Spondylitis: what is it?


  • 1Spondylitis - what is it? Types, symptoms, spondylitis treatment
    • 1.1Characteristics of the disease
    • 1.2Causes of ailment
    • 1.3Classification of the disease
    • 1.4Main symptoms
    • 1.5Ankylosing spondylitis
    • 1.6Tuberculous spondylitis
    • 1.7Aseptic spondylitis
    • 1.8Medication
    • 1.9Additional therapies
  • 2Types, symptoms and treatment of spondylitis
    • 2.1Why does the disease occur?
    • 2.2How does the disease manifest itself?
    • 2.3Types of pathology
    • 2.4How is the diagnosis of the disease carried out?
    • 2.5What therapy is prescribed?
    • 2.6Measures to prevent pathology
  • 3Spondylitis: Symptoms and Treatment
    • 3.1Types and etiology
    • 3.2Symptomatology
    • 3.3Diagnostics
    • 3.4Treatment
    • 3.5Complications
  • 4Spondylitis of the spine - what is it?
    • 4.1What it is?
    • 4.2Causes and forms
    • 4.3Specific Form
    • 4.4Nonspecific form
    • 4.5Symptoms
    • 4.6Differential diagnostics
    • 4.7Treatment in hospital
  • 5Spondylitis of the spine: what is it, the causes of the symptoms, treatment
    • 5.1Causes of the disease
    • 5.2Classification
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.3Specific
    • 5.4Nonspecific
    • 5.5Symptoms and signs of development
    • 5.6Complications
    • 5.7How to diagnose
    • 5.8Treatment of spondylitis
    • 5.9Medications
    • 5.10Physiotherapy
    • 5.11Operation
    • 5.12How to avoid

Spondylitis - what is it? Types, symptoms, spondylitis treatment

Disease spondylitis is extremely rare. According to statistics, pathology is observed in, % of people. Therefore, many do not even know if they hear a diagnosis of "spondylitis what it is.

In medical practice, this term is called inflammatory diseases of the spine. The disease develops against the backdrop of neglected bacterial infections. Timely appeal for the help of doctors allows you to avoid the development of such an unpleasant disease.

This is what explains good statistics.

Characteristics of the disease

Spondylitis - what is it? This pathology combines a whole group of inflammatory ailments of the spine, proceeding in a chronic form. It is characterized by the defeat of several pillars of the pillar.

The pathology may be based on:

  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • typhoid fever;
  • a purulent infection.

You can not exclude other causes of the disease. But most often there is tuberculosis spondylitis.

Inflammation occurring in the body leads to the destruction of the vertebrae, the density of bone tissue decreases. As a result, deformation of the whole column develops.

Pathology refers to rare diseases that can occur in people of different ages. The initial degree has a rather blurred symptomatology, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. But with the defeat of several pillars of the pill, the ailment acquires a recognizable character.

It should be clearly understood, spondylitis - what is it.

This pathology, which manifests itself by intense pain, a feeling of stiffness, increased temperature, a sense of weakness and the appearance of a rather specific posture.

It is very dangerous, if pathologies do not attach due importance. Its progression leads to the formation of a hump or angular curvature of the spine in the thoracic region.

Causes of ailment

Disease spondylitis always occurs as a result of the infectious process occurring in the body.

Doctors identify the following causes of the disease:

  1. Specific. The disease provokes a certain bacterium, leading to changes in the vertebrae: tuberculosis, brucellosis, gonorrhea, syphilitic, actinomycotic.
  2. Nonspecific. Microorganisms cause a typical course of the disease according to the principle of purulent inflammation. The ailment can be provoked by: intestinal bacteria, hemophilic rod, staphylococci. A distinctive feature of the pathology is the formation of an invertebral abscess.
  3. Rheumatoid. This pathology is caused by pathologies, provoked by hemolytic group A streptococcus: angina, pyoderma, carditis.

Predisposing factors of the appearance of the disease are:

  • decreased immunity;
  • long-term use of cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids;
  • spine trauma;
  • a chronic focus of a specific infection (gonorrhea, pulmonary tuberculosis).

Classification of the disease

There are many varieties of spondylitis, if considered from the point of view of the cause.

The most common are 3 types:

  • tubercular;
  • aseptic;
  • ankylosing.

In addition, pathology can affect any areas. Therefore allocate:

  • spondylitis of the lumbar spine;
  • thoracic;
  • cervical.

Main symptoms

People who are faced with a pathology such as spondylitis, what it is, understand perfectly. The illness manifests itself as an extremely unpleasant symptomatology and significantly affects the quality of life.

The disease is characterized by the following clinic:

  • painful discomfort in the back, hip area, legs, chest;
  • inflammatory process in the spinal column;
  • burning or tingling in the thighs, legs, back;
  • stiffness of the spine;
  • constant need to "go to the toilet
  • decreased mobility;
  • pain syndrome during movement;
  • shortening of the spine;
  • the occurrence of problems with sleep;
  • manifestation of the curvature of the spine.

Spondylitis of the lumbar spine is manifested by a rather characteristic neurological disorder:

  1. There may be partial or complete paralysis of the lower extremities.
  2. In the case of a pronounced process, urinary incontinence and incontinence occur.
  3. Pain in the leg area is sometimes given in the perineum.
  4. Discomfort is piercing, periodically observed "lumbago".
  5. Symptoms that indicate an organism's intoxication are characteristic: low temperature, dizziness, weakness.

Ankylosing spondylitis

This pathology has another name - Bekhterev's disease. At the heart of the development of the disease is immune damage to the ligaments. Ankylosing spondylitis often results in immobility of the body. Often such a pathology is observed in men who have passed the 20-year boundary.

Ankylosing spinal cord spondylitis gradually limits the motor function. With this disease, it is as if splicing the vertebrae. As a result, they form one bone.

The pathology develops gradually, for a long time. Initially, the lumbar region is affected, then the ailment covers the thigh and groin. The ossification of the spine slowly rises.

It is unpleasant enough when it reaches the breast area. In fact, along with limited mobility, difficulty in breathing is observed.

As a result, the patient develops chronic lung pathologies.

Symptoms of the disease are greatly enhanced with an active load or prolonged rest. Unpleasant discomfort is eliminated with anti-inflammatory drugs and special gymnastics.

Tuberculous spondylitis

The illness is called Pott's disease. Most often, pathology occurs in children and adolescents. The causative agent of the disease is sufficiently resistant to the action of acids and many antibiotics.

Tuberculosis spondylitis mainly develops in the thoracic area, as the ailment is caused by microorganisms localized in the lungs, sometimes in the lymph nodes.

Bacteria, penetrating the vertebrae, provoke the formation of tuberculate structures that degenerate into foci of necrosis.

The necrosis of the tissues covers the nearby links of the column.

Pathology can begin to progress several years after infection. To start the mechanism of development of an illness can excessive loading, a trauma, weakening of immunity.

Symptoms of tuberculosis spondylitis are:

  1. In the area of ​​inflammation localization, edema and cold abscesses are observed.
  2. The motor function is considerably limited.
  3. The child quickly gets tired, sleeps badly, is restless.
  4. Children have a cautious gait. They try to stick out the stomach and straighten their back, intuitively reducing the strain on the spine.
  5. There are complaints of pain in the abdomen.

Progression of the disease leads to the formation of a hump, the emergence of neurological disorders, sometimes paralysis.

The patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs, general restorative therapy. In some cases, surgical procedures are recommended.

Aseptic spondylitis

Such an ailment is known in medicine as Kymmel-Werney disease. At the root of the disease is the vertebra trauma. Aseptic spondylitis is quite unpleasant and cunning.

After the injury, an illusion is created that the disease has been defeated, since no symptomatology is observed in the patient. This can last several years.

Unfortunately, during this period the affected area manages to become covered with necrotic foci.

Most pathology is diagnosed in middle-aged and young men. Kymmel-Vernei disease is in most cases localized in the thoracic region, but sometimes manifests itself in the lumbar region.

There is an extremely unpleasant picture if an intra-vertebral artery was damaged during an injury. In this case, there is an abundant hemorrhage, provoking vasomotor disorders. Necrosis starts to develop, and bones dissolve.

However, the affected vertebra continues to carry the load and perform all functions. This situation leads to deformation. And even a minor injury is enough to cause the patient to have a compression fracture of the spine.


Stop the development of pathology can only complex measures.

If spinal fusion is diagnosed, the treatment includes:

  • administration of medication;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • therapeutic gymnastics.

Therapy is completely dependent on the source that triggered the disease. Therefore, medicinal preparations are selected individually.

Most often the patient is prescribed:

  1. NSAIDs. These can be medications: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nimesulide.
  2. Preparations that eliminate inflammation and do not have a steroid effect: Indomethacin, Orthofen. Such medications reduce the pain syndrome, bring down the temperature, eliminate inflammation.
  3. Corticosteroids. Drugs aimed at removing puffiness and restoring disturbed metabolic processes. They provide recovery of the spine. Often recommended drug "Prednisolone".
  4. Antibiotics. Their use allows you to fight infections. Assign the following medicines: "Cefixim "Norfloxacin "Ceftriaxone "Ofloxacin "Levofloxacin".
  5. Solutions that ensure the removal of toxins from the body. Recommended: Ringer's or sodium chloride solution.

Additional therapies

After elimination of the pain syndrome, spondylitis treatment consists of the following measures:

  1. Physiotherapy. Daily exercise allows you to strengthen muscle tissue.
  2. Thermotherapy. The affected area is warmed. As a result, pain is reduced as much as possible.
  3. Healing baths. Such activities are aimed at relaxing muscle tissue and eliminating discomfort.
  4. Phonophoresis. The procedure relieves swelling.
  5. Massage. It normalizes blood circulation and stimulates metabolism. Helps restore the correct position of the vertebrae.
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Surgical treatment is rarely used. Its necessity arises only when drug therapy has been unsuccessful. That is why it is very important in such a pathology as spondylitis, to seek medical help in a timely manner.

A source: http://.ru/article/229417/spondilitchto-eto-takoe-vidyi-simptomyi-lechenie-spondilita

Types, symptoms and treatment of spondylitis

Spondylitis - what is it? The disease is an inflammation of the joints of the intervertebral column, if exactly, spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritis. Depending on the severity of the clinical case, in the presence of concomitant diseases, spondylitis affects the vertebrae, internal organs, joints of the upper and lower extremities.

Why does the disease occur?

The causes of spondylitis are associated with the penetration into the body of a pathogenic infectious microflora, which by the bloodstream enters the spine. The presence of infection in the body does not indicate that a person will necessarily have a disease. The following factors influence the development of the disease:

  • spine trauma (traumatic spondylitis);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • oppressed immunity.

The main type of pathogenic microbe, which provokes pathology, is the rod of tuberculosis.

Other types of infection that provoke inflammation of the vertebrae are E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, typhus, streptococcus, syphilis.

In rare cases, spondylitis is provoked by the presence in the body of a pathogenic fungus - a rheumatoid disease.

If a person's history is burdened by cases of spondylitis disease among the next of kin, the likelihood that if they get into the organism of the pathogenic pathogen will develop a disease, much higher than in people who have undergone inflammatory processes in organism. In osteomyelitis - a disease characterized by inflammation of all bone structures, pathology occurs in most cases.

Injuries to the spine will provoke the development of spondylitis in those cases when they caused damage to the vertebrae and soft tissues, which caused necrosis, but the treatment was not carried out in a timely manner.

Most often, traumatic spondylitis affects the lower back.

Reduced protective functions of immunity, as one of the causes of the development of the disease - this factor occurs after severe illnesses of a purulent or infectious nature.

Spondylitis develops against the background of festering foci in the body. In this case, there is a purulent spondylitis, the clinical picture of which is burdened with signs of damage to the pathological process of the internal organ. To develop purulent spondylitis, the patient should be weakened by the immune system.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Symptoms of the disease may vary depending on which part of the vertebral column the inflammation of the vertebrae has occurred.

The first sign of the development of the pathological process is aching, painful pain.

The symptom is always present, during physical activity or when lifting heavy loads the pain intensifies. Common symptoms are as follows:

  • impossibility to move the spine;
  • increased body temperature (no sign if spondylitis is nonspecific);
  • deterioration of the general condition;
  • a constant sense of weakness;
  • chills;
  • redness of the skin at the site of inflammation;
  • numbness;
  • paralysis;
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • muscle spasms;
  • incorrect posture.

Spondylitis - a disease that leads to disruption of the internal organs. If there is a spondylitis of the lumbar spine, the pain extends to the lower limbs, the person's gait changes, there are problems with the functioning of the urogenital system.

The presence of bacterium tuberculosis in the body with a weak immune system often provokes spondylitis of the cervical spine.

The tubercular form of the disease is accompanied by the formation of purulent foci, without timely treatment, paralysis may occur, often in patients with this diagnosis, a hump begins to form.

Aseptic spondylitis of the spine, which arises from injuries to the spine, characterized by alternation of pronounced signs of the disease with a period of absence a symptomatic picture.

The danger of this type is that, in the absence of pronounced signs, the inflammatory process of the spinal column continues to develop, and when the patient recurs, the disease is already aggravated.

Types of pathology

The disease is divided into species, depending on the causes of the inflammatory process on the spinal column. Each type of spondylitis has its own peculiar symptomatic pattern and duration of the course. The types of disease are as follows:

  • ankylosing;
  • cervical;
  • lumbar;
  • psoriatic;
  • reactive;
  • axial.

Ankylosing spondylitis (or deforming) occurs most often (ICD-10-M45 code). The first sign of the disease is pain and stiffness in the spine.

Inflammation extends to the rump, shoulder girdle, hip joints. The ankylosing species occurs mainly in people at a young age.

In addition to pain in the joints, a person has increased irritability, constant fatigue, a feeling of discomfort throughout the body.

Cervical spondylitis - inflammation occurs on the joints of the cervical spine. Pain is felt in the shoulders and collarbone. A patient with such a diagnosis can not normally move his neck, there is weakness in the muscles of the upper limbs.

Lumbar disease is a spondylitis of the lumbar region. Symptoms of inflammation extend to the lower limbs, thighs. With the aggravation of the disease, the functioning of the urogenital system is impaired.

Psoriatic spondylitis occurs due to psoriasis. Symptoms of the disease vary depending on which part of the spinal column suffered.

Psoriatic spondylitis of the thoracic spine causes a feeling of numbness in the upper limbs, fainting often occurs, dyspnea appears.

Common signs of this type of disease include frequent conjunctivitis, stiffness of the joints, numbness in the extremities, strong edema of the soft tissues, tendonitis develops.

Reactive spondylitis is Reiter's disease. It is characterized by the development of the inflammatory process on the joints.

The cause of the reactive type of disease is the presence of infection in the body.

An infectious form of the disease occurs when there is a pathogenic microflora in the gastrointestinal tract or the genitourinary system.

Axial is called spondylitis, which does not have a pronounced symptomatic pattern and is difficult to diagnose on x-rays. The axial type of the disease is called a dorsiatogenous spondylitis.

How is the diagnosis of the disease carried out?

Spondylitis, whose treatment should be urgent, requires first of all a thorough diagnosis. It is important not only to detect the disease, but also to determine the cause of the inflammatory process on the spinal column.

Diagnosis of pathology includes the delivery of a biochemical blood test, a study of the patient's urine.

To determine the cause of the inflammatory process and to obtain a general picture of the state of health, an analysis is carried out for the concentration of sugar in the body.

Additional medical tests - proteinogram, cytological analysis (diagnosis of fistula).

Instrumental diagnostic techniques. The x-ray of the spine helps to identify in which of the spine sections the inflammatory process takes place.

To determine the presence or absence of complications, the patient is directed to the passage of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. To determine the nature and extent of the pathological process, soft tissue biopsy is performed.

A biopsy is performed several times throughout the course of treatment in order to track the positive dynamics from the prescribed treatment.

What therapy is prescribed?

In the early stages of spinal spondylitis treatment is conservative. The patient is assigned nonspecific medications aimed at relief of the symptomatic pattern.

In order to suppress the inflammatory process, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. These drugs quickly normalize body temperature, reduce the intensity of the pain symptom.

Duration of admission varies, depending on the type of spondylitis and the severity of the clinical case.

Preparations of the group of corticosteroids are prescribed in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs means (with self-administration for the treatment of spondylitis corticosteroids do not give a positive result).

This drug group is prescribed to enhance the effectiveness of nonsteroidal drugs, contributes to the speedy recovery and restoration of the functions of the spine.

To normalize the general state of the body and stop the symptoms of intoxication from the vital activity of the pathogenic infectious microflora, a solution of glucose and saline is prescribed.

Conservative treatment includes physiotherapy, which the physician prescribes individually. Thermotherapy is used to relieve muscle spasms and relieve pain. Exercise exercises help:

  • maintain the necessary tone of the back muscles;
  • facilitate the general condition of the patient;
  • to develop joints, reducing the manifestation of their ossification.

With a strong swelling of the soft tissues, phonophoresis is performed with hydrocortisone.

In the absence of positive dynamics from conservative treatment, in the presence of complications from the functioning of internal organs, treatment of the disease is performed surgically.

The essence of the operation is to clean the vertebrae damaged by the inflammatory process from the pus, if necessary, resection of the vertebral column is carried out with the further installation of a special prosthesis.

In the case of surgical treatment of spondylitis, the patient is expected to have a rehabilitation period, the duration of which varies from several months to a year, depending on the severity of the clinical case.

Measures to prevent pathology

Spondylitis is a serious disease of the spine, which without timely treatment can lead to complications such as sepsis, paresis, paralysis.

Often, spondylitis develops respiratory or heart failure, cervical spondylitis may impair the condition and functioning of the eye.

Preventive measures are simple. It is necessary to protect the spine from any injuries, timely treat infectious diseases, monitor the immune system.

In particular, this refers to people whose history is burdened by a hereditary predisposition to spondylitis and other diseases of the spinal column.

Reduces the risk of active lifestyle - regular exercise, proper nutrition.

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Spondylitis is a disease that occurs in a chronic form. After treatment of the first case of inflammation of the spine, all medical recommendations must be observed. Helps reduce the risk of recurrence of annual spa treatment.

Even if the symptoms of the disease are absent for a long period of time, this is not a guarantee that the disease has receded. Obligatory is the regular passage of a medical examination to identify the condition of the spinal column.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/spondilit/chto-eto-takoe.html

Spondylitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Category: Joints, bones, muscles 9227

Spondylitis is an inflammatory ailment of the vertebral column of a chronic nature, which is a form of spondylopathy. Progression of pathology can lead to the primary destruction of vertebral bodies, a decrease in the density of bone structures, and also to complex bone deformations.

In most cases, the main reason for the progression of spondylitis is the penetration of a tubercle bacillus into the human body. Rarely its development occurs against actinomycosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteomyelitis, syphilis, psoriasis (psoriatic spondylitis).

Types and etiology

In medicine, there are quite a large number of spondylitis species, which differ for reasons of origin, and also for the clinical picture. Depending on the etiology, there are:

  • specific spinal fusion.It develops as a complication of syphilis, gonorrhea, brucellosis, tuberculosis and other ailments. Begins to progress with spinal injury by various pyogenic pathogenic microorganisms;
  • nonspecific spinal fusion.

The specific, in turn, has the following subspecies:

  • tubercular type.Begins to progress when a tubercular bacterium enters the spongy substance of the vertebrae. In this area, pathogenic organisms begin to multiply actively and release toxins, thereby causing melting of bone structures. The spine is gradually deformed and a hump is formed (a characteristic symptom of pathology). Deformation of the chest entails a disruption in the functioning of the respiratory system. If the purulent masses accumulated inside the vertebra seep under the longitudinal ligament, they will squeeze the spinal cord. Against this background, the person will begin to show neurological symptoms - the full functioning of the pelvic organs, paresis or paralysis of the limbs is impaired;
  • actinomycotic type.It develops almost always again. Its characteristic feature is the formation of paravertebral fistula, from which a crumbled discharge is noted. More often this type of pathology affects the thoracic spine;
  • brucellosis type.The site of its localization is the vertebral column of the spine. Abscessing is observed in rare cases. If you take a picture, it can be noted that the vertebrae have undergone fine-focal destruction;
  • syphilitic type.He is rarely diagnosed. This type of spondylitis affects the cervical section. If the disease is not treated, then in the end the gum will disintegrate, and the resulting compression of the spinal cord will lead to the manifestation of neurologic symptoms;
  • typhoid type.Begins to progress against a background of typhoid septicemia. Localization of lesions - lumbar and thoracic spine. Bony and cartilaginous structures are very quickly amenable to destruction. In severe cases, it is possible to form an abscess.

Subspecies of nonspecific spinal cord spine:

  • hematogenous purulent.Symptoms of spondylitis of this form manifest themselves sharply. Immediately there is a pronounced pain syndrome. Further, fistulas and abscesses begin to form. The pathological process is localized in the cervical and lumbar spine;
  • rheumatoid form.This is a chronic systemic spine ailment. This pathology is formed exclusively against the background of a progressive autoimmune process in connective tissue. If the rheumatoid form is not diagnosed in time and not treated, the spine can be completely immobilized as a result.

Spondylitis of the spine


Spondylitis of the spine is a fairly rare disease, which in the early stages may not manifest itself at all, which greatly complicates its diagnosis. The expressed symptoms usually arise already when various dangerous complications have started to progress.

A characteristic symptom of the disease is the destruction of the vertebral bodies, which in the future can lead to deformation of the spinal column. If the pathology progresses, it is possible to form a hump. The clinical picture is supplemented by such signs:

  • malaise;
  • pain syndrome along the spine;
  • pain in the muscular structures located in close proximity to the spine;
  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • violation of the functioning of internal organs;
  • paresis or paralysis of the legs.


Diagnosis of pathology in the early stages is difficult, because the person has virtually no symptoms. Usually patients turn to the doctor when pain syndrome and limited movements of the spine appear. For the purpose of diagnosis, doctors resort to laboratory and instrumental techniques.

Laboratory methods:

  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemistry of blood.

Instrumental methods:

  • X-ray;
  • CT of the spine;
  • biopsy with further microscopy of the obtained material.


Treatment of spondylitis should include the use of medications, as well as physiotherapy procedures. In severe form of pathology, surgical treatment is indicated.


  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • detoxifying solutions;
  • corticosteroids.


  • Exercise therapy;
  • thermotherapy;
  • back massage;
  • phonophoresis with hydrocortisone.


  • paresis;
  • paralysis of the limbs;
  • sepsis;
  • heart failure.

A source: http://SimptoMer.ru/bolezni/sustavy-kosti/1285-spondilit-simptomy

Spondylitis of the spine - what is it?

The word - spondylos, in Greek - vertebra, and - itis, inflammation.Spondylitis of the spine - an infection in the vertebrae, occurs mainly due to bacteria.

There are several forms of the disease - spine osteomyelitis and tuberculosis spondylitis.

Characteristic signs of the disease are: back pain, intoxication, impaired spinal cord function.

Diagnosed with X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging. Similarly, blood tests are performed to identify the causative agent or affected tissues.

Therapy is carried out - anti-tuberculosis, antifungal drugs.

In the postoperative period, during rehabilitation, experts recommend physiotherapy, general health-improving complexes of therapeutic gymnastics.

What it is?

People know little about spondylitis that this is a dangerous spinal disease, based on inflammatory processes.

The consequence will be significant deformations of the vertebrae, a decrease in the strength of bone tissue, the formation of foci of pus.The share of spondylitis accounts for about five percent of spine diseases.

Forty percent of all cases of spondylitis have a tuberculous form. Most often this disease affects the thoracic spine. In most cases, it is diagnosed in men.

Twenty or thirty years ago, children and young people were spongy. In the last decade, seventy percent of the disease was diagnosed in people of pre-retirement age.

Causes and forms

There are two types of spondylitis: specific and nonspecific.

Specific Form

Specific spondylitis complication - typhus, gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, actinomycosis:

  • Typhoid spondylitis is an infection of two adjacent vertebrae, as well as an intervertebral disc. There is destruction of tissues, often there is an abscess. This is the disease of the thoracic spine. Less common in the lumbar;
  • Syphilitic spondylitis is a lesion of the cervical spine. The second name is cervical spondylitis. Neurological impairment due to compression of the spinal cord;
  • Tuberculous spondylitis is a hematogenous or lymphogenous way of spreading mycobacteria. They fall into the spongy part of the vertebrae, which is promoted by irreversible changes after trauma. There are purulent formations that destroy bone tissue. The chest of a sick person is deformed. There are various diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Actinomycotic spondylitis - pathology of the thoracic spine with the appearance of paravertebral fistula;
  • Brucellosis spondylitis of the lumbar spine. Fine-fragmentation destruction is diagnosed with X-ray and serological studies.

In the case of rupture of the purulent focus, paralysis of the lower limbs of a person, disruption of the functions of urination and defecation, damage to the structures of the nervous system are possible.In men, deterioration in the functions of the pelvic organs can cause impotence.

Nonspecific form

This form of spondylitis occurs in men after thirty years, characterized by damage to the spine by microorganisms in particular joints and vertebrae. Complications can completely immobilize the spine. Possible autoimmune processes in connective tissues.

Osteomyelitis of the spine or hematogenous spondylitis is accompanied by acute pain.

It is formed on adjacent vertebrae, then the cartilage is damaged and a bone block is formed. Progressive abscesses and fistulas, purulent meningitis.

Infection is characteristic of the cervical and lumbar spine. There are cases of spread to the posterior part of the vertebra.


When spondylitis symptoms appear in the chest, cervical and lumbar spine.

The pain of the affected parts of the spine can be very acute, paralyzing the person without letting him move.

In most cases, aching, persistent and strong, even with minor loads. The mobility of the spine decreases. Slopes, turns of the trunk cause severe pain.

With a specific spondylitis, there is an increased body temperature, there is weakness and drowsiness. The skin of the affected part of the back turns red, the touch becomes almost hot.

There may be numbness and paralysis, sensitivity decreases, frequent muscle spasms occur. Posture disorders cause complications with the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.

Differential diagnostics

  • General and neurological examinations;
  • Radiography, tomography;
  • Radionuclide study;
  • Analyzes for leukocytes, ESR;
  • Laboratory studies of blood cultures;
  • Biopsy.

Differential diagnosis is applied:

With the help of X-ray, the area of ​​spine injury can be determined one month after the onset of the disease.

To diagnose the disease at an earlier stage, computer tomography is used.

Magnetic resonance - detects inflammation of bones and nerves, soft tissues, spinal cord.

Treatment in hospital

When spondylitis treatment is carried out in a hospital. It is necessary to identify the disease as early as possible and to prescribe appropriate therapy.Treatment of spondylitis takes a long time and consists of an extensive set of techniques.

  • To combat the inflammatory processes, infection and acute painful sensations in the patient, the doctors will be using medication. For fast recovery it is important to eat right;
  • Treatment of spondylitis is important with the help of special therapeutic complexes of physical activity. Correctly selected exercise program will restore and help strengthen muscles, ligaments, improve the mobility of the spine;
  • Physiotherapy stimulates the patient's body to recover. The attending physician can prescribe: electrophoresis, acupuncture, massage, magnetic therapy and other techniques. Usually conducted up to fifteen sessions, then a break for a month and a second course;
  • Surgical intervention is used when the disease is started to remove foci of pus.
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A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/dorsopatiya/spondilit.html

Spondylitis of the spine: what is it, the causes of the symptoms, treatment

The vertebral column is the most important organ of the human body, creating a support that allows you to move around, supporting the internal organs. Even the most insignificant changes in the tissues of the spine are reflected in the person's health, the health of his internal organs and metabolic processes.

Spondylitis - what is it? This inflammatory disease, characterized by a violation of the integrity of the vertebral bodies and their destruction under the influence of infections affecting the spinal column.

Spondylitis spine is considered to be one of the most serious ailments of musculoskeletal tissue, since in the absence of treatment and timely therapy, it is able to make strong changes in the structure the spine.

With the progression of the disease, a chronic form of the disease is acquired, which, with severe deformation of the vertebrae, leads to disability and paralysis.

In order to prevent the irreversible effects of spondylosis in advance, it is necessary to understand the causes of the disease, and to find out how spondylitis manifests and how to treat it.

Causes of the disease

When a diagnosis is made that changes the structure of the spine, spondylitis is detected in patients in 5 percent of cases. With the development of this disease in the human body, the process of necrosis of bone tissue, the spread of suppuration and destruction of the vertebrae along the entire length of the back is observed.

Outwardly this is manifested by strong curvature and soreness of the back.

The main cause of deforming spondylitis in bone tissue is the infectious bacteria entering the human body: tuberculosis, gonococci, treponemia, brucella, actinomycosis.

As you might guess, most of the infections that cause necrosis of bone tissue are venereal and are transmitted by sexual contact with the infected or his blood, or personal things.

Also, the destruction of vertebrae can be affected by a genetic predisposition to fragility bone tissue, suffered spine trauma, an immunodeficiency virus or a decrease in protective functions organism.


Spondylitis can develop and progress very quickly - in an acute form, slowly - in a chronic stage, and also have periods of exacerbation. Depending on the cause of infection, the specific and non-specific are isolated, which are divided into several subspecies according to the detected bacteria.


For a specific ailment, it is characteristic that bacteria, causing brucellosis, tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, typhoid, fungus, vich, and others enter the bloodstream, and then into the cells of the musculoskeletal skeleton of a person.

Subspecies of the ailment of a specific nature are as follows:

  • Actinomycotic (chronic course of aminocosis of the second degree);
  • tuberculous spinal cord spondylitis (caused by a bacterium of tuberculosis that penetrated the human blood - often a child or adolescent);
  • brucellosis (brucella infection causes extensive damage to the musculoskeletal system, nervous and reproductive system).


Ailment of a nonspecific character is divided into independent diseases, in which spondylitis is not a separate symptom:

  • ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease is characterized by a hereditary chronic joint disease);
  • hematogenous (human osteomyelitis - lesion of cells of bone tissue with golden staphylococcus);
  • aseptic spondylitis of the spine (Kymmel's disease - tissue necrosis caused by inflammation after trauma).

Symptoms and signs of development

The main signs of the development of the disease is unbearable aching pain in the back, as well as stiffness in the movements and physiological changes in the natural bends of the spine.

Soreness is permanent, it does not stop at rest and increases with loads.

Distinguish the symptoms of spondylitis, depending on the cause of the disease (specific or nonspecific) and the location of the localization.

The physiological curves in the vertebral column are aligned or unnaturally curved, which leads to uneven distribution of the load, changes in the work of internal organs, fatigue and a strong pain.

Specific signs (infectious nature) cause a person to feel unwell in the whole body, along with a rise in body temperature, chills, nausea, weakness. Incontinence of urine and feces can occur.

The painful part of the spine during inflammation causes reddening of the skin at the site of localization of trophic processes.

Redness becomes hot in comparison with a healthy patch of skin.

Under the influence of degenerative processes on the spinal nerve endings, the patient feels numbness of the limbs, muscle spasm, paralysis and loss of sensitivity.

Without the application of measures for the treatment of the disease, develops sepsis - the infection of blood, leading to death.


Among the most dangerous consequences of the disease are:

  • sepsis or blood poisoning;
  • paralysis of the limbs;
  • cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency (with thoracic spondylitis);
  • defeat of the eyes (with spondylitis of the cervical spine);
  • death.

To prevent terrible consequences, you should contact a qualified doctor on time for help.

How to diagnose

When spondylitis symptoms appear, it is necessary to undergo an emergency diagnosis in order to identify the presence of the disease and determine the degree of its progression.

Studies conducted by the doctor are divided into instrumental and laboratory. Are appointed depending on a place of localization and display of an inflammation.

  1. A general blood test is performed to detect an elevated white blood cell count indicating an infection.
  2. Biochemical analysis of blood shows an increase in the C-reactive protein responsible for the protective functions of the body in inflammation.
  3. Radiography of the spine determines where tissue damage is localized, allows to determine the size of the lesion and the degree of curvature of the vertebrae.
  4. CT, ultrasound, MRI most accurately determine the size, location and nature of the lesion.
  5. Biopsy is necessary to determine the causes of the disease, and in the process of treatment to track the nature of its development.
  6. Serological methods reveal the destruction of vertebral bodies caused by infectious bacteria.

After a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor will determine where the lesion is and what it is provoked, as well as track the dynamics of its development and take effective measures to restore patient's health.

Treatment of spondylitis

There are various ways to eliminate the causes that led to the development of spondylitis of the spine, but none of them is able to cure the ailment completely. To get rid of the disease requires a comprehensive treatment.


The drugs are divided into specific and non-specific for reasons of the degenerative process of the spine, and also depending on the type of pathogen.

The doctor should take into account the place of the affected area, the degree of neglect, the age and physiological characteristics of the patient.

The following drugs are used to treat spinal spondylitis:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain and inflammation.
  2. Corticosteroids reduce pain and swelling, contribute to the early recovery of affected tissues.
  3. Solutions for intravenous administration are prescribed to reduce the consequences of intoxication, maximize the infection from the blood, normalize well-being.
  4. Antibiotics can eliminate an unfavorable bacterial environment in the tissues of the spine.
  5. Hormonal preparations in combination with B vitamins contribute to the restoration of the natural hormonal background and the immunity of a person capable of resisting infections.


Physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed only as an additional measure in the treatment of spondylitis. Properly proven themselves:

  • Thermotherapy;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • Back massage with spondylitis of the lumbar spine (what it is and how it affects your health - see below);
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Sanatorium treatment with mud therapy and mineral waters.

Gymnastics LFK and back massage can significantly reduce the pain syndrome, restore the natural curves of the spinal column, improve blood flow and the work of internal organs.

Performing exercises for the back with strict adherence to the correct technique and under the supervision of the coach.


Surgical intervention is required for the patient at an advanced stage of the disease to eliminate suppuration, remove part of the deformed vertebrae and establish a prosthesis.

How to avoid

To avoid a negative disruption of the integrity of the musculoskeletal corset back, healthy lifestyles: active sports and recreation, proper nutrition, reduced anxiety and stress.

The main cause of spondylitis are bacteria, the infection of which most often occurs as a result of sexual contact with the carrier of the disease, in the food of inadequate food (meat-and-milk bacteria) or drugs, so care should be taken to eliminate risk factors from their lives.

Protect the spine from injury, since in conditions of trauma and immunity weaken the bacteria develop more quickly. Regular therapeutic examinations will help to avoid spondylitis.

A source: http://vsetelo.com/bolezni/zabolevaniya-oda/artrit/spondilit.html

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