Psoriatic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment at Home


  • 1Psoriatic arthritis - symptoms and diagnosis, treatment with drugs and folk remedies
    • 1.1What is psoriatic arthritis?
    • 1.2Diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis
    • 1.3Treatment of psoriatic arthritis
    • 1.4Treatment of psoriatic arthritis with folk remedies
    • 1.5Disability in psoriatic arthritis
  • 2Psoriatic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment at Home
    • 2.1Symptoms of pathology
    • 2.2Forms and Diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis
    • 2.3Treatment of PA
    • 2.4Treatment of psoriatic arthritis with folk remedies
    • 2.5Diet in psoriatic arthritis
  • 3Psoriatic arthritis treatment and symptoms
    • 3.1Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis
    • 3.2Diagnosis of the disease
    • 3.3Treatment of psoriatic arthritis
    • 3.4How to treat psoriatic arthritis with folk remedies
    • 3.5How to treat psoriatic arthritis of the fingers
    • 3.6Diet for psoriatic arthritis
    • 3.7From normal food, products are excluded:
    • 3.8Drugs and medications
  • 4Psoriatic arthritis: causes, symptoms and treatment
    • 4.1Causes of psoriatic arthritis
    • 4.2Factors of the disease
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.3Symptoms of psoriasis
    • 4.4Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis
    • 4.5How to treat psoriatic arthritis
    • 4.6Diagnostics of PA
    • 4.7Symptomatic treatment of psoriatic arthritis
    • 4.8Basic PA treatment
    • 4.9Phototherapy
    • 4.10Psychotherapy
    • 4.11Treatment of psoriatic arthritis at home
    • 4.12Physiotherapy
    • 4.13Nutrition for psoriatic arthritis
    • 4.14Folk ways
  • 5Psoriatic arthritis - symptoms, treatment, diet
    • 5.1Symmetric
    • 5.2Asymmetric
    • 5.3Inflammation of distal interphalangeal articulations
    • 5.4Spondylosis
    • 5.5Deforming arthritis
    • 5.6Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis - inflammation of the joints
    • 5.7Complications and consequences
    • 5.8Diagnosis of pathology
    • 5.9Additional procedures
    • 5.10Diet
    • 5.11Folk methods in therapy

Psoriatic arthritis - symptoms and diagnosis, treatment with drugs and folk remedies

The disease, which is characterized by a combination of two pathologies - psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis - is called the psoriatic form of arthritis.

A distinctive feature of the disease is chronic inflammation of the joints and skin lesions.

Pathology belongs to the category of autoimmune and is not fully understood.

What is psoriatic arthritis?

Approximately 23% of people diagnosed with psoriasis are susceptible to developing this disease (ICD code is M07). Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory chronic disease that is associated with inadequate functioning of the immune system.

It is characterized by inflammation of the joints, accompanied by pain, stiffness, decreased mobility. Symptomatology of the disease may be weak or pronounced and, as a rule, occurs in people 30-50 years of age.

Depending on which joints are damaged, the pathology is classified into the following types:

  1. Oligoarthritis of asymmetric form. This is the most frequent form of the disease, in which inflammation starts in one or several places at the same time. For example, a knee, hip and finger joints begin to ache on a person only on one side, while the opposite parts are not affected by inflammation. Arthritis with asymmetric involvement of joints, as a rule, has a relatively easy course, but in severe cases it leads to disability.
  2. Generalized polyarthritis. The inflammatory process spreads symmetrically to the joints on both sides. Rheumatoid-like symmetrical arthritis is heavier than women.
  3. Spondylitis. Inflammation is formed between the elements of the spine, which develops against the background of psoriasis. Psoriatic spondylitis can lead to the fusion of the vertebrae in the cervical, lumbar spine, which in the future can cause the need for surgical intervention.
  4. Distal arthritis. The form of the disease is characterized by the fact that it affects the distal interphalangeal joints on the hands or feet. In addition, inflammation of the nail plastic on the hands / feet is possible. Psoriatic arthritis affects men more often.
  5. Mutilating form of arthritis. It can lead to disability and often affects the hands, as well as acromioclavicular and sternocleid articulations, cervical, lumbar spine. Psoriatic disease often leads to deformation of bones.

A pronounced symptom arising from the first stage in patients with arthritis is pain. It can manifest itself in different parts of the body, the characteristic signs of psoriatic arthritis will help to distinguish pathology:

  • there is swelling in the joint area, with puffiness extending beyond the zone and spreading to adjacent tissues;
  • the person feels fascial and muscular pains;
  • when the palpation of the damaged area of ​​the bone, the patient will experience a painful sensation;
  • the affected area is bluish or crimson;
  • often in patients with arthritis affected nail plates;
  • fingers shorten, thicken (in some cases symmetrically and simultaneously on arms and legs);
  • Since the density / elasticity of ligaments in psoriatic disease is disrupted, sprains may occur;
  • the skin at the site of inflammation has a higher temperature;
  • when the intervertebral joints are damaged, there is a stiffness of movements and pain syndrome.

If the disease has switched to malignant development, the symptomatology will be different. As a rule, this complication is diagnosed in men under 35 years of age. In this case, one can observe:

  1. defeat of other organs / systems (more often it is amyloidosis of the kidneys, eye damage - conjunctivitis or iridocyclitis, skin lesions, achillobursitis, liver, heart muscle, nervous system diseases);
  2. fever in a hectic type;
  3. weight loss, up to cachexia;
  4. lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes);
  5. physical exhaustion, due to constant temperature changes of the body;
  6. severe damage to the skin and bones with irreversible deformation of the joints.

Diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis

Suspicions for this disease - this is an occasion to contact a dermatologist or rheumatologist. Diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis necessarily includes a study of the patient's medical history and, in addition:

  • blood test;
  • investigation of synovial effusion;
  • radiography;
  • arthroscopy;
  • puncture of the joint.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis

It is easier to treat this disease than rheumatoid arthritis. This is because pathology, as a rule, is localized in one not very large joint.

In this case, the treatment of psoriatic arthritis can not guarantee a complete cure for the disease, but it is likely that the patient will be able to translate it into a slow, chronic form.

Pathology is always treated in conjunction with skin therapy - it helps to achieve a better result. The main principles of therapy:

  1. in cold seasons it is necessary to conduct UV irradiation of the skin, inflamed joints;
  2. local therapy for arthropathy and other forms of arthritis is the use of ointments such as Sinalar or Fluorocort (this helps to remove inflammation in a short time);
  3. with severe symptoms, the doctor prescribes the administration of sedatives of plant or synthetic origin;
  4. When the disease of a large joint is affected, it is necessary to use strong drugs (inside joint slit can be administered hydrocortisone emulsion, which is effective against inflammation and puffiness);
  5. the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is justified with a strong pain syndrome;
  6. to treat psoriasis of bones is necessary with simultaneous vitamin therapy, thanks to which it is possible to strengthen the immune system and establish metabolic processes;
  7. hormonal drugs can be prescribed if other drugs have not produced a positive effect, but this is highly undesirable because of the risk of translating the pathology into a malignant category;
  8. To relieve the inflammation of synovial bags, Cyclophosphamide is rarely prescribed, a potent remedy with a large list of side effects;
  9. Sulfasalazine and Methotrexate also belong to serious medications and are prescribed not only to defeat psoriatic polyarthritis, but also for the treatment of oncological diseases;
  10. The designated biological agents of the latest generation such as infliximab or etanercept have high cost, but are able to control the inflammatory process not only of the skin but also joints;
  11. the last measure of treatment of psoriatic arthritis is surgical intervention, it is resorted to when the other methods proved ineffective or psoriasis of the joints led to their deformation.

In addition to taking medications, an important aspect in the treatment of the disease is diet. Nutrition for psoriatic arthritis is prescribed by a doctor who is able to reduce the intensity of symptoms of the disease. Treat the pathology at home during an exacerbation can be, supplementing its menu:

  • lean meat - chicken, rabbit, turkey;
  • fermented milk products;
  • quail eggs, chicken eggs;
  • fresh fruits, greens.

Thus it is important during the medical diet to refuse from the products, capable to worsen a condition of the patient:

  1. fatty meat;
  2. forest mushrooms;
  3. fried food;
  4. rich broths;
  5. Salts (salt in general should be minimized in the diet);
  6. canned food;
  7. beans;
  8. sweets;
  9. spices;
  10. marinades;
  11. alcohol.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis with folk remedies

A peculiarity of nontraditional therapy of this disease is that plant substances have a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the joints.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis with folk remedies can not lead to sustainable consequences, but in combination with drug therapy will increase the chances of an early remission of the disease.

Than you can treat psoriatic arthrosis:

  • Infusion of mug against arthritis and muscle damage. Cut the fresh roots of the plant into small pieces, place them in a deep container and fill with water so that the liquid covers the contents by about 3 cm. Insist the remedy for 3 weeks in a dark place, then use it for rubbing and ingesting (optimally - three times a day and half an hour before meals).
  • Cowberry decoction from psoriatic joint disease. Two teaspoons of grass should be poured 200 ml of boiling water, bring this mixture to a boil and boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Completely cooled decoction is drunk during the day in small sips. Every day you need to prepare a new portion of the remedy.
  • Fresh carrots with arthritis. Grated vegetable should be mixed with vegetable oil and pharmacy turpentine (5 drops each). Mass impose as a compress at night. The next day it is replaced with a leaf of aloe. Alternation of compresses occurs every 12 hours for 10 days.

Disability in psoriatic arthritis

The doctor determines the need for disability of the patient, depending on the severity, speed progression of pathology, time of stay at the hospital and the possibility of exercising to patients labor activity. To get a disability with psoriatic arthritis, you must meet the following factors:

  1. the patient is at least 4 months of hospitalization (for a year the number of disabled days should be about 150 days);
  2. psoriatic arthritis progresses and does not respond to treatment;
  3. the patient lost the ability to self-service, reduced professional qualifications.

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Psoriatic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment at Home

Psoriatic arthritis is a disease that combines two ailments - psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Pathology is manifested by lesions of the skin and chronic inflammation of the joints. The disease belongs to the category of autoimmune diseases.

Violations of the immune system lead to the death of cells and tissues, inflammation of the joints and the formation of unnecessary biological elements. Usually psoriatic type of arthritis develops in patients aged 25 to 55 years. Men and women get sick with the same frequency.

Approximately ten years after the first symptoms of psoriatic arthritis appeared on the skin, 75% of the patients showed joint damage. And in 15% of cases it occurs on the contrary, the emergence of psoriasis is preceded by psoriatic arthritis.

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Symptoms of pathology

Skin manifestations of psoriasis (see photos) are observed in most cases of psoriatic arthritis. Therefore, diagnostics for the doctor is not particularly difficult. Most often the disease has a chronic form with periodic exacerbations and remissions.

From time to time, there are signs of damage to the internal organs: eyes, heart, bones, urinary tract. In most patients, the acute phase of the disease is not accompanied by joint stiffness in the morning.

The main signs of psoriatic arthritis:

  • defeat of the spine;
  • asymmetrical joint damage;
  • psoriasis of nails and skin;
  • fingers become sausages and become pathologically flexible;
  • local soreness;
  • swelling over the affected joint;
  • cyanotic-purple skin color.

Symptoms become especially pronounced when psoriatic arthritis develops very quickly. At first, the symptoms of the disease are limited by local swelling and increased articular pain.

Forms and Diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis

In medical practice, there are five types of psoriatic arthritis. For each of them there is a symptomatology, diagnostics and methods of therapy.

Classification of the disease consists in the joints in which the inflammatory process occurs. Therefore, the division of psoriatic arthritis is considered very conditional.

Over time, one form of the disease may change in another patient, sometimes a combination of several forms is observed immediately.

  1. Symmetrical - the lesion occurs in the paired joints. This type of psoriatic arthritis characterizes a progressive course of varying severity. It can be compared with rheumatoid arthritis. In half of cases, this disease results in disability and disability.
  2. Asymmetric type - joints of different numbers and sizes are involved in the pathological process (usually lesions occur in 1-3 joints). For example, a person can get joints of the hand, hip and knee joint. On paired joints the development of asymmetric type is not observed, so the diagnosis of this type is not difficult.
  3. Interphalangeal distal - affects small diarthrosis of the fingers of the lower and upper extremities, more precisely those phalanges, which are located closer to the nail. Development of the disease is sometimes observed on nail plates. This type of psoriatic arthritis is quite rare, and it affects mostly men.
  4. Spondylosis - for this type of psoriatic arthritis, the connective tissue of the bones and joints of the spinal column is characterized. Diagnosis of spondylosis occurs on the basis of the following symptoms: limitation of mobility in the lumbosacral and cervical spine, inflammation.
  5. Mutilating (deforming) is the most severe type of psoriatic arthritis. It is characterized by the destruction of tissues and deformation of the bones of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities, as a result of which there comes a complete immobility of these parts of the body. The defeat of the lumbar and cervical spine is much less common, but always ends with a disability.

Treatment of PA

To prevent a strong deformation of the joints and disability, you need to have an idea on how to treat psoriatic arthritis with traditional methods and folk remedies in the home conditions. To treat ailment is necessary constantly, therefore the patient is observed at the doctor and systematically undergoes a course of therapy.

The earlier the diagnosis is performed and the treatment is prescribed, the greater the chances of the joints retaining their functionality. Timely struggle against an ailment is an opportunity to lead an active life as long as possible and keep youth.

Psoriatic arthritis can be cured, but you need:

  • reduce the inflammatory process;
  • to stop the erosion of bones;
  • restore the motor function of the joints.

Treatment of skin lesions and joint therapy should be carried out simultaneously. If necessary, injections of drugs are made directly into the joint.

In complex situations purification of blood - plasmapheresis - is prescribed.

This procedure not only reduces inflammation, but also removes the main symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis is carried out by the following means:

  1. corticosteroid hormones;
  2. anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. immunomodulators;
  4. Chondroprotectors - medicines to restore bone structure.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat psoriatic arthritis include: ibuprofen, nimesulide, diclofenac.

From the group of glucocorticosteroids prescribe prednisolone, dexamethasone. Since the creation of the hondoprotectors, psoriatic arthritis has been treated with hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, diacerein, sodium hyaluronate, glycosamin sulfate.

In the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, the most important component is therapeutic gymnastics. The patient can choose classes at his own discretion.

Training can be done at home or visit a sports hall in the clinic, where the lessons are supervised by experienced instructors.

The best effect can be achieved by combining a set of exercises aimed at restoring joints and restorative exercises. With the help of medical gymnastics and physical education you can achieve the following:

  1. reduction of symptomatic manifestations;
  2. improvement of the functioning of the joints or keeping it at the same level;
  3. weight loss, which reduces the burden on the joints;
  4. giving muscle fibers flexibility and elasticity;
  5. decrease in the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Most often, the treatment of psoriatic arthritis does without surgery. However, in rare cases, when conservative measures do not provide the desired effect, the patient is prescribed an operation.

The operation to extract the affected tissue and restore the function of the joint is called synovectomy. In case of severe cartilage damage, its arthroplasty or prosthetics is prescribed, during which the diseased cartilage is replaced with an artificial implant.

This method achieves mitigation of the pain syndrome, restoration of the joint lost function and external aestheticity of the joint.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis with folk remedies

All sorts of skin diseases, including psoriatic arthritis, mankind has treated with various folk remedies since ancient times. Increasing the chances of rapid remission can be achieved if you treat the ailment with medications in combination with folk methods.

Psoriatic arthritis can be treated with burdock root. To prepare the tincture, the large roots of the young plant are crushed into small pieces. Components are put in a container and poured over with vodka, which should cover the contents 3 cm.

The container is placed for three weeks in a dark place for infusion. This tincture is used for ingestion or for grinding.

For the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, folk medicine recommends a remedy for cranberries. A decoction is prepared from the leaves of this plant.

Two teaspoons of herbs are put in a bowl and poured a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and for 15 minutes they boil over low heat.

When the broth is cooked and completely cooled, it should be consumed in small sips.

Treatment of a patient with psoriatic arthritis involves the use of folk remedies based on fresh carrots. Carrots are rubbed on a grater and mixed with vegetable oil and pharmaceutical turpentine (5 drops each).

This mixture is used to prepare a compress, which is put up at night and removed only after a day, and instead an aloe leaf is applied. This alternation is performed ten times.

For the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, decoctions based on the following herbs are widely used:

  • mother and stepmother;
  • dandelion medicinal;
  • St. John's wort.

The recipe for birch buds in general demonstrates the approach of preparing medicinal broths used in psoriatic arthritis.

Take five birch buds, pour them 200 ml of boiling water and on low heat bring to a boil.

The liquid should boil for 15 minutes, after which it is removed from the fire and wrapped for one hour.

Diet in psoriatic arthritis

To preserve the full function of the joints with psoriatic arthritis, a special diet is prescribed.

The patient should understand that the diet prescribed by the doctor and the regime should be observed clearly.

Only such efforts can significantly alleviate the condition of the patient and reduce the rate of development of psoriatic arthritis.

Take small amounts of food, but often. Overeating is strictly prohibited. Preference should be given to vegetable and dairy foods. The use of fats and carbohydrates should be limited, but to increase in their diet foods rich in vitamins.

With this disease are useful:

  1. plums;
  2. apples;
  3. sorrel;
  4. asparagus;
  5. black currant;
  6. cranberries;
  7. blueberry;
  8. sea ​​buckthorn;
  9. Rowan.

From the menu it is necessary to exclude sharp, fried and fatty food.

Of course, it is necessary to abandon bad habits and timely treat infectious diseases.

A strict diet for psoriatic arthritis is prescribed to the patient only for one week, followed by a break of at least two months.

Psoriatic arthritis is a dangerous disease that can not be started, and for treatment you need the fastest methods. If the disease is not treated, it can turn into a big trouble for the patient, but when choosing a therapeutic technique one should always consult a doctor.

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Psoriatic arthritis treatment and symptoms

Psoriasis is one of the important factors affecting the appearance of psoriatic arthritis. It affects not only the skin, but also disrupts the work inside the body. The disease mainly affects the joints of the fingers, hands and feet.

This kind of arthritis in most cases passes asymmetrically. The worst variant of development is the defeat of the spine. The disease is in the spondyloarthritis group. Treatment is done to reduce pain, stop the development of the disease, but can not be completely cured.

Psoriatic arthritisPeople suffering from psoriasis are more likely to suffer. It is the result of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the joints.

This disease affects:

  • joint;
  • spine;
  • enthesis.

The defeat of the joints is asymmetric, in rare cases the disease will be symmetrical. Tendons, ligaments can be affected.

The disease is characterized by the destruction of joints:

  1. interphalangeal joints of fingers;
  2. brushes;
  3. ulnar;
  4. knees;
  5. ankle;
  6. wrist-wrist;
  7. Stop.

The cause of the occurrence may be external, internal or a combination of several.

External factors of occurrence:

  • injury;
  • infection;
  • unstable emotional state, shock.

Causes inside the body:

  1. heredity;
  2. a disorder in the neuroendocrine and immune systems;
  3. obesity;
  4. smoking.

Childrenalso psoriasis can develop and as its consequence psoriatic arthritis. During the research it was established:

  • the onset of the disease from 5-6 years;
  • full stage formation by 15 years.

Most often, children develop the disease of interphalangeal joints at the ends of the fingers.

Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis

Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis can manifest quickly or gradually, depending on the condition of the organism that has experienced the disease.

The main symptoms are:

  1. deformation of the joint;
  2. increase in its size;
  3. feeling of stiffness after awakening;
  4. pain during movement or at night;
  5. redness in the area of ​​inflammation, a burgundy color is possible;
  6. swelling, swelling;
  7. because of the impact of the disease on the ligaments, dislocations are possible.

Children in the standard symptoms will be added:

  • weight loss;
  • muscle pain;
  • sweating.

Lesions of intervertebral joints are less common than stops and brushes. The disease begins to develop with small joints.

The development of psoriatic arthritis in the spine can lead to problems in the ligament apparatus.

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The main symptomsthere will be pain and a feeling of stiffness when moving.

Diagnosis of the disease

With increasing deformation of the joint, the ailment severely prevents a person from moving due to pain when flexing. Any sensation of pain should not be ignored or tolerated. It is necessary to visit a doctor who will send the patient to the diagnosis of the affected joint.

It is desirable joint diagnosis and treatment by a rheumatologist and dermatologist.

Diagnosis consists in carrying out an X-ray. On the basis of X-ray images, we study:

  1. change of joint gap;
  2. osteoporosis around it;
  3. cyst;
  4. ankylosis;
  5. ossification.

The specialist can send for the delivery of tests:

  • blood - the definition of the degree of inflammation, anemia, assessment of the level of fibrinogen, globulins, sialic acids;
  • synovial fluid from the joints.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis, the treatment of which is not fully recoverable, can be slowed down.

After putting all the tests, the doctor can draw conclusions about the degree of the disease and tell how to treat this stage of the disease.

Treatment of the disease consists in:

  1. reducing pain;
  2. decrease in the rate of development of the disease;
  3. restore the ability to move;
  4. reducing inflammation.

To reduce inflammation in the joint and around it, the following drugs are used:

  • non-steroid drugs (diclofenac or ibuprofen);
  • corticosteroid preparations (hormonal).

Any drug treatment has its side effects. A patient who uses such amethod of treatment, should monitor the condition:liver, kidney, heart, blood vessels.
Each change in the body must be discussed with the doctor, continue or change the direction of therapy.

Use inhibitory drugsto reduce or stop the growth of the tumor, changes in the tissues of bones and joints:

  1. etanercept;
  2. adalimumab;
  3. infliximab;
  4. cyclosporine;
  5. leflunomide.

How to treat psoriatic arthritis with folk remedies

Proreytic arthritis can be treated at home. The goal is to reduce inflammation with folk remedies and reduce pain at home without using a medicine.

  • A well-known folk remedy is a decoction based onbirch buds. Brew for 15 minutes, ingestion prior to eating.
  • At home, you can cookdecoction of dried leaves of cowberry. Two teaspoons of leaves pour a glass of boiling water, drink chilled.
  • People's means, which deserve recognition at the forums, are:mother-and-stepmother, St. John's wort, dandelion.Brothon the basis of these herbs should be taken orally 50 ml each day.
  • The recipe of a compress for the night, which reduces pain, swelling and inflammation:
  1. a couple drops of turpentine;
  2. vegetable oil;
  3. carrots on a fine grater.

A unique method of full recovery was not found, but to reduce pain, improve the body to fight the disease can be folk remedies at home.

How to treat psoriatic arthritis of the fingers

The affected hands remind themselves of pain, inflammation, difficulty of movement.Treatment of this ailment consists in:

  • taking medicines;
  • massages;
  • physiotherapy.

The main medicines for the defeat of the fingers are non-steroid preparations. The use of these drugs should be carefully, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body to the taking of tablets, especially the digestive tract.

In the joint cavity can enter: antibiotics and hormones.

Particular attention should be paid to massages and physiotherapy:

  1. Electrophoresis;
  2. Magnetotherapy;
  3. UHF.

Diet for psoriatic arthritis

A sick person needs to monitor his body condition:

  • because of taking medications;
  • to maintain the strength to fight the disease;
  • to reduce the inflammatory process and the likelihood of a reaction to the product.

From normal food, products are excluded:

• meat; • legumes of all kinds; • Coffee; • strong tea; • smoked;

• Fat.

Welcome reception of broths based on herbs according to folk recipes prepared at home.

Drugs and medications

Nonsteroid drugs used to treat psoriatic arthritis:

  1. diclofenac;
  2. acetylsalicylic acid;
  3. ibuprofen;
  4. Voltaren;
  5. indomethacin.

The use of drugs should be carefully, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body to the taking of tablets, especially the digestive tract.

Hormonal preparations are used, which are injected into the joint cavity:

Antibioticshelp cope with inflammation and infection:

  • bigaflon;
  • ceftriaxone;
  • meronema.

Chondroprotectors are used to restore the cartilage of the joint:

  1. tablets Chondroitin;
  2. ointment Chondroxide;
  3. injections Rumalon.

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Psoriatic arthritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

The development of arthritis is facilitated not only by processes that directly affect the joints - degenerative diseases, trauma, congenital dysplasia, hereditary predisposition, surgical intervention and etc .:

  • It has been proved that bacterial and viral diseases familiar to all (angina, tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, rubella, mumps, hepatitis, chickenpox), urogenital, intestinal, parasitic nonspecific infections (chlamydia, enterobacteria, malaria, trypanosomes, borellia), generate infectious and reactive arthritis.
  • There are also specific purulent arthritis, caused by tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, syphilis.
  • Increased immune activity can provoke a constant presence in the blood of autoimmune complexes, consisting of antibodies: they appear from plasma cells and are capable of destroying the synovial membrane and walls vessels. This is the cause of chronic arthritis, one of the most serious and poorly treatable - rheumatoid.
  • Allergy is medicinal, food, for smells, animal hair is also fraught with arthritis.
  • Metabolic disorders lead to the accumulation of uric acid in the blood and to the crystalline form of arthritis - gout.

Do not consider, as they say, the reasons... But not everyone knows that there is another kind of arthritis - psoriatic.

Causes of psoriatic arthritis

The binding of this inflammatory articular disease to dermatosis is obvious from the name, as is obvious that treatment should be aimed at eradicating psoriasis.

Due to the fact that the etiology of psoriasis itself is controversial, psoriatic arthritis is one of the most mysterious, incomprehensible and intractable diseases.

Psoriasis does not belong to infectious diseases, there are two basic concepts of this disease.

  • In the first, the dermatological factor predominates:
    • Due to the impaired function of the epidermis and keratinocytes, the proliferation (division) of skin cells is increased.
  • In the second decisive primary value is given to autoimmune factors:
    • activation of T-lymphocytes and their penetration into the skin, which causes its inflammation and excessive division of the epidermis.

The virus factors of pathology are suspected, but they are not proven.

For this reason, psoriatic arthritis most closely resembles rheumatoid arthritis. It is also a chronic and almost incurable disease.

Factors of the disease

Provoke psoriatic arthritis may

  • stress,
  • alcohol consumption,
  • accidentally joined infection.

Any disease that occurs on the background of chronic, is intercurrent, that is, it drives the underlying disease.

Psoriatic arthritis usually follows psoriasis, but in some cases it happens the other way round:

Initially, inflammatory symptoms in the joints, and then dermatological.

Symptoms of psoriasis

Psoriasis is a dermatosis that can not be confused with anything:

  1. The areas of the skin thicken and rise above the rest of the surface.
  2. In the lesions, psoriatic plaques of red color appear with silver-white inclusions.
  3. Characteristic is also scaly exfoliation of the skin, because of which the second name of this dermatitis is scaly lichen.
  4. Possible pustular form of the disease with the formation of protruding on the skin of the bubbles, filled with liquid.
  5. Sometimes it affects in the most severe form more than 10% of the skin of the body, including the scalp. Nails may also be affected.

In the photo to the right - a patient with psoriasis.

The disease causes a lot of physical and mental pain:

In addition to itching and discomfort associated with active activities, wearing clothes, taking care of oneself, depression and social phobia, self-doubt also appear.

Psoriasis is fraught with complications in the form of:

  • diabetes, fungal infection, hypertension, hypothyroidism and other diseases.

Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis

  • Psoriatic arthritis affects mainly small joints of the hands - distal phalanges of the fingers, causing dalactite - swelling in the volume.
  • The defeat of the big toe is possible;
  • Also, heavy knee, hip and vertebrae joint injuries occur, which sometimes leads to a complete inability to move independently.

When the patient becomes completely recumbent, the prognosis of life deteriorates sharply: pressure sores or pneumonia bring the tragic ending closer

Another distinctive symptom:

  1. asymmetry of the lesion;
  2. purple-cyanotic color and tenderness in the region of the joints;
  3. heel pains are possible;
  4. in the late stage of PA, the muscles atrophy, limbs thin.

How to treat psoriatic arthritis

Diagnosis and treatment of psoriatic arthritis is performed at a rheumatologist. Treatment of PA can be symptomatic and basic.

Diagnostics of PA

  • To differentiate psoriatic arthritis from rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to take a blood test for the rheumatoid factor.
  • Because of serious skin manifestations, a dermatologist should be examined in parallel to determine the type of psoriasis and the purpose of local treatment.
  • Radiography of the joints affected by arthritis and, possibly, the spine is performed.
  • Other laboratory tests may be needed.

Symptomatic treatment of psoriatic arthritis

  1. When symptoms of pain are traditionally used NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (naproxen, ibuprofen, meloxicam).
  2. The skin is simultaneously treated with the joints together with the joints, so local type NSAIDs (ointments, gels) can benefit by reducing skin eczema.
  3. If arthralgia is too strong, a short course is prednisolone - a glucocorticosteroid drug (GKSP): it is administered intramuscularly or directly into the joint cavity, oral administration is also possible (in the form of tablets).

Taking both NSAIDs and GKSP, you need to be careful and protect the mucous membrane of the stomach.

Long-term use of steroids can lead to joint depletion.

Basic PA treatment

  • Psoriatic arthritis, like rheumatoid, is treated with immunosuppressive drugs that reduce the activity of the immune system:
    • sulfasalazine,
    • methotrexate,
    • cyclosporin,
    • azathioprine.

The use of certain drugs that regulate immune activity leads to a decrease in immunity and inability to resist simple viral infections.

  1. Another method of treatment is to directly affect the inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, by blocking them. For these purposes, three types of drugs, monoclonal bodies are used:
    • Infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab.
  2. The newest drug for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis is the inhibitor of phosphodiesterase Otetzla (Aprimilast) - it simultaneously treats cutaneous and articular manifestations. It is used when it is not possible to use traditional immunosuppressants.
  3. Also used in the treatment of psoriatic inflammatory joint disease chrysoter (treatment with salts of gold);
  4. In especially severe cases, psoriatic arthritis is treated by purifying the blood with plasmapheresis.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis is often toxic, so it is necessary to choose from all methods the least harmful, at the same time, effective method.


To treat skin dermatosis apply not only therapeutic ointments, but also types of UV-irradiation:

  • UV-B irradiation (phototherapy).
  • UV-A irradiation + chemical photosensitizers (photochemotherapy).

The next step, if phototherapy did not lead to anything, is systemic drug therapy (either orally or in injections)


Because of cognitive-behavioral disorders, patients with psoriasis need serious psychotherapy:

  1. Psychotropic drugs (antidepressants, anxiolytics) reduce anxiety and depression, increase stress resistance.
  2. Tricyclic antidepressants, for example, amitriptyline are also antihistamine drugs that reduce itching.
  3. Duloxetine, venlafaxine simultaneously remove and pain.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis at home

Many people wonder how to treat psoriatic arthritis at home. Of course, it is impossible to cure such a complex disease exclusively at home. The basic therapy is complex and is carried out in a polyclinic.

Psoriasis is prone to attacks, but it can and for a long time retreat. It is good during such retreats (remissions) not to sit idly by, but to continue and even intensify the fight against the disease.


Psoriatic arthritis greatly weakens the muscles, so it is important to maintain yourself daily gymnastics.

  • It should not be too tiring and tense.
  • Aerobics classes and swimming, walking tours are also helpful.

Nutrition for psoriatic arthritis

The diet should be rational, based on an alkaline diet:

  1. less meat, fish products, eggs, milk, butter;
  2. more herbal products (lemon, kiwi, pears, apples, asparagus, celery, parsley, seaweed, carrots, dried fruits, nuts, papaya, pineapple, etc.);
  3. natural fresh juices

Folk ways

  • May slow the development of the disease can such herbal teas and infusions:
    • cranberry tea;
    • tea from a dandelion;
    • tea from the collection (blackberries, veresa, birch leaves, mother-and-stepmother)
    • decoction of St. John's wort.
  • Skin dermatosis and joint pain are well treated at home with baths:
  • Compresses made from flaxseeds, wrapping burdock leaves, cabbage, mother-and-stepmother are helpful.
You will be interested in:Diseases of the joints: symptoms and treatment

With prolonged and correct treatment by a doctor and at home, the prevention of infections can, if not defeat psoriatic arthritis, then for a long time to come to a peace agreement with him.

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Psoriatic arthritis - symptoms, treatment, diet

Psoriatic arthritis - an independent disease, is formed against the background of already existing lesions of the skin with psoriasis. What are the characteristics of the disease, how it manifests itself, how to treat it?

Among patients with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis is diagnosed on average in half or more patients. It appears at the age of 20 to 50 years, it occurs in children.

Inflammation of the joints usually develop in the presence of already present lesions of the skin, sometimes both signs manifest simultaneously.

In a quarter of patients, changes in the bones may be preceded by the appearance of plaques in a few months and even years, while the current resembles the development of conventional arthritis.

The process is localized in virtually any part of the human body:

  • in the small joints of the limbs;
  • in large shoulder or knee joints;
  • lesions can cover all parts of the spine and sacrum;
  • when the process is generalized, jaw joints and clavicles are involved.

Exacerbations of psoriatic arthritis occur periodically, a few times a year, are seasonal in nature. The provoking factors are usually:

  1. stress;
  2. injuries;
  3. hypothermia, colds;

Psoriatic joint damage is divided into 5 types, they do not exclude each other and can develop in parallel.


Parallel changes in paired articulations are characteristic for the variety. Symptomatic has similarities with rheumatoid arthritis, not an unusually active progressive course. In half of the patients suffering from this form, disability occurs.


For this type of arthritis, joints of different sizes are susceptible to inflammation: on the fingers and hands, in the pelvis or knees. Simultaneously, paired joints asymmetric arthritis does not capture.

Inflammation of distal interphalangeal articulations

Classics of the genre, inflammation predominates in the small toe joints on the extremities closer to the nails. Symptoms of DMS resemble osteoarthritis - a disease when cartilage is destroyed.


Variety of psoriatic arthritis when the spine is affected. Inflammation usually covers the cervical or lumbosacral divisions.

Deforming arthritis

It refers to severe forms, but it is infrequent, during its development, the small joints of the extremities are deformed and destroyed, they lose mobility. If the spine undergoes changes, the form can lead to paralysis.

Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis - inflammation of the joints

Psoriatic arthritis is expressed by inflammation of the joints, as a rule, several joints are affected at once. Often the disease develops gradually, beginning with aches and stiffness in the morning. There are cases when the symptoms appear suddenly from an acute form:

  • the skin in the joints area turns red;
  • Adjacent tissues are involved in the process;
  • develops edema;
  • in the place of inflammation appears cyanosis;
  • the temperature of the skin in the lesion focuses up;
  • when localized in DMS, redness and swelling make the fingers look like sausages.

Gradually, with the development of the disease, there are noticeable deformations, especially in the hands and fingers, often dislocations appear. Joints lose mobility, there are axial deviations. Nails change color, darkens, thimble syndrome develops.

When spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis is manifested by pain in the spine, in the part where the inflammatory focus is located. In some patients, cartilage and tendons are involved in the inflammatory process.

In children, clinical manifestations are similar to rheumatoid arthritis, but they do not proceed as intensively:

  1. Large asymmetric joints are most often affected;
  2. the joints of the feet and the distal joints on the fingers are more rarely affected;
  3. there is a linear lesion of all phalanges on one finger with the capture of tendons;
  4. In case of damage to the growth zone, the growth of the limb slows down.

Less often the disease occurs with swelling of the skin at the site of inflammation and severe pain. Sometimes many joints with noticeable changes in shape are involved, then the disease acquires a generalized character.

Complications and consequences

In severe psoriatic arthritis, the symptoms clearly indicate internal organ damage. Usually it is the prerogative of young men under 35 who suffer from atypical forms of psoriasis. The patients develop:

  • multiple arthritis with severe edema;
  • joints are bent, disfigured;
  • people suffer painful pains, sometimes only narcotic drugs are able to cope with them;
  • weight loss;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • there are trophic ulcers;
  • hair loss occurs;
  • bedsores appear;
  • the heart suffers most from the internal organs;
  • possible inflammation of the iris of the eye (iridocyclitis);
  • sometimes develops hepatitis;
  • there are brain disorders;
  • signs of glomerulonephritis appear;
  • a prolonged course leads to a violation of protein metabolism in the kidney (amyloidosis)

If the disease is triggered, the condition leads to disability and even death.

Diagnosis of pathology

Diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis is carried out by several criteria:

  1. Initially, the diagnosis is based on a visual picture, the doctor is based on the presence of clinical signs: typical inflamed joints, spine, nail plate changes. Significantly facilitate the diagnosis of skin rashes.
  2. Specific analyzes for this disease have not been developed, as in many cases joint problems do not affect these parameters.
  3. With severe inflammation, an increase in ESR will show that inflammation is present in the body.
  4. Biochemistry of blood shows the results of rheumatic tests, the analysis is done to exclude rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. In case of inflammation in large joints, a puncture of the interarticulate fluid takes. It is examined for infection and identification with other diseases and pathologies. X-ray examination will show the degree of changes that occurred in the joints: zones of damage and deformations.
  6. Blood is taken for the HLA-B27 gene, usually a positive reaction is detected in half of patients with spine injuries.

When patients have no rashes on the skin, the disease is differentiated with other articular pathologies.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis is a long and complex process, in addition to itching and aesthetic discomfort, patients suffer from pain in the bones. Therefore, only an individual and integrated approach is able to cope with exacerbation, its purpose:

  • to eliminate painful sensations;
  • to remove the inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • eliminate skin manifestations of psoriasis;
  • slow the progressing course of the disease.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, treatment is provided on an outpatient basis or in a hospital. Treatment scheme is built on the basis of:

  1. severity of lesions;
  2. degree of damage to the joints;
  3. results of the survey on the state of orgasm systems;
  4. localization and the type of skin rashes.
  5. age of the patient

Medication includes:

  • the use of non-steroid drugs (NSAIDs) that contribute to the reduction of inflammatory processes: Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Butadion.
  • Immunosuppressants - the means that stimulate the immune system, it helps to reduce the development of pathological processes on the skin and in the bones.
  • Directly in the joints are administered corticosteroids, they relieve inflammation, reduce the pain syndrome. But their frequent use is undesirable, as long-term use is high risk of complications.
  • Psoriatic lesions are accompanied by nervous disorders and depressive moods, therefore sedatives are prescribed. It can be light herbal infusions, in severe situations, on the advice of a therapist, antidepressants are used.
  • To prevent relapses of skin rashes, monoclonal organisms are used;
  • Sulfasalazine in psoriatic arthritis has recently been widely used. Its anti-inflammatory properties significantly reduce inflammation in the joints and nearby tissues. The drug is usually well tolerated, taken for a long time, about six months, but a rheumatologist is required to monitor it with regular blood and urine tests, because side effects are possible. Reception can be combined with physiotherapy, sometimes its use is supplemented with gold preparations.
  • Appointed with psoriatic arthritis Artradol. In addition, the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of the drug has the property to reduce the degradation cartilage joint, and its components enhance metabolic processes and promote regeneration of cartilaginous tissue.
  • To prevent the destruction of bone tissue, the development of osteoporosis is prescribed calcium preparations.

Surgical intervention is indicated to restore the function of the joint or when it becomes necessary to remove the affected area.

Additional procedures

Complex treatment in addition to medicines includes:

  1. Physiotherapeutic procedures - an effective tool in eliminating not only skin manifestations, it positively affects the condition of bone tissue. Laser therapy, ultrasound treatment, microcurrents is used.
  2. Not the last link in health-improving procedures is therapeutic gymnastics. Reasonable motor activity, correctly chosen exercises, alternation of physical tension and rest contribute to the restoration of joints.


An important factor in the treatment is nutrition, without this it is impossible to achieve a stable remission, a diet with psoriatic arthritis is one of the main conditions for maintaining health:

  • a group of products is prohibited, which is a threat of allergy;
  • it is necessary to refuse food containing preservatives;
  • do not recommend sweets, pickles and smoked products;
  • alcohol and psoriasis are incompatible concepts, even small doses of wine sometimes negate the long course of treatment.

Particularly restrictive nutrition concerns those with excess body weight, excess weight for joints is fatal, significantly exacerbating the condition. Recommended:

  1. a diet rich in calcium: dairy products, hard cheeses;
  2. low-fat varieties of meat and fish;
  3. porridge;
  4. light broths;
  5. Vegetable food, legumes should predominate in the diet.

Folk methods in therapy

Folk remedies in the therapy of psoriatic arthritis are used as an auxiliary treatment. Medicinal herbs and other herbal ingredients are used in the form of compresses, and sometimes the use of the inside.

They help reduce swelling and inflammation, soothe itching.

  • Not bad themselves showed infusions on the basis of needles, they exert influence, both on joints, and on dermatoses.
  • To remove swelling, drink infusions of birch buds.
  • Folk wisdom says that joint pains are helped by wrapping burdock or cabbage leaves
  • Decoctions based on sequins and chamomiles with external application relieve inflammation, reduce itching.

Engaging in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis at home, we must remember that this is a systemic disease, it is impossible to heal with herbs. This is only ancillary help to relieve symptoms.

Psoriatic arthritis is not an easy disease, drugs can slow down the process, but it is impossible to completely eliminate it.

If a person realizes the seriousness of the problem, he will try to exclude provoking factors, learn to anticipate exacerbations and take measures in advance on their prevention, responsibly fulfills the prescriptions of doctors, it can prolong the quality of life for a long time and prevent serious complications.

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