Stone massage with hot stones: description of the procedure


  • 1Stone massage
    • 1.1History of stone procedures
    • 1.2Indications and the main contraindications for massage with stones
    • 1.3The technique of performing a massage with stones
    • 1.4When will the result from the procedure become noticeable?
    • 1.5Customer Testimonials About Stone Massage
  • 2Stone massage: description of the procedure, benefits, technique of performance, indications and contraindications
    • 2.1Essence, types, benefits
    • 2.2Indications and contraindications
    • 2.3Stones for the procedure
    • 2.4How to prepare
    • 2.5Impact Zones
    • 2.6How is the treatment with stones
    • 2.7Can I do it myself?
  • 3Stone massage or hot stone massage
    • 3.1History of hot stone therapy
    • 3.2Properties of stones for stone therapy
    • 3.3Indications and contraindications
    • 3.4Features of the implementation
  • 4Stone therapy - massage with hot stones. Stones for stone therapy
    • 4.1Healing stones: from the sources of antiquity to the present day
    • 4.2What is the peculiarity of stone therapy?
    • 4.3What is useful massage
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Indications for stone therapy
    • 4.5Contraindications
    • 4.6The principle of action on the body
    • 4.7Stages of therapy
    • 4.8Types of massage with stones
    • 4.9SPA-salons of Moscow
    • 4.10The combination of stone therapy with other procedures
  • 5Stone therapy: benefits, indications and contraindications

Stone massage

In search of long-awaited relaxation, people often choose effective procedures. This is what stone massage is - the impact on the body of special stones.

Simple technology is suitable for almost everyone, significantly improving the physiological state, emotional stability and metabolic processes.

However, the maximum benefit will be provided only in the case of proper preparation and execution.

Stone massage has oriental roots

History of stone procedures

It's hard to believe, but stone impact techniques can be considered one of the most ancient procedures. Long ago people attached special importance to surrounding stones.

Therefore, the first amulets and tools, and later - and the buildings appeared from the stones. With the emergence of developed civilizations, active natural formations are also used for medical purposes.

For the first time, stone massage began to be practiced in oriental medicine.

Japanese monks, Tibetan healers, healers of the Mesopotamia, as well as Indians at the dawn of development actively used specially selected monolithic structures, which have not only a therapeutic effect, but also a sacral meaning.

Over time, the amazing technique of restoring the body and acquiring spiritual balance was preserved, multiplied and became a real treasure of the world civilization. From now on, an exclusive procedure is available in the salons of the Old World, and the technologies passed through the ages are aimed at making healthy any part of the body.

Relaxing stone massage

Depending on the tasks, stone therapy can offer various options for the procedure. In particular, for deep relaxation of muscles, massage with hot stones is used.

This effect helps to relieve tension, eliminate spasms and pain syndrome, and increase blood circulation.

The effect of the use of stones is supplemented by the impact on the reflex zones, massage techniques, as well as the use of essential oils and incense.

A special technique of the procedure consists in alternating the alternation of hot and cold stones. "Cold massage" strengthens muscle tone, eliminates swelling and focuses blood stasis in large vessels of the legs.

Of particular importance is the massage with jade stones - an ideal procedure for normalizing the body's energy potential. It is the stones that have absorbed the energy of millennia, are the best source of strength and vigor.

All the ancient practices of the East use stones primarily to release previously unknown forces, restore former activity, and to open the chakras in the necessary positions. There are stone procedure on the field of application.

Thus, a facial massage is performed with stones, back, limb, neck and abdominal therapy is performed.

Massage "heals" the energy field

Indications and the main contraindications for massage with stones

The technique of stone massage involves a double impact spectrum. First of all, stone therapy is used as a powerful tool for relaxation without the use of drugs and unnecessary costs.

The holiday is still far away, and the labor enthusiasm has come to an end long ago? It's time to enroll in a series of procedures in the spa salon! Correct application of stones will quickly lead to the former form, will increase resistance to stresses and challenges, will return vigor of spirit and self-confidence! A bright restorative effect leads to the fact that the SPA is recommended at the first signs of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Any "malfunctioning" with the energy field is also well treated with stones.

Natural monoliths come into contact with the human body, restoring the acquired damage to the aura, opening the chakras and strengthening the potential.

In addition to the effects of oils and incense, massage and cosmetology services, stone massage becomes a radical tool for the speedy recovery of the body.

The excellent effect of this massage is shown in the physiological rehabilitation and treatment of problems with muscles and joints without inflammation (deep bruises, subluxations, stretching). Among other things, a set for stone massage will provide:

  • activation of blood circulation in a given area;
  • activation of metabolic processes, which will automatically lead to weight optimization;
  • relief of muscle spasms, "stasis discomfort;
  • Extraction of toxins from the upper layers of the skin;
  • restoration of natural skin elasticity;
  • relieving muscle pain;
  • gaining emotional stability and enjoying life.

The list of positive aspects of therapy is impressive. However, there are contraindications that must be taken into account so as not to harm the body.

For hot stone stones, contraindications concern pregnant women, as well as a number of dangerous pathologies.

In the presence of cancer, neurological disorders or mental problems, the stone procedure is not carried out.

When massage is used aroma oil

Preliminary preparation of the skin for stone procedure begins before the beginning of therapy. It is important to positively tune in, turn off the phone, do the work and do not rush anywhere. The body itself must be clean.

To effectively exchange energy flows between a monolith and a human, the skin needs to be "relaxed". To do this, the master will conduct a light warm-up massage using aromatic oil.

Now everything is ready for the ancient procedure of the mysterious eastern practice!

It is curious that not all "cobblestones" are suitable for health therapy. Furthermore! For each type of massage "own" materials are used. The most common basaltic stones for hot massage.

However, jadeite and dolomite also perfectly relax the muscles, forming a feeling of deep comfort! Marble or rocks of the seabed - special stone stones for massage.

They perfectly cope with venous stasis and are used for "cold" exposure.

Special requirements have energy massage with precious stones. Combining the strength of the stones and their common value, it is possible to unleash the energy of immense power. By the same principle, massage with volcanic stones is practiced.

The technique of performing a massage with stones

After the preliminary preparation of the materials and the human body, the master will proceed to placing the stones, following a certain algorithm of actions.

It is important to place the stone precisely in the reflex center. The heated stones have a temperature of 45-70 ° C.

The master of high qualification will specially choose such stones, the shape of which is ideally combined with the client's anatomical curves.

For stone massage, the description of the procedure may be slightly different, which is due to the purpose and features of the task. However, the classical technique involves affecting the reflex zones of the whole body.

To strengthen the vessels, the alternation of cold and hot stones is welcomed. The master from time to time changes the location of materials, dosing the intensity of the impact. The procedure itself takes about an hour.

Unambiguously, the maximum effect from the venture should be expected only with the help of a qualified specialist. Independently to perform a back massage with stones, preparing and shifting the material, it will be impossible.

Facial massage with stones

In addition, anxiety, control over time and regulation of intensity of exposure do not contribute to a full relaxation.

The only thing, you can independently conduct therapy of individual parts of the body, for example, massage the stomach with a stone.

However, it is worthwhile to consult an experienced practitioner and purchase the necessary accessories.

When will the result from the procedure become noticeable?

Already the first procedure in the case of a professional approach to implementation will allow us to feel a surge of vivacity and harmonization of the energy field.

A full release of tension and the return of former freshness is possible after 5 sessions of therapy. During this time, positive changes will affect the skin.

The skin will become elastic and free of poisons and products of substance breakdown. That's why the stone is often chosen before the beach season.

For stone massage the price largely depends on the scale of the work, as well as on the status of the salon. The classical procedure will cost from 1000 rubles.

If there is a desire to independently practice the ancient therapy, you must purchase a set for stone massage. The cost of the "collection" of 64 items will be about 18 thousand. rubles.

The kit will include an oven for heating the material.

Customer Testimonials About Stone Massage

It is worth noting that for stone massage reviews are positive coloring from customers who clearly represent the purpose and effect of such a procedure.

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Stone massage: description of the procedure, benefits, technique of performance, indications and contraindications

Stone massage or stone therapy has recently gained increasing popularity among visitors to SPA-salons.

One of the most ancient methods of relaxation and stress relieving - stone massage, is used to improve the physiological state, emotional stability and metabolic processes.

With this procedure, you can not only help a person relax, but also heal it. However, it is very important to adhere to the right technique and use special monolithic structures.

Essence, types, benefits

The application of this technique is to exert an effect on the muscles of the human body or face in order to relax them and stimulate natural processes.

The discovery and purification of psychoenergetic centers in so-called "subtle bodies" - chakras, due to the positive impact of stones on the body, helps to gain inner harmony and health.

It is believed that any single stone has a special structure and composition.

Although they are inanimate objects, they have memory, they can read the negative and direct all the good things that people hide in them.

Different methods of this procedure appeared in different countries of the East, but the Thai method was the most popular.

There are the following types of stone massage, each of which brings its own benefit to the human body:

  1. Massage with hot stones. This kind of stone therapy is traditional and involves exposure to the body with the help of heated elements. Such therapy helps to relax the muscles, relieve energy tension, eliminate spasms and pain, activate blood circulation.
  2. Contrast massage using not only hot but also cold elements. This procedure helps to stimulate metabolic processes and has a good effect on the vascular state, it strengthens muscle tone and helps to get rid of puffiness.
  3. A massage for which precious stones are used. It is also called intuitive, since the master himself chooses the material and the optimal movements for each individual. This kind of stone massage helps normalize the energy state of a person, gives strength and vivacity.
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The above mentioned methods are also conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • classical;
  • modeling;
  • power;
  • aromatic.

Indications and contraindications

Despite the fact that this technique is widely used to relieve tension in almost every SPA salon, there are both indications and contraindications to the use of stone therapy.

It is recommended to apply stone massage:

  • people with chronic fatigue;
  • to activate metabolic processes and optimize body weight;
  • in the presence of problems with the energy field;
  • to get rid of insomnia;
  • with the aim of arresting muscle spasms, discomfort;
  • in order to draw toxins from the upper layers of the skin and restore its natural elasticity;
  • those who need physiological rehabilitation of the body, treatment of muscles and joints without inflammation;
  • with the goal of normalizing blood pressure;
  • people who suffer from headaches;
  • to activate blood circulation in different parts of the body.

In order that the stonerapy has not produced the opposite effect on the body and does not harm the client, it is necessary to take into account contraindications to the use of this technique.You can not do stone massage:

  1. those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  2. pregnant women;
  3. on those parts of the body where the skin is damaged;
  4. in the presence of dermatological diseases;
  5. people with pathologies of the nervous system;
  6. oncological;
  7. if a person has complications due to diabetes mellitus.

Stones for the procedure

The technique of performing Stone massage involves, first of all, the presence of special correctly selected stones.

In this type of therapy, elements of different origin are used: smooth sea or chipped uncut, with a diameter of 5-10 cm.

Typically, the salons use marble or basalt.

Important!Before you begin to lay out the elements on the client's body, you need to check whether the temperature of the stones is right for him. This can be done by putting one of the elements on the knee: if it does not cause discomfort, you can begin the procedure.

Basalt can be heated to a maximum temperature, comfortable for the client. This stone is a dark gray mineral of volcanic origin. He becomes black when he gets wet.

As for marble, it has a white color and, cooled in cold water, is used for contrast massage.

Agate, amazonite, chalcedony are also used for stone massage. These are precious stones, which are often used for facial massage. They are chosen by the master, depending on the energy properties.

How to prepare

To the stone massage technique has produced the desired effect and justified the client's expectations, it is important to create an atmosphere that promotes complete relaxation: to include a meditative melody or sounds of nature, provide a soft dimmed room lighting, where the procedure is carried out, which, moreover, must be filled with pleasant light relaxing fragrances.

Then you need to prepare (heat or cool) stones, lay them on a towel. Before you start doing stone massage, you need to apply on the client's body aromatic oils, prepared, depending on the purpose of the procedure (relaxation, giving a tone or healing some disease).

At the stage of relaxation along the spine, elements with different temperatures are laid out. Often these are 16 cold marble stones and 54 hot basalts.

In summer it is recommended to heat basalt with sunlight.

When this is not possible, use hot water or special heaters to bring the element temperature to about 40 ° C. Cool the marble to 10-25 ° C.

Next - preparatory massage of the entire body surface with hands, after which you can begin the main procedure - massage with stones. One such session lasts about an hour.

Impact Zones

Stones spread on the face, neck, upper and lower limbs, if the client lies on his stomach, then on the spine and lower back, if on his back - on the stomach.

Small pebbles are placed even between the fingers, which also contain biologically active zones.

Then the masseur starts pressing on some parts of the body, stroking or rubbing them with stones.

It is customary to move from one foot to the other: start with the feet, then massage the lower leg, then the thighs, hands, arms, neck and shoulders, and at the end - neck and belly or back and waist.

How is the treatment with stones

If the goal of therapy -healing of some diseases or pathologies,especially actively it is necessary to influence the biological points responsible for the health of the affected organs or parts of the body.

Find the desired points can be using the atlas on acupuncture.

In this regard, stone therapy is analogous to acupuncture: the effect produces the same, but there is no pain or discomfort, which are felt during the treatment with needles.

For healing, larger stones are used, rather than for a relaxing massage. In addition to basalt and marble, sandstone and granite are used here.

Important!To treat any pathology or illnesses with the help of stone massage techniques can only be a qualified specialist.

To cure cholecystitis or cholelithiasis, it is necessary to put heated stones in the area of ​​the 9th, 10th and 11th vertebrae for half an hour.

After such 5-10 sessions, stones and sand from the gallbladder can exit.

In order to normalize the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis, the stones should be placed higher on two vertebrae to the right side of the spine.

If we put the elements on the same level, only on the left side, we can accelerate the healing of the gastric ulcer.

Curing diseases that affectgenitourinary system,promotes the location of stones in the sacrum. It can also help get rid of a child's night incontinence.

For the removal or prevention of weakpain in the heart and treatment of anginaThe stones are placed on the outer edge of the left collarbone or on the left shoulder, after covering with a towel.

Can I do it myself?

Of course, getting stones for this technique and warming up from home is not an easy matter.

However, it is impossible to carry out stone massage in its traditional understanding, since such therapy presupposes complete relaxation, which can not be achieved if one independently controls all processes (heating, setting stones, rubbing etc.).

Be sure to consult with a specialist, you can do with your own hand just massage the individual parts of the body hot stones, but without the right atmosphere, the necessary relaxation and a sense of peace it will no longer be called stone therapy.

Thus, with the proper technique of performing, stone therapy is an effective means of combating not only fatigue and stress, but also with various diseases.

In order to maximize the effect of such a procedure, it is important to create an atmosphere of calmness and balance, to relax the person with the help of aromas, music, oils and preparatory massage by hands.

It is extremely difficult to perform the massage stone technique on your own - as this way you can not achieve relaxation and complete abstraction from the bustle and all problems.

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Stone massage or hot stone massage

Stone massage (the word "stone" in English - "stone") or massage with hot stones, is one of the varieties of the art of therapeutic massage.

For this procedure, smooth stones, heated to a certain temperature, are used, which affect certain parts of the body. The heat of the stones, which is transferred to the site of the body, gently relaxes and warms the tense muscles.

The energy and heat of the stones perfectly removes pain, eliminating discomfort.

From what kind of stones a massage therapist uses in the massage procedure, its quality will depend. It is necessary to know the exact temperature of the heating of the stones, so as not to overheat them and at the same time make them hot enough.

Each specific stone is placed on a specific part of the body. In addition to the pinpoint effect, you can make several slides with stones on the body.

The alternation of hot and cold stones gives a very good effect, providing a health and tonic effect on the body.

The effectiveness of massage directly depends on the quality of the stones

History of hot stone therapy

Treatment with hot stones has long been used by many peoples. But, its history of stone therapy begins with the origins of cultures of the peoples of ancient China, Japan and the Indians of North America.

The energy of hot stones attracted a large number of people around the world. To glorify the gods and kings, these stones were carried over long distances. Until now, stones are an energy source.

Of the stones make various amulets from the evil eye, they are worn in the pocket for luck, carved stones for wealth and mutual understanding in the family.

Many cultures of the peoples of the world believe that the stones remember and participate in everything that happens on our planet.

American Indians used the power of heated stones in different situations: sun-heated stones laid on the abdomen of women suffering from painful menstruation, as well as for the weakening of painful symptoms.

Many shamans and healers of the time used stones for many ceremonies and ceremonies. Used stones, crystals, which had a cleansing and unlocking effect on the person. Some shamans used the power of stones to heal diseases.

Technique with stones will relax the body, charging it with energy for the whole day

The Chinese, in turn, used the energy of hot stones to relax tired muscles.

To date, this type of massage is used as an independent cosmetic procedure, which is widely used in beauty salons, beauty and wellness centers.

According to the eastern physicians, the natural energy of the stones is able to cope with stress, stress, negative energy. Each stone carries a charge of positive energy, which affects health and the deep mechanisms of energy harmonization.

Properties of stones for stone therapy

In stone therapy, marine, marble, basalt and semiprecious stones are widely used.The most popular basalt stones.

And this is not accidental. Basalt has the property of slowly giving off heat.

This quality promotes active tissue softening, muscle relaxation, warming certain cold areas of the body.

Hot stones gently affect the muscles, relaxing them. Also, metabolic processes in the body are activated, leaving feelings of peace of mind and physical balance. The procedure widens the vessels, improving local blood circulation and excretion of metabolic products.

In addition to hot stones, cold stones are also used, alternating them with hot stones. This helps to increase muscle tone, increase oxygen supply to tissues, and also contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels and capillaries.

In order to make the massage the most effective, in addition essential oils are used, which are applied to stones and skin.

Essential oils have a restorative, draining, stimulating, relaxing effect. The effect of oils is intensified at times due to the heat of stones and special massage techniques.

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Proceeding from this arose one of the varieties of stone therapy - aroma stone massage.

Indications and contraindications

It is used for the following problems:

  1. Diseases of the spine and joints;
  2. Stretching of muscles and ligaments;
  3. Phlebeurysm;
  4. Problems with digestion;
  5. Headache;
  6. Painful menstrual syndrome;
  7. Physical overstrain;
  8. Insomnia;
  9. Depression and stress;

Therapy with stones can not be used with the following problems:

  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Acute chronic disease;
  • Exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • Pregnancy;

Features of the implementation

For many, the procedure with hot stones is not yet known and has not been tried. Everyone would like to try it to improve the general tone of the body. Therefore, the technique of carrying out of massage is very interesting.

With each massage the patient feels more and more energy in himself

The duration of the procedure is 90 minutes.

  1. The session begins with the patient laying on the massage table. To the body to prepare well for the upcoming procedure and warm up a bit, the masseur covers the patient with a towel.
  2. Then a professional masseur wraps warm stones in a napkin and puts them in both hands of the patient. Afterwards, warm and cold stones are placed near the feet. To the body is maximally relaxed, the masseur performs special exercises, which are called "opening spiral". This technique is also used to achieve the discovery of energy channels.
  3. After the relaxation effect is achieved, stones are placed on each of the energy points.
  4. Further, as soon as all the stones are located at all points, the massage therapist proceeds to the main massage of the legs, hands, trunk with hot and chilled stones. To the muscles of the face, too, were involved, on the face are placed warm stones.
  5. When the masseur finishes working with the front of the body, the so-called "closing spiral" movement is performed.
  6. After, the masseur asks to take a sitting position to remove the stones. Then the patient lays down on his stomach, feeling under him a stone wrapped in fabric. The masseur covers the body with a towel, wrapped in a cloth wraps around his neck, another stone is located in the sacral area.
  7. After the massage therapist again starts special massage movements, using each muscle. At the end of the massage, the process of washing the feet and hands with a special oil occurs. At the end of the whole patient wrapped in a sheet, bring chamomile tea.

Massage with stones excellently inspires and restores vitality. With each new massage session for a person, something new and unexplored opens up that you want to feel more and more.

Every person wants to experience new sensations, to learn new information. Having visited this procedure, everyone will discover something new: new feelings, new knowledge.

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Stone therapy - massage with hot stones. Stones for stone therapy

Stone therapy - massage with smooth basalt stones. Knowledge of the benefits of this method of healing the human body was born 2000 years ago in India. Today, this pleasant procedure attracts more and more people the opportunity to relax, relax and improve.

Healing stones: from the sources of antiquity to the present day

In ancient times, the inhabitants of India, Central America and Tibet were confident that the energy of the Earth's nucleation is concentrated inside the stones.

For the treatment of stones used volcanic origin, because they contain the strength of nature's elements: water, land, air and fire.

The methods of using stones to treat a person from many diseases were known to shamans who possessed secret knowledge.

In the practice of oriental medicine it is believed that with the help of stone massaging, it is possible to achieve the opening of chakras for filling the body with energy. Stone-polar therapy is also based on a similar principle.

In the modern world, stone therapy was widely used in 1993 Mary Nelson, a massage therapist who started using hot stones to reduce pain in muscles. To date, stone therapy is available in many SPA and massage parlors, it is held by different stones with temperature.

What is the peculiarity of stone therapy?

For carrying out of massage smooth stones of the flattened form are used. Their number: for hot therapy - 40-50 black stones (their temperature is about 50 degrees), and for cold - 18-20 white (cooled from 0 to +10 degrees and one room temperature).

Stones for stone therapy should have a porous structure, be flat, smooth for comfortable sliding on the body and long to keep warm. A slightly porous surface contributes to the deep cleansing of the skin and the removal of toxins.

For a general massage, a perfectly smooth surface is used.

The following types of stones can be used:

  • rhinestone;
  • basalt;
  • jade;
  • marble;
  • pink quartz.

You can buy in the form of a set of stones for stone therapy. Moscow offers to buy them in specialized stores "Green Elf Axiom Cosmetologi, "Mega Spa".

What is useful massage

Stone therapy is a fortifying procedure, with its use, the following results are felt:

  1. the metabolism becomes stable;
  2. lymph flow and circulation are stimulated;
  3. beneficial effect on the nervous system, stress and nervous tension;
  4. thanks to the use of oils, the skin becomes supple and soft;
  5. muscle pains are removed, fatigue in the spine, heaviness in the legs.

To use this method of massage, like stone therapy, basalt stones of different temperatures alternate with each other. Hot warm up the body, relaxing the muscles and relieving spasms.

The use of cold stones during the procedure does not cause negative emotions, because the body with the help of the massage therapist is prepared for the effect of a lowered temperature.

Stone therapy invigorates, tones up muscles.

Indications for stone therapy

  • Insomnia, depressive conditions.
  • Pain in the muscles.
  • Excess weight, metabolic disorders.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Diseases of the pancreas, cholelithiasis, problems with the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the urinary bladder.

Also, massage with stones can be successfully applied under stresses, for the prevention of colds (regular holding of stone therapy increases immunity).


Despite a lot of positive moments, laid in the use of massage, there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  1. skin diseases;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. presence of bruises, fractures, wounds;
  4. hypertension.

The principle of action on the body

Stone therapy is based on thermotherapy and reflexotherapy in combination with the principles of physiotherapy.

With the use of stones, blood flow increases, the work of cells is activated, slags and toxins are released through the pores of the skin. For a massage session lasting from 45 minutes to an hour and a half, all tissues are enriched with oxygen.

The persistent effect of the performed procedures is achieved after several sessions, their amount depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Stages of therapy

  • Preliminary preparation of the body. Relaxing rubbing with oils. The environment should promote maximum pacification.
  • Stacking stones of different sizes (hot or cold, depending on the type of therapy) on different parts of the body in accordance with certain points.
  • Massage with stones. Begins with feet and ends with a facial massage.

After the stone therapy, rest and rest for a while are needed to feel the general harmony. It is ideal to have a cup of fragrant tea on herbs.

Types of massage with stones

  1. Stone massage is classical. Strip stones of different temperatures alternate or only warm ones are used. The effect: muscle relaxation, improvement of local blood circulation, acceleration of metabolism, emotional relaxation.
  2. Massage for the whole body modeling consists of several general strengthening procedures, including stone therapy. Simultaneously, a shiatsu massage is used. It has an anti-stress effect.
  3. Massage on the chocolate cream is corrective. To saturate the skin with minerals at the beginning of the procedure, you must take a mineral bath with the effect of hydromassage. After that, stone massage with hot and cold stones follows. This effect helps to reduce weight and form a slender silhouette. Then the skin is treated with a scrub with the content of salts and minerals of the Dead Sea, which improves blood microcirculation and has an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. After that, the whole body is wrapped using basalt crystals and extracts of medicinal plants. This procedure smoothes the skin and helps eliminate toxins.
  4. Body massage with anti-aging crystals. An original technique using semiprecious stones (pink quartz, aventurine, mountain crystal) of a special form is used. Effect: relaxation, decrease in body volume.
  5. Facial massage with crystals rejuvenating. Facial skin lifting is provided by sliding specially selected smooth stones along special lines and points.

SPA-salons of Moscow

Let's consider the list of beauty salons where professional stone therapy is provided (Moscow):

  • "La Grand Spa" is located at: Bolshoy Tishinsky Lane, 10, p. 1.
  • Spa-Macau on the street. Marshal Rybalko, 3, not far from the metro station "October Field". Opening hours: from 10 to 22.
  • Beauty salon Evita studio of beuty is located on the street. Petrozavodsk, d. 22, ap. 1. It works without days off from 10 to 22 hours.
  • Beauty salon "Gallery number 1" on the Smolenskaya embankment, d. 5/13. (metro station Smolenskaya).
  • Beauty salon "La titus" at the address: Sevastopol Ave, d. 2. Metro "Nagatinskaya "Tula". Works from 10 to 22 hours.
  • The beauty studio RAI can be found at: Sokolnichesky Val, d. 15. Subway stations: Krasnoselskaya, Sokolniki. Opening hours: from 10 to 21.

Average prices in the salons (stone therapy lasting 60 minutes): from 2700 to 3500 rubles. There is the possibility of massage of individual zones, for example a person (the price is about 800 rubles), a stop (about 500 rubles). The cost of anti-cellulite stone massage on average is 5000 rubles.

The combination of stone therapy with other procedures

Sto-therapy methods can be used both for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

The combination with such types of reflexotherapy as hirudotherapy, massage, acupuncture, vacuum massage is quite effective.

The aesthetic effect can be enhanced by various wraps: chocolate, with blue clay, with algae or honey.

The undeniable advantage of stone therapy is that it uses only natural materials: stones, essential oils, aromas. This procedure is most comfortable and painless, brings the body a sense of relaxation and provides a burst of energy.

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A source: http://.ru/article/243927/stoun-terapiya-massaj-goryachimi-kamnyami-kamni-dlya-stoun-terapii

Stone therapy: benefits, indications and contraindications

If you compare the number of indications to stonerapia and contraindications, the number of the latter will be quite insignificant.

These restrictions are no different from those that apply to all other types of manipulation.

And this practice, like stone therapy of the face, on the contrary, is more preferable than other cosmetic procedures, since the stones do not irritate the skin and leave no inflamed red marks.

The first and most important advantage of stone massage (stone therapy) is the use for the procedure of only natural components - natural stones, oils, aromas and even sounds. Stone massage excludes any means that have not been tested by time, its usefulness is in the natural strength and skill of a specialist.

Stone massage is recognized as a unique procedure, which has no analogues - it is to this conclusion patients of clinics and SPA-salons come, specializing in lithotherapy, and specialists who study the method for many years and compare it with other types of massage and wellness procedures.

What is the unique effect of stone therapy, and whether there are contraindications to massage with hot and cold stones, because of which it is worth to abandon this procedure? Perhaps the fact is that stone therapy ideally combines several traditional and modern therapeutic techniques - reflexotherapy (exposure to high and low temperatures) and actually massage. Each of the components of stone therapy is good in itself, but in complex they turn the procedure into a small, but a real miracle.

The main advantage of stone therapy is that the heart does not have to be overloaded, for example, it takes place in a sauna or a sauna, despite the fact that both the sauna and the sauna are also very useful for health. In this sense, stone therapy is the most comfortable procedure.

A huge plus is a special psychological atmosphere that relieves anxiety and anxiety, strengthens the body's defenses.

The masters of stone massage try to achieve the greatest possible relaxation - only in this way the therapy will be effective.

It's no wonder that stone therapy is preferred by people suffering from neuroses, tired of the endless vortex of life, plunging into depression.

A psychologically pleasant environment is complemented by the physical pleasure that the patient experiences from the massage with hot and cold stones.

With the help of skilled movements, the masseur relieves pain and cramps, kneads and relaxes those areas of the body that are particularly affected by a sedentary lifestyle - neck, shoulders, lower back.

Massage not only makes the patient's body more beautiful, healthier, but also refreshes all his senses.

The aesthetic effect of massage can be strengthened with the help of such a SPA-procedure, as wrapping with honey, kelp, coffee, blue clay, chocolate.

It is generally believed that wrapping helps to lose weight, but to a much greater extent this procedure is necessary for the health and beauty of the skin.

Honeydew, mustard, pepper-cinnamon wrapping has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin, especially if there is a problem with cellulite. The wrap can be done at home, but the salon procedure is more effective.

Stone therapy is not only useful, it is also absolutely safe for the patient. The procedure does not provide for the use of complex medical equipment, which may prove unreliable, the introduction of drugs that provoke allergic reactions.

During the session, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist and does not remain alone, that any therapeutic effect, even the most simple and useful, can give an unexpected result.

Hot and cold stones fall on the skin of the patient not immediately, but only through the hands of the masseur - such Thus, even a slight burn of the skin and an unpleasant sensation from touching too cold stone.

If we talk about procedures for the face, then massage with a stone leaves no traces on the skin, than "sin" many cosmetic procedures. After the session, the patient simply looks better and he does not have to hide redness, swelling or other signs of visiting the salon.

Another plus is that lithotherapy does not cause weakness, although it relaxes the muscles of the body.

Specialists in the field of stone therapy after the procedure recommend rest, but only for the processes started by the massage to pass in programmed procedure - immunity was strengthened, edemas resolved, fatty deposits were broken down, work of internal bodies. But even if the patient is forced to do physical work, it's not scary - he will cope with any task!

As for the shortcomings of this method, they have not yet been fixed in medicine. There are only individual contraindications, which will be discussed in more detail below. This is why before a stone therapy session, you should consult your doctor and evaluate all possible risks.

If it is necessary to restore strength, but there is no way to rest and sleep properly, you can prepare an energy drink at home.

Welding strong black coffee, it must be filtered, add 20 drops of tinctures of eleutherococcus and amber, a spoonful of honey, a crushed glucose tablet and an ascorbic acid tablet, stir, cool and slowly drink.

The composition of the drink is simple - all the ingredients are absolutely available - and does not contain harmful substances like drinks from the store.

In some cases, reflexotherapists recommend combining several different methods of influence on energy zones.

Why does this happen? The fact is that each person is unique in every sense, so the body's response to therapy in each case is individual - one is suitable for massage with stones, while others are acupuncture or spot massage.

In this case, most patients, especially those suffering from diseases in neglected form, simply need to combine several types of reflexotherapy. Only in this way is it possible to cope with the disease and its consequences.

But, in comparison with other methods of reflexology, stone therapy is in a special place, since in combination with any of them acts as a catalyst for the healing processes.

Stone therapy in its modern form is one of the youngest reflexology techniques. It appeared in the mid-1990s in the United States.

Probably, that's why the treatment with stones is designed for the problems of modern man, whose life passes in the rapidly changing world, characterized by intrusive noise background, congestion with information flows, disturbed ecology, complex relationships in society.

Regular sessions of stone therapy are a powerful prevention of diseases caused by stress. It is difficult to imagine how many health problems can be avoided only through stone therapy.

Stone massage is recognized as an indispensable in effectiveness procedure for people suffering from diseases musculoskeletal system, as well as athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle in connection with work or a hobby.

Indications for stonerapia are osteochondrosis, neuralgia (if there are no objections of the treating physician), migraine, acute bursitis and joint pain of a different nature.

Another indication for massage with stones is vegetative dystonia, which is diagnosed in most modern people.

Its manifestations are diverse - dizziness, weakness, chilliness or sensation of fever, sweating, anxiety or irritability, tinnitus, headaches, tachycardia (heart palpitations), etc.

In the list of methods of classical treatment with vegetovascular dystonia, reflexotherapy is considered a mandatory item, and stone therapy is the best choice in this case.

Since this procedure has not only physical but also psychological impact, it is thanks to it that you can get rid of several symptoms of dystonia. With the help of stone massage you can recover from a breakdown, it calms, helps to hear the inner the voice of common sense, relieves pain, reduces the increased vascular tone, or, conversely, increases the lowered tone.

Women with PMS or experiencing menopause with unpleasant symptoms, note that due to stone therapy their condition is facilitated. However, it should be borne in mind that in the event of a serious illness, you need to see a doctor.

It is useful stone therapy and those who want to lose weight, as well as those who care about the beauty of their body. "Stone" massage perfectly cleanses and, as a result, rejuvenates the skin of the body, and also promotes the formation of beautiful elongated muscles - of course, in combination with power exercises.

However, stone therapy can be viewed simply as a pleasant procedure, a gift to oneself, a reward for a well-done job, success, victory, or a holiday.

As absolutely healthy people are not present and even the most pleasant influence on an organism can bring to it not only advantage, before any new for itself procedure it is necessary to consult to the doctor.

Incidentally, it should be noted that stone therapy is a kind of deep massage and if for some reason the doctor forbids massage in principle, then this also applies to stone therapy.

Nevertheless, there are not so many contraindications to stone therapy.

First of all, the patient should be sure that there are no open wounds, scratches, inflammation foci on his skin, which could cause pain during massage. Naturally, the contraindications to stonerapia are psoriasis and other skin diseases, since the affected areas of the skin are better not to disturb.

Stone therapy is impossible with injuries - fractures, dislocations, bruises and bruises, damage to internal organs.

Also, contraindication to massage with stones is pregnancy, which is quite natural, because during a stone massage, the body and all its systems are under severe stress.

From stone massage it is recommended to refuse if there are pathologies of the thyroid gland, cysts, malignant, and sometimes benign neoplasms, with bronchial asthma, diabetes (in the course of the session, blood sugar is lowered), mental diseases. Sessions of stone therapy are contraindicated for those who have serious problems with the cardiovascular system. Despite the fact that the load on the heart with stone massage is minimal, the overall effect of the procedure can be too exciting.

Also, contraindications to stone massage are infectious diseases with fever, runny nose and cough.

In some diseases, stone therapy is not completely excluded, but the choice of techniques is limited. For example, with varicose veins, massage can be shown only with cold stones - and then the result of the procedure will be optimal.

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