Rehabilitation after a fracture of the neck of the thigh: massage, exercise lfk

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  • 1The rehabilitation program after a hip fracture
    • 1.1Beginning of the rehabilitation period
    • 1.2Features of the rehabilitation process
    • 1.3Main Activities
    • 1.4Physiotherapy
    • 1.5Exercises on the back
    • 1.6Standing exercises
    • 1.7Massotherapy
    • 1.8Massage Features
    • 1.9Prophylaxis of pressure sores
    • 1.10What else do you need to know?
    • 1.11Proper nutrition
    • 1.12Medications and compresses
  • 2Is rehabilitation after hip fracture effective?
    • 2.1Recovery programs
    • 2.2We follow the rules of He
    • 2.3Gymnastics
    • 2.4Lying on the bed or the floor
    • 2.5Sitting on a chair or couch
    • 2.6Standing with a support
    • 2.7Manual therapy
    • 2.8Prophylaxis of pressure sores
    • 2.9Ration
  • 3Rehabilitation after a fracture of the neck of the thigh: massage, therapeutic exercises and exercises
    • 3.1Consequences of trauma
    • 3.2Principle of rehabilitation
    • 3.3Physiotherapy
    • 3.4Massage
    • 3.5Physiotherapy
    • 3.6Diet
    • 3.7Drug Support
    • 3.8Recovery time after surgery for a hip fracture
  • 4Lfk with a hip fracture: a set of exercises
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Stages of rehabilitation and tasks of exercise therapy
    • 4.2Before and after surgery or immobilization
    • 4.3During bed rest
    • 4.4Learning to sit and walk
    • 4.5Last recovery phase
    • 4.6Examples of exercises
    • 4.7Respiratory gymnastics for patients in strict bed rest
    • 4.8We breathe in full breast
    • 4.9Diaphragmatic breathing
    • 4.10Full breath of yogis
    • 4.11Exercises in the sitting position for a semi-postal regime
    • 4.12Asanas of yoga for the late period of the rehabilitation phase

The rehabilitation program after a hip fracture

Fracture of the femoral neck is a serious trauma, which for a long time deprives the person of the opportunity to move independently. Most often it affects people of advanced age, who then it is very difficult to completely restore health.

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the femoral neck begins already in a hospital. The time for complete recovery can be from three months to a year.

With the correct observance of all the recommendations of doctors, the patient will be able to avoid the appearance of various complications and completely restore his health.

Beginning of the rehabilitation period

Fracture of the neck of the hip can cause complications, which, if improperly treated, can lead even to the death of the patient.

The victim can develop pneumonia, thrombosis and appear pressure sores.

To avoid these consequences it is possible, if to force the patient to regularly make various movements, to turn in a bed and to rise from it.

Features of the rehabilitation process

During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to carry out a set of special measures that will help to fully restore the working capacity of the damaged joint.

First of all, it is necessary to install a horizontal crossbar over the injured person's bed, fixing it behind the backs of the bed with two vertically directed pipes.

This will allow the victim to rise from the bed and perform the exercises without any particular inconvenience.

Particular attention should be given to respiratory gymnastics.

It is necessary to perform daily simple exercises: inflate balloons, take deep breaths, etc.

They are an excellent prophylaxis of stagnant phenomena in the organs of the respiratory system, since the blood receives more oxygen.

All activities aimed at improving the state of human health, should start no later than 12 days after surgery.

Wait until the bone is fully consolidated, it is impossible.

The rehabilitation program is developed taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body, its age, sex, the complexity of the fracture, the type of operation performed, and so on.

Main Activities

Despite the fact that each patient has an individual approach, there are the main activities that are carried out after the operation:

  • Psychological help. Long stay in bed can lead to a stressful condition.
  • Compliance with diet. The body should receive a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamins.
  • Perform special breathing and movement exercises. LFK with a fracture is of particular importance.
  • Massage. Thanks to him, the function of breathing improves, muscle tone and blood circulation is restored, and decubitus disappear.
  • Course of physiotherapy. It includes UHF, paraffin applications, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, balneotherapy and ultrasound.
  • The course of mechanotherapy. Physical exercises that are aimed at restoring motor function.
  • Pain relief. To do this, use sedative and anesthetics, local anesthesia.


Special exercises for physiotherapy exercises are developed only by a rehabilitator or a doctor in charge. LFK at a fracture of a neck of a femur helps to solve at once several problems:

  • The patient quickly gets used to the new regime of the day.
  • Ability to work is increased
  • Restoring the skills of walking, straightening posture.
  • The mobility of the joints is restored.
  • The muscles of the pelvis and trunk are strengthened.
  • Improves blood flow.

The whole complex of exercises must be performed on both legs.

In the process, you can use the expander, bend and unbend the fingers of the upper and lower extremities, perform movements in the joints of the hands, shoulder girdle and other joints, rotate the head.

The number of exercises over time should be increased, but gymnastics should not cause painful sensations. You can do the exercises in different positions.

Exercises on the back

There are many exercises that do not require the patient special efforts, because they are performed on the back. They must be performed even if the treatment of a hip fracture is performed without surgery. Here are some of them:

  • The left hand is placed on the abdomen, and the right hand on the chest. The stomach must be inflated, and then slowly relaxed, at this time making a breath and exhaling. Repeat these steps 3-4 times.
  • Hands stretch along the body, feet bend, pulling socks on themselves, the brushes lead to the shoulders. After this, you must return to the original position.
  • The elbows rest on the bed, the chest is slightly raised. It is necessary to take a breath in this position, completely lower the body on the bed and exhale.
  • A healthy limb bends so that the emphasis is on the foot. The second leg is bent by 45 degrees. Then it is necessary, leaning on elbows, to raise the pelvis, to inhale and, lowering the pelvis, to exhale.

Standing exercises

Exercises in standing position begin to perform in the late stages of recovery, when the hip joint has almost recovered. Depending on the physical capabilities of the patient, you can do the following:

  • Hands are placed on the waist, and the legs are divorced to the width of the shoulders. In this position, it is necessary to rotate the trunk to the right and to the left.
  • Take a breath, and on exhalation try to reach out to the opposite foot. Perform the exercise with both hands alternately.
  • On inhalation, arms are divorced to the sides, on exhalation - they descend to the trunk.

Over time, it is necessary to increase the number of exercises to 8-10 times.


Since recovery after a fracture of the femoral neck takes a long time, it is necessary to conduct courses of therapeutic massage.

Because of the immobility of the joint, lymph and blood circulation can be disturbed.

It is worth remembering that any rehabilitation measures are carried out only according to the doctor's prescription and at a certain time so that the patient does not have serious complications.

Massage Features

From the very first day of immobilization it is necessary to begin to massage a healthy leg.

This is a very important point of treatment, especially if there was a fracture of the femoral neck in the elderly, since the rehabilitation process at this time is much harder than that of the young.

And, thanks to the timely start of massage sessions, blood circulation will improve in both healthy and injured limbs.

People who are on a skeletal tract can easily massage the whole surface of the aching leg, stroking it, and rub it with spiral movements. The leg should be completely straightened at this time. The main advantages of massage in the early stages:

  • Prevention of complications.
  • Reduced pain.
  • Increase of regenerative processes in the bone.
  • Improve blood supply.
  • Reduction of hypertonic musculature.
  • Improvement of trophic processes.

The transverse massaging of the diseased leg can begin after the disappearance of the pain syndrome. The pressure of the hands should be gradually increased.

Reduce the rehabilitation period is possible if you use special balls of rubber during the massage.

The time of the massage session should initially be no more than seven minutes on a sick leg, and on a healthy one - 15.

Prophylaxis of pressure sores

Bedsores are a very dangerous complication that can occur during illness. Most often, it occurs with a fracture of the neck of the hip in the elderly, because such patients are very difficult to move.

Massage sessions are an excellent prevention of this problem. The hand of the masseur must be under the human body and perform spiral and stroking movements. Massaging the patient in this way it takes 3-4 minutes.

You can use a variety of medical creams and oils.

Before the beginning of massage of the body parts, on which bedsores most often appear, it is necessary to check the skin for the presence of infection sites and other defects. In case of such a problem, you should immediately inform the doctor about it. You can not massage damaged areas.

What else do you need to know?

With the help of therapeutic gymnastics and massage, you can significantly shorten the rehabilitation period. But the treatment will be effective only if simultaneously with them to observe a special diet and take all the medications prescribed by the doctor.

Proper nutrition

With a fracture of the neck of the thigh, the patient should receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, protein and calcium. It is best to eat foods of natural origin. From the menu it is necessary to exclude everything that can cause constipation, diarrhea or bloating. In the diet you can include:

  • Dried fruits compote.
  • Cold, welded on the cerebral bones.
  • Marine and cauliflower.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Sea fish.
  • Eggs.
  • Milk.

Medications and compresses

Often, a person who has already been discharged from the hospital, continues to have severe pain in the injured limb. To eliminate them, you can also use painkillers. In addition, during the treatment it is recommended to make compresses.

Pills that relieve pain:

  • Ketorol.
  • Spasgan.
  • Analgin.
  • Aertal.

Compresses belong to the methods of traditional medicine. Therefore, it is not necessary to call a doctor, relatives of the patient at home can do so. The most popular recipes:

  • Mix Dimexide with ordinary boiled water in equal parts. The resulting solution is mixed in a proportion of 1 to 1 with a tincture of comfrey. Dampen the napkin in this mixture and place for half an hour on the injured joint. After removing the napkin, the skin is not wiped or washed. Treatment is continued for 10 days.
  • Boil the flax seeds to the state of thick jelly and place a compress with it on the fracture site. One finished portion is used no more than three times. Treatment is continued for 15 days.
  • Lay the butter and the juniper branches in layers, put them in the oven or stove and warm. Strain the mixture and apply to a broken leg.
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Proper care for a man with a fracture of the neck of the hip is a very important point in the rehabilitation process.

The patient must always change the position of the body and lift with a special frame.

Skin in all folds and pits should be regularly washed, wiped and treated with a powder.

The bed should have an anti-bedsore system. You can buy it in a specialized store, but you can do it yourself. Most often, bags with peas or millet are used for it. From towels you can make bagels and put them under the heels of the patient.

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Is rehabilitation after hip fracture effective?

Rehabilitation after a hip fracture begins with the appearance of positive results during treatment.

Recovery is especially indicated for elderly patients with signs of osteoporosis.

The history of the disease, the age of the patients, the general condition of the organism and the classification of the trauma affect the period of rehabilitation treatment.

  1. Sub-fracture fracture (near the head of the bone) is a long period of recovery due to an unfavorable prognosis in terms of bone consolidation. Treatment is just an operation.
  2. Transcervical fracture (center of bone) - rehabilitation is slow, but there is a chance of recovery.
  3. Basis cervical fracture (beginning of the thigh bone) - successful fusion and rapid treatment.

Recovery programs

Taking into account the possible complications (bedsores, thrombophlebitis, joint diseases, pneumonia) after a trauma, the proper care of bed patients and rehabilitation treatment play a huge role. Restorative procedures - exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy, nutrition.

We follow the rules of He

What the patient should not do after the fracture:

  • Do not make inclines with an angle of 90 °;
  • Do not try to lift your leg above the hip level;
  • Do not rotate a badly damaged leg;
  • do not cross your legs.

The rules are canceled with the appointment of a doctor.


Once the patient is transferred to hospital treatment, and if there are no pains, rehabilitation begins after a fracture of the neck of the hip. Exercises are performed lying on a bed or rug, in a sitting and standing position.

Restorative treatment improves blood circulation, reduces swelling and prevents the formation of blood clots. Therapeutic exercises are performed with the permission of the doctor, taking into account the patient's medical history, the place of the fracture (the beginning, the center or the top of the neck of the thigh), the general condition of the body.

Lying on the bed or the floor

Gymnastics in prone position - a slow, sparing set of exercises. In the event of pain, classes stop.

The first days after the fracture are performed flexion and extension of the feet up to 10 times.

With the greatest extension of the foot, the patient delays this position for five seconds and then relaxes the foot.

After this exercise, the patient bends and unbends fingers and toes 12-15 times. If possible, muscles of the arms, legs, thigh center.

After a five-minute rest to prevent the occurrence of pain, the patient begins to bend and unbend the knee, the heel slides on the surface of the floor or bed. It is forbidden to help yourself with your hands and lean on your elbows, that is, the tension goes to the lower extremities, the top of the body should be relaxed.

A healthy leg is performed around the circle in different directions - this helps to reduce the stagnation of blood circulation. If there are pains during the rehabilitation period, then the gymnastics stops until the pain syndrome decreases.

LFK includes exercises aimed at breathing the stomach - inhaling and prolonged slow exhalation. Gymnastics are performed 10-12 times. Breathing exercises prevent stagnant phenomena in the lungs.

The development of the leg is muscle tension. The patient alternately and tightly presses to the floor or bed all parts of the body from head to foot. Frequency of approaches 10-12 times. After exercise, the body needs to give a small rest.

Sitting on a chair or couch

LFK in the sitting position is appointed from the moment when the doctor permits increased motor activity. The fingers of both feet are bent alternately. The same exercises are carried out for the feet and knees. Multiplicity of lessons up to 12 times.

Bike sitting: the patient leans on the back of the chair and performs the exercise with each foot in turn.

Standing with a support

With the help of a doctor or a gym instructor, the patient rises on the walker, leaning on the brush. The burden on the injured leg is minimal. You can stand up to a minute. The duration of the exercise is 10 minutes three times a day.

Standing on a healthy leg in an arbitrary rhythm, from 12 to 16 movements, it is necessary to gently rock back and forth the injured limb. In this position, the patient draws an imaginary eight. The stop is delayed for two seconds at the points: top, center, bottom of the figure.

All exercises are performed with the permission of the doctor. You can not treat the injury yourself. This leads to negative consequences: disability, lung disease, osteomyelitis, repeated operation.

The patient starts walking on crutches at the end of the third month after the fracture. At the same time, the load on the injured leg remains minimal, in order to prevent the appearance of pain, the development of joint disease. Six months later, it is allowed to completely rest on your feet using supports.

Manual therapy

Prolonged immobility in trauma to the femur in people aged 65 and older leads to impaired blood circulation, lung diseases develop, joints suffer.

To prevent disability or death of the patient, a massage is prescribed from the first days.

Manual therapy is an indispensable condition for restoring the efficiency of the lower limbs, eliminating pain.

All activities are appointed only by a doctor, taking into account the patient's medical history and general condition. Exercises are held in the allotted time interval. Early medical gymnastics and physical exertion with hip fracture leads to complications.

If the patient develops joint diseases, for example, osteoporosis, then gymnastics in the early days is contraindicated. This can lead to the formation of a false joint. In this case, from the first days, a healthy leg massage is appointed - a reflex improvement in the blood supply in a healthy limb.

Patients who are on the hood are allowed to massage the injured leg: circular rubbing, light stroking movements. The leg is in the forward position during the procedure.

To accelerate the process of bone consolidation, mechanical stimulation with rubber balls is used. In practice, an ebonite vibrator is applied that acts on the center of the thigh.

Massage begins with five minutes and eventually reaches a quarter of an hour. At the beginning of rehabilitation, the patient can massage the healthy leg independently with light strokes and circular motions from 8 to 12 times.

When pain occurs, the massage stops. In the hospital procedures are conducted daily. After discharge, sessions are continued in the clinic by courses and terminated after the full restoration of the injured leg.

The patient can do massage at home: rubbing the aching legs, stroking, circular movements affecting the center of the thigh. But it is important to remember that tapping, tapping a damaged limb is unacceptable.

Prophylaxis of pressure sores

The formation of pressure sores is a common story in elderly people with a fracture of the femur. In this case, manual therapy is the curative prophylaxis of necrosis.

In the places of formation of pressure sores, it is necessary to perform gentle strokes, rubbing, circular movements.

It is allowed to lubricate damaged tissues with medical means for the prevention of necrosis of the initial stage: ointment Solcoseryl, Algofin, Sulfargin, cosmetic oils, baby cream.

If the skin has formed significant tissue defects, areas of infection, then these places can not be massaged. This should be reported to the doctor.


Rehabilitation after a fracture of the neck of the hip is a long period with therapeutic gymnastics and proper nutrition. Do not need to discount the diet when restoring the body.

Most of the diet should be products with calcium and silicon: milk, cottage cheese, radish, fish, cabbage, eggs, compote from dried fruits.

The recovery period includes the intake of calcium-containing drugs. If there are severe pains in the injured leg, then multiple medications are allowed: analgin, Spazmalgon, Bra. If the pain does not pass, then you need to see a doctor.

To history with a fracture of the neck of the hip does not happen again, you need to follow the doctor's prescription.

It is important to remember that if you treat the fracture yourself, it will lead to complications: disability, joint diseases, circulatory disorders.

An early exercise therapy can only increase pain and lead to a second operation.

From the first day the doctor prescribes breathing exercises. Gradually the LFK complex lengthens, active movements begin.

On the second or third day, a massage is performed, while the therapist takes into account the patient's medical history, whether or not there is a history of chronic illness and other factors for contraindication of therapy.

From the second week physioprocedures begin. Two weeks later, the patient performs movements of the injured leg in the knee, then in the hip joint.

After three months it is allowed to walk with crutches, but the injured leg is not loaded. After six months - walking with a cane with a load on two legs.

With a fracture of the femoral bone, the recovery time is always individual and depends on the state of the organism and the formation of bone callus.

But in any case, rehabilitation should not be underestimated: restorative treatment improves muscle tone, improves bone adhesion and blood circulation, reduces pain, prevents complications.

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Rehabilitation after a fracture of the neck of the thigh: massage, therapeutic exercises and exercises

Rehabilitation is an important stage of treatment after a fracture of the neck of the hip. This dangerous injury is more common in people after 45 years, and they, unlike young patients, need more time to recover. But only after a long rehabilitation the victim can stand on his feet.

Rehabilitation includes a whole range of activities, the implementation of which is constantly monitored by a doctor. These procedures prevent complications and ensure complete recovery of motor function.

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Consequences of trauma

Fracture of the femoral neck is a severe trauma that occurs as a result of a fall or stroke in the area of ​​a large trochanter.

In patients after 50 years of age, such trauma can trigger a minimal traumatic effect, for example, a fall from the height of their growth. This is due to increased fragility of bones against the background of osteoporosis.

To such traumas refer to the vertebral and medial (intraarticular) fractures.

With an intraarticular fracture, bone is broken, and blood vessels that saturate the head of the thigh with blood are damaged. As a result, blood flow is broken, and bone tissue dies.

Bone fragments coalesce for a long time, especially in elderly patients.

The victim is in a lying position most of the time, because of this there are pressure sores, pneumonia, the work of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs is disrupted.

Prolonged immobility threatens with thromboses, venous congestion, atony of the large intestine.

Because of the immobility of the hip joint after injury, muscles are atrophied, and the joint itself becomes stiff. Therefore, the main task of rehabilitation is to restore the motor function of muscles and joints.

After fracture of the femoral neck, surgical methods of therapy are most often used. The main methods of surgical treatment are osteosynthesis (jointing of bones with metal structures) and endoprosthetics (replacement of the joint with a prosthesis).

After surgery, too, complications may occur as a result of improper insertion of metal structures(angle, depth of immersion), it is also possible to damage the acetabulum, nerves or vessels. After surgery, joint infection, arthrosis or arthritis can occur.

More information about the fracture of the femoral neck in the elderly can be found here.

Principle of rehabilitation

Procedures for recovery can begin 5-10 days after surgery until the bone becomes fully cohesive.

The complex of measures is assigned by the doctor for each patient individually, taking into account the following factors: type surgical intervention, the type of fracture, the sex and age of the victim, the presence of chronic diseases, individual features of the body.

In general, rehabilitation includes the following activities:

  • Local anesthesia. The doctor removes the painful syndrome with painkillers and sedatives;
  • Mechanotherapy. The patient performs exercises on special apparatuses to restore the motor function of the joint;
  • Physical therapy. Physiotherapy consists of the following procedures: ultrahigh-frequency therapy, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, balneotherapy, heat treatment (using paraffin applications);
  • Massotherapy. This therapeutic method prevents the occurrence of pressure sores, normalizes blood circulation, restores muscle tone, improves the work of respiratory organs;
  • Physiotherapy. The patient should perform motor and breathing exercises, from the complex that the doctor picked up for him. The load increases gradually;
  • Diet. It is necessary to improve the quality of food, to saturate the body with useful substances, especially calcium;
  • Psychological support. The psychotherapist will help to eliminate depression associated with prolonged immobility of the patient.


The medical and sports complex is performed strictly under the supervision of a doctor. At first after the operation, all exercises are performed in a horizontal exercise.

The repetition frequency is 10 sets 3 times. If painful sensations occur during the exercise, stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Exercises for fracture of the femoral neck, which are performed 1 to 3 days after injury:

  • Move your toes, make circular movements with stops with a small amplitude (except - patients on skeletal traction);
  • Straighten in turn the muscles of the thigh and lower leg.

Effect: improves blood circulation, reduces edema, prevents thrombosis.

Gymnastics for recumbent patients with hip fracture, 4 to 7 days after fracture:

  • Straighten your leg and lift it over the bed;
  • Bend the limb in the knee and gently pull it aside, just repeat with the straight leg;
  • Bend and unbend the limb so that the foot slides, but does not come off the surface;
  • Gently lift and try to move, leaning on the walker.

Frequency of repetitions: 10 sets of 3 times. Use both legs during the exercise. Effect: muscle tone increases, the patient prepares for a new stage of training.

Complex exercises for patients after 14-28 days after injury:

  1. The patient performs all the exercises from the previous stage. If the patient feels comfortable during training, then you can use small weighting or elastic bands for fitness, but only after the permission of the doctor;
  2. Pelvic lift (gluteal bridge);
  3. The patient walks with a walker, and then with a wand. The duration of the exercise is from 5 to 10 minutes three times a day;
  4. Exercise on an exercise bike;
  5. Half-squats at the wall with a fitball behind their backs, etc.

Use: muscles develop, balance is restored.

Exercises to restore the fracture of the femoral neck for patients 1 month after a leg injury:

  • Long walking on a flat surface (preferably on the street);
  • The patient must crouch, during the exercise the back is flat;
  • Straighten your legs and lift them in a horizontal position;
  • Bend the limbs at the knees using resistance (expander);
  • Do the exercise "bike" and "scissors".

Benefit: the muscular strength of the legs is preserved and developed, the general condition of the body improves.


Therapeutic massage is an important part of the rehabilitation period, without which it is difficult to restore the physiological function of the injured leg. Massaging a healthy limb needs from the first day in the hospital, so the blood circulation in the injured leg reflexively improves.

Patients on the stretch are not recommended to perform intensive massage, the movements should be light, stroking, spiral. The specialist's hands are moving backward. The patient should be in a horizontal position in a relaxed state, the leg is straightened.

Benefits of therapeutic massage:

  • Eliminates the increased muscle tone of the injured leg;
  • Accelerates blood flow;
  • Improves cellular nutrition in the tissues of the limb;
  • Accelerates the restoration of bone tissue;
  • Relieves pain;
  • Prevents complications.

After reducing pain and hypertension in the injured limb, the specialist applies transverse kneading.

Some masseurs during the procedure use special rubber balls, which accelerate the process of recovery and the formation of bone callus. The first session should last from 4 to 8 minutes, then the specialist gradually increases the duration to 15 minutes.

In the first days of rehabilitation, a healthy limb is massaged for 15 minutes, but after a while the masseur pays more time for the injured leg.

It is strictly forbidden to apply deep vibration during massage, otherwise bone fragments may shift.

Postoperative recovery after fracture of the femoral neck as carefully as possible, changing the position of the patient is prohibited.

After removing the gypsum, the massage becomes more intense, the loin, the sacrum, thighs and lower leg are involved in the procedure.


Physical therapy begins 3 to 6 days after the fracture, the complex includes the following procedures:

  • Magnetotherapy- The direction of alternative medicine, in which a static low-frequency magnetic field is used to treat a patient. Thanks to magnetic fields, pain, inflammation, puffiness, bone and cartilaginous tissue are eliminated, their nutrition is improved;
  • Laser therapy- a kind of physiotherapy, in which laser radiation is used to treat a patient. Advantages: removes inflammation, anesthetizes, activates metabolic processes in cells, accelerates blood circulation and bone tissue restoration;
  • Ultrahigh-frequency therapy- The direction of physiotherapy, in which the patient is treated with electromagnetic fields of ultra-high frequency. Efficacy: healing of wounds and fractures is accelerated, stimulates blood circulation, reduces pain and inflammation;
  • AcupunctureIs a method of therapy in which sterile stainless steel needles are injected into the acupuncture points on the affected part of the body. Acupuncture has a wide range of possibilities: it removes pain, relieves nervous tension, stabilizes internal processes;
  • Hydrotherapy- a kind of physiotherapy, in which water is used to treat the patient (baths, bathing, wiping, wet wrapping). Benefits: it relieves pain, swelling, prevents blood clots in the blood vessels, speeds up metabolism, calms the nervous and cardiovascular system;
  • Pelotherapy- a method of therapy based on the use of therapeutic mud. Effect: eliminates painful sensations, inflammation, accelerates the healing of wounds, normalizes the activity of the nervous system.

The doctor prescribes all the procedures, the course of treatment includes 10 to 12 procedures, each course should be repeated 3-4 times a year.


Home rehabilitation after a fracture of the neck of the thigh includes proper nutrition. It is necessary to observe the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Food should be light, but nutritious and varied. Exclude from the diet sharp, fried, salty dishes, smoked products.

Since a fracture of the femoral neck often occurs in elderly women after 45 years with osteoporosis (increased brittleness of bones), it is necessary to take care of replenishment of calcium and collagen deficiency in organism.

Enter the following foods into the daily diet:

  • Fermented milk products: milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, etc.;
  • Vegetables in the form of soups, mashed potatoes;
  • Cereals: cereals, whole wheat bread;
  • Sea fish, which you need to boil and bake.

Rehabilitation after a hip fracture at home should be periodically monitored by a physician.

Drug Support

The appointment of medical drugs and vitamin-mineral complexes is handled exclusively by the attending physician. Otherwise, there may be a variety of side effects.

The list of medications, which are most often prescribed after a fracture of the neck of the thigh, include:

  • Painkillers of local action: Lidocaine, Novocaine;
  • Sedative medicines: Novopassit, Leonurus and valerian in the form of infusion;
  • To improve blood circulation use Vinpocetine, Pikamilon, nicotinic acid;
  • Anticoagulants (drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots): Fragmin, Vaopharin, Clexane.

Recovery time after surgery for a hip fracture

The period of recovery of the patient after conservative treatment depends on such factors as general health and bone tissue.

For this, the victim needs from 6 to 12 months. But if we are talking about an elderly patient, then the probability of complete restoration of the limb is very low.

Even young patients recover after a long time.

The patient is recovered after osteosynthesis after 5-6 months. After endoprosthetics, the injured person can make movements of the injured limb within 10 days after surgery.

Recovery from a hip fracture is a complex and lengthy process.

The patient should regularly perform special exercises, eat correctly, take medications and follow the other recommendations of the treating doctor.

A source:

Lfk with a hip fracture: a set of exercises

Fractures of the hip: 1 - neck, 2 - large and small spit, 3 - the upper part of the diaphysis

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Fracture of any part of the femur is a severe skeletal injury.

To restore the motor activity of a broken lower limb, treatment according to the classification of the severity of the injury, the type and location of the fracture, the age and general health of the victim rights.

LFK in case of hip fracture (collum femoris) as well as therapeutic physical training in case of hip fracture is the main and indispensable part of complex therapy throughout the rehabilitation period. A consistently complicated complex of exercise therapy in the case of a hip fracture should only be performed by the attending physician or the instructor of exercise therapy.

The price of initiative or refusal of rehabilitation in general is a deterioration in the prognosis of the disease and disability. Therefore, the video in this article will not be presented, but only a photo and instruction-description of those exercises that will suit absolutely everyone.

Stages of rehabilitation and tasks of exercise therapy

  • conservative- reposition, external osteosynthesis, gypsum, skeletal traction;
  • surgical- Submersible osteosynthesis, Ilizarov apparatus, hip joint prosthetics.

Before and after surgery or immobilization

Skeletal tract traction

Regardless of the type of treatment chosen, a therapeutic physical culture with a femoral fracture begins in any case on the 2nd day after admission:

  1. If you need a preliminary 2-3 day preparation for surgery, then mandatory, 3 times a day, you need to perform a set of breathing exercises.
  2. The next day after surgery or non-surgical immobilization, a set of therapeutic exercises is performed, which is designed for 2-4 days. It consists of alternating breathing exercises, a "gastrocnemius pump" for a damaged limb, exercises for the neck and a small volume of joint exercises for the joints of the hands.

The goal of doing breathing exercises is to prevent stagnant and hospital pneumonia, especially in the elderly. Breathing exercises will also help to prevent stress stomach ulcers and constipation.

Ignore such a seemingly trifling charge for the lungs. Hospital pneumonia develops in 1% of patients, while the mortality among young and middle-aged patients ranges from 10 to 50%, and among the elderly it reaches 80%.

During bed rest

One of the possible variants of limb fixation for a fracture of collum femoris

2-4 days after the operation or gypsum, the next stage of recovery begins, the duration of which depends on the type of fracture of the thigh. It will continue until the patient is allowed to sit down. During this period, passive exercises begin to be performed with the help of an instructor or a relative of the patient, trained by him, if he is already at home.

Movement in healthy limbs and body massage will improve blood flow and metabolic processes in tissues, preventing the occurrence of bedsores.

If you do not exercise exercise exercise, their occurrence will be inevitable, because many patients will be are immobilized for a period of up to 2 months, and in cases of poor adhesion of bone tissue, long term.

Gradually, the complex exercises include independent movements of the affected limb.

It is important to note here that exercise therapy for fracture of collum femoris requires a more careful biomechanical approach than the exercise therapy for fractures of the femur, since this is due to peculiarities and location injury.

The main tasks of therapeutic physical training at this stage are:

  • improvement of blood supply and lymph flow in the fracture site;
  • prevention of thrombosis, pressure sores, hospital pneumonia;
  • gradual restoration of mobility of the hip joint and maintaining the tone of the hip muscles on the broken leg.

Learning to sit and walk

Participation and care will help cope with the problems of stressful mental disorders

When the doctor allows the patient to sit down, new exercises are inserted in the exercise room while sitting, the load in the lying position is significantly increased. The doctor must teach the patient to sit down properly, get up and go back to bed, walk with crutches, and then with a stick.

The goals of therapeutic physical education during this period are:

  • the restoration of the strength of muscle groups of the trunk, which was lost during bed rest;
  • strengthening of limb muscles and development of joint mobility, to prevent contractures and atrophy;
  • restoration of support for a damaged limb;
  • the acquisition of walking skills with proper posture.

Last recovery phase

If possible, visit the pool 2-3 times a week

When the patient is transferred to a free regime, the final stage of rehabilitation begins, which can last up to 8-12 months. During this period the patient learn to walk without a stick. The goal of exercise therapy is to adapt to everyday life in the normal way and restore working capacity.

In the complex exercises LFK gradually added gymnastic movements in the standing position. Additional training is required on special exercise bikes and other mechanical devices.

Examples of exercises

At the beginning of the article it was mentioned that a physician or an instructor of exercise therapy should compose a set of exercises. Below are the exercises that you yourself can include in such selections.

Respiratory gymnastics for patients in strict bed rest

Alternative breathing exercises for elderly and small patients

For the prevention of congestive or hospital pneumonia, it is necessary to perform a simple complex of respiratory gymnastics 3 times a day, performed in the position lying on the back. In this case, do not be zealous and breathe too often.

The exhalations and exhalations should be maximum, but performed very smoothly. If during the exercise with breathing dizzy, pause and lie down, breathing as usual.

In the beginning, do 4-6 times each exercise. Number of repetitions increase by 1 every few days. Alternate 1 exercise from the "thoracic" and "diaphragmatic" complex.

We breathe in full breast

To use all the departments of the lungs, connect the movements with your hands:

  1. While inhaling, raise your arms to the sides and turn your head to the side, and with exhalation - grasp the chest with your hands and chin, touch the chest. Inhalation is done through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth (fold your lips with a tube)
  2. Place your hands on your chest. On exhalation, straighten your arms forward, upwards, sideways and down, along the trunk. On inhalation, return the palms back. Sharing the exhalation loudly pronounce the lingering sound of "Ha-ah." During this exercise, stretch the wrist joint - straightening the hands, palms "turn away" from yourself, so that the angle between the brush and the forearm is 90 °.
  3. Take a breath and exhalation with an imitation of the movements of the hands for all styles of swimming.
  4. Grab your left shoulder with your right palm, and your left palm around your right elbow. Take a deep breath with your nose, on exhalation, turn your head to the right, and uttering the sound of "E-and-and" pull the elbow to the left. Swap hands and repeat.

Diaphragmatic breathing

These are important exercises that will help maintain the tone of the internal organs:

  • Place one palm on your stomach, and the other on your chest. Take a breath while keeping the chest still, while inflating the stomach. Exhaling, maximally pull the belly into yourself. In the future, on exhalation, pronounce various vowels.
  • Tie your fingers in the lock, put your hands in the middle of the abdomen. Make the maximum breath "belly". On exhalation, pulling your stomach, stretch your arms upwards, unfolding the lock with your hands to the ceiling, then put them on the vertex and return to your stomach.
  • Raise your arms to the sides and inhale. Exhaling, draw in your belly and wrap your chest around your chest. This exercise is difficult to do the first time, but in a couple of days it will definitely work out.

Full breath of yogis

It is necessary to perform full breathing slowly, observing the following sequence, having preliminary made a deep full exhalation:

  1. at the beginning of the inhalation it is necessary to fill the tops of the lungs with air, "lifting" the shoulders and collarbones to the ears;
  2. continuing to inhale, fill the middle part of the lungs with air, maximally widening the thorax;
  3. the inhalation of the breath stops - maximum inflate the stomach;
  4. exhale should be in the reverse order - pull the stomach, "relax" the chest, return the shoulder girdle to its natural position;
  5. hold your breath until you feel like breathing.

Full breathing of yogis will help to activate metabolic and recovery processes in the body.

Exercises in the sitting position for a semi-postal regime

In the network, you can rarely find exercises for supination and pronation of joints of the lower extremities in the sitting position, however, the movements in this projections are necessary for the full recovery of the affected limb with a hip fracture as well as flexion-extension and lead-out.

1 - pronation (inside), 2 - supination (outward)

Pay attention to the position of the hands and hands.

If during the execution of movements in the joints, with pronation, do exhalation and collect the palms together, placing them in the abdomen, and when supination to gather your fingers in a fist by placing them on your knees, you can get additional vital energy according to the Taoist system practitioner.

Asanas of yoga for the late period of the rehabilitation phase

And in conclusion, we will cite several asanas of yoga that will help restore the function of the hip joints.

1 - Warrior II, 2 - Extruded triangle, 3 - The sage Marichi

These asanas are performed in two directions. The time in them should be approximately the same, so first take a pose at which the affected limb is loaded.

How to properly perform the asanas you learn from the video:

These asanas must be performed daily - in the morning and in the evening, 20 minutes after waking up, and 1 hour before going to bed. In each position, it takes from 5 seconds to 1 minute maximum.

Do not forget about deep and even breathing. At first, standing, then sitting, and then lying. Finish any set of exercises, including LFK in the pose of the Child.

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