Antibiotics for sinusitis

Antibiotics for sinusitis - which are the most effective?

Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the accessory maxillary sinuses of the nose. The emergence of this common disease is associated with human-borne viral, infectious diseases, such as influenza, measles (see. symptoms of measles in adults), scarlet fever, as a complication after angina, otitis and other diseases of the ENT organs, as well as in diseases of the roots of the upper molars.

In recent times, cases of allergic sinusitis have begun to increase, as well as after oncological diseases after treatment, with helminthiases (see Fig. signs of worms in humans) and other chronic diseases that reduce the defenses of the body. Treatment of maxillary sinusitis with antibiotics should be only on indications, in complex treatment and is prescribed only by a doctor.

In most cases, self-treatment is not safe, can worsen the condition and slow the recovery process. First of all, you should undergo a checkup with a doctor who will establish an accurate diagnosis, the cause of the disease and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

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Signs of genyantritis

If, after some improvement after the flu or cold, a re-rise in body temperature occurred, the overall condition, there were shooting pains with the tilt of the head down, with a slight tapping in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, you can suspect the onset sinusitis. The following symptoms of maxillary sinusitis serve as a cause for referral to a doctor:

  • Stuffy noseconstantly or periodically, the sense of smell is reduced.
  • Discharge from the nosecan be both abundant, purulent, yellow-green in color, and transparent, in rare cases they may be absent, this occurs if the sinuses are already filled with pus and the discharge is very thick.
  • Sense of pressure, raspiraniya, stress in the sinuses of the nose.
  • HeadacheIncreased when the body tilts forward, upside down.
  • Severe painin the forehead, in the maxillary sinuses, cheekbones, cheeks, localizing only in one half of the face, or in a bilateral process - on the entire face. In acute process, pain can be pronounced, and in chronic sinusitis, not so intense, sometimes a person simply experiences pain in the eye area or headaches.
  • Temperature,in acute maxillary sinusitis, it can be quite high, above 38C, with chronic often subfebrile or normal.
  • The general state of weakness,increased fatigue. Due to congestion of the nose, headaches, the person is disturbed by a sound sleep, appetite decreases, a feeling of apathy, lethargy, depression develops.

Diagnosis of genyantritis

Anamnesis of the patient.Before the diagnosis is established, the doctor analyzes the patient's anamnesis, finds out the diseases that preceded the genyantritis (influenza, SARS, otitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the teeth of the upper jaw), a tendency to allergic manifestations (pollinosis, urticaria, bronchial asthma, etc.), food intolerance, medicines. The factors that provoke the development of sinusitis include:

  • Decreased immunity due to any chronic diseases, allergic reactions, helminthiases, metabolic disorders.
  • Curvature of the nasal septum obstructing normal nasal breathing, congenital anomalies of anatomical structures in the nasal cavity.
  • Vasomotor, hypertrophic, allergic rhinitis, adenoids in children.
  • Inadequate treatment of influenza, colds, SARS, rhinitis.
  • Diseases and removal of teeth of the upper jaw.

X-ray diagnostics. To date, the most reliable method of diagnosis of maxillary sinusitis is still X-ray, and with modern contrast tomography, the accuracy of diagnosis has increased at times. A snapshot can give information about the size, the volume of the sinuses, their fullness with pus, air. Sometimes the doctor recommends an X-ray in several projections - lateral, nasal-chin or frontal-nasal. With genyantritis, the images show different types of darkening, this is explained by the delay in the rays of the medium, which is denser than air. However, one should remember about the dangers of X-rays and CT (the risk of thyroid cancer increases, etc.), fluorography of the paranasal sinuses is sufficient, and the radiation load is minimal.

Puncture of maxillary sinuses- this is an informative method of diagnosis, but an outdated method of treating sinusitis. In view of possible complications (emphysema of the cheek, abscess of the orbit, embolism of the blood vessels), morbidity of the procedure and the transition of sinusitis to a chronic inflammatory process, it is carried out Rarely enough.

In connection with the application of the newest technologies for the treatment of sinusitis - the use of the sinus catheter "Yamik laser therapy, the plant medicine Sinuforte (increasing local immunity and excellent cleansing of the sinus), the frequency of using the nose puncture method for sinusitis for its treatment and diagnostics.

Bacteriological culture of a smear from the nose- as an independent diagnostic method for determining sinusitis or not - it does not matter. Carrying out of this diagnosis is expedient only for the choice of an antibiotic for sinusitis, to which the pathogenic microorganisms were sensitive.

When is antimicrobial therapy not recommended?

To begin with, you should determine the true cause of the genyantritis, its pathogen. Since with some provoking factors that cause sinusitis, antibiotic therapy can not only ineffective, but also capable of exacerbating inflammation, delaying the process recovery.

  • If sinusitis occurs as a consequence of allergic manifestations, then in this case, the intake of antibiotics is not justified.
  • With chronic rhinosinusitis, antritis associated with fungal infection, also taking broad-spectrum antibiotics only aggravates the process.
  • In viral infections, when mild sinusitis can be helped by lavage, inhalation and immunotherapy, it is also not worth taking antibiotics.

When you can not do without antibiotics?

But with an acute bright process, with a high temperature, expressed by a general intoxication of an organism not of a viral origin, strong pains in the sinuses of the nose, purulent discharge from the nose - intake of oral antimicrobial agents or intramuscular injection of an antibiotic are needed.

Which antibiotics are most effective?

The best antibiotic for sinusitis is the one to which the inflammation agent is sensitive according to the smear analysis. If within 72 hours after taking the antibiotic, there is no apparent relief, then either the drug of the pathogen was stable, or the cause of maxillary sinusitis is not bacterial, but fungal or allergic.

If the genyantritis is caused by banal streptococcus, staphylococcus, hemophilia, then the following groups of antibiotics are used:

  • Penicillins- Most preferred, because they have less side effects, are easily tolerated, but in cases severe inflammatory process caused by penicillin-resistant infections may ineffective. Amoxicillin - (Amosin, Flemoxin solutab), Ampicillin, amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (trade names: Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Flemoklave solutab, Ecoclav, etc.) are distinguished among them.
  • Macrolides- their use is justified with intolerance of penicillin drugs. Trade names of the drugs are Zitrolide, Sumamed, Macropen, Clarithromycin.
  • Cephalosporins- this group of antibiotics is prescribed in cases of severe inflammation and with the inefficiency of other antimicrobial agents. These include - Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime, Cefuroxime, etc.
  • Fluoroquinolones- most bacteria have not yet managed to form resistance to these synthetic drugs, so they are also used to treat sinusitis (contraindicated to children). Antibiotics of this series - Ofloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Ciprofloxacin (1 generation), Levofloxacin (2 generations), Moxifloxacin (3 generations).
  • Local treatment- drops in the nose with an antibiotic. The use of local local antimicrobial sprays, drops at the onset of the disease can help avoid oral or intramuscular systemic use of broad-spectrum antibacterials with their inherent adverse effects on the whole organism. Such drops include Isofra, Polidex.

When choosing an antibiotic should be guided by the individual characteristics of the patient, concomitant diseases, possible allergic reactions to it. And most importantly, the selection is best done taking into account the data of the smear microscopy and rapid assessment of the pathogen for staining by Gram stain, otherwise the treatment of sinusitis with antibacterial agents may not be effective, with wasted time and means.

Antibiotics for sinusitis in adults: names of tablets for treatment

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which in most cases is a consequence of acute sinusitis.

The name of the disease comes from the name of the maxillary sinuses of the nose, which are affected in the inflammatory process - the maxillary.

For the first time the symptoms of pathology were described several centuries ago by an English scientist named Gaymor, hence the name.

Among adults, about one in ten people suffer from acute or chronic sinusitis - these figures allow you to get understanding the extent of the prevalence of this pathology and to understand the importance of finding the optimal sinusitis.

More than 10% of cases of acute respiratory viral infection are diagnosed with acute sinusitis caused by the attachment of bacterial infection and corresponding complications.

Given that an adult is infected with ARVI about once a year, we can say that the sinusitis risks everyone. And the latest static data on sinusitis - this pathology is on the fifth place in the list of infectious diseases that need to be treated with antibiotics.

What antibiotics are used - how to choose a medicine

There are general principles that guide the doctor, choosing the best antibiotics for sinusitis for adults.

It can not be said that this medicine is the best antibiotic for sinusitis, and it will certainly help everyone, like mucolytics. First of all, the symptoms of the disease, the degree of their severity, the characteristics of the patient are evaluated.

All antibiotics, which can treat sinusitis in adults, are divided into three large categories.

Preparations of the first line

These include those antibiotics for sinusitis, which are most effective at genyantritis and are the drugs of choice. They are appointed adults first. It:

  1. Amoxicillin.
  2. Clarithromycin.
  3. Azithromycin.

All these tablets from sinusitis are usually well tolerated and give excellent results with timely and correct use, like mucolytics.

Preparations of the second line

Drugs from this group of antibiotics are prescribed if the patient lives in a region in which a high level of ENT diseases caused by resistant microorganisms is recorded. They are prescribed to adults, if the symptoms of sinusitis do not disappear after a course of therapy with antibiotics of the first line.

This group includes such tablets from sinusitis:

  • Amoxicillin / Clavulanic acid;
  • Fluoroquinolones;
  • Cephalosporins of the 2nd and 3rd generation.

Such drugs can treat both chronic and acute sinusitis.

Injuries in genyantema

There is a separate category of patients with the so-called nosocomial sinusitis. In this case, tablets from antritis antimicrobial effect are not effective, antibiotics should be administered intravenously. Injection prescribe such drugs:

  1. Meropenem.
  2. Imipenem.
  3. Cefuroxime.
  4. Cefotoxime.
  5. Ceftriaxone.
  6. Gentamicin.
  7. Tobramycin.

Each medicine from the above has its own peculiarities of the effect on the body with genyantritis, they need to be taken in different dosages and according to different schemes.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider in detail each of them, in order to understand when and what it is best to treat sinusitis.

Penicillins in the treatment of genyantritis

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis with antibiotics from the penicillin group is the most reliable and safe. Usually these tablets from a genyantritis are well transferred, they are appointed or nominated to patients of any age.

They can be taken during pregnancy and lactation, as well as mucolytics. Numerous official studies have confirmed that these drugs do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Amoxicillin and its derivatives refer to first-line drugs in sinusitis. But they do not always manage to treat atypical strains effectively. Some bacteria are able to produce beta-lactamases - substances that can destroy the beta-lactam ring of the antibiotic.

Antibiotics from the penicillin group are unprotected, and if the sinusitis is caused by pathogenic microorganisms capable of to produce beta-lactamase, to drink Amoxicillin in tablets is meaningless - the symptoms will not disappear, and the disease will be progress.

Antibiotics from the group of macrolides with genyantritis

Alternative drugs of choice, if unprotected penicillins could not eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis - macrolides. These medicines do not have a lactam ring. Consequently, they will be effective even against those strains whose microorganisms are capable of producing beta-lactamases.

Macrolides are more active than unprotected penicillins with respect to the Moraxella bacteria. They can be used in the treatment of acute sinusitis if the patient suffers penicillin intolerance. Most often from this group appoint Clarithromycin and Azithromycin.


This is a second-generation macrolide. It is effective against virtually all microorganisms that can cause acute or chronic sinusitis. Take the drug in this dosage - 500-750 mg twice a day.

Clarithromycin is most effective if taken at regular intervals. The course of treatment lasts no less than 7 and not more than 10 days. Dosage and duration of treatment can be adjusted if necessary by a doctor.


This drug is a 15-member macrolide. It has a long half-life. Therefore, the treatment schedule and its duration are radically different from the use of other antibacterial medicines.

On the first day, 500 mg of the drug should be taken once. Then you should take 250 mg daily for four more days. The total duration of treatment is five days.

Treatment of sinusitis with second line antibiotics

If both penicillins and macrolides prove to be ineffective in the treatment of sinusitis, they pass to treatment with antibacterial drugs of the second line. To select the right medicine, the patient's material is first sown to establish sensitivity to various antibiotics.

How can it be determined with empirical prescription of drugs that strains of the microorganism are resistant to the drugs being taken, what are the symptoms indicating this? Infection with antibiotic resistance of the first line by microorganisms can be assumed if no improvement in the patient's state of health is noted after 2-3 days after the initiation of therapy.

Symptoms of an organism intoxication at an acute sinusitis:

  • Heat;
  • Headache;
  • General weakness.

If they do not disappear, but are retained or become stronger, despite the administration of Amoxicillin or Clarithromycin, they proceed to treat pathology with second-line antibiotics. These are fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins.

Amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid

Above it was said about the main and essential shortage of Amoxicillin - due to the presence of the lactam ring it loses its activity in case of infection with microorganisms that are capable of producing beta-lactamase.

Therefore, it is best to select an alternative antibiotic, to sow the contents of the maxillary sinuses of the patient. This will allow one hundred percent to accurately determine whether the patient is sensitive to certain antibacterial drugs and which is better to choose. What is the difficulty?

In order to get the contents of the maxillary sinuses, it is necessary to make a puncture - puncture of the paranasal tissues with a special syringe and mucus from them. This is a rather complicated and serious procedure that requires strict adherence to sterility. Not all patients agree to it, because often it is necessary to immediately switch to the selection of second-line drugs.

There is an antibiotic that retains all the properties of Amoxicillin, but is immune to penicillinase. Such preparations are called protected penicillins, these are combinations of Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

This is Augmentin in tablets, Amoxiclav, Flemoclav. According to studies of physicians, the effectiveness of treatment of sinusitis with these medicines is more than 90%.

The dosage of amoxicillin protected by clavulanic acid is determined by the doctor, taking into account the nature of the disease and the degree of its manifestation. Adults are prescribed from 500 to 1000 mg once a day.

Cephalosporins in tablets as alternative drugs

Cephalosporins in the form of tablets from the common cold of the second and third generation are alternative second line drugs that are also effective in treating sinusitis. For oral administration, one of the following drugs is selected:

  1. Cefuroxime.
  2. Cefpodoxime.
  3. Cefixime.

In pharmacies most often this antibiotic of the second line from the group of cephalosporins is offered from three different manufacturers - Ceforoxime Sandoz from the German pharmaceutical company, Zinnat from the manufacturer Glaxo and the drug Aksef from the company Medokemi, located on Cyprus.

Cefuroxime is active against most known strains of microorganisms that can cause acute sinusitis. He is also not prone to penicillinase. The standard dosage of the drug is 250 mg twice a day at regular intervals.


These tablets are a third generation antibiotic. The main difference between the preparations of this group of cephalosporins is their effectiveness against gram-negative pathogenic microflora. Ceppodoxime in liquid form for injection is distinguished by a very high level of bioavailability. But in tablets this same substance, on the contrary, is absorbed by the intestine badly.

In the pharmacy it can be found as tablets of various dosages of Cefodox from the Jordanian pharmaceutical company - 100 and 200 mg in one tablet. Less common drug Tsepodem of Indian origin. It is more affordable, but the effectiveness of doctors give preference to Cephodox.

The intestine absorbs Cefodox in tablets by little more than half. This is a fairly low rate, because in no case can you change the dosage and schedule of the drug prescribed by your doctor.

Usually 200 mg of the drug are indicated twice a day. Duration of treatment - up to 10 days.


The drug refers to antibacterial third generation drugs on a semi-synthetic basis. Has a significant disadvantage - low activity in relation to gram-positive microorganisms. For example, Staphylococcus aureus, which is often the causative agent of acute and chronic sinusitis, is resistant to Cefixima.

The drug is poorly absorbed by the intestine, its bioavailability is even lower than that of Cefpodoxim - only 40-50%. As an alternative medicament, an antibiotic, Suprax, can be considered, which has the same efficacy, but is absorbed better by the dispersible form of release.

Less common, but also can be used as an analogue of the Indian drug Ixim and tablets from the Macedonian company Panzef.

Antibacterial injections for sinusitis

Do you really need antibiotics pricks in sinusitis - this issue still remains controversial for domestic otolaryngologists. Of course, getting immediately into the blood, the antibiotic several times faster than the pill, starts to act, eliminating the symptoms of sinusitis. But is there a need for this?

On the one hand, it is easier for a doctor to immediately prescribe an antibiotic for parenteral administration, which will definitely work than pick up pills whose effectiveness is only hypothetical. On the other hand, the patient is only too glad to get rid of the impassive nasal congestion, purulent secretions, headache and finally breathe normally, in this case, often a puncture sinusitis.

Therefore, when the otolaryngologist writes out a prescription of antibiotics in a liquid form for injections, assuring that this the only way to combat the exhausted disease, the patient agrees without hesitation, takes the prescription and obediently goes to pharmacy.

The duration of treatment with the help of injections is the same as treatment with antibiotics in tablets - from 7 to 10 days. And the result is usually noticeable. But the side effects in most cases are so great and serious that after treatment sinusitis has to move to the treatment of other internal organs and the restoration of a completely destroyed immunity.

So are injections of antibiotics necessary for sinusitis? Yes, there are situations when one can not do without them. Parenteral administration of antibacterial drugs is indicated for nosocomial maxillary sinusitis. The causative agents of the inflammatory process are mainly gram-negative microorganisms with high resistance to antibiotics.

Aminoglycoside antimicrobial agents are active in bacteria of this type. In this case, empirical appointments are inexpedient, it is mandatory to make culture sowing to detect the sensitivity of bacteria, and then, according to the results, select an antibiotic.

In conclusion, we offer a cognitive video about antibiotics for sinusitis.

Recommendations: antibiotics in adults with genyantritis

Antibiotics for genyantritis adults must be taken necessarily, because without these medications there will be no positive result. If the doctor is fully confident that the problem has arisen as a result of the influence of bacteria and because of them the inflammatory process has begun, then there is only one thing: choose which of the many antibiotics is suitable in this or that case for an adult patients.

For the treatment of acute sinusitis it is better to choose penicillins

Specialists for a long time studied how exactly different antibiotics work on the treatment of sinusitis. Do not independently conduct numerous experiments and choose antibiotics for treatment problems, because doctors have long determined which means are suitable for one form or another sinusitis.

To treat the acute form of sinusitis in adults, it is necessary to use drugs from the penicillin group.

Amoxicillin is considered to be the most effective remedy that helps to get rid of the disease. After a week of using the medicine in tablets, a significant improvement in the well-being of the sick person begins.

Amoxicillin is effective because it kills microorganisms, because in acute form they secrete beta-lactamase. It is a unique enzyme that breaks down under the influence of penicillins.

Recently, specialists have begun to conduct additional studies and have come up with quite a few other drugs that help with acute sinusitis. At the heart of these drugs are still protected penicillins.

In order for bacteria to die even better, this agent can be mixed with clavulanic acid.

Penicillins without clavulanates and with them

If the antibiotic contains clavulanic acid in its composition, then it completely kills all the microorganisms that cause the acute form of sinusitis. At the same time, antibiotics of this type can also be used to treat the chronic form of the disease. Amoxicillin (an unprotected antibiotic) has recently been less and less used to treat sinusitis in adults. Most often it is prescribed to children whose body is not yet familiar with many bacteria.

For the treatment of chronic sinusitis, this antibiotic is generally not applied. This is due to the fact that recently the resistance of bacteria to Amoxicillin increased several times.

Unprotected antibiotics have lost their popularity and are rarely used, because a protected version of the drug is more effective in several times and helps to treat sinusitis not only in adults, but also in children, has fewer contraindications, and the process of recovery is going on faster.

Antibiotic Amoxicillin

The drugs, which contain amoxicillin, are completely safe for the human body, they are well tolerated. This antibiotic works on almost all bacteria that can provoke the development of sinusitis. It does not affect only those strains that produce penicillinase.

The great advantage of Amoxicillin is its availability in various forms: tablets, suspensions, drops and so on.For the treatment of an adult, 1 tablet is prescribed 3 times a day. The course of treatment of acute sinusitis is 2 weeks.

To date, there are quite a lot of drugs based on amoxicillin. The most popular are the following:
  1. Austrian Ospamox.
  2. Flemoxin Solutab is a tablet that dissolves in the mouth or liquid, producer Astellas.
  3. Hiconcil, Slovak drug.
  4. Protected Amoxicillin with the addition of clavulanic acid.

Recently, due to the fact that the resistance of bacteria to the effects of antibiotics has increased significantly, protected types of medication have become more popular. Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is capable of killing all sorts of bacteria that have both a gram-positive and a gram-negative flora. At the same time, the human body tolerates this antibiotic very well. You can use the medicine even during pregnancy, regardless of the time, which is done in obstetric practice to date.

The dosage of the drug in the nose will depend on how severe the infection is in humans. If there is an easy form of the problem, then to treat acute or chronic sinusitis it is necessary to drink 1 tablet every 12 hours. An alternative option is to take the antibiotic in pure form 3 times a day, but the dosage will be slightly less. If there is an average or severe degree of sinusitis, the dose of the medicine will be large enough and take it 3 times a day.

If the doctors found that the cause of sinusitis development were pneumonia streptococci, then it is worth doubling the dose of the protected antibiotic.

To cure the acute form of sinusitis in this way, you can literally in 2 weeks, but the chronic form needs treatment for several months, so you need to start timely treatment and not run the problem.

Analogues of protected Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid are quite numerous.

The most effective among them are: Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Flemoclav Solutab.

Alternative drugs against sinusitis in adults - macrolides.

Macrolides can be drunk with genyantritis in the same way as antibiotics, because drugs of this type are considered no less effective. They are often used in those situations in which a patient with maxillary sinusitis has an allergic reaction and penicillin intolerance. It is worth noting that macrolides in most cases are prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis, when on For the past 3 months, a person has already treated the problem with drugs from the penicillin group. The most effective options for these drugs are Azithromycin and Clarithromycin. They are often prescribed for the treatment of the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses.

Antibiotic Azithromycin

This medicine is an incredibly popular antibiotic, which consists of 3 tablets and is used not only to treat sinusitis, but also many other infectious diseases. The drug is removed from the human body long enough, and therefore it is enough to take it once a day. A huge plus is that the drug can kill a wide variety of bacteria and infections. This means that all microorganisms sensitive to Azithromycin, which can provoke the development of sinusitis, are sensitive. In this case, Azithromycin is considered a relatively safe antibiotic with a minimum of side effects.

Azithromycin specialists are among the most reliable drugs of category B. It can be used to treat sinusitis in pregnant women, but only if the risk to the mother's life is greater than for her child. To this antibiotic, in only a few cases, habituation can arise. As shown by numerous practices, even if you take the medicine for several months, there are very few chances that some new resistant strains of malicious bacteria.

If a patient with a sinusitis has an acute form of the disease, then in this case, take 1 tablet of the drug per day for 5-7 days. If the inflammatory process has a chronic form, then the dosage is the same, but the doctor will prescribe a longer course of treatment. Its duration will be different in each individual case.

To date, there are several fairly effective analogues of the drug Azithromycin. Most often can be used to treat sinusitis Sumamed Croatian production from the company "Pliva Serbian Hemomycin and many preparations under the trade name Azithromycin, produced by domestic and foreign producers.

Antibiotic Clarithromycin

A distinctive feature of the effective antibiotic Clarithromycin from Azithromycin is that it belongs to the category C. This means that it has an extremely negative impact on the child and for this reason the medicine can not be used to treat sinusitis during pregnancy. At the same time, the medicine is several times more rapidly excreted from the human body. You can not take Clarithromycin for children who have not turned six months old. In other respects, the characteristics of both drugs are the same.

To take an antibiotic Clarithromycin is necessary 2 times a day for 500 mg, the course of treatment and its duration will depend entirely on the degree of severity of acute maxillary sinusitis observed in rights. As a rule, in order to get rid of this unpleasant problem, it usually takes 2 weeks, or even 10 days.

Most often, doctors prescribe to patients the reception of the original Klacid medicine, which is of excellent quality. The French company Abbott is making the antibiotic. If we talk about cheaper counterparts, which also have a good quality, then you can choose your own from the Lemilide of Slovak production. In addition, they often use drugs such as Clarithromycin Zentiva.


Sinusitis - this is a very serious disease, which must be started on time to treat. Since the development of the problem is caused by bacteria, treatment without the use of antibiotics will be ineffective. It is not recommended to select a preparation on your own. The doctor should prescribe the medicine, dosage and duration of the administration after a thorough examination and establishing the severity of the disease.

Antibiotics for sinusitis: which ones to choose, and which ones should be abandoned

Antibiotic therapy, which over the past few years is characterized by rapid development, often becomes the only method that allows to stop the course of the disease in time. Antibiotics for sinusitis are sometimes the only way to overcome the developing inflammation.

Sinusitis is a serious disease that is dangerous for a person's life by that often causes many complications. Therefore, for any signs of sinusitis, you should consult a specialist who usually prescribes antibiotics at the initial stages of the ailment.

Features of antibiotic use

Antibiotics are common drugs used in the occurrence of infectious diseases in the body. They are medicines created by artificial chemical means or using certain fungi and bacteria. Their

The use against sinusitis allows you to defeat the infection within 3-4 days from the time the treatment started.

The drugs can be administered orally, in the form of injections, by administering the drug into the nasal sinuses. With serious, neglected forms of maxillary sinusitis, simultaneous use of several types of antibiotics is acceptable.

The patient should understand that alcohol consumption in the treatment with antibiotics is unacceptable, because they interfere with the action of the drug, cause strong intoxication of the body.

Widely used medicines

Most often, experts prescribe to their patients such drugs as Penicillin, Biseptol, Cefazolin, Ampicillin. Among the potent antibacterial drugs are the following:

  • Tavanik;
  • Macropean;
  • Rulid;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Augmentin;
  • Zitrolide.

Treatment of sinusitis with such antibiotics can be accompanied by complications - severe bleeding from the nose, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, allergies, dysbiosis, digestive disorders system.

To the least toxic preparations with which the antritis is treated at the very beginning of the development of pathogenic microorganisms, belongs Zitrolid. These antibiotics exert bactericidal action on bacteria that parasitize bacteria, which speeds up the healing process. However, in the treatment of antibiotics of this type against sinusitis, side effects may occur-bloating, abdominal pain, signs of nervous exhaustion, nausea, heart palpitations. Do not treat sinusitis with sytrolide in renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Sinuphorte is an effective antibiotic against sinusitis. It promotes increased secretion in the nose, causing a large amount of pus excreta.

In what form is it better to take the drug?

Medicinal antibacterial preparations against sinusitis can be produced in various forms. Treat sinusitis can be antibiotics in these forms:

  • pills;
  • drops, sprays;
  • injections.


As a rule, antibiotics of general action in the form of tablets are used against sinusitis. Specialists choose to treat this disease with antibacterial drugs of a new generation - Flemoxin, Augmentin, Solutab, Macroben. In therapy against the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses, they have a stronger and faster effect. The advantage of these antibiotics against sinusitis still lies in the fact that they are not only able to overcome bacteria, but also prevent the development of many complications, which entails genyantritis - otitis media, meningitis. By choosing the treatment of sinusitis with drugs of this form, you can stop it after 5 days of taking.

Drops and Sprays

Effective antibiotics of local action against sinusitis are considered to be drops and sprays. But, treatment with them becomes possible only with the condition of free passage to the maxillary sinuses.

It is important to know that in case of severe suppuration, antibacterial therapy against sinusitis can be applied only after using vasoconstrictive drops.

To enhance the effect of the active ingredient, the complex use of drops and tablets is often prescribed.


In situations where the genyantritis has already acquired a neglected form or when the organism is intoxicated, antibiotics are administered intramuscularly. They very quickly penetrate into the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses, so that the treatment becomes the most effective. Treating sinusitis with antibacterial drugs should, based on the form and stage of the disease, the patient's condition.

Sinusitis in children

Antibiotics from sinusitis in children are prescribed systematically, and treatment is performed by a pediatrician. The most effective are local drugs that affect the focus of the infection. To treat childhood genyantritis can be an antibacterial medicine of a new generation Bioparox. Applying it, the active ingredients act solely on the mucous membranes of the nose. When treating children before 2, 5 years of age, use this medication is contraindicated. Also, in situations where there is no improvement after 3 days, it is recommended that the disease be treated with general-purpose antibiotics.

Treatment of sinusitis in children can be supplemented with physiotherapy and nasal sinus washing. Experts say that when doing physical exercises, it becomes necessary to reduce the dosage of the medication and the duration of its administration.

When is antibiotic therapy inevitable?

Antibiotics, being a potent remedy, must be taken in situations where the sinusitis grows into a serious stage of development. Sinusitis can cause serious disturbances in the patient's body, causing such complications as meningitis, otitis, osteomyelitis, neuritis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis. That is why, if there is no possibility to stop the development of inflammation in the nasal sinuses with the help of weak-acting drugs, an antibiotic against the sinusitis comes to the aid of the patient.

Thus, it should be understood that the treatment of sinusitis should be at the initial stages of its development. Therefore, at the first signs of malaise, which manifests itself as a headache, painful sensations in the postorbital area, a runny nose, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Good to know!

If shortly before the sinusitis appeared, patients were treated with antibiotics, this should be notified to the doctor. Usually, treatment is carried out with other antibiotics, since some people may become addicted to certain bacteria.

  1. Antibiotics should be changed to others and in cases if there is no improvement after a 4-day course.
  2. Taking antibiotics against inflammation in the maxillary sinuses, a rash appeared on the body, redness, the patient complains of itching, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  3. Avoid excess dosage, established by a specialist, because antibiotics often cause violations of intestinal microflora, dysbiosis.

Cure maxillary sinusitis with antibacterial therapy is possible without the occurrence of side effects only if all the rules of its application are observed. Antibiotics for sinusitis are a powerful tool in the hands of an experienced specialist.

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