How to cure sinusitis at home quickly

Tip 1: How to cure sinusitis at home

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. Terribly unpleasant and serious disease. As a rule, it has a chronic form and recurs with colds and infectious diseases. If you do not start treatment in time, complications of sinusitis can be intolerable headaches, inflammation of the meninges, up to a lethal outcome. Sinusitis can be cured at home.


  1. You can use the infusion of St. John's wort. 1 teaspoon herb St. John's wort pour 1 cup boiling water, insist. When the infusion is slightly warm, then wash your nose with a small syringe. St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to speed up the restoration of the affected mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses.
  2. Also, the nasal cavity can be washed with warm water with a little addition of iodine or manganese. For 1 cup of warm boiled water - 3-4 drops of iodine or 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate. Iodine and manganese have a bactericidal effect.
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  4. If there is no temperature, then it is possible to conduct inhalations with medicinal herbs (chamomile, celandine, yarrow, eucalyptus). Inhalations are used to relieve mucosal edema, dilution and disinfection of the contents of the maxillary sinuses.
  5. Propolis is a powerful disinfectant. It is necessary to use an aqueous solution of propolis, t. Propolis on alcohol can burn the nasal mucosa. You can bury it in your nose 2 drops in each nasal passage. And you can make cotton turuns, moisten them in solution and plug into the nasal passages. Keep the turundas 30 minutes. The procedure should be carried out 2 times a day.
  6. You can also bury menthol oil or tea tree oil in your nose. 2-3 drops in each nasal passage. And it is desirable to oil the forehead, whiskey and nose with oil.
  7. At home, you can prepare drops. Mix in equal parts the juice of potatoes, the juice of the blue onion, the liquid honey (if thick, you can melt). Bury 2 drops 3-4 times a day. So that the product does not deteriorate quickly - store it in the refrigerator.
  8. Warming procedures are used to improve blood flow in the sinuses and dilute the contents in them. You can warm the nasal sinuses with warm salt or sand in a bag, as well as with warm boiled eggs. If you have a blue lamp at home, then with it you can achieve excellent therapeutic effect.
  9. Try, as often as possible during the day, to smell onions or garlic. Phytoncides of onion and garlic have a good disinfecting effect. At the same time, the sense of smell will come back to you more quickly.

How should I treat sinusitis at home?

When the nasal sinuses become inflamed, it is even worse than a cold. How to treat sinusitis at home, well know people who have been ill for them for more than one year.Complications of the common cold are not all, but only in people prone to maxillary sinusitis or those who do not treat severe rhinitis.

Inflamed mucous leads to narrowing of the holes in the axils of the upper jaw. This causes undesirable phenomena in the maxillary cavities. Deformed bones in the face, curved septum also contribute to the development of sinusitis. How does inflammation occur? Infection also penetrates through the blood in the sinuses. If there are tooth decay, especially the upper teeth, and this can cause sinusitis. Symptoms of this disease can not be confused with the symptoms of other ailments:

  1. Feeling of raspiraniya in the nose.
  2. When you lean forward, the pain intensifies.
  3. The nose is permanently embedded. Allocations from it are thick, purulent.
  4. The body temperature rises, the head hurts.
  5. Violated breathing, sleep.

To help with such conditions you will be able to only the attending physician. He will examine the nose and send it to the X-ray. If the symptoms are caused by sinusitis, the doctor will give the necessary appointments.

Necessary measures to combat the disease

Those medicines that the ENT doctor prescribes are obligatory to accept and unquestioningly follow his recommendations. If the form of the disease allows to avoid inpatient therapy, treatment of genyantritis at home can be carried out no less effectively. It should include:
  1. Getting rid of the cause of the ailment. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics, antiseptics, painkillers, which can be purchased in a pharmacy without a prescription, and then conduct treatment at home.
  2. Rapid relief of acute process. It depends on how intensively you started the treatment.
  3. Elimination of caries problems. To do this, contact your dentist.
  4. Mandatory lavage of sinuses and instillation of vasoconstrictive drugs.

Since it is impossible to keep the device at home for sucking mucus from the sinuses, the procedure will have to be carried out in physiotherapy. If you go to a clinic in the cold season, do not forget to dress in the weather, and after manipulation, sit in the room for another 20-30 minutes to come back to normal.

If you are not sure that there is no pus in the sinuses, and the temperature is constantly elevated, there is swelling in the nasopharynx, then do not take for the treatment of genyantritis at home. First, make sure that there is mucus in the nasal cavity. For this purpose it is important to be surveyed and at detection of undesirable congestions therapy is better spent in a hospital.

The main means for treatment are washing and rinsing the nasal cavity. Infusions are poured into special pears and teapots to properly and qualitatively wash the nose. If there is no pus in your sinuses, you can do warming up at home. Heat should be dry. Use for this purpose a warm egg, bags with heated sand or salt. A blue lamp will help.

The methods of treatment also include general recommendations. It is important to drink more fluids, take vitamins, expectorants. If there is no temperature, you can soar your feet. To prevent relapse, people prone to sinusitis, it is important to treat rhinitis in time, prevent the spread of caries, avoid colds, allergic reactions. In folk medicine, there is a wide choice of techniques for combating sinusitis.

Means of traditional medicine to combat the disease

How to cure sinusitis with folk remedies? Folk recipes do not eliminate the cause and will not act stronger and better than antibiotics, but they eliminate acute symptoms and will bring considerable relief to the patient.

The struggle against the disease sea salt has been devoted to whole chapters of folk remedies. Apply and regular, common salt. Mix it with honey:. Put the product on a cellophane bag and attach to the forehead, warm it. Do not remove, until the mucus begins to separate from the sinuses. To conduct this procedure, doctors are recommended every 3 weeks.

In sea salt contains a whole range of minerals that have antiseptic properties and work well in the early stages of the disease. Washing sinuses with a solution of salt in boiled water is an effective drug against bacteria and viruses. Do not overdo it with salt. In, l it is necessary to put less than 1 small spoon of salt. Observe the following rules:
  • the solution should be homogeneous, thoroughly mix all the salt granules or dissolve the clean liquid;
  • Do not rinse the cavity with cold solution, warm it up to 40 ºС;
  • when washing the solution can not be drawn, the liquid must flow from the nostril itself into the nostril.

To prepare the solution for children the proportions are as follows: 1 liter of water, 1 spoon of salt. Babies are washed with sinus such a remedy from 2 years. For adults, a more complex recipe is also suitable: take a spoonful of salt on, l of water, add a quarter of a spoonful of soda and 1 drop of iodine. Such a tool will avoid in the future a complex procedure and do without a puncture.

In addition to washing, salt is used as follows: the napkin is moistened in saline solution, wrung out so that the linen cloth is hardly damp, and put on the forehead and nose. Hold for 20 minutes. Preheat salt and mix with chopped garlic, wrap the product in a napkin and apply to the nose bridge area. Do the manipulation before bedtime for a week. How is ointment made of salt? Non-fat fat - 1 part, salt - 4 parts. Stir until the consistency of the cream and rub it into the spaces between the eyebrows, into the bridge of the nose. Do the rubs until the pain passes.

What other means does traditional medicine offer?

Home remedy for sinusitis is hydrogen peroxide. It is mixed with water. You need 10 drops of 3% peroxide for a large spoonful of boiled water. Pipette injected into each nostril for 5-8 drops (if the reaction is normal, then the dosage is increased to 2-3 pipets). After a few seconds from the nose will flow. Together with the peroxide will come out mucus, which should be carefully blew. Try after the procedure for 20-30 minutes nothing to eat or drink.

Seabuckthorn oil is taken orally three times a day. Chew the honeycomb. In the acute period do this hourly up to 6 times a day for 20 minutes. How is garment treated with garlic? Rub it on a grater and mix with butter. Smear before sleeping between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose. Rub your feet. Wait until the agent dries, and put on warm socks. In the morning, steam the newly cooked potatoes with inhalation.

Spread bricks and put one of them milled garlic. Inhale his couples, covered with a towel. Do not allow a mucous burn. Cut the radish into black slices and wrap the pieces in a linen napkin. Apply to the nose bridge up to 5 times a day. Do the procedures for a week.

Get a fresh bulb of juice (2 liters) and mix it with laundry soap (30 g). After the mixture has lasted 15-20 minutes, during this time it is possible to prepare strings for nostrils from bandage, add glycerin (70 g). Stir and, wet the prepared swabs in the drug, insert into the nostrils. The course lasts 10-12 days.

Treatment of sinusitis with clay is an effective method. You can use any of its types. Dissolve the clay in water, mix to get a little thicker than the sour cream, and put a few spoons of the mixture on gauze. Lean against the bridge of the nose and cover with a pack, and on top with a towel. Hold for quite some time, until 2 o'clock. After remove the application and wash.

Effective are drops of mummies. You need to mix a few grams of the substance with camphor alcohol (:) and bury it in the nostrils 2-3 times. You can mix the product with distilled water and drip to remove mucus.

Wash and brush the horseradish root, chop. Mix 2 tablespoons with lemon juice (50 g). Take 5 g per day 10 minutes after eating. Do this for 100 days. Take a break, then a new course follows. For preventive maintenance use a drug in the spring and in the autumn. How to treat sinusitis at home and what means, each patient will determine for himself, by testing a number of them.

Means from a genyantritis based on grasses

Take a large spoonful of iris flowers and make a week's tincture in 5 glasses of vodka. Then add a spoonful of honey and aloe juice. All this, carefully mixing, bury in the nostrils 2 times a day. It is necessary to lubricate the mucous oils of sea-buckthorn, so that there is no burn from alcohol.

Brew strong black tea and mix it in equal proportions with honey and tincture of eucalyptus. Apply as a drop in the nose. Buy birch tar at the pharmacy and bury it several times a day. Take in the mixture of the juice of the viburnum with honey in the proportion:. It is enough to spoon 4 times. Before use, heat the drug. The course of treatment is a month. Get the liquid cyclamens and drop it into the nose 2 drops. Will help and acetic vapors with mint, which can be obtained by dripping vinegar on a hot frying pan, and peppermint putting in a crushed form.

The herb of St. John's wort will help to properly treat the disease. It will take a spoonful of raw materials for a glass of water. Such infusion is taken internally gradually to enhance immunity. In the same direction, the Kalanchoe also acts. Its juice is digested into the nostrils, after which a sneeze will begin and mucus will come out. From the Kalanchoe juice not only drops are made, but also compresses, solutions for washing. They are cooked with honey and celandine. Rinse the nasal cavity up to 5 times. You can mix the Kalanchoe juice with purified water and this solution to do the washing. Later in the product add soda or aloe juice. The compress is prepared this way: wet the bandage in the juice and put it on the bridge of the nose for half an hour.

Washings are made from broths:

  • chamomile;
  • oak bark;
  • calendula;
  • eucalyptus.

Quickly cure the disease can be with the help of compresses. Suitable honey mixed with infusion of linden. Imbue them with gauze and apply to the sinuses. If there are no linden flowers, you can do it simply with thick honey. Spool the remedy to the bridge of the nose and hold it for a few minutes. Fruits of horse chestnut soak a few days in the water. Clean it and make from the middle of the plug for the nostrils. This remedy helps to remove mucus from the sinuses. Only to do the procedure in 1 day immediately on 2 nostrils is not recommended.

Inhalation as a means to excrete mucus

Widely used folk medicine hot steam for the treatment of sinusitis. For this purpose, heat the water in a saucepan and add:

  • mint;
  • tincture of propolis (half a teaspoon);
  • eucalyptus;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • lavender;
  • propolis;
  • mother-and-stepmother.

Breathe in pairs on the pan, wrapping your head with a towel. Procedure for 10-15 minutes. After inhalation, never go out into the street, even if it's summer in the yard. Better spend manipulations at night or sit at home for 2 hours.

Take the oils of St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, and Ledum. Mix, respectively, in a ratio of 15 0 (in milliliters). Put the propolis in a dry, heated food (15 g). Use as drops or inhalation. If the pharmacy does not have any of the oils, it can be prepared as follows: the grass of the missing plant is mixed with any vegetable oil and insist for 30 days.

From Ledum they make an independent remedy. Pour it with any vegetable oil and bring to a boil in a water bath. They are doused on a slow fire for an hour and a half. Then they insist, filter, and the healing oil for inhalations is ready. Tea tree oil is used in the form of inhalations. The oil dissolved in the juice of Kalanchoe and boiled water ( 2 cups of water), is used to rinse the throat and nasal sinuses.

The bay leaf can be used for inhalations and as lotions. Boil 3 pieces in a liter of water and breathe in pairs. When the product cools down, but does not become cold, soak a bandage or a piece of tissue in it and attach it to the bridge of the nose and nose.


Potatoes in uniform are used for inhalations. Be sure to drain the water after cooking and breathe in pairs for 20 minutes. Invented and such a tool: a polished piece of ebonite made a facial massage (2 times a day for 20 minutes).

Before you do any of the procedures, consult a doctor and remember if you are allergic to certain drugs or herbs.

Treatment of sinusitis at home.


Cold Moon

it's not a genyantritis but a front! and meningitis is not afraid if you do not treat a normal doctor, then pus from the sinuses can eat a bone and it all floats to the brain and this is not a fairy tale and resuscitation. find better than a good lora and do not warm sinuses.

zhora pcholin

a couple of weeks, she got sick like that, proskvozilo and gave a complication on the nose and all the sores climbed, I blinked like it is possible more often to blow out rot, washed the nose every half an hour (sucking salt water with iodine) and again shmarkalas... drank antibiotics - has passed... but according to your words, yab did not joke, turned to the doctor, can give complications and on the head and ears and cheer ...


grate the radish, put it in gauze and warm the bridge of the nose a few minutes. It will burn hard, but be patient. Get well

Tatiana Malkova

The frontalitis joined the genyritis. Lincomycin, intramuscularly, in ml, 2 times a day. The course is 5 days. Well helps wash with alcohol tincture of propolis. 7 drops on 1/2 cup of warm boiled water. Head on your side and wash from a pear or in turn draw in your nostrils to get into your mouth. Иеще кларотадин on 1table 2 times a day.

Alex 777

My classmate, from the very childhood suffered for a long time a genyantritis! Therefore, while her girlfriends were collecting boys or fashionable baubles, she was looking for and testing the most effective methods of treating this very painful disease. When I asked her how to avoid a puncture to cure maxillary sinusitis, she gave me a half-hour lecture and gave me several proven methods. But since she herself had long ago forgotten about this ailment, including due to the strictest prophylaxis, she did not specify what it is the options for home treatment, are, if not a panacea, then at least a reliable tool that can help with sudden exacerbation. Therefore, the more you are rich, the more you are happy to help.
And so, treatment of a genyantritis at home, that she collected from the world on a string.
Folk remedies for treatment of sinusitis can always be used in combination with a doctor's treatment. Phytotherapy will help you in the treatment of sinusitis. Phytotherapy restrains the progression of any disease and gives you control over it. Here are collected recipes of folk and alternative medicine, which are designed for home treatment of sinusitis. Treatment of sinusitis should be complex. Therefore, it will be better if, together with folk remedies, you will treat the genyantritis with herbs, thanks to which, you will accelerate your recovery.
1 Traditional treatment of genyantritis
At me on a life a chronic genyantritis. Even when I was 14, he first appeared. I often went to the hospital because of sinusitis, made punctures. But for almost 20 years now, I have cured genyantritis. Thanks to the kind people who prompted me about the effective treatment of sinusitis at home. This folk ointment saved me from sinusitis in just 3 weeks!
For its preparation, take in equal parts alcohol, honey, vegetable oil, milk, juice onions, crushed dark laundry soap. All add up in one pan, and soak in a water bath, until the soap is melted. When the ointment has cooled, it will be ready for use.
Wrap a match of a little cotton wool, dab it in the prepared product and insert into each nostril for 15 minutes, 3 times a day. The course of folk treatment of sinusitis is 3 weeks. If necessary, after 10 days of a break, you can repeat the course of treatment of sinusitis. But personally for me during this period all the pus came out and my doctor was very surprised!
2 Treatment of sinusitis in the home
Many go to surgery, when they detect sinusitis. To avoid this, I decided to share my folk remedy for sinusitis at home, which helped me in my youth. This is a miracle of a drop from the genyantritis, prepare this way: take in equal parts the juice of potatoes, the juice of a blue onion, melted honey. Everything is mixed and buried in the rhinitis. Keep this product in the refrigerator.
I myself washed the nasopharynx with a mixture of beet juice, salt and water. Beet juice diluted with water and poured a little salt. Instead of beets, sometimes used lemon juice. Though it is possible to use also gathering of grasses, for example broths from a sage or a camomile, but it is necessary to add a little. So, I treated the genyantritis at home.
3 Sinusitis treatment at home
I suffered for a long time purulent sinusitis. For all the time of my hopeless treatment of sinusitis at home, I was given 24 punctures! And then I was advised to buy honey beetles from beekeepers, that is, wax lids of honey combs. During the exacerbation, you just chew on a tablespoon of this wax. Honey itself does not heal, it is quickly eaten, but remains unsweetened and solid wax. This wax has healing properties in the treatment of sinusitis. Therefore, I advise in the summer to buy a couple of large cans of zabrus and chew once a day from September 1 to May 31. Chew for half an hour, before eating.
In the first year I chewed wax caps every day for 9 months, on a tablespoon. For the second year I wanted to fix the result and continued to chew, but already on a teaspoonful, and for 15 minutes.
All unfortunately is not included, so the full version of the letter.

Alfia Bozyakova

My brother had a sinusitis. Folk remedies thing is very unpredictable you can hurt yourself. There is a preparation "Bioparox" not cheap but effective!
in the form of an inhaler in the nose. Highly recommend

In no case do not apply radish and other warming up lotions - the result can be deplorable.

Xenia Bohan

I am against folk treatment when it comes to sinusitis. He even does not recommend warming. I usually wash my nose, well, without this in any way. By appointment of her doctor, Cinnabsin was treated. He just saved me. After a couple of days of use it became easier for me, and when I finished the course of treatment, I finally recovered.

What and how to cure sinusitis at home quickly and correctly

Treatment of sinusitis at home can be considered an alternative to surgical intervention.

It's no secret that in modern medicine the most effective therapeutic method is a sinus puncture with the use of perforation or through a dental fistula. Such treatment is not only unpleasant, but also very painful.

Meanwhile, many patients have to do this operation repeatedly for a short period of time (several years).

However, to date, there is a large number of folk remedies, with which you can quickly cure the symptoms of sinusitis and the disease itself at home. Moreover, this treatment of sinusitis can forever forget about the disease.

Doctors agree that the treatment of genyantritis at home is quite acceptable and provides a good effect. But if the case is started and the genyantritis acquires a purulent form, help to the patient can come only in the form of an operation. And you need to do it quickly. In order not to reach the need for surgical intervention, the treatment of sinusitis should begin immediately after its first symptoms are detected.

However, treat the disease at home can only after consulting a doctor. Most often folk remedies and traditional methods are prescribed in the complex.

To get an answer to the question: how to treat an ailment at home and at the same time to quickly achieve the effect and cure the disease? - the patient needs to find and study the most accessible and effective ways.

What is the therapy for sinusitis?

The main directions of therapy for sinusitis are:

  • elimination of the focus of inflammation in the maxillary sinuses;
  • elimination of swelling of the mucous membranes in the maxillary cavities;
  • removal of mucous contents and a decrease in pressure in the sinuses;
  • suppression of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity;
  • Effects on the mucous sinuses with sedatives are necessary to reduce the formation of mucous secretions.
When selecting drugs and folk methods that can treat sinusitis, you need to consider that the disease can have a different nature (fungal, viral, bacterial infection), which is set at home is impossible.

Therefore, before asking yourself the question: how to treat sinusitis and how to cure it? - the patient must first consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that the first aid for the disease and the scheme of further treatment depends on the form of pathology. Chronic sinusitis is much more difficult to cure.

Methods of treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

Treatment of genyantritis at home begins according to the following plan:

  1. Fighting the infection.
  2. Removal of mucous contents of sinuses.
  3. Rinsing of the nasal cavity.

The first thing to do with genyantritis is to eliminate the focus of infection. To this end, doctors prescribe antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral drugs.

The most common is sinusitis caused by a bacterial infection. In a similar situation, by itself, prescribe drugs of a group of antibiotics. However, they can only be used for the doctor's prescription, since these drugs have a wide range of side effects. Moreover, with genyantritis of viral and fungal nature, antibiotics do not help.

Treatment of maxillary and severe genyantritis with antibiotics usually lasts about seven days. In the chronic course of the disease, the therapeutic course is increased to two weeks or more. Correctly pick up the drug can only a doctor who will take into account all the individual characteristics of the body and the course of the disease.

Viral infection within 10-14 days can disappear on its own. However, this does not mean that the ailment can be neglected. If you do not cure sinusitis in time, he can lie down and stay with the patient for the rest of his life, having acquired a chronic form.

Removal of the maxillary sinuses of mucus is a prerequisite for the successful treatment of sinusitis. Using this procedure:

  • eliminates excess pressure on the walls of the maxillary sinuses;
  • prevents the spread of the inflammatory process to other tissues, in particular to the brain;
  • disappear the remaining symptoms of sinusitis.

Rinsing of the nasal sinuses with maxillary sinusitis should be done necessarily. The main thing is to perform this procedure correctly. For washing, special medical solutions are used.

How to properly wash the nose at home

  1. The patient leans over the sink and turns his head in the opposite direction to the nostril into which the solution will be injected.
  2. The tip of a rubber pear or syringe without a needle is inserted into the nostril perpendicular to the face. The depth of injection is about 1 cm.
  3. The solution is administered in small doses 3-5 times, gradually increasing the pressure on the pear or plunger of the syringe.
  4. Next, the nose must be cleaned.
Another way to flush the nose is to draw the solution into the nasal passages through a tube with a cross section of 5-10 mm. The liquid that has fallen into the oral cavity should be quickly spit out. Do not swallow it.

Another option for washing is the drawing of the solution with the nose from the palm. This is the easiest way.

These methods are effective only if they are used regularly (3-4 times for two weeks). The temperature of the washing liquid should be 38-40 for the procedure, you can use special pharmacy products or a common solution of table salt or sea salt (9%).

Popular is the procedure of YAMIK with genyantritis, which allows to perfectly clean the sinuses of the nose.

Before performing the procedure, the nose should be cleaned or dripped with medications that relieve nasal congestion. Otherwise, from washing it is possible to receive not the help, but the real harm.

Solutions that can wash your nose at home

Here are the most available and popular recipes for washing solutions.

  • Green tea. It persists for 15-20 minutes.
  • Sea or kitchen salt. A teaspoon of the product is bred in a glass of boiled water. This solution can be alternated with other liquids.
  • Collection of herbs Elekasol. It is prepared by the attached instructions.
  • Infusion of herb St. John's wort. Preparation: one tablespoon of dry herbs pour a glass of boiling water and insist 20-30 minutes. Guided by this proportion, you can insist on the leaves of black currant, stripes, flowers of calendula.
  • A solution of furacilin or manganese.
  • Decoction of chamomile. Dry raw materials are poured cold water in the ratio: 0, put on fire, brought to a boil and kept on a moderate flame for half an hour. In a ready broth, you can add one tablespoon of natural honey. Similarly, you can prepare a decoction from the bark of oak.

Curing sinusitis and its symptoms at home using folk remedies is very real, but if only it is a case of a disease of mild or moderate severity.

Most of these recipes contain readily available components. And the preparations prepared according to these recipes provide real help in the removal of mucus and relieve the remaining symptoms of inflammation.

Decoctions for oral administration

To treat the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses it is possible with the help of infusions from the yarrow, St. John's wort and the root of the horse-radish. These methods are acceptable in the presence of serous dense secretions and contribute to a decrease in the secretion of the secretion of maxillary sinuses.

  1. Infusion of yarrow is prepared as follows: a glass of boiling water takes a tablespoon chopped yarrow. The remedy is insisted for 20 minutes. Then it must be filtered and taken daily two or three times for ½ cup. The course of treatment lasts one to two weeks.
  2. The infusion of St. John's wort is also taken inwards. The remedy treats inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and its symptoms. At 20 gr. The herbs need to take one glass of boiling water and insist for 15-20 minutes. Eat 3 times a day for 150 grams. And the infusion is hot, so you need to prepare it immediately before the reception. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
  3. Horseradish root, ground together with lemon - a very good prescription for the treatment of sinusitis, but the patient must be patient, because the therapeutic course is very long (3-4 months of daily reception). Root of horseradish in a volume of 1/3 cup mixed with juice squeezed out of three lemons. The composition is dense, and take it in the morning on an empty stomach for ½ teaspoon. At the end of the course, you need to take a short break and repeat the treatment.

Nasal drops

To prepare a very effective composition, which is buried in the nose, it is necessary in the same proportions to take:

  • potato juice;
  • juice of a blue onion;
  • melted honey.

The mixture stored in the refrigerator must be heated before use. Burying of the nose is carried out 3 times a day.

Recipes with beet juice:

  1. Beet juice (it can be replaced with lemon juice, sage broth or chamomile) is mixed with a solution of sea salt and this means is buried by the nose.
  2. Sinusitis and its symptoms can be treated with pure beet juice. It is digested several times a day for 5 drops in each nasal passage. For the preparation of juice is best to use a juicer or a meat grinder. At the last variant the twisted beet is squeezed out in a gauze.
  3. You can use the juice of boiled beet for instillation. The root crop is cooked, passed through a meat grinder, squeezed out with gauze and diluted with water in equal parts.
Meanwhile, the instillation of the nose should be correct. The procedure is carried out only after washing the nose. When instilled, the patient should be in a horizontal position with the head thrown back.

In this case, the head should be turned towards the inflammation.

For instillation, antiseptics and various anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed, for example:

  • Iodinol.
  • Microcid.
  • Ekteritsid.
  • Furacil.
  • An aqueous solution of decamethoxin.
  • Manganese solution is pink.

Any of these drugs inject 20-30 drops into each nostril. Approximately five minutes later the patient should make several deep breaths and powerful exhalations. At the same time, the opposite nostril should be clamped with a finger.

Immediately get up is not recommended, you need to lie down for a few minutes. Then the nasal cavity should be irrigated with Sinuforte, Ingaliptom or Dr. Tais aerosol.

Tamponation and compresses

These methods of treatment are very effective, and for their implementation it is recommended to use ready-made pharmacy products. However, there are means for tamponing, which can be prepared at home.

Tampons, moistened in special mixtures and injected into the nostrils for 20-30 minutes, effectively eliminate the main symptoms of sinusitis.

Prescriptions for funds for nasal packing:

Take in equal amounts (1/2 teaspoon):

  1. Butter.
  2. Honey.
  3. Laundry soap.

Ingredients mix and dissolve in a water bath. To the resulting composition, add 1 teaspoon of onion juice and medical alcohol. This remedy irritates the glandular mucosa, so that a dense inflammatory secret is removed from the nasal sinuses. The course of treatment with such tampons is 5 days. Then the tool for tamponation needs to be changed.

To prepare the next mixture take one teaspoon of the following ingredients:

  • Aloe juice.
  • Egg white.
  • Natural honey.
  • Onion juice.

The prepared mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. Before use, the formulation is heated.

To treat chronic sinusitis and its symptoms can be the following means:

  1. Aloe juice - 1 hour spoon.
  2. Juice of Kalanchoe - 1 hour spoon.
  3. Juice cyclamen-1 hour spoon.
  4. Honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  5. Ointment Vishnevsky - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Tampons impregnated with this compound, injected into the nasal cavity 2 times a day for 20-30 minutes. For successful treatment, the therapeutic course should last at least 20 days.

Treat the ailment and its symptoms can be with the help of compresses, which are imposed on the zone of maxillary sinuses. But the use of compresses is recommended only after instillation and subsequent tamponation.

Means for the preparation of compresses can be produced quite independently, rather than purchasing expensive drugs at the pharmacy. This procedure is carried out exclusively at the stage of recovery. Therefore, you need to be sure that the matter is on the amendment.

In the initial stage of sinusitis, heat compresses will contribute to aggravation of the inflammatory process. The following are recipes for compresses.

  • Take a sterile bandage or a cut of gauze, folded in several layers. First, the cloth is soaked in the juice of a black radish, and then in a vegetable oil heated to room temperature. The compress is applied to the zone of the maxillary sinuses, and on top of it put pouches with preheated salt. The exposure time of the compress is 1 hour.
  • To prepare the next compress, grind the propolis on a grater and mix it in equal proportions with a thick natural honey. From this viscous mass form a cake, which is attached to the skin in the region of the maxillary sinus with the help of a medical plaster. This compress is done at night. Its action is aimed at removing the dense contents of the sinuses.
  • Chronic sinusitis is treated as follows: take a few large leaves of laurel tree, put them in water and bring it to a boil. In this liquid, a piece of gauze is moistened, which is then applied to the area of ​​the diseased maxillary sinus. To keep the heat, compress should be dug with a warm cloth. The course of treatment consists of six sessions. They are best done at night, because such compresses are soothing and provide the patient with a sound, healthy sleep.

Nasal Warming

Warming up is a method that is necessary to strengthen the secretion that accumulates in the cavity of the maxillary sinuses. Meanwhile, only dry heat needs to be used, since with humoritis wet inhalations are not acceptable.

It is possible to obtain dry heat in domestic conditions in various ways. To do this, use:

  1. Large sea or salt, poured into small bags.
  2. Hot potatoes "in uniforms".
  3. Boiled chicken egg.

Any of these products can be applied to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. However, the ideal means for heating is the Minin reflector (blue lamp). This unique light source shines through the skin, thus eliminating puffiness, and the patient's overall condition is alleviated.

To achieve maximum effect, the heating procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day. The duration of one session is 15-30 minutes.

In concluding the topic of treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies, it should be added that any therapeutic intervention in the body must first be coordinated with the treating doctor. More in the video in this article about the treatment of sinusitis

How at home to effectively treat chronic sinusitis?

Many people think about how to treat chronic sinusitis chronic at home. This disease is considered common, but not sufficiently studied. Doctors and scientists have developed many medications and procedures that will help get rid of this disease.

Principles of treatment of sinusitis

Treat sinusitis can be at home. But such treatment will be delayed for a long time. In some cases, you need a puncture. But sometimes you can treat sinusitis without sinus puncture. Such sparing treatment is suitable only for patients in the early stages of the disease.The principles that should guide the treatment of sinusitis are the fight against inflammation and the elimination of swelling.

It is necessary to eliminate mucus from the sinuses, because it increases the pressure. Also, you need to perform procedures that have a calming effect on the nasal mucosa. Then there will be less production of mucus, which contains viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation.

Treatment of sinusitis should be done only under the supervision of a doctor. Sinusitis can be caused by fungi, viruses and bacteria. Depending on this, you need to choose the treatment method. It is best not to delay the treatment, otherwise the disease will go into a chronic form.

Vegetable tinctures with genyantritis

To treat sinusitis, you can use various tinctures. This method is perfect for early stages.

For example, you can use a yarrow and a string. Both ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Then the plants need to be poured with boiling water. The product should be infused for 30 minutes, then the drink should be filtered. This infusion is required to drink every 4-5 hours for 100 g. This tool will help quickly get rid of sinusitis. By the way, this infusion can also be used for inhalation.

The most ancient remedy, which helps to get rid of sinusitis, is a tincture of Kalanchoe. In general, this plant can be used for oral administration and applications. It is best to use this plant as follows: the leaves are washed and very finely rubbed. Then they need to be put in the nose. You need to wait until you want to sneeze. This procedure should be repeated 4-5 times a day.

You can mix Kalanchoe with aloe and honey. Then Vishnevsky ointment and honey are added to the mixture. After careful mixing, a mushy mass is obtained. It must be rubbed into the nose. The product is applied to a tampon and rubbed. So, you can clean your nose. It is best to shove a cotton ball for half an hour.

Very useful in sinusitis is the dog rose. You can use his oil. This remedy will help to quickly cure the disease. In the nose you need to dig in the oil 5 times a day. The oil can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently. To do this, you need to pour the raw material with ordinary oil and boil for a long time. You can use any vegetable, but sunflower or olive oil is best. Hips oil has not only a healing effect, it helps to soften the tissues. Use this tool can be in the acute form of sinusitis and chronic stage. Do not use this medicine for children who have not yet reached the age of 2.

Rinsing with genyantritis

In the hospital, patients with sinusitis are prescribed a procedure such as "Cuckoo". First, a tourniquet is inserted into one nasal sinus, and the liquid exits through the second sinus. Then everything is done vice versa. In this case, the patient should say "ku-ku so that the liquid does not get into the throat. For washing, various medications are used that help fight inflammatory processes.

You can also do washing at home. To do this, you need a variety of decoctions and infusions. A solution with propolis is very effective. To make it, you need to dissolve the spoon of salt in warm water. Then a few drops of propolis are added there. Rinse with such a means you need a nose 5 times a day. You can just use the salt dissolved in water.

Excellent tool for any disease - soda. It is necessary to dissolve a spoonful of soda in a glass of warm water. In day it is necessary to wash a nose 4 times. Soda has bactericidal properties, so it will help to treat sinusitis.

Warming your nose at home

Effective treatment for genyantritis - this is warming up. There are many recipes for this procedure.

For example, you can melt a conventional wax or paraffin candle. Then the liquid should be smeared on the forehead and near the nose. For this you can use a special brush with a soft pile. Then the areas around the nose and on the forehead are covered with a plastic wrap, a warm kerchief or a towel to keep the heat.

This procedure can be continued until the wax or paraffin cools. Then they should be cleaned carefully. The procedure is allowed to be done every day, but not more than 10 days in a row.

It is very useful to conduct heating with the use of eggs. Chicken egg must be boiled, and then applied to a sore spot. But first it should cool down a little, so as not to leave burns. Keep the egg near the nose until it becomes cold. This folk method is very effective.

Inhalation procedures

It is very useful to carry out inhalation with sinusitis. To do this, you can use a variety of decoctions and infusions.

A special device was developed, called a nebulizer. It is perfectly suitable for inhalation, and it is used in hospitals. But if you can not get an inhaler, you can refer to the old methods. With this problem, an ordinary teapot with a straw or a pan with a towel is doing just fine.

You can use a variety of decoctions, which have soothing and antibacterial properties. A decoction of mint, lemon balm, calendula, chamomile will do. You can also use honey solution. You just need to dissolve a small amount of honey in the water and boil it. The patient must breathe over the kettle.

You can also add 10 drops of propolis to the water. By the way, boiled potatoes are good. Over the pot you need to cover yourself with a towel and breathe for 20 minutes. All these funds will perfectly eliminate the inflammatory processes and remove mucus from the sinuses.

Drops with genyantritis

Drops can be purchased at the pharmacy. But it is better to use drops of natural ingredients. Droplets may only be used after rinsing has been performed.

For example, you can prepare a good product based on onions and potatoes. Both components should be taken in equal proportions. Beforehand, the onions and potatoes are washed and cleaned. Then they must be crushed thoroughly and squeezed juice from this mass. You can add honey to the liquid. The agent is buried in the nose. Especially it helps if the patient has trouble breathing. Drops are best stored in the refrigerator. By the way, the gruel from onions and potatoes can not be thrown away. In the mixture, you can also add honey and spread on the face - near the nose and on the forehead.


Good drops are obtained from a mixture of onion and garlic. They must be rinsed and cleaned. On one bulb you need to take a few cloves of garlic. Onions are finely chopped to make juice stand out. Garlic must be crushed and wait until the juice appears. Both juices are mixed. To them is added a little sunflower oil. The product should be infused for 2 weeks. Then in the nose you need to dig in 2 drops. This remedy is very strong, therefore it can be used only 2-3 times a day.

A good alternative is menthol drops. In each nasal sinus, you need to dig in 3 drops. Also this substance can spread the forehead and the area around the nose.

Treatment of folk remedies of sinusitis should be comprehensive and systematic.


If you perform all the procedures, then you can get rid of the genyantritis.

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