A dry paroxysmal cough in a child without fever

Dry cough in the baby

Dry cough in a child is a frequent problem with momsFor most parents, any disease in a child becomes a real test, therefore, in order not to be afraid without reasons and be confident in their actions, it is necessary to know the causes and methods of treatment of the most common pathologies.

Dry coughing in a child is one of the most common problems that parents can not cope with. It can occur for no apparent reason, when there is no rise in body temperature and other symptoms of colds.

Cough occurs in response to irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it helps to clear the airways of accumulated mucus, pathogenic microorganisms or pus. But a dry cough is not accompanied by separation of phlegm and does not benefit the body. A strong paroxysmal cough causes pain and exhaustion of the patient, prevents him from sleeping normally, and causes respiratory failure.

Treatment depends on the cause of the pathology, for a favorable outcome of the disease, it is necessary to conduct a correct diagnosis and timely initiation of therapy, in most cases it is sufficient to use local treatment and syrup from cough.

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The main causes of cough in children

1. The most common causes are colds caused by ingestion of a viral infection. At the onset of the disease, the child's body temperature rises, throat swelling, profuse nasal discharge and general malaise appear. Then, sore throat and dry cough. After 2-3 days the patient's condition stabilizes, the cough becomes wet and quickly stops.

Since the disease is caused by a viral infection, the treatment basically involves nursing and local ways of treating the throat. Sometimes a viral infection is complicated by the development of bronchitis, in this case, cough - strong, barking, paroxysmal and continues for 10-14 days, for treatment, as directed by a doctor, you need to start taking cough syrup or other expectorant facilities.

2. Influenza viruses and parainfluenza also often provoke attacks of dry cough in children. Unlike other viral infections, the condition of a sick child is much heavier with influenza, and cough may be paroxysmal, barking and frequent, characterized by an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees.

3. Dry cough can be a sign of an infectious disease like whooping cough. This bacterial infection is transmitted by airborne droplets and can cause a serious malfunction in the operation of the respiratory system. A characteristic symptom is a strong, paroxysmal, barking cough that causes an overstrain in the patient's body. He intensifies at night, the child can not clear his throat, his face turns red, all muscles stiffen, his eyes water, and his voice becomes hoarse and hoarse.

Treatment of pertussis should be carried out in a hospital, a child with suspected infection should be as soon as possible hospitalization, since the most effective means is the use of a special serum that allows you to quickly cope with the disease.

4. Allergy - if the child has a persistent paroxysmal cough, or a dry barking cough, especially on mornings, without increase in body temperature and other signs of catarrhal diseases, it is necessary to conduct allergens. Such a cough may increase or disappear for no apparent reason, but if it is not diagnosed in time and not treated, a child may develop allergic bronchitis (an allergic cough) or even a bronchial asthma.

5. Cough caused by contaminated air - in young children, coughing attacks can be triggered by the presence in the air various stimuli - cigarette smoke, odor paintwork, perfume or just because of too dry air. Such a cough can occur in the morning in a child whose room is heated at night and there are no moisturizers.

6. Gastroesophageal reflux - sometimes a cough occurs due to a disruption in the digestive system. In this case, acidic gastric juice and food, which has got into the stomach, rises back along the esophagus and burns the throat, irritating the mucous membrane and causing coughing attacks. Other indications of malaise in this case are not noted

7. Dry cough without fever - a cough without a rise in body temperature may occur due to ingression into the respiratory tract any foreign object - a piece of food, toy parts, a lump of dust or any other thing that the baby decided to taste. It occurs suddenly, without fever or other signs of infection and may be accompanied by symptoms of suffocation.

It is necessary as soon as possible to provide first aid to the child, for this - put the baby on the knee, so that the head was below the body, open his mouth and try to clean the mouth and throat, while producing sliding, as if "pushing" blows between the shoulder blades from top to bottom. Even if after that the baby seems completely healthy, you need to show it to a specialist to make sure that small pieces do not get into the bronchi and that the airways are not damaged.

8. Physiological cough - in children up to one year, the occurrence of a physiological cough in the morning is possible. Thus, his airways are cleared of accumulated mucus, and if there are no other symptoms disease, body temperature remains normal, the child is active and not cranky, then worry is not necessary.

Basics of treatment of dry cough

Basic principles of treatment of dry cough in a childTreatment of dry cough in children depends on the cause of the disease, but you can treat at home only viral infections and Bronchitis, after consultation with a pediatrician, in all other cases, treatment should be prescribed specialist.

We also recommend watching the video below the post, which describes the simple five ways to combat coughing at home.

  1. Local treatment - to reduce irritation of the mucous membrane, the patient is given a warm alkaline drink: milk with honey, tea, mineral water and so on. In addition, it is necessary to rinse the throat with solutions of antiseptics or decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is useful dry heat in the form of a compress on the throat and the use of rubbing - special ointments - Travisil, Dr. Mom or melted fat.
  2. Inhalations - facilitate breathing and dilute sputum, this method of treatment is considered one of the most effective. They can be carried out only at normal body temperature, until sputum separation begins. In severe cases, inhalations are carried out regularly, 8-10 times a day, including at night, with broths of herbs or special medicines. For children up to one year, warm water is used and inhalation is carried out within 3-5 minutes, for older children the inhalation time can be increased to 10-15 minutes.
  3. Expectorants - if, despite the treatment, a few days after the onset of the disease, sputum is not started, it is necessary to start taking cough syrup. For the treatment of children use a syrup based on licorice root, althea and essential oils. The synthetic preparations are very popular: syrup Ambobene, ATSTS, syrup Bromheksin and mukoregulyatory: Bronkatar, Mukodin and others. As a supplementary therapy appointed a variety of lozenges and tablets for absorption: Travesil, Strepsils, Angisept, Dr. Mom and others.
  4. Antibiotics - if a child has a bacterial infection, a purulent process or "high" body temperature, then it is necessary to start antibiotic therapy. Drugs should be used only for the intended purpose and under the supervision of the pediatrician, for the treatment of children, antibiotics of the penicillin series - ampicillin, amoxicillin, cephalosporins - cefazolinum, ceftriaxone or macrolides - sumamed.
  5. Antitussive drugs - are prescribed in severe cases, when the child has a strong paroxysmal cough, which is not amenable to therapy by conventional methods. Children appoint Tusuprex, Glavent or Sinekod.

An excellent adjuvant treatment is massage and physiotherapy.


The baby has a cough without temperature, what should I do? How to treat?

u rebenka kewel bez temperaturuOften children develop a cough without fever. He can appear for various reasons, most often colds, then with the help of a cough the child gets rid of the microbes that have accumulated in the throat, thoracic region. When influenza, cold cough is accompanied by fever, it says that the body with all the strength is protected from the disease. If a child has a sudden and dry cough, while the body temperature is not increased, it can talk about other serious diseases.

Causes of cough without temperature

If a child has an infectious, catarrhal disease that affects the trachea, bronchi, lungs, there is a cough of the cold, high fever, the child is weakened. When the disease begins to heal, the symptoms go away. The cough can remain for another two weeks, then disappears.

If a child has a sudden paroxysmal cough without a cold, temperatures and it is impossible to heal, you need to carefully examine the child, this is the first symptom of a serious illness.

Most often such a cough can be a symptom of bronchial asthma, it worsens at night, after a hard day. In this situation, it is important to pay attention to how often asthma attacks the child, how many times a day, a month.

Cough without fever in a child can be triggered by an allergic reaction to pollen of different plant species, house dust mites, products nutrition, cosmetics, household chemistry, because of this irritated bronchi, become hypersensitive, so children are disturbed by a strong dry cough. Allergy can be removed with the help of antihistamines, other drugs will be ineffective.

Sometimes, a cough that is not accompanied by fever can talk about an infectious disease - cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, whooping cough, fungi, paracoids also often leads to irritation bronchi. In some children, the state of health may be exacerbated by tuberculosis, but this disease most often occurs with increased body temperature. In order to know exactly about the disease, the child must necessarily pass all the laboratory tests, based on them will be selected effective treatment.

Note that if your child begins to cough badly after a stressful situation, then he has a cough appears due to psychogenic causes, it occurs in the form of seizures, can last a minute, and sometimes whole day.

Dangerous is a cough without fever, which is characteristic of laryngitis, the child suffers suffocation, it is necessary to consult a therapist. In infancy, cough is physiological in nature, with the help of its children cleanse the respiratory tract from dust, food that enters the respiratory tract. Sometimes a cough can appear when the child has his first teeth.

In cases when the cough is prolonged, it is not moistened, thus there is no runny nose, temperature, It is necessary to undergo a full course of examination, so that the disease does not develop into a chronic one with different complications.

Treatment of cough in a child without fever

1. Give the child as much warm water as possible, preferably alkaline. Also, if your child does not have allergies, you can give milk with the addition of soda, it is also good to add honey, butter.

2. If the cough is severe, while the temperature does not rise, you can conduct steam inhalations - recommend breathing nal potatoes, which is cooked, you can use different types of herbs - chamomile, sage, eucalyptus.

3. Compresses are an effective remedy. So the sputum will be formed faster and blood circulation will improve in the chest area, you can use honey, boiled potatoes, vegetable oil. It should be applied to the baby's chest, it should be able to withstand it for at least two hours, it is best that she sleeps, wrap it, it should get warm well.

4. Watch the air in the room, it should be moist, give up various types of irritants - smells of perfume, tobacco, various cosmetic products, household chemicals. Do a wet cleaning, wipe off the dust.

5. Abundant drink for the child. It should be varied, compote, if it's winter, you can use frozen, dried fruits. In a season it is good to prepare compotes with fresh fruits, they contain a large amount of vitamins, which will help the child, quickly recover. Prepare broths for cough, you can use mother-and-stepmother, thyme, nettle, thermopsis, oregano. Pay attention, children of allergic people are not allowed to take various herbs, this will only further aggravate the disease and lead to bronchospasm, Quinck's swelling, anaphylactic shock. Cough can be cured with tea with honey and lemon.

Medication for cough without temperature

Drugs can be prescribed for dry cough, which will help make it productive, moist. Effectively treated with Delsim, Tusupreksa, Libexin. Pay attention, these drugs can not be taken into account, they can lead to serious consequences.

If the child has a wet cough without temperature, you need to reduce the sputum, this is suitable for treatment of ATSTS, Bromheksinom, Ambroxol, Mukaltin. This group of drugs also leads to side effects on the child's body, may be impaired work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, in children often after taking these funds, there is nausea, vomiting.

When a child is often sick, you need to think about strengthening his immune system, so accustom him to the sport, he should move as much as possible, exercise, it is important that the food is balanced and rich in vitamins.

So, cough without fever is most often due to an allergic reaction, bronchial asthma, less laryngitis, so do not run it, it is necessary to immediately treat, until it has developed into a chronic form, before this it is necessary to undergo a full course of examination for confirmation diagnosis.


Cough in a young child without fever

A child's cough without fever is one of the most common problems and causes considerable concern to the parents. Adults, not knowing the main cause of cough, very often use inappropriate and ineffective drugs. But there are quite a few such causes and, accordingly, types of diseases.Therefore, it is not necessary to treat the child with the first tool that comes to hand.This behavior can only aggravate the situation. To begin with, it is better to understand the causes of cough and their manifestations. After all, the definition of symptoms promotes consistent, effective and accurate treatment.

The child's cough problem

Causes of Cough without Temperature

Cough is the body's way of defending itself. It is a method of airway cleansing. By eliminating the throat from phlegm, nasal mucus or food particles, it helps fight various ailments and keeps the airway clean. A child's cough without fever can be caused by an allergy, a harmless cold, an infection of the nasal sinuses, bronchitis, pneumonia and many other diseases. Therefore, it is not always possible to understand when one really needs to worry. However, there is a small rule. Do not give too much importance to the cough that appeared within an hour after the child went to bed, and also coughing the first hour after awakening. Usually it is the result of a mild cold or cold that will pass in a few days and does not require absolutely no treatment.

Serious coughing in the baby is very rare, but if this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate pneumonia, whooping cough or bronchiolitis. And if the baby is choked with food, he occasionally has vomiting, he is unusually bustling and too much flexing his back, it is possible that he has gastroesophageal reflux. Children aged 3 to 6 years are more likely to suffer from coughing, especially in the winter. In most cases this is not dangerous.

Types of cough

Types of coughAs for the cough itself, it is characterized by two main categories:


  • acute (duration less than 2 weeks);
  • lingering (lasting from 2 to 4 weeks);
  • chronic (lasting more than 4 weeks).

Type of cough:

  • fainting;
  • wet;
  • dry;
  • bronchial;
  • "barking".

Major diseases and their treatment

Cold. Symptoms:

  • stuffy nose;
  • sore throat;
  • cough dry.


It takes a lot of drinking and a long rest. With a very strong cough, you can give medicine. But doctors do not recommend using them if the child is less than 6 years old, because they can give fatal side effects. So it is better to stick to folk methods of treatment with natural products, for example, honey. They can treat a one-year-old child and older children.

Abundant drink with coldsCroup. Croup is a viral disease that causes the obstruction of the airways. Usually affects children at the age of about 5 years. Often begins with an ordinary cold or sniff at the beginning of the day. Lasts 5-6 days.


  • restless sleep;
  • labored breathing;
  • cough without fever and "barking
  • A fit of cough often begins on inspiration.


Mostly, you need to calm the child and somehow ease his breathing. The latter can be done in several ways. You can ask the child to take a steam (inhalation). If the yard is a warm fresh evening, then a walk will do him good. In this case, the moist air will help to facilitate breathing.

The croup must pass for 3-4 days. Otherwise, you need to go to the hospital.

Bronchiolitis. Bronchiolitis is an infectious disease. It affects bronchioles (small breathing tubes in the lungs). Most common among children 3-7 years. Symptoms:

  • small discharge from the nose;
  • labored breathing;
  • whistling or wheezing when breathing;
  • loss of appetite;
  • cough, usually dry (can be a little sputum);
  • coughing attacks are sharp;
  • may be present vomiting.


Impairment of appetite in bronchiolitisIf the child's breathing is not very difficult, one can be cured at home. It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids and rest. Air is desirable wet.

If the child has a "terrible" cough and vomiting, and breathing is too difficult, you should immediately call a doctor.

It is also recommended to go to the hospital if there are no improvements after 2-3 days of treatment.

Asthma. Asthma resembles bronchiolitis in its symptoms, but is considered a more serious disease. Begins as an ordinary cold. Symptoms:

  • coryza;
  • itching and watery eyes;
  • labored breathing;
  • whistling when breathing;
  • cough dry.


It is necessary to monitor the frequency of breathing a child. If it becomes too high (50 breaths per minute or more), it means that the child has a respiratory failure. Need to call an ambulance. In any case, if there is wheezing, it is always better to call a doctor than to do home medication. Even without a definitive diagnosis, doctors often use asthma medications to cough and rale. This is done in order to open the airways.

Whooping cough. This is a life-threatening bacterial infection. In whooping cough, the child may have a fever, but in most cases it does not happen. Symptoms:

  • coryza and sneezing;
  • cough wet and paroxysmal;
  • Attacks of suffocation (the child's face turns red, tongue protrudes).
Allergy is the cause of a coughTreatment:

The best treatment is prevention. Therefore, vaccination against pertussis is mandatory. If there is a suspicion of whooping cough, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Allergy. Usually a cough is a residual phenomenon after an allergy and passes by itself, but can also appear during it. Symptoms:

  • sneeze;
  • nasal congestion;
  • itching in the nose;
  • watery eyes;
  • sore throat.


The first step is to find out the source of the allergy and remove it. You can use antiallergic drugs.

Other Causes

  • dry air in the room;
  • the presence of smokers in the family;
  • long-term stress (new regime of the day, moving, etc.);
  • presence of foreign bodies in the airways.

Since the children's body is not developed enough, the approach to identifying and treating cough in children is very different from what is used for diseases in adults.


The assessment of a child's cough should include an assessment of environmental factors. For example, the general ecology of the premises, the presence of tobacco smoke, parental problems, etc.


Dry cough in children: treatment and reasons. Treatment of dry cough in children at home

Childhood is such a pleasant and fun time. But this period of life is constantly overshadowed by various diseases. Perhaps because of the ecology, products or sedentary lifestyle of children, they have to suffer more diseases. Their range is wide: starting a simple ARVI, ending with very severe and chronic diseases of immunity, metabolism, cellular pathologies.

More often parents face seasonal pathological processes, such as ARI or flu, laryngitis or bronchitis. These diseases have an infectious basis, so the children's organism attacks during the period of active spread of infections - in the spring and in the autumn. Symptom to many diseases is cough. What is its danger and how to get rid of it, consider below.

Unpleasant symptom of the disease - cough

dry cough in children treatment

With various diseases of our body, a cough may occur. In children, it occurs mainly with colds. When you cough, the child irritates the mucous membrane of the throat, the subcortical cough centers become irritated, the peace of the baby and mother is disturbed. Because of this, all those involved in this process are exhausted. But this is not all the troubles that this symptom brings. The worst thing is that under certain circumstances it can lead to serious consequences.

Types of cough in babies

dry cough in children treatment at home
  1. Productive or wet.
  2. Dry cough in children.
  3. Barking.
  4. Whooping cough.
  5. Spasmodic cough.
  6. With the syncopation.
  7. Sick.
  8. Bitonal.
  9. Cough sink.

The names may seem complicated and incomprehensible, but the children do not often find all these types. The cause for concern for parents is a dry cough that has arisen. It can bring a lot of harm if not treated in time.

Dry cough in children, what does it threaten?

dry cough in children

It is a reaction of the child's organism to the infection that has settled in it. It is interesting that cough itself is beneficial, because it helps the child get rid of harmful elements such as mucus or microbes, viruses. But with hard breathing, the release of the respiratory tract does not occur, the child can not clear his throat, sometimes he has to endure attacks of dry cough. In a child whose immunity is weakened during illness, all metabolic processes, including protection from infections, are difficult. Dry cough only exacerbates the process of recovery, because the mucus, which must go out with the help of reflex actions of the respiratory tract, dries up and absorbed into the baby's body. This is a dangerous dry cough in children. Treatment of it should occur immediately.

The physiological causes of this cough

Any reaction to an infection of the body passes through the brain. It is he who gives the command to subordinate organs and cells to defend themselves in various ways: sneezing, coughing, runny nose and so on. Dry cough in children at the physiological level occurs due to irritation of nerve endings and receptors located in organs such as the nasopharynx, ear, trachea, pleura, bronchi, diaphragm, esophagus and pericardium. But there is the concept of "cough zones" - the back of the nasopharynx, bronchi and trachea. This type of cough in most cases occurs due to irritation of these zones.

The child also reacts with such a protective reaction to smoke, dust, foreign bodies in the respiratory organs. All these stimuli affect the mucosa. The most common are the following causes of dry cough in children: respiratory infections caught in children the body in the period of their rapid reproduction (autumn and winter), influenza, as well as some viruses and microbes that attack only children.

What diseases can be accompanied by a dry cough?

causes of dry cough in children

When the child begins to cough dryly and exhaustionily, the first thought that comes to my mother's mind is that he fell ill with a cold or flu. But this kind of topics is dangerous, which can indicate the occurrence of diseases that are not related to respiratory organs, but, for example, the heart or the gastrointestinal tract.

We already know what are the causes of dry cough in children, what kind of diseases does this phenomenon show? Such an organism reaction occurs when:

  • infectious diseases (ARVI);
  • tracheitis;
  • pertussis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • neoplasm in the lungs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hit of a foreign body in the respiratory system or its path.

Parents should pay attention and urgently seek medical attention if the child has a barking cough after eating. This indicates that an element of food has got into the respiratory tract. It can reach the narrow branches of the bronchi or the pathways in the lungs and close them. Also, stopping somewhere in the respiratory system, this piece will not be able to undergo the chemical cleavage procedure, and the decay process will begin.

Specialists noted that a dry cough at night in a child manifests itself in bronchial asthma, sinusitis, heart failure, whooping cough. While a morning attack can indicate the presence of chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis and violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

What you need to do with dry cough, treatment methods

dry cough in children with folk remedies

As soon as a dry cough appeared in children, treatment should begin immediately. Do not have to rely on your knowledge and strength in overcoming this problem if you are not a doctor. With this kind of cough in babies, a specialist's consultation is mandatory. From the correct diagnosis depends the effectiveness of treatment.

For the treatment of dry cough, several methods are used:

  • use of drugs with expectorant action;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • use of folk remedies.

Dry cough in children, treatment, drugs

dry cough in children

Once again we pay attention to the fact that self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences, therefore it is important to get a specialist consultation. If there is no possibility to consult a doctor and you are sure that a frequent dry cough in a child is of an infectious nature, then you need to know some information about medicines for cough.

All preparations for cough are divided into several groups: antitussive, expectorant and mucolytic.

The drugs of the first group act on the cough centers in the brain, soothing them. More often such preparations are necessary at a whooping cough, in fact he is not treated, therefore it is necessary to reduce its or his display. In this case only antitussives are used, for example "Sinekod".

To treat a dry cough in a child help expectorant drugs. There are many, most common is the drug Ambroxol. Medicines with this action help to isolate phlegm when it begins to be absorbed into the mucosa, and to withdraw it from the respiratory tract.

Mukoliticheskie drugs well dilute sputum and remove it, used mainly with a wet cough ("Mukoltin" Fluimutsil "Lazolvan" ACTS ").

But there are such situations, especially in small children, when a long cough is manifested in children, treatment with one group of drugs does not give the desired results. Then it is recommended to use combined medicines. These are medications that have a substance of two or three groups. It can be a drug with expectorant and antitussive effect. Also often for children use drugs with expectorant and mucolytic properties. Such drugs give very small crumbs that can not themselves cough up mucus, or children older, with viscidity and complex sputum formation. To such combined preparations carry means "Pektolvan S" Glikodin "Stoptussin" Bronhosan "and others.

Phytotherapy - effectiveness in treatment

bouts of dry cough in the child

Medications help you get rid of the problem quickly. But not all of them can come. In some cases (for safety reasons), cough treatment with herbs can be used.

In nature, there are also herbs that have mucolytic and expectorant properties. Thyme, licorice root, coltsfoot, plantain, althea root help in liquefying mucus and removing it from the respiratory tract. These herbs can be boiled and insisted either separately or in the collection. For the effectiveness of herbal therapy, it is enough to brew and infuse 1-2 tablespoons of any of the above herbs, and you will be able to overcome dry cough in children. Treatment can be carried out not only phytotherapy, but also other home remedies.

Dry cough, treatment with folk remedies

Unconventional (folk) medicine has successfully coped with this problem long before the appearance of chemical combinations of substances that help dissolve and excrete sputum. There are several proven methods that help overcome the dry cough in children. Treatment of folk remedies of an infection spreading in the respiratory tract was not without the use of natural antibiotics and antiseptics - onions and garlic.

For easy sputum discharge recommend using onions and honey. Onions are ground, mixed with 1 tbsp. honey. A mixture of 1 teaspoon must be taken after a meal.

Garlic finely chopped and put in a glass of milk. This mixture should be brought to a boil and applied through time after meals 3 times a day (1/3 cup).

Honey is used with black radish (it makes a hole, honey is applied and insisted, then the juice that appears can be taken before eating), horseradish juice (: drink after eating).

Abundant drink, which in the composition has vitamin C (broth of cranberries, viburnum, tea with lemon), fruit.

Inhalations and rubbers are also widely used. In this case, eucalyptus oils, camphor are used. In addition, compresses are effective. It can be a combination of cabbage leaves with honey or crushed potatoes with honey, alcohol and mustard.

Attacks of this cough in babies

Dangerous is dry cough in children. Treatment in the home of infants can be limited only to a plentiful drink or a shake. But for them, smelling oils are contraindicated because of a possible allergic reaction. In addition, small children can not be triturated from the front. You can rub the back of a harmless and anti-allergic ointment or oil. But in order to avoid the occurrence of unforeseen results and deterioration of the state before using any rubbing, consult a doctor.

Provision of conditions for the development of dry cough

Regardless of the nature of the dry cough (unless it is the presence of a foreign object in the airway), the child needs certain conditions in his environment. Most often, a dry cough is worse at night in a child. Therefore, parents must provide the maximum conditions for the relief of an attack.

The temperature should not be above 21-22 degrees, low humidity is unacceptable. The air should be fresh, it is better to ventilate the room before going to bed. You need to do wet cleaning more often, since dry cough can be triggered by allergy. In whooping cough, to reduce the intensity of the attack, a wet sheet should be dipped in iodine and placed near the baby. This is an imitation of the sea air.

Efficacy and contraindications to needles in the treatment of dry cough

Dry cough in children, popular treatment of which is popular, quickly disappears after the use of needles. The needles are most often used with milk. To do this, half a glass of pine buds should be boiled in, l milk for 20 minutes. All the amount of broth to the child to drink for two days. Inhalation is also used on coniferous broth. But for the use of coniferous treatment it is important to know that your child does not have allergies to it.

Dry cough and fever

Not always the temperature is accompanied by a dry cough in children. Treatment at home can safely continue until it appears. If it appeared in the child, it indicates that the mucus began to be absorbed into the baby's blood and transferred to its organs. In this case, antibiotics must be used, which only the doctor has the right to prescribe. It takes into account allergic reactions to such drugs, the age, weight of the child, the reason why the condition worsened.

If the child has a dry cough that lasts more than a week, you can not postpone the visit to a specialist. The child's health is too expensive to be negligent.


Cough in children without fever

Usually, a cough in our minds is associated with a viral disease, a cold and hyperthermia, but sometimes a cough in a child without a temperature occurs. In this situation, many parents are lost, they do not understand what caused this, how dangerous this condition is and how to treat it. Cough without temperature in children and adults can arise due to a variety of reasons, sometimes it becomes the first sign of a pathological process, and sometimes is a normal physiological response of the body.


Main reasons

  1. In children under one year of cough at normal body temperature without a cold and other signs of malaise, most often appears on for physiological reasons: with its help infants clean their airways of accumulated mucus, dust and other pollutants. This reaction is associated with the physiological characteristics of infancy, it occurs in the morning hours, after feeding, does not interfere with the baby and does not affect its condition in any way.
  2. Respiration of various stimuli in the respiratory system - babies begin to cough if food crumbs, dust or other small free-flowing substances get into the trachea and larynx. They can continue to cough for a fairly long time, until all stimuli are removed from the respiratory tract.
  3. Foreign bodies in the bronchi - small children, especially those under the age of one, prefer to explore the world around the taste, and pull all objects into their mouths or stuff them into the nasal passages. Often this leads to the ingress of small objects: beads, pieces of toys, peas and so on, into the respiratory tract. In this case, cough occurs suddenly, against the background of the full well-being of the baby, it is strong, hysterical, paroxysmal, there are also no snot, temperature and other symptoms of colds. The patient begins to suffocate, may become very pale or turn blue.
  4. Allergic reactions - dry, prolonged cough may be a sign of allergic reactions, it arises as a reaction to irritants: pollen of plants, food components, dust mites or any other substance. It is accompanied by nasal congestion, the child has lacrimation, snot, reddening of the skin and other signs of an allergic reaction. A constant cough, without other signs of the disease, is a rather dangerous sign and you should not postpone visiting a specialist, small children very quickly develop chronic bronchitis against the background of allergies and in a few months he can go to the bronchial asthma.

Do not worry too much if the baby

  • feels well, does not act up, does not cry, remains active and vigorous;
  • sleeps normally at night;
  • good and eats with appetite;
  • coughs rarely and does not experience any particular discomfort at this time;
  • does not show other signs of illness: a runny nose, rashes on the skin, sore throat and so on.

Infectious Diseases

Cough without fever can be a symptom of the onset of various infectious diseases: bronchitis, whooping cough, measles and others. Especially it is necessary to watch children carefully for a year, at this age a prolonged cough should be the reason for visiting the pediatrician.

  1. Bronchitis - Acute and chronic bronchial inflammation very often begins with a dry cough without fever, then snot, sore throat, lethargy and fever. A strong dry cough passes into the wet, then into the wet, with abundant sputum discharge and, under the normal course of the disease, gradually disappears.
  2. Pharyngitis, laryngitis and tracheitis: dry, prolonged, severe cough without fever can be a sign of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, the patient in a few hours or days there are snot, pain and sore throat, voice change and hyperthermia.
  3. Influenza, parainfluenza - at the beginning of these viral infections of patients, a strong, paroxysmal cough and general malaise, weakness, pain in the muscles, then an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees.
  4. RS-infection - typical for children under one year, at the beginning of the disease can be observed a strong cough, snot, and as development of infection, the patient's condition worsens, the cough turns to wet, then to wet and then joins hyperthermia.
  5. Pneumonia or pleurisy - after viral infections may develop complications: pleurisy or pneumonia. For pleurisy is characterized by a dry cough that increases with breathing, with pneumonia - it is wet or wet, with plentiful separation of sputum and pain in the chest.
  6. Pertussis - accompanied by a strong paroxysmal cough, and in children up to a year can cause attacks of suffocation or vomiting.
  7. Measles - with this infection in the early days there is a strong dry cough without temperature, then on the skin appear rashes and sputum.

Coughing in a child without fever is not always a sign of pathology, but if it does not go away within 3 days and more, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the cause of its appearance, especially it is for children up to of the year.


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