Symptoms and treatment of bursitis of the knee joint

An acute or chronic inflammatory process that develops in any of the three synovial (periarticular) bags of the knee joint is called bursitis.

This disease is more common in people professionally involved in sports, who are subjected to increased physical exertion, suffering from gout or systemic diseases.


  • 1The main causes of bursitis of the knee joint
      • 1.0.1Chronic overstrain of the knee joint
      • 1.0.2Mechanical injuries of the joint
      • 1.0.3Factors predisposing to the development of various forms of the disease
  • 2Suprapatellar bursitis
      • 2.0.1Clinical manifestations of the disease
    • 2.1Diagnostic Methods
    • 2.2Basic principles of treatment
  • 3Prepatellar bursitis
  • 4Features of the flow and therapy of infectious bursitis of the knee
  • 5How fast can bursitis be treated?
  • 6Surgical methods of treatment
      • 6.0.1Postoperative period
  • 7Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment

The main causes of bursitis of the knee joint

In most cases, it develops as a result ofchronic overload or with multiple microtraumas of the periarticular bag

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. In addition, there are factors predisposing to the onset of the disease and the development of a purulent form.

Chronic overstrain of the knee joint

To chronic overload of joints lead monotonous, repetitive movements, performed for a long time. That is whybursitis knee joint called athlete disease, and the localization of the inflammatory process directly depends on the sport.

The inflammatory process in the synovial bag can also lead to prolonged compression of the joint. Constant vibration load associated with work in carpentry and construction industries - the reason for not only the knee, but also the ulnar shape.

With regular classes in the gym, it is recommended that the load on the knees be changed (it is better to perform exercises with cycles that allow the joint to rest).

Mechanical injuries of the joint

Mechanical injuries include:

  • stretching,
  • abrasions,
  • bruises,
  • small wounds, micro-snaps of the bag itself or nearby tendons.

The presence of minor traumatic injuries allows the penetration of a secondary infection, provoking the appearance of a purulent form.The cause of infection of the synovial bag of the knee joint may be nearby foci of furunculosis or erysipelas.

Factors predisposing to the development of various forms of the disease

In addition to the direct causes of the disease, there are factors that provoke its development.

Such factors include:

  1. Inflammatory process, developing in the knee with arthritis and gout.
  2. Calcium deposits.
  3. General intoxication of the body.
  4. Allergic reactions with manifestations localized in the joint.
  5. Autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus).
  6. Metabolic disorders caused by various diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus).
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Suprapatellar bursitis

Suprapatellar is called bursitis, in which the inflammatory process is localized in the patella synovial bag. Experts call this disease also"Monastic" knee. The cause of the formation of this form of the disease can become excessive loads associated with prolonged standing on the knees.

In athletes, the development of suprapatellar bursitis is more likely to affect goalkeepers in hockey, this is due to constant falls on the ice and increased danger of hitting the puck on the knees.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

In nadal localization of inflammation, the main symptom is the formation of a soft elastic tumor in the upper part of the knee, which can reach 10-12 cm in size.

In addition, the following may be observedsigns of supratellar bursitis of the knee joint:

  • limitation of the volume of movements or their difficulty,
  • local hyperemia (redness) and hyperthermia (fever),
  • pulsation in the puffiness area.

When joining a secondary infection, there may be an increase in body temperature and an increase in inguinal lymph nodes.

Diagnostic Methods

For diagnosis, most often enough radiographic diagnosis. To clarify the diagnosis and determine the method of treatment, ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging is sometimes prescribed.

Basic principles of treatment

The treatment is as follows:

  1. A patient with a diagnosis of the supracatellar bursitis of the knee joint begins treatment withcomplete immobilization (immobilization) of the diseased leg. For this, a dense bandage is used, and in severe cases - a gypsum langet.
  2. In the acute course of the disease, anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy is prescribed.
  3. Surplus synovial fluid is removed with a syringe - this procedure is called aspiration.
  4. In the case of development of a purulent form, puncture or surgical methods of treatment are applied.
  5. Physiotherapy gives good results.

Prepatellar bursitis

The prepatellar articular bag is located under the skin in the anterior part of the patella. The inflammatory process in it often appears as a protective mechanism with frequent recurrences of trauma and the same type of mechanical action.Often the cause of development of pre-patellar bursitis becomes a direct blow to the knee and the subsequent bleeding.

The prepatellar synovial knee bag is at greater risk of puncture and other injuries to which lead active sports without proper equipment (knee pads), because it is located directly under the skin.

Because of the subcutaneous location of the bagthe main symptoms of this type of illness can be considered severe pain, in which it is impossible even to touch the affected area. The second difference is that when palpation under the skin above the patella clearly felt a slight rounded formation, filled with fluid or roughness, formed by folds of the synovial bags

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Treatment of acute and acute chronic prepatellar bursitis often consists of puncturing or dissecting the joint bag to remove its contents and rinse. These manipulations are performed against the background of anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy.

Features of the flow and therapy of infectious bursitis of the knee

Infection penetrates into the cavity of the bag with direct damage to it or through blood flow or lymph flow from nearby inflammation. More often, the causative agent of purulent bursitis is staphylococci or streptococci. Infectious form can be initially an independent disease or a complication of inadequately treated other types.

If untimely started treatment, a purulent process can spread to the surrounding knee joint of the tissue with the formation of abscesses or phlegmon.

The main symptoms are:

  • aching and throbbing pain in the knee,
  • edema formation,
  • significant local hyperemia and hyperthermia,
  • restriction of motor activity.

Infectious bursitis in its manifestations is very similar to purulent arthritis, so only a specialist can diagnose the disease and prescribe an adequate treatment. Most often, surgical methods of treatment are used.

How fast can bursitis be treated?

How fast the treatment will be depends on when the person turned to the doctor and how thoroughly he observed all the recommendations of a specialist. With timely treatment, the acute form of the disease can be cured in 10-15 days, whereas neglected cases often require prompt intervention and subsequent long recovery.

Untimely treatment can lead to disability.

Surgical methods of treatment

For the surgical treatment of bursitis of the knee joint, the following methods are used:

  1. Puncture - a puncture of the articular bag with a thick needle with subsequent pulling of the fluid and sending it to the study, in the absence infectious lesion in the bag cavity can be administered a small amount of corticosteroid drug to remove inflammation.
  2. A small cut to remove the liquid and handle the bag with an antiseptic, for a while, drainage is left (a small rubber tube or strip).
  3. Opening of synovial bag with excision of part of damaged tissues and treatment with a solution stimulating sclerotization of tissues (iodine solution, for example).
  4. Complete excision of the joint bag without opening it.
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As after any surgery, complications may occur during surgical treatment, such as infection of a postoperative wound, the development of joint damage (arthritis), swelling.

Postoperative period

Immediately after surgery, the knee joint is fixed with a plaster bandage. If there are no complications, the bandage is removed for 4-5 days. From this moment it is possible to begin to develop a leg: at first under the supervision of the instructor, and then (in 5-7 days) at home, clearly performing a set of exercises selected by a specialist. Normally, a full recovery occurs within a month.

Throughout the recovery period and 3 more months after it, one should not subject the knee to excessive loads, rely on it when working at full strength.It is necessary to comply with all the recommendations of the doctor.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment

One of the most effective methods of physiotherapy is treatment of bursitis of the knee with a laser. The laser massager quickly eliminates the inflammatory process and restores the motor activity of the joint.

In addition to the laser with bursitis of the knee, ultrasound, UHF, magnetotherapy, the use of heat and cold proved to be a good candidate. All procedures, their duration and preparations, which are used, should be selected by a doctor.

To reduce the risk of developing such a disease as knee bursitis, you need to exclude a long standing on your knees, for work in this case you can use a small stool. Athletes are required to use protective equipment. When the first symptoms appear, you need to consult a doctor to avoid the development of complications and quickly cure the disease.

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