Flatness: degrees, treatment in adults and children


  • 1Treatment of flat feet 1, 2, 3 degrees
    • 1.1What it is?
    • 1.2Because of what is the disease developing?
    • 1.3Types, forms
    • 1.4Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 1.5What to do?
    • 1.6Proper shoes and orthopedic insoles
    • 1.7Massage and treatments
    • 1.8Gymnastics
    • 1.9Special tools
    • 1.10Operation
    • 1.11How to avoid a problem?
  • 2Degrees of flatfoot
    • 2.1Foot parameters
    • 2.2Determination of the degree of flatfoot
    • 2.3Degrees of gravity
    • 2.4Degrees of longitudinal flat feet
    • 2.5Degrees of transverse flatfoot
    • 2.6Features of treatment depending on the severity of the disease
  • 3Causes, symptoms and treatment of flat feet
    • 3.1Types of disease
    • 3.2Causes of development
    • 3.3How to determine the presence of flat feet?
    • 3.4Symptoms of flat feet
    • 3.5Degrees of disease
    • 3.6Treatment of flat feet
    • 3.7Treatment in adults
    • 3.8Treatment in children
  • 4How can flatfoot be cured?
    • 4.1Causes of the disease
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3Degrees of pathology
    • 4.4How to recognize flat feet?
    • 4.5Treatment of pathology in adults
    • 4.6Treatment of flat feet in the child
    • 4.7Massage
    • 4.8Prevention
    • 4.9Complications
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Treatment of flat feet 1, 2, 3 degrees

Flat-footedness is a very, very common problem, which many consider to be frivolous, letting everything go in its wake. But in fact such disease harms to all organism as a whole! And how to treat flat feet in adults and children? And is it treated, in general?

What it is?

Everyone knows that with such a disease young people are not taken into the army. Now you must understand that this is quite true, because the entire locomotor apparatus can easily fail if a person will expose it to heavy loads.

Because of what is the disease developing?

Before you figure out how to cure, correct and prevent flat feet in a child or adult, it is worth knowing reasons for its development, since their elimination is an important point of getting rid of the problem and prevention. So, let's list the negative factors:

  • Excess weight. Excess weight is a huge load on the bones, which are a kind of skeleton for the whole body. The most difficult work is performed by feet, pelvic bones and spine. The legs of the feet will certainly flatten.
  • The second reason is a profession. In particular, people who are forced to work on their feet all day, often suffer from this ailment. If necessary, you should give your feet a rest.
  • Shoes with a hairpin or very narrow. It turns out that the main load from the heel passes to the phalanx of the fingers and the transverse arch of the foot, because of this the arch will flatten, the flatfoot will develop.
  • Age changes can also have a negative impact. The fact is that the muscles weaken with age, the bulk goes exactly to the feet, because of what happens their deformation.
  • Injuries can also affect the structure of the bones.
  • Some diseases (for example, poliomyelitis or rickets) lead to deformities.
  • Also, some doctors believe that there is a hereditary factor. In this case, the signs of the disease can appear already in childhood.

Types, forms

There are several types, forms and degrees of the disease.

Depending on which foot arch is affected by changes, two types are distinguished:

  1. Transversal. With this form it is the transverse arch of the foot that falls. The load falls on the metatarsal bones of the fingers. Because of this, the length of the foot decreases, the fingers can diverge in different directions. In a third or even half of patients, along with such a disease, there are other deformities of the feet.
  2. With the longitudinal form, the longitudinal arch is deformed. The foot touches the support almost all over its surface, its length increases.

But both can occur simultaneously, which worsens the situation.

If we study the specific causes and nature of the disease, we can distinguish several types:

  • Traumatic. In this case, the shock for the development of the disease was a foot injury (for example, fracture of the ankle or calcaneus).
  • Children's. The reasons for it are still unclear. The baby is already born with deformities of the foot. But to reveal changes it is possible only to 5-7 years as at an early age a foot in any case will be completely concerned to a floor (it yet did not have time to be generated).
  • Ricky. With rickets, the bones become brittle because of a lack of vitamin D and calcium. As a result, a huge load falls on the leg bones, which they can not always withstand.
  • Paralytic. With paralysis of the lower limbs, the vaults and bones will also deform.
  • Valgus. It is characterized by deformation of the longitudinal arch, observed along with clubfoot.

There are several degrees of disease:

  1. The first degree. With this form, the angle of the arch is about 130-140 degrees. And the height of the foot can be reduced to 25-35 millimeters. Treatment of flatfoot 1 degree is not so difficult.
  2. The second degree is characterized by an increase in the angle of the arch to 140-150 degrees and a decrease in height to 17-24 millimeters.
  3. The third degree entails serious changes and deformations. In this state, the arch of the arch of the foot will be more than 155 degrees, and the height will be less than 17 millimeters.

The stages of longitudinal flatfoot were listed above. But four stages of transverse are also distinguished.

Each degree of flatfoot is determined on the basis of two parameters: the angle of deviation of the thumb from others (it will increase), as well as the angle between the first and second metatarsal bones (he, too grows).

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Identify flat feet is quite simple. There are several symptoms:

  • Pain in the foot. First they arise when putting on shoes (especially narrow, uncomfortable or on the heel), and also after physical exertion. But in the absence of necessary measures, the pain may be permanent.
  • Watch the position of your fingers. Large will be rejected first, then changes will affect all others.
  • Deformities of the foot. At the first stage they are not so noticeable, but on the second they are already obvious.
  • Measure the distance between the bend of the foot and the floor. With such an ailment, it decreases.

In any case, at any slightest manifestations, you need to see a doctor.If you do not know which doctor heals flat feet, then this is an orthopedist.

What to do?

So, you turned to the doctor. He will examine you and determine the nature and extent of the changes that have occurred, and also tell you how to get rid of flat feet.It should be noted right away that it is impossible to completely get rid of an ailment in an adult person.

Unfortunately, deformations have already occurred, and it is not possible to eliminate them. In this case, all measures should be aimed at stopping the changes and keeping the foot structure that is already there.

A person will have to change his way of life and some habits.

So, it is necessary to wear orthopedic shoes with special insoles, perform special medical exercises from flat feet, avoid increased loads and periodically undergo certain procedures. This will avoid even more serious problems.

Treatment of flat feet of 1 or 2 degree in children is quite possible both in a hospital and at home. The bones, ligaments and joints of the child are only being formed, so that, until adolescence, measures to eliminate the problem will be quite effective.

The chances of getting rid of the disease are increased, if we reveal it already at the earliest stages. Then there will be enough special gymnastics, proper shoes and massage. In more complex cases, procedures, massage, special adaptations are shown.

But the treatment of flat-footedness of the third degree is complicated, since deformations in this case will be serious. But all the same efforts, an integrated approach and continuity will achieve success. And in some cases, surgical treatment is indicated.

And now about everything in more detail.

Proper shoes and orthopedic insoles

What shoes should I wear when I'm flat? Certainly orthopedic. It must necessarily have a supinator, which provides the foot with the necessary physiologically correct bend.

Heel should be no more than 3 (maximum 4) centimeters, otherwise the foot will be deformed. But a completely flat sole is also harmful. Shoes or shoes should not be pressed, but they can not be too free.

Pay attention to comfort and convenience when walking.

Now about the insole. They differ from conventional ones, since they have special bends and convexities, which ensure the correct position of the foot during movements.

How to choose insole from flat feet? They are all alike. So, in place of the inner curve of the foot, a supinator is provided. The rolling zone is slightly elevated, and where there is a heel, there is a small depression.

In the back, the insole thickens, providing the necessary leg lift. Also, there are wedges that help to regulate the position of the foot relative to the support. There are special children's insoles, soft for patients with diabetes, as well as for the elderly.

The materials used are different, for example, polymers. But the real leather is more preferable.

It is better to see a doctor asking for an individual footbed. He will take measurements to take into account all the features. This option is most effective.

Insoles can be purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores. The cost of such products can range from 400-500 rubles to 1500. But if you decide to make to order, you will have to give more, namely a minimum of 2-3 thousand. But health is priceless.

Massage and treatments

On average, one session lasts from 5-7 to 10-15 minutes. The masseuse should also pay attention to the legs. In addition, the effect on the lower back will also be effective. The course of treatment includes an average of 13-15 procedures, but if necessary, their number can be increased.

There are many different techniques, techniques and approaches. They are selected individually, taking into account the degree of disease and features of the structure of the limb. But usually the specialist moves from the toes to the calcaneal part and from the lower leg to the knee.

There are also a lot of tricks: kneading, squeezing, rubbing, stroking, patting, squeezing, rubbing, smoothing, pressing and so on. During the procedure, you can use a variety of rollers, balls, rollers and so on.

Remember that massage has its contraindications!

Physiotherapeutic procedures favorably affect the regeneration and structure of tissues, so they are also effective, as are contrast baths (they improve metabolism).

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We offer several exercises:

  1. Place the feet first on the outside, then on the inside. First, do the exercise, sitting on a chair and leaning with your feet on the floor, then stand up and stand up. Repeat all 30-50 times.
  2. You can deploy your feet. To do this, sit on a chair and try to place your feet on one straight line. First, connect the heels, and then the fingers. Then get up and do the same. You must do at least 30 repetitions.
  3. Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder width apart. Now alternately get up on your toes, then on your heels. Do smooth rolling, then change position faster. Repeat the exercise 40-50 times.
  4. Sit on a chair, lift your legs off the floor. Rotate your feet first into one, then to the other side. Make 20-30 turns in each.
  5. Walking on the spot without taking off the socks. Only the heels are raised, and as high as possible. Perform the exercise quickly for one to two minutes.

Can I run with flat feet? At the first degree a little is possible.At the second and even more so the third is better to be more careful and consult with a doctor.

Special tools

There are various devices for treating this ailment: rollers, rollers, balls and so on. But the most effective mat from flat feet.

It is a surface in the form of sections with different convex invoices: balls (imitation stones), villi (like grass) and others. You need to walk on such a rug 10-20 minutes a day (you can for a few tricks). This is easy and even pleasant.

Take a device with you on your travels, do regular exercises, only then there will be a positive effect.


If the case is complex and serious, then surgical treatment can be prescribed. It consists in removing the protruding part of the bone, as well as in the transplantation of ligaments and muscles. In addition, the joint capsule will be corrected.

How to avoid a problem?

It is extremely important to prevent flat feet in preschool children in kindergarten and other pre-school children, as well as in adolescents at school and even adults.

We list some preventive measures:

  • It is important to monitor your weight and avoid large and sharp increases.
  • It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, but not to allow heavy loads on the feet.
  • Wear comfortable shoes.
  • The doctor can advise a special preventive complex of exercises.
  • You can do a light massage yourself.
  • It is also important to eat balanced and right.
  • If possible, walk barefoot more often (especially on rocks and grass).

Remember that health is the most important thing that a person has. Attentively and more seriously concern to it, do not forget about preventive maintenance of a flatfoot, in due time take measures.

A source: https://nashynogi.ru/ploskostopie/lechenie-ploskostopiya-1-2-3-stepeni.html

Degrees of flatfoot

One of the most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in adults, which is constantly progressing and is considered incurable, is flatfoot. Many patients do not notice this deformity of the foot and consider it a non-serious disease.

This attitude leads to the fact that a person is getting worse and gradually complications arise. Since the pathology develops very slowly and at each stage is manifested by different symptoms, three degrees of flatfoot are distinguished.

Foot parameters

The person's foot performs a cushioning function due to the presence of two arches. The longitudinal passes along its inner edge. It is formed by metatarsal bones, calcaneal and cuboid. Find out if the arch is normal, you can take an x-ray photograph.

For this, two lines are drawn: from the apex of the first metatarsal bone and from the heel of the calcaneus. They must intersect in the wedge joint. Normally the angle between them is 125-130 degrees.

If you lower the line from the point of intersection to the base of the foot, its length should be about 39 mm.

With X-ray, you can also examine the transverse arch of the foot. The image is taken in a direct projection. On it, you need to draw lines along the axes 1 and 2 of the metatarsal bones and measure the angle between them. In a healthy foot, it should not be more than 12 degrees.

Vaults are supported with the help of muscles and ligaments. When determining the degree of flatfoot attention is also paid to their condition. It is because of the weakness of the ligaments and muscles that the foot is flattened.

Determination of the degree of flatfoot

Symptoms of flatfoot in adults can be noticed by many, but how many degrees are allocated in this disease, very few people know. But this information is very important in order to properly heal flat feet.

After all, you need to know all about the features of the deformation. An exact diagnosis with emphasis on the degree of pathology is made by a doctor after special tests. For example, the angles between the bones and the height of the vault are measured using an x-ray.

But often it can be done independently.

At 2 degrees of flatfoot deformation can be determined visually. It can be seen from the increase in the width of the foot, its flattening. Shoes are heavily worn, sometimes the patient has to buy a new one, as the size of the leg increases.

Flattening of the 3rd degree is characterized by a strong deformation of the foot. But besides this, various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system begin to develop.

The disease can be complicated by curvature of the spine, radiculitis, arthrosis of the knee or hip joints. Pain sensations are no longer localized in the foot and lower leg.

They can spread to the knees, hips and lower back.

By the footprint on paper, the degree of flat feet

Is it possible to independently determine the degree of the disease? It even needs to be done to understand, that with visit to the doctor it is not necessary to tighten.

The simplest test that is carried out at home is the analysis of the footprint. The sole is lubricated with oil or dye, then you need to stand on a piece of paper.

How to determine from this print the degree of deformation of the longitudinal arch:

  • draw a line connecting the joint of the first finger and the calcaneus;
  • lower the perpendicular through the middle of the foot;
  • measure how far a recess is on the print.

Normally, it should occupy 2/3 of this line. When the notch takes only slightly more than the third part, one speaks of a flat-footed degree. If she still is, but very small - this is the 2nd degree. With 3 degrees of deformation of the foot, there is no such recess at all.

It is also possible to carry out a diagnosis by measuring the height of the foot from the floor to its edge with a compass. Normally, it should be about 30 mm. If the height is reduced to 25 mm, then flat foot is developing.

Degrees of gravity

All varieties of flatfoot have their own characteristics. Therefore, the degrees of gravity of longitudinal deformation and transverse are often considered separately.

But nevertheless it is possible to allocate the general or common signs depending on severity of course of a pathology.

Knowing them, the patient can understand that he develops the disease, and in time to seek medical help.

Any flat foot of the 1st degree is weakly expressed, since it is almost not manifested in any way.

Outwardly, its signs are visible, as a small cosmetic defect. Serious painful feelings in the patient usually does not happen.

Therefore, fatigue of the legs and small pain in the evenings very few people take for the disease.

In the last stages of flatfoot, his external symptoms are pronounced

Platypodia of the 2nd degree already causes unpleasant sensations in the patient. There are severe pains in the feet, ankle and calf muscles. The gait can change, in the evenings the heaviness in legs is felt, there are edemas. At this stage, deformation is already noticeable externally.

Strong deformity of the foot occurs with flat feet of the third degree. Strong pains appear now in the knees, hips and lower back.

After all, such deformation negatively affects the health of the whole organism. There are serious complications: osteochondrosis, disc herniation, arthrosis, curvature of the spine.

The patient is difficult to move, and in the most difficult cases, he is given a disability.

Degrees of longitudinal flat feet

When the longitudinal arch of the foot is flattened, the foot touches the floor with the whole surface of the sole. The length of the foot slightly increases, since the arch disappears. But such deformation develops gradually, usually under the influence of increased loads. In this process, three stages are distinguished.

  1. At the first degree of deformation, a person usually does not experience unpleasant sensations or pain. Only the legs get tired faster, but the bigger loads are not so easily perceived. At inspection such diagnosis is put, if on a picture the size of a corner of the arch 130-140 degrees, and its height reaches 25 mm.
  2. A longitudinal flatfoot of the second degree can be diagnosed by pain in the legs. They increase after the load. The patient notices that old shoes become small to him. Such a diagnosis is made if the height of the foot is from 17 to 25 mm. And the angle of the vault in the image should be at the same time 141-155 degrees.
  3. When the foot is completely flattened, its height drops below 17 mm, and the arch angle increases more than 155 degrees - they speak of the development of the third stage. The patient notices constant pain in the muscles of the legs, joints, back. Various complications develop, and deformations become so large that it is often impossible to wear habitual shoes or simply move around.

A special test will help determine the degree of flatfoot

Degrees of transverse flatfoot

Deformation of the anterior arch of the foot develops with transverse flatfoot. This pathology is characterized by a discrepancy between the fingers and an increase in the width of the foot.

Therefore, its severity is determined by measuring the angle between 1 and 2 metatarsal bones. In transverse flatfoot also deviates toward the thumb.

And when diagnosing a picture, measure the angle between it and the remaining bones of the foot.

This deformation is classified as follows:

  • at the initial stage, the discrepancy between 1 and 2 metatarsal bones should not be more than 10-12 degrees;
  • with flat feet of the 2nd degree, this angle increases to 15 degrees;
  • 3 degree is characterized by a divergence of up to 19 degrees.

For the diagnosis of transverse flatfoot still measure how much the thumb is deflected. In a normal foot, this angle should not be more than 15 degrees. If it increases, then flat feet develop. Moreover, in severe cases, the deviation may be more than 40 degrees.

Sometimes, in the absence of treatment, a transverse flatfoot develops 4 degrees. This happens when 1 and 2 metatarsal bone diverges more than 20 degrees.

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The thumb is strongly deflected to the side - more than 40 degrees, often lies on the adjacent one. The third and the others change their form, they can be flattened.

Often you can find characteristic photos of such a pathology, which is also called valgus deformation of the foot.

Features of treatment depending on the severity of the disease

At the initial stage of flatfoot deformity can be cured in children and young people. For this you need to apply massage, gymnastics, orthopedic liners and insoles, foot baths and normalization of loads. The muscles of the foot need to be developed so that they can support the arch.

The degree of flatfoot should be determined in order to choose the right treatment

Treatment of flatfoot 2 degrees takes usually a long time, but if you follow all the recommendations of a doctor, it will help to slow down the deformation and relieve pain.

But adults can not completely cure the disease. Moreover, often people turn to the orthopedist when the foot is already heavily deformed. But it is always possible to stop its progression and greatly alleviate the patient's condition.

To cure platypodia of the third degree, surgical intervention is most often used.

Usually when the disease at this stage, the patient is concerned about severe pain, and the foot is so flattened that it makes it difficult to move and use normal shoes.

Changes are observed in many joints, and muscles and ligaments are greatly weakened and can no longer support the arches of the foot. Therefore, the treatment of flat-foot 3 degrees by the usual methods is ineffective.

Determination of the degree of deformity of the foot is necessary for every patient with flat feet. This is necessary not only for the doctor when prescribing treatment methods.

The patient himself will better understand the need for prescribed procedures if he sees how much his foot is deformed.

And in this case, the treatment of flatfoot will be more effective.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/diagnostika/stepeni-ploskostopiya

Causes, symptoms and treatment of flat feet

Flattening is a condition in which the arches of the foot are flattened, as a result of which it loses its cushioning abilities.

With flat feet, shaking while walking has to compensate for the joints of the legs and spine.

As a result, flat feet in children and adults leads to the fact that the joints and spine are overloaded and they quickly fail.

Flat feet constantly reminds of themselves, a person feels tension and pain in the feet, lower leg, hips and lower back.

Pain occurs when the body is no longer able to provide normal movement, at this time hip and knee joints already suffer, as well as dislocation of posture. As a result, flat feet in children and adults can cause arthrosis and scoliosis.

In addition, the disease is the cause of varicose veins. In advanced stages requires long-term treatment and even surgical intervention.

Types of disease

The main types of flatfoot

The foot has two arches - longitudinal and transverse, therefore the following types of flatfoot are distinguished:

  1. Longitudinally flat feet, in which the longitudinal arch of the foot decreases;
  2. The transverse flatfoot, which reduces the transverse arch of the foot. Transverse platypodia occurs more often;
  3. The combined flatfoot is characterized by the simultaneous flattening of the transverse and longitudinal arch.

In addition, flat feet can be divided into acquired and congenital:

  • Congenital - manifested from the first days of life of a newborn, is associated with a defect in the development of tissues, this type of flatfoot is rare;
  • Acquired - occurs much more often, it can be traumatic, rachitic, paralytic and static. Traumatic occurs when the foot and ankle fractures, paralytic flat feet arise against the background of the transferred poliomyelitis and paralysis of muscles, with the transfer of rickets there is a rachic flat feet. Static flat feet is the most common form, it occurs for a number of reasons.

Causes of development

From what appears flatfoot and how to avoid it

There are following causes of flatfoot:

  1. Hereditary predisposition to weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the foot;
  2. Excess weight;
  3. Absence of physical activity and low activity associated with a "sedentary" profession;
  4. Pregnancy;
  5. Wearing uncomfortable shoes and shoes with high heels;
  6. Injuries: ankle fractures, bruises, ligament ruptures, muscle damage;
  7. Various diseases: rickets, poliomyelitis.

How to determine the presence of flat feet?

How to determine the flat feet? Find out if you have flat feet with a simple test. It is necessary to grease the whole surface of the feet with a greasy cream, then stop on a white sheet of paper.

It is necessary to stand straight, at the same time it is necessary to lean on the entire foot. After studying the resulting print. At the inner edge of the stupa there is a notch which, in the normal state, should be slightly larger than half the foot in the middle.

If the notch is missing or it is too narrow, then you have a flat foot.

Symptoms of flat feet

Manifestation of flat feet

So, the following symptoms of flat feet:

  • Shoes wear out, staggering on the inside, this is especially noticeable on the heels;
  • After physical exertion, there is pain in the feet;
  • During walking and standing, the legs get tired quickly;
  • At the end of the day the legs flow off, there may be seizures and the appearance of a feeling that the legs are filled with lead;
  • Walking on his heels brings torment;
  • At the last stages of flatfoot, pain occurs not only in the legs, but also in the lower back. On a background of pain in the legs and lower back, headaches begin.

Many of the symptoms are similar to the symptoms of varicose veins, so if the first pain occurs, you should consult an orthopedist.

Degrees of disease

3 degree of flatfoot

Depending on the severity of the disease, three degrees of flat feet are distinguished:

  1. Flattening of 1 degree is difficult to determine. At first it may seem that this is only a cosmetic defect, but pain in the feet occurs after long walks, and after a rest in a few hours the pain disappears. At the first degree of flatfoot, the height of the arch is 25-35 mm, while there is no deformation of the bones;
  2. Flattening of the 2nd degree is accompanied by flattening of the foot, which is easily noticeable. Also the gait changes, there is a heavy step and clubfoot. The pain intensifies and reaches the knee. The height of the arch to the second degree of flatfoot decreases to 17-23mm. In addition, there is a noticeable deformation on the back of the foot;
  3. Flattening of the 3rd degree is accompanied by strong changes in the foot and impaired functionality of the musculoskeletal system. Scoliosis, a hernia of the intervertebral disc, osteochondrosis may appear. At the third stage of flatfoot there is acute pain, it is hard for a person to move around, playing sports becomes impossible. To move, the patient is transferred to wear orthopedic shoes. On the foot there are burrs, the toes are elongated and curved. The height of the arch to the third degree of flatfoot is less than 17mm. The protrusion of the calcaneus increases and the heel deviates outward.

Treatment of flat feet

It is worth noting that in the treatment of flat feet in adult patients, complete restoration of the arch of the foot will not be even with timely treatment, but there will be significant improvements. And children have a chance to completely heal flat feet, since in childhood the leg is still forming, so you can perform any correction.

Treatment in adults

Ways to treat adults

After an adult patient was diagnosed, flatfoot treatment should be started immediately, as this will increase the chances of stopping deformation and creating conditions for foot corrections. Treatment is based on the implementation of a set of measures that are aimed at removing the pain syndrome and improving muscle tone.

Pain is removed with the help of drug therapy and physiotherapy procedures: phonophoresis, electrophoresis, therapeutic massage and magnetotherapy.

Very important therapeutic gymnastics. Orthopedist appoints individual exercises, which the patient must perform every day.

Exercises allow you to strengthen muscle tone and strengthen the ligaments of the body.

When treating flat feet, it is important to make foot baths with hydromassage. Baths normalize blood circulation and muscle tone. It is also important during the treatment to use special insoles from flat feet.

It is recommended to start using the insole at the initial stage of flatfoot, since they contribute to a uniform distribution of weight load over the entire surface of the foot, while they are good is depreciated.

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All of the above methods can prevent the deformation of the foot, but the effect occurs only at the initial stages of the disease, and in severe cases, surgical treatment may be required.

Treatment of transverse flat feet is carried out with the help of surgical intervention. During the operation, the protruding bone is removed, the tendons are transplanted, and the plastic of the joint capsule is performed.

This is a rather traumatic method of correction, therefore, today a more modern method is being used, which involves adjusting the transverse arch and changing the angle between the bones.

Such an adjustment leads to a natural redistribution of the load on the ligaments.

Treatment in children

Methods and methods of treatment of flat feet in children

Children often diagnose longitudinal flat feet, in which there is no need to perform a surgical procedure. In the treatment of congenital flat feet, children use langets or special plaster bandages.

Since the main cause of flatfoot in childhood are weak muscles and fragile bones, the treatment has a toning effect.

During treatment, children are given a toning massage, and physical therapy is also prescribed. Quenching procedures allow to normalize blood supply and increase muscle tone. During hardening make contrast baths for feet.

Children, as well as adults, should wear orthopedic shoes and insoles. The child should not walk barefoot on a flat surface, but on gravel, sand and grass walk barefoot useful.

Parents should closely monitor the gait of the baby: the child should put the feet in parallel and lean on the outer edge of the foot. The earlier parents start treating flat feet for their child, the more likely they are to stop his progression and get full healing.

[s: onastyr-chai_4]

A source: http://MedResept.ru/lechenie-ploskostopiya

How can flatfoot be cured?

Longitudinal flat feet in adults and children is a disease characterized by a flattening of the longitudinal arch of the foot.

With longitudinal flat feet, the foot is spreading, its elongation and contact with the support of almost the entire foot (including its inner arch).

As a result - violation of the shock function of the foot, rapid fatigue when walking, pathological changes in the overlying department of the musculoskeletal system.

Causes of the disease

The reasons why a two-sided defect of the feet can arise may be external and internal.

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Internal causes are those that are contained in the very osteomuscular system of the body.

It can be:

  • dysfunction of connective tissue;
  • weakened musculoskeletal system;
  • individual structure of the organism;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • congenital and genetic pathology;
  • weakness of the calf and foot muscles.

External causes are those that contribute to the weakening of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot.

These include a systematic heavy load on the feet, including heavy professional work, systematic wearing and lifting weights.

Also the presence of excess weight or the period of pregnancy.

Wearing the wrong shoe is the most important reason for developing a two-sided defect in the feet.

That is why the female sex is more susceptible to this disease, about 4 times more often from men.

High heels represent a real threat to health and, as a result, increase the risk of flat feet.

Wearing high heels is accompanied by a shift in the center of gravity and an increase in the angle of the ankle, which means an overload of the forefoot. Under the influence of excessive load, flattening of the transverse arch occurs, which causes flat feet.

But not always high heels are the cause of the disease. So, in childhood, wearing flat-soled shoes also contributes to the onset of the disease. There are special parameters for the correct heel height: for adults - no more than 4 cm, for children - not more than 1, 5 cm.

Walking in sneakers is not the best way to affect the functioning of the feet.

When running sneakers most of the load is taken away, which is explained by the good cushioning ability of the sole.

At the same time, the muscles and ligaments function incorrectly, which eventually leads to loss of tonus. As a result, a favorable environment for the development of the disease is created.


The first sign of flatfoot is a pain syndrome, discomfort in the foot and back. The pain does not result from excessive loads and fatigue. Concomitant symptoms may include:

  1. convulsions.
  2. heaviness in the legs, which disappears with the onset of the morning or after a mild massage.
  3. swelling of the back of the foot in the evening.
  4. under loads, there is no longitudinal arch of the foot.
  5. impossibility of wearing ordinary shoes.
  6. nails begin to grow.
  7. a bone appears at the base of the thumb.
  8. pain during palpation of the middle of the inner edge of the foot.
  9. stiffness of ankle joint.

Children have a slightly different situation. So, the foot of a child aged 4-5 years is filled with fat tissue, which means that in any case it will be flat. And this does not indicate that there is a flat foot. Approximately to 5 years the child's foot has the appearance of an adult foot.

If the foot is formed incorrectly, which is also a consequence of external and internal factors, the risk of developing the disease increases.

The first signs of longitudinal flat feet in the child: slanting, gait with an emphasis on the inside of the foot, rapid fatigue. If these symptoms are present, it is important to seek the help of an orthopedic physician who will perform the diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe a treatment.

Degrees of pathology

In medicine, there are the following degrees of pathology:

  • Longitudinal flatfoot 1 degree - There are no visible deformations of the foot. The lifting has a height of at least 25 mm.
  • Longitudinal flatfoot 2 degrees - There is a non-crossover of the neck and a shortening of the talus bone. It is also possible to detect the presence of deforming arthrosis of the talon-navicular joint. The lifting has a height of at least 17 mm.
  • Longitudinal flatfoot 3 degrees - The protrusion of the calcaneus is massive, and the transverse arch is flattened. The hoist has a height of less than 17 mm.

How to recognize flat feet?

Determine the presence or absence of such a disease can a doctor - a podiatrist or traumatologist - an orthopedist. The specialist will have enough visual examination of the foot, gait, shoes, in which a person walks.

In the latter case, if there is a longitudinal flatfoot, the inner surface of the sole and heel will be erased. Additional studies consist of x-rays, as well as procedures such as periometry and electromyography.

Longitudinal type of pathology is most often diagnosed at the age of up to 25 years. In this case, the doctor prescribes diagnostic procedures.

Friedland method or determination of arch height. After measuring the height, the length of the foot is measured. The height in mm is multiplied by 100 and is divided by the length. The resulting number is the index, which should normally be from 29-31. If it is lowered, it indicates a pathology.

Planography - a method that consists in obtaining a footprint by staining it with any paint.

Statistical flat feet is accompanied by a pain syndrome in certain areas - the center of the arch, the medial edge of the heel bone, the calf muscle, knee and hip joints, the rear of the foot in the region of the tarsus. Strengthening of the pain syndrome occurs in the evening, especially after a long walk. A full rest and sleep contribute to the withdrawal of pain.

When the doctor examines the patient's gait, it is possible to detect such signs: walking disturbance, awkward gait, breeding socks to the sides.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor holds the X-ray in the standing position and in 2 projections.

Treatment of pathology in adults

The treatment of flat feet in an adult is quite lengthy.

In adults, unlike children, this pathology can not be completely eliminated.

Self-treatment will not bring recovery, and this means that if you suspect a flatfoot it is better to consult a specialist.

How to treat flat feet in adults? Non-neglected cases can be treated by doing exercises. With flat feet, you can do football.

This kind of sport contributes to the development of pelvic muscles and limbs. It is important to choose the right shoes.

You can even play football with the second degree of the disease.

Thanks to physical training, it is possible to develop the motor skills of the toes. Exercises can be: walking on tiptoe, walking on an uneven surface, grabbing the toes of small objects. But in any case, the doctor should prescribe the exercises.

In addition to performing gymnastics, it is recommended to wear medical insoles and orthopedic shoes. Strengthen the action of gymnastics and orthopedic appliances will help massage mats. At 2 and 3 degrees of the disease, the treatment is slightly different.

Complete recovery of the disease of 2 degrees is impossible, but some methods will help alleviate the symptoms and the flow of flat feet. In this case, exercise will be useful, which is spent at least 15 minutes, 2 times a day. The complex of exercises is appointed by the doctor.

Flattening of 3rd degree is difficult to give conservative treatment. Wearing orthopedic models of shoes and insoles is ineffective. Exercises and massage are also inactive.

In the late stages of the disease, an operation is performed, which is prescribed only by the attending physician.

Treatment of flat feet in the child

If symptoms of the disease are diagnosed in a child, prescribe conservative treatment. The operation in this case will not be needed, since a pediatric, not yet fully formed foot can be adjusted. With the congenital occurrence of the disease shows the wearing of special bandages or longs.

Actively using massage and physical education, which are appointed individually. To improve blood circulation and improve muscle tone, hardening procedures are carried out, for example, baths for feet.

Treatment of the disease in a child is not very different from the methods for eliminating it in an adult: this orthopedic shoes that need to be worn, insoles, walking barefoot on an uneven surface, massage.


Massage with such a disease is important to perform correctly. Its carrying out is carried out taking into account that the innervation of the feet originates in the zone of the spine.

That's why massage is carried out, starting with the spine and ending with the feet.

According to experts, the massage should take place in such a sequence - the back, hips, legs, feet.

To do massage to kids is recommended so - to put the child on the back. Massage should be carried out, starting from the hips, then go to the lower legs and feet. The massage technique includes grinding, kneading, stroking, light vibratory movements. Each action is performed in turn.

Special attention should be paid to the zone of the legs and feet. By rubbing these areas, you need to slightly shift the bones of the foot. Differential action on muscles helps to relieve their tension and restore normal functioning.

One massage session should not be less than 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out every other day for 1 month.

It is worth noting that greater efficiency can be achieved by performing a massage at the same time as physical training.

The impact of such complex treatment contributes not only to the elimination of flat feet, but also to the improvement of metabolism.

Stage 1 of the disease in the child is not accompanied by pain and discomfort, and its development is characterized by a slow course. For this reason, orthopedists are advised to monitor the condition of the foot so as not to miss the 1 stage of the disease, which can still be eliminated.

If the pathology is suspected of infants, prescribe such a massage - rubbing (including ring-shaped), stroking, patting and kneading.


There are rules, adhering to which, it is possible to prevent the development of flat feet.

In the event that a large load on the feet is associated with professional activity, rest and movement of the center of gravity to the external foot department is necessary.

During the day and after work, you can do foot massage. It is useful to walk barefoot on an uneven surface.

At home, you can do massage with a special rug. It is also recommended to wear correct and comfortable shoes that do not press, do not rub feet.

Prevention in children is carried out from the first year of life, excluding such pathologies as rickets, poliomyelitis, and other diseases.

On the first steps of the baby should buy high-quality orthopedic shoes. Just like adults, children are recommended to walk barefoot.

These children, according to statistics, reduced the risk of disease in 2 times.


When untimely treatment of flat feet can cause complications, such as diseases of the spine: hernia, osteochondrosis. In this case, the surgeon's intervention may be prescribed.

The person has difficulties with wearing weights, sitting at the computer. Symptoms: back pain, lumbago, mobility restriction.

The appearance of corns, calluses, spurs, and the emergence of scoliosis.

In any case, it is better to prevent the disease in time than to fight its consequences after a long time.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/poleznoe/hallux-valgus/prodolnoe-ploskostopie.html

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