Erespal for children and adults: at what cough to take

Anti-inflammatory drug "Erespal" in children and adults will significantly reduce allergic manifestations and help cope with spasms in the bronchi in conjunction with other means. "Erespal" should be used to reduce infectious and inflammatory and allergic phenomena in the respiratory tract.
Effect of the drug
Taking "Erespal", you prevent spasms and edema of the bronchi, as "Erespal" antagonizes with inflammatory and allergic symptoms causing histamine, bradykinin and serotonin. The drug will relax the muscles and blood vessels, as it is an antispasmodic. "Erespal" in large doses will reduce the effects of inflammation. The safety of the antipyretic and anti-inflammatory "Erespal" has been proved.

The drug does not allow the development of the main biologically active provocators of allergy, inflammation and bronchospasm. As a result, the effect on the body of provoking factors decreases.Dyspnea decreases, coughing and painful phenomena associated with it decrease.
Erespal tablets are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and begin to function in the body after about six hours or even faster. The active substance of the drug - fenspiride hydrochloride - is excreted from the body with urine (mostly) and feces.

"Erespal" is produced in tablets for adults and in the form of syrup for babies.
When to apply
The drug is very effective:
- If you are overcome by respiratory symptoms accompanying acute respiratory infections, whooping cough, with measles disease, etc.
- With chronic bronchitis with obstructions.
- For the treatment of rhinitis, otitis, pharyngitis and sinusitis.
- With chronic bronchial asthma.
- To reduce and eliminate allergic rhinitis.
The use of "Erespal" for infectious diseases and allergic manifestations is shown, since it acts only on the tissues of the respiratory system. An allergic cough in a child is also an indication.
What cough to take? "Erespal" has proven itself with a dry and moist cough.

Children with a dry cough drug given before meals on a teaspoon. With the started states, up to 320 ml of syrup can be taken per day.When fighting with a wet cough dose should be calculated in accordance with the weight of the patient: 4 milligrams per kilogram, 2 teaspoons before meals.
With a prolonged exhausting "barking" cough, "Erespal" is also an indispensable drug. When exacerbations of bronchitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis use of the drug is justified in combination with antibiotics and expectorants. The inflammatory process will cease to develop with the use of "Erespal," and when taken along with the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor, the infection will win, significantly accelerating the process of recovery.
If the bronchial obstruction appeared after a long inflammatory process, with chronic pulmonary obstructions, the reception of "Erespal" for three months will prevent relapse and reduce developing dyspnea.
With bronchial asthma, "Erespal" should be used in conjunction with other drugs to suppress the development of bronchospasm and attacks of allergy.
The course of treatment "Erespalom" can last for acute diseases from a week to three months with chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs.
Instruction for admission
"Erespal" syrup from a cough, as for getting rid of a dry or wet cough, must be taken before eating.
Children older than 14 years and adults take Erespal at 80 milligrams (equal to one tablet or 45 to 90 milliliters of syrup) in the morning and before bedtime.The dose increase is possible up to a volume of 320 milligrams, for two or three doses during the day.
Syrup is given to children according to the number of years and body weight:
- up to a year (weighing less than 10 kilograms) one - two spoons of syrup two to three times a day,
- children a year and older (weighing from 10 kilograms) one - two tablespoons to three times a day.
Pregnant women and nursing mothers are not assigned Erespal, as some of its safety indicators are not clinically proven.
What's the price? The cost of "Erespal" in tablets ranges from 210 to 280 rubles.
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Reviews and advice from doctors
- "Effective in otorhinolaryngology: I prescribe with vasomotor rhinitis, otitis, sinusitis." Kanashina V., Orsk.
- "I used for myself and patients with dry cough older than 10 years. There were no side-effects. The cough persisted. " Fedorchuk EI, Khanty-Mansiysk.
- "I often prescribe in tablets, with a damp cough. Syrup is more effective than tablets. As for safety, I can say that adding orange flavor seriously limits the use in children with allergies. " Gromov VS, Yaroslavl.
- "Erespal is an auxiliary drug for chronic pulmonary disease of moderate severity and ancillary for ARVI in children." Fadeev SS, Moscow.
- "I prescribe the drug at the beginning of the OIVDP. Decreased mucosal edema, mucus overproduction, catarrhal symptoms. " Barinova Maria Mikhailovna, Ekaterinburg.
- "Erespal perfectly acts as an auxiliary in ARVI in conjunction with interferons. Negative side effect - allergic reactions and vomiting (due to additives in the composition). " Nikitenko Marina, Krymsk.
- "The grandson takes 2 and a half years, helps!!! No problem. And the patients too.) ". Esenina E.P. Permian.
- "Effectively: repeatedly applied to family members and myself. Side effects were not observed. " Zhanna Popova, St.P.
- "I actively apply for appointments. It often causes drowsiness in adults and pain in the epigastric region. " Igor Petrovich R., Tyumen.
- "I'm appointing Erespal after a course of anti-inflammatory therapy. Then it is more effective and in most cases is well tolerated. " AND. Grischuk, Permian.

Patient Reviews
- "Erespal in our family - cough medicine number one. Helps everyone and everything is suitable. But it's better to be healthy after all, than to take even good medicines. " Medkov R., Chelyabinsk.
- "The child started a very strong dry cough, snot appeared. The child is five months old. The doctor advised "Erespal". She did not hesitate. Taste did not like his son trying to spit. But next time I'll give this syrup when coughing with a syringe from nurofen, so that I do not spit anything out. "
- "They suffered for a long time with a child's cough, such a nuisance was to treat it. He was then wet, then again dry, then again passed into the wet one. When the pediatrician prescribed Erespal, I began to doubt, at home we have the entire pharmacy. But since other means did not help, we decided to test Erespal. During the three days of treatment, nothing changed. Nearly disappointed in the drug, but it took 5 days, and cough stopped expecting. The child ceased to torment cough at night, and began to sleep. A week later, the cough was completely gone. But put 10 days we drank the medicine. "
- "Erespal" was a good tool, helped to cope with a durable protracted cough. I used to try to treat herbs differently or by rinsing them for the throat. But every time this nauseous night cough just made me angry. In the afternoon it seems to be unnoticeable, you just cough... But if you go to bed - it starts a real torture - for 3 hours you choke on a cough. I was tormented for a week. I was afraid that my daughter, when she was cold, would also suffer. But "Erespal" did an excellent job. The cough was not hard, but the sputum began to go off normally. " Marina, mother of 2-year-old Irina.
Thus, the use of the new preparation "Erespal" can be considered effective in diseases of the lungs and bronchi, which are in a neglected chronic stage.Interestingly, this drug successfully helps the body cope with and viral infections.Reception "Erespal" will accelerate recovery, stimulate the body's cleansing from accumulated during the disease toxins.
Tell me please who gave the children syrup Erespal, we have a strong cough, what kind of action is this syrup, this is not an antibiotic?
Natalya Vikova
Erespal anti-inflammatory drug, is used for any inflammatory diseases of ENT organs. Bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis. You can combine with antitussive drugs (with a dry cough) and with expectorants (with a damp cough). Safe. The drug is French, a very well-known firm manufacturer, so the quality is high. Drink not be afraid. The main thing that allergies were not.
Not an antibiotic.
In anatomy to the drug is written in detail.
Olga Kononova
removes a strong cough. not a \ b
Natalie Kravets
Try KUKA, it is from all types of cough (dry, wet), at 1.8, very helped
Julia Borisovna
here read and think for yourself
Coughing is a reflex reaction of the respiratory tract to mechanical, chemical or inflammatory irritation. Cough is used by the body of the child, as a physiological function to clean the respiratory tract from what should not normally be there.
With some pathological conditions (asthma, cystic fibrosis, etc.) ) a very large amount of, often, viscous sputum is formed in the respiratory tract. With the help of a cough, the baby's body cleanses the respiratory tract, so suppressing cough, especially in such situations, can lead to a marked deterioration in the child's condition.
Many respiratory tract infections are accompanied by a cough that does not require medical treatment and passes itself for a short enough time. The main way to treat this cough is to drink and moisturize the inhaled air.
Cough reflex in children is congenital, however, the ability to cough up phlegm develops with age and reaches an acceptable level by the age of 4-5 years.
In very young children, the nasopharynx is arranged in such a way that most of the mucus secretions run down during the runny nose on the back wall of the pharynx and falls on the vocal cords, irritating them and causing a reflex cough. The same thing happens when teeth are erupted, when salivation increases (to make it clearer - you yourself feel about the same feeling when you "swallow" with saliva).
Thus, prescribing to a small child refluxing and thinning medications is not only ineffective, but can also lead to unpleasant consequences.
The main feature of cough medicine is that there is still no real scientific research that determines the effectiveness and safety of most cough medicine. Doses given to children are in fact extrapolated from adult doses, that is, the exact dosages for children are unknown and unspecified. Side effects, up to the most severe, associated with the use of "cough" drugs, are repeatedly described in the specialized literature.
Cough in ARVI is a self-passing condition, which is treated with copious drinking and moistening of the air.
Is it necessary, dear parents, to give medicines to a child, exposing his health to risk where there is enough parental love, patience and abundant drink?
it's not an antibiotic. But the sense from him, as from a goat of milk, and he can cause an allergy - he is orange. We use Cyrotovirus syrup - an antiviral, and from cough syrups Codelac and Lazolvan
At what cough to take Erespal?

There are quite a few varieties of anti-inflammatory cough drugs, including Erespal. Some of them are designed to suppress this symptom, others contribute to liquefaction of sputum and expectoration. Among such a variety of drugs and instructions to them, it's easy to get confused, so most patients do not know, at what cough to take Erespal, and in what cases it is better to abandon the use of this medication.
What kind of cough does Erespal help?
The main active ingredient of the preparation in question is fenspiride hydrochloride. This substance produces a rapid anti-inflammatory effect.
In addition, syrup and tablets from cough Erespal have antiexudative, myotropic and antispasmodic effect. This means that the medicament prevents the development of bronchial mucosa secretions, and also prevents the spastic narrowing of their lumen. The described effects are achieved due to the fact that fenspiride hydrochloride reduces the production of several biologically active compounds in the body:
- histamine;
- serotonin;
- bradykinina.
There is also blocking of alpha-adrenergic receptors and H1-receptors, which are responsible for the response of immunity to contact with irritants.
Given the above information, it can be concluded that Erespal helps with dry cough, provoked not the allocation of excess sputum in the bronchi, and inflammatory processes of various origins.
In what cases is Erespal prescribed for dry cough?
Before starting therapy with this medication, it is important to establish that the cough is dry. To do this, listen to the lungs and bronchus with a stethoscope for wheezing. If they are clean, then you can apply Erespal. As a rule, he is prescribed for the following pathologies:
- tracheobronchitis;
- hoarseness of voice;
- Pershing in the pharynx and coughing on the background of measles or whooping cough;
- rhinopharyngitis;
- Bronchitis, including a disease that develops as a result of chronic respiratory failure;
- laryngitis;
- infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract accompanied by cough;
- bronchial asthma;
- Chronical bronchitis;
- the phenomena of bronchial obstruction;
- spasms of the bronchi.
Moreover, the drug is effective for the treatment of other ENT organs, for example, otitis, rhinitis and sinusitis. It is used as the main anti-inflammatory agent in the standard complex antibiotic therapy.
Can I drink Erespal for an allergic cough?
As you know, an allergic reaction occurs due to the formation of histamine in the body after the mucous membranes begin to come into contact with stimuli from the outside. This drug effectively blocks H1 receptors, which are responsible for the production of histamine cells.
It is known that Erespal well helps and with allergies, especially in his

Thus, Erespal can sometimes be drunk to stop the attacks of dry allergic cough, but only in a solid dry form (tablets) and, preferably, after consulting a doctor.
Erespal: indications and basic recommendations for use
Erespal is one of the popular modern anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictive drugs, actively used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. The active substance of the drug is fenspiride.
Pharmacological properties

Syrup Erespal for cough is indicated for inflammation of the respiratory tract:
- pharyngitis;
- rhinopharyngitis;
- laryngitis;
- bronchitis;
- tracheitis;
- tracheobronchitis;
- rhinitis;
- sinusitis;
- otitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- flu;
- measles;
- whooping cough.
This is one of the few anti-inflammatory drugs effective against dry and wet cough at the same time.
Form of application and application

Children up to fourteen years of age, the drug is prescribed only as a syrup. In appearance it is a viscous liquid of bright orange color. Sometimes it has a muddy residue, which disappears immediately after shaking. Dosage should be calculated depending on the age and weight of the child: children up to a year with a weight of up to 10 kg prescribed 1-2 teaspoons of syrup twice a day. You need to calculate, based on the fact that 1 kg of body weight will require 4 mg of the medicinal anti-inflammatory drug Erespal. Children who weigh more than 10 kg pediatricians are prescribed 1-2 tablespoons 2 times a day. You need to take the medicine before eating.
For inhalation Erespal in the form of a solution is not released, the medicine is intended only for internal use.
Side effects and contraindications

- nausea;
- vomiting;
- uncomfortable sensations in the epistragal area.
Sometimes allergic reactions may occur in children, they are more often manifested as urticaria, and Quincke edema is less common. Allergy usually occurs when taking syrup, not tablets, because it contains para-hydroxybenzoate.
Among other possible side effects, it is worth highlighting such phenomena:
- drowsiness;
- minor tachycardia;
- dizziness;
- diarrhea;
- increased fatigue.

Erespal during pregnancy is contraindicated
In pregnancy, Erespal is not prescribed, since specialists have no data on the absence of teratogenic and fetotoxic effect from the effect of the drug on the pregnant woman's body. But at the same time, penetration into the body of a woman fenspiride does not cause an interruption of pregnancy. When treating Erespal, it is necessary to exclude breastfeeding on the basis of the lack of data on the release of fenspiride with breast milk.
special instructions

It is not recommended the simultaneous use of Erespal with sedatives or with alcohol. Since the drug can cause drowsiness and dizziness, it is better to refuse for the period of treatment from driving transport and working with complex mechanisms. The use of Erespal does not exclude antibiotic therapy when the disease is infectious.
Based on the fact that the syrup contains sucrose, it is better not to prescribe it to patients with diabetes mellitus, replacing them with tablets. Also, Erespal is cautiously prescribed to people who are hypersensitive to acetylsalicylic acid.
In case of an overdosage, the stomach must be washed and the ECG monitored. In the treatment of overdose, symptomatic therapy should be used.
Erespal does not require special storage conditions, however it is not recommended to keep the product at a temperature above 25 degrees, the shelf life is 36 months from the date of manufacture.
User Reviews
If you do not know if you should trust the drug prescribed to you, check out the reviews of those people who have already used the action on themselves.
Larissa, 26 years old, Omsk: "Erespal is a sweet syrup, pleasant enough to taste. My children do not refuse to drink it, on the contrary, they really like it. However, he helped us only the first time, when the children got bronchitis. Next time the drug no longer had such a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, as I had expected. "
Margarita, 35 years old, Vladimir:"One day I fell ill with ARVI, the condition was heavy, I was not helped by cough medicines, I had to resort to more serious drugs. The therapist wrote me a pill Erespal. This remedy extends the bronchi well, so after the first admission it became much easier for me to breathe, disappeared painful shortness of breath. I had no side effects, but I will not advise this drug because I'm not a doctor. Refer to specialists! "
Lidia, 48 years old, Krasnodar:"My child with acute stenosing laryngotracheitis was given syrup Erespal. Used together with inhalation saline without antibiotics. Everything worked well and after 2 days we were already at home. A few more days continued to drink syrup and do inhalation. "
Christina, 23 years old, Orenburg:"Previously, I always suffered from bronchitis, it happens to me with a complication in the form of obstruction. I use Erespal in a suspension, because it has a faster therapeutic effect, expanding the bronchi. Already an hour after the application of the desired dosage I feel noticeable improvements. If you take the medicine strictly according to the instructions, then, I think, there will be no side effects. "
Erespal, lazolvan, linkas: what to choose

"Lazolvan," Linkas "and" Erespal "- drugs that are now very often prescribed by doctors to treat cough in children and adults. What is the specificity of each of these drugs, which of them is the most effective and safe for the treatment of even the smallest patients?
Coughing is so common in our lives that every mother sometimes gets confused by the huge the amount of money offered by folk medicine on the one hand and the pharmaceutical industry on the other. How from all variety to find the suitable and most effective means?"Lazolvan" and "Linkas": therapeutic effect
The drugs belong to the same group of mucolytic agents with an expectorant effect. They are used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by the release of thick, viscous sputum (tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia).
Composition of preparations
The main active drug in the "Lazolvan" - ambroxol (ambroxolum).
The great advantage of "Linkas" is that it is created on the basis of natural components. Its composition includes: dry extract of adhatoha vascular leaves, licorice root, extracts of violet, long pepper, hyssop leaves, roots and rhizomes of the alpinia of the galang, fruits of the cord, althea, fruits of the ziphysus, leaves of the bryophyte and auxiliary substances. They have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antitussive, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, soothing, antitussive, analgesic and expectorant effect on the body. However, this advantage can be a contraindication for many people, especially children suffering from allergic reactions and especially bronchial asthma. In addition, the structure of "Linkas" includes prohibited supplements Е 216 and Е 218, which provoke the appearance of tumors.
Form of issue
The forms of the release of "Lazolvan" are: solution for ingestion, inhalations and for injections, tablets and syrup. Forms of the release of "Linkas": syrup, troches and ointment for external use ("Linkas Balm").
Due to the variety of forms of release, "Lazolvan" favorably differs from "Linkas":
- it can be used in young children,
- the drug is much less likely to cause allergic reactions,
- it can be administered by inhalation or by injection.
The great advantage of Lazolvan is that it has been successfully used for about 20 years, it increases the effectiveness of antibiotics and has a high effectiveness for the treatment of bronchial asthma.
"Lazolvan" and "Linkas": contraindications
In connection with the lack of accurate data on clinical trials, "Linkas" is not recommended during pregnancy, lactating women and children up to 6 months.
"Lazolvan" can be taken with caution in the II-III trimester of pregnancy and lactation. However, it should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy, with renal and hepatic insufficiency, as well as with individual intolerance.
"Lazolvan" is produced by the German company "Boehringer Ingelheim" and is distinguished by high European quality standards.
The manufacturer of "Linkas" is Pakistan.
"Lazolvan" and "Linkas": prices
According to price criteria, "Linkas" favorably differs from "Lazolvan". The average price on the Internet of the syrup "Linkas" is 90 ml. - 110 rubles. Lazolvana Syrup 100 ml. - 240 rubles. Lazolvan solution 100 ml. - 408 rubles.
"Erespal" in its action differs from "Lazolvan" and "Linkas". It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictive action (helps to relieve spasms of the bronchi). It is used only in the complex treatment of acute inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children and adults. According to the clinical study allows you to quickly stop the symptoms of ARVI.
It is important to note that Erespal is not an alternative substitute for Lazolvan or Linkas, but is used along with mucolytic drugs in complex therapy.
According to clinical studies, this drug is highly effective, but in some cases it can adversely affect on the central nervous system and cause such side effects as lethargy, drowsiness, as well as allergic reactions.
To summarize, it should be noted that when choosing a particular cure for cough, it is necessary to know the exact diagnosis (cough can be a sign of various diseases), the nature of the cough (dry or wet), and also take into account the patient's age, concomitant diseases and the tendency to allergic reactions. Only having full information, you can choose the right medicine, it is best if the qualified doctor does this after a thorough examination.