How to get rid of a cold in pregnancy

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We treat a cold in pregnancy: the best folk remedies

The common cold seems such a harmless "hindrance" that many simply ignore its symptoms - nasal congestion, shortness of breath, unintentional headaches, increased lacrimation.But doctors classify it as an inflammatory disease and claim that treatment should be mandatory!Especially attentive to their own health should be pregnant women - any inflammatory process should be controlled by the lady herself and the doctor, including a common cold (rhinitis).

Features of rhinitis during pregnancy

In medicine, three types of rhinitis are differentiated during pregnancy:
  • viral- the disease begins due to infection, often combined with a cold / flu;
  • hormone- there is an inadequate response of the body to hormonal changes;
  • allergic- the cause of appearance can be absolutely any external stimulus, even if it was previously perceived as absolutely normal.

Important: only a doctor will be able to determine the true cause of the rhinitis, so a pregnant woman needs to undergo examination with an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) - this will guarantee the appointment of a competent, safe and effective treatment.

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A woman should not experiment and choose drugs that relieve nasal congestion and facilitate breathing -they can harm the developing body in the womb. It is advisable to use folk remedies that only act locally.

Safe folk remedies

How quickly to cure a runny nose when pregnant with folk remedies? In general, it is recommended to actively use the representatives of the flora to treat the common cold, but it is necessary to remember - in no case do not begin therapy without a preliminary examination. Such a warning is due to the fact thatIn the case of an allergic rhinitis, some plants can aggravate the situation and cause an even greater negative reaction of the body.Absolutely all methods of treating a common cold during pregnancy from the category of traditional medicine can be divided conditionally as follows: drops in the nose, inhalation and non-standard treatment.

Recipes of drops

Well-known from childhood recipes of drops from the cold with the use of onion juice and garlic during pregnancy can not be used - they can cause a persistent allergic reaction (even if previously such was not and the common cold does not have an allergic etiology), provoke an increase in the arterial pressure. But absolutely safe, but at the same time effective in the treatment of rhinitis will be the following recipes from the common cold at home:
  1. Kalanchoe.This flower grows in almost every home, so you can get the medicine at any time. It is necessary to take a sheet of Kalanchoe, wash it and "get" juice - this can be done with a teaspoon (just squash the leaf on plate and then collect the resulting juice into a pipette) or by grinding the sheet on a grater / in a blender and squeezing the juice out formed mass. Drip of Kalanchoe juice can often, with every case of congestion and difficulty breathing.Pay attention: almost immediately after instillation begins a numerous sneezing - stock up with handkerchiefs / napkins.
  2. Aloe. This plant has anti-inflammatory properties and thereforet have a therapeutic effect even in viral cold. It is necessary to take a part of the leaf and get juice from it in any convenient way. Bury a few drops (2-3) in each hole, but do not overdo it - enough three of these procedures for 24 hours.
  3. Pharmaceutical camomile.It will take a decoction of this medicinal plant, which has both anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. Take 100 grams of dry starting material (chamomile flowers), pour boiling water (liter) and soak in the thermos for 4-6 hours. A strained broth can be instilled in 3-4 drops (for each nasal passage) the maximum number of times per day - for example, every hour.
  4. Carrot and / or apple juice.Traditional medicine generally attributes these means to miraculous properties, which is debatable. But they can not do any harm, therefore it is possible to dig in a carrot and / or apple juice a few drops (up to 5-8) in each nasal passage with any frequency.Note: you can not mix these two juices for instilling the nose, such a cocktail is best taken orally (inside) - and tasty, and useful.Quickly cure a cold and runny nose will help other folk remedies, such as mustard powder and drops from onions.

Do not use vasoconstrictive drops to relieve the condition - the effect of these medicines spreads to the entire body, which can lead to a malnutrition of the fetus. Pregnant women can actively use inhalations, which will provide free breathing and therapeutic effect.

Recipes for inhalation

The "grandfather's" method of inhalation with a teapot or a wide dish is ideal for pregnant women

Pregnant women can carry out inhalations only in the absence of hyperthermia (fever).You can use a professional nebulizer, but in the absence of such equipment, the procedure inhalation is possible - "grandfather's" way with a teapot or a wide dish, no one canceled. Before you begin to inhale, you should observe several rules for pregnant women:

  • the maximum permissible duration of inhalation is 7 minutes;
  • with difficulty breathing, therapeutic couples should enter the body through the nose;
  • It is possible to inhalate only in breaks between meals - not earlier than 60 minutes after eating;
  • for half an hour the pregnant woman should be warm - you can not go out into the street or into a well-ventilated room;
  • breathing should be even.

What can be used as a remedy:

  • garlic and onions- the advisability of using them should be consulted with a doctor, but their oils perfectly restore free breathing;
  • decoction of thyme / chamomile / sage- you need to choose one thing and prepare a decoction (strong, based on a tablespoon of dry source on half a cup of water);
  • essential oils of tea tree / eucalyptus.

Other folk methods from the common cold

Effective washing of the nose can be effective - it will help get rid of stuffiness, make accumulated mucus more liquid and contribute to its quickest release.Washing can be done to pregnant women without fear for the health of the unborn child - they have an exclusively local effect.To rinse nasal passages follows broths of a camomile of a chemist's, a sage, a thyme or usual salt water (1 table spoon on a glass of warm water).

An asterisk can be used in pregnancy, but make sure there are no allergic reactions

Many pregnant women with a cold (regardless of its etiology) actively use the famous Vietnamese balm "Asterisk"- it is enough to grease them with the wings of the nose, put a strip on the area under the nose and the stuffiness disappears. But keep in mind: in the "Zvezdochka" there are essential oils of cloves / eucalyptus / anise and other plants, which can provoke the strongest allergic reaction, up to Quincke's edema.

Coryza a month does not pass, what to do with it and what means, it becomes clear after reading the article.

What to do, when the cough and runny nose do not pass for a long time, you can learn from this article.

The child does not have a runny nose for a long time, what to do with this is indicated here in the article:

It will be correct if before applying "Zvezdochki" a woman will conduct an allergy test - just inhale the fragrance of the balm and wait 5-10 minutes. If the body reacts adequately, there are no shortness of breath and heart palpitations, then you can start the procedure safely.
To remove the inflammation and clear the nasal passages from the accumulated mucus will help and thermal procedures: Put on the area of ​​the nose bridge and maxillary sinuses pouches with heated salt / buckwheat, use "The blue lamp." But remember a few rules:

  • during pregnancy, heating is prohibited at elevated body temperature and arterial pressure;
  • the duration of the procedure is a maximum of 10 minutes, it is better to limit 5-7;
  • categorically it is forbidden to soar feet in mustard, to do any compresses - this can provoke miscarriage and / or premature birth.

Treatment of a runny nose in pregnant women should not be limited to the procedures just described - the body is significantly weakened, it will be necessary to support it and restore the functionality of the immune system. system.

To help immunity you need to drink broth of dogrose (if there are no problems with the kidneys), tea with raspberries, milk with honey. To quickly get rid of rhinitis, it is worth taking walks in the fresh air, fully eating.

Possible complications

Runny nose during pregnancy can lead to serious complications

Ignore the symptoms of rhinitis is not worth it - it not only disrupts the habitual rhythm of life and provokes insomnia / headaches, but it can lead to various complications. To such it is possible to carry:

  • development of symptoms of sinusitis and sinusitis- inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses. Often lingering rhinitis turns into a chronic form, provokes sinusitis, frontal - these diseases will require more serious treatment;
  • appearance of otitis symptoms- Inflammation of the ears;
  • increased peripheral lymph nodes.

But after the birth of the child should pay attention to the fact that he also can get sick. And if the baby has a wet cough, it is worth knowing what measures to treat it is necessary to take. What is the treatment for a wet cough in a baby, you can find out by reading this article.


This video tells how to properly treat pregnant:

Rhinitis is a hotbed of inflammation, which during pregnancy can lead to negative consequences for the health of the woman, and for the development of the fetus. By the folk methods listed, you can literally get rid of symptoms not only from a few days ago, but also qualitatively, fully cure the inflammatory process.

What and how to treat a cold in pregnancy?

Runny nose in nine cases out of ten is caused by influenza viruses, adenoviruses. Early treatment does not cause difficulties and quickly leads to recovery. But the treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy always causes anxiety among doctors. Too many advisers surround the future mother and try to cure her with available means.

A pregnant woman should remember that before treating a cold with any remedy, one should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. After all, one has to think not only about the mother's well-being, but also about the condition of the fetus and its future health.


All drops, sprays and medicines of vasoconstrictive action (Naphthysine, Sanorin, Galazolin and others) are good because Restore breathing 15-20 minutes after use because of the chemical in them that causes a spasm vessels of the nose. This leads to the removal of edema and improves the drainage of the contents of the paranasal sinuses.

However, the active components of these drugs are partially absorbed into the blood and have a general adverse effect: possible spasm of cerebral vessels, heart, faster heart rate, increased uterine tone, excitability child.

Therefore, any drugs containing vasoconstrictor components are categorically contraindicated in the treatment of rhinitis in pregnant and lactating women.

Consider the recommended ways to treat rhinitis in pregnant women starting with the simplest folk remedies.

Traditional medicine

The main contraindication is the presence in the past of allergic reactions to the proposed remedy. Traditional medicine advises pregnant women to treat the common cold to cook and use herbal remedies that do not contain hazardous substances. These preparations can be instilled in the nose in the form of drops, added to the solution for washing the nasal passages, used as wetted turund, added to the inhalation.

Aloe and Kalanchoe juice should be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator just in case, as its preparation takes time.

  • cut thick thick leaves, wash and dry;
  • wrap in paper or cellophane and leave in the refrigerator for 5-7 days;
  • Leaf the leaves in a meat grinder;
  • The resulting gruel still hold for 2 days in the cold, so that it releases juice;

Only after this can be wrung out manually through several layers of gauze. You can prepare the juice of Aloe, Kalanchoe by choice or mix them. Apply three drops in each nostril three times a day, treat the runny nose ten days.

The Kalanchoe juice has a strong irritant effect on the nasal mucosa and causes sneezing. This serves as a physiological mechanism for cleansing the nose and restoring breathing, helps cure the runny nose. You need to prepare a napkin or handkerchief in advance.

Onion juice is prepared from a chopped large onion. In this case, to get rid of the common cold, you need to offer the pregnant woman to smell the onion. The action of phytoncids helps to solve the problem of how to cure a runny nose during pregnancy.

If instilling the onion juice, Aloe and Kalanchoe causes a burning sensation in the nose, try to dilute the solution in half with water or milk and continue the treatment.

Beet juice is prepared from beets, grated on a small grater. To the crushed mass, add half a cup of water and press for two hours, then wring out. It is recommended to treat a runny nose when pregnancy is no longer than three days. Has a mild cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Several cloves of garlic can be crushed first, then pour cold boiled water (in the volume:), let it brew for two hours. Apply three drops four times a day.

Active Point Massage

Massage with a cold in a pregnant woman should begin with the first symptoms. It is even better to use it for the purpose of prevention, when sneezing and sneezing people appeared in the family or at work.

The main active points are in the nose region, on the wings of the nose, on both sides of the nasal passages, on the goats of the auricles, on the skin fold between the thumb and forefinger.

In the treatment of the common cold, massage movements should be soft circular from light to deep pressing. Repeat the procedure as often as possible.

To treat with massage it is possible preliminary having smeared points with ointment "Zvezdochka". The effect will increase.

Warming procedures

During pregnancy, hot foot baths are not recommended. But you can warm your nose with a boiled egg or a blue lamp. Heat passes deep and does not interfere with the development of the fetus.

To treat a rhinitis it is possible compresses with decoction of a bay leaf impose on a forehead, a nose bridge and wings of a nose. To prepare the broth you need to pour a glass of water a few laurel leaves and cook for 10 minutes. Keep the compressor to cool. You can moisten the broth turunda and insert for 10-15 minutes into the nasal passages. Treatment should be carried out until recovery.


All popular ways of breathing over hot steam, saline and soda solutions, boiled potatoes can be used to cure a runny nose during pregnancy. One restriction must be observed: a pregnant woman should not be allowed to overheat, do not cover herself with a towel.

Using an ultrasonic device "Nebulizer" will allow for effective deep inhalations with essential oils, herbal decoctions.

A good effect for the whole family has an air humidifier and the addition of essential oils (fir, eucalyptus, juniper).

Ready-made dosage forms

All medicines containing antibiotics and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed by a doctor in case of a severe, complicated sinusitis, runny nose in pregnant women. A careful control of the dosage of the drug is carried out.

It is safe to treat rhinitis with sprays and drops to rinse and cleanse the nose. They are made on the basis of sea water or plant remedies (Aquamaris, Salin, Dolphin, Aqualor).

Drops Pinosol consist of essential oils. You can apply no more than three days.

Homeopathic remedies such as Delufen, Euphorbium compositum are recommended for pregnancy as anti-inflammatory drugs.

All the unpleasant sensations and unusual reactions to the remedy for a cold in a pregnant woman should be told to her obstetrician-gynecologist. To cure a runny nose without potent medicines is the goal of the doctor and the future mother.

How to get rid of the common cold of a pregnant woman

Medications during pregnancy are contraindicated, so even a common cold becomes a real problem. But there is no cause for frustration, because rhinitis can be cured by completely harmless and improvised means.


  1. Coryza usually appears either as a result of exposure to the nasal mucosa of microbes, or in allergic reactions. To find out the exact cause, contact the hospital. An antihistamine can be recommended only by a doctor. If you get cold, then ask the doctor to prescribe a treatment that will not harm the fetus.
  2. Inhalations well help to remove not only the stuffiness of the nose, but also to kill germs. Breathe over the decoction of potatoes or pour a little soda into a liter of boiling water. If you are not sick, and you are well tolerated the smell of eucalyptus, then add a few drops of this essential oil to the boiling water. Inhalations do as often as possible, then the cold will pass faster.
  3. Grind the onion and squeeze out the juice from it. Dilute it in half with water and bury the resulting mixture three times a day. Onion helps to relieve congestion and defeat the disease due to the high content of phytoncids in it. Instead of water, you can add honey, if, of course, you do not have allergies to it.
  4. Take an aloe leaf, rinse it well under running water and wipe it off. Squeeze the juice and bury it in the nose several times a day. Aloe has no vasoconstrictive effect, but it helps to defeat the cold in just a few days.
  5. Apply a warming ointment on the temples and nose. It contains essential oils that help to relieve breathing in the common cold. Be careful, as there may be an individual intolerance of the components that make up the product.
  6. Vasoconstrictor drops can be used during pregnancy, but only for the purpose of the doctor in charge. Therefore, if you can not cope with a runny nose, consult about the advisability of using drops with your gynecologist. Do not try to self-medicate, because it can harm your baby.

Tip 1: How to get rid of a common cold in pregnancy

During pregnancy, the woman's body is more relaxed and therefore often prone to various infectious diseases. It would seem that the rhinitis is not so dangerous, but the feeling of discomfort that it causes, does not give rest. Of course, in this situation it is necessary to consult with a specialist. And if there is no allergy to herbs, you can use folk recipes.


  1. Washing is most effective in combating infections in the nasal cavity. For the preparation of infusion, you need: a teaspoon of calendula flowers, 1 teaspoon of sage leaves, 1 teaspoon of leaves psyllium, 1 tea spoon of clover meadow flowers, 1 teaspoon rhizome of licorice, 1 teaspoon rhizome rootstocks snake.

    Mix all the ingredients and grind them. 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 3-4 hours, covered with a dense lid. The resulting infusion strain. Rinse your nose 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. Remember: the infusion should be slightly warm.

  2. Chamomile infusion. For its preparation you will need: 1 glass of steep boiling water, 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (chemist's).

    Brew chamomile flowers in a thermos bottle and leave for 1-2 hours. Obtain the infusion and use it 2-3 times a day. Such a solution can also be used as a drop in the nose.

  3. Steam inhalations - improve the cleaning of nasal passages. This procedure is possible only at normal body temperature. To prepare the infusion for inhalations, you will need: 1 cup of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of leaves of coltsfoot, 1 teaspoon of herbs and 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers.

    Mix all the ingredients. Leave the resulting mixture for 2-3 hours, covered with a dense lid. Infusion pour into a wide, but not a deep pan and heat. Sit at the table and gently, so as not to burn yourself, lean over the herbal mixture. Cover the head with a large towel so that the steam does not come out. Time of the procedure is 5-7 minutes. After that, within 30 minutes, try not to go out into the street and into a cold room. After 3-4 hours you can repeat the procedure.

  4. Infusion of Kalina. In addition to carrying out local procedures (washing, inhalation), it is necessary to fix the treatment with the intake of herbal medicinal herbs. They are safe and effective. For its preparation, you will need: 1 liter of water, 200 grams of fruit of the viburnum (dried), 100 grams of honey.

    Fill the viburnum with water and bring to a boil. The broth let it brew for 30-40 minutes, then strain it. Mix the infusion with honey and take ½ cup 2-3 times a day.

Tip 1: How to treat nasal congestion in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman should treat her health more attentively than usual, as any malaise can cause harm to the child. It is impossible to ignore even such a symptom as a stuffy nose. This seemingly common phenomenon can indicate a variety of diseases, and therefore require different treatments.

You will need

  1. - sea salt;
  2. - antihistamines;
  3. - Aloe;
  4. - Kalanchoe;
  5. - chamomile;
  6. - Calendula.


  1. Nasal congestion during pregnancy is not always a symptom of the common cold, so if there are no other signs of the disease, you can try to eliminate the unpleasant sensations without the help of medication. Rinse your nose with a weak solution of sea salt (a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water) and perform a simple breathing exercises. Clamp the right nostril, take a deep breath through the left, then squeeze it and exhale through the right. Repeat the same exercise, but only starting with another nostril.
  2. Massage the nose first, then the wings of the nose. Repeat the procedure several times until you feel the improvement. The effectiveness of the massage will be higher, if you spend it in the bathroom, where hot water flows. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: moisten the over-dried mucous membrane of the nose and facilitate breathing.
  3. Sometimes nasal congestion is a sign of an allergy. And during pregnancy, even those women who previously did not experience hypersensitivity to certain substances are exposed to it. Just in case, exclude from the diet allergenic foods and consult a doctor about taking antihistamines.
  4. If nasal congestion is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, a sore throat and a cough, the most likely cause is a normal virus. Drink a vitamin C rich broth of dogrose. It will spur immunity and accelerate recovery. Rinse your nose not only with salt water, but also with medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, etc.). To facilitate breathing, bury aloe or calanchoe juice in each nasal passage.

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