny nose in a child (2 years and younger) should remember that you need to wash at least three times a day a baby's nose with infusion of chamomile or soda. For these purposes, an enema is suitable. After the procedure, you should drip your nose with the drug "Dioxin", which is released in ampoules. It effectively eliminates the protracted rhinitis in the baby, while it does not irritate the mucous membrane. However, self-medication by such a means is not worth pursuing, it should be prescribed by a doctor!

If the baby is unable to eat fully due to a prolonged runny nose, this is also a good reason to consult a doctor. To normalize breathing, you can use drops in the nose "Vibrocil" or with the drug "Aqua-Maris".

The advice of Komarovsky

When there is a protracted runny nose in a child, Komarovsky - a well-known doctor specializing in childhood diseases, recommends adhering to certain rules.

Than to treat a cold for a child a year

In particular, he insists that the air in the children's room is wet. He also advises to moisturize the throat and nose of the child with saline solution, which can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk or cooked at home. To do this, you will need ½ of a teaspoon of sea water and a glass of boiled water. Anti-inflammatory effect has the drug Ekteritsid. But the vasoconstrictive drops of "Naphthyzine" are contraindicated. To moisten the mucosa, it should be periodically moistened with water.


Massage of points located on both sides at the level of the wings of the nose is also an effective way to get rid of snotty. This procedure is performed clockwise, and it should be done at least three times a day. When you massage, you can use aromatic oils that are directly rubbed into the dots.

If the mucosa is inflamed due to an allergy, then, accordingly, it is necessary to exclude all sources that provoke it.


To moms and dads as little as possible observed in their children colds, which are accompanied by a protracted runny nose, they should as often as possible take out the child to the bosom of nature: at sea, in the mountains or in the forest - this will strengthen its immune system, and consequently, its body will be more resistant to various sources of infection.

Why does the child not have a runny nose 2 weeks?

If a child does not have a runny nose for 2 weeks, what should I do? Such a question is often asked by concerned parents. This phenomenon is not uncommon, but it is not normal. An uncontrollable runny nose increases fatigue and irritability in both the baby and adults. Impaired breathing inevitably leads to sleep disturbances, loss of appetite.Moreover, if you do not start treatment, the disease will not pass and can serve as the beginning of respiratory organs diseases, up to chronic sinusitis and the appearance of polypous formations on the mucous membrane.Prolonged colds happen for several reasons.

The problem of a prolonged runny nose in children

Causes of a protracted cold

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the nature of the discharge from the nose. If they are transparent, it is possible that it is an allergic rhinitis. But more often the color of the discharge varies from yellow to green (then it is a viral infection). In both cases, the problem requires immediate resolution.

Perhaps, before that, the child already suffered a cold disease, which was not completely cured. Sometimes the cause of rhinitis in a child is the weakening of immunity or frequent infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. In this case, acute rhinitis can go to chronic.

The formation of polyps, or sinusitis, can also cause a cold not to last a month or more. In this case, only surgical intervention can help. Curvature of the nasal septum is another possible option. This problem is also solved exclusively surgically.

Structure of ENT organsIn addition, you need to conduct tests for hidden infections (chlamydia).

The so-called medicated rhinitis may develop with prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Of course, in this case, traditional remedies for the common cold not only do not help, but can also harm the baby.

If a child goes to the pool, it is possible that in this way the body reacts to chlorinated water. You can temporarily stop visiting and observe the changes to confirm or exclude this reason.

Types of a protracted cold

For reasons of origin, several types of rhinitis are distinguished:

  1. During teething or general reorganization of the baby's body during growth. Such a protracted rhinitis doctors are referred to as the first type. It happens in children with reduced immunity.
  2. Normal. It is observed in children with a weak immune system or as a result of curvature of the nasal septum, inflammation of the adenoids, sinusitis, prolonged use of vasoconstrictors, and also because of foreign objects entering the nose.
  3. Allergic. Called because of the action of the allergen. This runny nose is not accompanied by catarrhal symptoms, but there may be accompanying phenomena (eg, itching, swelling).
  4. Infectious. As a rule, such a protracted runny nose is caused by complications after untreated acute rhinitis. You can recognize it by yellow or green discharge.

Rhinitis in babies

The problem of rhinitis in babiesA long runny nose of a physiological type is often observed in newly born children and does not need treatment. It can be observed in a child from 1 to 3 months. At the same time there are minor colorless discharge from the nose, sloshing during meals, without accompanying general deterioration of well-being. This is not a disease, but serves as a method of adapting the child's organism to new conditions of life. All that is required from parents, compliance with general hygiene rules, ensuring a comfortable temperature and clean air in the room of the newborn.

Treatment of long-term rhinitis

If the child does not have a runny nose for a long time, in no case should you make a diagnosis yourself, how it would seem obvious, but to pay a visit to a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment depends on the nature of the disease and its causes, but a general recommendation is regular washing of nasal passages to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and other foreign particles.

For washing you can use solutions of sea salt or herbal decoctions of sage, chamomile, calendula.

Allergic rhinitisIf the runny nose is infectious in nature, in its treatment, complex action preparations with essential oils are used: gum, pinosol, etc. They both alleviate the symptoms, and help to disinfect the affected areas of the mucosa. But vasoconstrictors are used no more than 5 days, because when they are abused they may be mucosal degeneration or the appearance of so-called medicamentous rhinitis. Good help with such a common cold inhalation with essential oils. But it is worth remembering that bactericidal preparations should be used only on the instructions of a doctor, because when used in children, all sorts of side effects, up to complications, are not uncommon.

In case of an allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to eliminate the source of the allergy, if it is already installed. It can be dust, down animals, plant pollen, feathers in the pillow, certain types of food. In any case, treatment should begin with a visit to an allergist doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs. To increase immunity, you can independently give your child complex vitamin preparations, perform hardening procedures and do not neglect outdoor walks.

Very often the cause of long-lasting cold is sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the maxillary maxillary sinuses). In children under 2 years of age is extremely rare. The main symptoms are purulent discharge, nasal congestion, and pressure inside the affected area. Flogging in this case does not bring relief, breathing is restored only after using special methods: sinus punctures, nose washing. Untreated genyantritis always turns into a chronic form, which will require prolonged treatment. Therefore, if suspected of maxillary sinusitis treatment should begin immediately. Often helps warm up the nose.

In the case of a prolonged impending rhinitis caused by polyposis, sinusitis or curvature of the septum, the surgeon's intervention is required. Do not start self-treatment with folk remedies: as a rule, they are powerless in this case, and the neglect of the disease can lead to tumor growth and concomitant complications.

Symptoms of sinusitis, except for the longest passable rhinitis, are fever, nasal, constant sensation raspiranija from within (up to painful effects at pressing on a nose or adjoining to it or him area), puffiness of the face. The condition can be aggravated in chronic sinusitis, complicated by polyposis lesions, curved septum, or inflamed adenoids. For adults, sinusitis itself is not a big danger, but it threatens the lives of babies. The course of nasal drugs, puncture of the sinuses and rinsing are prescribed.

The proliferation of adenoids is another cause of the common cold. Provoke their inflammation can frequent viral diseases. On them in the lymphoid tissue, from which the adenoids consist, the immune type reaction appears. Adenoids increase, begin to sag in the nasopharynx, which impedes breathing and provokes the spread of inflammation to the nasal mucosa and the nasal cavity. The child develops snoring, nasal, because of persistent discharge under the nose, reddening and swelling of the skin, the mouth is always ajar, so how to breathe a nose with time becomes impossible, the olfactory functions are broken, the upper teeth begin to protrude above the lower ones. Treatment at an early stage is carried out conservatively, but at a late exit from the situation is only an operation. Now there are modern means of struggle with adenoids: cryotherapy and laser coagulation.

If the cause of lingering rhinitis is any tumor formation, only surgical intervention is required.

Conclusion on the topic

Any chronic rhinitis passes through the acute stage, so parents at the onset of a runny nose need to be treated to avoid the possibility of such a transition. If the ailment does not go away for 2 weeks or more, you can not postpone visiting a doctor.

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