Blood in the urine of a woman: causes

Causes of urine with blood in women

Hematuria - the appearance in the urine of a woman of a large number of red blood cells - is an process developing against urinary diseases( kidney, bladder, urethra, ureters) or gynecological pathologies ( blood in urine can getfrom the vagina).Rarely, the increase in the number of erythrocytes in the urine is caused by blood diseases with characteristic hypercoagulability.

The hematuria is divided into two main types:

  1. Macrogematuria in women occurs with a significant increase in the number of red bodies in the urine - urine thus becomes dark, cloudy, it may appear clots of mucus in it.
  2. With microhematuria, blood admixtures are small, the urine itself remains transparent, a normal yellow color. Changes in its composition can be detected only by laboratory research.

The main, more common causes for which the woman's urine appears to be blood, are inflammation of the urinary system, infection, injury .These diseases include:

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  • acute or chronic cystitis( inflammation of the bladder);
  • urethritis( inflammation of the walls of the urethra);
  • pyelitis, pyelonephritis and other renal inflammatory processes;
  • urolithiasis( difficulty urinating outflow);
  • erythroplasty( thinning of the mucous membrane of the cervix);
  • cervicitis( inflammation of the cervix)
  • kidney trauma, wound on the urethra( after surgical procedures);
  • endometriosis of the urinary tract;
  • infection of the genitourinary system.

Blood in urine can appear against the background of long-term use of medications of certain pharmacological groups, for example, anticoagulants. Pregnancy is a condition in which, for a number of reasons, hematuria may develop. In the elderly, this symptom accompanies oncological diseases of the pelvic organs, urinary or genital system.

When urinating with pain

Blood with urination in women can be noted , accompanied by severe pain syndrome. Often this symptom indicates the development of the inflammatory process. When urethritis( inflammation of the walls of the urethra), in addition to blood in urine, pus is found, and the process of urination is accompanied by severe sharp pain. This disease develops against the background:

  • of urolithiasis;
  • mechanical damage, urethral injury;
  • pathological compression of the urinary lumen.

Another infectious-inflammatory disease accompanied by hematuria is cystitis, inflammation of the bladder. In addition to painful urination and frequent desires for it, the inflammatory process is accompanied by constant or periodic pulling pains in the lower abdomen, painful sensations after sexual intercourse .The causes of cystitis are:

  • bacterial infection of the urogenital tract;
  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • supercooling;
  • inflammation of other small pelvic organs;
  • other gynecological or urological pathologies.

Hematuria, accompanied by painful sensations and other difficulties with urination, may be a symptom of endometriosis( proliferation of the cervix or other organs) of the genitourinary system. This pathology is a secondary , after the defeat of the genital organs the disease extends to the urinary system. In the bladder, neoplasms are formed, whose cells are identical in structure to the cells of the internal tissues of the uterus. With this disease, a woman feels burning and other uncomfortable sensations during menstruation.

Inflammation of the kidneys( pyelonephritis, pyelitis) is often accompanied by hematuria. With the development of the renal inflammatory process in the body of a woman, toxic substances and fluids that cause intoxication accumulate. The diseases are accompanied by:

  • hyperthermia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • with nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • frequent painful urination.

Often, the cause of blood clots in the urine are inflammatory processes in the kidneys, for example, pyelonephritis or pyelitis. Pathological processes lead to excessive accumulation of toxic substances and liquids, which leads to intoxication of the body. Symptoms of renal inflammation are:

  1. general weakness of the body;
  2. hyperthermia;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. nausea and vomiting;
  5. pain in the lumbar region;
  6. frequent painful urination.

After urination

Traces of blood in the urine of women found after urination, not accompanied by pain or other unpleasant sensations( such as pruritus), can occur when the kidneys or urethra is injured. With renal bleeding in urine, blood clots are found. As a result of mechanical damage or infectious intoxication, urine changes color to brown or reddish, with stones and tumors bloody urine becomes bright red. Another blood clots in urine may appear due to hemorrhage in the bladder.

Without pain

Blood in the urine of women can stand out completely painlessly. This process often occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, due to hormonal imbalance. The causes of hematuria at a later date may be:

  1. increase in intra-abdominal pressure;
  2. violation of blood circulation in the renal calyces and pelvis;
  3. squeezing the abdominal organs with a growing fetus.

It is necessary to consult a doctor to identify the symptoms that caused the symptom to prevent complications such as:

  • hypoxia;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • premature delivery;
  • impaired functionality of the placenta;
  • severe bleeding after delivery.

Blood in the analysis of urine in women

Microhematuria may appear insignificantly, the swelling of the bursting capillaries of the lower part of the ureters. The cause of this gap is infection, hypothermia or overheating, increased physical activity, viral infection. Urine test is required to determine the causative agent of the underlying disease, which is performed in the laboratory.


Blood in the urine of a woman is a symptom of a wide range of diseases. Therefore, to determine the exact cause of hematuria, you should seek advice from your therapist who, after questioning and collecting complaints, will send for necessary tests and to a specialized specialist( urologist, gynecologist). The tests that will be needed after the initial consultation are:

  • General analysis of urine and blood. With inflammations of the bladder, urine inclusions such as leukocytes, red blood cells and cylinders are increased. With bacterial infection, the norm of leukocytes of blood is increased.
  • To clarify the diagnosis of hematuria, a woman is assigned ultrasound( ultrasound), showing the changes in the tissues and walls of the pelvic organs.
  • Sometimes MRI( magnetic resonance imaging) or CT( computed tomography) is required, allowing you to see the nuances that are not noticed with ultrasound.
  • To determine the condition of the tissues and vessels of the ureters or bladder, cystoscopy is used - examination with a cystoscope, the data of which are displayed on the monitor in real time.

Frequent painful urination with blood in a woman requires an early examination of the urinary and genital system. The use of modern diagnostic methods( radiography, tomography, ultrasound, endoscopy) contributes to the timely detection of the disease , which caused hematuria. Correct medical treatment of dangerous diseases helps to avoid serious complications( for example, erosion), the transition of processes to the chronic stage.

What to do if there is blood in the urine

Treatment of diseases that caused hematuria, mostly symptomatic, using the medicines of the appropriate pharmacological groups:

  1. When diagnosing a bacterial infection, a woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microflora.
  2. Inflammations of a different etiology( nature) require the appointment of antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial drugs, which are selected for the type of causative agent of the pathological process.
  3. Pain syndrome, difficulty with urination and other concomitant symptoms are removed with the use of spasmolytic, diuretics.
  4. Additional treatment will be physiotherapy( microwave or UHF therapy, infrared radiation).
  5. When diagnosing oncology, treatment is performed, corresponding to the stage of tumor development( chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical intervention).
  6. In case of urolithiasis, fragmentation of salt deposits( stones) is prescribed.


Blood in the urine of a woman appears at different stages of hematuria and the development of the disease that caused it. Among the measures to prevent this pathology include the following general recommendations:

  • balanced diet, active lifestyle, full sleep;
  • other means of maintaining natural immunity to strengthen the body's ability to resist infections;
  • avoidance of hypothermia;
  • adherence to the rules and rules of intimate hygiene;
  • wearing weather clothes;
  • protection against sexually transmitted infections.


If you have blood in your urine, a woman should immediately seek medical advice and take the necessary tests to determine the cause of this symptom. Timely diagnosis and adequate treatment will help avoid the development of dangerous complications, the transition of the pathology that caused bleeding into a chronic disease. Self-medication and unsystematic use of medication should be avoided - such measures can lead to worsening of the condition.