All bones and joints ache: what to do? causes of aches all over the body


  • 1Causes of pain in bones and joints
    • 1.1Causes of pain in joints
    • 1.2Sports overloads
    • 1.3Systemic blood diseases
    • 1.4Infectious and inflammatory diseases
    • 1.5Pain due to diseases of metabolic and hormonal disorders
    • 1.6Diabetes
    • 1.7Tumor processes of bones
    • 1.8Tuberculosis of bones
    • 1.9Intermittent fever
    • 1.10Warts and papillomas
    • 1.11In what case immediately to the doctor?
  • 2Why all joints and bones ache: what to do for treatment and the causes of pain
    • 2.1Classification of pathologies of bone system diseases
    • 2.2Bone diseases that develop most often
    • 2.3Classification of joint diseases
    • 2.4Why there are diseases of bone tissue?
    • 2.5Treatment of the bony and articular system
    • 2.6How will get rid of the pain and inflammation in the joint tissues?
    • 2.7Diet
    • 2.8Recipes of traditional medicine
    • 2.9What should be the way of life in the treatment of the joint and bone system?
  • 3All bones and joints ache: what to do? Causes of aches all over the body
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Infectious Diseases
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.4Systemic diseases
    • 3.5Hemoblastosis
    • 3.6Deforming arthrosis
    • 3.7Diabetes
    • 3.8Vascular pathology
    • 3.9Diagnostics
    • 3.10Treatment
  • 4Why bones crack? causes, treatment
    • 4.1The causes of aches in the bones, not related to diseases
    • 4.2Bony ache due to various diseases
    • 4.3The appearance of aches during pregnancy
    • 4.4Ways to treat aches in bones
    • 4.5Interesting articles:
  • 5The ache in the bones and joints of the cause
    • 5.1Probable causes
    • 5.2Localization of pain
    • 5.3Arthritis in the joints of the hands
    • 5.4"Spins" feet on the weather: the reasons
    • 5.5The main methods of therapy
    • 5.6Folk remedies
    • 5.7Physiotherapy
    • 5.8Diet and nutrition
    • 5.9Special exercises and massage

Causes of pain in bones and joints

With pain in the bones and jointsperiodically collides everyfrom US. Not every such problem is dangerous. But, it's best to protect yourself and show yourself to a specialist.

After all, such problems can lead to serious consequences.

"Are all the bones and joints aching?" This is the question that can be askedtraumatologist, therapist, orthopedist and surgeon. Which of them should I contact first? Let's understand.

Causes of pain in joints

Pain sensations in the bones and joints can signal various problems. The specialist should find out the nature of the problem and find a link (if any) between this problem and the damage to the muscles and nerves.

The causes of pain and discomfort in the joints can be arthritis. This disease is characterized by inflammatory processes.

A metabolic disorder in the body can lead to arthrosis.

Also, the described pains are affected by diseases of tissues surrounding the joint due to infection, allergies, blood diseases.

Below, we will talk about the frequent causes of such pains.

Sports overloads

If joints and legs ache after loading, it is most likely,is associated with overtraining.

Particularly intense such pains occur during the movement of parts in which pain is localized. Most often, the bones of the lower extremities suffer from overtraining.

After all, they are particularly stressed. But, and there are pains in the legs with overtraining quite quickly. To do this, it is sufficient to increase the resting time or to treat the muscles with warming ointment.

But, if the pain after the stress does not go away for a long time, then you need to go to a doctor for advice. With this problem, the therapist can help.

If he does not succeed, he can send you to a consultation with a neurologist or other specialist.

Systemic blood diseases

The pain in the bones and joints can be a consequence of bone marrow damage due to blood diseases. Painful sensations can signal a myeloma, acute leukemia and chronic myelogenous leukemia.

With myeloma, unpleasant sensations are localized in the ribs, bones of the pelvis and the spine. They can have a pronounced painful character. The disease affects the bones to such an extent that they become brittle. What can lead to compression fractures of the spine.

This dangerous pathological process is treated by a doctor oncologist.

In acute leukemia, pain is manifested in different parts of the body. Lymph nodes and a spleen can be increased in a person suffering from this disease. The patient complains of weakness and a slight increase in body temperature.

If joints and bones ache, and often infectious diseases appear, then this indicates chronic myelogenous leukemia. Indirect signs of this disease are the enlargement of the spleen (visible to the naked eye) and increased sweating.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

Also, pain in the bones can be causeddiseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature. One of the most common diseases of this variety is osteomyelitis.

This disease is accompanied by inflammation of the bone marrow accompanied by the release of pus and bone damage. Pain sensations in osteomyelitis are very strong and acute.

In addition, the patient greatly raises the temperature. To the blood penetrate toxins, which affect the rest of the body and internal organs. Which leads to even greater problems.

Often with this disease, the affected arm or leg can not fully perform its functions.

The described problem can arise and at a flu.

The virus that causes this disease spreads through the body into the blood and affects various tissues. After the body copes with the virus, the pain disappears.

Pain due to diseases of metabolic and hormonal disorders

Why do all joints and bones ache?Reply is very difficult. One of the reasons for this pathology is the wrong metabolism.

If, as a result of a metabolic disorder, there is a lack of calcium or other important substance for bone tissue, this can also manifest as a pain syndrome.

Negative affects the described vitamin problem lack of vitamins D and B1. From their lack, a knee or other joint may suffer.


Also, the appearance of problems with bones can be affected by the excess production of hormones by the body of the digestive and thyroid gland, as well as the adrenal cortex.


The formation of bone tissue decreases with prolonged immobility of the patient and taking some hormonal drugs.

Problems in the bones with these problems appear slightly.

Often in the form of aching pain.


Thisdreadful disease, like diabetes mellitus can also cause pain in the bones. Most often they are localized in the legs. It is still unknown what can lead to such consequences.

Modern medicine believes that the appearance of such pains is due to obstruction of the vessels, because of which there is a disturbance in the supply of tissues. The pain in the bones due to diabetes mellitus can have a different character.

The endocrine system has a direct effect on the whole organism. Excess or lack of this or that hormone can affect the development of pathological processes in the bones and joints. In addition, diabetes can provoke the development of arthrosis.

At its or his display, and also other painful sensations in legs or foots, it is necessary to specify about it or this to the endocrinologist.

Tumor processes of bones

If joints and bones ache all over the body, then this can indicate an oncology. According to statistics, bone tumors are very rare.

In total, -1% of the total number of all diseases of this nature. But, such a defeat of bone tissue is extremely dangerous and often leads to lethal consequences.

Such diseases include:

  • Lymphoma of Hodgkin. This disease, which is characterized by disorders in the lymphatic system. Lesions of bones with lymphogranulomatosis occur in 20% of cases. Most often, the spine and ribs suffer from this pathology. With such a lesion, the pains are very strong with an irradiating character.
  • Fibrosarcoma and histiocytoma. Such diseases of oncological nature as fibrosarcoma and histiocytoma are also accompanied by pains in the bones. At first they do not manifest themselves very much, but gradually their intensity increases. This is due to the increase in the affected area. Over time, the bone can not cope even with a minor load and is destroyed, characterized by general malaise, constant weakness, increased temperature and decreased body weight.

Very often oncological diseases are treated with chemotherapy.

This procedure in turn can lead to the appearance of pain in the joints. This is due to the general intoxication of the body. It is possible to eliminate such painful sensations with the help of special medications.

Tuberculosis of bones

Another disease that can be accompanied by pain throughout the body is tuberculosis of the bones. This diseaseis associated with the negative action of the Koch sticks. This microbacterium affects the bones containing the spongy substance.

In severe cases, the disease can lead to the destruction of bones and joints, as well as paralysis of the limbs. Painful symptoms in tuberculosis of bones begin with unpleasant sensations in the places of their localization.

Over time, they can develop into severe pain.

At the beginning of this disease, body temperature may slightly increase.

The patient becomes sluggish, and in small pains begin to localize in a place of defeat.

Depending on it, the disease can affect the spine, knee, hip, shoulder, wrist and elbow joints.

Also, tuberculosis of the ankle and tubular bone is isolated.

This disease manifests itself with growing pains.

If in the first phase of tuberculosis of the bones one can speak of a slight weakness, a temperature that rarely exceeds 37 degrees and weak pains, then in the final stage of the illness the pains are unbearable, and the temperature reaches 40 degrees.

Intermittent fever

This disease, which is also called malarial fever, is accompanied by pain in the middle of the spine and a strong thirst. A frequent symptom of this ailment is fever. And the high temperature can quickly change to normal temperature.

This ailment develops when infected with malaria, brucellosis and recurrent typhus.

Intermittentive fever is treated with quinine. Which is appointed in the form of intravenous injections or tablets.

Warts and papillomas

Non-inflammatory benign formationson the skin can also cause pain in the bones.

Warts that are formed due to the defeat of the body by the papilloma virus,They become the causes of pain only if they form on the feet.

Warts can appear anywhere in the body. More often such neoplasms reach in diameter a few millimeters. But, there are also such, the size of which can reach several centimeters. Get rid of warts with the help of a beautician.

The papilloma virus, which leads to the appearance of warts, is transmitted by contact with the carrier or through the use of common objects. Very often, this virus can be picked up in public pools, baths and saunas.

In this case, it can be in the body in a dormant state and appear several months after infection.

In what case immediately to the doctor?

In this article, we answered the question of why the bones and joints of the whole body ache. Most often this discomfortquickly passes. But, if the pain does not pass more than a day, this is a weighty reason that it is time to go to the doctor.

Pain is one of the ways in which the body can point to an evolving problem.
Be sure to check out the following video

Therefore, taking painkillers and forgetting about it is not the best way out.

Especially if the pain periodically appears in the same place. Listen to your body. Do not self-medicate. Take a survey from a specialized specialist.

So you can reduce the risk of developing dangerous diseases.

How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?
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Why all joints and bones ache: what to do for treatment and the causes of pain

There are 245 bones in the human body, soft tissues rest on them, to which most muscles are attached. Joints are necessary for the mobile connection of the bone.

Often, the causes of pain in joints and bones lie in trauma or the presence of internal diseases in the body. However, why joints and bones ache, and how to treat them correctly?

Classification of pathologies of bone system diseases

Many diseases of the bone system are grouped in this way:

  1. dysplastic;
  2. injuries;
  3. dystrophic;
  4. inflammatory.

First of all injuries include cracks and fractures. Bones are a strong enough material of the human body. But it, too, can break, because of increased pressure.

If a crack appears on the bone, it means that it has withstood excessive pressure and did not break, but the effects of the load remained.

Fractures are closed and open. They contribute to the emergence of profound and complex changes. This is determined by the disintegration of certain substances (tissue proteins, carbohydrates, etc.) and the failure of metabolism in bone tissues.

A characteristic example in which inflammation of the bones occurs is osteomyelitis, an inflammatory process in the bone marrow.

This disease develops when the bones and joints become infected.

The infection enters the bone through the blood from an external source or from a distant focus (surgery and injuries).

Rachitis is considered the most dangerous dystrophic disease of bone tissue. This disease often affects children. This category of bone disease develops due to malnutrition.

Bone diseases that develop most often

An adult can also get "rickets only his form is different from a child. It can be osteoporosis and osteomalacia. Often, such phenomena develop due to vitamin D deficiency.

In the process of osteomalacia, the bones become very flexible, because of what they bend. Such a disease often develops in pregnant women.

In the presence of osteoporosis, bone tissue acquires a porous structure. A lack of vitamin D can be explained by two factors:

  • ultraviolet deficit;
  • adverse ecological situation.

Osteochondrosis is a pathology of the osseous system, which develops very often. It is characterized by the course of the pathological process occurring in cartilage and bone tissues and in intervertebral discs.

Another common disease of the bone system is the curvature of the spine. Such phenomena include kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis.

Classification of joint diseases

Pain in the joints of the legs and hands is a fairly common disease. Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints. It can develop independently or be a consequence of other diseases.

The characteristic symptomatology of arthritis is morning pain in the joints. However, after movement, discomfort decreases.

In addition, the causes of joint pain often lie in the presence of arthrosis. This is a group of diseases in which all the elements of the joint are affected:

  1. muscles;
  2. cartilage;
  3. ligaments;
  4. the bone adjacent to the cartilaginous tissues;
  5. synovial membrane.

The pain is felt in the depths of the joints, its intensity decreases when the person rests and increases, if you load the joints.

Osteoarthritis develops in those joints, which account for a large load. As a rule, with such a disease, knees (gonarthrosis) or hip joints (coxarthrosis) suffer. Sometimes osteoarthritis appears in the shoulder, elbow or ankle joints.

Why there are diseases of bone tissue?

The causes of bone pain can be very diverse. Often the factors of articular and bone pathologies are:

  • excess weight;
  • constant supercooling;
  • injuries;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • systematic nervous overstrain;
  • strong physical activity;
  • deficiency of vitamins;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • inflammation of muscle tissue;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • infectious and catarrhal diseases.

Why do joints and bones ache? The causes are often hidden in the presence of diseases such as infectious cardiac disease or endocarditis.

The symptom of the last disease is the pain that arises in the joint and bone tissues. In addition, soreness of this kind appears with chronic inflammation of the liver and cirrhosis.

Treatment of the bony and articular system

What if the joints and bone tissues hurt? Therapy of such diseases should be comprehensive and include various techniques.

Initially, drug therapy is provided. So, the doctor prescribes various ointments and creams that have a blood-letting, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. However, such medications eliminate symptoms only on a superficial level.

Physiotherapy is another important part of the treatment, which is necessary if the joints hurt. In this case, it is very useful to do stretching exercises and strengthening the muscles.


In addition, you need to do swimming and do not forget about walking. It is important not to overload the joints, and do not get involved in jumping, squats and running.


What if the bone and joint tissues hurt? To get rid of the pain it is important to follow a special diet. So, the food should be balanced, full, but not excessive.

In this case, you need to give up alcohol and limit the consumption of sugar. And if arthrosis was diagnosed, then it is important to reduce the consumption of foods that contain gelatin and calcium.

To activate metabolism and improve blood circulation it is useful to conduct mud therapy.

If bone and arthritic tissues are aching for arthrosis, then it is necessary to do massage. This procedure will increase the tone and strengthen muscle tissue. With the help of manual therapy, you can restore the position of the joint, get rid of the pain and improve blood supply.

If you regularly do physiotherapy, when your legs and arms hurt, then you can improve metabolic processes in cartilage and bone tissues. Such events include:

  1. EHF-therapy;
  2. dimexide electrophoresis;
  3. magnetotherapy for joints;
  4. laser therapy;
  5. acupressure (pressure on certain areas);
  6. acupuncture.

The use of recipes offered by folk medicine is usually aimed at reducing pain and eliminating puffiness, regulating metabolism, removing salts and toxins.

Surgical treatment of bone and joint diseases is quite diverse. So, it can be a complete replacement of joints or the restoration of its individual sites. However, these are the extreme measures that have to be taken if the other medical measures are ineffective.

How will get rid of the pain and inflammation in the joint tissues?

If joints and bones ache the patient constantly experiences discomfort, so he takes analgesics. However, it is impossible to constantly do this, since such drugs only have a temporary effect.

That is why with joint pain it is necessary to take certain drugs that have the therapeutic effect. Such drugs include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Often, pain in the joints and bones is accompanied by an inflammatory process that arises from infection with arthritis or metabolic failure with arthrosis. In any of these diseases inflammation occurs in the cartilaginous tissues.


When treating osteochondrosis, you must adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. So, everyday meals should be distributed 6 times, and portions should be small.

In addition, the spine needs substances such as:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese.

All these trace elements are contained in the liver, nuts, cheese, cabbage, fermented milk products and corn.

To establish metabolic processes in bone tissues, the patient needs vitamin A, contained in orange and yellow fruits. For normal functioning of connective tissues the body needs vitamin C. This element can be found in Bulgarian pepper, dog rose and various berries.

However, if joints and bones ache can not eat the following foods and dishes:

  1. saturated broths of meat and fish;
  2. grapes;
  3. green salad;
  4. beans;
  5. sorrel.

Diet for gouty arthritis involves the exclusion from the diet of foods saturated with uric acid and purines. In addition, the patient should abandon alcohol, fat and salt.

Recipes of traditional medicine

If the joints hurt, you can use the following recipe: in a three-liter jar mix carrot juice (0.5 kg), beets (0.5 liters), black radish (0.5 liters) and 1 glass of aloe juice. The container to the top is filled with honey and everything is mixed.

The medicine is covered with a lid and infused for one week. After a lapse of 7 days, the product is filtered and the precipitate is discarded.

The drug should be drunk 40 ml at a time before bedtime. The duration of therapy is from 4 weeks.


To improve not only the condition of the joints, but also the whole body, you must grind 3 radishes, put them in a jar (3 liters) and pour dry white wine. The medicine is covered and left for 3 weeks.


When the wine becomes honey-colored, the product is filtered and obsolete, and then left for another three days. The medicine is drunk at night for 60 ml.

In addition, if joints and bones ache, compresses are useful. To this end, in a half-liter jar should pour 1 tbsp. kefir, which must be mixed with crumbs of rye bread.

Then add 1 h. l. drinking soda and put everything in a warm place for 5-6 hours. After the medicine should be squeezed and make a lot of it. In the afternoon it is applied to the joints, and at night they put compresses.

After three days, unpleasant symptoms become less intense. Completely pain goes away after 7 days.

If joint diseases appear due to a malfunction in the functioning of the endocrine system, then to prepare a collection based on the roots and colors of sunflower, a meadowsweed midge, the roots of a sick saber and sweet clover. Four tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured into 1 liter. cold water and mix.

What should be the way of life in the treatment of the joint and bone system?

To facilitate the patient's condition, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations. So, it is necessary to have a rest more and not to carry weights more than five kilograms.

In addition, in the process of walking, the foot must be smooth and soft. It is better not to run and do not jump.

And during descent on the stairs, you should first become a healthy limb, and then put the patient.

A similar action should be taken when lifting, remembering that the shock load is still stronger than the statistical load.

Moreover, it is important to sleep on a hard surface so that the spine does not bend.

It is worth remembering that the treatment of osteoarticular diseases is a long and complex process that requires diligence.

But the faster the disease is diagnosed, the easier it will be to get rid of it. So, "fresh" arthritis can be cured in a couple of weeks.

And arthrosis, which lasts at least one year, needs to be treated more than one month.

In this case, the age of the patient is of no small importance. That is, the more it is, the longer and more difficult will be the therapy of the disease. However, with a competent and timely approach, one can always wait for the improvement of the condition and increase the duration of remission.

The origin of pain in the joints in the video in this article will tell the experts.

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All bones and joints ache: what to do? Causes of aches all over the body

In the practice of a doctor, patients with pain in bones and joints are often found. In some, this is observed only in the leg region, while others note the spread of symptoms to the entire body.

But anyway, the problem seems quite serious.

If you do not establish the reasons for this condition in time and do not determine what you need to do in such a situation, you can expect various unforeseen consequences.


When joints and bones ache in patients, it is necessary to first establish whether or not there is a connection of symptoms with the musculoskeletal system. After all, such feelings can have a completely different source: muscles or nerves.

Moreover, sometimes there are no local pathological changes in the tissues themselves, and complaints are the result of general disorders in the body. Therefore, the doctor faces a rather difficult task - to determine the origin of pain in the bones and joints.

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If this is observed throughout the body, then we need to consider the probability of developing such states:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Systemic diseases.
  • Hemoblastosis.
  • Oncological pathology.
  • Intoxication.

The presented pathology is serious enough, it requires a quick reaction of the doctor and the patient himself, because in some cases there is even a certain danger to life.

In addition, when thinking about the origin of the symptoms, it is necessary to exclude the most commonplace cause - physical exhaustion, when the muscles of the whole body can be disturbed after an intense load.

If your legs hurt, then you need to keep in mind the following diseases:

  • Deforming arthrosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Vascular pathology.

It is necessary to make an assumption about why patients are concerned about such complaints only after a comprehensive risk assessment for each of these conditions.

It is likely that one person may have several diseases, which makes it difficult to ascertain the cause.

However, the key to a correct diagnosis will be a professional approach to the survey.

Why there are pains in the legs or in the whole body, the doctor will be able to determine. He will conduct an examination of the patient and prescribe the necessary examination.


Elucidation of the causes of pain should begin with a clinical examination. The first thing the doctor finds out is the patient's complaints.

As a rule, they are quite numerous and already allow one to suspect the true problem.

If the pain in the joints and bones of the whole body is the main thing that bothers the person, then it is necessary to actively identify and detail other symptoms.

Infectious Diseases

An aching in the bones and joints is often observed with various infectious diseases. This is one of the manifestations of an intoxication syndrome caused by the action of a microbial agent on various body systems.

Similar signs appear even in the case known to all ARI, not to mention more serious diseases such as influenza, meningitis, pneumonia, brucellosis, viral hepatitis, hemorrhagic fever.

Given the nature of the pathology, in addition to pain in the bones or joints, you can identify the following symptoms:

  1. Temperature increase.
  2. Headache.
  3. Cough.
  4. Stomach ache.
  5. Nausea and vomiting.
  6. Diarrhea.
  7. Skin rash.

Some diseases with untimely care can be complicated by infectious shock, when there is a sharp drop in pressure, dizziness and loss of consciousness.

You can not hesitate to contact a doctor for infectious diseases, because a person endangers not only himself, but also his loved ones.

Systemic diseases

Common pains that cover not only the joints of the legs, but also other parts of the body, are observed in systemic diseases.

This pathology is of an autoimmune nature, because of which the connective tissue is affected in various organs and systems.

If you are concerned about many joints, then the doctor needs to focus on the detection of lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma. Patients may have quite vivid signs, which are difficult to not pay attention to:

  • Rashes on the face in the form of a butterfly.
  • Symmetrical arthritis of brushes with characteristic deformities ("walrus fins "swan neck").
  • Seal of the skin, masky face.

When the legs and arms ache in combination with progressive weakness, it is worthwhile to think about the polymyositis. The defeat of the musculoskeletal system is not the only manifestation of the disease, because internal processes also affect the systemic processes: the heart, kidneys, lungs, and the nervous system.


Under this name is understood the pathology of hematopoiesis, which is of a tumor nature. It unites various diseases, among which it is necessary to distinguish leukemias.

Everyone understands that this is a very serious problem for many patients, especially children.

It should always be remembered, especially if the following signs have appeared:

  • Enlargement of lymph nodes.
  • Pain in the bones.
  • Anemia.
  • Fever.
  • Hemorrhages.
  • Frequent infections.

All the uniform elements of blood are affected, as they are displaced by immature cells. Because of this, the function of the immune and coagulation system is inhibited.

Foci of tumor progression can appear in various tissues, including mucous membranes, skin and nervous system, which leads to disruption of many organs.

A final conclusion about blood diseases can be made only by the results of an additional examination.

Deforming arthrosis

If leg joints hurt, especially in middle-aged or elderly people, degenerative-dystrophic pathology, in particular, deforming osteoarthritis, should be excluded. Moreover, the disease can be widespread, affecting other parts of the skeleton. Arthrosis changes are manifested by such symptoms:

  1. Clicking, rubbing and crunching in the joints.
  2. Fatigue in the legs, stiffness in the morning.
  3. Pain during exercise: walking, descending or climbing stairs.
  4. Deformations of knees, ankles, fingers.
  5. Limitation of mobility.

Manifestations become more pronounced during an exacerbation, when it is likely the appearance of aches in various joint groups. If at first the pains arise only with the load, then in the future disturb and at rest, at night, as well as when the weather changes.


Increased glucose in the body over time leads to various complications, among which one can not but note the polyneuropathy of the lower extremities. That's why people with diabetes have legaches. To make such an assumption, signs of a disease allow:

  • Thirst, dry mouth.
  • Increased urine output.
  • Losing weight or gaining weight.

These are clinical symptoms of diabetes, and neuropathy has its own characteristic features. In addition to pain, there is numbness, burning, crawling, "creepy muscle weakness. You can notice trophic disorders in the form of spots, hair loss, up to the formation of ulcers.

Polyneuropathy occurs not only in diabetes mellitus - pain in the legs may appear due to renal insufficiency or various intoxications, including alcohol.

Vascular pathology

If the lower limbs hurt, then, as it became clear, the cause does not necessarily lie in the musculoskeletal system.

During the clinical examination, the physician should conduct an examination of the vascular system of the legs in order to exclude disturbances in the arterial and venous blood flow.

Patients can make the following complaints:

  1. Pain in the muscles of the shins during walking ("intermittent claudication").
  2. Feeling chill stay.
  3. Feeling tingling, numbness.

When examined, it is easy to notice the pallor of the skin, the weakening of pulsation in various sections of the main arteries. This allows you to suspect endarteritis or arteriosclerosis of blood vessels.


To clinical examination does not end with some assumptions about this or that pathology, additional research should be done.

This will finally dispel any doubts and let the patient know why he is concerned about pain in the legs or other parts of the body.

Depending on the clinical situation, the following diagnostic procedures may be required:

  • General tests of blood and urine.
  • Research of biochemical parameters of blood.
  • Microbiological analysis of various body environments.
  • Puncture of bone marrow.
  • Radiography.
  • Ultrasound of vessels with dopplerography.
  • Computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

Accordingly, the need for consultation of infectious disease specialist, hematologist, oncologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, orthopedist-traumatologist, vascular surgeon is considered. Given the variety of causes of pain, for the final diagnosis, the patient should undergo all the tests prescribed by the doctor.

Only after a comprehensive examination can we talk about further measures for the treatment of the disease.


The diseases that the doctor has to deal with are so diverse that there is no single therapeutic program.

All actions must comply with the standards of treatment that exist for each pathology. In turn, any technique should take into account the individual characteristics of the human body.

Therefore, only the doctor can tell what treatment is shown in a particular case.

Speaking generally, we can identify the most commonly used therapeutic methods. In most cases, drug treatment is indicated. However, for each disease, certain drugs are needed.


When the pathology concerns the musculoskeletal system, a good effect is provided by therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy and electrophoresis.


Tumor processes require surgical treatment, and blood diseases often require bone marrow transplantation.

Why there are pains in the bones or joints, you can find out only after contacting a doctor. And based on the results of the survey it becomes clear what to do in the future. Thus it is necessary to understand, that universal methods of treatment do not exist - each therapeutic program is individual.

»More information on the topic:

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Why bones crack? causes, treatment

Often you can hear that the bones are very hard. What is it, a symptom of the disease or a separate condition? Note that in the body everything happens for a reason, if you have problems with bones, then there is a problem.

Some reasons are not associated with a particular disease, no special treatment is required. Sometimes, the ache in the bones causes serious diseases, which must be urgently treated.

Separately, you need to pay attention to the bones of the pregnant women.

The causes of aches in the bones, not related to diseases

Sometimes patients can not tolerate the unpleasant sensations that arise when the bones of the legs and hands are aching. Such a state can be provoked by a number of reasons:

  • Significant physical exertion.When a person overstrains, he loses a large amount of valuable nutrients in the bone tissue, his metabolic processes are disturbed. In this situation, in addition to aches, there is a strong pain in the bones. Provoked unpleasant sensations lack of the necessary substances.
  • Excess weightnegatively affects the condition of bones. They can withstand a small load, when it increases, the person's condition worsens. In addition to aches, there is a lot of pain, which can not be got rid of by treatment. Excess weight significantly presses on the bones, as a result of disturbed metabolic processes.
  • Age. Most often, bones break in the elderly, because with age, the bone system undergoes a different degenerative process. Bones aged lose a large amount of collagen, much thinner. Elderly people often suffer from a lack of calcium, other nutrients.

Bony ache due to various diseases

Symptomatology is observed with deforming arthrosis, when in the joints cartilage is destroyed. The disease develops if a person practically does not move or, conversely, undergoes constant physical stress.

Arthrosis is accompanied by pain in the knees, in the joints of the hands, as well as the hip joints. The ache begins to disturb the day after considerable physical exertion. After a person has rested, it becomes easier.

Often the disease is accompanied by a characteristic crunch and a snap in the joints.

Sore throat often accompanies rheumatoid arthritis. The disease has a negative effect on the state of the immune system. Rheumatoid arthritis is often a consequence of a chronic respiratory viral infection, a chronic viral infection.

Most often observed in women. When the disease for a long time worries a strong aching and pain in the bones of the legs, hands. Most unpleasant feelings occur in the ankles, phalanxes of fingers, in wrist bones.

The joints turn red and swell.

An ache in the whole body is observed with gout. Crystals of uric acid are actively deposited in the bones of elbows, ears, in the fingers of the feet, hands.

Gout refers to the hereditary form of the disease. Pain and aches most often disturb at night. Unpleasant sensations provoke fatty foods, meat, alcohol.

Attacks of the disease can be repeated very often.

Rheumatism causes a strong ache in the bones. There is subsequently a scarlet fever, tonsillitis, most often it provokes streptococcus. The disease adversely affects the condition of the heart. Rheumatism most affects the joints of the elbows, knees.

The ache with the pain is unstable, sometimes one joint hurts first, and in time another. The ache can last no more than two days. Consider that often the ache of bones is the consequence of a fracture, bruise.

In this situation it is important to provide timely assistance to the victim.

The appearance of aches during pregnancy

Often, a pregnant woman is faced with a problem - a lot of bones. It can be explained by the hormonal changes that occur in a woman during pregnancy. Symptoms occur most often in the first trimester, in some women before childbirth.

The ache during pregnancy arises also because of the fact that the woman is gaining weight. The woman is very sore in the back, legs are aching.

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To reduce pain, you need to keep your weight under control.

Remember that "there is no need for two the main thing is that the food should be balanced and useful.


Pregnant women often suffer from a lack of vitamin D. During pregnancy, all system organs work hard, so you need to take extra vitamins.


Some pregnant women have symphysitis, which softens the pelvic joint, the disease leads to severe pain and aching in the bones. Symphysitis during pregnancy is due to a lack of calcium, an elevated level of relaxin.

Ways to treat aches in bones

At the first symptoms it is necessary to address at once to the attending physician, he will help to find out, because of what there is an ache in bones. In the event that the symptom provoked by excess weight, you need to immediately think about losing weight.

When an ache arises due to physical exertion, it is necessary to follow and as little as possible overstrain. Think about changing jobs, a constant aching with bone pain can lead to serious bone disease.

The ache, which occurs with deforming arthrosis, is treated in a complex manner. In this situation, you need to take special medications, be sure to undergo a course of massage, physiotherapy procedures. Additionally, sign up for swimming.

Rheumatoid arthritis can not be cured completely, one can only alleviate the condition of the patient, for this it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs. Gout can be treated with a special diet, to ease the condition, taking analgesics is required.

Rheumatism is treated under strict medical supervision.

So, the bone in the bones can be caused by different reasons, to ease the symptoms it is necessary to diagnose the disease and begin timely treatment. The course of therapy should be comprehensive. Include a special diet, curative gymnastics, massage and physiotherapy.

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The ache in the bones and joints of the cause

Pain, "ache" in the joints and bones - a common phenomenon, especially among older patients. Often, people with a musculoskeletal system complain at an earlier age.

What factors provoke pain syndrome? Is there any way to forget about discomfort, "ache" in the bones, especially, with a sudden change in weather conditions. Doctors give advice on what to do if joints often hurt.

Probable causes

Unpleasant sensations in the departments of the musculoskeletal system cause various diseases:

articular pathologies: bursitis, arthrosis, arthritis, osteomyelitis, synovitis, tendonitis; syphilis, rheumatism, tuberculosis of bones; tumors bones; viral infections, infectious-inflammatory diseases often give complications to the joints, especially in the field of shoulder. Negative symptoms are manifested in Lyme disease, influenza; a sign of negative changes in the circulatory system. Pain syndrome in the joints sometimes occurs with leukemia, lymphoma.

"Lumbago" in the bones often appears under the influence of various factors not associated with degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous tissue or inflammatory processes. Often, the causes are layered one on top of another, increasing the degree of negative impact.

Joints often hurt in the following cases:

severe stress, hypothermia; hormonal disorders; overload in heavy physical work or sports; with a lack of calcium, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin D; with prolonged static loads (work "on the legs" or a long position "sitting" when specificity of the profession); in children, pain often occurs with the active growth of bone tissue; at excessive use of alcohol, smoking in large volumes.

Aching, pulling pains exhaust the person, prevent to live and work. Often the discomfort increases with a sharp cold snap, worsening weather conditions. It's not for nothing that people say: "Bones break to rain."


But the pain syndrome is not only discomfort, it is a sign of inflammatory or degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage or bone tissue. Often the "ache" in the joints is caused by the penetration of infection from other parts of the body.


For this reason, one can not be satisfied only with folk methods, rubbing hands, feet and fingers in the hope of reducing soreness.

A visit to a rheumatologist or an arthrologist is the best way to determine the cause of a negative symptom.

Only after the diagnosis is made, the treatment will be successful.

Information for patients!Self-medication with pain, "aching" in the bones and joints is often harmful.

For example, warming up for the removal of painful sensations accelerates the development of the inflammatory process in the joints.

If the patient had been examined prior to treatment, a lesion site would have been identified, the doctor would have forbidden the warmth of the affected area before the inflammation was removed.

Localization of pain

On admission to the arthrologist and rheumatologist, patients note that most of the discomfort is noted in the joints of the upper and lower extremities. Often pain syndrome occurs in the bones of the skeleton and the skull. The main cause of negative symptoms is trauma, previously suffered.

To cope with the problem will help an experienced doctor-arthrologist or orthopedist.Obligatory consultation of a neurologist, in-depth examination using modern equipment. According to the results of CT or MRI, the doctor will diagnose, develop a treatment regimen.

Arthritis in the joints of the hands

The main cause is the defeat of ligaments, nerve fibers, muscle tissue with excessive physical exertion or in sports.

Pain syndrome causes osteomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis.

Discomfort often develops against the backdrop of improper metabolism, with poor circulation.

"Spins" feet on the weather: the reasons

Painful sensations in the lower extremities are fixed most often. High loads, excess weight, active movements, overwork, malfunctions in metabolic processes, varicosity - the list of negative factors can be continued indefinitely.

Without eliminating the cause, it is impossible to remove discomfort.Often patients suffer from thrombophlebitis, osteoporosis, calcaneal spur, arthrosis, and polyarthritis of the toes. Painful symptoms cause bursitis, flat feet, gout.

During pregnancy, women often complain about negative feelings in the hip statute. The cause of discomfort is excessive load on the musculoskeletal system, lack of minerals and vitamins.

Before visiting a doctor, you can reduce soreness in several ways:

to drink a pill of Ketanov, Solpadein; limit the mobility of the problem joint (do not squeeze); reduce load on the affected area, provide peace for severe pain; apply ointment with analgesic action.

Important!Warming up, grinding with household compounds, taking strong drugs is prohibited until the diagnosis is clarified.

With many diseases, heat accelerates the development of the inflammatory process.

The use of unsuitable tablets often acts not on a destructive focus, but causes side effects in various organs.

The main methods of therapy

Elimination of the cause, the effect on the mechanism of the development of pathological changes to the musculoskeletal tissue are the main tasks in the therapy of pain sensations. Symptomatic and pathogenetic agents are used.

Complex treatment regimen:

medicines; means of traditional medicine; diet; gymnastics, massage; operative intervention.

General recommendations:

refusal to lift weights, limiting loads on the limbs and spine; changing the diet, increasing the number of foods containing vitamins various groups, minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium; with a sedentary lifestyle - metered loads, walks, warm-up during the working day; treatment of diseases, against which there is an "ache" in the joints and bones; control of the condition of the musculoskeletal corset in a rheumatologist, arthrologist or orthopedist.


The doctor selects medicines taking into account the type of disease, features of pathological changes, severity of pathology.


The task of the patient is to take the drugs on time, to observe the dosage, the frequency, the duration of the reception.

After a certain interval, laboratory and instrumental studies are conducted to monitor the results of therapy.

The main groups of medicines:

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compounds. Movalis, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Nimesulide, Naise, Voltaren; analgesics. Solpadein, Ketanov, Ibuprofen; chondroprotectors.

Teraflex, Chondroitin sulfate, Artra, Moveks, Structum, Dona, Glucosamine sulfate; antiviral agents. Anaferon, Interferon, Amiksin; antibiotics.

Macrolides, cephalosporins, penicillins; antipyretic. Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.

Folk remedies

The choice of formulations depends on the revealed pathology.

Patients should remember that in case of acute inflammation, warming is prohibited, with arthrosis, slow articular pathologies, are useful.

All actions on the use of home formulas the patient must agree not only with the phyto-therapist, but also with the doctor involved in the treatment of background pathology.

Proven folk remedies for "ache" in the bones:

tincture of the Golden mustache on vodka or bischofite; Compress from cabbage leaf; ointment from Vaseline and medicinal herbs; a pack of horseradish leaves; baths with pine extract; cranberry tea; herbal collection of St. John's wort, chamomile, cones of hops, calendula; baths with hay trash / herbal decoctions; peeling on the basis of cones of hops; oil with celandine; tincture of lilac and horse chestnut.


After relief of the inflammatory process in the cartilaginous tissue, synovial membrane, the doctor recommends modern procedures. The complex approach is more often used: the doctor chooses several most effective methods.

When the joints and bones are painful, it is used:

electrophoresis with drugs; ozocerite, mud, paraffin applications; phonophoresis; magneto- and laser therapy; medical baths; shock wave therapy; UHF heating.

Diet and nutrition

Many diseases of cartilage and bone are caused by malnutrition. Violation of metabolic processes, obesity, the deposition of uric acid salts with gout is a consequence of the absorption in large quantities of "harmful" products.

For joint health use:

vegetables; non-acidic fruit; low-fat milk; bran; cereals; dairy products; low-fat fish; vegetable oils; vegetable soups; honey; herbal tea, unsweetened tea, compote; dishes with gelatin; fish salmon species.

Refuse from frequent use of certain products (with a high content of purines, heavy on the stomach, washing out calcium, potassium from bones).

They are allowed to be included in the menu no more than once a week, with an exacerbation of gout attacks, severe joint damage is better to exclude completely.

An important condition is the restriction of sugar and salt.

Not suitable for permanent use:

animal fats; rich broths; fatty meat and fish; sour fruits, citrus fruits; whole milk; baking, white bread, cakes, cakes; strong tea, all types of coffee, especially, without milk; chocolate, cocoa, sweets; by-products (kidney, liver, tongue, lungs); sweet fizzy drinks; canned food, semi-finished products.

Optimum methods of thermal processing - steaming, stewing, baking. Fried, dried, smoked dishes are harmful to the whole body and the musculoskeletal system. The abundance of spices, spicy spices also does not bring benefits.

Special exercises and massage

On the recommendation of the attending physician, the patient attends classes of physiotherapy exercises. Exercises to restore joints are useful in most diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Gymnastics strengthens the strength of muscles, develops ligaments, increases the elasticity of tissues.

A good addition to the LFK complex is massage and self-massage.Hands of an experienced masseur do wonders with affected joints and weakened muscles.

The doctor will teach the patient self-massage techniques to restore the problem area at home.The main thing: do not overdo it.Massage movements should be "soft moderate strength for delicate impact on the joints and muscles.

Knowing the main causes and methods of treatment helps patients suffering from discomfort in the knees, elbows, hip joint, fingers and toes.


In-depth examination, individual development of the therapy scheme are elements of the treatment of joint pathologies and common diseases that complicate the musculoskeletal system.


It is necessary to make adjustments to the diet, the lifestyle changes as necessary.

Sometimes pain and aches in the joints is not true, such pain is called reflected or false. What are the characteristics of joint pain can say that the source is located elsewhere in our body. Read more about this in the following video:

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