Flu h1n1 symptoms treatment

Should I be afraid of h1n1 flu?

H1N1 influenza was more famous for the mass panic that arose around it in 2009. WHO was forced to declare a pandemic. The infection began on the American continent and gradually spread to other countries.

The disease is more commonly known as swine flu, as it is transmitted from pig to person (from person to person, too). It is caused by influenza A viruses. The hype began because of the discovery of a new strain, formed by mixing pig, avian and human viruses. Subsequently, it was recognized that the panic was completely in vain. This was confirmed by statistical data - there were no more cases of deaths from swine flu than from the usual seasonal one.

The n1h1 virus itself is not something new. It was opened in 1931. For half a century he met with North American and Mexican pigs. Gradually, it began to be found in humans. Basically, they were workers who came into contact with sick animals by their activities.

In 2009, WHO published data indicating that laboratory studies confirmed the detection of slightly more than half a million swine flu cases. More susceptible to the new strain were persons of the age category 5 years-24 years.

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Among the Russians in the same year, about a thousand people were registered. There were also deaths.

What causative agent is the cause of the disease?

Initially, the causative agent of this flu could cause infection only in pigs. Then, gradually mutating in the body of animals, he learned to fall into the human body. It's the mutated virus that gets to people, and the pure pig can not infect them, because the cellular structure of this animal and the representative of the human race is too different.

In the human body, the virus continued to mutate and has already acquired the ability to be transmitted from person to person. This has already accelerated its spread (for example, for the entire past century, there were only 50 cases of the disease) and disturbed the world's population. The vaccine in 2009 was not against H1N1.

A person infected with the swine flu virus becomes a source of infection about a day before he has flu-like symptoms.This condition lasts, which is dangerous for others, for about a week, that is, it has been so infectious for so long. About 15% of those who fell ill and started taking treatment isolate the virus into the environment within 2 weeks.

Infection occurs in the following ways:

  1. Air-drip, or aerogenic. When sneezing or coughing, the virus from the patient enters the environment. For those who are near, it is dangerous to be closer than a half to two meters to the source of infection.
  2. Contact-household. On the objects of everyday life, on the surrounding setting (tables, chairs), the discharge of the patient settles. Then they fall into the hands, the mucous membranes surrounding. The virus lives outside the body for up to 2 hours, sometimes longer.

The virus can hit any person, but it is especially vulnerable to it small (5 years and younger), elderly people older than 65, expectant women and people with chronic illnesses (eg, infectious diseases, HIV and others).

How does the disease manifest itself?

In the usual course of H1N1 influenza, the clinical picture is similar to seasonal influenza. But there are some differences. The incubation period, that is, the length of time that lasts from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms, is about one to four. The ill complains of high temperature (up to 39 degrees), general weakness, pain in the muscles, lability and lethargy. In addition to the main manifestations of the disease, there are signs of respiratory disease (cough, perspiration, lack of air). Symptoms of swine flu differ from seasonal ones in that about half of patients experience nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea is possible.

If the disease is severe, the patient will have shortness of breath, constant nausea and severe vomiting, blue lips. Signs of dehydration, convulsions are noticeable. Consciousness of the patient is confused. The temperature does not decrease for more than 5 days even if the patient takes antipyretics.

Swine flu has a dangerous complication - pneumonia. It develops from about 3 days after the onset of the disease. The patient has a respiratory failure: the respiration rate reaches 40, which is almost three times the norm. When breathing, the muscles of the abdomen are active. A dry cough infects the patient. There comes a blue skin. In some cases, such pneumonia leads to pulmonary edema.

In addition to pneumonia, complications can be expressed in infectious myocarditis, pericarditis, hemorrhagic syndrome.

After the transfer of the disease in humans, short-term immunity is produced - for 1 year.

Diagnosis of H1N1 influenza and its treatment

It is difficult to make a diagnosis for a doctor because of the similarity of the symptoms of swine flu with seasonal flu. Therefore, the doctor is based on the following features:
  • whether there was contact with a person who came from countries of the endemic zone, or whether the patient himself arrived from there;
  • gastrointestinal disorders at high temperature;
  • dry strong cough in the absence of sore throat;
  • development of pneumonia.

To clarify the diagnosis, laboratory diagnostics is performed, for which samples of nasopharyngeal mucus are taken to study for the presence of the H1N1 virus.

If the sick person suspects that he has swine flu, then he should not visit places where there are many people, or better not leave the house at all. It is necessary to protect your home from possible infection, for which use a medical mask. It is necessary to call a doctor.

The patient may be referred to the hospital for treatment if the disease is difficult to verify with the diagnosis. If the child is ill, the elderly person or someone who has chronic illnesses, then they are hospitalized and with an average form of the disease. If the diagnosis of H1N1 influenza is confirmed, then hospitalization is mandatory for all. In the hospital, the patient is assigned bed rest and specific therapy.

To improve the protective properties of the body, the patient is prescribed a complete diet with increased protein, vitamins A, B, C. It takes a lot of fluids to reduce fever.

On the recommendation of the doctor, the patient takes antiviral drugs for 5 days. The term can be extended because of the severity of the ailment.

With the development of pneumonia, antibacterial therapy is prescribed (if it is proved that pneumonia has occurred from bacteria). Particular attention in the treatment process is given to children and pregnant women. Children should not take aspirin-containing medications, so to reduce the heat prescribed paracetamol or nurofen.

Pregnant women are recommended to drink plenty of fluids only if there is no edema. Medicines should be taken with extreme caution and only after consulting a doctor (not only the therapist, but also the gynecologist who leads the pregnancy).

What can be done to prevent the disease?

The World Health Organization recommends several simple rules, observing which it is possible to prevent the development of influenza of any strain:

  • Wash hands thoroughly using soap and various solutions containing alcohol;
  • Do not contact a person who has obvious signs of illness;
  • Do not kiss, hug and shake hands during the seasonal spread of the disease;
  • a sick person should not visit crowded places, and even better - he should not leave the walls of his house;
  • when the slightest signs of influenza appear, you should visit the clinic.

In order not to infect outsiders, it is necessary not to go out for a week. As medical preventive measures, you can take arbidol, kagocel and other antiviral drugs. Against this strain of influenza (as well as against many others), a vaccine is produced. If you get vaccinated in time, you can avoid illness. Injection should be done every year.


Treatment of H1N1 influenza

H1N1 influenza (swine flu) refers to diseases that are quickly, easily transmitted and capable of causing an epidemic. Also, this pathology is characterized by frequent development of serious complications that threaten life. Therefore, it is very important to identify the symptoms of the swine flu virus H1N1 and start treatment on time.

Algorithm for the treatment of H1N1 influenza

Even with the first symptoms of a dangerous infection, such as fever, sore throat, coughing, appropriate measures should be taken. The treatment regimen for H1N1 influenza includes not only the use of medicines, but also a number of important recommendations, from strict compliance with which the outcome of the disease depends. It is worthwhile to understand that the complications of influenza most often come from those people who are trying to transfer the disease "on their feet neglects treatment to the doctor and begin to be treated too late.

So, to non-medicamental measures that must be taken when infecting with the flu, the following applies:

  1. Having found out the symptoms of the disease, you should stop visiting the work, stay at home and call a doctor. The entire period of the disease is recommended to comply with strict bed rest, to give up even slight physical stress, in order to prevent an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system.
  2. Ill people should inform their relatives and friends about their illness and limit their contacts with people as much as possible in order to prevent contamination of others. In addition, you should always use only individual dishes and hygiene items.
  3. In the room where the patient is, it is recommended to maintain a normal level of temperature and humidity, regularly ventilate and conduct wet cleaning.
  4. Because the disease is accompanied by a prolonged fever and intoxication, you should consume as much fluid as possible. And it is better, if the drunk liquid will have approximately the same temperature, as well as body temperature. Of drinks, preference should be given to mineral water without gas, compotes, fruit drinks, teas with honey, herbal infusions.
  5. During the period of illness, especially in the early days, it is recommended to use only light, preferably vegetable and dairy, food. To eat should be a little, without loading the digestive system.

Drug treatment for H1N1 flu in 2016

Specific treatment of this strain of influenza is based on the antiviral drug Tamiflu, the active ingredient of which is oseltamivir. This medication is able to directly affect the influenza virus and stop its reproduction. The most effective treatment for this drug will be if you start it in the first 48 hours from the onset of the illness. However, in the subsequent time it is necessary to start taking antiviral drugs, which will reduce the likelihood of complications and reduce the release of the virus into the external environment. Another antiviral drug that can also be used in this influenza strain is Relenza with the active component zanamivir.

In addition, to reduce pain and ease fever, patients may be prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol), with a tendency to allergic reactions - antihistamines (desloratadine, cetirizine, etc.). To mellow sputum and improve its excretion, mucolytics and expectorants are recommended (ATSTS, Ambroxol, Bromhexine, etc.), to improve nasal breathing - vasoconstrictive drugs (Nazivin, Otrivin, Pharmazoline and etc.). Also, many physicians prescribe immunomodulatory medications for the flu, vitamin-mineral complexes.


Symptoms of H1N1 influenza

H1N1 influenza has been taking lives of hundreds of people around the world for years now, and this year the epidemic of this severe viral infection, which is dangerous primarily for its complications, did not pass us by. It is important that everyone is aware of the degree of danger of H1N1 flu, and already at the first symptoms he consulted a doctor for an appropriate treatment. To do this, you should know what are the main symptoms of the H1N1 flu, spread in 2016.

What are the symptoms of H1N1 flu?

H1N1 influenza refers to highly infectious diseases, which are quickly transmitted by airborne or by household contact. It should be borne in mind that when sneezing and coughing, the infection is able to spread from a sick person to a distance of 2-3 m, and on objects touched by the patient (handrails in transport, dishes, etc.), viruses can remain active for two hours.

The incubation period for this type of influenza is in most cases 2-4 days, less often it can last up to a week. The initial symptoms of the infectious process, reflecting the introduction and promotion of viruses on the upper respiratory tract, are the following manifestations:

  • Pershenie, sore throat;
  • slight sore throat when swallowing;
  • cough, not accompanied by sputum;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature, immediately to high marks - 39-40 ° C.

Further, there are symptoms of swine influenza H1N1, indicative of intoxication and the spread of infection throughout the body:

  • intense headache;
  • pain in the eyeballs;
  • heat;
  • chills;
  • severe weakness, drowsiness;
  • pain in the muscles, "ache" in the bones;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

Often patients also complain of dizziness, lack of appetite, pressing pain in the chest or in the abdominal area. Another possible symptom for influenza is nasal congestion or runny nose. The temperature for this disease is not easily knocked down by usual antipyretic drugs and lasts no less than 4-5 days. Relief starts usually on the 5th-7th day.

Disturbing symptoms of H1N1 flu

As already mentioned, the flu is dangerous for its complications. Most often they are associated with the defeat of the lungs, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system. The warning signs that can tell about the development of complications or severe form of influenza and require urgent hospitalization of the patient are:

  • Increases heart rate to 130 or more beats per minute;
  • increased respiratory rate, characterized by a breathing rate of more than 16 per minute;
  • cyanosis of the lips, skin;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • swelling and protrusion of veins on the neck;
  • strong, unceasing vomiting;
  • severe pain in the chest with coughing, breathing;
  • second wave of fever with cough and dyspnea.
How to prevent infection?

To reduce the risk of infection with H1N1 influenza, it is recommended to adhere to the following simple rules:

  1. It is advisable to avoid public places, premises with a large number of people, and also not communicate closely with people with signs of disease.
  2. Try not to touch unwashed hands with your face, eyes, mucous membranes.
  3. As often as possible, wash hands with soap and treat with antiseptic spray or napkins.
  4. In the rooms should be regularly ventilated and conduct wet cleaning (both at home and at the workplace).
  5. Use protective masks if necessary in public places.
  6. It is necessary to monitor the diet, eating more fresh vegetables and fruits.

If nevertheless it was not possible to avoid infection, in no case can the disease be carried "on its feet" and engaged in self-medication.


H1N1 virus: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Many citizens take the flu lightly, with a cough or a temperature, they do not hurry to bed and not to the doctor, but on business. Viruses need to be, because one sneeze is enough, for example, in a crowded minibus, and - voila - it's ready! The H1N1 flu, which has caught so much fear, or any other flu, has found a dozen new victims. Why? Because one of the tricks of the influenza viruses is spreading them by airborne droplets, the most for parasites easy and effective. Their second cunning is the unique variability. When the victim's body begins to develop to the penetrated antibody virus in order to destroy it, then quickly changes the structure of its proteins, becoming a new modification and at the same time remaining the same disease. That is why new epidemics are constantly emerging, and doctors are developing new vaccines.

Why the flu is called pork

Many people know that in the 1920s, death in Europe was under the name of "Spaniard" across Europe. She carried to the grave about 100 million earthlings. More recently, scientists have studied in detail the material taken from the corpse of a Spanish victim buried in permafrost, and found the virus H1N1 in it. Yes, it's the virus that made so much noise in 2009. Over the years, it was repeatedly modified, becoming then H2N2, then H3N2, then H1N2, each time causing new epidemics. At some point the virus got from human to pigs, adapted (mutated) in new hosts and became swine flu, able to live only in animals. After a while, the virus again got into the person and, having shown its unique abilities, again mutated, adapting to the new owner. During this period of adaptation, the new strain H1N1 caused only up to 50 cases of swine flu, and in people who have been in contact with animals by their activities. Modifying further, the virus has developed a form that can not only be transmitted from the pig to humans, but also in the future to infect new people. So began the epidemic of the disease, called swine flu.

What is АН1N1

The letter "H" in the name of the parasite means hemagglutinin, a protein located on its surface and performing the role of peculiar mites that are entangled in the victim's cells, because, without grabbing, the influenza viruses do not live. It is the type of these biological "mites" that plays the decisive role, what kind of victim to choose a virus-a person, an animal or a bird. That is, the same virus is very rarely able to live in any living organism. Although there are exceptions. So, the H1N1 virus is so universal that it can infect birds, animals and people. The letter "N" means the enzyme neuraminidase. She is also a superficial defender of the virus from antibodies. In addition, it helps to separate from the cells of newly born viruses and penetrate the epithelium of the victim's respiratory system. The letter "A" indicates the type of the virus. There are also B and C, but A is considered the most capable of modification, and therefore the most difficult to predict.

Differences in the disease

H1N1 influenza has not so many differences from the classic seasonal and most people go without any complications. But he also has one unpleasant peculiarity: in some victims, he is able to call the primary viral pneumonia, which can not be cured with antibiotics (this is different from bacterial pneumonia). If patients who have a H1N1 virus caused a complication of viral pneumonia, do not begin to treat correctly with the first symptoms, they die within 24 hours. This circumstance was during the 2009 epidemic, the main cause of death of almost 2 thousand people. Other differences between swine flu and normal are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Risk groups

To catch the H1N1 virus can be any, but life-threatening complications do not develop for everyone. According to statistical data, the following categories of the population are most susceptible to swine flu in severe form:

- small children (age 0 to 2 years);

- Pregnant women;

- having any pulmonary diseases, for example, asthma;

- people over 65 years of age;

- suffering from chronic diseases of internal organs;

- HIV-infected.

As we see, the greatest danger of swine flu is for those who have weakened the body.

Ways of infection

As already noted above, the H1N1 virus is mainly transmitted by aerogenic means. Important: when sneezing or coughing, microorganisms that escape from the oral cavity or nose of a sick person can "fly" through the air to a distance of up to 2 meters. If they are inhaled by a healthy person, he will certainly get infected.

But those viruses that did not hit the victim, but settled on any surfaces, continue to live for 8 hours. That is, you can catch swine flu and contact-household way, for example, if you take the handrail with viruses, and then, without washing your hands, eat.

The third way of infection is the most passive - pork from a sick animal. You can catch the flu in this way only if the meat is raw or semi-prepared, because with standard heat treatment, the H1N1 virus dies in a few minutes.

Classic symptoms of the disease

From the moment of infection until the first signs of an ailment can pass from one to three to four days, which depends on the characteristics of the organism. The H1N1 virus symptoms can cause the same as the classic flu:

general malaise;

- an ache in the whole body (myalgia);

- runny nose;

- headache;

- Pershing and / or sore throat;

- cough;

- temperature rise to high marks (sometimes there is no temperature);

- chills, fever.

Some patients have complaints of nausea, sometimes up to vomiting, and diarrhea.

H1N1 virus, symptoms of complications

That there was no irreparable trouble, immediately to address to doctors for the help it is necessary, if against a background of seeming cold are observed:

- very high temperature, not knocked down by tablets;

- unbearable causeless nausea;

- vomiting;

- heavy and / or rapid breathing;

- pallor and / or cyanosis of the skin, blue lips (most often in children);

- faintness, hypersonance;

- long absence of urge to urinate;

- pain in the chest and abdomen;

- dizziness;

- disorientation in space;

- children cry without tears;

- increased excitability without a cause;

- after some improvement in the course of the "cold" suddenly a sharp deterioration.

H1N1 virus, treatment of mild form of the disease

Diagnosis of swine flu, without complications, is difficult due to the identity of symptoms with the usual flu. Determine the type of virus can only be planted sputum, allocated by coughing, and mucus from the nose and mouth.

With mild flu form, therapy can be done at home. It consists of mandatory bed rest, taking antipyretics, if the temperature above 38 degrees, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, cough and coryza. Young children should not be given medicine in which there is aspirin, since complications (Ray's syndrome) are not excluded. Of antipyretics, you can drink Nurofen, Paracetamol, and adults, and Ibuprofen.

Antiviral drugs H1N1 in mild form can be used such:



"The Grippferon."






- "Kagocel".

It is also desirable to take antihistamines, drink plenty of fluids - teas, morses, water with honey, currants, raspberries, cabbage and herbs.

The flu passes in about 6-7 days.

Healing of severe forms

The H1N1 flu, occurring with complications, differs markedly from the seasonal one, and it can be recognized without waiting for the results of the sowing. With symptoms characteristic of swine influenza in severe form, listed above, the patient needs hospitalization, and if there are problems with breathing, resuscitation therapy must begin immediately. For treatment, use "Oseltamivir" or "Tamiflu "Zanamivir" or "Relenza which suppress the activity of neuraminidase. At the same time, antibiotic therapy is prescribed to prevent the development of viral pneumonia and bacterial, purify the body of the toxins released by the H1 N1 virus, prescribe a symptomatic treatment. The prognosis for patients with complicated swine flu is favorable only in case of timely begun correct treatment.

At an average severity of the disease, when there is a high fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, but no problems with breathing, fainting, impaired consciousness and pneumonia, treatment is possible in the home conditions.

Precautionary measures

Prevention of H1N1 mainly consists in limiting visits to public places and contacts with people who have the slightest signs of a cold (cough, runny nose). Also doctors recommend:

- wearing a mask in all public places;

- before going out, use oxolin ointment;

- after returning home thorough washing hands, washing the nose and mouth;

- refusal to snack on the street and in public places, without first washing your hands thoroughly.

It is established that swine flu virus quickly dies when exposed to it not only high temperatures, but also antiseptics such as soap, alcohol solutions, bactericidal agents. Therefore, in public places (schools, hospitals, food points and others) during the epidemic, it is often necessary to produce wet cleaning, to wipe tables, door handles.

At the first symptoms of malaise, especially if there is a cough, runny nose, fever, you need to call a doctor at home to avoid infecting other people.

At the moment, a new vaccine has been developed from H1N1, which simultaneously helps against classical influenza B, from strains of H3N2. It is impossible to get sick from vaccination, as whole vaccines are not used in the vaccine, but only their fragments. However, after the vaccination, you can still get the flu, but it will be very mild. Also, the vaccine does not save from all other possible modifications of the H1N1 virus.

Do it every year, preferably a month before the anticipated epidemic (in the autumn before the beginning of dank, damp cold weather).


Swine flu: symptoms and signs in humans

When a person is sick with a common cold, it's fearless. Usually it runs for 3-5 days. But viral diseases such as influenza pose a serious threat to both health and life. Very often they cause various complications, and sometimes they can lead to death. Swine flu, the symptoms of which we describe in this article, is a life-threatening disease. There is no universal medicine for it. The reader will be able to learn about what the swine flu is. Symptoms in humans, treatment and prevention are also described in our article.

Description of the disease

The virus h1n1 (swine flu) is an infectious disease that affects the respiratory tract. Usually a person gets infected by airborne droplets. A child can get sick with swine flu after talking to a sick person. The average duration of the incubation period is 3-4 days. How does the swine flu manifest itself? Symptoms: severe fever, chills, weakness, and cough.

For today in medicine it is accepted to allocate some forms of this virus, but the most widespread are 3 subtypes, conditionally called A, B and C. The most dangerous subtype for humans is A.

Who can get infected?

Both a person and an animal can get sick. For example, this swine is most affected by pigs, in honor of which it is given the name. Half a century ago, from the animals to humans, this virus was transmitted very rarely, but, mutating, H1N1 gradually became unsafe for humans. Such changes occurred for the first time in 2009.

History of the disease

As already mentioned above, this flu not only infects people, but also swine, and also birds. In recent years, large epidemics have been quite common in large livestock companies. For this reason, every year English farmers lose at least 60 million pounds sterling.

At the end of the last century, the swine flu virus began to interact with avian and human influenza, which is why it mutated into a completely new subtype - H1N1.

The first cases of infection

The first time signs of swine flu in humans are registered in the North American continent. Then in February 2009, a Mexican child, who was six months old, contracted the virus. Further on the continent was a chain of infections. By the way, the absolute majority of the sick worked on farms. Today, this subtype is freely transferred from one person to another. Immunity to this strain in the human body is not, and this multiplies the risk of spreading the virus around the world.

H1N1 can be considered a distant descendant of the "Spanish which in the 1920s claimed more than twenty million lives. The first major outbreak occurred in 1918 in Spain. In honor of the country and was given the name.

Severity of the disease

As of May 2009, 500 people became ill with swine flu, 13 of which died. To date, cases of infection have been registered in only 13 countries around the world. The most dangerous are the countries of North America, according to which the first epidemic of swine flu swept. Statistics show that about 5% of those who die have died of this disease. However, we take into account that medicine is well developed in the same USA. If signs of swine flu begin to show up in Africa, then the disease will bring much more negative consequences. On this continent, most people live in unsanitary conditions, and their income does not allow them to take advantage of high-quality medical services.

How do children develop swine flu?

Symptoms almost do not differ from the picture of the usual flu, which children fall ill seasonally. The first signs begin to manifest in the child just a few days after contact with the infected person.

The main symptoms of swine flu in children:

  • elevated temperature;
  • chills, severe weakness;
  • redness of the throat;
  • an ache.

Cases of involvement of the gastrointestinal tract are common. They lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Naturally, diarrhea entails serious loss of moisture in the body. Therefore, you should give the baby a lot of water. Doctors recommend non-carbonated mineral water, juice and tea.

Symptoms of swine flu in children are sometimes manifested in difficulty breathing. With age, the course of the disease is more easily tolerated. That is why children under 5 years are the hardest, because their immune system has not yet fully formed. If you notice similar symptoms in your child, you should immediately contact your doctor.

As manifested in adult swine flu

Symptoms in adults are similar to seasonal flu symptoms. A few days after infection, muscle pains, severe fatigue and chills, high fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea and vomiting. Another feature of swine flu is the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The first actions in the manifestation of symptoms

If the ill person lives on the street, on which the facts of infection have been already registered or, at least, he has: pain in the throat, cough, runny nose in combination with violations of the gastrointestinal tract and fever, then he needs to urgently turn to therapist. If the doctor does not find anything dangerous, then it's good. However, if this is still a swine flu, then procrastination can cost a lot. During the period of illness, it is important to reduce the number of contacts with people so as not to become the direct source of the disease.

Signs of swine flu in adult people, under which you should immediately seek medical help:

  • cyanotic skin;
  • frequent breathing, its violation;
  • reluctance to consume liquid;
  • alternation of improvement and deterioration of well-being;
  • cough;
  • temperature increase;
  • rash;
  • fever.

This applies to children. What other signs of swine flu can be:

  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen and chest area.

Treatment of swine flu

Treatment of this disease is extremely difficult, since even today the risk of vaccine contamination is not reduced to zero. Standard medications also do not guarantee a 100% effect. First of all, this can be explained by constant mutations of the virus. So how to defeat the swine flu, than to treat it? We offer a detailed list of the funds that are used.

What effects are applied after a person has swine flu? Treatment usually includes the following items:

  1. Increase the volume of the liquid being drunk in the form of fruit drinks, tea, mineral water and dairy products.
  2. Use of drugs to lower the temperature. Their dosage varies with age. Paracetamol and NSAIDs contained in nurofen and ibuprofen are commonly used. Aspirin should only be used after 16 years to avoid Reye's syndrome.
  3. To facilitate breathing, vasodilator drugs are used ("Nazol" Tizin "Nazivin" Vibrocil ").
  4. Translate cough into the moist can be with the help of medical products on a plant basis (with plantain, licorice root). Alkaline inhalations are also used.
  5. It is important during the course of the flu to increase the intake of ascorbic acid, and it is also necessary to purchase a multivitamin complex. Vitamin C in the period of the disease speeds up the development of the interferon that helps to fight the virus, which is especially important.
  6. Antiallergic agents are used (for example, "Suprastin" Tavegil "or any other antihistamine drug).
  7. In the first few days, a course of interferon, laferon is prescribed. These drugs stimulate the production of interferon in the human body.
  8. As already mentioned above, today there is no universal medicine that could quickly defeat swine flu. Treatment, in addition to the already mentioned drugs, includes medicines aimed at the destruction of the direct agent of the flu. A number of drugs that affect the virus have been developed. This is, in the first place, "Rimantadine" Oseltamivir. " The media claim that the sick in the Russian capital were most effectively treated through the use of the drug Relenc. But this medication does not belong to the budget list, besides, it has a wide list of restrictions.

"Arbidol" - a Russian drug, was a large number of tests and studies. As a result, it was proven to have a strong antioxidant, antiviral effect. In this case, "Arbidol" suppresses both human viruses and its animal species.

You can not engage in independent treatment. All these medicines must be prescribed only by a qualified medical professional. It is equally important that the infected person has his own utensils and personal hygiene products. To prevent the spread of the virus, regular airing and wet cleaning should be performed indoors. This will help to avoid contamination of people living with the patient, and will also help to avoid getting sick again.


How to protect yourself from swine flu? First, you need to adhere to the regime of the day, sleep for 6-8 hours, try to eat properly, whenever possible, avoid overloads and stresses that weaken the body's immunity. Secondly, the prevention of swine flu includes the use of vitamins and drugs that increase immunity. And also mandatory personal hygiene. We should not forget about the correct processing of food. So, pork should be thoroughly fried (eating meat with blood is unacceptable).

Over the last decade, the swine flu virus has been actively studied to create the most effective vaccine against H1N1. However, there are no significant changes in this direction. Therefore, the prevention of swine flu is so important.

How to protect children from swine flu

The child's body is practically not familiar with such an infection. This seriously increases the child's risk of contracting swine flu. In order to prevent the disease, parents should take some preventive measures.

  1. Frequently wash hands, always with soap, especially before eating.
  2. Do not let the child go to school or preschool until they are fully recovered from respiratory infection.
  3. If possible, avoid public places in which there is a likelihood of contracting the virus.
  4. To vaccinate the baby, since vaccination is considered the most effective way of prevention.

What to do if the child has the first symptoms

The baby can take a non-hot bath with the addition of powdered mustard, after which the legs are triturated with warming ointments and warm woolen socks are worn. Scientists have proved that the H1N1 virus completely ceases to manifest itself and actively multiplies at a temperature of more than 50 degrees. Often, doctors prescribe crumbs of inhalation with a temperature of about 70 degrees with the addition of mint, lemon and other essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. For example, to prepare eucalyptus inhalation, you should add 50 drops of tincture to the boiling water. Procedures are held throughout the week. Crumbs of up to 3 years of age are prohibited from breathing because of the possible development of bronchospasm.

In Russia, this disease is not common. However, prevention should not be neglected. If you notice that you or your child has similar symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. Perhaps this is a simple seasonal flu, which within a week will pass without a trace. But there may be a more serious illness. In this case, the faster the virus is detected and the right treatment is started, the sooner the person will become healthy and will not get any complications. To tighten with the reference to the doctor it is not necessary.


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