Atspp: analysis for rheumatoid arthritis


  • 1Analysis of ACPC in rheumatoid arthritis: norm, decoding
    • 1.1What is an ATSCP test?
    • 1.2What is it for?
    • 1.3Advantages of A / CCP
    • 1.4Features of the procedure
    • 1.5Carrying out the test: algorithm
    • 1.6Cost
    • 1.7Norm
    • 1.8How is the analysis deciphered?
    • 1.9Conclusion
  • 2Analysis for the definition of the norm of ACCP in rheumatoid arthritis
    • 2.1Relevance of the problem
    • 2.2What are ATSTSP?
    • 2.3How is this analysis performed?
    • 2.4Atspp with rheumatoid arthritis: the norm or indicator of the aggressiveness of the disease?
  • 3Analysis on ACPC in rheumatoid arthritis: norm and transcript
    • 3.1What is rheumatoid arthritis and analysis at ACPC?
    • 3.2The norms for RA
  • 4ACPC test for rheumatoid arthritis
    • 4.1Advantages of ATSPP in front of the Russian Federation
    • 4.2General information about the analysis
    • 4.3What is the purpose of the analysis of ACPS
    • 4.4Carry out the analysis of the A / CCP
  • 5Atsps for rheumatoid arthritis: norm
    • 5.1ATSTSP test - what is it
    • 5.2What is this research method?
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.3Advantages of A / CCP
    • 5.4Features of the procedure
    • 5.5Algorithm of actions during the test
    • 5.6Norm
  • 6All details about ACPP analysis
    • 6.1What is the analysis?
    • 6.2What happens in the body?
    • 6.3How is the technique carried out?
    • 6.4Received values, decoding (norm and pathology)
    • 6.5Why is it appointed?
    • 6.6How to prepare?
    • 6.7What can affect the result?
    • 6.8Where to do it?
    • 6.9Other tests for rheumatoid arthritis
    • 6.10How to recognize the disease?
    • 6.11Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
    • 6.12Prevention

Analysis of ACPC in rheumatoid arthritis: norm, decoding

Medical statistics indicate the increase and progression of the number of diseases in the musculoskeletal system. Increasingly, elderly patients complain of pain in their joints.

Young people also did not avoid the disease, children suffer from it. Disease of the joints is important to recognize at the earliest stages to prevent their further progression and other complications.

The most common among diseases of the bone system is rheumatoid arthritis, characterized by a complex course and no less complicated treatment.

Therefore, every person suffering from this ailment is obliged to know about the analysis of ACCP in rheumatoid arthritis. Its norm will be given in this article.

What is an ATSCP test?

RA, or rheumatoid arthritis, is a complex pathology of the joints that affects both children and adults. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the synovial membrane, destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint and its deformation.
The consequences of the fact that the pathology was not detected at the initial stage and immediate treatment has not been started can be very dangerous.

Deformation and destruction of the joint entail a complete or partial loss of motor functions, which in most cases is the path to disability.

What is the purpose of the analysis of ATSTSP for rheumatoid arthritis? The norm of indicators is of great importance.

What is it for?

An important step is to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis in a timely manner, which will allow the appointment of an effective and correct treatment to a patient who will stop the inflammatory process and restore the function joints. To do this, 2 methods are used which allow to determine the concentration of antibodies to citrulline cyclic peptide (ACPC) and rheumatoid factor (RF).

To diagnose pathology at an early stage, doctors advise the use of an analysis of ATSP because this method has more accurate indicators and allows you to determine the disease regardless of the stage. The test for the RF is quite specific, and the accuracy of its results mainly depends on the duration of the pathology development.

Rheumatoid arthritis is well revealed in the early period with the help of the ATSCP test. Also thanks to it, the amount of antibodies and markers that are circulating during the progression of the disease is detected in the blood.

This test determines the amount of antibody in the blood relative to the citrulline cyclic peptide. This peptide is an important component of metabolism.

Citrulin is formed during the biochemical reaction with the help of angina, which is a separate amino acid.

That's what ACPC is for rheumatoid arthritis. The norm will be given below.

Attention! It must be said that citrulline does not participate in the synthesis of protein and is excreted within a certain time from the body.

When the joints suffer from arthritis, the body undergoes many changes.

At the same time, the structure of the protein amino acid chain, which affects the functionality of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint, is embedded in citrulline.

A peptide that contains citrulline is perceived by the immune system as being foreign and produces antibodies to eliminate this threat.

What are the advantages of an analysis of ACPC in rheumatoid arthritis? His norm should be known to everyone.

Advantages of A / CCP

The ACPC test helps to determine only different types of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, but is in no way suitable for diagnosing other diseases.

This method of examination of blood serum is one of the most fastidious and at the same time accurate, because it detects not only the disease at its early stage, but also the stage of the disease and its nature.

The test is appointed in the diagnosis of rheumatic joint damage and RA at the beginning of its development.

The study allows you to make the most complete therapy scheme, which is aimed at getting rid of pain and relieving inflammation, quickly getting rid of a disease like rheumatoid arthritis.

ACPC has a lot of advantages over RF: a high probability of detecting antibodies to ATSPP several months before the development of the joint nonspecific syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis in a more complex form of arthritis; the possibility of determining RA at the initial stages of 70%; an opportunity determining the nature of the course of the disease; the possibility of determining RA in the progressive stage in 79% of cases; specificity and accuracy of analysis at 98 %.

And this all can reveal the analysis of ATSTSP with rheumatoid arthritis. We have considered what it is.

The method of ATSTSP can be called high-precision, in connection with which the doctors began to appoint it more often to patients who have all the signs of developing arthritis. According to the test results, you can determine the form of arthritis, as well as predict its course, which allows you to assign the patient the right therapy.

Features of the procedure

What is the preparation procedure for the analysis? After the patient is assigned to the analysis of the ATSPP, he must follow a number of rules. Before the test, you can not eat (for 8 hours). Any liquid, including tea, juice and coffee, can not be consumed within 24 hours.

This rule applies to smoking, because the smoker will have to give up the cigarette for 2 hours, until they conduct an analysis of ACCP in rheumatoid arthritis. Decipherment in this case will be more accurate.

The peculiarity of the test is precisely its holding on an empty stomach.

Carrying out the test: algorithm

The test is carried out by taking blood from the vein. Then, the serum is extracted from it, which is then used for examination at the ATSP.

Serum is recovered in a special centrifuge.

Depending on the urgency of the analysis and the employment of the laboratory, the results can be obtained within a week or immediately on the day of the fence.

Important! Serum can be frozen only once, then with repeated freezing the results will be inaccurate.

How is the ACPC analyzed for rheumatoid arthritis? What it is, we already know.

On the research process: the serum is placed in a test tube and is translucent by a laser. This method is called cytofluometry. By scattering the laser beam in a liquid and its character, one can judge the absence or presence of an ATSP in the body.


The analysis is completely safe and painless for the patient, but rather expensive.

The cost of the test varies from thousands to seven hundred rubles depending on the urgency and prices of the laboratory that conducts the test.

This analysis is not sent to all patients, for this you need to investigate the symptoms of the disease and the patient's complaints.

Next, we will consider how the interpretation of the results of the analysis of ATSCP in rheumatoid arthritis is carried out.


According to the results of the test, the doctor learns about the presence or absence of RA, the approximate stage of the development of the disease and the severity of its course. It should be noted that this test in medicine is one of the few in which the norm differs little among people of different ages.

After receiving blood, it can be stored for not more than a week at a temperature of up to +8 degrees.

Then, an analysis of ACPC in rheumatoid arthritis is performed. -200 degrees is the optimum temperature of freezing the blood sample, after which it can be stored for an unlimited time if necessary.

The norm of analysis in men, women and children of different ages can be designated 3 U / ml and only in some single cases it can vary slightly: at an early age in a child with an incompletely formed bone system ED / ml; ACCP in RA of pregnant women -4 U / ml; in elderly people, a gradual increase to 2 U / ml is permissible.

How is the analysis deciphered?

Taking into account the results of the analysis, the specialist prescribes complex treatment, the effectiveness of which will subsequently be shown by a second test.

The correctness of treatment should be judged on the basis of a decrease in the amount of antibodies in the serum.

The ACCCP is deciphered in the presence of rheumatoid arthritis as follows: 0-20 - the indicator is negative; 2, -3, - positive, weakly expressed; 40-5, - positive; over 60 units - positive, expressed strong.

Important! Regardless of the fact that 20 U / ml is considered the norm of analysis, many experts are sure that excluding RA it is possible only in the case when the parameters of the ATSP analysis are zero, that is, with a complete absence in the blood of the data antibodies.


It is necessary to remember to each patient that the analysis of ATSTSP is reliable by 95% and if the test result was negative, but there are all signs of rheumatoid arthritis, it will be necessary to conduct an additional examination using other diagnostic methods prescribed by the treating doctor.

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We examined the analysis of ACCP in rheumatoid arthritis. In women, in men and in children, the normal indices are somewhat different.

A source: http://.ru/article/316993/analiz-atstsp-pri-revmatoidnom-artrite-norma-rasshifroa

Analysis for the definition of the norm of ACCP in rheumatoid arthritis

ACCP in rheumatoid arthritis, the norm of which is increased, indicate the ongoing pathological changes in the human body.

Relevance of the problem

In the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) over the past few decades, there have been significant changes. In particular, laboratory diagnostics of this disease has significantly improved.

RA is a systemic autoimmune disease that affects not only the joints, but also the internal organs of a person, such as the lungs, the liver, the heart.

Most often, the RA begins with a lesion of the small joints of the hands and feet. Over time, the articular surfaces of the bones collapse, which leads to a complete loss of function of the affected joint.

Time of destruction depends on the degree of severity - the so-called "aggressiveness" of the disease.

Given the severity of the course of the disease and its complications, the need for timely appointment of adequate therapy is beyond doubt. Treatment can prevent the destruction of joints. Today, a number of laboratory indicators used in the diagnosis of RA have been developed.

The most commonly used are the blood test for rheumatoid factor and ATSTSP.

Rheumatoid factor serves as a marker of autoimmune disorders, but is not a specific indicator for RA; its definition in the serum is found in many autoimmune diseases and even in 5% of healthy of people.

What are ATSTSP?

What is ATSTSP? Antibodies to the cyclic citrullinated peptide refer to the immunological parameters studied in the patient's serum for suspected RA.

It must be taken into account that anti-citrulline antibodies of blood serum are the only specific and pathognomonic indicator of RA.

Thus, the analysis on ACPC in rheumatoid arthritis is a necessary diagnostic marker.

Citrulline is a product of the exchange of one of the basic amino acids - arginine, which forms and is normal.

In the RA, citrulline begins to participate in the formation of proteins in the body.

Such proteins the immune system of the human body perceives as alien objects and begins to attack them by the formation of antibodies.

Citrulllination of a cyclic peptide as a process can occur both in normal and in pathology. Catalyst of this process in RA can be citrullinized fibrin, which is one of the products of inflammation in the joint membrane - synovial.

How is this analysis performed?

The patient is not allowed to smoke and drink alcohol during the day before taking the test. Come to the laboratory on an empty stomach to donate blood from the vein.

In the laboratory, the venous blood obtained is centrifuged and then antibodies to the cyclic citrulline-containing peptide are determined from the resulting serum by an enzyme immunoassay.

The interpretation of this analysis now looks like this: a value of up to 5 U / ml is considered uninformative.

At the analysis on АЦЦП at a rheumatoid arthritis norm it is considered to be an indicator from 0 to 5 U / ml.

However, the diagnosis of RA begins to speak only when the level of antritsitrullin antibodies exceeds 20 U / ml:

  • the level of ACPC greater than 20 U / ml is positive (20-3, - weakly positive;
  • 40-5, U / ml - positive;
  • more than 60 U / ml - strongly positive).
  • the excess of this indicator indicates a pathology.

Atspp with rheumatoid arthritis: the norm or indicator of the aggressiveness of the disease?

However, the presence of antritsitrullin antibodies in the blood without a clinical examination is not yet a diagnosis.

Anti-citrulline antibodies are just one of the diagnostic criteria for rheumatoid arthritis. Moreover, ATSPP can be negative in a person with a confirmed RA.

In this case, they talk about the so-called seronegative rheumatoid arthritis.

The diagnosis of RA is established by the doctor on the basis of the presence of a certain number of diagnostic criteria:

  • clinical;
  • laboratory;
  • instrumental.

They are developed by the European Association of Rheumatologists.

But it is necessary to know that the presence of high titers of anti-citrulline antibodies in the serum of a patient with RA- an unfavorable indicator of joint destruction (aggressiveness of the process with respect to the formation of bone erosions) during the next few years.

At the same time, anti-citrullin antibodies do not allow monitoring the activity of the process, their quantity in serum does not correlate with the development of the disease; for these purposes most often apply other indicators (DRR, ESR).

A source:

Analysis on ACPC in rheumatoid arthritis: norm and transcript

ACCP with rheumatoid arthritis (antibodies CCP), the norm of which is exceeded, indicate the course of pathological processes in the body.

How do you know when you need to take such an analysis and what does it mean? Consider the symptoms in which there is a suspicion of joint damage, we will figure out what are the normal indices of ACPC and what is evidenced by the overestimated level.

What is rheumatoid arthritis and analysis at ACPC?

According to the world medstatistiki, diseases of the musculoskeletal system increase quantitatively, and also significantly younger. If in the past people with pain in the joints mostly complained of elderly, today even small children can suffer from such symptoms.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a complex joint disease that occurs at any age.

It is characterized by:

  • inflammatory processes of the synovium;
  • destruction of the cartilage of joints (both small and large);
  • deformation of the joints.

Diagnosis of pathology in the initial stages allows to stop or at least minimize the destruction of the joints, which can lead to partial or complete loss of motor activity.

In this regard, the two most common analyzes that can help identify the disease are used:

  1. The analysis on ATSPP - detection of the presence and amount of antibodies to the cyclic citrulline peptide. It is the most revealing and makes it possible to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis (and other forms of arthritis) in the initial stages, when clinical symptoms are not yet visible.
  2. Rheumatoid factor (RF) - the analysis is rather specific. It determines the presence of pathology in the stage of its progression and depends on the severity of the symptoms.

ACCPs are antibodies to the cyclic citrulline peptide. Citrulline is a derivative of the particular amino acid arginine, which takes part in metabolic processes.

In a normal state, with uninterrupted functioning, citrulline practically does not participate in the synthesis of protein compounds and is eventually eliminated from the body.

When rheumatoid arthritis (as well as other forms of arthritis) occurs, changes take place in all processes.

Without outside interference and adequate therapy, this peptide is "inserted" into the protein chain of the amino acid compound and the pathological process becomes chronic.

As soon as the prerequisite for active "work" of citrulline arises, our body gives an immune response in the form of antibodies. It is the presence of these antibodies that makes it possible to identify pathology.

The ACCP test allows you to:

  • identify early rheumatoid arthritis with an accuracy of up to 70%;
  • at the stage of progression, diagnose with an accuracy of 80%;
  • determine the rheumatic pathology of the joints (of different genesis) - up to 100%;
  • to make a prognosis of course and recovery;
  • to determine the risk of development of RA and other pathologies of joints, when the antibody only appeared in the blood and the disease did not go to a more serious stage.

ACCP in rheumatoid arthritis is the most effective indicator, which determines the possibility of development of the disease in the early stages.

The norms for RA

The emergence of antibodies is cyclical in nature and in the presence of the disease can vary depending on various factors. Limits of permissible normal values ​​at any age and for both sexes in the presence of the disease are established at the level, ED / ml.

But there can be some deviations, provoked by such factors:

  • Pregnancy - up to 48 units / ml;
  • age after 55 years - can gradually increase to 50 units / ml, which does not indicate an exacerbation of the chronic process;
  • in children during the formation of the osseous system - up to 47 units / ml.

When conducting the ATSPP test, it is possible to conclude for the first time at such concentrations:

  1. From 0 to 20 units / ml - the absolute norm, the negative result. Although some experts say that at a rate of 20 U / ml, it is impossible to say with accuracy about the patient's safety regarding the risks of development of joint pathology.
  2. From 20 to 3, ED / ml is a weak positive result.
  3. From 40 to 5, ED / ml - a positive, corresponding to the progression of pathology.
  4. More than 60 U / ml - a pronounced result, indicating an acute process.

To give blood to the ACPC in rheumatoid arthritis is necessary after a certain preparation:

  • on an empty stomach, do not eat before the analysis for 8-10 hours;
  • Do not drink coffee, tea or fruit juice from the evening;
  • do not smoke 2-3 hours before the test.

The results are usually ready the next day. But in some cases, the biomaterial must be stored in the cold or frozen when the laboratory is busy.

It should be borne in mind that the serum containing the antibodies should not be frozen again, otherwise the result will be unreliable.

A source:

ACPC test for rheumatoid arthritis

Diagnosis of a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis is necessary in order to detect the disease in time and determine its severity. Since there is a risk of disability or even become disabled, do not delay the procedure.

There are two diagnostic methods: a test for rheumatoid factor (RF) and analysis of antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide (ACPC).

The first, due to its specificity, is not used as often, as it allows to diagnose some other diseases joints, and the second allows in the overwhelming majority of cases to accurately identify rheumatoid arthritis and its level neglect.

Advantages of ATSPP in front of the Russian Federation

Despite the fact that the RF test was previously very popular and was used almost everywhere, the appearance of the analysis on the ATSPP made it possible to quickly minimize the frequency of its conduct. The fact is that the new technique allows to predict with greater accuracy the presence of prerequisites for the occurrence of inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.

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The analysis of venous blood is carried out in a special laboratory

Main advantages:

  • In rheumatoid arthritis, the accuracy of the ATSCP test is approximately 80-90%.
  • With the disease, the specificity of diagnosis is 98%.
  • If the body has antibodies to the CCP, the analysis will reveal them even a few months before the manifestation of the disease. Also, with the help of the study, it is possible to predict the development of nonspecific articular syndrome in a serious form of arthritis.
  • The presence of ATSPP can also indicate an aggressive course of the disease.

General information about the analysis

Antibodies to the cyclic citrulline peptide are a specific group of autoantibodies capable of identifying abnormal peptides. With rheumatoid arthritis, a certain autoimmune reaction is formed in the body, as a result of which autoantibodies appear, which make it possible to diagnose the disease.

In simpler terms, citrulline is a necessary product for metabolism, it does not participate in the process of protein synthesis. From a healthy organism, he simply appears on his own.

With rheumatoid arthritis, the reverse process occurs: its enzyme composition varies qualitatively and quantitatively. Because of this, citrulline is embedded in the protein of the cartilaginous tissue of the joints.

In response, the body begins to reject proteins with citrulline, resulting in the following reaction: the immune system begins to produce antibodies to the cyclic citrulline peptide, that is ACAD.

What is the purpose of the analysis of ACPS

This study helps in the following cases:

  • Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis at the first stage - up to 6 months.
  • Diagnostics on early terms - from 6 months to a year.
  • Diagnosis of seronegative forms of the disease (negative RF).
  • Differentiation of different forms of arthritis and other joint diseases.
  • Assessment of the risk of joint deformity in patients at the initial stage and early stages.

Carry out the analysis of the A / CCP

Analysis of rheumatoid arthritis is performed on an empty stomach, the last meal should be at least 8-12 hours before the test. Approximately for a day it is forbidden to use juices, coffee or tea (especially with sugar). A few hours before the test should avoid smoking.

The study on ACPP is as follows: the patient from the vein is collected blood, after which it is sent to a centrifuge (for obtaining serum).

If the blood test is not done immediately, then the sample taken can be stored for a week if a special temperature regime is observed (from + 2⁰C to + 8⁰C).

Also it can be frozen and stored at a temperature of -200⁰C, however a repeated cycle of defrosting and freezing is strictly unacceptable. The very research is carried out in a test tube by scattering the laser beam in a liquid medium.

The specialist must carry out blood sampling for analysis

The standard norm of ACPC in a healthy person is 3 U / ml. A more overvalued figure indicates the development of rheumatoid arthritis. Than this indicator is higher, the more inflammatory lesion of joints develops.

The value obtained in the analysis allows us to characterize the severity of the disease and develop the most effective therapy. However, even after the improvement of the patient's condition, this indicator in the blood will remain at a high level, therefore it can not be considered a pledge of successful treatment.

It is necessary to remember and know! The final interpretation of the results obtained and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis is the prerogative of a rheumatologist.

This analysis is of unquestionable importance in the diagnosis of the disease in its early stages, since with rheumatoid arthritis the symptoms do not appear immediately. In the event that a physician receives an overestimated score, an effective treatment can be immediately assigned and full control over the patient's condition can be made.

A source:

Atsps for rheumatoid arthritis: norm

According to medical statistics in recent years, diseases of the musculoskeletal system only progress. Patients older than the retirement age are increasingly treated with complaints of pain in the joints.

Young people have not avoided the ailment, even children suffer from it. It is very important to recognize joint diseases at early stages of development in order to prevent further progression of joints and many other complications.

Among the many diseases associated with the human bone system, often found in medical practice is rheumatoid arthritis, which is characterized by a complex course and no less difficult treatment.

Therefore, every person suffering from this ailment must know what is ACPI in rheumatoid arthritis, the norm of analysis, in which cases it is necessary.

ATSTSP test - what is it

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a complex joint pathology that affects both adults and children. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the synovial membrane, destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint, its deformation.

If you do not detect pathology in the early stages and do not begin immediate treatment, the consequences can be extremely dangerous.

The destruction, deformation of the joint will entail a partial or complete loss of motor function, and this, as a rule, is the direct path to disability.

Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis in the early stages is an important stage, allowing to designate the correct and most importantly, effective treatment aimed at stopping the inflammatory process and restoring the function joints. For this purpose, two methods are used to determine the concentration of the two antibodies - ACPC (antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide) and RF (rheumatoid factor).

What is this research method?

To diagnose pathology in the early stages, doctors recommend the use of ATSPP, since the indicators of this method are more accurate, they allow to determine the disease at any stage of development. At the same time, the RF test is quite specific, the accuracy of its results in most cases depends on the duration of the pathology development.

Due to the ACPC test, rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed, as are other forms of arthritis in the early stages of development. With the help of the test, the number of circulating markers and antibodies in the blood during the progression of the disease can be detected in the blood.

This test determines the amount of antibodies in the blood relative to the cyclic citrulline peptide, which is an important component involved in the metabolism.

Citrulin is formed due to anginin, which is a separate amino acid, in the process of biochemical reaction.

When joints affect arthritis, the body undergoes multiple changes.

At this time, citrulline is embedded in the structure of the amino acid protein chain, which affects the functionality of the cartilage tissue of the joint.

The immune system, in turn, perceives the peptide containing citrulline as an alien body and, in order to eliminate the threat in response, produces antibodies.

Advantages of A / CCP

With the help of the ATSTS test, only rheumatoid arthritis and other varieties of arthritis can be identified, it is not suitable for the diagnosis of other diseases.

This method of studying blood serum is considered one of the most fastidious, and at the same time, the most accurate, since it allows not only to detect the disease in the early stages, the nature of the course and the stage disease. Assign a test for diagnosis:

  1. rheumatoid arthritis at the onset of development;
  2. rheumatic joint damage.

Diagnosis will make it possible to draw up a more accurate treatment regimen aimed at rapid recovery, relief of pain, inflammation.

In contrast to RF (rheumatoid factor), ACPC has many advantages:

  • possibility to determine RA at early stages - 70%;
  • the ability to determine RA at the stage of progression - 79%;
  • specificity and accuracy of the analysis - 98%;
  • possibility to determine the nature of the course of the disease;
  • a high probability of detection of antibodies to ATSPP several months before the development of RA or nonspecific articular syndrome in a more dangerous form of arthritis.

This method is highly accurate, so doctors increasingly assign an analysis to patients who have all the signs of arthritis.

The test results allow to determine not only the form of arthritis, but predict its course, as a result it becomes possible to prescribe the correct treatment of the disease.

Features of the procedure

How to prepare for the analysis? Patients who are assigned to the ATSP test must follow certain rules. At least 8-12 hours before the procedure can not eat, any food.

Liquid, including coffee, tea or juice can not be consumed throughout the day. This rule applies to smoking, so heavy smokers need to give up cigarettes for a couple of hours until an analysis is made.

The peculiarity of the test is that it is performed on an empty stomach.

Algorithm of actions during the test

For the test, you need to take blood from the vein. Then, blood will need to be removed from the serum, which is then used for investigation at the ATSTSP.

To extract the serum, the blood is placed in a special centrifuge.

Serum can be stored in a special box, under optimal temperature conditions (from +2 to +8 degrees) for about a week, serum freezing is allowed, thus, it is stored at a temperature of -200 degrees. The results of the study can be ready as on the day of blood collection from the vein, so throughout the week, it all depends on the employment of the laboratory technicians and the urgency of the analysis.

The research process is as follows: the serum is placed in a test tube and is inspected with a laser. This method is called cytofluometry. On the presence or absence in the body of ACCP is judged by the scattering of the laser beam in the liquid and the nature of the scattering.

The test is completely painless and safe for the patient, although quite expensive. The price of the analysis ranges from 1000 rubles. up to 1700 rubles., Depending on the quotations of the laboratory, which conducts the test and the urgency of the results.

The direction for analysis is not assigned to all patients without exception, it all depends on the symptoms of the disease and the patient's complaints.


The test results will indicate the presence or absence of rheumatoid arthritis, as well as the severity of the disease and its approximate stage of development.

It is worth to clarify that in medicine this test is one of the few, the norm of which is almost the same for all ages.

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So, the norm in children, women and men at any age is 3, U / ml, only in exceptional cases it can vary slightly:

  • ACCP in rheumatoid arthritis, the norm in women during pregnancy -4 U / ml;
  • in the elderly, with age, a gradual (but not irregular) increase in the index to 2 units is permissible;
  • norm in children whose bone system is not fully formed (early age of the child) U / ml.

Taking into account the results of the analysis, the doctor makes a treatment regimen, its effectiveness will be shown by the repeated test. It is possible to judge the correct treatment by decreasing the number of antibodies in the blood serum.

ACPC for rheumatoid arthritis, decoding:

  1. norm 0-20 - a negative indicator;
  2. 2, -3, - the analysis is positive, but weakly expressed;
  3. 40-5, - the analysis is positive;
  4. above 60 units - the analysis is positive, strongly pronounced.

Each patient should remember that the reliability of this test is up to 95%, so many doctors trust him so.

If the analysis shows negative results, but all symptoms of the disease indicate rheumatoid arthritis, additional diagnostic methods to be prescribed by the attending physician will be required.

A source:

All details about ACPP analysis

One of the serious, complex, systemic diseases of the joints is rheumatoid arthritis. It is characterized by a prolonged course and requires the utmost accuracy of medical diagnostics. It will depend on the success of the selected treatment and the prognosis.

One of the modern methods is the study of ATSTSP.

What is the analysis?

The study on ATSPP determines the presence of antibodies to the cyclic citrullinated peptide, indicating an inflammatory process in the joints that develops with rheumatoid arthritis.

Their detection with a probability of up to 97-99% allows you to establish a diagnosis.

What happens in the body?

Amino acid citrulline is produced from arginine in the process of biochemical reactions. In a healthy body, citrulline does not participate in protein synthesis. The inflammatory process triggers the restructuring of the enzyme composition.

Citrulline enters the peptide amino acid chain of the cartilaginous tissue. The new specific protein the human immune system determines alien, in the body the development of antibodies begins.

Thus, the analysis on ACCA with a probability of up to 98% makes it possible to recognize the disease even at the initial stages of its manifestation.

How is the technique carried out?

The analysis is carried out in several stages.

  • After his appointment, the patient is sent to the laboratory for venous blood sampling. The material is taken in the morning. The technology does not differ from taking material for simple clinical analysis.
  • The resulting material is placed in a test tube, centrifuged to produce serum and sent to the study.
  • The analysis is carried out using the method of cytofluorimetry - an accurate and rapid analysis of cells.
  • Although the resulting material can be stored in the laboratory for up to 7 days (subject to a special temperature regime), results and transcripts are usually ready the next day.

Received values, decoding (norm and pathology)

In a healthy person, the norm of ACPC should normally be 3 U / ml.

The higher the values ​​of antibodies, the more likely it is to suspect the presence of rheumatoid arthritis, the progression of the inflammatory process in the body and the stage of the disease.

The indicators are also used to prescribe or correct the treatment regimen, the prognosis of the disease.

Why is it appointed?

The specialist may appoint him with the purpose:

  1. the detection of rheumatoid arthritis at the initial (1-6 months) and early stage of the disease (from six to twelve months);
  2. detection of seronegative forms with a negative rheumatoid factor;
  3. differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis with other similar diseases;
  4. determine how strong the deformation of the joints is;
  5. prescribing therapy and prognosis.

How to prepare?

Before research it is required to observe simple rules of preparation:

  • On the eve it is forbidden to smoke, take alcoholic beverages.
  • Exclude from the diet heavy, fatty foods, fast food.
  • Exclude heavy physical exertion, emotional stress factors. Sleep well.
  • Try not to take the medicament the day before. If this is not possible, be sure to inform the doctor about it.
  • Blood should be given on an empty stomach. The last meal should be 8-10 hours before the laboratory. Sometimes allowed to drink water (without tea leaves, coffee, sugar and other additives).

What can affect the result?

The values ​​obtained are strongly influenced by smoking. Scientists have long established a link between the regular consumption of nicotine and the occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis.

Not only does nicotinic dependence lead to the onset of the disease and affect the severity of the disease, so still leads to changes in the level of citrulline in the blood, and therefore to unreliability of the results in the analysis of ACAD.

What else?

  1. In addition, the result can be false-negative in people with hypergammaglobulinemia - increased levels of immunoglobulins in the blood, as well as jaundice and lepemia.
  2. During the intake of an increased dose of biotin (vitamin H), it is recommended to donate blood not earlier than eight hours after the last intake (injection). High dosage - more than 5 mg per day.

Where to do it?

The research is quite common and is included in the list of services of many city laboratories and clinics.

In Moscow, you can donate blood:

  • in the Center for Molecular Diagnostics;
  • the Helix laboratory service;
  • laboratories for hemostas and Invitro;
  • in the clinic Patero clinics;
  • The Peter the Great's Gate;
  • GMS Clinic;
  • Dosypnoe health and others.

The cost of the study is on average 1000-1300 rubles. The execution time is from 1 to 5 working days. Invitro and Helix are distinguished by very rapid implementation of the study.

In St. Petersburg you can do:

  • in the clinical hospital № 122 named. L.G. Sokolov;
  • Invitro;
  • Medical Center Health Trauma Center;
  • Inclinic;
  • Medical Genetic Center Life;
  • MedSwiss Medical Center;
  • the Helix laboratory service;
  • Federal Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazov and others.

The cost is 1300-1700 rubles. The term of performance is from 1 to 7 working days.

To receive a referral for the analysis of ATSTSP it is possible in the city district clinics of the city through a therapist and rheumatologist. In paid medical laboratories and clinical centers do without referral during business hours of a commercial institution, sometimes by appointment.

Other tests for rheumatoid arthritis

In addition to testing for antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide, the specialist often assigns:

  • Clinical examination of blood with a leukocyte formula. This disease often lowers the level of hemoglobin, which in a healthy person should be normal. The indices of cryoglobulins, leukocytes, neutrophils increase with the subsequent risk of neutropenia development.
  • Immunological study makes it possible to determine C-reactive protein - one of the atypical factors of inflammation.
  • Urine examination to check the functioning of the kidneys, the presence of related diseases.
  • Biochemical blood test with the definition of rheumatoid factor. It is worth noting that in our country for a long time the analysis on the Russian Federation (rheumatoid factor) remained popular. This technique is also considered reliable, but the accuracy of the study is only 80-90%, while the analysis on ACPP allows you to establish a diagnosis with an accuracy of 98%.

How to recognize the disease?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease characterized by a number of signs and symptoms:

  • Swelling of the joint flanks of the index and middle fingers, wrist joint with signs of inflammation.
  • Pain in the symmetrically affected joints of both hands (more often in the night and in the morning).
  • Deformation of the joints of the feet next to the base of the fingers. It is accompanied by painful sensations when you press your toes.
  • Inflammatory process in large joints with the progression of the disease (shoulders, elbows, knees). Sometimes inflammation begins precisely with large joints, and later passes to the hands.
  • Feelings of restraint after a morning awakening. Normally, this should not be.
  • The emergence of nodules (dense formations under the skin) in the bends of elbows, brushes.
  • In addition, the disease can be accompanied by a deterioration in overall well-being, increased fatigue, increased body temperature, loss of appetite, numbness of limbs, inflammation of the salivary glands.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is hard to treat.

It proceeds in chronic form with constant supervision of the doctor. Therapeutic measures are aimed at the removal of pain, muffling the inflammatory process in the joints, reducing the severity and severity of the disease. Therapies use:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, movalis, indomethacin, nimesil). Inhibit the activity of the enzyme that causes destruction of articular cartilage, reduce signs of inflammation.
  • Basic means (leflunomide, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine). Appointed for up to six months. They are divided into 5 main groups: gold preparations, cystatics, antimalarials, sulfonamides and D-penicillamine.
  • Glucocorticosteroid hormones (dexamethasone, triamcinolol, prednisolone). Excellent cope with the pain syndrome, serve as additional funds in complex therapy.
  • Biological medicines (humira, actemra, orentsia) on a protein basis. Suppress the process of inflammation due to the effect on the immune system.
  • Surgical treatment is used if necessary to correct the pronounced joint deformities.
  • In addition, treatment must necessarily include lifestyle changes, exercise therapy, proper nutrition, compliance with the regime of the day.


Reduce the risk of the disease will help maintain a healthy lifestyle, the exclusion of bad habits (smoking, alcohol), timely treatment of any infectious, viral, inflammatory diseases that can become triggers in the development ailment.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious disease that requires constant monitoring by a doctor. For the prognosis and success of therapy, correct diagnosis is very important. The analysis on ACPP plays an important role in the diagnosis of the disease and serves as the main tool for diagnosing and prescribing treatment!

It is important to watch for yourself and if you have any of these symptoms, contact your physician or rheumatologist immediately.

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