Preparations from a genyantritis

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The most popular means for the treatment of genyantritis

The treatment of sinusitis is very different from the treatment with a common cold or cold. The proximity of the paranasal sinuses to the orbits and vessels of the brain, makes this disease especially dangerous and the choice of an effective medicine for sinusitis becomes a decisive factor for rapid recovery.

In the treatment of sinusitis it is necessary to use several groups of drugs, such as sinupret, sinuporte, sanorin or folk remedy - cyclamen, appoint only qualified personnel, the doctor will observe the progress of treatment and, if necessary, adjust it or to supplement. With independent or incorrect treatment, the inflammation can become chronic or the patient is at risk of getting one of the numerous complications of this disease.

For the treatment of sinusitis you need

  1. Suppress the development of the infectious process and inflammation in the paranasal sinuses - for this purpose use antibiotics and antiseptics - washing with solutions of furacilin, saline solutions, inhalation with drugs and antibiotics in the form of sprays, drops, tablets or injections,
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  2. Reduce the swelling of the mucosa and increase the outflow of accumulated fluid from the sinuses - for this use means, narrowing vessels (adrenomimetics) and mucolytics that dilute mucus and facilitate its removal - sinupret, sanorin, gaymorin, sinuporte and others, also use folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis - cyclamen, royal jelly or honey,
  3. Rid of the patient from pain and intoxication - use analgesics, vasoconstrictor drugs and antibiotics,
  4. Prevent the formation of scar tissue - in chronic sinusitis increases the risk of scar tissue formation in place inflammation, to avoid this use corticosteroids and resorptives - backlopt, spray - nazoneks and others.

We hope you understand from the above written that the treatment of sinusitis is an integrated approach using several groups of drugs. These medications can be chosen by an ENT doctor, so it is highly recommended that you go to a medical consultation where you will write in detail what medicines to buy, how to drink them and possibly prescribe additional instrumental methods treatment.

Treatment of sinusitis depends on the stage and severity of the disease, but most often, with mild and moderate forms diseases, patients are treated out-patiently, at home, without the use of punctures and other surgical techniques.

To date, it can not be said that one effective remedy for sinusitis has been created, it is necessary to apply the preparations in a complex way for recovery:


At home, antibiotic treatment should be done only as directed by the doctor. In uncomplicated genyantritis, antibiotics are prescribed topically, in the form of drops and sprays, this helps protect the body from their systemic effects. Most often used drugs such as:

  • pinosol or neonox are nasal drops on the basis of natural herbal remedies, they simultaneously facilitate breathing, enhancing the outflow of mucus, and disinfect mucous, killing bacteria and viruses;
  • protargol and collargol - preparations based on silver ions that purify mucous membranes from pathogenic bacteria, but act slowly and do not have additional effects;
  • drops and sprays with dioxydinum - strong enough, but a dangerous remedy possessing antimicrobial, decongestant and antiallergic effect, has many contraindications, is not used to treat children and pregnant women and should only be used by appointment of a doctor.

With moderate and severe sinusitis, systemic antibiotics are used:

  • penicillins - ampicillin, amox, amoxyl, amoxiclav and others,
  • cephalosporins - ceftriaxone, cefazolin, cefotaxime and so on,
  • macrolides - macropen, azithromycin, clarithromycin,
  • fluoroquinolones - levofloxacin, sparfloxacin - heavy antibiotics, should be used only in extreme cases, with ineffectiveness of drugs from other groups.

Vasoconstrictive drugs

Necessary to reduce the production of mucus and improve nasal breathing, they affect the vessels located in the mucous membrane of the nose and, causing them to narrow, reduce the formation of mucus and tissue swelling, freeing the nasal ways for respiration. Vasoconstrictors are the most common remedy for sinusitis. It is with the application of sprays and drops to the nose that the catarrh of any patient usually begins to be treated, but using adrenomimetics, we must not forget that they drastically dry the nasal mucosa and they can only be used for 3 days contract. The most popular drugs for the treatment of sinusitis can be considered:

  • preparations based on xylometazoline - galazolin, otrivin, prinos, tizin xylo, and so on;
  • phenylephrine - vibrocil, adrianol;
  • naphazolin-sanorin;
  • oxymetazoline - nasol and others.


It is necessary to dilute mucus and facilitate its removal from the nose, the most popular drugs are those based on medicinal plants, such as cyclamen. For example, sinuporte - the most common medicine for sinusitis, is made on the basis of cyclamen - a poisonous plant, It can reduce mucosal edema, dilute mucus and activate the movement of ciliary epithelium, which promotes excretion mucus from the nose. At home, most medicinal plants, such as cyclamen, can not be used, so sprays and tablets based on them - Sinupret, Sinuporte and others remain so popular.


Used in severe forms of sinusitis, when the usual vasoconstrictor and decongestants are ineffective. Most commonly used nasal sprays - Nazonex, Beclfort and others. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, but they have a number of side effects, they should be used only for the doctor's prescription and for no more than 3 consecutive days.

The most popular remedies for sinusitis

For the treatment of genyantritis at home, the following medicines are most often used:

  1. Drops in the nose - Galazolin, Naphthyzin - preparations of the adrenomimetic group, have a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect, they are prescribed for acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis in adults and children. Doctors warn that these drugs have only a symptomatic effect, do not destroy bacteria, but are able to bring only temporary relief to the patient. They are not recommended for more than 3 days in a row, as they are addictive.
  2. Sinuforte is one of the most effective modern drugs for the treatment of sinusitis. It is created on the basis of natural plant components, such as cyclamen, it is not absorbed into the blood and very quickly begins to act - it stimulates reflex secretion in the mucous membrane of the nose and nasal sinuses, due to this, the drainage of the contents of the paranasal sinuses is intensified, they are cleared and released from the mucus. Sinufort is considered one of the best means for treating sinusitis, it is prescribed to adults and children over 12 years of age in the form of sprays or drops for intranatal administration.
  3. Sinupret - a combined remedy on the basis of herbal preparations, has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, liquefies and accelerates the secretion of mucus, in addition, Sinupret accelerates the regeneration of the mucosa and restores its protective properties. Sinupret is prescribed for sinusitis in adults and children from 2 years in the form of pills or tablets or drops for ingestion. There are no other medicinal forms of the drug.
  4. Polydex is a combined preparation, which includes antibacterial drugs neomycin and polymyxin B and anti-inflammatory - dexamethasone. The drug has proved effective in the treatment of most bacterial infections of the nasal passages and external auditory canals. It is used for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis in the form of nasal spray in adults and children from 2 years.

Today, a huge number of different drugs and their analogues for the treatment of sinusitis have been created, even it is difficult for a specialist to understand all of this diversity and assign the appropriate treatment. Therefore, do not try to treat this dangerous disease yourself, at home, without going to the doctor, it can lead to complications or chronic inflammation.

How to treat sinusitis? What medications are effective for this disease?


veiling Ivanov

So I treated genyantritis with folk remedies. And, by the way, cured.)))) Try this folk remedy. Beets (juice) - a teaspoon. Honey - a teaspoon. Boiled water is a teaspoon. All this stir. Burrowing your nose the more, the better. It can at first bake, but it's even better. Do this for about ten days! Really helps! :)


I will advise Bioparox, but it has an antibiotic, so if you are allergic... and he is very good at sinusitis including! now there are still a lot of all kinds of homeopathic medicines, if you trust this method of treatment (personally I'm not)


At me a genyantritis itself has passed or has taken place, was from 11let till 16 years, wished to do or make a puncture, and I have refused.
In the treatment of sinusitis, conservative (medicamentous) and surgical methods are used.
At the heart of medical treatment of sinusitis, local procedures must necessarily lie - the use of drops, sprays, inhalers, capable of eliminating the swelling of the mucous membrane.
Vasoconstrictive drugs include: Tizin, Nazivin, Sanorin, Nazole, Galazolin, and Conanos. When sinusitis should adhere to certain rules for pouring into the nose of medicinal fluids. The patient should lie on his side, after which to drip vasoconstrictive drops in the half of the nose, on which the patient lies - the drops should get on the side wall of the nose. In this position should be at least 5 minutes. Then, turn to the other side and repeat the procedure with the other half of the nose. Only after using these drops can be instilled by others - having antibacterial, anti-inflammatory or analgesic effect.
The treatment also uses antibacterial drugs (preferably cephalosporin), antihistamines (Claritin, Telfast, etc.). The nose is washed with antiseptic solutions (eg, furacilin). Of physiotherapy procedures are used such as UFO of the nasal cavity, UHF on the paranasal sinuses, etc.
Puncture (puncture) is done in order to pump out pus from the sinus, rinse the sinus, and then introduce antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. This procedure is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but its effectiveness is very high. Now, after a puncture in the sinus, special tubes are installed - catheters, through which it is possible to do a sinus lavage daily. When this method is used, the patient recovers very quickly. But to all there is evidence, and in the initial stage of sinusitis is not always required to perform a puncture, you can do with the washing of the nose.
To treat a genyantritis it is necessary under the control of the doctor-otolaryngologist (ENT-doctor).


If completely pressed - three drops in each nostril of demedrol (this is for pain relief), and as a prophylaxis - daily washing with sea salt (two tablespoons per liter)


Write: Sinupret, Tsiprolet. Rinse your nose more often: a glass of warm boiled water on a teaspoon of salt (you can use a syringe). Warm your nose with something. And go to the doctor.

Aniya BM

The doctor will give you the best advice!


It's easier to go to the ENT hospital, where it will be effectively cured, you can not run it... start, start pus and this pus will go to the brain, and before that it's better not to reach

Basketball player

Take a picture. If the genyantritis is severe - an antibiotic is necessary (amoxiclav, for example). In the nose after washing with aqua-maris, drip polydex or isofra. It's also a good idea to drink the sinupent - it cleans the sinuses of the nose from the inside. Get well!


if at you chronic (at me such diagnosis 0 doctors offered to pierce. I refused because as a lifetime later you will conduct this procedure. in the first it hurts. I went to the healer, she gave me a mixture of onions and garlic. I put on the steam bath melted this mixture and dipped the sticks (ear) in them and then for 10-15 minutes put in the nostalgia, I polichilas a week. At me all as from a bucket left all pus sucked. and now the second year I'm missing. this mixture can be done by itself (onion cook not ready, and garlic. squeeze out and put in the freezer) when applying to a steam bath. Good luck and get well.

mika vitara

HAIMORIT is one of the most common types of SINUSIT - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
A feature of all paranasal sinuses, which includes the maxillary sinus, is the fact that, being sufficiently volumetric formations, they have very small outlets (1-3 mm) - anastomoses, with which the sinuses open into the nasal cavity. Therefore, when the edema of the mucous membrane of the anastomosis is closed, the outflow of mucus from the sinuses is broken, in the sinus begins to develop bacterial (sometimes fungal) flora and there is inflammation, which can be purulent, serous, hemorrhagic and other
HAIMORIT (maxillary sinusitis) - inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. Sinusitis usually occurs as a complication against a background of a viral infection (ARVI). This is an acute sinusitis. Inflammation of the sinuses can manifest itself in a few days and even weeks, after passing the acute symptoms of colds
Sometimes (in 10% of cases), sinusitis develops as a result of the transition of inflammation from the roots of molars located near the maxillary sinus. In these cases, the sinusitis proceeds in an erased form for a fairly long time.
Rareer causes of sinusitis are pressure drops during diving and flight on an airplane.
Symptoms of sinusitis: a runny nose (purulent discharge from the nose), stuffy nose, decreased sense of smell, "nasal" voice, headache, fever, swelling of the skin in the cheek or eyelid region, pain in the cheek or in the region of the upper teeth. These symptoms, individually or together, more or less pronounced, may indicate an inflammation of the sinuses.
If the runny nose worries for more than a week, is accompanied by a headache, severe stuffiness of the nose, temperature - this is the reason for visiting the ENT - a doctor.
DO NOT FORGET - the nose "grows" on the head. Nearby are the organ of vision, the organ of hearing, the brain. Untimely treatment of a doctor, self-medication can lead to complications, the most formidable of them - meningitis, brain abscess.
Sinusitis - a serious disease, so his treatment is better to entrust to the doctor. Treatment should be comprehensive and individual: local drugs, antibiotics, immune preparations are used. In the arsenal of ENT - the doctor there are many ways to treat this disease, including without a "puncture." But in some cases, the puncture of the maxillary sinus ("puncture") greatly facilitates the patient's condition.
Refrain from "warming up" at home. As a rule, this leads only to a worsening of the condition.
* conditions that disrupt the nasal breathing: curvature of the nasal septum, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (nasal congestion), in children - adenoids, allergic diseases of the nose;
* untimely or incorrect treatment of cold, ARVI, rhinitis;
* inflammatory processes in the upper limbs of molars of the upper jaw;
* Reduction of the body's defenses - decreased immunity;
* bacteriocarrier;
* congenital disorders of development of anatomical structures of the nasal cavity.


In a glass with warm water, add a teaspoon of salt and soda stir and rinse your nose three times a day. 7 days. (you can use a small pear)

Peganov Yuri ™

Health problems??? Go on these sites:
Here somewhere doctors are on-line.. It is possible anonymously. .
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Be healthy - do not be ill. .
Good luck and health ...

Pirogova Olga

My relative suffered greatly from sinusitis, he was recommended washing with sea salt several times a day. And it really happened. But of course it's better to contact a specialist before starting self-treatment.

Faina Gromova

If the genyantritis manifests itself, I immediately take cinnabsin. These pills make my condition easier. Make your nose breathe and liquefy come down.


that's what happened to my doctor-friend. She told me that she needed an operation for a day to remove pus. I advised her to try a remedy, which is used by my whole family - Riciniol - a very good home remedy on the basis of castor oil. She took it, poured herself in her nose, lay down for an hour and left all the pus, as riciniol very well penetrates. Even the operation did not have to. Until now, I am grateful for the advice. Maybe someone will help too! I wish success to all. By the way, you can not find it anywhere. It is a unique product, only Argo stores sell it. I heard that if they register on the site of Argo, then there will be a 20% discount. Here is the link; = 1146 & amp; = cfa43fa64fd0e13b7c49b4bb1c19a09

Mila Krokova

Some washings with sea salt from a genyantritis will not relieve. I also remembered to wash my nose and took prescribed Cinnabsin tablets. With their help, sinusitis went through 2 weeks.

Medicamentous treatment of sinusitis: what drugs are used for genyantritis

Genyantritis is one of the most common diseases faced by millions of people around the world.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinus (maxillary sinus).

Due to certain features of the structure of this sinus, the mucus that forms as a result of the disease can not be excreted out of the sinus naturally and stagnates.

Medical treatment of sinusitis is selected depending on the cause that caused the disease, as well as the stages of development and the form that the disease took in each specific situation. If the treatment scheme for this disease is not chosen correctly, then in the future it can lead to the most various unpleasant consequences, including, for example, loss of vision, meningitis or sepsis.

Antibiotics for sinusitis

Flemoxin Amoxicillin Sumamed Azithromycin Zinnat for children

There are three types of pathogens that can cause this disease:

  • Bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, anaerobes, streptococci, as well as hemophilic infection and Moraxella catarrhalis can be the causative agents of maxillary sinusitis.
  • Viruses. Causes ARVI and ARD, in which the amount of mucus in the sinuses of the nose increases significantly, which leads to inflammation, to which the bacterial component can also join.
  • Fungi. They become agents of the disease in people with weakened immunity, as well as diabetes, leukemia or AIDS.

It is important to know

It is only the qualified otolaryngologist who can make a correct determination as to which version the disease belongs to, after conducting an examination and giving directions for some analyzes. He also prescribes the necessary treatment of sinusitis with the most effective medicines.

The choice of drugs for sinusitis and the program of procedures completely depend on which causative agent caused the disease and on the severity of the patient's condition. In any case, treatment should be directed both at direct destruction of the infection and at then, to minimize pain and reduce swelling of the sinuses by removing the accumulated mucus.

So, what kind of drugs can be used for the treatment of medicinal treatment of sinusitis?

Antibiotics. One of the main causes of sinusitis is pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the treatment of maxillary sinusitis with antibiotics becomes effective.

However, it is worth noting that in this case too short or, on the contrary, an excessively long course of treatment can only do much harm. In particular, if the course of taking antibiotics lasted only 3-4 days, then there is a fairly high probability that you will get sick again.

In the event that the treatment period lasts for more than two weeks, the bacteria can become immune to the antibiotic. In this situation, the doctor can prescribe the course of an antibiotic, then recommend switching to another, so that the causative agent of the disease is not used to the active substances used for treatment preparations. Nevertheless, taking antibiotics often gives visible results within 48 hours after taking a headache and it becomes much easier to breathe.

Essential preparations

Sinupret Bioparox Derinat Miramistin SinuforteMalavite

Vasoconstrictive drugs. Used for topical application and serve to reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa and restore the drainage of the nasal sinuses. Such drugs are most often sprays, ointments and nasal drops. Vasoconstrictors should be instilled in the nose or laid in the nasal passage with a small moistened tampons. It is most advisable to use vasoconstrictive drops in combination with the administration of ointments of a longer duration.

For example, one of the popular vasoconstrictors for the treatment of common cold in adults and children: Nazivin and Nazivin child.

Antibacterial drugs. Amoxicillin, erythromycin and azithromycin will help you to fight infection successfully. It is worth noting that the treatment with drugs such as amoxicillin, with genyantritis in its chronic form is possible only in periods of exacerbation, in this case it is preliminary to determine by means of analyzes the degree of sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.

Hyposensitizing drugs. Such drugs are the best remedy for sinusitis caused by various allergic reactions. Among the most suitable antihistamines for this purpose are terfenadine, loratadine and others.

Nasal drops

Isofra Rinoflumucil Dioxydin Xylen Polydexa Children's Nazivin Sanorin Children's OtryvinNazonexPinosol

Mucolytic agents. Excellent liquefy mucosal discharge and help to withdraw them from the sinus cavity. To this end, most often used guaifenesin, which effectively works even in small doses.

Corticosteroids. Powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that can significantly reduce mucosal edema and improve the drainage of nasal sinuses. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that hormonal drugs are absolutely contraindicated in using pregnancy, old age, severe forms of diabetes, mental illness, as well as ulcerous diseases of the digestive tract.

It is strictly forbidden to use Isophora during pregnancy or breastfeeding, since all drugs of the aminoglycoside series are toxic to the fetus, which can lead to serious health effects child.

Corticosteroids with medical treatment of sinusitis are used mainly in combination with antibiotics.

It is important to know

In order to prevent unwanted complications and side effects in the treatment of corticosteroids should adhere to a diet rich in proteins and vitamins, as well as limit the intake into the body chlorides. If necessary, the doctor can additionally prescribe potassium preparations.

Homeopathic Remedies. Due to raw materials of natural origin, from which the preparations of this group are made, homeopathic remedies do not cause side effects and addictions. Activates the body's defenses. Correctly selected by a homoeopathic doctor, a remedy for sinusitis can begin to have a beneficial effect on the body within the next 15 minutes.

Quite often, in combination with drug treatment of sinusitis, a variety of Physiotherapeutic procedures, including warming up, as well as laser therapy and other methods treatment. Also can appoint antiviral immunomodulating agent Sinupret. It is available in the form of drops, syrup, blue syrup (tablets).

It is worth remembering that at the first signs of maxillary sinusitis you should immediately consult a doctor, because only timely treatment will get rid of this disease.


The use of sinusitis from sinusitis is expensive, but is it effective?

A lot of conflicting information on websites and forums about an expensive drug for the treatment of diseases of the paranasal sinuses - Sinuforte. This remedy for sinusitis and sinusitis is advertised in the networks as a very effective, natural medicine, many positive reviews that it really helps in the treatment of this ailment.

This article will help many to understand who can use this tool, to whom it is categorically contraindicated. Here we will consider the negative aspects of its use and the effective component of the drug's action, so that many can avoid serious mistakes in the treatment of sinusitis.

To treat sinusitis Sinuforte should be approached very individual, because to one patient he is very it helps to clear sinuses, in others, on the contrary, causes deterioration, or simply does not render effect. The information below should in no case be taken as a substitute for a medical consultation by a qualified otolaryngologist.

Does Sinuphort help with sinusitis?

This question is of interest to most people with chronic sinusitis. After all, the drug is very expensive, its price ranges from 1600 to 1800 rubles, and the composition of Sinuforte according to the instructions is a lyophilizate of fresh juice and an extract of tubers of European cyclamen. It is known that cyclamen in folk medicine is widely used as a unique tool that permanently relieves patients of chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, polyps and adenoids.

With genyantritis stagnation of purulent contents in the sinuses of the nose occurs due to a violation of air exchange, edema mucous, so most often the mucus becomes thick, dense, its accumulation increases and the outflow becomes difficult. There is a vicious circle. What effect does cyclamen have on sinusitis? Saponins - the substances contained in this plant act on receptors in the sinuses of the nose, exciting sensitive neurons of the trigeminal nerve. When the juice of the cyclamen enters the nasal cavity, the purulent contents are liquefied, the edema of the mucosa decreases and the outflow of fluid increases many times.

In case the patient has a history of the slightest signs of various allergic reactions to herbs, food products, etc., the effect is often completely opposite. When applying Sinuforte with sinusitis, there may be a short-term lacrimation, headache, burning, sneezing, if such phenomena quickly pass, then the drug should not be canceled. However, if the patient's nose was even stronger, there was an even greater swelling of the mucous membrane, a significant cutaneous irritation, redness, urticaria, dyspnea, up to Quincke's edema, discontinue its use and refer to the doctor.

If the patient has doubts about the alleged allergic reaction in his cyclamen, so as not to waste money in vain, you can try to use folk recipes for treatment of genyantritis with cyclamen, and determine whether there is an increased sensitivity to cyclamen juice or no.

The recipe for cooking cyclamen drops from sinusitis

To do this, you need to thoroughly clean the cyclamen tubers with a brush, then rub it on a fine grater, squeeze or pass through a juicer. Under no circumstances should you use pure juice for instillation, first it should be diluted with boiled water and add sunflower oil or homeopathic oil of thuya in the proportion of approximately: 0, otherwise you can get burned with nasopharyngeal mucosa that worsen the situation. Bury in the morning no more than 2 drops in each nostril, lie on the side to which nostril are buried the juice, then lie down for another 5-10 minutes.

First, there will be a burning sensation and a repeated sneeze. If there are no allergic reactions, then this procedure should be done every morning for 7 days. Already on the second or third day the sinuses will begin to be cleansed, the purulent discharge can go out in a very large amount. The Kalanchoe juice has a similar effect. And cyclamen, and Kalanchoe, many women grow at home as a medicinal and decorative plant, so finding it is not difficult.

When using cyclamen juice or Sinuphorte from sinusitis, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage, since saponins with an overdose can have a negative effect on the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems organism.

How correctly to apply Sinuphorte?

The instruction to the preparation gives clear explanations of how to dilute the lyophilizate correctly by illustrating step by step actions to prepare the medicine. The main conditions for the competent use of the drug are careful shaking of the solution to completely dissolve the powder, before use, 2 spraying into the air, and when injected into the nose should hold your breath, since the ingress of an aggressive stimulus in the respiratory tract dangerous.

Are there any drops of Sinuphort?

Since the use of cyclamen should be strictly dosage, no drops of Sinuphorte exist, this remedy It is available only as a lyophilizate for solution preparation and is used as a spray to control dosage.

Does everyone help Sinuphrot?

In view of the foregoing, this drug can have a very effective effect for purification and purulent purification from the sinuses of the nose, provided that:

  • The patient does not have any allergic reactions in the anamnesis to any medicinal plants, chemicals, food, etc. immediate or delayed type
  • The patient does not have polyps, cysts in the paranasal sinuses
  • The patient does not suffer from hypertension
  • Strictly observed rules for the use of the drug, dosage
  • If there is a comprehensive treatment of sinusitis, together with antibacterial, vasoconstrictive, immunotherapy, etc. procedures.

Can I use Sinuphorte in pregnancy?

Even natural herbal preparations can not all be used in pregnancy. Neither during pregnancy nor while breastfeeding Sinuphorte can not be used. The action of the medicine on the growing children's organism is not yet thoroughly studied, and unnecessary negative side effects for the pregnant woman are useless. To date, there are many drugs for the treatment of rhinosinusitis, which are allowed to use during pregnancy.

Can I apply Sinuphort for children?

In the instructions to the drug, contra-indications are stipulated for the use of this drug for children under 5 years of age, since studies in this direction have not been carried out. According to some sources, the restrictive age of application is 12 years and 16 years. This is because the growing child's body is likely to appear inadequate reaction of a weak immune system - allergic manifestations of varying degrees. Therefore, a remedy for sinusitis Sinuforte is considered a drug for the treatment of adults only.

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