Sialor in sinusitis

Is it worth using Protargol for the treatment of sinusitis in a child, years? And where to buy these potassium?



as a mother with 6 years of experience of treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis and a frontitis in my daughter I will say: doctors at the initial stage of treatment of sinusitis even simple protracted rhinitis all prescribe these drops (only brown goats become)))))), no special effect Protargol does not sell he is in mun. pharmacies can be prescription, I somehow bought and without, it costs 20 rubles. Though at all an organism different personally always rescues or saves us vasoconstricting drops and a lavage well still recently Nazoneks to us began to register.

yulia west

Prothorgol is a medicine with silver. only on order in prescription and prescription

Tatyana Nazarova

This medicine is very good, it is made only to order.
Contains silver, and it is known to kill microbes.


If the doctor has appointed, then it is worth taking. And it is sold in production pharmacies.

instagram viewer

Vitus timos

There are some homeopathic remedies! And so - only on the diagnosis of a doctor should be treated! The first time I hear about such a disease in such a baby.

Roman Konyshev

to be honest - the medicine is "ancient but does not mean that it's bad." it's an antiseptic. prepare in pharmacies (municipal). a good alternative to antibiotics, but only in cases of non-generalized process.


The child does not have sinusitis, and purulent sinusitis and antibiotic treatment inside and locally Bury in the nose (Polidexa very well helps to drip into the nose, if the temperature, then still inside antibiotic). Plant drops inside designate more Sinupret. Protorgol will not help (these drops are prepared in a pharmacy on request). And it is better to order in the drugstore Complex drops in the nose. Do not be ill!

Alevtina Mironova

In such a small age, sinusitis can not be. We had a bad cold Cinnabsin treated. The pills helped for once. But I did not want to wash my nose. Oral as crazy.

Siallor for children and its curative effect in the cold

  • Instructions for use
  • Application features
Siallor for children

Sialor is a vasoconstrictor and is used to treat ENT diseases.

After the drops get on the mucous membrane, they cause constriction of the vessels, which leads to a decrease in edema and facilitates breathing.

Sialor for children is a safe medication, the main active ingredient of which is silver protein, and there is polyvinyl-N-pyrrolidone.

The drug is available in the form of drops, which are convenient to use a special pipette, included in the preparation.

The main action of the drug is an astringent, drying and killing microbial property, and the silver that is part of it also produces an antibacterial effect, covering the mucous tissues with a film that prevents the infection from getting inside, depressing runny nose.

Sialor comes in the form of:

  • drops;
  • solution 2%;
  • set for solution preparation;
  • set for adults for the preparation of mortar, a sprayer is included.

Indications for the use of Sialor for children:

  • adenoids;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • diseases of the nose;
  • prevention of colds.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • tachycardia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • surgical intervention in the meninges.

In the process of therapy with Sialor, side effects may appear.But only in the event that the recommended dose was exceeded: nasal irritation mucous membrane, increased dryness, the appearance of burning sensation in the nose, numbness, itching, headache, redness of the eye. In rare cases, the drug causes allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock.

Therefore, Siallor for adults and children is always used in recommended doses. The effectiveness of the drug is largely due to the fact that it contains silver ions, which have a unique ability to penetrate deep into the cells bacteria, where at the cellular level they begin to inhibit the vital activity of harmful microorganisms and prevent their further spread and infection of infections in all organism.

If we talk about diseases of the nose and nasopharynx, then with the treatment of purulent cold, the effectiveness of the medicine has long been proven.Yes, you will not see such a rapid effect as with the use of innovative products of the latest generation. But here the important role is played by the fact that modern medicines in their majority remove the symptoms of the disease, while Sialor eliminates the cause at a deep, cellular level.

It is clear that the latter option is much better and more profitable, even if the course of treatment will be longer. In some cases, the remedy is also prescribed for conjunctivitis, infectious lesions of the genitourinary tract. Sialer is effective for children of different ages.

Siallor Protargol: instructions for use and dosage

Siallor Protargol instructionThe Sialor Protargol drug recommends the use exclusively topically, also before use the medicine should be carried out preparation of nasal sinuses, thoroughly blow them, remove all accumulated mucus.

If drops are used for the baby, it should be placed on the back and buried in the nose.

For adults, it will be enough just to tilt the head to facilitate the process of instillation of the solution. Children's version of the drug is less concentrated, so it can be safely used even when treating the youngest patients. Breastfed babies and toddlers under 1 year, treated with 1% solution, 1 to 2 times a day.

The dosage of the drug Sialor Protargol is described as follows:

  • Children are instilled with drops twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, 3 or 5 drops.
  • Adults - twice a day, in the morning and in the evening for 5 drops.
  • With the pathology of the urethra, a 2% solution is made.

The course of treatment with the drug, as a rule, does not last more than 1 - 2 weeks. It is very effective in the treatment of children's purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, otitis, adenoids, eustachiitis. Often it is Sialor's application that avoids the removal of adenoids, but only under the condition of timely treatment. Widespread antiseptic medicine in other areas of medicine and except for ENT practice and urology, it is used in venereology, gynecology, ophthalmology in different concentrations of the solution.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is contraindicated, but if the doctor deems it necessary, he may prescribe therapy, but only after carefully conducted analyzes of the condition of a future mother or nursing with a born baby.In the event that Sialor Protargol causes a repeated allergic reaction, the instruction does not recommend its use. You can replace the drug with another appropriate drug with the same spectrum of action. Of course, the medication is very effective.

But it can also become a cause of great trouble and aggravation of the condition. First of all, this is due to the excess of the recommended dose: constantly working in large doses on the mucous membranes of the nose, drops simply destroy everything, even useful bacteria, the microflora of the nose is no longer able to cope with viruses and bacteria continue to develop and spread. Also, the harm from taking the medicine can be in the event that the pharmacy has sold you a drug with expired shelf life.

Siallor for children and features of its use

Siallor for childrenThe drug Sialor baby should not be used together with MAO inhibitors. Also it is not combined with tricyclic antidepressants.

It is important to know that although you can buy this medicine without a prescription in a drugstore, but you only need to take it on the prescription of your treating doctor.

Sialor baby is used to treat adults, and the medicine does not affect your reaction speed, mental state. The cost of Sialer starts from 235 rubles. Some pharmacies can offer the drug at a price slightly higher than the specified, the difference will not be significant.

The most popular analogues of Sialor are:

  • Halazolin;
  • Rhinostop;
  • Rhinorus;
  • Otrivin.

The spectrum of action for all these drugs is the same, but Sialor adult and children has a silver that can penetrate deep into the cells of bacteria, where it begins to actively fight: inhibits the development of bacteria, does not allow the synthesis of their products life activity.Therefore, we can say with confidence that the effectiveness of the medicine is very high. But at the same time it is silver ions that can provoke a strong allergic reaction - in particular, medical allergy.

And because of this property of silver, Sialor is not recommended for therapy to people suffering from all forms and allergies. At the moment, there are a lot of different opinions about this drug and some of them are positive. Most doctors still hold the opinion that this is an effective and useful medicine that has a wide spectrum of action and providing a rapid therapeutic effect, due to the composition of silver.

Of course, to cause a negative attitude to the drug, it is enough to take an allergy, but always read the instructions for use carefully, where all indications and contraindications.Read reviews of Siallor and listen to the recommendations of a neighbor in turn to the doctor is not necessary, all you need to know, you will tell the doctor. Only a doctor who has fully analyzed your (child's) condition can prescribe a medicine or replace it with an analog, but with a different composition. Only after a qualified evaluation by a doctor can a drug be used for therapy.

Negative image of the medicine is also made by patients who do not like to drip in the nose, everyone is already accustomed to more modern methods - sprays, ointments. And the producers claim that the medicines of the new generation are much safer. But, comparing the composition of the usual Sialor with some of today's analogs, you can see that to provide so effective disinfection, as Sialor, not a single newfangled remedy. Yes, and the eradication from the body of the cause of the disease, and not just the removal of symptoms (which often make modern medicines), also says a lot.


Siallor (Protargol): instructions for use, description and reviews

Runny nose is one of the frequent symptoms of viral and bacterial infections. It appears in people of different backgrounds and age groups. Certainly, it is necessary to treat not the symptom, but the cause of the disease. However, quite often in complex therapy, doctors recommend using local remedies. These can include sprays for the nose, drops and cleansing solutions. In this article we will talk about the Sialor (Protargol). You will find out the main indications for using this drug and get acquainted with the methods of its use. It is also worth mentioning about what medicines Sialor (Protargol) reviews have among patients and doctors.

sialor protargol

What is the drug and how does it work?

The drug "Sialor" ("Protargol") contains in its composition silver protease and purified water. To get this solution, you need to mix the purchased funds.

The action of this medication is mainly antimicrobial. The drug reacts with pathological microorganisms and destroys them. After applying the solution to the nasal mucous membranes, a film is formed. It perfectly protects tissues from new bacteria and helps to kill the old.

Also the "Sialor" ("Protargol") helps to heal the damaged mucous membrane. This speeds up the patient's recovery process. In addition, the solution acts on the vessels of the nasal sinuses, narrowing them. This helps to facilitate breathing and volatilization of pathological bacteria.

When is Sialor used?

"Protargol" (drops) is used to treat diseases of the nose and as a complex therapy. So, the solution is often prescribed in case of bacterial infection. If staphylococci, streptococci and similar microorganisms are found in the smear from the nose, then they treat it with this particular remedy.

Also, the solution can be used for preventive purposes and for complex therapy of ENT diseases. Often doctors recommend the use of drops in otitis, sinusitis, meningitis and so on. Use of the drug during colds helps avoid many complications.

Siallor protargol reviews

Who should not use the drops?

"Siallor" ("Protargol") is banned absolutely for all future mothers. At the same time, the period of pregnancy is completely unimportant. Also, do not use the product during breastfeeding. It is more preferable to choose another method of treatment.

The medicine is not applied in the presence of hypersensitivity to one of the components (in this case, a solution of silver).

A method for mixing a medicament

How to properly prepare "Siallor" ("Protargol")? The instruction says the following.

  1. Open the box and remove all the components from it.
  2. Unscrew the bottle cap.
  3. Remove the tablet from the sealed container.
  4. Lower the capsule into purified water.
  5. Put the pipette on and carefully shake the solution for about two minutes.

When the drug completely dissolves, you can start treatment.

sialor protargol instruction

How and in what dosage should I apply the medicine?

When choosing a treatment regimen, always take into account the recommendations of a specialist. It is worth noting that some doctors do not recommend the use of this solution in young children (up to 4-5 years). However, the instruction says nothing about it.

The remedy is used only after a preliminary cleansing of the nasal passages. Better not just blow your nose, but wash your sinuses. After this, one to three drops are injected into each nostril. In this case, the patient should be located horizontally.

The course of treatment is usually 5 days. In some cases, doctors recommend extending the period to one week. In particularly difficult situations, it is permissible to use drops for 14 days.

sialor protargol drops

Features of using the tool

In some cases, the drug may cause allergic reactions. Most often - it's an ordinary itch and redness of the skin. However, there are also more serious side effects, such as Quincke's edema. Also, long-term treatment with this medication can lead to chronic nasal congestion and blueing of the mucous membranes. With such manifestations, it is necessary to immediately complete the correction and seek medical help.

To avoid such a reaction, it is worthwhile to check this tool. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug on the inside of the elbow fold. After that, observe the effect. If there is itching and redness, then do not use this medication. Contact your doctor to find an alternative remedy.

The preparation has a pronounced brown tinge. Try to avoid getting money for clothes and furniture.

sialor protargol 2 10 ml

The price category and volume of the drug

The tool "Sialor" ("Protargol" 2%, 10 ml) will cost you about 250-300 rubles. Remember that the price may vary slightly depending on the region, the pharmacy network and inflation. If desired, you can replace the solution with a cheaper analogue called Protargol. However, before this it is worth consulting with a doctor.

Summing up the article

Sialor is an absolutely harmless medication. Its use does not interfere with the microflora of the mucous membranes. Also, the drug can kill some fungal infections. Due to this, small children do not develop dysbiosis after treatment.

Many doctors say that when the drug is taken for a long time, the mucous membranes of the nose may dry out. That's why you should not prescribe a remedy yourself. Especially when it comes to the health of babies. Get treated on time and do not get sick. I wish you success!

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