Lfk with a compression fracture of the spine of the thoracic and lumbar spine


  • 1Лфк at a compression fracture of a backbone
    • 1.1Description
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3Exercise of exercise therapy
    • 1.4Contraindications
    • 1.5The first stage of exercise therapy
    • 1.6The second stage of exercise therapy
  • 2Exercises for compression fracture of the spine
    • 2.1General information
    • 2.2Stages of rehabilitation
    • 2.3How to recover
    • 2.4The first period
    • 2.5Second period
    • 2.6The third period
    • 2.7The final stage
    • 2.8Contraindications in exercise therapy
  • 3Lfk with a compression fracture of the thoracic spine: what exercises can be performed
    • 3.1Objectives of exercise therapy and ways to achieve them
    • 3.2I period
    • 3.3II period
    • 3.4III period
    • 3.5Some of the special exercises performed at home
    • 3.6From the standing position on the knees and in the leaning rest
    • 3.7From a standing position on his knees
  • 4Compression fracture of the thoracic spine: treatment and LUTS, the consequences of trauma
    • 4.1Frequent causes of fractures
    • 4.2Types of compression fracture
    • 4.3Symptoms and manifestations, degrees of fracture
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4First aid for a compression fracture of the thoracic spine
    • 4.5Diagnosis of injury
    • 4.6Treatment of compression fracture of the thoracic spine
    • 4.7Rehabilitation and exercise therapy after compression fracture of the thoracic spine
    • 4.8Complications and consequences of fracture of thoracic vertebrae
  • 5LFK with compression fracture of the thorax
    • 5.1Лфк at compression fractures of a backbone. ii period
    • 5.2Complex exercises for compression fracture of the spine
    • 5.3(The final stage)

Лфк at a compression fracture of a backbone

Exercise therapy in the compression fracture of the thoracic spine is the most effective way of rehabilitation of the victims with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Among the various injuries that many people face daily, there are often traumas of the spine with very serious consequences.

Therapeutic physical training has proved to be the most effective and, at the same time, not requiring large material costs, method.

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the spine with the use of a therapeutic gymnast is designed to increase strength and endurance of the muscular structure, as well as increase the mobility of the spine.

In addition, exercise therapy for fracture of the spine is used as part of preventive procedures that prevent the occurrence of pressure sores, reduce the manifestations of asthenic syndrome and normalize digestive processes.


Compression fracture of the spine - damage in the back, in which one of the vertebrae is broken.

The consequences after such trauma are very serious, because there is a probability of a shear of the injured vertebra into the canal with cerebrospinal fluid, which leads to paralysis.

The cause of damage are cases in which the vertebrae are very strongly compressed, bent or squeezed.

Often violations of the thoracic or lumbar spine arise after traffic accidents or from falling from a high altitude. The pathological cause for this damage can be osteoporosis.


At fractures of a backbone there are a number of the basic signs:

  • backache;
  • pain in the upper and lower limbs;
  • headache;
  • numbness of fingers, on hands and feet;
  • nausea.

Pain sensations often occur after the accident, so after an accident, for example, with a stroke or a work injury, it is worthwhile to go to the hospital for a thorough examination. Patients with a diagnosis of osteoporosis should be stably observed in the clinic to prevent compression of the vertebrae, which may occur after a while.

To restore recovery after a fracture of the spine was the most effective, it is necessary right after Detect the first signs of this trauma to seek the help of qualified hospital staff. An exact diagnosis is made exclusively by the traumatologist.

Exercise of exercise therapy

In the course of restoration of Lfk with a compression fracture of the spine is applied, if the degree of severity of damage is insignificant. Then the patient is prescribed treatment therapy, which includes:

  1. Painkillers;
  2. Physiotherapy (therapeutic gymnastics);
  3. Stacking;
  4. Immobilization;
  5. Corset (with fracture of the lumbar region), etc.

With minor compression (less than a third of the spine), damage to the thoracic or lumbar region is often treated in a conservative way. The patient is placed exclusively on a rigid bed, while the head is in a raised position (50-60 cm).

To ensure maximum unloading of the vertebrae, longitudinal extension is used for the axillary cavities. To straighten the squeezed vertebra, it is necessary to lay the rollers under the damaged area.

Thus, the anterior longitudinal ligament is stretched, thereby reducing the compression.

Physiotherapy is prescribed individually, based on the physiological characteristics, the nature of the injury and the age of the patient. Localization and intensity of trauma are very important. More often, violations of the lumbar spine.

Rehabilitation after fracture requires a long period of time. Classes must be held for at least six months from the time of injury.

Therapeutic gymnastics is used to create a reliable muscular support (corset), which in the future will keep the spine in the right position.


The whole complex of exercises with compression fractures of the spine is divided into several stages.


The first couple of months, all the exercises must be performed to maintain the muscles of the body in a tone, since during immobilization they can weaken.

The next step is to build up a mass of muscle tissue along the injured spine. The final stage is the complete strengthening of the body, so that the patient gets back on his feet.


ЛФК at fractures approaches or suits practically to all people, but there are some contraindications:

  • pain that increases during exercise during exercise;
  • increase in temperature during classes;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • poor state of health of the patient.

If any of these signs are observed, you need to see a doctor to change the set of exercises.

The first stage of exercise therapy

Within a month after receiving a spinal injury, the exercise therapy consists of simple, cautious movements of the limbs, for example, movements with brushes or exercises for the respiratory system.

During this phase, the following exercises are recommended:

  • rotation of hands, feet and hands;
  • flexion and extension of fingers;
  • taking the legs to the side;
  • flexion of the lower extremities in the knee joint region;
  • breathing diaphragm.

LFK with a fracture in the first stage has one very important rule that must be observed: when performing exercises, the patient's limbs should not break away from the bed.

It is very important to observe this rule to prevent overstrain of the muscles located in the pelvic region and the shoulder girdle.

Due to this, the risk that the vertebrae will be displaced or other side effects will occur is minimized.

The first stage lasts up to two weeks, while the patient must perform the exercises twice a day. Each charge lasts about fifteen minutes under the supervision of a medical officer.

With a compression fracture of the spine, rehabilitation at the first stage includes the easiest gymnastics, after which the exercises are complicated by more complex exercises.

The pelvic girdle undergoes minimal load, but at this time the muscles of the shoulder joints are actively working.

Exercises aimed at restoring the back muscles are gradually and cautiously involved.


Half a month after receiving the injury, the patient can perform movements with turns on the stomach.


To do this, the patient must roll to the edge of the bed, then one hand to take her head, and with the help of a second gently turn over.

To perform this exercise for the first time is necessary under the obligatory supervision of a doctor.

Recovery after a compression fracture of the spine in the first stage of physiotherapy lasts for a month. If in the future the patient feels better, the second stage of exercise therapy begins smoothly.

The second stage of exercise therapy

A month later, you can start the second phase of exercise therapy. At the same time, lessons become more intense: the number of repetitions becomes larger, the amplitude of movements increases.

The main goal for this period is to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine. The duration of the lessons is longer, at first to twenty minutes, after up to forty-five minutes.

A source: https://VseoTravmah.ru/perelomy/reabilitaciya/lfk-pri-kompressionnom-perelome-pozvonochnika.html

Exercises for compression fracture of the spine

Any trauma to the spine is a huge danger to the patient.

It is a violation of integrity or minor damage to the spine, which is the main supporting element of the skeleton and performs an important function of protecting the spinal cord.

The mechanism of its damage is different, incl. often there are compression, compressive fractures, resulting from the simultaneous compression and flexion of the spinal column.

In this case, treatment of compression fracture of the spine and prolonged rehabilitation of the patient are carried out including the use of various techniques and measures, as well as a special complex of LPC for compression fracture the spine.

General information

The degree of severity is determined based on:

  • the mechanism of injury;
  • area of ​​damage;
  • stability of the damaged element (vertebra).

The long process of recovery depends on the efforts of the doctor and the patient. Its main task is to restore the integrity of the skeleton, the normative mobility and the elimination of restrictions in movements.

Therapeutic physical training (LFK) is a highly effective method for traumatizing the thoracic region. The main positive argument in its favor is the availability and absence of any financial costs.

In addition to the reasoned effect, the exercises are used at various recovery stages.

Charging is directed to the renewal of strength and stability in the muscular mass of the vertebrae, the damaged parts of the spine at all stages - from the initial to the final.

Exercises effectively perform the preventive task, prevent the formation of pressure sores, reduce the likelihood of the emergence of psychoneurological syndrome. Gymnastics is important in the fight against the formation of thrombi and the normalization of the digestive system.

Stages of rehabilitation

In case of compression fracture, the patient needs conservative treatment. As a bed, a solid surface with a raised head (40cm) is used. In places where the trunk is bent, special rollers are placed.

Compressed (compressed) vertebra is unclamped by placing the roller in the area of ​​injury. This facilitates the stretching of the anterior longitudinally located ligament, whereby the compressed vertebrae move apart and the compression decreases.

Classes are held in several stages:

  • initial - lasts 10 days and is designed to restore the habitual tone and strength of muscles, normalize the work of the respiratory system and the functioning of the intestine. The patient's movements are carried out gently and smoothly, without excessive active mobility. They affect certain muscle groups and joints.
  • the second - begins a month after injury. The main goal is to prepare the injured muscles and skeleton for the return of normal life. This increases the load, thanks to a special complex or an increase in the duration of classes. In the third week the patient is allowed to lie on his stomach, under which a roller is placed. This is necessary to reduce pressure on the spine.
  • the third - in a month and a half or two months. The load during the training period is further increased. To the former, exercises for emphasis and lifting of cargo are added, the patient is given extra-terrestrial tasks. For a smooth transition to axial loads, gymnastics is attached, kneeling.
  • The fourth stage is characterized by exercises that were performed at the previous stages. The patient can get out of bed on day 45, but the recovery occurs from the lying position, tk. patients with compression fracture is not recommended to sit down. To do this, as close as possible to move to the edge of the bed and lower your legs to the floor, then straighten up. As the patient adapts, the exercise therapy includes standing exercises. It is good to add to the complex the slopes, foot swings, squat, foot-to-heel transitions, etc. During this period, the doctor allows you to connect to the subjects of subjects with low weight.
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How to recover

The complex of exercises with a compression fracture of the spine includes a lot of simple but useful exercises.

It is selected individually, depending on the stage on which the patient is located, the severity of the injury, the treatment or health conditions that have been taken, and so on.

The physician-rehabilitologist will pick up gymnastics and calculate the load, based on the patient's anamnesis.

The first period

All exercises are performed lying down.

The complex consists of exercises that are performed in the following sequence:

  • It is necessary to start with the breathing technique "belly" (diaphragmatic breathing). To do this, put a bag on the stomach where the salt or sand is located, inhaling it as high as possible;
  • it is not superfluous to exercise for the development of hands. Alternately compress / unclench into a fist (for 15-20 seconds) and in the elbow joint;
  • gently move the feet, perform them clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • straighten and spread hands in the chest;
  • Do not tear them from the bed, move their legs to the sides;
  • force the muscles of the back, thigh, thighs (hold for 20 seconds);
  • at the end they repeat the healing breath.

All tasks are repeated in a leisurely rhythm 5-7 times.

Second period

Physiotherapy at this stage with a fracture of the thoracic area is performed lying down and includes the following trainings:

  • spreading their arms, inhaling, exhaling (4 times);
  • smoothly bend the arms in the elbow, bringing the brush to the shoulders (4 times);
  • perform bending of the feet (6 repetitions);
  • pulling his hands to the sides, make a neat twist of the head behind one of them;
  • raise their hands in inspiration, lower them with exhalation (5 times);
  • alternately bend the legs and pull up (5 times);
  • gently pull the leg aside and return to the place;
  • raise and lower the head;
  • perform therapeutic breathing.

The third period

The stage is supplemented by gymnastics in a standing position on the hands and knees (on all fours). In the prone position, the following movements are made:

  • spreading their arms, inhaling, exhaling (8 times);
  • smoothly bend the arms at the elbow, bring the brushes to the shoulders (8 times);
  • bend and unbend legs in the knee;
  • gently pull the leg aside and return to the place (8 times);
  • turning over on a stomach bend arms or hand in an elbow and lean against a bed, then cave in a breast, leaning on elbows and shoulders (8 times);
  • raise their lower limbs upward, at an acute angle;
  • raise their heads and shoulders, push aside the lower limbs with the load. (with opposition from the assistant).

Standing on his knees:

  • remove the leg and turn the head;
  • Do the slopes to the sides, forward, backward;

The training takes 40 minutes anda contraindication may be hypertension.

The final stage

At this stage, the exercises are recommended in the supine position:

  • perform diaphragmatic breathing;
  • bend the arms in the elbow with a load of up to 4 kg. (8 times);
  • push aside the lower extremities with resistance (8 times);
  • bend the legs in the knee and raise the pelvis with opposition (8 times);
  • raise the lower limbs upwards - alternately and together, at an acute angle (8 times);
  • on the stomach, wound the leg back, as far as possible (8 times);


  • rolled from the heel to the toe;
  • In turn, the leg is bent in the knee;
  • lead her back, slightly bending over;
  • on socks perform squatting, exorbitantly strain the muscles of the back, thighs, buttocks.

Exercises are performed 8-10 times, after which the patient is recommended rest.

Contraindications in exercise therapy

Physiotherapy exercises have some contraindications, it is worthwhile to postpone the studies, having felt:

  • deterioration of the general condition of the body;
  • acute pain in the area of ​​trauma;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hypotension or hypertension;
  • increased neurological symptoms;
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

A source: https://PerelomaNet.ru/perelomy/reabilitatsiya/lfk-pri-kompressionnom-perelome.html

Lfk with a compression fracture of the thoracic spine: what exercises can be performed

Treatment begins only after an X-ray diagnosis of the diagnosis

Exercise therapy in the compression fracture of the thoracic spine (columna vertebralis pars thoracalis) is an important component of complex therapy. At the first stage, respiratory gymnastics and individually selected exercises are necessarily performed.

In the future, it is supplemented by gymnastics and therapeutic dosed walking. In the free regime and at the rehabilitation stage, the swimming pool is shown additionally, both for swimming and for training in special groups of medical aqua aerobics.

Objectives of exercise therapy and ways to achieve them

Initially, all exercises are selected and performed with a doctor or an instructor

Exercises at each stage of treatment are designed to fulfill different goals and objectives.

I period

Regardless of the chosen method of treatment, in the first period, exercise therapy pursues the following tasks:

"Are joints aching? Does the spine "crunch"? "

Pain - a harbinger of terrible pathologies, which for a year or two can seat in a stroller and make you disabled. Bubnovsky: completely restore the joints and spine simply, most importantly ...


  • withdrawal from the depressed state;
  • maintenance of muscle tone of the lower limbs;
  • prevention of the development of congestive pneumonia, thrombophlebitis and constipation;
  • stimulation of regenerative processes.

During the observance of bed rest, the following instruction is observed:

  • exercises are performed in the position lying on the back;
  • the complex consists of exercises for the legs, hands and head alternating with breathing exercises, performed at a slow and medium pace;
  • each exercise is performed 8-10 times, and the complex as a whole is 4-6 times a day;
  • the duration of one lesson is not less than 10 and not more than 20 minutes.

II period

The next stage of treatment begins with the moment of permission to lie on the abdomen, while the patient is necessarily taught the technique of turning from the back to the chest. Before the patient is allowed to sit and walk, the main task of exercise therapy is the formation of a strong muscular corset.

For this:

  • a complex of exercises lying on the back and on the stomach is performed 5-6 times a day;
  • the duration of one lesson is 40-45 minutes;
  • the complex is designed in such a way that exercises for the hands, feet and head (repeats 8-10 times) alternate with isometric exercises for the muscles of the back (repeats 4-6 times), and every 3-4 exercises performed "rest pauses" of breathing exercises (3 times each).

Corset for maintaining the spine

III period

The tasks of exercise therapy in the III period is the restoration of the natural mobility and springiness of the spine.

To do this, the following forms of exercise therapy are used:

  1. Complex exercises in the position lying on the back and abdomen, performed in the II period, is done 1 time in the morning as a charge.
  2. The complex of exercises in the gym is performed twice a day. It includes exercises at the gymnastic wall, with a hoop, with a fitball and work on special rowing machines.
  3. An individual complex is formed, including standing exercises with the ball, which is performed 2 times a day in the hall of the department.
  4. Several times during the day it will be necessary to perform dosed walking, including on the stairs.

During all stages of treatment, the complex of exercises is compiled by the doctor for each patient individually, given his fitness and the presence of other diseases.

The price of amateur selection and dosing of exercises can be very different. Starting with the development of intestinal obstruction, atelectasis, pneumonia, ending with forced kyphoplasty and osteosynthesis.

in this article:

Some of the special exercises performed at home

Below in the table, we give exercises, with a photo and a brief description, which can be performed during the rehabilitation phase. Basically, these are the options for classical asanas yoga.

From the standing position on the knees and in the leaning rest

Title and image Explanation
Imitation of swimming in the style of Krol
Perform 10-12 alternate circular movements with straight hands, while turning your head in the same direction.

Do not repeat only one, and then the other hand, and alternate them one at a time. Note that in the starting position, knees are located on the width of the shoulders, and the back is bent in the lumbar region.

Lifting and retraction of hands and feet From the initial position (as in the photo), follow 6 alternating lifts of the limbs in the following sequence:
  • straight leg back;
  • hand to the side with simultaneous raising of the head without turning;
  • the same hand (forward) and leg (back), the head "looks" forward;
  • the withdrawal of opposing arms and legs to the side, with the head tumbling back.
Variant of the hare poses - Shashankasany Take the position as in the photo. "Rest" in it as much as you can, but no more than 2 minutes. Do not forget about even, rhythmic, not deep breathing. This asanu can be performed by everyone, even people prone to blood pressure jumps. Exercise is forbidden for pregnant women, and people with thyroid and knee problems should be treated with caution. «Static push-ups» 3х3х3 In each of these positions, you should slightly bend your hands and stand for 3 seconds. After a cycle of such "static push-ups pause for 20 seconds. Rest in the knee-carpal pose. In total it is necessary to perform 3 cycles of isometric strains of the back muscles. At the end of this sub-group of exercises, be like on all fours:
  • forward;
  • back;
  • by stepping to the side;
  • step by step in a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise), leaving your knees at the starting point.
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This walking should last 3-4 minutes.

From a standing position on his knees

A photo Short description
Standing on your knees, making a breath, spread your arms to the sides-up and lift your shoulders. On exhalation, lower the scapula down and simultaneously pull them together. Repeat 8-12 times. The back during this exercise should be straight, look straight, and do not tilt the head forward or back.
Place the knees on the width of the shoulders, then place the palm on the heel and bend as shown in the photo. Quit in this position for 15-60 seconds. Do not forget to breathe rhythmically. Repeat the exercise on the other hand. During exercise, do not put too much weight on the arm and heel. The hand should not serve as a support, but serve as a kind of insurance and a stopper limiting the movements of the pelvis back.
Pelvic movement forward and backward Standing on your knees, put your knees on the width of your shoulders, bend your arms in front of you, clasping your fingers in the lock, palms down. Perform 8-10 movements of the pelvis forward and back. When moving forward, slightly round the thoracic area, and when moving the pelvis back - connect the shoulder blades. Try to keep your neck and lower back stiff.
In addition to the most varied turns and torso of the trunk, in the group of exercises performed on your knees, include 8-12 repetitions of the exercise "Alenushka". Despite the fact that such movements from side to side, first of all form a sideways waist line, the load that the back muscles receive is optimal for curative physical culture with such fractures columna vertebralis pars thoracalis.

In a subgroup of gymnastic exercises performed standing, we recommend including the exercise shown in the photo below.

Asana Uttkhita Trikonasana

In each of the positions (1, 2 and 3) count to two, and in position 4 - hold for 15-60 seconds. Do not forget about even and rhythmic breathing. Return to the starting position in the reverse order. Do not forget to do this exercise the other way.

And in conclusion we want to remind you that exercise therapy for compression fractures of the thoracic department is performed only when condition of absence of pain syndrome, and the exercises themselves, in no case, should not cause painful sensations.

A source: https://travm.info/rekomendacii/lechebnaya-fizkultura/lfk-pri-kompressionnom-perelome-grudnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika-290

Compression fracture of the thoracic spine: treatment and LUTS, the consequences of trauma

Under the compression fracture of the thoracic spine, doctors imply a violation of the integrity of one or a group of vertebrae in the Th1-Th12 zone.

The diagnosis of compression fracture of the spine requires qualified medical care, and complex treatment, which includes conservative therapy, operative actions and a long period rehabilitation.

In the article you will learn everything about the compression fracture of the thoracic spine, as well as about treatment and rehabilitation after trauma.

Frequent causes of fractures

In the overwhelming majority of cases, directthe causes of fracture are a variety of injuries:

  • Classes potentially dangerous for the spine sports, especially gymnastics, acrobatics;
  • Road traffic accidents;
  • Falling from a height to hard surfaces or jumping into water at shallow depth;
  • Intentional or unintentional strikes on the back;
  • Household injuries of different types;
  • Professional injuries of movers, pilots, paratroopers, etc.

In addition to the above reasons, indirect causes of compression fracture, are osteoporosis, bone tuberculosis, spine tumors, chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These diseases significantly increase the risk of injury.

Types of compression fracture

In the general classification, compression fractures are divided into normal and complicated fractures. In the first case, there is no damage to the deep structures of the spine, while in the second case, the spinal cord and nearby structures are involved in the pathological process.

In addition to the actual compression, i.e. pressing the vertebrae into each other, a traumatic situation can provoke adjacent destructive processes.Complex injury may include:

  • Distraction is an excessive stretching of the spine with tearing of intervertebral discs and muscle fibers, damage to the processes and the body;
  • Rotation. Full displacement of the vertebra and extensive damage to all structures of the localized link - disks, ligaments, body, processes, ribs.

Symptoms and manifestations, degrees of fracture

The symptomatology of a compression fracture can be varied and depends primarily on the degree of complexity of the injury itself.

In a number of situations, even serious injuries initially externally appear weak and worn out, especially if the patient suffers from osteoporosis or chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Symptoms of compression fracture of the thoracic spine usually include:

  • Shingles in the area of ​​damage. It can be of different etiology - from a sharp paroxysmal to monotonous, aching, increasing;
  • Violation of the normal motor functions of the spine with the strain of the muscular framework;
  • Discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
  • Visible deformations of normal curvature of the spine;
  • A variety of breathing disorders - from short-term interruptions to dyspnoea and complete stopping of breathing;
  • Weakness in the limbs, shock, loss of consciousness, partial or complete paralysis.

Degrees of severity of fracture:

  • Compression destruction of the vertebral site by no more than 1/3;
  • The destruction of the vertebral column by half;
  • Reduction of the plot by 70% or more.

About compression fractures of the spine in children can be read here.

First aid for a compression fracture of the thoracic spine

The patient must be transferred to a horizontal position, on a solid surface with his back down, before immobilizing the ambulance, while immobilizing potentially broken sections with tires. Under the neck and lower back, you need to put a roller (can be from improvised materials, for example, clothes).

It is desirable to cool the place of the compression fracture with ice or bottles with cold water. Any medicamentous means, except for classical over-the-counter painkillers, are forbidden.

With complicated fractures, a person may lose consciousness or be partially paralyzed, therefore, monitoring of the state of his respiratory tract is necessary.

Turn the patient's head slightly to the side, fixing on one side with a roller - so you can avoid choking with vomit.

Watch the tongue, it can sink and shut off the breath.

Transportation of a person with a compression fracture of the thoracic spine is performed only on rigid stretchers, belly down, a small pillow is placed under the head.

Diagnosis of injury

The doctor listens to the patient's complaints, performs the palpation of the affected area with the definition of the greatest degree of soreness, checks the tendon reflexes, muscle strength, tension of the nerve roots, the sensitivity of individual parts of the body and extremities.

If necessary, a traumatologist, a neurosurgeon, a neurologist examines the patient in parallel, after which the person goes to theinstrumental examination:

  • Radiography of the thoracic region in several projections, allowing to assess the overall extent and location of the lesion;
  • CT and MRI, which help to carefully examine the identified traumatized area, check the degree of damage to the nerve roots, and assess the state of the spinal cord;
  • Additional types of diagnostics, from densitometry (detection of osteoporosis as an additional pathogenic factor) to myelography.

Treatment of compression fracture of the thoracic spine

When the patient enters the hospital, the primary and then the final diagnosis is first established. On the basis of vital indicators, results of instrumental examination and other data, the doctor develops an individual scheme of complex treatment of the patient.

Typically, treatment includes conservative therapy and, if necessary, surgery.

Methods of conservative therapy:

  • Drug medications: in the usual case, anesthetics are used to relieve a strong pain syndrome in a patient. The advantage is given to injectable NSAIDs and narcotic analgesics. Anesthetics are also used as a supplement.
  • Extension of the spine. Produced by the patient's own weight. The upper end of the bed is raised, the patient is fixed in the shoulder area to the edges of the couch. In this position, he is a significant part of the time of his bed rest until 6-7 weeks, after which an alternative support means is used - a corset. The technique is used only for uncomplicated forms of compression fracture.
  • Skeletal straightening. To the calcaneus or femur is fixed a weight of up to 15 kg, the lower anterior end of the couch is raised. The bed regimen in this form is observed before the vertebrae is re-adjusted, after which the plaster corset is applied for 3 months to the patient.

Surgery is usually performed in cases of complicated forms of compression fracture of the thoracic spine, or in the absence of the effect of conservative therapy. The surgeon removes the damaged fragments of bone structures, if necessary replaces the vertebra with an artificial one. All fabrics, connecting links and other secondary elements are sutured.

The patient during 6 weeks after the operation with a compression fracture of the thoracic spine is constantly in the supporting corset, reliably fixing the vertebral column.Physiotherapy and exercise therapy in this case are possible not earlier than 2 months after the passage of the main treatment.

Rehabilitation and exercise therapy after compression fracture of the thoracic spine

The rehabilitation and recovery period for compression fractures includes complex physiotherapy and specially designed physical therapy:

  • Electrophoresis. Used in parallel with the main treatment and for the entire recovery period. Saturates the affected area with the necessary micro- and macro elements, accelerates the growth of bone structures. As a working substance, calcium salts, novocaine, nicotinic acid, and euphyllin are used;
  • UHF. Restores normal blood flow and metabolism on the damaged area, partially reduces the post-traumatic pain syndrome;
  • Inductotherapy. Destroys pathogenic microflora, dilates blood vessels, reduces inflammation of tissues;
  • Other methods - diadynamic therapy, paraffin-ozocerite applications, magnetotherapy, myostimulation, cryotherapy.
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Complex LFK at a compression fracture of a thoracal department of a backbone includes the symmetric massage removing a spastic stricture and strengthening muscular skeleton, gymnastics, as well as respiratory and motor exercises, first performed in the supine position, and in the last stages of recovery - with an emphasis on the knees or on the on all fours.

After discharge from the hospital, moderate motor activity is recommended, continuation of exercise therapy, with necessary - additional courses of physiotherapy, sanatorium treatment and balneological procedures.

The right exercises for a compression fracture of the thoracic spine will show the doctor.

Nutrition in the fracture of the spine of the thoracic region is also very important, it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins.

Complications and consequences of fracture of thoracic vertebrae

Depending on the degree of compression fracture of the thoracic spine, the presence of complicated forms of compression, as well as adjacent traumas of the spine of the rotational or distraction type,the patient can get a number of complications and consequences:

  • Herniated discs;
  • Stenoses of the vertebral canal;
  • Thromboembolism of pulmonary arteries;
  • Injuries to the spinal cord;
  • Rupture of ligaments of the spine;
  • Partial or complete paralysis of the limbs;
  • Progressive cyphatic deformities of the spinal column with the formation of a visually visible humerus;
  • Periodic muscle cramps;
  • Hemorrhages and hematomas, against which bacterial and mixed infections develop;
  • Violations of the work of individual adjacent organs and systems.

A source: https://1travmpunkt.com/perelom/pozvonochnik/kompressionnyj-grudnogo-otdela.html

LFK with compression fracture of the thorax

»Thoracic spine

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Лфк at compression fractures of a backbone. ii period

Hello, dear readers, we continue the theme of uncomplicated compression fractures of the spine of the thoracic and lumbar spine.

The following complex of therapeutic gymnastics is used in the second period of rehabilitation.

You can also get acquainted with the complex of exercise therapy for the first period.

II period (for 10-20 days from the moment of injury)

I.p. Lying on his back.

  • 1. Hands along the trunk. At times to spread hands in the parties. For two - lift up. For three - to separate. At four they will return to i.p. Repeat 10 times.
  • 2. At times to spread hands in the parties - an inhalation. At two they will return to i.p. - Exhalation. Run 10 times.
  • 3. At times, raise the leg, bent at the knee. At two they will return to i.p. Repeat with another foot, too. Do the exercises 5 times each leg.
  • 4. At the expense of time put your right foot over the left. At the expense of two return to the IS. At the expense of three put the left foot over the right. At the expense of four return to the IS. Repeat the exercise 10 times with each foot.
  • 5. At the expense of times spread his hands in the sides. At the expense of two - up, on the account three - back, on 4 - close in the lock. Return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  • 6. On account 1 - turn the head to the right side, to 2 - return to the i.p. At 3 - turn the head to the left side, at 4 - return to the i.p. Perform an exercise in each side 5 times.
  • 7. At times - bend the leg in the knee, 2 - straighten the leg, 3 - bend the leg in the knee, 4 - return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with each foot 5 times
  • 8. At times - bend the right leg in the knee, on the 2 - raise the leg, straightening it; on 3 - to take a straight leg to the right, on 4 - to return to the starting position. Repeat with the same left foot. Do the exercise 5 times with each foot.
  • 9. At the expense of times - hand in hand, inhale, at 2 - clasp your shoulders with your hands (left arm right shoulder, right left), 3 - exhale, 4 - return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • 10. At the expense of times - hands to the shoulders (to touch the shoulders with the right hand of the right shoulder, left - the left one), inhale, and 2 - return to the ip. exhalation. Do the exercise 10 times.
  • 11. At the expense of times - take your right straight leg to the side, to 2 - to return to the starting position, to 3 - to take your left straight leg to the side, to 4 - to return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • 12. At the expense of times - simultaneously take both straight legs to the right side, to 2 - to return to the starting position, to 3 - to take to the left side, to 4 - to return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

I.p. Lying on his stomach.

  • 13. At the expense of times - take your direct hands to the sides, 2 - to return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10 times.
  • 14. At the expense of times - to rise on your elbows, on 2 - to bend, on 3 - to return to the starting position. Run 10 times.
  • 15. At the expense of fold - bend the right leg in the knee, 2 - return to the ip. on 3 - bend the left leg in the knee, 4 - return to the ips. Repeat 5 times.
  • 16. At the expense of times - take your right straight leg to the side, to 2 - to return to the starting position, to 3 - to take your left straight leg to the side, to 4 - to return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
  • 17. At the expense of times - hands ahead, at the expense of 2 - bend, at 3 - return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • 18. At the expense of times - lean on your elbows, at the expense of 2 - bend over, pulling your hands back; on 3 - return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10 times.
  1. Kogan O.T. Rehabilitation of patients with spine and spinal cord injuries. - M: Medicine, 1975
  2. 6. Ternovoy E.V. Kravchenko A.A. Leschinsky A.F. Rehabilitation therapy for injuries of the osteoarticular apparatus. - Kiev: Healthy # 821;, 1982
  3. S.N. Popov "Physical rehabilitation Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix 2005

Jun 10 ponka ЛФк. fracture. vertebral column 353

Complex exercises for compression fracture of the spine

(The final stage)

Introductory part: initial position (and. etc.) - lying on his back.

  1. Straighten the hands vstorony - inhale, hands forward and down - exhalation. 8-10 times.
  2. Slowly bend the arms in the elbow joints with tension, leading the brushes to the shoulders. 8-10 times. Back and plantar flexion of feet. 8-10 times.
  3. Leaving the hands to the side with a one-stage turn of the head in the same direction. Raise your hands - inhale, lower - exhale. 8-10 times.
  4. Bend the leg in the knee joint, pull it up and lower it. 11-15 times.
  5. Removing and bringing a straight leg. 8-10 times.
  6. Straight arms are divorced to the sides at shoulder level and slightly retracted. Small circular movements of the hands with some slight tension of the muscles of the back and shoulder blades. 8-10 times.
  7. Hands bent at the elbows with an emphasis on the bed. Bending in the thoracic spine with support on the elbows and forearms. 8-10 times.
  8. Hands on hips. Imitation of riding a bicycle. Movement with your legs only alternately! 8-10 times.
  9. Diaphragmatic breathing. 5 times.
  10. Isometric tension of the ham muscles 5-7 seconds. 5-6 times.
  11. Squeezing and squashing fingers. 12-15 times.
  12. Raising a straight leg to an angle of 45 degrees and holding it for 5-7 seconds. 4-5 times.
  13. Diaphragmatic breathing. 5 times.
  14. The isometric tension of the calf muscles is 5-7 seconds. 4-5 times.
  15. Raising the hands through the sides upwards - inhale, return to the starting position - exhalation. 6-8 times.

AND. P. Lying on his stomach.

  1. Hands bent at the elbows, forearms on the plane of the bed. Torso of the trunk in the thoracic region. 6-8 times.
  2. Lifting the head and shoulders. 8-10 times.
  3. Alternate retraction of the back of a straight leg. 8-10 times.
  4. The isometric tension of the back muscles is 5-7 seconds. 5-6 times. Passive rest - 2-3 min.

AND. P. Standing on all fours.

  1. Alternate laying straight hands in the sides. 8-10 times.
  2. Alternately lifting hands up, with simultaneous raising of the head and bending the back. 8-10 times.
  3. Alternate circular movements with hands. 8-10 times.
  4. Alternate lifting of a straight leg. 8-10 times.
  5. Raising a straight arm up with a simultaneous lifting of a dissimilar straight leg. 8-10 times.
  6. Moving on all fours forward, backward.
  7. Moving on the hands to the right, to the left, the legs remain in place - the so-called bearish step.

Duration of lessons 40-45 minutes.

Constantly follow the posture! You can sit in 3 a month, for a short time several times a day. Before, the months are forbidden to bend forward. In the future, classes in the pool (preferably daily). Follow up with a traumatologist for up to 6 months.

ATTENTION! The materials on the portal are not a guide to self-treatment! Please always consult a doctor!

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ATTENTION! The resource contains information for 18+ persons.

Informational medical portal

Sources: http://lfk.biz/physiotherapy-exercises-compression-fractures-spinal-column-part2.html, http://www.dreamsmedic.com/lfk/lfk-pri-travmah/kompleks-uprazhneniy-pri-kompressionnom-perelome-pozvonochnika.html

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A source: http://spinanebespokoit.ru/grudnoj-otdel-pozvonochnika/lfk-pri-kompressionnom-perelome-grudnogo-otdela.html

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