Symptoms of bone and joint cancer


  • 1Manifestations of bone and joint cancer: symptoms and signs, photos, treatment and diagnosis, how many live?
    • 1.1What causes the development of pathology?
    • 1.2Kinds
    • 1.3Sarkoma Ivinga
    • 1.4Osteosarcoma
    • 1.5Chordoma
    • 1.6Chondrosarcoma
    • 1.7Fibrosarcoma
    • 1.8Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
    • 1.9Giant cell tumor
    • 1.10Multiple myelomas and lymphomas
    • 1.11First signs
    • 1.12Pelvis
    • 1.13Hand
    • 1.14Stages of the disease
    • 1.15Diagnostics
    • 1.16Methods of treatment
  • 2Bone cancer: symptoms and signs, diagnosis and treatment, prognosis
    • 2.1Causes are studied by specialists
    • 2.2Symptoms
    • 2.3Kinds
    • 2.4Diagnosis of bone cancer
    • 2.5Treatment
    • 2.6Forecast
  • 3Bone cancer - the first manifestations of oncology, symptoms, diagnosis, stages and treatment
    • 3.1What is bone cancer?
    • 3.2Legs
    • 3.3Thighs
    • 3.4Causes of Oncology
    • 3.5Species of bone cancer
    • 3.6Stages of
    • 3.7Diagnosis - clinical analysis
    • 3.8Treatment of the latest developments of scientists
    • 3.9Chemotherapy
    • 3.10Operative intervention
    • 3.11Radiation therapy
    • 3.12How many live with bone cancer
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Bone cancer symptoms and manifestation, signs and treatment of oncology
    • 4.1Why does bone cancer develop?
    • 4.2Bone cancer by type
    • 4.3Bone cancer in stages
    • 4.4How to recognize pathology
    • 4.5How to treat

Manifestations of bone and joint cancer: symptoms and signs, photos, treatment and diagnosis, how many live?

Bone cancer - this term is usually used to refer to malignant lesions of the human bone system. This disease can occur at almost any age, but still people are more susceptible to it up to 30 years.

Often primary malignant tumors of the skeleton are detected in children and in adolescence and in this case they are distinguished by an aggressive course.

Bone oncology according to statistical studiesis the rarest form of malignant pathologies in man. Cancer of any of the bones in the human body can be primary or secondary.

The primary cancerous growth is said to occur when it starts directly from the bone cells.

If a person has malignant neoplasms, there is always a risk of spreading hematogenous or lymphogenous pathway of cancer cells into the skeleton, that is, there is metastasis and then it is a secondary bone oncology.

Cancer cells can grow from any bone tissue, that is, tumors are formed both from the bone itself, and from the cartilage or periosteum.

Atypical cells begin to uncontrollably and quickly divide, and this leads to the formation of build-up, which gradually seizes and surrounding tissues.

Bone cancer is divided into medicine according to the variant of its course.

About a benign course of cancer is said, when the formed outgrowth is surrounded from all sides by a healthy tissue and means, its further proliferation takes place slowly.

Malignant cancer is characterized by the formation of a bone tumor with uneven borders, which spreads rapidly throughout the bone, passes over to the muscles, ligaments, cartilaginous tissue, and gives metastases.

At a young age, the defeat of the bones of the lower limbs is more typical. Older people are more likely to grow cancerous hearth in the bones of the skull.

There are more patients with bone pathology among men, especially this disease should beware of smokers with many years of experience.

What causes the development of pathology?

Oncology of the human osseous system is actively studied, but so far no unified theory of the development of this disease has been put forward.

Scientists only identify several predisposing factors that are present in most patients who are registered for bone cancer.

These factors include:

  • Postponed trauma.Sometimes a cancerous growth on the bone is formed in that place of the skeleton, which was injured more than a dozen years ago.
  • Effects on humans of a single or periodic ionizing radiation in large doses.
  • Genetic diseases.The probability of bone oncology is higher in people with retinoblastomas, Lee-Fraumeni syndrome, Rothmund-Thomson syndrome.
  • Paget's disease. With this pathology, the mechanism of bone tissue restoration is disturbed and this leads to the appearance of various bone anomalies.
  • A bone marrow transplant.

Secondary bone cancer occurs when metastases from breast tumors, lung tissue, prostate gland, and less often from other internal organs are penetrated.


Bone cancer is classified according to the localization of the malignant tumor. Each species has its own peculiarities of flow, which affects the choice of the method of therapy.

Sarkoma Ivinga

This type of malignant damage to the bones is characterized by the most aggressive course.

With Iwing sarcoma, mostly long tubular bones, their middle part, are affected.

Less often, pathology is detected in the ribs, bones of the clavicle, scapula, pelvic bone structures, but in principle the Iwing's tumor can be localized in any part of the skeleton.

In the photo, the cancer tumor of Sarcoma Ewing, localized on the upper arm bones

The majority of patients with this malignant lesion are adolescents from 10 to 15 years old, and the disease is detected in young children and in young people, up to about 30 years.

After this age Iwing sarcoma is diagnosed extremely rarely. In detecting this type of bone oncology, in almost 90% of patients, metastases are detected.


Osteogenic sarcoma begins to form due to changes in bone elements, for this type of cancer in most cases is characterized by rapid development and earlier metastasis. Patients with osteosarcoma most of all (meaning bone oncology).

More often the pathology affects the bones of the lower extremities, possibly the development of a tumor in the shoulder girdle, pelvic bones, shoulder. In children, the cancerous process is mainly localized in the areas of bone growth, as well as in the joints of the elbow and knee.

Osteogenic sarcoma can occur at any age,more risk of this cancer in young people from 10 to 30 years, and men suffer almost twice as often.

Oncologists note that the growth of malignant cells often occurs during a period of intensive growth of the skeleton.

Among young patients, there are more than those who are distinguished by high growth, acquired in a short period.


This type of tumor is rare. Some scientists believe that the chondroma begins to develop from the remains of embryonic tissues. The main localization sites are the sacrum and the bones of the skull base.

Among patients with chondroma, there are more young people under the age of thirty. According to the histological structure, the node of the chondroma can be considered benign.

But since this neoplasm lies in hard-to-reach places, all sorts of complications often arise and the likelihood of recurrence of the disease is also high.

In connection with these features, the chondrum is now considered in many medical sources to be malignant tumors.


The basis of chondrosarcoma is cartilaginous tissue, and the tumor often affects the flat bone structures of the skeleton, less often the tubular bones. Chondrosarcomas are often detected in the tissues of the trachea and larynx, where small bones are affected.

The flow of this kind of tumor-like process can go in two ways.

The first is considered favorable, with the tumor growing slowly, metastases appear only in the late stages.

In the second variant of the course of the disease, the neoplasm grows rapidly and already at the first stages of its formation multiple metastases appear.

Chondrosarcomas are predominantly detected in people between the ages of 40 and 60, although this type of bone cancer can occur at any age.


Initially fibrosarcoma is formed in deep-seated soft tissues, which include muscles, tendons, connective tissue membranes.

As the tumor progresses, the tumor also passes to the bone tissue. Women are susceptible to fibrosarcoma twice as often. In general, fibrosarcomas are formed on the legs, rarely in other parts of the body.

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma

This type of cancer affects limbs, retroperitoneal space, trunk.

Malignant fibrous bone histiocytoma is localized in the metaphysis of tubular bones, especially often the tumor is detected in the knee joint. Some patients suffer from Paget's disease.

In most cases, bone cancer of this species is detected after fractures. The course of the disease is aggressive, metastasis develops rapidly and mainly affects the lung tissue.

Giant cell tumor

Another name for this type of tumor is osteoblastoklastoma, it seizes the final parts of bones and is characterized by germination into adjacent tissues.

It is distinguished by a benign course, rarely causes metastases, but after its removal, repeated growths often occur on the same part of the body.

Multiple myelomas and lymphomas

The term myeloma refers to the uncontrolled division of certain types of bone marrow cells.

Such a pathology leads to a violation of the bone structure, there are areas of osteoporosis, which leads to fractures of the bones.

Lymphomas initially appear in the lymph nodes and can pass to bone tissue.

First signs

The severity of the symptoms of bone cancer depends on the stage of the malignant process. Most often with cancer of bones and joints people pay attention to such signs:

  • Pain, it is localized at the site of growth of cancer cells and can irradiate into closely located tissues and organs. At first, soreness is insignificant, it can periodically appear and pass. Then the pain becomes almost constant. For cancerous damage to the bones, there is a characteristic nighttime increasing pain, and this is due to the relaxation of the muscles at this time. Also, soreness increases when making movements. As the cancer progresses, the pain can not be eliminated with the help of analgesics.
  • Deformation of the part of the body where the tumor is located.That is, you can pay attention to the appearance of build-up under the skin, often hot to the touch, which indicates an inflammatory process.
  • Difficulties in making normal movements.When the growing tumor is located near the joint or directly in it, there are violations of the function of this area. That is, a person experiences certain uncomfortable sensations when walking, flexing or flexing hands, turning the trunk.
  • Common symptoms of cancer intoxication.These include weakness, irritability, fever, lack of appetite, weight loss.

As bone tissue deteriorates, its thinning occurs and this affects the appearance of fractures, which are often caused by minor mechanical effects. The symptomatology of bone pathology also depends on where the neoplasm is located.

Cancer pathology of bones most often affects the lower extremities. Initially, the disease manifests itself with pain, and they do not have a clear localization, that is, at the initial stages of the process the patient can not accurately show the main point of pain.

As the cancer cells grow larger, soreness becomes clearer and does not pass. You can also pay attention to the fact that it became difficult to perform physical exercises or a certain load.

In cancer of the lower extremities, the disease affects the walking process. There are violations of the knee or ankle joint function, a person begins to limp, later it becomes impossible to walk because of pain.

Visually, one can see a tumor on the leg, often around it puffiness is localized, and the skin over the formation is inflamed, hyperemic. Common symptoms of intoxication join.


Bone cancer of the pelvic region is also manifested by pain, localized in the pelvic region and can be defined in the buttocks. Soreness often moves to the area of ​​the spine and groin. Pain in pelvic bones is increased during physical activity.

Over time, the skin over the site of the localization of the tumor becomes thinner, there is a difficulty in those movements that are carried out with the help of bone structures of the pelvic region.


Bone carcinoma of the hand is diagnosed less often than in the lower limbs.

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Often, the cancerous formations of the bones of the hands are initially manifested by a slight soreness, which the person associates with physical overstrain in the performance of any work.

Sometimes a cancer is diagnosed when an X-ray is being screened for a bruise or fracture.

But basically the cancer of the bones of the hand is also manifested by pains that increase at night and when the bone is stressed. The growth of the tumor leads to a limitation of mobility in the elbow, wrist and shoulder joint.

At the last stages, common signs of the disease, manifested by the symptoms of cancer intoxication, anemia, are added. Fractures occur even with a slight fall with the support at the same time on the arm.

Stages of the disease

The detection of the stage of bone oncology is necessary to determine the tactics of treatment.

  • Onthe firststage cancers are found only within the bone. This stage is also subdivided into two - the IA stage is set when the tumor in size does not exceed 8 cm. Stage IB - an outgrowth more than 8 cm and it extends to most of the affected bone
  • Onsecondstage tumor is still only in the bone, but a histological examination reveals the tendency of the cells to malignancy.
  • Onthirdstage, the neoplasm begins to capture several parts of the bone. Cancer cells are found in regional lymph nodes.
  • Onfourthstage swelling captures not only the bone, but also adjacent tissues. Metastases are detected in many internal organs, and most often it is the lungs, mammary glands, stomach, liver, testicles and ovaries, fallopian tubes.


If you suspect a bone oncology, the doctor appoints:

  • Radiography of bones at the site of pain and tumor localization.
  • Scanning. By scanning means the introduction of a vein of a substance that will pass into the bone tissue. Then, with the help of a special scanner, the passage of contrast material to the bone is monitored, and even the smallest tumors can be detected with this method.
  • MRI, CT.
  • Biopsies.

The diagnosis is made only after full confirmation of the cancer origin of the tumor.

Methods of treatment

The treatment of patients with diagnosed cancer of any of the bones of the skeleton is selected in each case individually. The place of localization of the neoplasm, its stage, the age of the person and the presence of other diseases are taken into account.

The main method of treatment is surgical intervention.

Currently, amputation of limbs is rarely resorted to if the cancer affects the bones of the hands or feet.

Usually remove the build-up and part of the bone, and later this place is reconstructed with the help of prostheses made of plastic, metal and other materials.

Surgical intervention can be combined with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

These methods are prescribed both before and after surgery to destroy the remaining cancer cells.

In the last, not operated stages, only chemotherapy can be used, the purpose of which in these cases is to prolong the life of the patient.

The prognosis of recovery for patients with bone cancer depends on many factors, this is the location of the formation, its stage, the presence of metastases.

The most favorable in this case is cancer of the first stage -removal of the tumor and the use of radiotherapy and chemotherapy made it possible to achieve almost 80% of the patients' survival.

But we should always remember that a cancer is characterized by a relapse, so a person treated for this ailment always needs periodic examinations.

A source:

Bone cancer: symptoms and signs, diagnosis and treatment, prognosis

Malignant damage to the bone system or bone cancer belongs to rare pathologies - just one percent of the total mass of cancer patients.

Tumor of the bone is the generalized name of the benign and malignant formations. Similarly, most of the newly formed neoplasms formed in other organs can penetrate directly into the bone system of the patient, then the doctors speak of a secondary tumor metastasized into the bone.

This type of pathology can occur at any age, but most often this disease is young people under thirty, teenagers and children.

Causes are studied by specialists

Bone cancer is actively studied by specialists, but there is no definitive theory of the development of pathology. Scientists distinguish only a few factors that can cause bone oncology. They are found in the majority of patients who are registered with cancer centers.

  1. Trauma - cancers can appear on the site of damage, which occurred more than ten years ago;
  2. Ionizing irradiation of the human body in large doses;
  3. Genital Disease - Bone cancer most often occurs in people with Rothmund-Thompson, Lee-Fraumeni and retinoblastomas;
  4. Deforming osteodystrophy - with this abnormality there is a disruption in the restoration of bone tissue, which leads to various pathologies;
  5. Bone marrow transplantation.

Secondary cancer of bones and joints arises in connection with the penetration of metastases from malignant formations of the lungs, the prostate, mammary glands, in rare cases from other organs.


Oncology of bones begins to manifest pain syndromes and often the pain is localized not where education has appeared. Bone pain in oncology of this pathology can migrate or mirror in different parts of the body.

They are not strong and quickly pass. Therefore, many patients do not attach importance to the discomfort that has appeared. But the more the disease progresses, the more pain becomes.

Such signs of bone cancer begin to appear at the initial stage of the disease.

As a rule, the objective symptomatology of bone cancer is detected after three months from the first pain sensations.

After a certain time, the patient has the following symptoms of bone cancer:

  • The contours of the body, at the site of tumor formation, begin to deform, swell;
  • There is a slight swelling of the soft tissues;
  • In the affected area, the skin temperature rises;
  • The veins expand;
  • Loss of body weight;
  • The patient quickly becomes tired;
  • The skin becomes pale.

In later stages of cancer, the swelling tumor will bulge through the skin. When the form is launched, the oncology of the bone is manifested by muscular atrophy, loss of mobility of nearby joints. Malignant lesions become brittle, begin to break.

Cancer of the foot bone affects the process of movement - there is a disruption in the work of the knee and ankle joint, the patient begins to limp. The appearance of severe pain can completely affect movement.

Cancer of the pelvic bones is also manifested by pain syndrome. Localized pain in the pelvic region, buttocks. Can migrate to the spine and groin area. With physical activity, it increases.

In later stages, the skin over the tumor is thinned, any movements of the bones of this region become difficult.

Oncology of the bones of the hands is less common than all other pathologies of this type of cancer. Sometimes this type of illness is diagnosed when an X-ray is taken.

The disease manifests first minor pain, with physical exertion, then pain syndrome occurs at night. An increase in the tumor leads to a restriction of the mobility of the joints of the hands. At a late stage, general symptoms of pathology join.

Bone cancer has several types, which are determined by the location of the lesion. They all have their manifestations.


What is bone cancer? As already mentioned above, the tumor of the bone can be both benign and malignant. The main focus of this article is aggressive tumors of the human bone system. We will consider them in more detail.

Malignant neoplasms:

With this type of pathology, the tumor belongs to the malignant. It affects the skeleton of a person. It is mainly located on long tubular bones of the lower extremities, collarbone, spine, ribs, scapula and pelvic bones.

Sarcoma ranks second in the frequency of diagnosis in children under the age of five, as it also occurs in adults over 30 years of age. The peak of the disease falls on the age of 10 to 15 years.

The main cause of the disease is unknown, but 40% is associated with injuries. In exceptional cases, Ewing's sarcoma can develop as an extra-bone pathology of damage to the soft tissues of a person.

The disease at the beginning of its development can be localized and already with metastases.

The localized stage of the disease determines for it the probability of spreading from the main location to other soft tissues that are in relative proximity to it. In such cases, metastasis is not observed.

In the case of metastatic stage, the neoplasm penetrates into other parts of the body - bones, lungs, liver, CNS, bone marrow.

This type of bone cancer is a tumor whose atypical cells originate from bone tissue and they also produce this tissue.

Osteogenic sarcoma can be osteolytic, sclerotic or mixed. It is possible to detect this with X-ray. This type of pathology, as already seen, appears directly due to bone elements. It is characterized by rapid progression with metastases to the bone.

Osteogenic sarcoma can appear at any age, but in 65% of cases, the peak of the anomaly occurs in 10-30 years.

It should be noted that the disease mainly develops towards the end of puberty. Also, sex is relevant for this type of cancer - women are twice as sick as men.

The main place of appearance of the tumor is long tubular bones, and once in five it is short or flat bones.

Six times more often the lesion occurs in the bones of the lower extremities than the upper ones, and in 80% of cases the tumor is localized in the knee joints. Hip, shoulder, ulna, humerus and bones of small and large tibia are also affected.

The sarcoma of this species is never formed from patella. Defeat of the skull is characteristic of small children and elderly people. But for a man of age - this is a complication after osteodystrophy.

In rare cases, the probable cause of sarcoma is associated with accelerated growth of bones.

This type of disease refers to a variety of osteosarcoma and is considered a rare pathology. The peculiarity of the disease lies in the fact that it has a longer course and is less malignant.

A tumor forms directly on the surface of the bone. The usual place of localization is the knee joint zone - up to 70%. Rare sarcoma affects the bones of the skull, spine, pelvis, foot, hand and shoulder blades.

Neoplasm is similar in its consistence to bone and is in a kind of capsule, from which it can germinate into nearby muscles.

The most common malignant formation is chondrosarcoma, which consists of cartilaginous tissue. The tumor is located most often in flat bones, but in rare cases it can be found in tubular.

In medicine, there are two basic options, in which some deviations are possible.

  1. Favorable - slow growth of the neoplasm and metastases appear later;
  2. Unfavorable - the growth of abnormal cells is rapid, early metastasis.

The disease is diagnosed in 60% of cases in patients between the ages of forty and sixty years. But this does not exclude the possibility of manifestation of pathology in patients of another age group. Basically, the formations are located on the bones of the pelvis, shoulder girdle, shoulders and ribs.

Chondrosarcoma has several malignant stages:

  • Stage 1 malignancy is accompanied by the presence in the tumor of the chondroid material, which contains the chondrocyte, and in it, in turn, there are small dense nuclei. Multi-nuclear cells are not yet in large numbers, but there are no mitotic figures in them.
  • Stage 2, this amount of myxoid intercellular substances is greater than at 1 degree of disease. The cells accumulate along the peripheral lobules. The nuclei are enlarged, the mitosis figures are present in single quantities, there are sites of destruction or necrosis.
  • Stage 3 is distinguished by the presence of a mixedoid in the intercellular substance. Cells in this composition are arranged in groups or in the form of a strand. Have irregular or stellate shape. With this degree of oncology, cells with an enlarged nucleus and multinucleate become significantly larger. Areas of necrosis are extensive, there are figures of mitosis.
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This type of anomaly is both malignant and benign. The latter option, however, is considered controversial.

Due to the fact that the growth of the tumor is slowed down, and the metastases rarely go beyond their limits.

For this reason, this tumor is sometimes considered benign, but because of its specific location, irreversible complications are possible.

The neoplasm itself, even after full recovery of the patient, can recur. It is in connection with this chordoma is considered to be a malignant disease. Pathology is rare, but appears from the remains of the embryonic chord.

In patients from 40 to 60 years, mostly men, the tumor is localized in the sacrum, in young people it is located in the bones of the skull.

Chordomas are divided into types - undifferentiated chordoma, chordoma is common and chondroid. The latter is characterized by the least aggression, while the former is on the contrary more aggressive and prone to metastasis.

In rare cases, it becomes difficult to determine the specific type of tumor and then it is indicated that chondrosarcoma was formed.

Diagnosis of bone cancer

Bone cancer refers to such a disease, which is diagnosed accidentally without visible symptoms. This can happen at the time when the X-ray of the injury is performed.

In the future, the doctor will appoint an advanced diagnosis of bone cancer, which includes the following activities:

  1. First of all, this is a complete history, which can help in the survey. There are families in which oncology is common among many relatives. A detailed description of the symptoms will help a specialist to determine the possible manifestation of cancer from indirect causes. After a conversation with the patient, a set of studies will be assigned.
  2. Blood test. With its help, you can determine the level of alkaline enzymatic phosphatase - if it is high, then there is reason to believe that there is a tumor. But it can be actual and in the period of growth of a healthy child.
  3. Fluoroscopy. With only the tumor formed, an X-ray can not show this. In the case where the formation is clearly visible in the picture, the oncologist can determine the precise appearance of this pathology and its malignancy or good quality.

In the first case, because of the rapid growth of the tumor, its edges are lacerated, which is impossible with the second type.

  • CT scan. This method helps to determine the cross section of the bones of the skeleton, which helps to study the bones in more detail and to reveal the tumor.
  • Scintigraphy refers to the newest methods of research. Using this survey, you can determine the area of ​​intensive bone growth and recovery. Often, using this method, you can examine the whole body, in order to detect changes in the bone system.
  • Histology is the study of material obtained by biopsy. With its help, you can identify a giant cell tumor, chondroblastoma or hyperparathyroidism.

After a complete examination of the patient and confirmation of the disease, he is diagnosed with a bone cancer of the skeleton.

Also, a doctor, and this may be an oncologist or an orthopedist, will prescribe a blood test for PSA or prostate-specific free antigen. What is the analysis for this antigen?

There are a number of oncological diseases that metastatize into bone tissue. One such type is prostate cancer.

In cases where the prostate is enlarged and the person experiences pain, discomfort, then a number of studies are assigned, which will include PSA.

In medical practice, PSA is used to diagnose oncology at an early stage.

Under normal conditions, the amount of PSA in the blood remains minimal, but if the gland is damaged, the level is significantly increased.


Before choosing a method to treat cancer, the expert will take into account several factors - the type of tumor, the size, the location of the localization and the degree of aggression. Also, the attending physician takes into account the age of the patient.

Bone oncology therapy is performed with the help of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical intervention. It should be noted that all methods give a positive result both individually and in a complex.

Surgery involves amputation of part of the bone, this is necessary in order to remove completely the cancerous focus. Together with the affected bone removed nerves and tissues. Part of the cut bone is artificially restored.

Chemo - and radiation therapy is aimed at the destruction of cancer cells.


The prognosis of survival for each patient is individual. When predicting the stage of pathology, the age of the patient and the timeliness of treatment are taken into account.

A source:

Bone cancer - the first manifestations of oncology, symptoms, diagnosis, stages and treatment

Bone oncology is not the most common cancer, but due to low symptoms it is one of the most dangerous diseases. Often, it is diagnosed at a late stage, which greatly complicates the treatment.

Bone cancer is manifested in the appearance of neoplasms on bone tissues, cartilage and soft tissues (tendons, muscles, fatty layer, ligaments), often benign or degenerated into malignant, metastatic tumor.

What is bone cancer?

The human skeleton often becomes a refuge of malignant neoplasms. Cancer can affect bone tissue, cartilage, muscles, joints, ligaments, cellulose.

Existprimarytype of bone oncology, for example, rib crab, but more common ismetastatica type of cancer, when a malignant tumor in the bone tissue is a consequence of the oncology of other parts of the body, for example, the breast, esophagus and the like.

The disease has no clear signs of leakage, which makes it difficult to recognize. Pain in the bones of oncology may be similar to arthritis or gout.

Often, patients turn to the doctor alreadyin the late stagedisease, which makes cure difficult.

The main symptoms of bone oncology:

  • Painful sensations that intensify after exercise or at night;
  • swelling of the affected area;
  • weakening of the bone structure, which leads to frequent fractures;
  • poor health, fatigue, anorexia, fever.

Oncology with localization in the bones of the hands is observed not so often, especially in the primary form. Basically, this is a metastasis for breast, prostate and lung cancer.

In this situation, new bone formation is detected on CT and MRI.

Primary tumors on the bones of the handsrarely, but there are,while paying attention to the following symptoms:

  1. edema, densification and discoloration in the affected area;
  2. pain in the joints of the hands;
  3. general deterioration of the body - weight loss, temperature, fatigue;
  4. increased sweating, especially in sleep.


Malignant tumor on the foot bone is infrequent (approximately 1% of the total number of cancers).

There are primary lesions of bone, cartilaginous and soft tissues of the legs and secondary, that ismetastaseswith certain types of neoplasms (dairy and prostate gland, lung cancer). How does cancer of the legs bones:

  • pain in joints and local legs;
  • the color of the skin over the tumor varies - it seems to thin;
  • decreased immunity, fatigue, severe weight loss;
  • the lameness may appear, the swelling interferes with movement.


Ewing's sarcoma, or osteogenic sarcoma, is located in the pelvic region, the junction of the pelvic and femur.

Symptomatics in this casehighlysmeared, so often cancer is diagnosed in the final stages.

Clinical signs of the disease are:

  1. Triangle Codman - a special shadow, which doctors see on the X-ray image;
  2. pathology of the skin - it is thinner, color changes and tuberosity appears;
  3. alternation of osteolytic (foci of destruction of bone tissue) and osteosclerotic zones (seals);
  4. problems in the work of the pelvic organs, nearby vessels and nerve endings.

Causes of Oncology

The exact causes of the development of bone cancer are not yet clear, but physicians identify several risk factors:

  1. heredity - Rothmund-Thomson disease, Lee-Fraumeni syndrome, presence of the RB1 gene, which causes retinoblastoma;
  2. Paget's disease, which affects the structure of bone tissue;
  3. Precancerous neoplasms (chondroma, chondroblastoma, osteochondroma, cartilage and bone ecostosis and others;
  4. exposure to the body of radiation rays, prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation;
  5. injuries, fractures, bruises.

Species of bone cancer

There are several types of disease, some of them may be primary, but mostly it issecondary disease:

  • osteosarcoma - a common form, is more common in young adults and adults up to 30 years;
  • chondrosarcoma - malignant formation in the cartilaginous tissue;
  • Ewing's sarcoma - extends to the bone and in soft tissues;
  • fibrotic histiocytoma - affects soft tissues, limb bones;
  • fibrosarcoma - a rare disease, affects the bones of the limbs, jaws, soft tissues;
  • a giant cell tumor develops on the bones of the legs and hands, is well treatable.

Stages of

Existfour stagesthe course of oncology of bone tissue, physicians allocate additional sub-stages:

  • the first stage - the neoplasm is localized on the bone site, a low degree of malignancy;
  • 1A - the tumor grows, it presses on the bone walls, edema develops and painful sensations appear;
  • 1B - Cancer cells affect the entire bone, but remain in the bone;
  • the second stage - cancer cells begin to spread into soft tissues;
  • the third stage is the growth of a tumor;
  • The fourth (thermal) stage is the process of metastasizing into the lungs and the lymphatic system.

Diagnosis - clinical analysis

Signs of bone cancer are similar to the symptoms of many diseases, the most accurate diagnosis is clinical tests and functional diagnostics:

  1. a blood test for oncomarkers - it will reveal an increase in the body of thyroid-stimulating hormones, alkaline phosphatase, calcium and sialic acids and a decrease in protein concentration in the plasma;
  2. X-ray - visual analysis of the image can reveal affected areas;
  3. CT (computed tomography) - determines the stage of the disease and the presence of metastasis, to increase the diagnosis, a contrast agent is used.

To clarify the diagnosis can be usedMRI(Magnetic resonance imaging)with the use of contrast, which shows the presence or absence of accumulation of cancer cells in the affected area. PET (positron emission tomography) determines the nature of the neoplasm. For today it is the most modern way of functional diagnostics.

Biopsy gives a 100% accurate diagnosis of the nature of the tumor, whether primary, secondary and its variety. Three kinds of biopsy are used for bone lesions:

  • Fine needle aspiration - a syringe takes the fluid in the area of ​​the tumor. In complex cases, the process is combined with CT.
  • Thick-needle - more effective in primary neoplasms.
  • Surgical - is performed by the method of cutting and sampling, can be combined with the removal of the tumor, therefore it is carried out under general anesthesia.

Treatment bythe latest developments of scientists

The treatment system includes both traditional methods andrecent developments of scientists:

  1. NIERT - the technique is used for metastasis to reduce pain and slow the growth of cancer cells.
  2. "Rapid Arc" is a kind of radiotherapy, when the tumor is intensively affected by a directed beam, treating it under an angle.
  3. Cyber-knife - a high-precision device that removes the tumor with minimal impact on the body.
  4. Brachytherapy - Implant is placed inside the tumor with a radiation source, which gradually kills cancer cells.
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Standard chemotherapy involves the introduction into the body of certain medications that destroy malignant formations. Success is more noticeable in treatment at the initial stages of the disease.

In addition, the metastatic process is prevented, the base for the development of new cells is destroyed.

Chemotherapy is carried out under strict medical supervision,drugs completely kill immunity and have many negative side effects on the body (hair loss, nausea, the appearance of ulcers in the mouth, the growth slowdown in the child).

Operative intervention

A variety of operations to remove malignant neoplasms is the most common measure in the treatment of bone oncology. Often, the intervention is administered concurrently with the biopsy.

When removing a tumor, it is important not to leave cancer cells in the body, so a wide excision, when adjacent healthy tissues are also removed and their edges analyzed for the presence of cancer cells.

This type of surgery is used for hip and limb cancer if the lesion is not large.

There are cases when a wide excision can not guarantee the desired result. Extensive lesions of limbs and jaw bones require amputation.

In the case of the bones of the jawThe transplantation of tissues or the use of bone graft.

When a bone of the skull and spine is swollen, scraping operations are performed from the bone of the affected areas, while the bone is preserved.

Radiation therapy

Treatment with ionizing radiation, otherwise - radiation therapy - is the effect on cancer cells by radiation in doses safe for humans.

However, the disease is resistant to radiation therapy and requires high doses of radiation, which negatively affects the body, especially the brain.

It is often used in Ewing's sarcoma, radiotherapy is used as an adjunct to chemotherapy and for preventive purposes in the postoperative period. Effective use of modernray technologies:remote therapy, exposure to cancer cells by protons.

How many live with bone cancer

The survival prognosis depends on many factors - the stage at which the patient turned to the doctor, the type of cancer, the method of treatment and the age of the patient.

With rapid access to the oncology dispensary, patients' survivalreaches 70 percent.This means the probability of surviving the first 5 years after the discovery and treatment of the disease.

Unfortunately, at reversal at the advanced stages and at a secondary metastasis the chances of successful cure are very small.

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Bone cancer symptoms and manifestation, signs and treatment of oncology

The development of a malignant tumor in the bone system is called bone cancer, most commonly found in young men - smokers under 35 years old and in children and adolescents.

What is cancer - a secondary tumor against malignancy oncology processes in any of the muscles of the human skeleton and giving metastases to nearby organs.

This is one of the most dangerous types of cancer with a propensity for rapid growth and progression already at the initial stages. Although the symptoms may be practically absent.

According to statistics, a rare form of pathology, conception occurs in only 1% of people. In general, bone cancer is secondary in the spread of cancer cells into the skeleton lymphogenous or hematogenous.

Why does bone cancer develop?

Scientists do not fully understand the pathogenesis of primary tumor localization in cartilage and bone cells.The development of a secondary reactor is possible because of:

  • hereditary factor caused by the mutation of the RB1 gene;
  • bone marrow transplantation;
  • mechanical damage to the bone of the skeleton;
  • influence of electromagnetic fields, high-dose ion irradiation;
  • Paget's disease, caused by the development of pathology in bone tissue.

Genetics do not name the exact causes of tumor localization in bones.

However, the initiation of a malignant process is facilitated by a modification in DNA structures, mutations, a congenital factor.

Acquired in bone cancer - the symptoms and manifestation are due to the way of life, the effect of provoking the above factors. The most predisposed are people with cancer:

  1. congenital genetic abnormalities;
  2. Holmes syndrome, leading to the defeat of bones;
  3. traumas, fractures, leading to the development of a secondary cancerous tumor already at a young age.

Bone cancer quickly gives metastases to different parts of the skeleton, leads to the development of lipoma, hemangioma, fibrosarcoma (benign or malignant) tumor.

Bone cancer by type

By species are distinguished:

  • chordoma with the development of particles of embryonic tissues with localization on the sacrum, bones of the skull. The form occurs in young people under 30 years. It is a benign neoplasm of bones and joints that can not recur and give complications;
  • chondrosarcoma, growing out of cartilaginous tissue in the tibia, tubular or bone structures of the bones, causing swelling. The process has a favorable current. Initially, the tumor grows rather slowly. But if inactive, then in the future begins to grow steadily, give multiple metastases. More common in people 40-60 years. The appearance of this type of cancer in the bone system manifests itself suddenly and practically anywhere;
  • fibrosarcoma with tumor localization in the depths of soft tissues, on muscles, tendons, connective tissue membrane. It is characterized by rapid progression, spreading to bone tissue. The most susceptible women with fibrosarcoma with localization of the neoplasm on the feet, feet;
  • fibrotic histiocyte as a type of cancers of leg bone, retroperitoneal space, trunk, tubular bones, knee joint. Provoke a disease can fracture the bone, crack. Differs aggressive flow with metastasis and lung lesions
  • osteogenic sarcoma with tumor localization in the bone elements of the lower extremities, pleae, pelvic bones, knee joints, nails. Occurrence is possible at any age, more often in children 10-12 years old, adolescents during the growth of the skeleton.
  • giant-celled osteoblastoma, hitting a limb, growing into adjacent tissues. Usually the tumor has a benign, current, does not give metastasis, is well removed surgically. But it is possible to re-grow at the same place in the future.
  • myeloma, characterized by rapid and uncontrolled division of cells in the bone marrow, resulting in pathological changes in bone structures, the development of osteoporosis, rapid fractures of bones
  • lymphoma with tumor localization in the lymph nodes with a rapid lesion of bone tissue.

Bone cancer in stages

Like any other cancerous process of oncology, the bone has 4 stages:

Stage 1 is characterized by the presence of a neoplasm without going beyond the limits of the bone by the achievement of a tumor in the size of not more than 8 cm.

2 stages with the localization of the tumor in the bone, but with cells prone to malignancy.

Stage 3 with the spread of neoplasm to nearby areas, with the penetration of cancer cells into regional lymph nodes.

4 stage with metastasis in any internal organs, defeat of the fallopian tubes, mammary glands, lungs, kidneys, liver, testes, ovaries.

How to recognize pathology

Symptoms of bone cancer directly depend on the stage, type, degree of malignant process. First of all, a person begins to complain about:

  1. pain in the bones at night with irradiation in the lower back, muscles, joints
  2. stiffness of movements that can not be eliminated even by analgesics
  3. the appearance of deformation in parts of the location of the tumor
  4. reddening, hot condition of the build-up under the skin, which indicates the development of the inflammatory process;
  5. a violation of the functionality of the joint;
  6. discomfort during walking;
  7. difficulties with extension, bending of hands, bends of the trunk;
  8. toxicosis;
  9. weakness, irritability;
  10. high temperature, fever;
  11. decreased appetite, rapid weight loss;
  12. fragility of bones, instability before bruises and injuries.

Cancer of the ilium leads to shortness of breath, difficulties in performing normal work, other loads.

Cancer of the foot bone leads to lameness, impossibility of flexion of limbs, severe pain in the site of inflammation and tumor localization.

With cancer of the upper limbs, there is soreness in the hands, overexertion from insignificant performance of any work.


  • fractures, bruises
  • pain in the hands, begin to show up at night in the case of pressure, also depending from the lesion in the region, pelvis, buttocks, spine with strengthening at physical exertion, walking;
  • limitation of mobility of the radial, elbow, shoulder or wrist joint;
  • instability to fractures even with a slight fall
  • joint stiffness swelling of extremities swelling of extremities;
  • soreness in the abdomen;
  • the approaches to nausea and vomiting when calcium salts enter the bloodstream;
  • temperature increase;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • swollen joints and swelling of soft tissues;
  • immobility of the diseased area during palpation;
  • pallor, thinning of the skin, the appearance of a marble vascular pattern to achieve a tumor of impressive size;
  • weakness, fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness
  • violation of breathing.

It begins to harden severely in the joints, bones, complicated and irreversible processes are started. Over time, lameness, breathing disorder, restriction of joint mobility up to paralysis and disability.

Certainly, when unpleasant symptoms appear in the bone skeleton, it is necessary to see the doctor as soon as possible to undergo an x-ray, a complete examination for cancer, a possible development of bone oncology. Based on the results of scanning and received by the doctor to diagnose - bone cancer, and the diagnosis and treatment tactics are developed in the future by a doctor.

How to treat

Treatment directly depends on the type, place of tumor concentration, the patient's age, the presence of other chronic diseases, symptoms and pains with irradiation to nearby sites, the shoulder, arm, leg.

In severe cases, when the cancer of the bones symptoms and strong manifestation is present, one can not do without carrying out an operation on amputation of the affected hand or foot, followed by the appointment of a course of chemotherapy to completely destroy the survivors cancer cells.

Proton therapy proved to be very good by destroying malignant cells with charged particles of carbon ions and hydrogen protons. The method is more accurate and effective compared to other methods.

The main goal of the surgeon is to achieve the maximum destruction of cancer cells and to prevent the retention of metastases, which can lead to the onset of tumor development again.

When the tumor is localized in the pelvic region, excision is performed with further restoration of bone tissue and the use of bone graft.

The method of treatment depends on the degree of tumor, the condition of the lymph nodes.Targeted therapy is indicated to patients in 4 stages of cancer with the goal of destroying cells, if the original tumor excision surgery did not lead to favorable results.

Chemotherapy is prescribed in the diagnosis of sarcoma, chondrosarcoma by the administration of drugs: Methotrexate, Etoposide, Carboplatinum, Doxorubicin.

5-year-old line with chondrosarcoma1-2 stage - 80%, and it is possible to achieve a stable remission.

At 3-4 stage forecasts are already worse. Survival during 5 years - in 30 - 40% of cases.

Patients who have experienced a tumor in the bone need the help of relatives and friends. Oncology of bones as a diagnosis leads many patients to fear, nervousness about the possible return of cancer even after passing a full-fledged treatment course.

Cancer can remain in the bones for a long time, without letting itself know. When there are pains that are not amenable to analgesics, it is no longer worthwhile to delay with a visit to the doctor.It is always easier to get rid of cancer only at the initial stages of development of oncoprocess.

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