Persecution in the throat and cough: causes, treatment of dry cough, what to treat, what to do

For certain, some of us have experienced a constant throat for some time and a strong dry cough .It is interesting to know the causes and treatment of of this phenomenon, that can do at home and than treat with a long dry cough.

"Hedgehog" is understandable, if a lot of perspiration in the throat for a long time, sore throat and there is a constant dry cough, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible in order to restore the comfort, health and productivity of everyday life.

This is particularly true for those who have a job or a favorite occupation associated with the constant or periodic tension of the vocal chords, lecturing in educational institutions, the presence of large crowds in people.

At the same time, do not forget that self-medication is undesirable, and in some cases dangerous, consult a doctor-therapist, ENT doctor.


Why is the sore throat: causes

Sore throat and dry( wet) cough often - often -symptoms of inflammation of the respiratory system, but there are still reasons. Causes of inflammation of bronchial mucosa, vocal cords, larynx usually occur in infectious diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract:

  1. Angina;
  2. Pharyngitis;
  3. Laryngitis;
  4. Tracheitis;
  5. Bronchitis;
  6. Tuberculosis;
  7. Pneumonia.

There are also other reasons why a dry and violent cough, swelling in the throat may occur. One of them is pharyngeal neuralgia. This condition occurs in patients with disorders of the functions of the swallowing apparatus, which is caused by the inferior activity of the central nervous system( CNS) or nerve receptors in the brain.

It is clear that you need to know a lot how to get rid of this and what medicines to use.

The patient can not only sore in the throat, but also note burning sensation, loss of sensitivity of the mucous membrane, or on the contrary - her sensitivity is excessively increased, the patient is gnawed by the sensation of lumps in the throat, pains that are given in the ear or the hyoid area.

Pharyngeal neuralgia, causes:

  1. Syphilis.
  2. Tumors of any nature in the body.
  3. Pathologies of the nervous system, mental disorders.

Often a prolonged tickling in the throat and coughing causes an allergy. Irritants can act home and book( archival) dust, animal fur, duvets and pillows, medicines, food, pollen of plants during flowering.

When pershit in the throat, but it does not hurt, there are no other symptoms, most likely, the reasons for allergic reactions. Remove allergies possible antihistamines and drugs.

Sometimes a pershin throat with a constant load on the vocal cords associated with professional activities. For example: working as a television announcer, teacher, lecturer. Then the best remedy for a throat swelling is a vacation, or maybe for a while to change a profession.

Other reasons for which the throat - the pathology of the digestive system. These are:

  1. Gastritis;
  2. Stomach ulcer;
  3. Cholecystitis;
  4. Irritation of the mucosa of the esophagus, which causes the release of acidic digested food from the stomach with reflux gastroesophagitis;
  5. Herniated in the larynx or esophagus.

With hormonal failures, the thyroid gland is enlarged, and nodules are formed on it. They press on the trachea and cause irritation of the larynx - as a result of the patient's pershit in the throat. He loses his appetite, grows thin or vice versa, sharply becomes fuller, becomes sluggish and irritable. A very strong throat in the mornings of heavy smokers.

The reasons for the sore throat are very different, they are often associated with serious chronic diseases of the internal organs.

Because treatment with folk remedies is not always effective: the herbal decoction softens the throat, but does not help get rid of the factor that caused this symptom.

How to recognize and get rid of a sore throat: what to do?

Treatment of a perspiration in the throat is selected depending on the severity of the disease that caused it. In itself, it is not a disease, but only its sign. Under the influence of certain factors, the patient feels, like tickling in the throat, the desire to clear his throat well.

Cough can be wet and dry. A dry, persistent cough does not contribute to mucus secretion, which could soften the larynx and slightly relieve irritation.

Therefore, the throat hurts even more. Usually, dry cough is characteristic for infectious and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract. At the same time, other typical symptoms of cold or flu join in the process of dipping:

  1. Headache.
  2. Chills.
  3. Runny nose.
  4. Lethargy.
  5. Increased body temperature.

If you do not manage to get rid of dry cough and perspiration for a long time, pills from throat swelling and treatment with folk remedies do not help, you can say that the pathology has passed into a chronic form and treatment needs correction.

Quite often patients complain that they have a stronger throat at night. Why is this happening and what to do in this case? The reasons are usually that during the night sleep muscles of the larynx and nasopharynx relax, blood circulation slows down, and sputum is not separated, but thickens and accumulates in the upper respiratory tract.

Sticking to the walls of the larynx, they irritate the mucous and cause coughing attacks, also it can be pus in the throat. Treatment in this case is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and excretion of sputum from the bronchi. It is not necessarily a cold or flu, chronic respiratory pathologies, allergies or vocal cord strain at work.

Do not forget about bad habits - the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes can cause chronic persecution. And sometimes a foreign body gets into the throat - for example, a fish or meat bone - and thereby provokes a constant cough and discomfort.

Because the treatment will not be effective, neither pills nor folk recipes will help, until the provoking factor is eliminated.

Sore throat: what to treat and how

Treatment should be complex complex - local remedies will soften and soothe the mucous membrane, and systemic action medications will help cope with the underlying disease.

In the first case, you can take tablets and lozenges for resorption, rinse or inhalation from the sore throat. Such medications are popular.

Geksoral .The drug can be bought at a pharmacy. In the form of solution it is used for rinsing. They should be done after meals, three to four times a day. The duration of the procedure is 3-4 minutes. Duration of treatment up to ten days.

In the form of spray the drug is used twice a day, spraying it in the larynx for at least two seconds. The medicine can cause allergic reactions, if the mucosal edema becomes stronger, there is a rash, a cough intensifies, treatment should be stopped.

Pharyngosept .These tablets should not be absorbed until after fifteen minutes after ingestion. You can do the procedure up to five times a day. After taking the pill is not recommended to drink and eat for two hours to keep the effect of its action.

Cefaclor .This drug belongs to the group of antibiotics. Dosage is determined in an individual order, as a rule, not more than 4 gr.per day, breaking this amount into several 250-mg doses.

Tetracycline .It is prescribed today rarely, in those cases when the reception of other drugs is contraindicated because of individual patient intolerance to its components. Adults appoint 100-150 mg at a time up to six times a day. Take the pill should be no later than half an hour before meals.

Bioparox .This drug in the form of a spray, Bioparox should be used to irrigate the oral cavity and larynx. The procedure is carried out up to five times a day, after meals. The course of treatment lasts about seven days.

Tavegil .This is a common and affordable antihistamine. It is used to treat cough and sore throat caused by allergies. First of all, you need to moisten the air in the room and eliminate the irritant. It is necessary to ventilate the rooms well. Tavegil is taken 1 mg twice daily before meals. The daily dose should not exceed 6 mg.

It is possible to reduce perspiration and sore throat at home and folk remedies .Help such herbs and plants:

  1. Oak bark;
  2. Chamomile;
  3. Sage;
  4. Calendula tincture for throat rinsing;
  5. Thymus.

You can do rinses or inhalations for the throat, using folk remedies. But it is necessary to combine them with medicamental treatment, otherwise the effect will be short and the disease can go on into a chronic form.

What else should I do? Doctors recommend to follow a diet. To refuse it is necessary from salty, acidic, sharp dishes and drinks, too hot or cold, naturally, alcohol and cigarettes are now out of place.

Rinsings and other solutions from the throat

Angilex .In the pharmacy, you can find a variety of means from persheniya in the throat. If the disease has just begun, you can try to cure it with folk remedies. If the herbs were ineffective, and the disease worsened, you should choose stronger medications.

For example, very effective Angilex is a rinse solution, but it must be diluted before use. For a quarter of a glass of warm water you need to take two teaspoons of the solution. Before the procedure, rinse your mouth with plain clean water. Then use Angilex.

Rinses are done up to four times a day, the duration of the course of treatment is five days. An alternative is the drug Givalex .It is also a rinse solution, which must be diluted with water. In the package, along with the solution is a measuring cup. First, pour two teaspoons of the drug into the cup - 10 ml.

Then add another 50 ml of water at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. After that, the solution is ready for use. But it can not be done in advance, it must be used immediately.

Angisept, Septiphil .For resorption it is convenient to use tablets that have softening, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Angissept and Septifril are popular. They are placed in the mouth and slowly dissolve until completely dissolved. Apply these drugs 4-6 times a day. The course of treatment does not exceed seven days.

It is convenient to carry aerosols for irrigation of the larynx - Ingalipt and Cameton .They are sprayed onto the mucosa for 1-2 seconds. Repeat the procedure can be up to four times a day.

Even very strong perspiration can be removed at home with inhalation. Of the folk remedies, soda or sea salt, a decoction of marigold and chamomile, an infusion of eucalyptus. In pharmacies it is possible to purchase Ingalar .This preparation is added to the inhaler or to a container of hot water. Do inhalation twice a day.

Approximate treatment regimen for sore throat: administration of inhalations twice a day, resorption of lozenges or tablets throughout the day, if required, taking antibiotics in the dosage indicated by the doctor or antihistamines. It is recommended to observe a sparing diet and avoid bad habits.

Video: what can happen in the throat of

What happens in the throat of the throat, will tell in this video Elena Malysheva.


Maria .With a strong, dry cough, the throat began to perspire. Propyl syrup Prospan from a dry cough. I'm very glad that in just a few days I got rid of a dry cough. My throat was rinsed with soda. He always helps me.

Polina .The genus of my activity is the seller of household chemicals. I very often dry out in the throat and the perspiration begins. The doctor told me that this is an allergy and prescribed the lozenges of Isla-Moos .I began to dissolve pastilles and perspiration quickly passed. They well moisturize the mucous throat.

Svetlana .My cold starts with a persecution in the goal, a slight cough, headache, aches and chills. The last time I got sick, I went to the hospital. The doctor prescribed antiviral tablets Influcid .I dissolve them almost every hour( according to the instructions for use of the drug) and after a while the disease receded. Thanks to him, my sick-list was a few days shorter than I would have been self-medicated.

Rose .Last winter at the university, where my daughter studies, the heating system in the building practically did not work. The children sat in their outer clothes and trembled from the cold. A few days later my daughter started coughing. I bought her, effervescent tablets Prospan , so that my daughter could have them warmed up in a cupboard. Fortunately, the cough began to decline in a few days.

Publication source: redaction of the website http: // pershit-v-gorle-suhoj-kashel.html