Bandage for the neck, orthosis on the cervical spine


  • 1How to choose a neck bandage correctly
  • 2Cervical corset with osteochondrosis. Orthopedic collar. Cervical bandage
    • 2.1Collar for the neck: definition of the concept
    • 2.2Assign band
    • 2.3Types and types of corsets for the neck
    • 2.4Shanz Bus
    • 2.5Bandage "Philadelphia"
    • 2.6The rules of wearing a collar for the neck
    • 2.7Contraindications in using corset
    • 2.8Tips for choosing a collar
  • 3How does the corset help with cervical osteochondrosis?
    • 3.1Specificity and purpose
    • 3.2Types of collars
    • 3.3Features of use
  • 4Cervical bandage with osteochondrosis
    • 4.1Properties and functions of the bandage
    • 4.2Cervical bandage with torticollis
    • 4.3Rules for choosing a band for osteochondrosis
    • 4.4How to wear a cervical bandage
  • 5Shantz collar: with cervical osteochondrosis, choose the size, orthopedic, tire
    • 5.1Orthopedic fixator device
    • 5.2Recommendations for choosing a bandage
    • 5.3Rules for the imposition and wearing of the collar
    • 5.4In what cases is the wearing of the cervical bandage contraindicated?
    • 5.5Bandage on the neck with your own hands
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How to choose a neck bandage correctly

Another name for the neck band is an orthopedic collar. In what cases can it be recommended by a doctor? Are there any contraindications to the use of these types of orthoses? And how to choose a cervical bandage? We will understand all the subtleties of the question.

Cervical bandage refers to the bandages for the spine and, depending on the degree of rigidity used,when it is necessary to securely fix the cervical vertebraeat fractures, neuralgic diseases or in the postoperative recovery period.

In addition, a specialist can be recommended wearing a soft cervical orthosis (the collar of Shantz) during the period rehabilitation and recovery measures after surgery or injuries to guarantee absolute rest for the disturbed cervical department.

According to the degree of fixation, there are three types of orthoses for the neck:

  • soft bandages, which are called the Shantz bus;
  • semi-rigid (medium) fixation;
  • rigid (strong) fixation, which are made of hard materials (medical plastic, etc.).

Rigid corsetshelp completely immobilize the cervical spinewith diseases, serious injuries and in the post-operation period. The semi-rigid models combine elastic fabrics and hard inserts that hold and slightly extend the neck.

The correct selection of the product is based on the recommendations of the doctor with the help of an orthopedic salon specialist or pharmacy. To buy special-purpose products is better there.

Before the purchaseIt is necessary to measure the distance from the most protruding bone of the lower jaw to the point in the middle of the clavicle. The resulting figure and determine the width (height) of the orthosis. You will also need to know the circumference of the neck.

Be sure to try on your favorite orthosis before you pay with the seller.

In front of the bandage is a recess for your chin - it should be placed comfortably in it.

The band itself should not squeeze the neck and make breathing difficult. Adjust the volume of the bandage-collar will help the velcro.

Unlike other types of bandages, the cervical wears directly on the bare neck, so you need Pay attention that it was made of pleasant to the touch fabrics that are not able to cause an allergy. Well, if the model has a removable cover, which, if necessary, can be washed and dried quickly.

Before buying, do not forget to check the seller's certificates of conformity.

It is not necessary to tighten the bandage too tightly, but also to weaken too much. Take into account that during his wearing you can not rotate and tilt your head as you are used to. That's why you can not drive a car in the cervical orthosis.

The specialist can recommend the use of cervical orthosis to patients of any age: from the first days of life until old age. The main cases in which the wearing of a bandage on the cervical spine is assigned:

  • osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • slight instability of the cervical region;
  • neurological diseases;
  • myositis with etiology (office illness);
  • muscular torticollis in newborns;
  • fracture of vertebrae.

Wearing an orthosis for the neck can be prescribed only by the doctor after a complete examination of the patient and diagnosis of the disease.

The most popular is the cervical bandage with osteochondrosis. This common disease leads to deformation of the intervertebral discs, which begin to pinch blood vessels and nerve endings. Together with the bandage, choose a pillow for osteochondrosis of the neck.

Orthosis helps fix the vertebrae, not allowing them to approach and negatively affect the nerves.

The work of blood vessels is restored, the blood in sufficient amounts enters all parts of the body, including the brain, pain, discomfort, nausea and other manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis go away.

Cervical orthosis can perform not only therapeutic and restorative, but also preventive functions, reducing the load on the muscles and providing a warming effect.


How many hours a day you should wear a cervical bandage for you, a doctor should establish. Thus, the average time of use of orthosis in osteochondrosis is 2 hours per day with a half-hour break.


If during the wearing of the bandage you experience severe discomfort, remove the collar and immediately consult your doctor.

The collar of Shantz is not used for serious diseases of the spine, since it simply can not provide the required level fixation, including with severe instability of the cervical spine with the threat of damage to the spinal cord, as well as with dermatological problems.

The question of wearing a hard bandage can be questioned if there are skin inflammations, open wounds or bleeding postoperative sutures on the neck. If it is possible to remove the corset to inspect the skin, the doctor may recommend using a rigid fixation model.

Often the smallest patients are prescribed to wear a cervical orthosis. The most common cases are:

  • torticollis (dystrophy of lateral muscles),
  • neuralgic diseases in newborns,
  • various birth trauma.

The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the easier and faster it will be to defeat it, so do not neglect regular examinations at the pediatrician.

The time during which the child should wear a cervical collar will be determined by the doctor. In some cases, it will be quite a few minutes, in others it will be necessary to spend most of the day in the bandage.

And even if the child is in the early days to react negatively to accommodation, parents need to continue using the bandage so that the baby quickly recovered.

Speech does not go, of course, about situations when the kid suffocates in a bandage, strongly is capricious, tries to remove his - in these cases, the product must be removed and as soon as possible to visit the pediatrician, telling about the behavior child.

Parents will have to monitor the hygiene of the child's bandage, and if his permanent wearing is prescribed, thenit makes sense to think about buying two products at once. The skin of the child under the collar should always remain clean and should not sweat.

Check the correct fixation of the orthosis easily: between the collar and the skin of the child should pass without difficulty finger.

The future health of the child, as well as the absence or presence of chronic diseases will depend on how thoroughly the parents follow the doctor's prescriptions.

Despite the fact that the cervical orthosis seems too simple adaptation, the effect of its use is impressive.

For example, with osteochondrosis, he relieves pain almost immediately.

Remember that only compliance with all the recommendations of a doctor will help you cope with the disease without additional losses.

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Cervical corset with osteochondrosis. Orthopedic collar. Cervical bandage

A fairly common disease of the cervical spine is osteochondrosis, in the treatment of which various methods are used: medicines, physiotherapy, massage. There is also another no less effective tool - cervical corset, reliably fixing the neck, inhibiting the further development of the disease, contributing to a rapid recovery.

Collar for the neck: definition of the concept

Cervical bandage is a tight cushion, fastened around the neck.

It allows you to fix the vertebrae so that they do not move or move during movement.

Consequently, the segment of the spine becomes more stable, prevents the infringement of the nerve roots, impaired blood circulation.

This corset limits the movement of the head, which ensures complete peace of the vertebrae of the cervical region. Good fixing helps to improve the condition with exacerbation of pathology, faster recovery.

Assign band

Cervical corset should be worn with the following diseases and conditions of the vertebrae:

  • osteochondrosis of cervical department;
  • strains, bruises, myositis;
  • severe scoliosis;
  • changes in blood pressure, darkening in the eyes;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • the threat of ischemia, after a stroke;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • prevention of displacement or deformation of the cervical vertebrae.
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To make the product of benefit, do not hurt, you need to get an orthopedic consultation that will help you choose the right collar: determine its appearance, stiffness, give recommendations for wearing.

Types and types of corsets for the neck

The bandage is a dense frame, fastened around the cervical spine, which limits the various movements of the head: flexion, extension, rotation. However, the orthopedic collar can be of several types, differing in the material of manufacture, the presence / absence of additional elements:

  • The Shantz tire is a frame made of dense material. The collar fastens around the neck, except for fixation, it performs the function of warming tissues and improving blood circulation.
  • With inflatable pillow - consists of two dense strips, inside of which is an air element, inflated with a special pear. This model completely repeats the biological features of the cervical region.
  • The inflatable collar is a rubber frame, filled with air with a special pear, fixes the neck well, provides a gentle stretching of the vertebrae.
  • Collar "Philadelphia a distinctive feature of which is the hole at the neck. The product relieves the greenhouse effect, allows air to circulate around the neck.

Cervical corset differs in degree of rigidity. Allocate the following types of structures:

  • rigid - the frame is made of plastic tires;
  • Semirigid - consist of polyurethane;
  • Soft - they are based on an elastic, foamed polymer.

All types of bandages are made of hypoallergenic materials that are harmless to human health.

Shanz Bus

The orthopedic collar of Shantz is the most famous product among corsets. It is characterized by the simplicity of construction, comfortable wearing, in addition, it is soft enough, while keeping the shape well.

This type of bandage is of two types:

  • hard - the base is made of plastic tires, the outer part is made of soft material;
  • semi-rigid / soft - for the frame is used polyurethane, characterized by softness, elasticity, the ability to take the anatomical shape of the neck.

Shan's bus performs the following functions:

  • Limits any movements produced by the cervical spine;
  • eliminates muscle spasms;
  • corrects the broken position of the vertebrae;
  • prevents the infringement of blood vessels;
  • warms, restores blood circulation;
  • reduces the fear of accidental rotation of the head during a period of severe pain.

In general, this cervical corset in osteochondrosis due to an increase in the distance between the vertebrae and to prevent load in the problematic places positively affects the recovery processes, relieves muscle tension, relieves painful sensations.

Bandage "Philadelphia"

This type of corset has a hole for the tracheotomy, it is made of hypoallergenic materials (light, but at the same time, strong polyurethane foam), is densely and reliably fixed at the expense of Velcro fasteners. Keeps the head well, reduces pain.

A band is intended, first of all, for patients with a tracheostomy: a special hole in the product allows you to monitor the condition of the disease, provide proper care, carry out the necessary survey. In addition, this hole provides ventilation, prevents excessive sweating.

The corset "Philadelphia" is recommended to be worn in the following cases:

  • when diagnosing osteochondrosis;
  • when getting injured, a bruise, a fracture of the spine;
  • when the muscles of the neck are stretched;
  • with strong mobility or displacement of the vertebrae;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • with neurologic pain.

The rules of wearing a collar for the neck

In order for the bandage to be beneficial, it was really effective, it is necessary to take into account the rules of its wearing, neglect of which can negatively affect the general well-being of the patient.

The main rules include:

  • the cervical collar is appointed by the treating orthopedist or vertebrologist, it determines the type, type of construction, time of use;
  • at the first application the bandage is worn for no more than 15 minutes, then this period gradually increases;
  • It is forbidden to use a corset at night;
  • in the daytime the product is worn no more than 6 hours, regardless of the breaks;
  • After removing the collar, one should not be in a draft, change the temperature regime;
  • during work it is recommended not to remove the corset, it can be done only in breaks;
  • not suitable for the size of the cervical bandage can not be used, it must be replaced by another;
  • if the product does not hold its head well, it moves, then it is recommended to tighten it more tightly;
  • It is necessary to wear a collar for at least a month, but the entire course of treatment should not exceed three months.

Contraindications in using corset

Despite all the positive aspects, the neck bandage is not recommended for patients who have some health problems, since the product can aggravate the situation:

  • various neoplasms in the cervical spine;
  • skin diseases;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • instability of the vertebrae with the threat of damage to the spinal cord.

In addition, the corset for the cervical spine can also negatively affect the patient's well-being, so when the following symptoms should be abandoned wearing the product, contact the leading doctor and choose another method of treatment:

  • persistent headaches;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • the onset of syncope;
  • the appearance of fatigue, weakness;
  • nausea or vomiting.

Tips for choosing a collar

The correct choice of the model largely depends on the individual characteristics of the cervical department of the patient, the purpose of use, age (adult, child).

Often you have to try a few corsets to find the perfect one.

Someone is enough to wear an inflatable cervical collar to get rid of the problem, while another will help the tire Shantsa.

In order not to spend extra money, do not go through different types and types of products, it is recommended to consult an orthopedist or vertebrologist who will study the features of the problem, take into account all the necessary factors and prescribe the corset, which will be a good helper and a remedy for patient.

Thus, the cervical corset is characterized by a wide range of uses, has different types, types, is used as a prophylaxis, for therapeutic purposes, in the postoperative period. Its effectiveness in many respects depends on the competent choice of the model, taking into account the rules of wearing and contraindications.

A source: http://.ru/article/274341/sheynyiy-korset-pri-osteohondroze-ortopedicheskiy-vorotnik-sheynyiy-bandaj

How does the corset help with cervical osteochondrosis?

Table of contents

  • Specificity and purpose
  • Types of collars
  • Features of use

Cervical bandage with osteochondrosis allows you to stop pain and reliably fix the cervical section. It can be considered as one of the variants of complex treatment of problems with the cervical spine.

Specificity and purpose

This design is a soft, stiff and dense neck with a clasp on the neck, which allows you to securely fix the cervical section.

The corset allows you to remain cervical vertebrae in a static, static state, nullifying the possibility of jamming, circulatory disorders and pain syndrome.


At the same time, the mobility of the head worsens, to look aside, the patient is forced to turn the whole body. Nevertheless, this option increases the effectiveness of treatment and contributes to a speedy recovery.


In addition to osteochondrosis, the orthopedic corset is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • stretch, bruises, neck injuries of a different nature;
  • scoliosis;
  • BP changes;
  • in the rehabilitation period after a stroke with a high probability of ischemia development;
  • migraine headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • prevention of deformity and displacement of cervical vertebrae;
  • recovery in the postoperative period.

For effective use and for relief of unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to choose the correct and suitable bandage for the neck with osteochondrosis.

The right choice will help to make a specialist, based on individual characteristics, he will select the necessary type, rigidity, collar size and consult on use.

Types of collars

Varieties of such adaptations allow to select the optimal one in each specific case and provide not only the effectiveness of treatment, but also comfort in use.

The Shantz tire is perhaps the most popular corset among the other varieties. It is a construction with a rigid / semi-rigid / soft frame, which allows to fix the neck section, additionally warming the muscles and improving blood circulation.

The rigid frame consists of a hard, light plastic, upholstered with a soft lining for easy wear.

Semi-rigid and soft is based on polyurethane of various properties, which provides fixation and can take anatomical forms.

Shantz's tire is used to fix the vertebrae, remove muscle spasms, restrict the movement of the neck, in general, has a warming, restoring effect and prevents the occurrence of pain or infringement of the blood vessels.

Corset on the neck with osteochondrosis Philadelphia. This gate firmly holds the head and neck in a fixed position, light due to a rigid polyurethane insert.

A distinctive feature of Philadelphia is the presence of a special hole for the tracheotomy on the front wall.

Fasten the device can be due to Velcro, which serve as volume regulators for different sizes of the neck and head.


The aperture also provides good ventilation, allowing air to circulate freely between the bandage walls and the skin, preventing intertrigo.


Often Philadelphia is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • injuries of the cervical department, incl. fracture;
  • stretching;
  • neurologic pain;
  • displacement of cervical vertebrae;
  • postoperative period.
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There is a collar completely inflatable or with a special inflatable pillow. The first is an inflatable ring-shaped frame that gently supports the neck.

The inflatable pillow is present in the anatomical models with a framework of dense material. It is located inside and inflated with a special pear in the kit.

Features of use

Corset with osteochondrosis of the cervical department should not be purchased independently on the basis of one's own preferences.

Since this is still a method of treatment, the use of a bandage is recommended by the attending physician.

It is the specialist who determines the type and design features necessary for effective treatment in each specific case.

At first, you should not wear a collar all the time, 15-20 minutes a day is enough, and the duration of use should increase daily.

Also, you should carefully consider the selection of a suitable bandage. Wrong size or type of construction not only brings a lot of inconvenience in use, but also has no therapeutic effect, and in some cases even aggravates the situation.

Usually the treatment course by this method does not exceed 3 months and is not used less than 4 weeks. To specify the timing of use, consult your doctor.

The orthopedic collar has certain indications, in the presence of which use is impossible. They include:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • threat of damage to the spinal cord during deformation of the vertebrae;
  • neoplasms in the neck;
  • impaired cerebral circulation;
  • Skin diseases with defeat of the epidermis of the neck.

Perhaps some conditions can be caused by wearing the structure (vomiting, nausea, fainting and headaches). If they occur, immediately remove the collar and consult your doctor.

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Cervical bandage with osteochondrosis

To wear a cervical bandage with osteochondrosis, on the recommendation of a doctor, every person suffering from disease, in which there is a strong lesion of the intervertebral disc and displacement of the vertebrae in neck area. This forced measure will help prevent further development of the disease and remove the existing symptoms. In addition, the bandage will be an excellent preventive remedy for cervical osteochondrosis.

Properties and functions of the bandage

The bandage for the cervical spine is a fixed collar, which must be worn around the neck. This device has many useful properties. The doctor can prescribe wearing a bandage to reduce the load on the spinal column and eliminate the manifestations of osteochondrosis.

The device can solve a number of problems:

  • fix the spine in the correct position;
  • to remove the load (pressure) from the disks;
  • relax the muscles;
  • eliminate the emerging pain syndrome;
  • to relieve the patient from pinching the nerve fibers, which can occur due to displacement of the vertebrae;
  • cervical bandage provides a fixed position of the head, which is very important for calcification of tissues with protrusion of the disc;
  • helps with the treatment of torticollis.

All these properties of the cervical bandage with osteochondrosis help improve blood circulation in the affected area and reduce inflammation.

Thanks to all these functions, wearing a bandage helps to relieve a person's condition and give him mobility.

Dizziness, weakness, increased fatigue, which often occur with cervical osteochondrosis, also disappear. In addition, the cervical bandage is used for preventive purposes.

You can wear a bandage of soft construction to prevent the occurrence of problems with the spine, when you have to work with your head tilted for a long time.

Cervical bandage with torticollis

Sometimes there is such a condition: a sudden piercing pain causes the patient to tilt his head in the side with simultaneous turning it to the side.

When trying to raise your head to its normal position, pain is unbearable. The reason for this is the one-sided tension of the neck muscles.

Remove the load from the cervical vertebrae and muscles will help the bandage for the cervical department. The treatment is to provide a complete rest of the neck for a week, which is what the device provides.


Also, painkillers, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants are used to relieve muscle spasms.


A special place among all varieties of fixing collars is a cervical bandage for newborns.

This device of soft fixation from foam rubber will help to heal the torticollis, which often occurs in complex childbirths.

This device is also worn by young children with neuralgia, pathology of the central nervous system, motor excitability.

Rules for choosing a band for osteochondrosis

Cervical bandage with osteochondrosis should be worn only after consulting a doctor, independent use of such a device is undesirable.

Before you buy a collar, unloading the spine, you need to determine the degree of its rigidity. Bandages can be of light, medium and strong fixation.

The first option can be worn to prevent the disease, as well as the first signs of cervical osteochondrosis to relieve tension from the muscles of the neck.

Two other species are used for significant lesions of the spinal column. They will also suit for wearing after getting injuries, performing surgeries or better to get a corset on the recommendation of a doctor.

Kinds of bandages
Elastic waist belt with velcro acts as a preventive function.

The collar of medium stiffness is made of foam rubber with rigid inserts inside. Rigid collars, usually of plastic, cover the chin and shehe, carelessly full immobility. Inflatable collar allows you to adjust the degree of height, pulls the spine.

Traditionally, the cervical bandage is called the Shantz collar, which is of several types and varying degrees of rigidity.

Looking at the drawing you can understand how to choose a cervical bandage for osteochondrosis according to your size.

Tips for using

To the adaptation has brought only advantage, a bandage on a cervical department of a backbone needs to be correctly worn. A medical collar should be worn on the bare neck.


A detailed instruction, which is always attached to the product, will help a person fix the bandage.


It is necessary to understand that if the device is worn correctly, any discomfort or difficulty in breathing should not be felt.

Correctly put on cervical bandage will complicate turns of a neck, therefore it is not recommended to put on it while driving a car. Do not leave it and while sleeping.

How to wear a cervical bandage

At first, the bandage is worn for 15-30 minutes to get used to. Then you can wear a cervical bandage with osteochondrosis for 2-3 hours in a row, after the time you must make a break for 30-40 minutes.

The course of wearing this device can be one to two months or, according to the doctor's prescription, a little longer. To part with the device should also be gradually: daily reduce the time of wearing the bandage.

When wearing a bandage, the muscles weaken, and this negatively affects the course of the disease osteochondrosis, in which these very muscles need to be strengthened. Gymnastics, aimed at forming a muscular corset, is a fundamental factor in slowing the aging process of the spine.

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Shantz collar: with cervical osteochondrosis, choose the size, orthopedic, tire

The collar of Shantz has a function for fixing the cervical spine. Other names for this orthopedic device are: a collar or Shantz's tire, a lock or bandage of Shantz.

The headholder is appointed as an adaptation for the rehabilitation period, both for adults and for children.

What is and how to choose a collar for an adult, teenager or child? And also how to choose the right one and how much time per day you need to stay in the collar of Shantz? These and other questions concerning the cervical bandage will be discussed in this article.

Orthopedic fixator device

Shantz's tire is made in the form of an oblong roller. The size of the collar is such that it completely wraps around the neck. The structure of the collar of Shantz - soft, foam or poly-polyurethane material, and also the collar can be inflatable.

To hold the rehabilitation device on the neck, a lock is designed. And for convenience in wearing, anatomical chin bevels and protuberances in the chest area are provided.

And in addition, depressions are made for the patches over the shoulders.

The corset for the neck performs a moderate maintenance of the vertebral framework in the neck. Correct fixation when the device softly and comfortably adjoins to a neck.

In doing so, it reliably holds the cervical spine, without interfering with the turns of the head.

The collar of Shantz with cervical osteochondrosis limits the depth of inclinations in both directions and keeps the head in a stable position.

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The use of the collar of Shantz for which it is necessary:

  • During remission after injuries or operations on the spine.
  • After manual therapy for correction of vertebrae.
  • With the syndrome of the root cervical vertebral skeleton.
  • If muscular torticollis is diagnosed.
  • Hypotension is muscular in infants or signs of a short neck.
  • With osteochondrosis.
  • Any dystrophic or degenerative pathology of the neck area.
  • Neuralgic disorders caused by a violation of blood flow in the neck.
  • After a therapeutic massage, it is recommended to use a shantz collar to stabilize the cervical vertebrae for several hours.

It should be borne in mind that due to severe neck injuries or after surgery, the first time will require a rigid orthosis.

And only during the period of rehabilitation is allowed a more sparing fixation with the help of the collar of Shantz.


How much to wear the collar of Shants is decided by the attending doctor on the basis of the data obtained with the help of hardware diagnostics.


Recommendations for the need to wear an orthopedic device can be obtained from an orthopedist, neurologist, traumatologist, manual. And when it comes to children, it is necessary to first contact a pediatrician who can be redirected to a neonatologist.

Mechanism of the cervical bandage

  1. Limitation of mobility of the head in all directions.
  2. Redistributes the severity of the head to healthy areas of the shoulder girdle, bypassing the cervical vertebrae.
  3. Correction of the cervical region of the spine with congenital and acquired pathologies.
  4. Fixes the vertebrae of the neck and the discs in the desired position.
  5. Performs a mission of the cervical carcass, reducing pressure on the muscles of the neck.
  6. The orthopedic collar of Shantz, made from a densified base, helps to contain heat, which is necessary after massage and physiotherapy manipulations.

Recommendations for choosing a bandage

How to choose the right rehabilitation collar to support the neck? Select the collar of Shantz is recommended taking into account age, physiological characteristics and purpose. In order to perfectly fit the seat of the neck, it is necessary to correctly choose the height of the device.

This indicator is measured in the forward position of the head, so that the eyes coincide along the horizontal line with the upper ends of the auricles. The next value is the length, so that the collar can be wrapped around the neck and the edges fit perfectly.

When choosing the collar of Shantz, the dimensions must be carefully measured to avoid inaccuracies. Because if you pick up the collar wrong, it will be impossible to achieve the expected therapeutic effect.

And besides this, you can still inflict enormous harm to the injured or insufficiently strengthened cervical region of the spine. You can choose the right size yourself by trying on the chosen model, how tight it is to the neck.

Orthopedic adaptation should not interfere with blood circulation, make it difficult to swallow, restrict the movement of the jaws.

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The dressed bandage should not squeeze the neck, but it can not be too loose. The size range for some manufacturers is different.

Therefore, choose the product with the possibility of volume adjustment in length, if necessary. An adult can wear a bandage without additional volume, and children need a collar with a margin.

Those wishing to purchase a Shantz tire may be interested in the question of how much such an item costs. As for the cost, it directly depends on the manufacturer's firm and on the materials used in the manufacture.

Prices vary from about 300 to 2 000 thousand rubles.

Rules for the imposition and wearing of the collar

To know how to properly wear a collar foam rubber, polyurethane foam or inflatable when cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to learn the necessary procedure. The technique of superposition is not difficult, but, nevertheless, requires compliance with the rules.

Each product is always accompanied by instructions for use. From it you can find out how to use and how to wear a device for the neck, about allowable time of wearing the tire, can you sleep in this collar, the number of days of use and contraindications.

Rules for the imposition of the collar of Shantz:

  • They put a rehabilitation device for the neck in a lying position on a perfectly flat surface.
  • When applying the collar of Shantz, it is necessary to check the tightness of fit, between the tire and the neck must pass a finger.
  • On the lower lane, the tire should fully touch the area of ​​the clavicle.
  • Before using the bandage, you need to wash the neck area and wipe it dry.
  • The inflatable tire must first be filled with air.

The period of wearing the orthopedic collar should be coordinated with the attending physician, the master of manual therapy or the masseur, depending on the reason for using the bandage.

It is correct to wear a collar of Shantz for osteochondrosis of the neck or other deviations of the vertebral framework in the neck area no longer than three hours.

Usually, in uncomplicated cases, or with cervical osteochondrosis, Shantz's collar is worn in the morning and evening before going to bed for a short while.


Do not wear orthopedic appliances for days on end. Because in this case atrophy of the neck muscles.


And in the future it will be necessary to restore their tone, otherwise they will not be able to cope with their functions in maintaining the cervical spine. For the same reason, it is not advisable to sleep in the collar.

Sleep better in a relaxed position, so that all the elements of the cervical department are restored without assistance.

In what cases is the wearing of the cervical bandage contraindicated?

Wearing an orthopedic collar is completely safe, in case of observing the time recommended in the instructions for use or by a doctor.

But, despite absolute safety, the product still has contraindications.

Signs of worsening of the patient's condition when using the cervical bandage are rarely revealed, but it is better to know about them so as not to harm their own health.

Symptoms in which the use of an orthopedic collar should be discontinued:

  • Deformed or unstable cervical vertebrae.
  • Skin dermatological pathology.
  • Feeling dizzy when wearing an orthopedic device.
  • Soreness of the muscles or in the spine.
  • Weakness or fainting after dressing the bandage.

For any abnormality in wearing a cervical collar, remove it immediately. And then consult a doctor. You may need a second examination to find out the reasons for the deterioration of well-being during the rehabilitation period.

Particular care must be taken to monitor the condition when a tire on the neck is assigned to a newborn or to a child of any age who is in the stage of active growth.

A child may not pay attention to anxious symptoms or can not correctly formulate them.

It will be better when monitoring the process of rehabilitation with the help of a collar will be a competent doctor.

But parents also have to carefully observe both the state of health of their child at the time of rehabilitation therapy, and carefully take care of the purity of the device for maintaining the neck. Under the children's bandage should not get foreign objects, food debris, dirt, moisture, dust. After each use, the child's tire must be cleaned.

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Bandage on the neck with your own hands

How to make a collar of Shanz himself? If you want to save or can not buy a product, you can make a Shant collar with your own hands.

The main rule, as with the choice of supporting the neck of the product, accurately reconcile the individual dimensions.

The procedure is to make the collar of Shanz with your own hands:

  • According to the measurements taken from a soft natural fabric folded in half, a rectangular flap is cut out.
  • Very tight cardboard or plastic can be used as an internal sealant. The basis should be cut to 1 or 2 centimeters (depending on the number of horizontal joints) less prepared tissue.
  • The flap is sewn horizontally and is turned to the front.
  • Inside insert the frame.
  • Sew the side seams and attach the Velcro to the device to fix the device.

If there is a desire to complicate the task a little and make a homemade bandage in the image of the original device, that is voluminous. Then you need to slightly change the measurements.

To the standards of the product in finished form, you need to add by centimeter to the seams and as much to the additional volume for the internal filler.

Filler or other suitable material may serve as a filler.

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