Fitness Ball: Exercises


  • 1Exercise on the fitness ball for weight loss
    • 1.1How to choose the right ball?
    • 1.2Advantages of studying with a ball
    • 1.3Exercises
    • 1.4Effectiveness of exercises
  • 2Exercise with the ball for fitness
    • 2.1Training
    • 2.2Exercises for different muscle groups
  • 3Exercises on the ball
    • 3.1Effective exercises on the ball for fitness
    • 3.2Exercises on the gymnastic ball - fitball
    • 3.3Fitball at home or at the gym?
  • 4Exercise on the fitness ball: slim and flexible body
    • 4.1Exercise on the fitness ball: the benefits of exciting workouts
    • 4.2Training program
    • 4.3Exercises on the fitness ball: training of the press
    • 4.4Exciting workouts
  • 5Exercise with the ball for fitness
    • 5.1Training with a fitball for warming up
    • 5.2Exercises for different muscle groups
  • 6Exercises on the ball and how is called a big ball for fitness and weight loss
    • 6.1Benefits
    • 6.2How to choose a fitball
    • 6.3Complex of exercises
    • 6.4Advice
    • 6.5Contraindications
  • 7Weight Loss Exercises
    • 7.1Exercises for individual muscle groups
    • instagram viewer
    • 7.2Press
    • 7.3Slanting muscles on the abdomen
    • 7.4"Raise" the ass
    • 7.5Strengthening the back
    • 7.6Complex exercises with fitball

Exercise on the fitness ball for weight loss

Any kind of fitness sooner or later starts to bore. In order not to lose the desire to engage in yourself, it is necessary to introduce something new into your training.

One of the simulators that will help bring such a novelty into classes is the fitness ball.

Bright, great - you can choose the ball for fitness of your favorite color. Training with him will bring you a lot of new impressions.

This simulator is universal. It is used in both normal fitness groups and in groups for pregnant women.

How to choose the right ball?

Before proceeding with the description of the exercises in which the fitness ball is used, let's figure out how to choose this ball of the right size and quality. From the size and quality will depend on the effectiveness of the exercises performed.

Choosing the size of the ball should be guided by its growth:

  1. For women with a height of up to 170 cm ball is suitable diameter, which, 5 m.
  2. For women with a height of 170 to 180 cm, a diameter of 5 m is suitable.
  3. To high women, whose growth is 180 cm and above, you need to choose the size, where the diameter is 5 m.

Personally, it is very easy for you to check whether the fitness ball is suitable. For this, you need to sit down on it. In this pose, pay attention to the angle at which you have hips, knees and feet. With the right size for you, this angle will be 90 degrees.

Advantages of studying with a ball

To further inflame your enthusiasm for training with this simulator, let's list the advantages of such classes:

  • In order to stay on the fitball, a person needs to keep almost all the muscles of his body in suspense. As a result, muscle groups are worked out better than when the same exercises are performed simply on the floor. The process of losing weight is more intense, the body burns more calories. At the same time, during exercising, a person feels an additional tension minimal.
  • The advantage of practicing with a fitball is that it can be practiced by people who are banned for normal health because of their health condition. During sports activities, the cardiovascular system is actively working, pressure is increasing, it is far from useful for all people. So, here those who are not helpful are always looking for milder options for classes, and training with a fitball are included in their number.
  • An important advantage of such occupations is that they unload the spine. Sometimes people can not do fitness just because they have a backache after training. When you lie on the ball for fitness your spine is automatically fixed in a comfortable position, the load is minimal. Such exercises are useful for the back. They delicately train the muscles of the spinal column.
  • People with a lot of excess weight to train in the usual way is not easy. Exercise on the ball is an excellent tool for losing weight. Even if you have a lot of excess weight, you can hold out all the activity.
  • Classes with the ball are incredibly useful for pregnant women and for moms with babies.


We believe that you are sufficiently inspired to start classes with a bright ball. This can be done both in the aerobic group and at home. We will give the basic exercises with the ball.

These exercises are aimed at all muscle groups at once, they will well contribute in the matter of losing weight:

  1. We wring out.
    The ball should be under our knees. At the same time hands rest on the floor. The trunk and hips retain the parallel position of the floor. We begin to bend at the elbows so that the chin touches the floor. When we go down, take a breath, exhale on the rise. Push-ups are incredibly effective for the whole body, most active here are the hands, the press and the chest. Such exercises perfectly develop endurance, which is important for weight loss as well.
  2. Stretch out.
    It is necessary to kneel down. We put our hands on the ball that is in front of us. The ball with the help of hands rolls slowly onward and we drag along with him. We keep the balance of the body. Such exercises are well done at the end of the workout to relieve tension from the back.
  3. We strengthen the back and the press.
    We lay down on the floor with our backs. Knees bend and put your feet on the sports ball. Make sure that your legs are at right angles. Put your hands under your head. Raise the body and stretch to the knees, then return to its original position. This exercise is good for losing weight in the abdominal area.
  4. Planck.
    We go down on the fitball belly, while raising our feet, reaching the maximum horizontal position of the body. In this situation, we try to keep the balance of the body, we consider ourselves to be up to 10. Then we take the original position. With this exercise, the process of losing weight starts, all muscle groups are strained.

Effectiveness of exercises

So, now you know one more way to diversify your sports activities. Now you can choose the right fitball for yourself.

For those who have just started their weight loss process, ball exercises are an ideal option. Such a bright simulator turns complex exercises into a game, classes are more fun.

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Exercise with the ball for fitness

Exercises on a blue, pink, lilac or bright blue fitness ball can be an exciting game, a walk into a carefree childhood.

In addition, as the therapists have observed, the ball-fitballs, due to their mobility, cause the person to maintain balance and balance, which leads to a waste of an incredible amount of calories.

As a consequence, weight is quickly and easily reduced, and the figure acquires a smart and slender appearance.

Balls for fitness allow you to give the work of muscles a single harmonious rhythm, playing, to bring the level of their physical preparation to the maximum load. Unconfined classes with a miracle ball will provide your figure with the perfect shape, flexibility and grace.

Performing exercises with the ball for fitness, you must observe regularity and safety.

Daily training will give much more results than classes once a week with maximum stress.

When choosing a ball-fitball, do not buy copies with a thin shell, they can burst under pressure.

A good fitness ball is capable of withstanding loads of up to three hundred kilograms! Unlike cheap Chinese analogues, quality products will save you from injuries with varying degrees of severity. Great importance in the effectiveness of training and safety of this projectile has the size:

  • Girls with a height of up to 170 cm choose a ball with a diameter of 5 m;
  • Girls with a height of 170-180 cm can choose a ball for practicing a diameter of 5 m;
  • High owners of "basketball" growth from 180 cm and above it is convenient to train on a ball from 5 m in diameter.

After sitting on the fitball, check the angle at which the feet, knees and thigh are located. If its value is 90 degrees, then this ball is ideal for you.


Push-ups with fitball

Can not wait to get started? First we will perform the basic exercises:

  1. Push-up. Fitbol put under your knees, and hands rest on the floor. The body and legs are parallel to the floor. We bend our elbows and touch the chin with the floor. Inhale is performed with the bending of the elbows, and exhalation - with their extension. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the hands, breasts and even the press.
  2. Stretching. We kneel, hands in an extended position on the ball in front of him. Stretching out after the ball, slowly stretch the body. At the same time, we carefully balance the balance. Repeating the movement 10 times, rest, we do three approaches.
  3. Strengthening the press and lower back muscles. First you need to lie on your back, and your legs, bent at the knees, put on a gym ball. We observe the action of a right angle. The hands are fixed behind the head, and the body is raised upwards, to the bent legs. We return to the starting position.
  4. The gymnast. We lay down on the ball of the belly and raise our legs, so that the body takes a horizontal position. We keep the balance, counting to 5, then return to the starting position. First you can try to do 5 approaches, but if your sports form is at a higher level - then this number can be increased.

Exercises for different muscle groups

Exercise for the lower abdominal muscles

Accustomed to receiving a charge of vivacity and great mood from these exercises with the ball for fitness, you can expand the "repertoire" of training by working out individual muscle groups:

I. In the supine position, bend the knees at an angle of 90 degrees.

We grab and hold the gym ball with our feet, and lay our hands behind our backs with our hands down. We pull the knees to the body, lifting the lower back.

We return to the starting position, without touching the floor with the ball. Exercise well trains the lower abdominal muscles.

For the same purpose, you can perform another action. Sitting on the floor, hold the ball for fitness between the feet of straightened legs. Leaning your hands on the floor, lean back a bit.

We pull the knees to the body, holding the ball, we return to the starting position. We tighten the abdomen, keep the muscles in a state of tension, and the ball - above the floor, without touching it.

Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles

II. Lying on the back, we will press the ball with the feet of the fitball and raise it vertically upwards. Fixing his hands behind his head, we pull each elbow to the knee of the other, opposite foot, which "stretches" towards it.

The second leg must remain stationary. The chin is not pressed to the chest, and the shoulder is not torn off the floor. Let's go back to the starting position and repeat in the "mirror" version.

This exercise contributes to the development of the lower and oblique abdominal muscles.

We lay down on the back, bending our knees, fix the ball motionless under the calves, hands spread out to the sides. We lower our legs down to the left, then to the right of the ball. Developed during this action oblique muscles of the press.

We lay down sideways on the ball, our feet rest on the floor, and our hands are fixed behind the head. Lower and raise the body to the maximum position, leaving the body in the same plane, without straining the muscles of the neck. After completing, turn over on the other side and repeat.

Lying on fitbole

III. We lay down on the gymnastic ball with our backs so that our feet are pressed to the floor and our hips are parallel to it.

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Cross the arms on the body and stretch forward as much as possible, lifting the shoulders over the ball. The chin to the chest is not inclined. Let's return to the starting position, pressing down the ball with the back.

All muscles must be strained, and straight muscles on the abdomen - will develop.

IV. We rest our hands on the floor, and fix our feet behind the ball, the body is parallel to the floor face down. We roll up and return the ball, bending and unbending our knees.

Hands, back and head are still. If you direct your knees to the left, then to the right, you use the oblique muscles of the press.

To complicate the exercise can be a simultaneous push-up of the hands.

Exercises for the press on fitball

V. You can swing your back muscles from the position of the pelvis on the ball, facing the floor. The socks rest on the floor, legs - on the width of the shoulders, hands are fixed behind the head, and the elbows are bred to the sides.

Raise the body above the ball, caving as far back as possible. We return to the IS.

We do not strain the neck, we do not pull the chin forward and do not bend to the chest, and leave the pelvis and legs in a fixed position.

VI. Lie on the ball with your back, press your waist and shoulders against it, put your feet on the floor, put your legs on the floor perpendicular to the floor.

Pull your hands up, start behind the head and stretch as far as the floor. Return to the starting position.

This exercise perfectly completes any set of activities.

Effective exercises with a ball for fitness in addition to the benefits for the body will bring you a charge of vigor and good spirits!

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Exercises on the ball

Today almost every woman is dissatisfied with her figure, her physique, and tries by any means to correct it, and also to get rid of unnecessary fatty deposits on the waist, sides, buttocks and in others problem areas. Exercises on the gymnastic ball provide a unique opportunity not only to make the back even, but also to develop body plasticity and flexibility. For those who want to lose weight, this is an ideal option.

The Swiss ball just now began to be used as a special exercise machine for practicing fitness exercises in order to lose weight and transform your body.

Few years ago, fitball, as it is also called, was used only to treat patients with paralysis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Now it is an indispensable simulator, and many fitness trainers and their students were convinced of this.

Exercises on the fitness ball will greatly transform your figure, making your posture magnificent. In addition, aspen waist, smooth back and beautiful buttocks are provided to you.

Effective exercises on the ball for fitness

A special technique of training on gymnastic fitball makes it possible to bring the female body closer to the ideal.

Developed by the best fitness trainers, effective exercises on the ball will help to get rid of the sagging sides and abdomen for ever, make your buttocks and hips elastic.

In addition, performing a fitness complex of physical activities, you will correct not only your figure, but also significantly strengthen health: after all, exercises with fitball are used in medical practice for patients.

To directly begin the exercises on the gymnastic ball, you need to stretch the muscles, prepare them, perform the elements of the warm-up.

Having made circular turns with your hands, jumping on a rope or jogging in place for a few minutes, you will prepare for the performance of effective weight loss exercises.

  • So, lie on your back for an exercise on the ball. Clamp the feet between the legs of the gym ball and try to raise the pelvis as high as possible, without tearing the blades off the floor, and trying not to miss the ball. Then take the original position. Such rises should be at least 10.
  • Hyperextension on the gym ball. This special exercise on the ball helps to work out all the muscles of the back and the press. Lie down with your belly on the fitball. With your feet, touch the floor a little, but raise the body, arms spread apart, and try to close the shoulder blades, reduce them one to the other. Then exhale and take the original position. So repeat 15 times.
  • And one more exercise, without which the fitness complex with a gymnastic ball would not be complete. Lie on your back, while bringing the ball up to the knee and above. Gradually lifting the pelvis and leveling the body, roll the ball to the buttocks. Hold in this state for a few seconds, then roll the fitball back. Do such a roll with one foot 10 times, and on the other, too.

Exercises on the gymnastic ball - fitball

Very effective is the following set of exercises for weight loss, to ignore the occupation of which will be an inexcusable mistake for the correction of the figure.

  1. Using the fitball, you can perform one more exercise on the slimming ball - the slopes to the sides. Lie down on the floor, grab and hold the ball between your legs. Hands on the floor along the body. Tilt your legs with the ball in one direction, while the shoulder blades are not tearing off the floor. Go back to the starting position. The same thing you do in the other direction. And so repeat 10-12 times.
  2. Twisting with a gymnastic ball will also benefit you. Lie on the floor, fitting the ball under your knees. Feet wrap fitball and raise it and your pelvis up. Delay in this position for a few seconds. Do 12 twists - effective exercises on the ball for weight loss.
  3. With the help of the ball, you can make very effective reverse push-ups: in the end, you will pump up the muscles of your hands. Sit on the ball, lean on it with your hands behind your back. Next, squat, bending your elbows and as if slipping off the ball. Return slowly to the starting position. Such exercises on the ball for weight loss need 10.
  4. With the ball you can do push-ups. They will be much more effective than usual, because many muscles of the body are involved. So, take the emphasis lying. Put your feet on the fitball. Do push-ups, bending your arms at the elbows. Try to keep your back straight. Do 10 to 20 such push-ups, depending on the level of your physical fitness. Such exercises on the ball for fitness necessarily have a positive effect on your figure.
  5. It is not difficult to perform twisting on the fitball, but effectively. Do not tear your legs off the floor, lie on the ball with your back. Cross your arms in front of you. Lift the body from a prone position, without opening your hands. In order not to fall, you have to control your body, slightly pushing the buttocks on the ball back. Twist such twists. 20. This exercise on the gymnastic ball trains the muscles of the press and lower back, and also helps to correct the figure in problem areas.

Performing all the exercises in a strict sequence, and then in a circle, you, of course, will come to success.

Fitball at home or at the gym?

Of course, there are a lot of other methods for losing weight, without using this big ball, but to judge their effectiveness only for you - those who want to lose weight.

Exercises on the ball can be performed not only in gyms, as it is not so difficult and expensive to purchase fitball.

In addition, you will not need to build a timetable, when to allocate time for attending the gym: you will be able to have your time, working with the ball at home.

Exercise on the ball for weight loss will not only remove unnecessary fat deposits on the sides, but also reduce centimeters at the waist, will make your muscles more prominent, more pronounced.

In addition, you will not feel pain in the back, as exercises on the ball contribute to the development of proper posture and treat shortcomings of the musculoskeletal system.

Doing exercises at home, you can do them several times a day: for example, in the morning, including in the morning exercises and in the evening. Allocate to a session with a fitball you need a day at least 30 minutes.

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Exercise on the fitness ball: slim and flexible body


Exercises on the fitness ball make sports a fascinating game. Such training is insanely useful for our body and suitable for people of different age categories.

They help to improve balance and balance, throw unpleasant pounds and find beautiful outlines of the figure.

Therefore, if you decide to find a beautiful, smart, slender figure, then exercises on fitball - this is exactly what you need.

Exercise on the fitness ball: the benefits of exciting workouts

Fitball (ball for fitness) significantly increases the level of load, without leading to severe fatigue of the muscles. Such training always brings pleasure, positively affecting the figure. Regularly practicing on the ball, you can find a graceful gait, flexibility and plasticity.

However, you should practice regularly on the ball, always following the safety rules. A daily half-hour workout will help you to find an ideal figure much more quickly than a long session once a week. The effect of training will also depend on the chosen ball.

Buying fitball, it is worth looking at only on a model with a thick shell. They will last you much longer. It is believed that the ball for fitness should withstand up to 300 kg. Quality products will make classes safe and comfortable. Of great importance is also the diameter of the ball. Therefore, choosing fitball, you need to consider your growth:

• models with a diameter of 55 cm fit girls below 170 cm;

• balls with a diameter of 65 cm will be the best choice for women over 170 cm tall;
• balls with a diameter of more than 85 cm fit tall girls (over 180 cm).

On a ball, the size of which ideally suits you, it should be comfortable to sit. The angle at which the knees are placed when you sit on the ball should be 90 degrees.

Training program

Exercises on the fitness ball should be performed after the warm-up.

As a warm-up you can perform slopes, circular rotation of shoulders and hips, squats.

The basic complex of exercises on fitball consists of several categories, which are aimed at active study of all muscle groups. They include:

  1. • Push-ups on the ball. The base position - the legs lie on the fitball parallel to the floor, the palms rest against the floor. We perform smooth push-ups, trying to touch the floor with the chin. This exercise perfectly coaches the muscles of the press, arms and chest.
  2. • stretching on the ball. The basic position - the legs are bent at the knees on the floor, the palms rest against the ball. Gradually we stretch our arms forward, moving after the ball. It is important to be able to maintain balance. This exercise should be repeated up to 10 times in 3 sets.
    • exercises for training the muscles of the back press. The basic position - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees (right angle), on the ball, hands behind the head. Smoothly tear off the body from the floor, trying to reach the chin with his chin. We return to the base position. Exercise should be repeated up to 10 times in 3 sets.
    • gymnastics on the ball. The basic position - lying belly on the ball, legs - parallel to the floor. We try to keep the balance for 5-10 seconds. The number of approaches for beginners is 5 times.

Exercises on the fitness ball: training of the press

Classes with a fitball help girls significantly improve the outlines of their figure. At the same time, the complex of exercises can include, as exercises for warming up all muscle groups, and exercises aimed at qualitative study of a particular group.

If you want to find a perfectly flat belly, it is advisable to look at the exercises for the muscles of the lower press:

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• Base position - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. With both feet we embrace the fitball, smoothly pulling our knees to the trunk. In this case, slightly lift the loin. When returning to the base position, the ball must not touch the floor.

• The basic position - sitting on the floor, the legs look forward, the palms rest against the floor, the ball is sandwiched between the feet. Gently deflect the body back and pull his knees to him, we return to the base position. When doing the exercise, the stomach should be tightened, the muscles - strained.
• The base position is the back on the floor, the legs are straight, hands behind the head. Clamp the ball between your feet and lift your legs up. Gradually, tear off the body from the floor, trying to get the elbow of the left hand right knee and vice versa.

Exciting workouts

Exercise on the fitness ball helps the girls to improve their shape. Performing them is quite simple even at home. However, if you want to lose weight and improve the plasticity of the body, the exercises should be controlled by experienced trainers.

Having registered in the fitness club Pineapple, you can choose for yourself the best training program. Determine the current level of physical fitness will help special fitness testing.

Classes with a fitball can take place, both in the form of group and individual training. In addition, the sports club has a modern gym where you can improve your muscular relief or conduct a good cardio workout.

Our qualified trainers will help you to lose weight, pump up muscles, get a charge of vivacity and a positive mood.

How to learn to do push-ups to a girl Exercises from back pain

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Exercise with the ball for fitness

Exercises on a blue, pink, lilac or bright blue fitness ball can be an exciting game, a walk into a carefree childhood.

In addition, as the therapists have observed, the ball-fitballs, due to their mobility, cause the person to maintain balance and balance, which leads to a waste of an incredible amount of calories.

As a consequence, weight is quickly and easily reduced, and the figure acquires a smart and slender appearance.

Balls for fitness allow you to give the work of muscles a single harmonious rhythm, playing, to bring the level of their physical preparation to the maximum load. Unconstrained employment with a miracle ball will provide your figure with the perfect shape, flexibility and grace

Performing exercises with the ball for fitness, you must observe regularity and safety.

Daily training will give much more results than classes once a week with maximum stress.

When choosing a ball-fitball, do not buy copies with a thin shell, they can burst under pressure.

A good fitness ball is capable of withstanding loads of up to three hundred kilograms! Unlike cheap Chinese analogues, quality products will save you from injuries with varying degrees of severity. Great importance in the effectiveness of training and safety of this projectile has the size:

  • Girls with a height of up to 170 cm choose a ball with a diameter of 5 m;
  • Girls with a height of 170-180 cm can choose a ball for practicing a diameter of 5 m;
  • High owners of "basketball" growth from 180 cm and above it is convenient to train on a ball from 5 m in diameter.

After sitting on the fitball, check the angle at which the feet, knees and thigh are located. If its value is 90 degrees, then this ball is ideal for you.

Training with a fitball for warming up

Push-ups with fitball

Can not wait to get started?First we will perform the basic exercises:

  1. Push-up. Fitbol put under your knees, and hands rest on the floor. The body and legs are parallel to the floor. We bend our elbows and touch the chin with the floor. Inhale is performed with the bending of the elbows, and exhalation - with their extension. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the hands, breasts and even the press.
  2. Stretching. We kneel, hands in an extended position on the ball in front of him. Stretching out after the ball, slowly stretch the body. At the same time, we carefully balance the balance. Repeating the movement 10 times, rest, we do three approaches.
  3. Strengthening the press and lower back muscles. First you need to lie on your back, and your legs, bent at the knees, put on a gym ball. We observe the action of a right angle. The hands are fixed behind the head, and the body is raised upwards, to the bent legs. We return to the starting position.
  4. The gymnast. We lay down on the ball of the belly and raise our legs, so that the body takes a horizontal position. We keep the balance, counting to 5, then return to the starting position. First you can try to do 5 approaches, but if your sports form is at a higher level - then this number can be increased.

Exercises for different muscle groups

Exercise for the lower abdominal muscles

Accustomed to receiving a charge of vivacity and great mood from these exercises with the ball for fitness, you can expand the "repertoire" of training by working out individual muscle groups:

I. In the supine position, bend the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. We grab and hold the gym ball with our feet, and lay our hands behind our backs with our hands down.

We pull the knees to the body, lifting the lower back. We return to the starting position, without touching the floor with the ball. Exercise well trains the lower abdominal muscles.

For the same purpose, you can perform another action. Sitting on the floor, hold the ball for fitness between the feet of straightened legs. Leaning your hands on the floor, lean back a bit.

We pull the knees to the body, holding the ball, we return to the starting position. We tighten the abdomen, keep the muscles in a state of tension, and the ball - above the floor, without touching it.

Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles

II. Lying on the back, we will press the ball with the feet of the fitball and raise it vertically upwards. Fixing his hands behind his head, we pull each elbow to the knee of the other, opposite foot, which "stretches" towards it.

The second leg must remain stationary. The chin is not pressed to the chest, and the shoulder is not torn off the floor. Let's go back to the starting position and repeat in the "mirror" version.

This exercise contributes to the development of the lower and oblique abdominal muscles.

We lay down on the back, bending our knees, fix the ball motionless under the calves, hands spread out to the sides. We lower our legs down to the left, then to the right of the ball. Developed during this action oblique muscles of the press.

We lay down sideways on the ball, our feet rest on the floor, and our hands are fixed behind the head. Lower and raise the body to the maximum position, leaving the body in the same plane, without straining the muscles of the neck. After completing, turn over on the other side and repeat.

Lying on fitbole

III. We lay down on the gymnastic ball with our backs so that our feet are pressed to the floor and our hips are parallel to it.

Cross the arms on the body and stretch forward as much as possible, lifting the shoulders over the ball. The chin to the chest is not inclined. Let's return to the starting position, pressing down the ball with the back.

All muscles must be strained, and straight muscles on the abdomen - will develop.

IV. We rest our hands on the floor, and fix our feet behind the ball, the body is parallel to the floor face down. We roll up and return the ball, bending and unbending our knees.

Hands, back and head are still. If you direct your knees to the left, then to the right, you use the oblique muscles of the press. To complicate the exercise can be a simultaneous push-up of the hands.

Exercises for the press on fitball

V. You can swing your back muscles from the position of the pelvis on the ball, facing the floor. The socks rest on the floor, legs - on the width of the shoulders, hands are fixed behind the head, and the elbows are bred to the sides.

Raise the body above the ball, caving as far back as possible. We return to the IS. We do not strain the neck, we do not pull the chin forward and do not bend to the chest, and leave the pelvis and legs in a fixed position.

VI. Lie on the ball with your back, press your waist and shoulders against it, put your feet on the floor, put your legs on the floor perpendicular to the floor.

Pull your hands up, start behind the head and stretch as far as the floor. Return to the starting position.

This exercise perfectly completes any set of activities.

Effective exercises with a ball for fitness in addition to the benefits for the body will bring you a charge of vigor and good spirits!

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Exercises on the ball and how is called a big ball for fitness and weight loss

Relatively new in the CIS countries are exercises on the ball for weight loss, but in spite of this they have already earned the love and praise of many who experienced them on themselves. Exercises with the ball for fitness can be of different orientation and technique: power, dance, aerobic or yoga.

How is the fitness ball called correct? Swiss developers called it a fitball.

They created it to help patients during rehabilitation, but later the scope of the fitball expanded, and now it is used in gyms or during class at home.

The complex with a fitball helps to lose weight, align the posture and establish metabolic processes in the body.


A variety of techniques for performing exercises on the gymnastic ball allows you to quickly lose weight and get attractive shapes in a short time. Among the advantages of this method of weight loss can be identified as follows:

  • develops the muscles of the whole body, working out each group of muscles and restoring their elasticity and strength;
  • maximum safe, no load on the spine and back;
  • there are no restrictions on weight and age;
  • ease of exercise, accessibility of classes (you can not go to the gym, but do it at home).

How to choose a fitball

The functional side is no different, but how to choose a fitness ball called fitball, right? What should be considered and what should I focus on? There are balls for several parameters:

In size, they are different, and what is the name of the fitness ball, which you need, whether large or small, how to define it? It all depends on the growth of the person who will be engaged in it.

The structure of the differences are minor, only two types of exercise ball: smooth, with which the basics of fitness are performed, and pimply - with a massage soothing effect. Which is necessary for you - you decide, depending on the goals pursued in the class.

Differences in colors do not carry any semantic load, this parameter is purely aesthetic and is chosen for personal preferences or mood.

For beginners, there are special balls for weight loss exercises with holders. For more advanced athletes, the handle on the fitball is not needed.

Complex of exercises

  1. Pelvic lift. With this exercise, the ball can significantly strengthen the muscles of the back, buttocks and legs. In the supine position on the back, legs are thrown onto the fitball so that the feet do not touch it. Pelvic lifts are performed with simultaneous rolling of the ball to and from the back. Such exercises are performed 10 times, beginners can start with fewer repetitions.
  2. Twisting. These exercises with the ball will help strengthen the abdominal muscles, work out the relief press. The position of the body is also exactly on the back, hands behind the head. The ball is set between the legs and when the body is twisted, the legs rise with it. In this exercise, you need to pay attention to the correct breathing: on the twisting we breathe in, on relaxation - the exhalation. About 20 repetitions will suffice.
  3. Slopes. Thanks to these exercises, fat deposits from the sides and abdomen are removed. Lying on his back fitball is the same as in the previous exercise, hands along the body. Legs rise up together with the fitness ball and incline one by one, the shoulders are chained to the floor. For 10 repetitions on each side.
  4. Push-ups classic. The emphasis is on the floor, feet on the ball. Slow push-ups from the floor about 10 times. The name of such exercises do not have, these are classic push-ups from the floor, but in combination with fitball.
  5. Reverse push-ups. Exercise is similar to the previous one, but no longer legs on the ball, but hands. It is necessary to arrange them closer to the center, so that during the push-ups they do not slip. 15 repetitions will suffice.
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Exercises with the ball for fitness are well suited for fat people, which are contraindicated in many exercises and shells.

This element will help develop good coordination, the vestibular apparatus and relieve the load from the back and spine, and also does not injure the musculoskeletal system, is a good prophylactic means of arthritis and osteochondrosis.

You can use these exercises to train all muscle groups, and you can use it for individual problem areas. But in order to make the effect of the exercises with the ball noticeable, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles:

  • It is necessary to choose the right ball for training. It is from this point depends the effectiveness of training and the risk of injury.
  • Regularity. A week should be used from 3 to 5 sessions.
  • Rationality of nutrition. Fractional meals at least 5 times a day, saturated with vitamins and trace elements. It is necessary to exclude fatty and smoked food, preservatives, fast food. Preference is given to light, low-fat food, rich in protein.
  • Before classes it is necessary to warm up, and after it - to stretch.
  • Maintaining the water balance. In day it is necessary to drink not less than 2 liters of water, making up for the liquid lost during sweating.


Exercises on the ball simultaneously involve several body systems.

At the same time, training with this sports equipment does not require serious physical training and is sparing.

That's why this set of exercises is suitable for almost everyone, fitball can be used by future moms, people with different weights and elderly people.

However, it is not advisable to engage in ball training with people who have suffered serious heart and vascular disease, with intervertebral hernias, tumor formations in the spine, etc. With these problems, you need consultation with a doctor.

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Weight Loss Exercises

Although, a large inflatable ball was used not so long ago, he already conquered many of his functions! Today you will not find any fitness center, where there would not be a variety of balls of dense rubber in the arsenal. But exercises on fitbole for weight loss can be performed not only under the clear supervision of the coach, but also independently at any time convenient for you.

We all understand that in order to bring your body to perfection, you need to work hard.

No simulator is able to use all muscles at once, so you have to go from shell to projectile throughout the entire workout.

If you are a happy owner of a fitball, then consider that you have everything! It makes your muscles work even when you just sit on it, resting between exercises.

From the very first seconds when you begin to practice on the ball, your deep muscles that are responsible for holding a certain position, are strained (mainly in order not to fall off the ball), which in itself is training!

Many people think that the choice of fitball is directly dependent on the weight of the person: the more extra pounds, the bigger the ball should be. This is a wrong judgment! It should be understood that the fitball is made of high-strength elastic materials, which are capable of withstanding the load of up to 150 kilograms.

The main factor affecting the choice of the ball, is your growth. If your height is less than 155 centimeters, then you need a "simulator" in the size of a diameter of 45 centimeters.

If the measurement of the height of the mark of centimeter tape shows from 156 to 175 centimeters, it is worth buying a fitball with a diameter of 55 centimeters. If your height is from 176 to 190 centimeters, then you can safely take a ball of 65 centimeters.

The biggest ball (75 centimeters), usually, is used either for the gymnastics of babies, or for people with a height of two meters or more.

In order to lose weight with the help of fitball, you can use the ball of any color and size, the main thing is a desire! But it's worth remembering one "rule".

To understand whether it will be convenient for you to do, just sit on the ball right in the store.

If the angle between the thigh and the shank is about 90 degrees, it's yours!

Next, it is worth noting that the price reflects quality. The cheaper the "simulator the more likely that it will burst under you.

Before settling down and picking up the purchase home, check if there is an ABS mark on the package. It is this abbreviation that means that the fitball is protected by a special system.

That is, if the load on the ball is prohibitive, it will not burst, but will start to air itself.

Presence of handles or holders is preferable for beginners and children, more experienced people perfectly manage without them.

From your personal preferences depends also on what texture your fitball will be. They exist in two types: smooth and pimply. Spiked balls are used not only for exercise, but also as a massager.

Exercises for individual muscle groups

And now let's talk about how to make your body perfect with the help of a single instrument - fitbola!

There is a whole complex of exercises on fitbal for weight loss, to make your body fit and "easy."

Since during classes on a large beautiful ball almost all the deep muscles are involved, including vestibular apparatus, you will not seem to exercise tiresome or too painful, although the result will not make yourself to wait!


  1. To do this, lie with your back on the ball and spread your legs widely, so that it would be convenient to hold on. Put your hands behind your head and perform a press 10-15 times (for the first trainings this will be enough, then you can increase it). You immediately feel how the muscles of the press tensed. After this exercise on the fitball for the muscles of the press, you can rest a little and proceed to the next.
  2. Lie down on the floor and put your feet on the ball. Slowly lift the lower part of the trunk so that the feet do not come off the ball, then lower also slowly. Do this exercise is 15-20 times. To begin with, it will be enough, gradually you will begin to regulate the number of approaches and times.

If you only need to "pull up" the tummy, strengthen the oblique muscles of the press, but for some reason reasons you refuse gymnastics, given in this article (no fitbola or he just does not liking).

Then use a special set of exercises for the press, designed exclusively for the female sex -

Slanting muscles on the abdomen

It is necessary 3-5 times a day to do the following: lie on the ball with your stomach and rest against it with your elbows, your legs should be straight (as if you are about to wriggle off the floor). Spend in this position 10 seconds (for the first workouts) and you will feel how the muscles have earned!

"Raise" the ass

  • To do this, lay with your belly on the ball, rest your hands on the floor and several times do an exercise "scissors" (cross and spread legs in the air). This includes jumping on the fitball.
  • If you perform 50-150 jumps per day, sitting on the fitball and without lifting the feet from the floor, then in a few weeks you will not recognize your feet. They will become much slimmer and stronger!

Strengthening the back

On several times a day, perform the exercise "boat" on fitbole. Lie on your stomach, rest your feet on the floor, put your hands behind your head and lift the body up from 10 to 20 times (for the first workouts).

Complex exercises with fitball

  1. We take in a ball stretched out in front of us and start to squat slowly. We go down until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles of your legs. Keeping this position, we begin to make turns to the right and to the left. The main thing in this exercise is the dimensionality. You do not need to make sudden movements. After you have completed this task 10-15 times, you can take a short break and proceed with the next one.
  2. We lay down on the floor and pick up the ball. Slowly lifting the body and legs, we tighten the fitball between the knees. Also slowly go down. Then everything is the same, only in the reverse order: we raise the body and legs with the clamped ball and take the ball with our hands. This exercise can be repeated 5-10 rad and go to the next.
  3. Now you can relax a little and swim. Lie on your belly on the ball and raise your arms and legs. Try to stay on the fitball for 10-15 seconds (you can stick with one hand). For beginners this may seem difficult, but in a short time you will be able to "swim" and 20-30 seconds.
  4. After your muscles relax a little, you can continue the exercise. Take the fitball and lean it against the wall with your own back. Slowly squat until there is an angle of 90 degrees between the floor and the knee fold. Hold this position for 15 seconds, then stand up. Do the exercise 10 times.
  5. Now you can do it with your hands. Place the ball near the wall, sit with your back to it and rest against it with your hands. Slowly lift the cabinet up, then lower it. You will feel the tension of the arm muscles, but do not stop. For the first workout, repeat this exercise 5-10 times.
  6. Now a few push-ups. Fitball softens this exercise for slimming your hands, making it easier. So, put the ball in front of you, rest in it with your hands and straighten your legs so that the floor touches only the socks. Next, do a few push-ups (3 to 5 for beginners).
  7. Finally, you can return to the press again. Lie down on the floor and put your feet on the ball. Cross your arms over your chest. Raise the body so that the muscles are felt, about 30-45 degrees. Exercise should be done 10-15 times, then you can rest.
  8. Do not forget to regain your breathing at the end of the workout. Just sit on the fitball and slowly raise your hands up. Each ascent must be accompanied by a deep breath. Lowering your hands you can exhale.

Any exercise familiar to you can be adapted to the exercises with a fitball, so they will seem easier (it should be noted that only to seem!). You can also combine exercises with the ball with the usual exercises such as squats, push-ups, stretch marks and so on.

You must understand, in order to achieve good results, you need to work daily, gradually increasing the load. Fitball is the most mild trainer you can imagine. You will not notice how to use it to bring yourself into shape in a few weeks!

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